[android-developers] Re: MapView on 1.6 very strange behaviour

2009-11-13 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com
Problem resolved.

On 13 Nov, 10:36, "mobilek...@googlemail.com"
> Hi, in my app I display MapViews in several activities. Now that I
> have updated my G1 device to 1.6, I notice that at some pleace the
> MapView is displayed properly, and at others - it's not - I can see
> the my OverlayItem though. I'm 100% I use the same keys throughout my
> app. Any suggestions as to where it's going wrong? Thanks.

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[android-developers] MapView on 1.6 very strange behaviour

2009-11-13 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com
Hi, in my app I display MapViews in several activities. Now that I
have updated my G1 device to 1.6, I notice that at some pleace the
MapView is displayed properly, and at others - it's not - I can see
the my OverlayItem though. I'm 100% I use the same keys throughout my
app. Any suggestions as to where it's going wrong? Thanks.

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[android-developers] Handling Network Unavailability

2009-09-16 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

The application I'm working allows a continious upload of several Mbs
over http, which turns out to be quite a challenge when testing it on
T-Mobile's 3G netowrk in the UK. At points the stream is interrupted
and the network status seems to change from connected to idle during
data transmission. The tricky part here is that my broadcast receiver
does not detect the change, whereas I can clearly see that no data has
been uploaded by the indication of the 3G icon in the status bar. Has
anyone faced anything similar to that? How do you overcome this issue
when your app has established a network connection, but then out of
nowhere it losses it, and there is no way for you to detect that...
I'm fairly familiar with the architecture of mobile 3G networks, and
the principles of connecting to a B-Node and maintaining that
connection, however, in my case it seems that the client keeps losing
connectivity completely randomely. Any thoughts appreciated thanks!
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[android-developers] TextView with dyncami links

2009-08-17 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

I have a TextView containing special pieces of information, which I
would like to perform some action on. The closest supported
functionality I can think of in android is android.util.text.Linkify,
however, I find it limited as it only recognises phone numbers,
email,  web and map addresses. In my case I would like to parse the
text, and make certain parts of it link to other activities for
instance. It would be great to get some directions here. Thanks!
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[android-developers] Video Streaming

2009-06-17 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Hi, I'm trying to stream a video from an HTTP server to my client. In
order to play it I fire up an action_view intent by providing to it
the uri of the media. The client opens up a new browser window, and
then redirects to the youtube player as expected. However, after a
couple of seconds it throws a 'Cannot play video' error. Has anyone
come across this before? Thanks
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[android-developers] Unlocking screen after wake lock

2009-06-09 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

My app requires alerts at certain events, which are very likely to
happen while the screen is off. It captures those event perfectly,
however, I'm struggling to hide the T-Mobile screen lock after I've
acquired wake lock from the PowerManager. I've tried broadcasting
Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS, however, that seems not to work.
Any ideas of how to fix that? Thanks.
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[android-developers] Advice on debug tool for I/O

2009-06-03 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

On a number of cases I have experienced problems with server / client
communication where the server responses with XML files, which never
reach my client. Is there any tool for monitoring everything incoming
through an HTTP connection, or if not what is your advice to detect
what's come through and what's not. I've tried Charles proxy, which
intercepts all requests / responses, however, Android seems to refuse
to work with proxies. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thank you!
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[android-developers] Calendar Content Provider

2009-05-27 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


Is there a way to read data from android.provider.Calendar? It's URI
is mentioned here (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/
content-providers.html), so I thought its data should somehow be
accessible. On the other hand it's clearly not within the
android.provider package... any thoughts?


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[android-developers] Problem with MapActivity on the 1.5 release

2009-05-22 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I have a problem with firing an activity that extends MapActivity.
When it gets called, it throws a  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError...
not sure what this is supposed to mean. I think something goes wrong
with the external implementation of the maps API (maps.jar). Has
anyone come across that problem? Here's the srack trace:

05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445):
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: main.ViewContactActivity
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): Caused by:
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: cross-loader access from pre-verified
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
dalvik.system.DexFile.defineClass(Native Method)
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): at
05-22 15:13:36.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(445): ... 22 more


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[android-developers] Logical Sequence in Video Capturing

2009-05-12 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


Can anyone describe the logical sequence of implementing video
recording facility? I've followed the steps as outlined from the
diagram here: 
and ended up with an out-of-memory exception.

