Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer makes an Oath [Attn. Referee]

2021-02-10 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 9/2/2021 7:08 am, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> On 2/8/21 6:04 PM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
>> I pledge to give all of my VPs to Gaelan within 10 seconds of this message
>> being published, with an N of Oathbreaking of 0.
> I point my finger at Cuddlbeam for Oathbreaking, in violation of Rule
> 2450, for failure to abide by the above pledge.
> I petition the Referee to indict Cuddlebeam in response to this
> finger-pointing.

Response to Petition:
We find ourselves in the unpleasant position of receiving multiple
finger-pointings regarding the same allegation. We are entrapped in a
web of irregularity, one most reminiscent of the prior case of dependent

It may or may not be time to employ the most revered institution of
Agoran justice; But before that decision: Pursuant to the 3rd paragraph
of rule 2450, I invite Gaelan to give eir opinion as to an appropriate
fine for this crime.


Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Ministor] Focus and Interest Report

2021-02-10 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 8/2/2021 1:38 am, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
> On 2/7/2021 10:56 AM, nix via agora-official wrote:
>> Economy Coins
>> =
>> Economy focused players evenly split a pot of 50 boatloads of coins. This
>> currently equals roughly 307 coins*.
>> There are 4 Economy focused players, each one may grant emself 77 coins.
>> * Rounded here for readability, but the real rounding only happens after
>> the split, which is why the numbers may not appear to add up here.
> I grant myself 77 coins pursuant to my Economy focus.

As do I.


Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer fingerdances for a good reason [Attn. Referee]

2021-02-06 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 5/2/2021 3:00 am, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
> The crime is "Unjustified Gesticulation", not "Shenanigans", dohohoho!
> I point my finger at Cuddlebeam for committing the crime of Unjustified
> Gesticulation,
> in violation of Rule 2478, for initiating the finger-pointing about Rule
> 869 later found to be shenanigans.
> I point my finger at Cuddlebeam for committing the crime of Unjustified
> Gesticulation,
> in violation of Rule 2478, for initiating the finger-pointing about Rule
> 2478 later found to be shenanigans.

It is understood that the judgement of the pending CFJ would impact on
whether my following actions are effective. Given that the deadline
judging the CFJ is considerably latter than that for resolving these
finger-pointings, to exercise the highest reasonable standard of care
would require me to proceed by assuming that they succeeded.

Given this assumption, the state of the evidence is indisputable with
regard to whether Cuddlebeam committed both crimes.

I issue a warning to Cuddlebeam for the Class 0 Crime of Unjustified

I impose the cold hand of justice on Cuddlebeam for the Class 1 Crime of
Unjustified Gesticulation, levying a fine of 1 blot.


Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer fingerdances for a good reason [Attn. Referee]

2021-02-04 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 3/2/2021 4:05 am, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
> I Point my Finger to myself for breaking rule 869 (69... nice) because
> bingbadaboom bananas.
> I Point my Finger at myself for breaking rule 2478 for committing
> Unjustified Gesticulation.

We take notice that Cuddlebeam pointed eir finger at eirself for
breaking rule 869 first, then proceeded to point eir finger at eirself
for breaking rule 2478.(^1) In doing so, a situation is created in which
the investigation for the second finger-pointing depends on the results
of the other as evidence.

Rule 2478/16 requires the investigator to investigate a finger pointing
and specifies a set of allowable concluding actions, to be performed by
the investigator in a timely fashion. However, it is silent on the
proper order of concluding investigations. It is well established by
this point that one is given wide discretion to interpret the rules in
such situations.(^2, ^3)

Guidance for general principles of justice ought to be adopted by an
investigator is similarly vague in the rules, although we believe it
possible to extrapolate at least an implicit principle for impartiality
from some of its prescriptions and proscriptions – that is, the
investigator shall conduct the investigation without bias to the accuser
or the defendant: For example, Rule 2478/16 makes it so that the Referee
cannot be the investigator if either e is the perp or the accuser. The
recent repeal of rule 2479/6, which allowed the Referee to impose
summary judgement arbitrarily, by no less than two separate
proposals(!), also indicates a strong legislative preference for

In applying this principle to our scenario, we find ourselves in an
apparent dilemma. If we were to conclude the investigation for the first
finger-pointing earlier in time, then we have elected to perform a
procedure which altered the gamestate (and thus evidence) for the second
investigation,(^5) in a manner advantageous to Cuddlebeam the accuser
(by giving eir an increased chance to become entitled to a justice card).

