Request information on multi-volume backup

2007-11-06 Thread silpa kala

I have a doubt on multi-volume backup. Generally
Amanda performs backup capacity same as the media can
hold. am I correct?

Amanda supports multi-volume tape backup means how
many tapes it will support for one single operation. 
Suppose I am having 4 tapes  and each one holds 40GB
means total 160GB.Now I want to take the backup for
amanda is 150GB; Whether is it supports? If it
supports how to configuration for this?

What tape_splitsize exactly do?

Thanks in advise.


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Clarification on source code hierarchy

2007-11-06 Thread silpa kala

I am using 2.5.2p1 version for Amanda. I configured
Amanda by executing ./configure --with-user=root
--with-user=group. In this case there is no shell
script files genereated in sub-directories like

I executed the make command and found shell scripts
are created for amdd  ammt in tape-src. It is
happening for each sub-directory. Why these shell
scripts is required?

If don't want to keep those shell-scripts because
already executables are present. Shall i delete those
creation from the Makefile. What is effect for this?

Please help me to understand the source code

Thanks  Regards,

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Clarification on source code hierarchy

2007-11-06 Thread silpa kala

I am having one doubt on the source code hierarcy. Can
u please give me the details that why two recover
source directories are present? I seen two directories
for recover source are recover-src and oldrecover-src
in 2.5.2p1 version. If I delete oldrecover-src then is
there any problem ?

please help.

Thanks  Regards,

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Performance Issue

2007-11-06 Thread silpa kala

I am having one doubt on performance ( CPU
utiltization)  of Amanda.  Suppose If I am doing the
backup operation for Amanda, is there any performance
issue when the operation is performing?

Please help.

Thanks  Regards,

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Urgent help on amrecover: Error reading line from server: Connection reset by peer

2007-02-27 Thread silpa kala

Please help me to get into the amrecover prompt.

I checked for the services using netstat command,
services are listening for the port

tcp0  0 linux:amandaidx *:*   
tcp0  0 linux:amidxtape *:*   
udp0  0 linux:amanda*:*

If I execute the command as
It is giving the following prolem

AMRECOVER Version 2.5.0p2. Contacting server on linux
amrecover: Error reading line from server: Connection
reset by peer

Please provide the solution .

Thanks  Regards,


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please help to execute the amrecover program in amanda2.5.0p2 version

2007-02-23 Thread silpa kala

I am using Amanda backup  restore software. I am
facing one problem to execute amrecover.

xinetd services amandaidx,amidxtape are running.

If i execute amrecover it is giving the error as :
amrecover: Error reading line from server: Connection
reset by peer

I checked the debug file of amindexd. it is giving the
following error in the debug file.
amindexd: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not

Please help me to solve this problem.

Thanks  Regards,


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Regarding the script file c file for amandad

2006-12-03 Thread silpa kala

I need one clarification regarding the amandad script

amandad.c file present in client-src directory,when
built  amandad executable file generated in .libs ;
and when we do make install then this file is moving
to /usr/local/libexec.

There is one more script file for amandad is
generated. Why this file is requrired?

Is this file is requried to create?

Please clarify.

Thanks  Regards,


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Licensing information

2006-07-25 Thread silpa kala

Please help me out the where i can get the license
text for the Amanda backup and restore software.

I got the copyright information. Is it the amanda

Please clarify the licensing information.

Thanks  Regards,

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Difference between the amrestore and amrecover

2006-07-17 Thread silpa kala

I need some clarification. I worked on amrestore ,
which we can retrieve the backup image from holding
disk or tape.
amrestore /dev/nst0
amrestore holdingdiskname

But I didn't understand the amrecover. I feel
amrecover is also developed for the same purpose.

Why we need two commands for the restore?

Is there any detailed technical mannual is available
for amrecover?

Please clarify the doubts.

Thanks  Regards,

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Backup for specific files

2006-07-13 Thread silpa kala

I am trying to take the backup for
.log/.txt/executable file name. But the planner is not
able to provide the estimations. 

I observed that only we can take the backup for the
directories. Why this one is happening?