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[android-developers] Parsing XML feed with SAX

2009-04-23 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I'm unable to consume a WS with the SAX, for some reason my
implementation doesn't read the complete XML feed, it reads it up to a
random point. Has anyone faced anything similiar? Here's what I'm

After calling a RESTful WS a read the response from the server as

if (isSessionActive){
  HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
  SAXParserFactory spFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
  SAXParser saxParser = spFactory.newSAXParser();
  XMLReader xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader();
  eventsHandler = new EventsHandler();
  xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(entity.getContent()));

Where my EventsHandler.java is as follows:

public class EventsHandler extends DefaultHandler {
public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
Log.i(this.toString(), "<" + localName + ">");
public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String
qName) throws SAXException{
Log.i(this.toString(), "");
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length){

Hope to get some feedback! Thanks.
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[android-developers] Problem with detecting onTouchEvent()

2009-04-16 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

For some reason onTouchEvent() never gets called in an activity with a
ListView child. Is this is a bug, or it requires a special
implementation? Thanks!
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[android-developers] Problem with Camera and layout orientation

2009-04-09 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

I've been trying to solve this for awhile now, and still couldn't find
a solution to it.
To properly display my SirfaceView consumed by the camera, I have
forced my activity's layout in landscape mode. However, in my app the
camera functionaluty will be mostly used in portait mode, and
therefore all other views in the same activty have to be in portrait
mode. Needless to say if I don't force the activity in landscape, the
SurfaceView is 90 degrees rotated. Any ideas on how to solve it?
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[android-developers] Problems with NotificationManager

2009-03-18 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

In my app I use several different notifications, which require
different actions. By default the notification manager loads the main
activity, when users select a notification. How can I change that so
different notifications prompt different actions. I've been studying
the related APIs, however, could not find a way of detecting which
notification a user has selected. Any thoughts?
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[android-developers] Video Capturing

2009-03-11 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Is video capturing currently supported in the latest SDK? The sequence
diagram from the class description of MediaRecorder (http://
developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaRecorder.html) made
me believe it's possible, however, it seems that the video related
methods are not supported yet. Or perhaps, I've been looking at the
wrong documentation? If this is the case, could you point me to the
right resource please? Thanks!
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[android-developers] Issue with Threads and onCreate()

2009-03-11 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I've faced the following issue. Upon loading my app I have several
threads consuming an http output stream to update some state. I've
implemented the Handler technique and have my threads posting back
when they're ready to do so. This usually takes 2-3 seconds. The issue
comes if the keyboard is opened within this period since G1 restarts
the onCreate(), and basically repeats the process. So when the first
threads are ready to post back they're throwing NullPointerException.
The only solution that comes to my mind is to detect when the device
is about to force change of portrait to landscape and vice versa, and
at this point to stop all threads previously created so my client
won't throw the NullPointerException erros. Is this a well know issue
with a well known solution? Hope I will get some advice as this
problem is ruining my whole app.

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[android-developers] Problem with setText() on custom CheckBox

2009-03-04 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I've implemented a custom CheckBox view and faced a probelm with
adding text to it.

Here's my implementation:

public class MyCheckBox extends CheckBox{

private int imgResourceFocusedChecked, imgResourceFocusedNotChecked,
imgResourceNotFocusedChecked, imgResourceNotFocusedNotChecked;

public MyCheckBox(Context context){

public MyCheckBox(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

public MyCheckBox(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)
super(context, attrs, defStyle);

private void init(AttributeSet attrs){
TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
imgResourceFocusedChecked = a.getResourceId
(R.styleable.MyCheckBox_checkboxFocusedChecked, -1);
imgResourceFocusedNotChecked = a.getResourceId
(R.styleable.MyCheckBox_checkboxFocusedNotChecked, -1);
imgResourceNotFocusedChecked = a.getResourceId
(R.styleable.MyCheckBox_checkboxNotFocusedChecked, -1);
imgResourceNotFocusedNotChecked = a.getResourceId
(R.styleable.MyCheckBox_checkboxNotFocusedNotChecked, -1);
strResourceText = a.getResourceId
(R.styleable.MyCheckBox_checkboxText, -1);

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
if (this.isChecked()){
if (this.isFocused()){

} else {

} else {
if (this.isFocused()){

} else {


Then from my layout xml I do something like:

However, the text never comes up. Using the same technique with Button
and EditText views works fine , but not with check boxes. Hope to get
an advice of how to implement the proper behaviour. Thanks!

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[android-developers] Re: ViewGroup, Views and Animation

2009-02-14 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Ok, well I'm a bit new to animations on android, and wasn't sure if
ViewGropus was the right path for me. Btw how would you set the repeat
mode for an animation? I've tried the java way but it didn't work.

