Re: [5-9473000000757] Questions about migration to v201302 : Location, Bidding for CvOptimizer

2013-04-16 Thread 澤井悠







> 澤井さん
> 1 についてはバグのようです。
> バグとして登録しました。KeywordMatchType を含めるようにしていただけますでしょうか。
> 2
> CpaBid に関してはキーワードレベルでなく AdGroup レベルで設定します。
> AdGroup レベルでCpaBid を設定して取得するときは TargetCpa で取得いただけますでしょうか。
> TargetCpa と MaxCpa を切り替えるときは bidType で切り替えができます。
> 萩倉
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
> Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
> On 04/15/13 20:18:32 "澤井悠"  wrote:
> 萩倉さん
> ご回答ありがとうございます。
> 1,2について、了解いたしました。
> 3についてですが、
> お送りしたのは、**既存のレガシーかつCVオプティマイザのキャンペーンのキーワー**ドを取得するリクエストとレスポンスです。
> 3点の問題があります。
> �2件のキーワードに対して、**まったく同一のEntriesが3件ずつ、計6件取得されている
>  ⇒この件、直接原因の特定に至りました。
> Selectorのフィールドとして、
> ”MatchType"を指定すると、**同一キーワードのレコードが3件とれます。
> ”KeywordMatchType”**の場合は1件だけが正しくとれます。
> これは正しい仕様でしょうか。
> �CVオプティマイザキャンペーン配下のキーワードですが、**CpcBid型のBidsしか取得されない
> ⇒この件も、ほぼ原因が分かっています。
> SelectorのフィールドにCpaBidを指定していないた**めです。
> CpaBidを取得するためのフィールド名は何でしょうか?
> ※”TargetCpaBid", "CpaBid"はいずれもAPIエラーが返されます。
>  ※CpaBid, CpmBidはそれぞれ"CpcBid", "CpmBid"を指定することで、取得に成功しています。
> �**CVオプティマイザキャンペーン配下にキーワードを追加する際、**CpaBidをセットできるのか?
> CpaBidをセットするとAPIエラーが返ってきます。
>  セットの仕方を教えていただくことは可能でしょうか?
> 上記3点、ご確認いただけますと大変助かります。
> お手数ですがどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
> 澤井
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 5:39 PM,  wrote:
> 澤井さん
> 返信遅くなってすみません。
> こちらに届いていることに気づいていませんでした。
> 英語には問題ないので、**フォーラム上で返信していただいても問題ないです。
> 1.
> について、はい Beta feature であることが関係しています。
> これらの機能については、 一部の Beta として invite されているお客様のみ使用可能です。
> 2.
> すみません、このフィールドの用途について確認させてください。
> ドキュメントの記述間違いで使われないフィールドが残っている可**能性があります。
> 3.
> BiddingStrategyConfiguration.**Bids の中に CpaBid をセットしていたでしょうか?
> Bids の中に同時に CpcBid も CpaBid もセットすることができます。
> BiddingStrategyType または、 BiddingStrategyScheme を切り替えることによって、どの Bids
> が有効になるかが決まります。
> 萩倉
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~**=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
> Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
> http://googleadsdeveloper.****adwords_api
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~**=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
> On 04/15/13 13:49:30 "澤井悠"  wrote:
> 萩倉さん
> 補足のため
> adwordsapiadvisor+takeshi ...宛にメールを送らせて頂きましたが、**届いていますでしょう**か。
> (誤解なきよう、すべて日本語で詳細やりとりしたいためです。)
> 恐れ入りますがご確認のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
> 澤井
> 2013年4月9日火曜日 13時53分04秒 UTC+9 Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API Team):
> Hi, Yu-san,
> 1.
> Using geo performance 
> report,
> you can retrieve the performance stats based on user's physical location or
> locations users are interested in including airport.
> 2.
> I don't think so.
> If there is something wrong, can you please make another thread including
> request/response xml logs?
> 3.
> I believe it's CpaBid
> 4.
> The document should be fixed. TargetCpaBid is not available in
> AdGroupCriterionService.
> We're fixing the document.
> Best,
> - Takeshi
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:45:45 PM UTC+9, 澤井悠 wrote:
> Dear AdWords API team,
> 1. Can I retrieve the location data of airports?
> I can see them on**c
> om/adwords/api/docs/appendix/**geotargeting
> .
> Their "TargetType" is "Airport".
> Besides, if we can't get them, what kind of Location criteria can I
> get?
> 2. Is PricingMode of ConversionOptimizerBiddingSche**me always null?
> 3. Is the type of Bid of the keyword under a ConversionOptimizer campaign
> CpcBid?
> 4. Can I get "CpaBid" field of ConversionOptimizerBiddingSche**me?
> The document says we can get the bid of CpaBid by setting the field :
> "TargetCpaBid". But I can see the following error :
> AxisFault
>  faultCode: 
> {**soap/envelope/}Server
>  faultSubcode:
>  faultString: [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_**NAME @ serviceSelector;
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
>  faultActor:
>  faultNode:
>  faultDetail:
> {**api/adwords/cm/v201302}**ApiExcept
> ionFault
> :[**SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_**NAME @ serviceSelector;
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
> ApiException<**errors xmlns:xsi="
> xsi:type="SelectorError"><**fieldPath>serviceSele

