Re: AIX5.3 and power5 for pSeries

2004-08-10 Thread Raymond Ramirez
According to an IBM rep that I met yesterday, AIX 5.3 will begin shipping
this Friday the 13th (nice date, BTW). TSM 5.2 and others will be
supported. We have our TSM server on AIX 5.1 and we will migrate to AIX
5.2 soon.

Raymond Ramirez

Re: Upgrading AIX TSM server

2004-06-09 Thread Raymond Ramirez
Upgrading from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2 is a minor change, and is what IBM considers
a level increase. From my System/370 days, I remember that  IBM
classified its software products as Release.Version.Level, so TSM falls
in this category. We have upgraded our TSM Host Server from 3.7 to 5.1.9
and it supported all our TSM clients which were at 4.2.1. I believe you
won't any trouble upgrading from to


TSM client on Red Hat Linux

2004-06-07 Thread Raymond Ramirez
I have installed the TSM client version 4.2.0 on two IBM x335 servers
running Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1, and I did all the dsm.sys and
dsm.opt file fixes, plus the environmental variable changes to the
.bash_profile for root.

The dsmc commands work correctly and I can talk to our TSM Host Server,
but if I try to do a backup or an incremental on /home (using dsmc inc
/home as root user), I get two different error answers on identical setups
of TSM on both servers.

On the first one, I get:

Incremental backup of volume '/home'
ANS1076E *** Directory not found ***

And on the second one I get:

ANS1071E Invalid domain name entered: '/home'

Yet both servers have a valid /home directory, mounted for the default
/dev/sda5 file system under Linux, with root ownership and 755
permissions. Which one is the correct error and how can I fix them?


Raymond J Ramirez
Distributed System Supervisor
Puerto Rico Telephone

Re: Backup/restore

2004-04-14 Thread Raymond Ramirez

If you are using the TSM GUI, select View then toggle select Display
active/inactive (if in command mode, add -inact) to see the previous
generations of your backup files. Select Display active files only to
set option as before. I have TSM client version 5.1.6 and it should be the
same for similar versions.

Raymond Ramirez
PR Telephone Company