On Feb 14, 11:57 pm, Romain Guy  wrote:
> Animations have a repeat mode, no need to do it yourself. Also, why
> wouldn't ViewGroup handle the startOffset? From your email, I don't
> really understand what your problem is exactly :)

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[android-developers] ViewGroup, Views and Animation

2009-02-14 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

I have a few views and animations and I need to figure out a way to
package them so I can use them throughout my app. I thought I should
be able to use ViewGroup, however, things are getting a bit
complicated as my animations need to repeat and to achieve that I have
applied the technique with an AnimationListener posting to a Runnable
when the animation stops so it plays again in a loop. Also they all
have different startOffset values, and I'm not sure how a ViewGroup
can handle that as well. What is the best practice for hadnling
multiple views and animations? Thanks.
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[android-developers] Re: Assisted GPS

2009-02-08 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Huh what do you mean by that:

> When I want to get a GPS fix as quickly as possible

You always get it as quickly as possible.

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[android-developers] Re: Technique for displaying different options menus

2009-02-08 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Hi, nice solution, I'll try do adapt it for my case. Thanks!

On Feb 8, 3:32 pm, Al  wrote:
> Hi, I am doing this using the following method:
> - Declare int constants which will be unique to each button
> - After initializing button variables via findViewById, use
> View#setTag to set the unique ID to that button, and the
> onClickListener to 'this'
> - Declare another int variable which will hold the current state
> (mState in the example below)
> - Implement the OnClickListener method in the following way:
> Integer id = (Integer) view.getTag();
> mState = id;
> switch (id) {
> case BUTTON_1:
>         //do stuff
>         break;
> case BUTTON_2:
>         //do more stuff
>         break;
> }
> - Create the menu as normal in onCreateMenuOptions
> - In onPrepareMenuOptions (which is called each time the menu will be
> shown), do something like this:
> switch (mState) {
>       case BUTTON_1:
>               //hide/show certain menu groups/items
>       break;
>     //etc, etc
> }
> Hope this helps.
> On Feb 8, 12:19 pm, "mobilek...@googlemail.com"
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to figure out a way to display different option menu groups
> > at a time based on various events.
> > For instanece, if the click listeners on certain views have been
> > triggered, the activity should bring up a specific option menu. On the
> > other hand if they are not on focussed, by pressing the menu button
> > the activity should display different more generic menu options. I've
> > played around with Menu.setGroupVisible(int groud, boolean visible),
> > however, I couldn't work out a way to have it working properly. I've
> > been stuck on this for a day now. Any suggestions are welcomed! Many
> > Thanks!
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[android-developers] Technique for displaying different options menus

2009-02-08 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

I'm trying to figure out a way to display different option menu groups
at a time based on various events.
For instanece, if the click listeners on certain views have been
triggered, the activity should bring up a specific option menu. On the
other hand if they are not on focussed, by pressing the menu button
the activity should display different more generic menu options. I've
played around with Menu.setGroupVisible(int groud, boolean visible),
however, I couldn't work out a way to have it working properly. I've
been stuck on this for a day now. Any suggestions are welcomed! Many

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[android-developers] onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) && onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)

2009-01-21 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


This one is easy, but I seem to have a problem using this technique to
save some state.

Basically, the problem I'm having is that neither
onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) nor onCreate(Bundle) have the bundle
I've previosly saved from onSaveInstanceState(Bundle). In fact,
onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) never gets called. Here's my

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState){
Log.i("MyActivity.class", "onSaveInstanceState()");
savedInstanceState.putString("MyString", "This is a test

Then I fire up another activity, which has a link to the original one,
where I try to recover the state as follows:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.i("MyActivity.class", "onCreate()");
 if (savedInstanceState != null){
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");
Log.i("AddActivity.class", myString);

protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState){
Log.i("AddActivity.class", "onRestoreInstanceState()");
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");
Log.i("AddActivity.class", myString);

Like I said the onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) method doesn't even get

Has anyone faced the same problem? How did you resolve it? Thanks.