If we were to investigate the second finger-pointing first instead, we
would instead appear partial towards Cuddlebeam the defendant as we
would allow eir to escape immediate sanction for unjustified
gesticulation, through what would likely appear to an observer as a
deliberate inversion of a common-sense chronological order (even if no
rule prescribes this).

Are we then doomed to an unavoidably biased adoption of investigatory
order for every such case then?  We believe that it is possible to
answer this in the negative, although a certain degree of judicial
ingenuity is required to do so: The concept of a chronological order of
resolution must be abandoned entirely when investigating multiple
dependent finger-pointings.

The resolution of this dilemma is thus obtained through the simultaneous
conclusion of BOTH investigations. While of course this method would
also produce an outcome that is more to one party’s liking, such is the
nature of our dilemma; we argue that impartiality is preserved as this
procedure may be consistently applied in every such situation involving
mutually dependent outcomes between investigations, without requiring
the investigator to choose a chronological order of resolution arbitrarily.

That we are bound to act without prejudice does not mean that our
actions may not effect outcomes more favourable to a party (for if this
were the case no investigation of any kind could be concluded), but
merely that they may not be arbitrarily so. It is not arbitrary because
we justify it as the only method allowing us to avoid the appearance of
taking an action to alter the gamestate in favour of a party.

We move on to the evaluation of substantive evidence for both
investigations, a comparatively straightforward matter.

For the first finger pointed, the evidence indicates that no violation
of rule 869 has occurred. Indeed, it is not possible to violate rule
869/47 since the rule does not use any term to describe a manner of

For the second finger pointed, there is no basis to say that unjustified
gesticulation has occurred, since no finger pointed in which Cuddelbeam
is the accuser has been found to be shenanigans.

The following two actions are performed simultaneously:

I announce the finger pointing at Cuddlebeam for violating rule 869 to
be shenanigans.

I announce the finger pointing at Cuddlebeam for violating rule 2478 to
be shenanigans.(^6)

It is so ordered.


1. Rule 478/38: “Actions in messages (including sub-messages) are
performed in the order they appear in the message, unless otherwise
specified.” As noted, this has no direct bearing on the permissible
order of concluding investigations.

2. Rule 217/12: “Where the text is silent, inconsistent, or unclear, it
is to be augmented by game custom, common sense, past judgements, and
consideration of the best interests of the game.”

3. CFJ 3890 clarifies ru

Re: BUS: [Ministor] Plan to Flip Focus Warning

2021-01-29 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 29/1/2021 4:47 am, nix via agora-business wrote:
> Should have said this earlier, but please Plan to Flip your focus if 
> you'd like to do so before the end of the month.
> As a reminder, below are the options and what they do. You simply need 
> to say "I plan to flip my focus to ." before the month changes.
> * Unfocused - nothing, just the default
> * Compliance - grant yourself a Justice card
> * Legislation - grant yourself a Legislative card
> * Participation - grant yourself a Voting card
> * Economy - grant yourself a split of the coin pot (exact amount listed
> below in its own section)
> * Legacy - be granted a card or victory point, randomly (winner listed
> in a separate email)

I plan to flip my focus to Economy.


BUS: [Ribbon] Re: OFF: [ADOP] Resolution of Referee election

2021-01-24 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 25/1/2021 4:32 am, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:
> Votes for Referee:
>   * Jason voted [Gaelan, JTAC]
>   * nix, Aris, R. Lee, JTAC, Falsifian, ATMunn voted [JTAC, Gaelan]
> Quorum should be fine (low bar this time based on Proposal 8529).
> JTAC is elected Referee.

