TSM Upgrade and TDP compactability

2003-11-19 Thread Mike Cantrell
We are upgrading our TSM to 5.2 and we currently run SQL TDP 2.2..1.* and I
was wondering if there are any compatibility issues???


TSM and multiple libraries

2003-11-10 Thread Mike Cantrell
I have a question concerning using a single TSM Server and two libraries.
1. Single TSM Server
2. first 3494 with 8 3500E drives
3. second 3494 with 6 of the new jaguar drives
4 TSM Server will see both 3494's
5. first 3494 will be used for backups
6 second 3494 will be used to do duplexing only
Can we actually backup to one 3494 and then duplex to another 3494 library.
I do not believe we can assign a copypool a particular tape range. Since the
command ba stg jxn_tapepool copypool02 will backup the tapepool to a
copypool how can you tell TSM what library to use??


Re: Checkin libvol

2003-10-10 Thread Mike Cantrell
I used the following ksh script
for volser in $(libtapeck|grep FF00 |awk '{print $1}')
dsmck checkin libv sakslib02 $volser status=scratch devtype=3590
Note libtapeck is a script  mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -q I and FF00 is inset

This gets any volumes that are in insert status.


-Original Message-
From: Bill Boyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Checkin libvol

The PERL script was more portable than an shell script. We do TSM
implementations on both Unix and Windows platforms. Yes, I work with Ted
Byrne. The Perl script can be used on any platform with Perl and the TSM
admin client loaded.

Bill Boyer
DSS, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Wilcox, Andy
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: Checkin libvol

Hiya Ted,

Just out of complete curiosity, why would you want to run such a script from
somewhere other than on the server itself??? We do something pretty much the
same except the scipt runs from AIX on our TSM server...


Andy Wilcox
Midrange Services
Aquila Networks Services Ltd

 -Original Message-
 Sent: 10 October 2003 13:57
 Subject:  Re: Checkin libvol

  Hi everyone!
  Everytime I try to checkin my tapes to my library I need to run q
  request and reply request nr
  Is it possible to checkin tape without to run a reply request nr?

 Checking in the tapes through an I/O station (search=bulk) does
 require that a reply be issued to a request.  However, for many of our
 customers, it is not practical to have the operator who  is actually
 handling tapes running a checkin manually after the Entry/Exit port is
 loaded with the day's tapes (almost always less than the capacity of
 the entry/exit port).

 For this situation, we have written a small perl script that gets
 scheduled once a day,  typically at the end of each weekday.  It's
 defined as a client event to run on a machine with the administrative
 client installed.  The script runs, issues the checkin libv command,
 issues the q
 request, parses the output to get the request number, and then issues the

 Works well for us and our customers...


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Re: WRONG Answer: dsmfmt file size

2003-10-07 Thread Mike Cantrell
I use raw and TSM mirroring because I was told that idf I had a problem and
used OS mirroring TSM did not support that. If I wanted TSM support I would
need to do TSM mirroring.  So make sure!

-Original Message-
From: Roger Deschner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 12:30 PM
Subject: WRONG Answer: dsmfmt file size

Yes, I am too easy to satisfy. That's because after a weekend of
dsmfmt-ing, I'm declaring the thing BROKEN worse than before. I take
back those nice things I said last Friday.

I'm not using raw LVs because I want to use OS mirroring on my disk
storage pools. Also the ITSM Administrator's Guide goes to some length
to convince you not to use Raw LVs, and I tend to believe the basic
manual for any product when they come out and say something and are that
sure of it.

What bewilders me now about dsmfmt is two questions:

1) Why does the error message tell me how big to specify for some disks
and not for others? The Logical Volumes are identical except for size.
On a 72gb disk, if I overestimate, it says how big to use. On a 36gb
disk, it's like before, where I get to guess, and then wait several
hours to find out if I guessed right or not.

2) Why is it's calculated number so low? After dsmfmt was done, the Unix
df command showed that filesystem only 94% full, with nearly 5gb showing
free on df on a 72gb disk. That's a lot of waste! I'm not so sure this
new feature is such a great idea if it is going to forbid me from
getting my disk as full as possible. By the old method of trial and
error and waiting for hours, I could usually get it well over 99% full,
according to the Unix df command.

Now I really want that option you suggest - use it all (I mean, really
use it all) and tell me how much space I've got when I'm done. The
current state of affairs in V5.1 is worse than just wasting a lot of my
time; now it is wasting my disk space as well, and it is behaving

A consistently-behaving, easy to use to allocate all of something,
version of dsmfmt is VITAL to disaster recovery capabilities!

