On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 7:37 AM, HAN <kk...@naver.com> wrote:

> Hi Jeffrey, thanks for your quick response.
> My system_app is used to test some components with python script.
> This app is not pre-loaded and be installed to test and will be
> uninstalled after all the test-cases are done.
> So I have to put my python binary in runtime but dm-verity doesn't allow
> to copy my binary into system partition.
> That's why I'm looking for the other partitions to do it.
> The python binary shouldn't be pre-loaded on the device.
I would recommend one of these approaches, assuming your testing on
userdebug or eng variants:
1. Add the testing components to the build
2. adb remount and then push the binaries to system
3. Disable selinux with adb shell setenforce 0

If your testing on user, and have a custom signed testing app, just be
prudent on what keys are
being used to sign that user image. A source of issues have been leaked
system apps signed
with production keys, which is bad!

> Thanks
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* "Jeffrey Vander Stoep"<je...@google.com>
> *To:* "HAN"<kk...@naver.com>;
> *Cc:* <seandroid-list@tycho.nsa.gov>;
> *Sent:* 2018-04-02 (월) 23:14:09
> *Subject:* Re: Questions about execution binary from /data.
> Hi Han,
> Privileged system components such as system_app are disallowed from
> executing content off the read-write /data partition because it is less
> trusted than dm-verity protected read-only partitions such as /system. I
> recommend you put your python binary on the system partition.
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 6:10 AM HAN <kk...@naver.com> wrote:
> Hi everone,
> My system_app needs to execute python binary to run python script.
> So I copied the binary into a path "/data/misc/user/0/python"
> but execution is blocked by below neverallow.
> Where should I put my python binary into?
> Are there any areas that are most commonly used in this case?
> http://androidxref.com/8.0.0_r4/xref/system/sepolicy/private/app.te#497
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> # Blacklist app domains not allowed to execute from /data
> neverallow {
>   bluetooth
>   isolated_app
>   nfc
>   radio
>   shared_relro
>   system_app
> } {
>   data_file_type
>   -dalvikcache_data_file
>   -system_data_file # shared libs in apks
>   -apk_data_file
> }:file no_x_file_perms;
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Thanks.

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