I award myself an Emerald Ribbon.


Re: BUS: (@treasuror, @referee, @others) Amnesty, and spend em while you got em.

2021-01-20 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 21/1/2021 2:44 am, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:
> I transfer 3 Victory Cards to Cuddlebeam.
> I transfer 12 Victory Points to Cuddlebeam.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from nix.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from Falsifian.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from omd.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from Trigon.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from Trigon.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from Gaelan.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from omd.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from R. Lee.
> I pay a fee of one Blot-B-gone to expunge a blot from R. Lee.
> (I think I counted correctly, my apologies if the last one or two failed
> for running out of blotbgones).
Your count is correct. You currently have 0 blot-b-gones.
Interim Referee

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Voting for Referee

2021-01-19 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 19/1/2021 7:26 pm, N. S. via agora-business wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 2:17 PM Aris Merchant via agora-business <
>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 7:14 PM nix via agora-business <
>>> wrote:
>>> On 1/17/21 10:48 AM, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:
 I initiate an Agoran decision to select the winner of the Referee
 election. The Vote Collector is me, the valid options are Gaelan
 and JTAC and anyone else who becomes a candidate during the voting
 period, and the voting method is instant runoff.
>>> I vote [JTAC, Gaelan].
>>> --
>>> nix Webmastor, Ministor, Herald
>> JTAC is a newcomer who has brought an unusual degree of diligence to the
>> office.
>> I vote [JTAC, Gaelan].
>> -Aris
> I also vote that way (if I'm a player)

I vote [JTAC, Gaelan].

Interim Referee

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8530-8531

2021-01-19 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 19/1/2021 3:34 pm, Aris Merchant via agora-official wrote:
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote collector
> is the Assessor, the quorum is 2, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID  Author(s) AITitle
> ---
> 8530g^  nix, Jason1.0   No Honour
FOR. Reducing the administrative workload of officers is good for

> 8531g^  Jason 1.5   Patent Title Restoration v2

ENDORSE nix. I trust the herald's opinion on the feasibility of the matter.

Interim Referee

Re: BUS: [Promise] Paid testing

2021-01-08 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 9/1/2021 7:10 am, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
> I grant 3 copies of the below promise (delimited by {...}) to the Library.
> Summary: figure out Agoran Exchange, get Coins.
> (Taking advantage of the lack of authentication is premitted but not
> encouraged.)
> Instructions:
> Title of the promises: Agoran Exchange Testing
> {
> Cashing conditions:
> * The bearer has not previously cashed a copy of this promise; and
> * The bearer has at some point transferred some "falsifian:whuffie" to
>   "falsifian" on Falsifian's Agoran Exchange server, as determined solely by
>   the Agoran Exchange's event log (typically sent to the agora-discussion 
> list)
>   and a reasonable matching of Agoran Exchange usernames to Agoran identities;
>   e.g. the username "shy_owl" on Agoran Exchange matches the person we know as
>   Shy Owl.
> I transfer 20 Coins to the bearer.
> }
I take an instance of this promise and cash it.