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[android-developers] Re: Camera Focus Facility

2009-01-21 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Could you list the proper sequence as I'm having hard time working it
out! Thanks

On Jan 21, 3:21 am, Dave Sparks  wrote:
> Sounds like you might have some sequencing issues. Did you call
> startPreview first?
> On Jan 20, 2:51 pm, "mobilek...@googlemail.com"
>  wrote:
> > Hi, thanks for the hint! I've tried that but I got this:
> > java.io.IOException: autoFocus failed
> > I registered the callback in CameraActivity.surfaceCreated() method.
> > Could you advice on how to get that working? Thank you!
> > On Jan 20, 5:09 pm, Dave Sparks  wrote:
> > > Camera.autoFocus(cb);
> > > where cb is a callback function you supply that tells you focus is
> > > successful or not.
> > > On Jan 20, 5:27 am, "mobilek...@googlemail.com"
> > >  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > My app is struggling to take focused shots. Is there a built in
> > > > facility that sets an auto-focus property on the camera, so it
> > > > automatically takes clear and focused images. I've noticed that
> > > > feature in numerous well-known apps such as ShopSavvy,
> > > > CompareEverywhere, etc.
> > > > Could you advise on how to achieve that?
> > > > Thank you.
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[android-developers] Re: Camera Focus Facility

2009-01-20 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Hi, thanks for the hint! I've tried that but I got this:

java.io.IOException: autoFocus failed

I registered the callback in CameraActivity.surfaceCreated() method.

Could you advice on how to get that working? Thank you!

On Jan 20, 5:09 pm, Dave Sparks  wrote:
> Camera.autoFocus(cb);
> where cb is a callback function you supply that tells you focus is
> successful or not.
> On Jan 20, 5:27 am, "mobilek...@googlemail.com"
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > My app is struggling to take focused shots. Is there a built in
> > facility that sets an auto-focus property on the camera, so it
> > automatically takes clear and focused images. I've noticed that
> > feature in numerous well-known apps such as ShopSavvy,
> > CompareEverywhere, etc.
> > Could you advise on how to achieve that?
> > Thank you.
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[android-developers] Camera Focus Facility

2009-01-20 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


My app is struggling to take focused shots. Is there a built in
facility that sets an auto-focus property on the camera, so it
automatically takes clear and focused images. I've noticed that
feature in numerous well-known apps such as ShopSavvy,
CompareEverywhere, etc.

Could you advise on how to achieve that?

Thank you.
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[android-developers] Re: What protocol does android use to sync contacts with gmail?

2009-01-16 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

How do we access the client's own number?

On Jan 16, 2:44 am, 杨锋  wrote:
> http://code.google.com/apis/contacts/
> On Nov 29 2008, 4:04 am, Josh Guilfoyle  wrote:
> > I would recommend usingSyncML, this is what it was designed for.
> > That said, I don't know what protocol Google is using, but it's
> > probably something they invented.
> > On Nov 28, 9:57 am, crontabpy  wrote:
> > > What's the implemented protocol?
> > > If I'd like to sync an outside database table with a with a sqlite3
> > > table, what protocol should I use? Is there any available class for
> > > this?
> > > thanks in advance
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[android-developers] Re: SAXParser doesn't resolve Entitiy-References ( EntityResolver )

2009-01-16 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


The implementation of SAXParser seems to encounter problems when it
attempts to parse anything with '&'.

Have a look at those threads, if you haven't done so already:



If you manage to get the correct value, pls update the thread!

On Jan 16, 5:23 am, plusminus  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem with the SAX-Parser and getting attributes which are
> references...
>  version_number="4" start_time="2009-01-15T19:45:36+0"
> stop_time="2009-01-16T21:57:32+0" factor="&rtm31_4;">
> in startElement(...) attributes correctly indicates the existence of 6
> elements
> I can get all attributes using i.e. final String startTime =
> attributes.getValue("", "start_time");
> except the last one ( factor="&rtm31_4;" )
> Where:
>  attributes.getValue("factor");
> // or
> attributes.getValue("", "factor");
> always returns "" (empty string)
> it seems like the Entity-Reference is not being resolved =(
> If I set an EntityResolver:
> myXMLReader.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver(){
>     public InputSource resolveEntity(...) {
>     }}
> It NEVER gets called :(
> The same code worked in Desktop-Java, all Entities were resolved via
> the EntityResolver.
> Any ideas? I've spent half a day on this issue alreade =(
> Best Regards,
> plusminus
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[android-developers] Re: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19

2009-01-15 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

I couldn't resolve the problem. I think it was to do with my
implementation of ContentProvider as the same data manipulation
operations worked fine in some situantions and they didnt in others...
Thank you for the help, anyway!

> And, at the risk of responding to my own message, here's a list of the
> various SQLite error codes:
> http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort.html
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
> Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 
> 2009http://www.bignerdranch.com/schedule.shtml
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[android-developers] android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19

2009-01-15 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


Has anyone come across this one:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19. It
gets thrown on 'insert', 'update' and 'delete' statements.

