[abcusers] *portable* representation of a very simple 3-part piece?

2004-01-13 Thread Jack Campin
A recent discussion of mediaeval harmony on rec.music.early involved
Margo Schulter posting a few examples in a roll-your-own ASCII notation,
which led to some confused responses about proportional fonts. So, it
seemed to me that ABC ought to fix that; fixed-width fonts are useful
for ABC but not essential if you have software to turn it into something

This is one of Margo's examples as she posted it:

> Readings of the rhythmic fine points in this rondeau, _He, Diex! quant
> verrai_, can vary, so that this version is only one possible solution,
> with each of the indicated semibreves dividing a breve taken as having
> equal duration (e.g. triplets at the end of the second unit):
> Musical Form: AB AAAB AB
> A  | B 
> 1  2  3  + | 1  +  2   3  +  + | 1   2   3   +  | 1  +  2  +  3 | 123 ||
> C4F4 G4  A4G4 F4 E4  D4  E4  F4   G4 F4 E4 D4 B3  C4 
> F4F4 E4 D4 E4  E4 D4 C4  B3  C4   D4 C4 D4E4  F4  
> F3F3 A3  G3  A3   G3  G3  F3

My guess of what she meant, but with the part playing order commented
out because of BarFly's bugs in interpreting it:

T:He, Diex! quant verrai
C:Adam de la Halle
K:F Lydian
% P:A
[V:1] C2F/  G/ |A2 (3G/F/E/|D2 ||
[V:2] F2F/  F/ |E/D/ E (3E/D/C/|B,2||
[V:3] F,2   F,/ F,/|A,3|G,2||
% P:B
[V:1] E/ F/| G/F/ E/D/ B,|C3 ||
[V:2] C| D/C/ DE |F3 ||
[V:3] A,   | G,2   G,|F,3||

Margo replied as follows:

--- begin quote ---

Hello, there, and I'm using abc2ps, which gave curious results with the
above file, but does part of what I'm going after with

%%scale .92
%%maxshrink .8
T: He Diex! quant verrai
T: Adam de la Halle
K:F Lydian -8va
V:1 name=Tr
c4  fg | a4(3gfe | d4 \
V:2 name=Du
f4  f2 | ed e2 (3edc | B4 \
V:3 name=Te
F4  F2 | A4A2| G4 \
V:1 name=Tr
ef | gf ed B2 | c6|]
V:2 name=Du
c2 | dc d2 e2 | f6|]
V:3 name=Te
A2 | G4G2 | F6|]

The problem is that I really don't want a line break between the two parts
or sections of the piece, and it still happens, despite my using the \
characters at the end of the coded line. Maybe I should look for some
other way to put an indication of the "A" and "B" sections into the score;
if necessary, I could code it myself in PostScript by modifying the output
from abc2ps. Of course, that isn't exactly portable abc code for exactly
what I want.

--- end quote ---

But BarFly can neither play nor display her version.  It doesn't even
try to give an error report.

If we're going to use ABC as an alternative to notations like Margo's
original one on Usenet music forums, we need to do better than this.
Can anybody come up with a version of the above piece which

(a) displays and plays on BarFly (perhaps for now without doing the part
order correctly, that can always be faked by a lot of copy and paste)

(b) displays with abcm2ps

(c) retains the source-readability of the above - this is essential as
the notation would be posted to forums where most users have no
previous experience of ABC and will object violently to gibberish
in %% lines.

And if there's another application which can process that piece in some
recognizable way, let's see what modifications you need to make for it

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
 * food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro, Embro".
--> off-list mail to "j-c" rather than "abc" at this site, please <--

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Re: [abcusers] *portable* representation of a very simple 3-part piece?