Interim Referee

Re: BUS: Attack on the CFJ-A

2021-01-07 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 6/1/2021 6:13 pm, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
> Your pathetic Agoran magic will mean nothing against my INTELLECT, SMARTS
> I attack Gaelan with a platoon of 30 x Humble Agoran Minions and deal 71
> damage to em.
> I then move my Brutes to my flank with my Bonus Action.
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 10:44 AM Gaelan Steele via agora-business <
>> wrote:
>>> On Jan 5, 2021, at 3:26 PM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business <
>>> wrote:
>>> Never again shall we be plagued by some rascal popping out of thin air
>>> saying "ah but sorry this ancient cfj is relevant lmao". Never again!
>> I've
>>> Not only that, you've all enabled me, for you've fallen for my devious
>>> plan. I hereby gain 1 Humble Agoran Minion per Potato in play from the
>>> Humble Agoran Farming contract (So, 1192 Humble Agoran Minions in total).
>>> Haha! You fools! Outsmarted yet again, by me, Cuddlebeam.
>>> I hereby Deploy My Army by announcement, consisting of the following:
>>>   - 1192 x Humble Agoran Minions: Potato-based minions, rich in vitamins
>>>   and starch and bloodlust. One of them is the Commander unit, "Peter
>> Tuber",
>>>   granting them all +5 Morale and +3 Intelligence.
>>>   - 30 x Unused Blognomic Dynasty Concepts: Barely tangible, this swarm
>> of
>>>   ghostly fodder, oversized unborn fetuses of Dynasties-to-be float 20cm
>> off
>>>   the ground (they ignore difficult terrain) and phase randomly (3+ on a
>>>   1d6)  in and out of existence. They can also fire poorly developed
>> ideas.
>>>   -
>>>   4 x Palanquin Bearers, carrying an Idol of Plato for +5 Morale.
>>>   -
>>>   3 x Blognomic Brutes. They’ve survived 5 (five) Dynasties when mere
>>>   mortals wonder what kind of masochist would keep playing this game and
>>>   leave after just one. They know no fear nor precedents, having been
>> bred in
>>>   the treacherous and cutthroat lands of The Other Nomic. They have +3 to
>>>   break through any Long-Standing Interpretation Standard but don’t have
>> an
>>>   attention span for anything longer than a month. One of them is a
>>>   Commander, having won 3 Dynasties and knows Pool Magic. They’re also
>>>   equipped with a Greater Pool Noodle and Snorkel.
>>>   -
>>>   And of course, myself, Cuddlebeam, riding atop a mobile Tower of
>> Hubris.
>>>   It can fire my poor attempts at humor with its [Cannons] and has a
>> firing
>>>   range of 5 posts. Its height makes me nigh-impervious but it makes it
>> hard
>>>   for me to see, especially when out of range of a recent Report because
>> of
>>>   the Cuddlebeam special Trait of  [Can’t be Arsed to Figure out the
>>>   Gamestate]. I also have the special weakness of [Officer Work]. But I’m
>>>   equipped with a Flamethrower Guitar of No Special Meta-Referential
>> Meaning
>>>   (it has +10 Cool).
>>> (Also, apparently there's a dictatorship or something going on? HA! Like
>>> that's going to do anything against my massive cerebral (that means brain
>>> btw) power.)
>>> Your move, Agorans.
>> I point my finger at CuddleBeam for violating No Faking, 2471/1, by taking
>> an action e knew not to be effective, with intent to mislead.
>> Gaelan

A preponderance of evidence for two subjective mental elements is
required for a person to be in violation of rule 2471: the knowledge or
belief of said person that eir statement is untrue (or that eir action
is ineffective), and that eir statement is made with the intent to mislead.

There are several statements which one would reasonably suspect to meet
the above, although I shall first treat the issue that has captured the
interest of the Agoran public at large: Cuddlebeam’s destruction of the
‘CFJ archives.’

It is known at this time that the website known as the CFJ archives has
been wiped of its former content, that of an electronic record of the
past judgements of Agoran CFJs. We may reasonably consider the
statements made by the perpetrator regarding the CFJ archives to be an
admission of responsibility for this event. Those specific statements
are likely true in this interpretation.

The alternative is to consider those statements as an action conducted
within Agora. Game custom has strongly held that actions not explicitly
defined by the rules are ineffective, so this interpretation would seem
to satisfy at least the first element of violating rule 2471.

However, there is another problem if we choose to interpret this way: an
examination of the wording used by the perpetrator reveals that his
statements are more akin to announcements of preparatory intents to do
those impossible actions, as Cuddlebeam uses ‘I’ve come to Destroy’
instead of the direct ‘I destroy’ in his statements. To be frank, those
sections more

BUS: [Proposal] Extension to Blot Expungement Definitions

2021-01-05 Thread JTAC via agora-business
I submit the following proposal:

Title: Extension to Blot Expungement Definitions

Author: JTAC

Coauthors: Jason, G.