Re: [5-9473000000757] Questions about migration to v201302 : Location, Bidding for CvOptimizer

2013-04-15 Thread 澤井悠





※”TargetCpaBid", "CpaBid"はいずれもAPIエラーが返されます。
 ※CpaBid, CpmBidはそれぞれ"CpcBid", "CpmBid"を指定することで、取得に成功しています。





On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 5:39 PM,  wrote:

> 澤井さん
> 返信遅くなってすみません。
> こちらに届いていることに気づいていませんでした。
> 英語には問題ないので、フォーラム上で返信していただいても問題ないです。
> 1.
> について、はい Beta feature であることが関係しています。
> これらの機能については、 一部の Beta として invite されているお客様のみ使用可能です。
> 2.
> すみません、このフィールドの用途について確認させてください。
> ドキュメントの記述間違いで使われないフィールドが残っている可能性があります。
> 3.
> BiddingStrategyConfiguration.Bids の中に CpaBid をセットしていたでしょうか?
> Bids の中に同時に CpcBid も CpaBid もセットすることができます。
> BiddingStrategyType または、 BiddingStrategyScheme を切り替えることによって、どの Bids
> が有効になるかが決まります。
> 萩倉
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
> Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
> On 04/15/13 13:49:30 "澤井悠"  wrote:
> 萩倉さん
> 補足のため
> adwordsapiadvisor+takeshi ...宛にメールを送らせて頂きましたが、**届いていますでしょうか。
> (誤解なきよう、すべて日本語で詳細やりとりしたいためです。)
> 恐れ入りますがご確認のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
> 澤井
> 2013年4月9日火曜日 13時53分04秒 UTC+9 Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API Team):
> Hi, Yu-san,
> 1.
> Using geo performance 
> report,
> you can retrieve the performance stats based on user's physical location or
> locations users are interested in including airport.
> 2.
> I don't think so.
> If there is something wrong, can you please make another thread including
> request/response xml logs?
> 3.
> I believe it's CpaBid
> 4.
> The document should be fixed. TargetCpaBid is not available in
> AdGroupCriterionService.
> We're fixing the document.
> Best,
> - Takeshi
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:45:45 PM UTC+9, 澤井悠 wrote:
> Dear AdWords API team,
> 1. Can I retrieve the location data of airports?
> I can see them on**c**
> om/adwords/api/docs/appendix/**g**eotargeting
> .
> Their "TargetType" is "Airport".
> Besides, if we can't get them, what kind of Location criteria can I
> get?
> 2. Is PricingMode of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme always null?
> 3. Is the type of Bid of the keyword under a ConversionOptimizer campaign
> CpcBid?
> 4. Can I get "CpaBid" field of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme?
> The document says we can get the bid of CpaBid by setting the field :
> "TargetCpaBid". But I can see the following error :
> AxisFault
>  faultCode: 
> {**so**ap/envelope/}Server
>  faultSubcode:
>  faultString: [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_**N**AME @ serviceSelector;
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
>  faultActor:
>  faultNode:
>  faultDetail:
> {**ap**i/adwords/cm/v201302}**ApiExcept**
> ionFault
> :[**SelectorErr**or.INVALID_FIELD_**NAME @ serviceSelector;
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']**
> ApiException<**errors xmlns:xsi="
> xsi:type="SelectorError"><**fiel**dPath>serviceSelector th>**TargetCpaBid<**errorString>**SelectorError.**
> SelectorError<**reason>INVALID_FIELD_**NAME reason>
> [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_**N**AME @ serviceSelector;
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
> ...
> ※The code I used is below:
> public void testGetKeyword() {
> // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
> AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface adGroupCriterionService =
> adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface.class);
> // Create selector.
> Selector selector = new Selector();
> selector.setFields(new String[] {"Id", "AdGroupId", "MatchType",
> "KeywordText", "BiddingStrategyType", "BidType", "TargetCpaBid"});
> selector.setOrdering(new OrderBy[] {new OrderBy("AdGroupId",
> SortOrder.ASCENDING)});
> selector.setPaging(new Paging(0, PAGE_SIZE));
> // Create predicates.
> Predicate adGroupIdPredicate =
> new Predicate("AdGroupId", PredicateOperator.IN, new String[]
> {adGroupId.toString()});
> Predicate criteriaTypePredicate =
> new Predica