Please provide the details is there any restrictions
to provide to take the backup for the file type?

Please clarify these doubt.

Thanks  Regards,

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chunker ,amandad

2006-07-12 Thread silpa kala
Please help me out in this problem. 
I seen the socket connection between the chunker and
amandad. What is purpose of the socket?
Actually I understood that backup data send by the
amandad(client) and received by the
dumper(server)through the data port. Is it true?
How the dumper will send the backup data to the

I understood that chunker is introduced in 2.5
version for new features splitsize. Suppose if i
didn't configure for this parameters, eventhough
chunker is playing as an important role. Why the
dumper funda is moved to chunker.

Taper is creating the Shared Memory. Why it is

Please clarify me these doubts. 

Thanks  Regards,

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Communication between the chunker and amandad

2006-07-12 Thread silpa kala

Please help me out in this problem. 

I seen the socket connection between the chunker and
amandad. What is purpose of the socket?

Actually I understood that backup data send by the
amandad(client) and received by the
dumper(server)through the data port. Is it true?

How the dumper will send the backup data to the

I understood that chunker is introduced in 2.5 version
for new features splitsize. Suppose if i didn't
configure for this parameters, eventhough chunker is
playing as an important role. Why the dumper funda is
moved to chunker.

Taper is creating the Shared Memory. Why it is

Please clarify me these doubts. 

Thanks  Regards,

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Usage of Shared Memory for Taper

2006-07-12 Thread silpa kala

I seen that shared memory is used in taper program of
server code. Why this shared memory is required. What
is usage of this ? How amanda is doing the
syncronization between the processes ?

Please clarify this doubt.

Thanks  Regards,

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chunker responsible

2006-07-12 Thread silpa kala

what is the responsibility of the chunker ?

Why the socket communication is required between the
chunker and amandad?

Please clarify these doubts.

Thanks  Regards,

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amanda backup status - amstatus

2006-07-12 Thread silpa kala

How to verify how much data backed up? Is there anyway
we can figure out from the amdump.1 log file.

Please clarify this doubt.

Thanks  Regards,

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Please clarify the socket connection between the dumper and amandad

2006-07-11 Thread silpa kala

Please clarify the TCP socket connection between the
dumper and amandad. Let me know which one is acting as
a server and client. If we specify the entry in the
DLE like this /home root-tar.

chunker: stream_accept: connection from
dumper: stream_client: connected to
chunker: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 32768
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: bind_portrange2: trying port=778
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536

Why the chunker and dumper is using three IP addresses
in the above log data?

The dumper is creating the previlgied prot no like 778
for data and one for mesg and one for index.
what is the other port no 

Why the chunker is trying to connect to the port no?
chunker: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
chunker: bind_portrange2: trying port=784
chunker: stream_server: waiting for connection:
driver: result time 4.778 from chunker0: PORT 784

Please clarify me the TCP communication between
amandad, dumper and chunker processes ?

I am totally confused, even debugging is also

Thanks  Regards,

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Re: communication between the amanda, dumper

2006-07-11 Thread silpa kala

Please clarify the TCP socket connection between the
dumper and amandad. Let me know which one is acting as
a server and client. If we specify the entry in the
DLE like this /home root-tar.

chunker: stream_accept: connection from
dumper: stream_client: connected to
chunker: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 32768
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: bind_portrange2: trying port=778
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536

Why the chunker and dumper is using three IP addresses
in the above log data?

The dumper is creating the previlgied prot no like 778
for data and one for mesg and one for index.
what is the other port no 

Why the chunker is trying to connect to the port no?
chunker: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
chunker: bind_portrange2: trying port=784
chunker: stream_server: waiting for connection:
driver: result time 4.778 from chunker0: PORT 784

Please clarify me the TCP communication between
amandad, dumper and chunker processes ?

