In the app data file, there is lib direction:  lib ->
For example if a process has domain  A_domain.
There is a requirement that allow A_domian  open lib and create file inside

To implement the requirement , we need two part of policy.
One part is :      allow A_domian system_app_data_file :lnk_file {open,
another part is: allow A_domian system_data_file: file create_file_perms
                           allow A_domian system_data_file: dir {write,

requirement------------- I want to open link and create file inside it.
policy----------------------I should have                       allow rule
to open and read link.
------------------------------And I also should have       allow rules to
open and write dir which the link pointed to.
two part policy is needed to implement the requirement
Is that right?

I am looking  forward to your answer. Thanks advance.

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