Roger Deschner  University of Illinois at Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Joel Fuhrman wrote:

You are to easy to satisfy.  I would like an option which says to use it
and tell me what was used.  That way I only have to do the dsmfmt once.

Upgrade from 4.2 to 5.2

2003-08-29 Thread Mike Cantrell
We are going to upgrade our TSM 4.2 to 5.2. I know that we need to put the
latest fixes on for 4.2, but I was wondering if you'll had experienced any
other issues we might want to be aware of.

Mike Cantrell

Use mtlib or mt to mount a tape in 3494

2003-08-18 Thread Mike Cantrell
We are using TSM 5.1 with an IBM 3494 library and I would like to use the
mtlib or mt command to mount a tape in our 3500 drive and do a dd or tar.
Any ideas?


Re: Question with DB2

2003-08-15 Thread Mike Cantrell
Thanks for the information. This API manual could you elaborate more(DB2,
TSM). I looked in redbooks TSM manual and searched on ggogle but did not
ever find anything on Reason code 13.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Question with DB2

I am recieving this error when the DBA tries to backup. I can do dsmc from
the commnad line and connect to the TSM server. Any ideas?

db2pet1 @ fr5n09: /home/db2pet1
  db2 backup database DVATDMRT use adsm
SQL2062N  An error occurred while accessing media
/home/db2pet1/sqllib/adsm/libadsm.a.  Reason code: 138.

It helps to determine when a task which had been working for some time,
stopped.  Doing an 'ls -l', 'ls -lu', and 'ls -lc' on the lib file is always
advisable, to ascertain when the lib was last used and, per -c, when someone
changed it.  Reason codes are the return codes in the API manual, where 138
suggests someone diddling with permissions, or the software being run from
an inappropriate or authority-changed account.

  Richard Sims, BU

Question with DB2

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Cantrell
I am recieving this error when the DBA tries to backup. I can do dsmc from
the commnad line and connect to the TSM server. Any ideas?

db2pet1 @ fr5n09: /home/db2pet1
  db2 backup database DVATDMRT use adsm
SQL2062N  An error occurred while accessing media
/home/db2pet1/sqllib/adsm/libadsm.a.  Reason code: 138.


Re: Expiration Question on

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Cantrell
You need to use SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS, instead of del volhist t=dbb.
This is an excert from help del volhist.

  5. For users of DRM, the database backup expiration should be controlled
 with the SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command instead of this DELETE
 VOLHISTORY command. Using the DELETE VOLHISTORY command removes TSM's
 record of the volume. This can cause volumes to be lost that were
 managed by the MOVE DRMEDIA command. The recommended way to manage the
 automatic expiration of DRM database backup volumes is by using the SET

-Original Message-
From: Mahesh Tailor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: Expiration Question on


TSM: w/DRM enabled

I having been looking at the completion of my expiration processes for
the last 15 days and I see, for example, the following:

07/27/03   15:15:01  ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command:

07/27/03   15:15:01  ANR0984I Process 709 for EXPIRE INVENTORY
started in the
  BACKGROUND at 15:15:01.

07/27/03   15:15:01  ANR0811I Inventory client file expiration
started as
  process 709.

07/27/03   17:42:42  ANR2369I Database backup volume and recovery
plan file
  expiration starting under process 709.

07/27/03   17:42:42  ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process 709
  examined 3828936 objects, deleting 420981
backup objects,
  0 archive objects, 0 DB backup volumes, and 0
  plan files. 0 errors were encountered.

07/27/03   17:42:42  ANR0987I Process 709 for EXPIRE INVENTORY
running in the
  BACKGROUND processed 420981 items with a
completion state
  of SUCCESS at 17:42:42.

The process is completing successfully, but as you can see no DB backup
volumes or recovery plans are expired.  I have an admin schedule that
has the following command in it: delete volhistory todate=today-30
type=all, which I do not think would affect the expiration of DB and
recovery plan process since it is set for 30-days.

DRM expiration is set as follows:

  DB Backup Series Expiration Days: 5 Day(s)
Recovery Plan File Expiration Days: 14 Day(s)

And, when I perform a q volh t=dbb, I get DBB's that are retained from
13-days ago.

What am I missing?  Can someone explain this?