I am totally confused, even debugging is also

Thanks  Regards,

--- Paul Bijnens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Please keep the information on the list -- other
 may help too. ]
 On 2006-07-10 11:56, silpa kala wrote:
  I need some clarification on Amanda Internals.
  Driver will initiate the chunker process and
  will provide some information to the chunker
  like name of the file for holding disk, hostname,
  level, datastamp etc.,
  How the driver will send the information to the
  chunker? either through pipes ?I copied some lines
 Assuming you are using amanda 2.5.0p2...
 By UNIX sockets, see server-src/driverio.c lines 169
  from the amdump logfile.
  driver: send-cmd time 4.768 to chunker0:

  hostname feff9ffe07
  /home/amanda-2.5.0p1-20060428/ server-src 1
  2006:7:6:0:42:13 1048576 GNUTAR 6624
  chunker is trying to connect to one privileged
  no. Driver will initiate the dumper process and
  will provide some information to dumper port no to
  connect(what chunker initiated for the particular
  port), hostname etc.,
  driver: send-cmd time 4.778 to dumper0: PORT-DUMP
  00-1 784 hostname feff9ffe07
  /home/amanda-2.5.0p1-20060428/server-src NODEVICE
  2006:7:6:0:42:13 GNUTAR
  Is there any socket communication is required
  the chunker and driver ? I got so much of
 Chunker needs to be able to communicate some result
 Did the dump succeed?  Need more diskspace? etc.
 See all the calls to putresult() in chunker.c
  with the amdump.1 log file. The contents i am
  here from the log file
  chunker: stream_accept: connection from
  dumper: stream_client: connected to
  chunker: try_socksize: receive buffer size is
  dumper: stream_client: our side is
  dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
  What is the significance of this. Please explain?
 I'm still not sure what is unclear to you here.
 First you have to understand that there are multiple
 chunkers/dumpers.  And the output of these is not
 but intermingled in this single log file.
 Not perfect, indeed -- AAPW (all applicable patches
 Is that where the confusion is coming from?
 In the beginning all dumpers/chunkers are starting
 at once.  Resulting in a lot of intermingled
 messages from
 all these processes.
 To get less confusion, start a backup with
 inparralel 1.
 Then you get only one instance of each
 process, making the sequence much easier to follow.
  I need these clarifications. Please help me out to
  understand these funda.
 Did you have a look at the source code?
 I assume you are not satisfied with the use of the
 sockets as is now.
 What exactly are you trying to solve/fix ?
 Paul Bijnens, xplanation Technology Services   
 Tel  +32 16 397.511
 Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM   
 Fax  +32 16 397.512  email: 

 * I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D,
 ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, ^^, *
 * F6, quit, ZZ, :q, :q!, M-Z, ^X^C, logoff, logout,
 close, bye, /bye, *
 * stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,
  abort,  hangup, *
 * PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill
 -1 $$,  shutdown, *
 * init 0, kill -9 1, Alt-F4, Ctrl

Graphical User Interface for Amanda

2006-07-11 Thread silpa kala

I am planning to develop the GUI for Amanda using Java
swings. I have two options . Please suggest me which
one is best.

1.Develop the new application for java and invoke the
planner and driver executable.Amanda code need not be

2.Convert the entire server code to Java and adding
the java swings for the Graphical User Interface.

Please help me out in this. 

Thanks  Regards,

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dumper, chunker and amandad communication

2006-07-10 Thread silpa kala

I need some clarification on Amanda Internals.

Driver will initiate the chunker process and driver
will provide some information to the chunker process
like name of the file for holding disk, hostname,
level, datastamp etc.,
How the driver will send the information to the
chunker? either through pipes ?I copied some lines
from the amdump logfile.

driver: send-cmd time 4.768 to chunker0: PORT-WRITE
hostname feff9ffe07
/home/amanda-2.5.0p1-20060428/ server-src 1
2006:7:6:0:42:13 1048576 GNUTAR 6624

chunker is trying to connect to one privileged port
no. Driver will initiate the dumper process and driver
will provide some information to dumper port no to
connect(what chunker initiated for the particular
port), hostname etc.,

driver: send-cmd time 4.778 to dumper0: PORT-DUMP
00-1 784 hostname feff9ffe07
/home/amanda-2.5.0p1-20060428/server-src NODEVICE 1
2006:7:6:0:42:13 GNUTAR |;auth=BSD;no-record;index;

Is there any socket communication is required between
the chunker and driver ? I got so much of confusion
with the amdump.1 log file. The contents i am sending
here from the log file

chunker: stream_accept: connection from
dumper: stream_client: connected to
chunker: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 32768
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536

What is the significance of this. Please explain?