Adoption index: 2.0

Chamber: Ministry of Compliance


Amend Rule 2555 by adding "If expungement would destroy N blots, but the
target has P

BUS: [Pledge] Electoral Pledge for the Office of Referee

2021-01-05 Thread JTAC via agora-business
To honour my illustrious predecessor, and to protect the people of Agora
from possible perversions of justice by future unelected referees:

 I pledge to announce my intent to enact the regulations detailed below,
proceeding to then enact them, if I win the election for the office of

The performance of the actions in the preceding paragraph are
conditional upon them being permitted by the rules. The value of N in
this pledge is 3.

Regulations as follows:
Regulation RA0
Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees

An interim holder of the office of Referee (henceforth known as an
‘Interim Referee’) SHALL NOT impose summary judgement more than twice a

It is PROHIBITED for an Interim Referee levy a fine to a person who
commits the Class 2 Crime of Tardiness, if the person's deadline to
perform eir duty occurs during a Holiday, as defined by rule 1769.

A Referee MUST NOT enact or amend any other regulations in such a manner
as to cause any of them to take precedence over this regulation.

This regulation takes precedence over all other administrative
regulations promulgated by any Referee.

Regulation RA1
General Enforcement Policies

If a Referee wishes to impose the Cold Hand of Justice on any perp for
the Class 2 Crime of Tardiness, e is strongly RECOMMENDED to specify the
violation as forgivable, unless the perp has consecutively committed the
violation or the evidence indicates that the perp has used or has
attempted to use the violation as part of a plan to abuse eir official

Referees are ENCOURAGED to amend this regulation to specify best
practices for other crimes and violations.

Regulation RA2
Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports

Courtesy of the illustrious Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, when making
eir weekly report on blot holdings, a Referee is ENCOURAGED to
additionally include:

1. A section tracking investigations resulting from a finger being
pointed of which the Referee is the investigator, which have not been
concluded at the time of the report’s publishing; e SHOULD provide the
following fields for each entry:

a. Name of the perp
b. Name of the person who pointed eir finger
d. Summary of the available findings at the time of the report

The Referee is strongly DISCOURAGED from reporting on investigations of
which e is not the investigator. At the time of the promulgation of this
regulation, the only rule-defined circumstance in which the Referee is
not the investigator is when the Referee is the perp. As such, eir
reports on such investigations may be misleading and are at a high
likelihood of violating rule 2471.

2. A section tracking historical changes to the blots possessed by
persons. If available, the time period tracked is RECOMMENDED to begin
from approximately two years prior and end at the time of the report’s
publishing. E SHOULD provide the following columns for this section:

a. Name of person in whose possession the number of blots has changed
b. Change in number of blots
c. Date of change
d. Reason of change

Regulation RA3
Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

In addition to the recommendations contained within rule 1769, the
Referee is strongly ENCOURAGED to remind the players of the end of the
Holiday by announcement. This SHOULD be done between 2 to 4 days before
the end of the Holiday.


Interim Referee

Re: BUS: [Election] Intent to Initiate Election for Referee

2021-01-05 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 6/1/2021 1:16 am, JTAC via agora-business wrote:
> I intend, with 2 support, to initiate an election for the office of Referee.
As I am in fact the office holder, I initiate the election for Referee
immediately. Please disregard the previous erroneous communication of

The nomination period has begun. I become a candidate.

Interim Referee

BUS: [Election] Intent to Initiate Election for Referee

2021-01-05 Thread JTAC via agora-business
I intend, with 2 support, to initiate an election for the office of Referee.

Interim Referee

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8527-8529

2021-01-03 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 4/1/2021 7:14 am, Aris Merchant via agora-official wrote:
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote collector
> is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID  Author(s) AITitle
> ---
> 8527c^  PSS, nix, Aris1.7   Specified Crime not Rule
> 8528*^  Aris, Gaelan  3.0   Gaining Assets
> 8529*^  Gaelan3.0   Not-so-subtle nudge

I vote FOR all.

How did rule 2633 get enacted in the first place?