What is it supposed to mean? At the moment the documentation lacks a
signle word about SQL Exceptions and the error codes they throw.

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[android-developers] Parsing Special Characters with SAX Parser

2009-01-10 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I'm having hard time parsing special characters such as '&' with the
default handler provided in org.xml.sax.helpers.

Basically, the parser reads up to where it encounters '&' and skips
the rest.

I tried escaping the with & and & but none worked. Any ideas?

Thank you!
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[android-developers] Re: Post Bitmap over Http

2009-01-09 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Hi, I added the following code, however, I got an OutOfMemoryError. It
comes from the bos.flush() line... Am I doing it wrong? I

BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
bm.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bos);

try {
} catch (IOException e) {

Thank you!

> bm.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 100, os);
> Note that PNG is lossless and will ignore the 2nd argument.
> Now, the API *could* have a helper method called save(CompressFormat,
> Stream) passing the max quality as a default 2nd parameter but that's
> another story...
> Cheers,
> Stoyan
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[android-developers] Post Bitmap over Http

2009-01-09 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I need to send a bitmap to a server. I've written some code, however,
I got stuck on the part where I need to transform my bitmap into byte
[]. Here is my code:

public void updateBitmap(Bitmap bm){
URL url = null;
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
try {
url = new URL("http://www.myurl.com?";);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
try {
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
} catch (ProtocolException e) {
conn.addRequestProperty("user_id", user.getUsername
conn.addRequestProperty("pass", user.getPassword());
conn.addRequestProperty("id", pinId);

   OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = conn.getOutputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {

// Encode bitmap and flush the os


Could you advice me on how to complete my code? Thank you.
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[android-developers] Help on MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI

2009-01-06 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I'm trying to make a simple gallery by accessing the image content of
the SD card.

My question is how do you make thumbnails of the images so that the
device doesn't run out of memory by loading the images in their
original sizes? I have noticed the MINI_THUMB_MAGIC column in the
database, however, I'm not sure how to use the IDs it contains. Any

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[android-developers] Obtain Uri references of .jpgs in MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI

2009-01-06 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I'm wondering how to obtain Uri references of the images stored on my
SD card. I can access information about them by using
MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, however, I'm not sure
how to obtain a unique reference for each of them.

Could pls you give me any direction?

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[android-developers] Re: Pass state from Activity to Service

2009-01-03 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Thanks, my code works fine now! It was a typo...

On Jan 2, 1:47 pm, "Brad Gies"  wrote:
> You haven't really given enough information for a definitive answer. Are you
> calling the following somewhere?
> public void startService(){
> super.onStart();
> But, I would also put an "if (b != null)" in as the third line to stop the
> next exception.
> Can you post your Stack trace or logcat? It should have enough information
> to figure out what the problem is.
> Sincerely,
> Brad Gies
> -
> Brad Gies
> 27415 Greenfield Rd, # 2,
> Southfield, MI, USA
> 48076www.bgies.com www.truckerphone.comwww.EDI-Easy.com www.pricebunny.com
> -
> Moderation in everything, including abstinence
> -Original Message-
> From: android-developers@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
> mobilek...@googlemail.com
> Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 6:28 AM
> To: Android Developers
> Subject: [android-developers] Re: Pass state from Activity to Service
> Can anyone help me pls?
> On Jan 1, 3:59 pm, "mobilek...@googlemail.com"
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm having hard time working out how to accomplish that. In my
> > activity I call my service as follows:
> > private void startService(){
> >         Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);
> >         Bundle b = new Bundle();
> >         b.putSerializable("userBean", user);
> >         myIntent .putExtra("MainActivity", b);
> >         startService(myIntent );
> > }
> > Than I try to retrieve the state from the onStart(Intent, int) method
> > from my service like that:
> > public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
> >         Bundle b = intent.getBundleExtra("MainActivity");
> >         User user = (User) b.getSerializable("userBean");
> >         Log.i("User Name:", user.getName());
> > }
> > Everytime the service gets called, the compiler throws a
> > NullPointerException from the onStart(Intent, int) method.
> > Pls help!
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[android-developers] Re: Pass state from Activity to Service

2009-01-02 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Can anyone help me pls?