Re: Questions about migration to v201302 : Location, Bidding for CvOptimizer

2013-04-14 Thread 澤井悠

adwordsapiadvisor+takeshi ...宛にメールを送らせて頂きましたが、届いていますでしょうか。



2013年4月9日火曜日 13時53分04秒 UTC+9 Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API Team):
> Hi, Yu-san,
> 1. 
> Using geo performance 
> report, 
> you can retrieve the performance stats based on user's physical location or 
> locations users are interested in including airport.
> 2.
> I don't think so. 
> If there is something wrong, can you please make another thread including 
> request/response xml logs? 
> 3. 
> I believe it's CpaBid
> 4. 
> The document should be fixed. TargetCpaBid is not available in 
> AdGroupCriterionService.
> We're fixing the document.
> Best,
> - Takeshi
> On Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:45:45 PM UTC+9, 澤井悠 wrote:
>> Dear AdWords API team,
>> 1. Can I retrieve the location data of airports?
>> I can see them on 
>> Their "TargetType" is "Airport".
>> Besides, if we can't get them, what kind of Location criteria can I 
>> get?
>> 2. Is PricingMode of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme always null?
>> 3. Is the type of Bid of the keyword under a ConversionOptimizer campaign 
>> CpcBid?
>> 4. Can I get "CpaBid" field of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme?
>> The document says we can get the bid of CpaBid by setting the field : 
>> "TargetCpaBid". But I can see the following error : 
>> ※ERROR:
>> AxisFault
>>  faultCode: {}Server
>>  faultSubcode: 
>>  faultString: [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME @ serviceSelector; 
>> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
>>  faultActor: 
>>  faultNode: 
>>  faultDetail: 
>> {}ApiExceptionFault:[SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME
>> @ serviceSelector; 
>> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']ApiException>  
>> xmlns:xsi=""; 
>> xsi:type="SelectorError">serviceSelectorTargetCpaBidSelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAMESelectorErrorINVALID_FIELD_NAME
>> [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME @ serviceSelector; 
>> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
>> ... 
>> ※The code I used is below: 
>> public void testGetKeyword() {
>> // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
>> AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface adGroupCriterionService = 
>> adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface.class);
>> // Create selector.
>> Selector selector = new Selector();
>> selector.setFields(new String[] {"Id", "AdGroupId", "MatchType", 
>> "KeywordText", "BiddingStrategyType", "BidType", "TargetCpaBid"});
>> selector.setOrdering(new OrderBy[] {new OrderBy("AdGroupId", 
>> SortOrder.ASCENDING)});
>> selector.setPaging(new Paging(0, PAGE_SIZE));
>> // Create predicates.
>> Predicate adGroupIdPredicate =
>> new Predicate("AdGroupId", PredicateOperator.IN, new String[] 
>> {adGroupId.toString()});
>> Predicate criteriaTypePredicate =
>> new Predicate("CriteriaType", PredicateOperator.EQUALS, new 
>> String[] {"KEYWORD"});
>> selector.setPredicates(new Predicate[] {adGroupIdPredicate, 
>> criteriaTypePredicate});
>> // Get all ad group criteria.
>> AdGroupCriterionPage page = null;
>> try {
>> page = adGroupCriterionService.get(selector);
>> } catch (ApiException e) {
>> e.printStackTrace();
>> } catch (RemoteException e) {
>> e.printStackTrace();
>> }
>> // Display ad group criteria.
>> if (page.getEntries() != null && page.getEntries().length > 0) {
>> // Display results.
>> for (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult : 
>> page.getEntries()) {
>> System.out.println("Keyword ad group criterion with ad 
>> group id \""
>>   + adGroupCriterionResult.getAdGroupId() + "\", 
>> criterion id \""
>>   + adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion().getId() + "\", 
>> text \""
>>   + ((Keyword) 
>> adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion()).getText()
>>   + "\" and match type \""
>>   + ((Keyword) 
>> adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion()).getMatchType() + "\" was found.");
>> }
>> } else {
>> System.out.println("No ad group criteria were found.");
>> }
>> }
>> Best Regards,
>> Yu

Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

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Re: Questions about migration to v201302 : Location, Bidding for CvOptimizer

2013-04-08 Thread Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Yu-san,

Using geo performance 
you can retrieve the performance stats based on user's physical location or 
locations users are interested in including airport.

I don't think so. 
If there is something wrong, can you please make another thread including 
request/response xml logs? 

I believe it's CpaBid

The document should be fixed. TargetCpaBid is not available in 
We're fixing the document.

- Takeshi

On Thursday, April 4, 2013 8:45:45 PM UTC+9, 澤井悠 wrote:
> Dear AdWords API team,
> 1. Can I retrieve the location data of airports?
> I can see them on 
> Their "TargetType" is "Airport".
> Besides, if we can't get them, what kind of Location criteria can I 
> get?
> 2. Is PricingMode of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme always null?
> 3. Is the type of Bid of the keyword under a ConversionOptimizer campaign 
> CpcBid?
> 4. Can I get "CpaBid" field of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme?
> The document says we can get the bid of CpaBid by setting the field : 
> "TargetCpaBid". But I can see the following error : 
> AxisFault
>  faultCode: {}Server
>  faultSubcode: 
>  faultString: [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME @ serviceSelector; 
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
>  faultActor: 
>  faultNode: 
>  faultDetail: 
> {}ApiExceptionFault:[SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME
> @ serviceSelector; 
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']ApiException  
> xmlns:xsi=""; 
> xsi:type="SelectorError">serviceSelectorTargetCpaBidSelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAMESelectorErrorINVALID_FIELD_NAME
> [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME @ serviceSelector; 
> trigger:'TargetCpaBid']
> ... 
> ※The code I used is below: 
> public void testGetKeyword() {
> // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
> AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface adGroupCriterionService = 
> adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface.class);
> // Create selector.
> Selector selector = new Selector();
> selector.setFields(new String[] {"Id", "AdGroupId", "MatchType", 
> "KeywordText", "BiddingStrategyType", "BidType", "TargetCpaBid"});
> selector.setOrdering(new OrderBy[] {new OrderBy("AdGroupId", 
> SortOrder.ASCENDING)});
> selector.setPaging(new Paging(0, PAGE_SIZE));
> // Create predicates.
> Predicate adGroupIdPredicate =
> new Predicate("AdGroupId", PredicateOperator.IN, new String[] 
> {adGroupId.toString()});
> Predicate criteriaTypePredicate =
> new Predicate("CriteriaType", PredicateOperator.EQUALS, new 
> String[] {"KEYWORD"});
> selector.setPredicates(new Predicate[] {adGroupIdPredicate, 
> criteriaTypePredicate});
> // Get all ad group criteria.
> AdGroupCriterionPage page = null;
> try {
> page = adGroupCriterionService.get(selector);
> } catch (ApiException e) {
> e.printStackTrace();
> } catch (RemoteException e) {
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> // Display ad group criteria.
> if (page.getEntries() != null && page.getEntries().length > 0) {
> // Display results.
> for (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult : 
> page.getEntries()) {
> System.out.println("Keyword ad group criterion with ad 
> group id \""
>   + adGroupCriterionResult.getAdGroupId() + "\", criterion 
> id \""
>   + adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion().getId() + "\", 
> text \""
>   + ((Keyword) 
> adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion()).getText()
>   + "\" and match type \""
>   + ((Keyword) 
> adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion()).getMatchType() + "\" was found.");
> }
> } else {
> System.out.println("No ad group criteria were found.");
> }
> }
> Best Regards,
> Yu