BUS: [Interim Referee] Courtesy Holiday Reminder

2021-01-03 Thread JTAC via agora-business
Please be reminded that the Holiday ends at midnight UTC on 4th Jan 2021.

I have deferred use of summary judgements for tardiness despite their
frequency during the Holiday due to respect for the implicit customs of
my predecessor and the recommendations in rule 1769. However, I will not
feel compelled to withhold use of such powers if reports for next week
turn out to also be late.

BUS: CFJ annotations for Jason

2021-01-03 Thread JTAC via agora-business
I submit a proposed annotation for rule 2350 to Jason, the rulekeepor:

CFJ 3868 (called 12 Jul 2020): Referring to undefined entities in
conjunction with the term "proposal" in a proposal-like text can render
the text insufficiently unambiguous, such that a public message
containing it fails to create a proposal by announcement. Additionally,
if a CFJ is called to resolve whether a proposal was created by
announcement, this occurrence can be an indicator of ambiguity in the
action's specification.

Re: BUS: Auto-gesticulation

2021-01-02 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 3/1/2021 1:19 pm, JTAC wrote:
> On 3/1/2021 5:06 am, Gaelan Steele via agora-business wrote:
>>> On Dec 27, 2020, at 1:55 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-business 
>>>  wrote:
>>> I auto-gesticulate (that is, I point my finger at myself) for violating the 
>>> Splat Market contract, and therefore rule 1742, by failing to publish my 
>>> weekly report.
>>> Gaelan
>> I agree to and create the following contract: { Gaelan SHALL NOT levy fines. 
>> }
>> I deputize for Referee to find the quoted finger-pointing Shenanigans 
>> (because I "believe…that it would be ILLEGAL…to levy a fine", R2478/14).
>> I destroy the above contract.
>> Gaelan
> I deputize for Referee and impose the cold hand of justice on the perp
> by levying a fine of 3 blots on Gaelan Steele, for a violation of rule 1742.
> The reason for increasing the fine is because the perp attempted to use
> the violation as part of a profitable plan (willfully) to install
> himself into the office of Referee. Fortunately, this dastardly plan was
> unsuccessful as the perp neglected that an important provision of rule
> 2478: "the investigator CANNOT resolve a Finger Pointing for which e is
> the perp."
> This violation is forgivable. If the perp chooses to publish an apology,
> e must include the words "I must read the rules thoroughly when
> attempting scams"
I award myself a Cyan Ribbon.

Re: BUS: Auto-gesticulation

2021-01-02 Thread JTAC via agora-business
On 3/1/2021 5:06 am, Gaelan Steele via agora-business wrote:
>> On Dec 27, 2020, at 1:55 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-business 
>>  wrote:
>> I auto-gesticulate (that is, I point my finger at myself) for violating the 
>> Splat Market contract, and therefore rule 1742, by failing to publish my 
>> weekly report.
>> Gaelan
> I agree to and create the following contract: { Gaelan SHALL NOT levy fines. }
> I deputize for Referee to find the quoted finger-pointing Shenanigans 
> (because I "believe…that it would be ILLEGAL…to levy a fine", R2478/14).
> I destroy the above contract.
> Gaelan
I deputize for Referee and impose the cold hand of justice on the perp
by levying a fine of 3 blots on Gaelan Steele, for a violation of rule 1742.

The reason for increasing the fine is because the perp attempted to use
the violation as part of a profitable plan (willfully) to install
himself into the office of Referee. Fortunately, this dastardly plan was
unsuccessful as the perp neglected that an important provision of rule
2478: "the investigator CANNOT resolve a Finger Pointing for which e is
the perp."

This violation is forgivable. If the perp chooses to publish an apology,
e must include the words "I must read the rules thoroughly when
attempting scams"

BUS: [attn Registrar] First Registration

2021-01-02 Thread JTAC via agora-business
I register myself, JTAC, as a player of Agora, with immediate effect.

I receive a welcome package.

A reminder: As this is my first registration, the day of 3rd January is
my Agoran birthday. I humbly request the granting of coins pursuant to
rule 2585.