Re: Problem configuring a Library

2001-04-19 Thread Geoff Pusey


Thank you for this information, it will be of great use in the future, but
unfortunately we are using a FCAW card, and the card driver is installed.

We do have Storage Tec coming back in today to check out the hardware,
hopefully they will find some thing wrong.


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

George Lesho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 04/18/2001 10:33:13 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Problem configuring a Library

Since I have no way of knowing what you have done... here is a step by step
the beginning. I don't know why you are using a FC switch either...

* Copy driver file to a temp dir and uncompress...
* pkgadd -d 
   follow prompts to install
* READ the driver README file!
* go back and READ it again
* remove the Sun IFP driver and you may need to remove/reinstall your HBA's
device driver with the vendor & device ID #s
   rem_drv ifp
   (((follow README instructions for removing/reinstalling your HBA driver
- it
may not be necessary)))
* You need to select a Hard AL_PA on your bridge. Since I don't know what
bridge or HBA is being used, the HBA will
   read top to bottom or bottom to top but they usually read top down so
E8 initially
* since your drives are type=scsi is to edit your /kernel/drv/st.conf file
ensure that you have support for all the tape
  devices. It should look like:

 "QUANTUM DLT7000",  "QUANTUM DLT7000", "DLT7k-data";
 DLT7k=data = 1,0x38,0,0x3D639,4,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,3;
name="st" class="scsi"###this lun will provide support for your robot,
 target=0 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi"
 target=1 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi"
 target=1 lun=1;
name="st" class="scsi"
 target=1 lun=2;
(this will give you device support for 3 drives

* By selecting AL_PA E8, this will put your on bus1 and your robot will be
target 1 lun 0 on your bridge and your drives will
   be target 1 luns 1-3 respectively. You have the ability to change the
target/lun setting for the robot (if you have one) and
   for your DLT drives. Change them to the previously mentioned SCSI
   Robot Target 1 lun 0
   drive 1  11
  2  12
  3  13
* You can delete the entries in /dev/rmt if you wish.
*  type touch /reconfigure
*  reboot -- -r  (((the reboot will rebuild your devices in /dev/rmt based
the support you built into the tape-config-list.
* you will see the HBA show up in the banner and in /var/adm/messages. If
have a syntax error in st.conf, it will be
   reflected there as well

Another way to this is to remove the special character files in /drv/rmt
drvconfig -i 
(((then look into /dev/rmt to ensure that the special character files were

George Lesho
Storage / System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Geoff Pusey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/18/2001 03:38:18 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Problem configuring a Library

Hi all,

I hope there is some one out there which can shed some light on this
problem. I have a SUN server where the TSM code is loaded (Version 3.7.4)
which has a fiber channel card which is in turn attached to a Fiber switch
(StorageTec 4116), of which a fiber to SCSI bridge is connected and then
the STKL700 library is connected to the Bridge.
__  __
| Sun system  |___|Fiber Switch||
Bridge||Library|  3 X DLT7000
Drives 1 X autochanger
|___|  ||
|_|  |_|

These are the entries I have put in the /usr/kernel/drv/mt.conf file

name="mt" class="scsi" class_prop="fcaw"
target=0 lun=0;
name="mt" class="scsi" class_prop="fcaw"
target=0 lun=1;
name="mt" class="scsi" class_prop="fcaw"
target=0 lun=2;

When I do the /usr/sbin/add_drv -m '* 0666 bin bin' /usr/kernel/drv/mt  I
get an error unable to attach to drive and there are no *mt rmt devises
created, and in the case of the lb driver it finds a CD rom drive which is
on the first SCSI inside the SUN system and not the SCSI card which is on
the other side of the Fiber.

How do I get it to look on the other side of the Fiber?

Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Problem configuring a Library

2001-04-18 Thread Geoff Pusey

Hi all,

I hope there is some one out there which can shed some light on this
problem. I have a SUN server where the TSM code is loaded (Version 3.7.4)
which has a fiber channel card which is in turn attached to a Fiber switch
(StorageTec 4116), of which a fiber to SCSI bridge is connected and then
the STKL700 library is connected to the Bridge.
__  __
| Sun system  |___|Fiber Switch||
Bridge||Library|  3 X DLT7000
Drives 1 X autochanger
|___|  ||
|_|  |_|

These are the entries I have put in the /usr/kernel/drv/mt.conf file

name="mt" class="scsi" class_prop="fcaw"
target=0 lun=0;
name="mt" class="scsi" class_prop="fcaw"
target=0 lun=1;
name="mt" class="scsi" class_prop="fcaw"
target=0 lun=2;

When I do the /usr/sbin/add_drv -m '* 0666 bin bin' /usr/kernel/drv/mt  I
get an error unable to attach to drive and there are no *mt rmt devises
created, and in the case of the lb driver it finds a CD rom drive which is
on the first SCSI inside the SUN system and not the SCSI card which is on
the other side of the Fiber.

How do I get it to look on the other side of the Fiber?

Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

TSM error in trying to label media in a IBM 3995 C68

2001-01-11 Thread Geoff Pusey


I have a new installation of TSM and I am trying to label a IBM 3995 C68
and I am getting this error can some one let me know if this looks like a
hardware error or TSM error?

The environment is TSM 3.7.4 with  a NT 4 with SP6 in a NT cluster

This is the error in the ACTLOG:

ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: LABEL libvol lb6.0.0.1
search=bulk labelsource=prompt checkin=scratch overwrite=Yes
ANR0984I Process 3 for LABEL LIBVOLUME started in the BACKGROUND at
ANR8799I LABEL LIBVOLUME: Operation for library LB6.0.0.1 started as
process 3.
ANR8373I 003: Fill the bulk entry/exit port of library LB6.0.0.1 with all
OPTICAL volumes to be processed within 60 minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along
with the request ID when ready.
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: QUERY REQUEST
ANR8352I Requests outstanding:
ANR8373I 003: Fill the bulk entry/exit port of library LB6.0.0.1 with all OPTICAL 
volumes to be processed within 60 minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along
with the request ID when ready.
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: REPLY 003
ANR8499I Command accepted.
ANR8809I 004: Please provide the label name for the volume in slot element 10 of 
library LB6.0.0.1 by issuing REPLY n LABEL=xxx  within 60 minutes,
where n is the re quest ID and xxx is the desired label name.
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: REPLY 004 label=123
ANR8499I Command accepted.
ANR8304E Time out error on drive OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1) in library LB6.0.0.1.
ANR8841I Remove any volumes from slot 10 of library LB6.0.0.1 at your convenience.
ANR8802E LABEL LIBVOLUME process 3 for library 123 failed.
ANR0985I Process 3 for LABEL LIBVOLUME running in the BACKGROUND completed with 
completion state FAILURE at 14:49:40.

I ran a trace and this is the relevant part:

14:47:21.843 <35>mmslib.c(6092): Obtaining reservation for volume 123 in library 
LB6.0.0.1; activity=3.
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsscsi.c(10516): Labeling single volume with label 123
from slot element 10.
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsdrive.c(2983): Borrowing drive; lib=LB6.0.0.1,
devType=998, wait=0, specific=0, elem=0.
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsdrive.c(3347): Acquiring drive list for library
14:47:21.843 <35>mmslib.c(4285): Finding descriptor for library LB6.0.0.1
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsscsi.c(3690): ScsiSetLibDevice for drive drive
OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1).
14:47:21.843 <35>pvrodsk.c(2687): Testing readiness of drive OP1.0.0.1
14:47:21.858 <35>pspvropt.c(876): PvrODskPrepDrive: Entry.
14:47:21.874 <35>pspvropt.c(909): PvrODskPrepDrive: PvrODskIoctl returns rc
, compcode = 7178348814:47:21.874 <35>pspvropt.c(1141): Error performing
IOCTL operation on drive OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1)
14:47:21.874 <35>pspvropt.c(1171): Drive OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1):
compcode=412, status (errno) =-1073741661,
sense data (22): 72183A000418
14:47:21.874 <35>mmslib.c(4827): Acquiring autochanger; lib=LB6.0.0.1,
14:47:21.874 <35>mmsscsi.c(12043): Opening LB6.0.0.1.
14:47:21.983 <35>mmslib.c(4944): Releasing autochanger; lib=LB6.0.0.1,

Any help would be appreciated


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Error in setting up a IBM 3502-108 Library

2000-12-04 Thread Geoff Pusey
  Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
 Last Update Date/Time: 11/29/2000 12:56:26

Apologies for the long email but I wanted to get as much information as possible to 
the list.