Amandad log file is also having the information below:

amandad: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
amandad: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536

 I think the above two log information is
interconnected, what kind of information is sending
and receiving by dumper or chunker or amandad?

I need these clarifications. Please help me out to
understand these funda.

Thanks  Regards,


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communication between the amanda, dumper

2006-07-10 Thread silpa kala

Please clarify me the below statements

amandad: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
amandad: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
amandad: time 4.786: bind_portrange2: trying port=778
amandad: time 4.786: stream_server: waiting for
amandad: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
amandad: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
amandad: time 4.793: bind_portrange2: trying port=778
amandad: time 4.797: bind_portrange2: trying port=779
amandad: time 4.797: stream_server: waiting for
amandad: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
amandad: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
amandad: time 4.804: bind_portrange2: trying port=778
amandad: time 4.808: bind_portrange2: trying port=779
amandad: time 4.813: bind_portrange2: trying port=781
amandad: time 4.813: stream_server: waiting for
amandad: time 4.813: sending REP pkt:

amdump log file :

dumper: stream_client: connected to
chunker: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 32768
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: bind_portrange2: trying port=778
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
dumper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536

Please provide me the details why the importance of
the socket communication.

Thanks  Regards,

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Source code hierarchy information

2006-06-26 Thread silpa kala

Anybody help me out to understand the source code.I
given the information what i understood. Please
correct me if I am wrong.

Planner sends the request to the client(amandad)to get
the estimation of the backup data. planner module is
present at server side and amandad service is present
at the client side. Suppose if i am taking the backup
only for the server means DLE has an entry with the
server address. In this scenario the server act as a
client, server bind the ipaddress as a noop,
and client bind the ipaddress and port no
as {My server address is 

Client has the module “noop” , which provides the
compatibility with the server module.

Client has the module “Sendsize” which send the
estimated size information to the server.

Planner sends this information to the driver which
initiates the dumper and taper process.

Client has the “sendbackup” module , which bind the IP
address has with the port no as TCP
unprivileged ports and make the connection with the
dumper has the IP address as with the
privileged port no. Sendbackup connects three port nos
which has to send the backup image, message and index.

Runtar, Rundump module performs the backup according
the program configured as tar ,dump respectively
Sendbackup module send the information to the dumper
through the sockets.  

Dumper send the data to the holding disk. Taper reads
the data from the holding disk to the taper. Taper
writes the data to the tape. Here socket connection is
not required between the dumper and taper.

But if the holding disk is too small, then the dumper
directly send the data to the taper, Which uses the 
socket connection through the TCP. Because the taper
and dumper is present in the single module. Please
provide what IP address and port no is used to connect
between the taper and dumper. 

I have one more question:

Suppose if I want to eliminate the sockets for the
security reason (because of the port no) How can I
approach . Please provide me the details.

Thanks  Regards,

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Regarding the source code hierarchy

2006-06-23 Thread silpa kala

I am silpakala. I need one help. I want to understand 
the basic flow of amanda i.e., 
a. Planner explains about the configuration stuff.
b. driver acts as an interface between the planner and
dumper/taper. I understood that they are using the
socket communication between the planner and dumper.
Why it is required.
c. Suppose the taper is taking the data from the
holding disk to tape. Here Whether the socket
communication is required between the dumper and
d. What is the noop request.
e.Amandad service is connecting to the specific port
10080 in the client side. But the server side which
module is directly interacting with the client.

Basically i need socket communication between the
client and server, where exactly the client is
blocking to accept the server connection, Which server
module is connecting to which client module, Why the
dumper and taper executables are going into
/usr/local/libexec (client-specific) directory.
Mainly how the sockets are implemented.