2004-01-13 Thread Jon Freeman
From: "Jack Campin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Margo replied as follows:
> --- begin quote ---
> Hello, there, and I'm using abc2ps, which gave curious results with the
> above file, but does part of what I'm going after with
> %%scale .92
> %%maxshrink .8
> X:2
> T: He Diex! quant verrai
> T: Adam de la Halle
> M:3/4
> L:1/8
> K:F Lydian -8va
> V:1 name=Tr
> P:A
> c4  fg | a4(3gfe | d4 \
> V:2 name=Du
> f4  f2 | ed e2 (3edc | B4 \
> V:3 name=Te
> F4  F2 | A4A2| G4 \
> V:1 name=Tr
> P:B
> ef | gf ed B2 | c6|]
> V:2 name=Du
> c2 | dc d2 e2 | f6|]
> V:3 name=Te
> A2 | G4G2 | F6|]
> The problem is that I really don't want a line break between the two parts
> or sections of the piece, and it still happens, despite my using the \
> characters at the end of the coded line. Maybe I should look for some
> other way to put an indication of the "A" and "B" sections into the score;
> if necessary, I could code it myself in PostScript by modifying the output
> from abc2ps. Of course, that isn't exactly portable abc code for exactly
> what I want.

> (b) displays with abcm2ps

Don't know if it helps at  all but adding %%barspersaff 6 produces this for
me with abcm2ps:


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Re: [abcusers] *portable* representation of a very simple 3-part piece?

2004-01-13 Thread Phil Taylor
On 13 Jan 2004, at 10:30, Jack Campin wrote:

If we're going to use ABC as an alternative to notations like Margo's
original one on Usenet music forums, we need to do better than this.
Can anybody come up with a version of the above piece which
(a) displays and plays on BarFly (perhaps for now without doing the 
order correctly, that can always be faked by a lot of copy and 

(b) displays with abcm2ps

(c) retains the source-readability of the above - this is essential as
the notation would be posted to forums where most users have no
previous experience of ABC and will object violently to gibberish
in %% lines.

Several problems here.  Most important is the use of "parts" which don't
actually fit together as notated.  Also the continuation character \
is ambiguous when used in multi-voice.  In BarFly it means "continued
on the next line".  In abc2ps it means "continued on the next line of
the same type".
It's such a small piece that it really
would make sense to write it out in full:
T: He Diex! quant verrai
T: Adam de la Halle
V:1 t=-12
V:2 t=-12
V:3 t=-12
K:F Lydian
[V:1] c4  fg | a4(3gfe | d4 ef | gf ed B2 | c6|]
[V:2] f4  f2 | ed e2 (3edc | B4 c2 | dc d2 e2 | f6|]
[V:3] F4  F2 | A4A2| G4 A2 | G4G2 | F6|]
[V:1] c4  fg | a4(3gfe | d4 fg | a4(3gfe | d4 ||
[V:2] f4  f2 | ed e2 (3edc | B4 f2 | ed e2 (3edc | B4 ||
[V:3] F4  F2 | A4A2| G4 F2 | A4A2| G4 ||
[V:1] |:  fg | a4(3gfe | d4 ef | gf ed B2 |1 c4 :|2 c6 |]
[V:2] |:  f2 | ed e2 (3edc | B4 c2 | dc d2 e2 |1 f4 :|2 f6 |]
[V:3] |:  F2 | A4A2| G4 A2 | G4G2 |1 F4 :|2 F6 |]
This works in BarFly and in abcm2ps, apart from the octavo markings,
which BarFly gets from the t=-12.  Not sure how to do that in abcm2ps.
Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] *portable* representation of a very simple 3-part piece?

2004-01-13 Thread Alice Corbin
On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 10:30:21AM +, Jack Campin wrote:
...a request for a good portable way to represent rondeaux in abc...

I struggled with stuffing rondeaux into the abc format for quite a while.
The repeats are too odd to use modern |:, :| markings, and the repeated
sections are too short (in some cases only 2 notes) to use the abc sections.

The solution that I finally came up with was to repeat myself.  As the first
tune in the file I would write the song out as rondeaux as generally printed
these days, with all of the music crammed together and underlying text 
prefixed with numbers so that you can follow the breadcrumbs all the way
through.  Then I would cut-and-paste that tune to create the second tune
in the file, which would be the whole thing completely written out without
repeats.  (I also put together a makefile to automatically create the 
postscript from the first tune and the midi from the second.)

The files that I ended up with for Hé Diex! Quant verrai are at




Ali Corbin
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