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Re: Install problem with a 3502-108 DLT changer

2000-12-03 Thread Geoff Pusey


I tried to use the LBTEST.EXE but this errors on every command which made
me very suspicious that I have not configured the drive/autochanger
correctly this is why I posed this message and wondered if any one else is
using one of these drives and what the setting are?

I will post tomorrow the "ADSMDLIST.EXE FILENAME ." as you suggested
perhaps there is some clue there


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

James Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 12/01/2000 04:31:34

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Install problem with a 3502-108 DLT changer

First off you should upgrade from the GA code.
Secondly,  to see if you have it set correctly, post the output
of ADSMDLIST.EXE FILENAME .  This executable is located in the UTILS
directory where TSM is installed.  You can also play around with LBTEST.EXE
in the same directory.  LBTEST.EXE allows you to move tapes around in the

James Thompson

>From: Geoff Pusey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Install problem with a 3502-108 DLT changer
>Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 14:57:59 +
>I hope some one can verify if I have installed and configured this drive
>I have a NT 4 with sp6 in a NT cluster environment. with "Storage
>Management Server for Windows NT - Version 3, Release 7, Level 0.0"
>tsm: NMRIOESRV01>q drive
>Library Name  Drive NameDevice Type  DeviceON LINE
>    ---  
>LB0.0.0.3 MT1.0.0.3 DLT  MT1.0.0.3 Yes
>*** ---> Q VOLUME
>Volume Name Storage
>Device Estimated   Pct  Volume
>Name   Class Name  Capacity Util  Status
>  (MB)
> --- -- -
> 98.4 On-Line
>DLTCLASS1   35,840.00.0  Filling
>The Library was set up as element = 16
>As all the 3502 drives linked me to this web site and as I only have one
>drive I thought it must be element 16. Is this right?
>  IBM 3502-314
>  Device Name
>Tape drive 1 (element 16)
>Tape drive 2 (element 17)
>Tape drive 3 (element 18)
>1.The following options should be
>set during configuration:
>Enable barcode
>Autoload cartridge - NO
>Auto Cleaning - NO (The
>cleaning cartridge must be in the last slot)
>    Ramdom mode
>My problem is that when I do a backup and it migrates to the library I get
>the error no space left in volume? Is this a problem with the library or
>  config?
>I can read in new tapes and label them, but I am unable to copy any data
>Any suggestions would be most appreciated
>Geoff Pusey
>Tivoli Advisory Consultant
>Tivoli Systems.
>Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
>Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704


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Install problem with a 3502-108 DLT changer

2000-12-01 Thread Geoff Pusey


I hope some one can verify if I have installed and configured this drive

I have a NT 4 with sp6 in a NT cluster environment. with "Storage
Management Server for Windows NT - Version 3, Release 7, Level 0.0"

tsm: NMRIOESRV01>q drive

Library Name  Drive NameDevice Type  DeviceON LINE
    ---    ---
LB0.0.0.3 MT1.0.0.3 DLT  MT1.0.0.3 Yes

*** ---> Q VOLUME

Volume Name Storage  Device
 Estimated   Pct  Volume
   Pool Name   
Class Name  Capacity Util  Status
 --- -- - - 

98.4 On-Line
35,840.00.0  Filling

The Library was set up as element = 16
As all the 3502 drives linked me to this web site and as I only have one drive I 
thought it must be element 16. Is this right?

 IBM 3502-314


Device Name
   Tape drive 1 (element 16)
   Tape drive 2 (element 17)
   Tape drive 3 (element 18)

   1.The following options should be set during 
   Enable barcode
   Autoload cartridge - NO
   Auto Cleaning - NO (The cleaning 
cartridge must be in the last slot)
   Ramdom mode

My problem is that when I do a backup and it migrates to the library I get the error 
no space left in volume? Is this a problem with the library or my

I can read in new tapes and label them, but I am unable to copy any data to them.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

TDP for SAP in a HA environment

2000-11-25 Thread Geoff Pusey


Has any one out there configured a TDP for SAP in a HACMP environment?