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Questions about migration to v201302 : Location, Bidding for CvOptimizer

2013-04-04 Thread 澤井悠
Dear AdWords API team,

1. Can I retrieve the location data of airports?
I can see them on
Their "TargetType" is "Airport".
Besides, if we can't get them, what kind of Location criteria can I get?

2. Is PricingMode of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme always null?

3. Is the type of Bid of the keyword under a ConversionOptimizer campaign 

4. Can I get "CpaBid" field of ConversionOptimizerBiddingScheme?
The document says we can get the bid of CpaBid by setting the field : 
"TargetCpaBid". But I can see the following error : 


 faultCode: {}Server
 faultString: [SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME @ serviceSelector; 
@ serviceSelector; 

[SelectorError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME @ serviceSelector; trigger:'TargetCpaBid']


※The code I used is below: 

public void testGetKeyword() {
// Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface adGroupCriterionService = 
adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface.class);

// Create selector.
Selector selector = new Selector();
selector.setFields(new String[] {"Id", "AdGroupId", "MatchType", 
"KeywordText", "BiddingStrategyType", "BidType", "TargetCpaBid"});
selector.setOrdering(new OrderBy[] {new OrderBy("AdGroupId", 
selector.setPaging(new Paging(0, PAGE_SIZE));

// Create predicates.
Predicate adGroupIdPredicate =
new Predicate("AdGroupId", PredicateOperator.IN, new String[] 
Predicate criteriaTypePredicate =
new Predicate("CriteriaType", PredicateOperator.EQUALS, new 
String[] {"KEYWORD"});
selector.setPredicates(new Predicate[] {adGroupIdPredicate, 
// Get all ad group criteria.
AdGroupCriterionPage page = null;
try {
page = adGroupCriterionService.get(selector);
} catch (ApiException e) {
} catch (RemoteException e) {

// Display ad group criteria.
if (page.getEntries() != null && page.getEntries().length > 0) {
// Display results.
for (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult : 
page.getEntries()) {
System.out.println("Keyword ad group criterion with ad 
group id \""
  + adGroupCriterionResult.getAdGroupId() + "\", criterion 
id \""
  + adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion().getId() + "\", 
text \""
  + ((Keyword) 
  + "\" and match type \""
  + ((Keyword) 
adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion()).getMatchType() + "\" was found.");
} else {
System.out.println("No ad group criteria were found.");

Best Regards,

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