Oracle TDP Issues

2003-07-25 Thread Mike Cantrell
I upgraded to the Oracle TDP 5.2 because we are using Oracle 9. I also have
an Oracle 8 instance and use the Oracle TDP v2. The Oracle TDP v2 works fine
and the tdpo.opt is located /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/.  I can not
get the tdpoconf password for v5.2 to set the password. I have looked at the
redbook for setting password and point to the dsm.opt and use the dsm.sys
for reference for the tdpo.opt files.When I run
/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/tdpoconf password for the old TDP v2 the
password is set.

When I try to set the password for the new v5.2 here is what happens.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64]#
tdpoconf password

*   Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle Utility *
*  Password file initialization/update program*
* ROOT privilege needed to update value   *

Please enter current password:

Please enter new password:

Please reenter new password for verification:

ANS0237E (RC2033) On dsmInit, the node is not allowed when


SErvername  TSM
   COMMmethod   TCPip
   TCPPort  1500
   HTTPport 1581
   passwordaccess   generate
   errorlogname /var/tsm/tsmerror.log
   inclexcl /etc/inclexcl
   managedservices  webclient schedule
   schedlogname /var/tsm/tsmsched.log
   tcpbuffsize  31
   tcpnodelay   no
   nodename JXN-UX-ORA01P


DSMI_LOG   /var/tsm

*TDPO_OWNER oracle
*TDPO_PSWDPATH  /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64


*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS2   14versions_tape_tdp
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS3   mgmtclass3
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS4   mgmtclass4


DSMI_LOG   /var/tsm

*TDPO_OWNER oracle
*TDPO_PSWDPATH  /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin


*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS2   14versions_tape_tdp
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS3   mgmtclass3
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS4   mgmtclass4

Re: Oracle TDP Issues

2003-07-25 Thread Mike Cantrell
I have tried  passwordaccess prompt and I still get the same error.
ANS0237E (RC2033) On dsmInit, the node is not allowed when
The only reference is in the dsm.sys file.

-Original Message-
From: Sean M English [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Oracle TDP Issues

I could be wrong, but if I remember correctly, you have to have
PASSWORDACCESS set to PromptGenerate will not work.


Sean M. English
Enterprise Storage Management
IBM Global Services, SDC
Charlotte, NC
You can't change the wind, but you can adjust the sails.

| |   Mike Cantrell|
| |   KSINC.COM   |
| |   Sent by: ADSM:  |
| |   Dist Stor|
| |   Manager |
| |   .EDU|
| ||
| ||
| |   07/25/2003 11:17 |
| |   AM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   ADSM: Dist Stor |
| |   Manager |
| ||

  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Oracle TDP Issues


I upgraded to the Oracle TDP 5.2 because we are using Oracle 9. I also have
an Oracle 8 instance and use the Oracle TDP v2. The Oracle TDP v2 works
and the tdpo.opt is located /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/.  I can not
get the tdpoconf password for v5.2 to set the password. I have looked at
redbook for setting password and point to the dsm.opt and use the dsm.sys
for reference for the tdpo.opt files.When I run
/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/tdpoconf password for the old TDP v2 the
password is set.

I have tried passwordaccess prompted

When I try to set the password for the new v5.2 here is what happens.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64]#
tdpoconf password

*   Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle Utility *
*  Password file initialization/update program*
* ROOT privilege needed to update value   *

Please enter current password:

Please enter new password:

Please reenter new password for verification:

ANS0237E (RC2033) On dsmInit, the node is not allowed when


SErvername  TSM
   COMMmethod   TCPip
   TCPPort  1500
   HTTPport 1581
   passwordaccess   generate
   errorlogname /var/tsm/tsmerror.log
   inclexcl /etc/inclexcl
   managedservices  webclient schedule
   schedlogname /var/tsm/tsmsched.log
   tcpbuffsize  31
   tcpnodelay   no
   nodename JXN-UX-ORA01P


DSMI_LOG   /var/tsm

*TDPO_OWNER oracle
*TDPO_PSWDPATH  /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64


*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS2   14versions_tape_tdp
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS3   mgmtclass3
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS4   mgmtclass4


DSMI_LOG   /var/tsm

*TDPO_OWNER oracle
*TDPO_PSWDPATH  /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin


*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS2   14versions_tape_tdp
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS3   mgmtclass3
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS4   mgmtclass4

Re: Remote backup question?

2003-07-15 Thread Mike Cantrell
Have you tried the web client?

-Original Message-
From: David Browne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:26 AM
Subject: Remote backup question?

Is there a way to remotely kick off a backup on another client, via TSM (we
don't want to use a product like PC/Anywhere for remote access)?

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