This is the configuration I will try and keep it simple.

I have two TSM clients in a HACMP cluster one on CPU "Production" and the
other on CPU "Standby" and Between the two I have a large SAP database
which will fall over between cpu Production and CPU Standby.

I have the TSM clients software configured so that it falls over OK, using
a new Options file and the security.

Now for the question:

I need to backup local files on both the Production CPU and the Standby CPU
plus the SAP database. Do I need to configure three TSM clients One on each
CPU and one on the CLUSTER where the SAP database resides?
Or is there a trick where I can use the SAP options file to redirect the
SAP date to the client which is up ether CPU production or CPU standby?

I have read the red book on HACMP chapter 9 "HACMP and TSM" but it dose not
cover this topic

Any help would be appreciated


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Re: Experiences with AFS

2000-10-12 Thread Geoff Pusey


Thanks to every one who replied to me on this question.
It is nice to here the real experience from people like you.


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 780881
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Experiences with AFS

2000-10-11 Thread Geoff Pusey


I would like to know if any of you are Backing up and restoring AFS (Andrew
File System) files/directories.
I have got the red book about it but I would like to know the Joy or Pain
any of you have with Backing up or restoring using ADSM or TSM, and maybe
some of the limitations with AFS and TSM.

Any help would be gratefully received.


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 780881
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Re: Would you buy TSM again.

2000-09-19 Thread Geoff Pusey

Well I thick TSM is very good it fits most situations so I would give it
but like most products you ether like it or hate it if so get out. (the
Grass is all ways greener onthe other side).

We can make a product fit most cases but if it dose not fit yours it is
best to get out now, I sure you will soon be back.


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 780881
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Re: TSM and RoadRunner version 5.3 for MPE/iX

2000-09-14 Thread Geoff Pusey


I have some information for you from one of my old friends.
ROC software now owns MPE RoadRunner; but had to change the name back to
You can call ROC at  512 249 9294. Ramona Sublett (Ramona used to work for
Unison Software and Tivoli Systems) now works there. You can reach her via
email as well; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But I still think there is no communication between TSM and BackPack. I
hope this helps Good luck.


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 780881
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Eric SIMTEKPEATI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/12/2000 04:39:43 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:(bcc: Geoff Pusey/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  TSM and RoadRunner version 5.3 for MPE/iX

Hi @

Sorry to disturb you again .
I really need any kind of help for TSM with MPE/iX agent which run on
the module to enabled TSM to store MPE/iX has been developed by ROCSOFTWARE
and  is called ROADRUNNER 5.3 for MPE/iX.
Any information will be very helpful for me.

Hope I will get more chance this time.


Hello everyone ,

Does anyone have information on TSM with MPE/iX agents.
I'm looking for references and any  details that can help me to setup this
Thank you in advance.

Eric Simtekpeati
Technical Support
Ares Global Services
3-9 ave de Norvege BP 390
91959  Courtaboeuf 1 cedex  France.

Re: TSM and RoadRunner version 5.3 for MPE/iX

2000-09-12 Thread Geoff Pusey


RoadRunner was a product produced by Unison Software, but I am not sure
where the product has gone now.

I have some old Unison contacts, so I will get some more information for


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 780881
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

Eric SIMTEKPEATI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/12/2000 04:39:43 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:(bcc: Geoff Pusey/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  TSM and RoadRunner version 5.3 for MPE/iX

Hi @

Sorry to disturb you again .
I really need any kind of help for TSM with MPE/iX agent which run on
the module to enabled TSM to store MPE/iX has been developed by ROCSOFTWARE
and  is called ROADRUNNER 5.3 for MPE/iX.
Any information will be very helpful for me.

Hope I will get more chance this time.


Hello everyone ,

Does anyone have information on TSM with MPE/iX agents.
I'm looking for references and any  details that can help me to setup this
Thank you in advance.

Eric Simtekpeati
Technical Support
Ares Global Services
3-9 ave de Norvege BP 390
91959  Courtaboeuf 1 cedex  France.