Suppose if i want to take the backup for the server
itself then the socket connection is used for amanda.
Is there any way we can elimintate the sockets if we
want to take the backup only for the server.

please provide the details. Please help me out in

Thank you very much.


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Partial full backup configuration for amanda

2006-05-31 Thread silpa kala
I need some clarification on the usage of the amanda.
What parameters need to be congfigured for the
partial full backup i.e.,the full backup is divided
into according to the dumpcycle and runspercycle. We
dumpcycle 10 days
runspercycle 10
Suppose this is the case, the full backup is divided
into 10 parts. That means per day 1/10 of data is to
be backed up. But, Instead of Partial full backup
,full backup is happening. 
Please help me out in this. What parameters need to be
configured in amanda.conf file to perform partial
full backup.

If u provide the example with minimum configurations
or amanda.conf then that will be helpful.

Thanks  Regards,

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Re: Partial full backup configuration for amanda

2006-05-31 Thread silpa kala

Thanks for this information. I gone through the all
the threads related to the Partial Full backup
configuration for amanda. 

Partial full backup is happening based on the DLE
entries instead of memory occupied for all DLEs.That
means If one DLE happens to contain 50% of all data,
then one day Amanda must do all that complete DLE at
once (and probably not schedule anything else for a
full dump).  Amanda will not divide the DLE itself.

I seen sometime back amstatus is showing the keyword
PARTIAL. Is it referring to Partial Full bakup. I
forgot what configuration was done. Please check
whether the following configuration is proper for
Partial Full backup.

Ex : Amanda.conf  -
  dumpcycle 4 days
  runspercycle 4

disklist  -
 sda  path user-tar 50%
 sda0 path user-tar 20%
 sda1 path user-tar 10%
 sda2 path user-tar 20%

sda is backed up 1 day, sda0 is done 2nd day, sda1 is
backed up 3rd day, sda2 is backed up 4th day.
After 4 days it will perform the full backup.Is it
true. Is there any other configuration parameters is
required to perform the partial full backup.

I have little confusion whether skip-full, skip-incr
or strategy parameters need to be enabled for the
partial full backup.Otherwise only dumpcycle and
runspercycle is enough.

Thanks in advance.


I seen the amstatus is showing  

--- Paul Bijnens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2006-05-31 10:50, silpa kala wrote:
  I need some clarification on the usage of the
  What parameters need to be congfigured for the
  partial full backup i.e.,the full backup is
  into according to the dumpcycle and runspercycle.
  dumpcycle 10 days
  runspercycle 10
  Suppose this is the case, the full backup is
  into 10 parts. That means per day 1/10 of data is
  be backed up. But, Instead of Partial full backup
  ,full backup is happening. 
 Not exactly 1/10 of the data, but some number for
 entries with total amount as close to 1/10 of the
 as possible.
 If you got only 1 entry in your disklist, then there
 nothing to divide or spread.
 Also the first time, Amanda tries to dump as much as
 will fit on a tape.  It's only during the next runs,
 Amanda can schedule incrementals (lvl  0) instead
 a full dumps.  You will have to wait at least 1
 before you notice the spread of level 0 over the
  Please help me out in this. What parameters need
 to be
  configured in amanda.conf file to perform partial
  full backup.
 I still believe your notion of partial full is
 than that of Amanda.
  If u provide the example with minimum
  or amanda.conf then that will be helpful.
 Example configurations are on the wiki:
 A minimal one:
 Paul Bijnens, xplanation Technology Services   
 Tel  +32 16 397.511
 Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM   
 Fax  +32 16 397.512  email: 

 * I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D,
 ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, ^^, *
 * F6, quit, ZZ, :q, :q!, M-Z, ^X^C, logoff, logout,
 close, bye, /bye, *
 * stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,
  abort,  hangup, *
 * PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill
 -1 $$,  shutdown, *
 * init 0, kill -9 1, Alt-F4, Ctrl-Alt-Del,
 AltGr-NumLock, Stop-A, ... *
 * ...  Are you sure?  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...  
 I'm out  *


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