On Jan 1, 3:59 pm, "mobilek...@googlemail.com"
> Hi,
> I'm having hard time working out how to accomplish that. In my
> activity I call my service as follows:
> private void startService(){
>         Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);
>         Bundle b = new Bundle();
>         b.putSerializable("userBean", user);
>         myIntent .putExtra("MainActivity", b);
>         startService(myIntent );
> }
> Than I try to retrieve the state from the onStart(Intent, int) method
> from my service like that:
> public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
>         Bundle b = intent.getBundleExtra("MainActivity");
>         User user = (User) b.getSerializable("userBean");
>         Log.i("User Name:", user.getName());
> }
> Everytime the service gets called, the compiler throws a
> NullPointerException from the onStart(Intent, int) method.
> Pls help!
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[android-developers] Pass state from Activity to Service

2009-01-01 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com


I'm having hard time working out how to accomplish that. In my
activity I call my service as follows:

private void startService(){
Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putSerializable("userBean", user);
myIntent .putExtra("MainActivity", b);
startService(myIntent );

Than I try to retrieve the state from the onStart(Intent, int) method
from my service like that:

public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
Bundle b = intent.getBundleExtra("MainActivity");
User user = (User) b.getSerializable("userBean");
Log.i("User Name:", user.getName());

Everytime the service gets called, the compiler throws a
NullPointerException from the onStart(Intent, int) method.

Pls help!
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[android-developers] Re: GetLastKnownLocation vs. requestLocationUpdates

2008-12-17 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Unfortunately, JSR-179 is not part of Android. I mentioned it filled
with nostalgic for the old days of Java ME when JSR-179 was the the
best alternative to build LBS apps.

Having looked at the android.location pack, the best way to find the
current location seems to me like that:

1. Call LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates()

2. Then in your LocationListener implementation, you would get the new
Location object in the onLocationChanged() method everytime your pre-
specified criteria are met.

3. So if you are only interested in your current location, you would
call LocationManager.removeUpdates() from onLocationChanged(), and do
whatever you want with the Location object.

On Dec 17, 5:10 am, lior  wrote:
> Thanks Mobile Kid,
> So you are using JSR 179 on Andriod? if yes, any sample code you can
> share?
> If I use requestLocationUpdates  does it "wake" the gps if it is
> turned off?
> Thanks,
> Lior

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[android-developers] android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: error code 20

2008-12-16 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Just wondering where I can find a reference of the error codes that
the android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException class returns? Thanks.
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[android-developers] Re: GetLastKnownLocation vs. requestLocationUpdates

2008-12-16 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

I think the API doc is explanatory enough.

public Location  getLastKnownLocation(String provider)
"Returns a Location indicating the data from the last known location
fix obtained from the given provider. This can be done without
starting the provider. Note that this location could be out-of-date,
for example if the device was turned off and moved to another

You get accurate coordinates only if the location provider has been
active. Otherwise, as you move, and the loc provider is off, nothing
will register the location change. You can still make a call for last
known location but it will be inaccurate.

I'm a little disappointed by the LBS API Google has delivered this
time. I find JSR-179 a way better in most situations.

On Dec 16, 5:41 am, lior  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to figure out how these location  methods work behind the
> scenes.
> Per the documentation, it is not clear whether any GPS change of
> location  will notify both our activity (if we requested location
> updates) and register the “LastKnownLocation”. If that is the case
> then using the GetLastKnownLocation() is always the best bet to get
> current location.
> Please share your thoughts,
> Lior
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[android-developers] Re: GetLastKnownLocation vs. requestLocationUpdates

2008-12-16 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

I think the API doc is explanary enough.

public Location  getLastKnownLocation(String provider)
"Returns a Location indicating the data from the last known location
fix obtained from the given provider. This can be done without
starting the provider. Note that this location could be out-of-date,
for example if the device was turned off and moved to another

You get accurate coordinates only if the location provider has been
active. Otherwise, as you move, and the loc provider is off, nothing
will register the location change. You can still make a call for last
known location but it will be inaccurate.

I'm a little disappointed by the LBS API Google has delivered this
time. I find JSR-179 a way better in most situations.

On Dec 16, 5:41 am, lior  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to figure out how these location  methods work behind the
> scenes.
> Per the documentation, it is not clear whether any GPS change of
> location  will notify both our activity (if we requested location
> updates) and register the “LastKnownLocation”. If that is the case
> then using the GetLastKnownLocation() is always the best bet to get
> current location.
> Please share your thoughts,
> Lior
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[android-developers] Re: Versioning and Deploying

2008-12-11 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Thanks! Uh I just knew it that the package name would fix it!

On Dec 11, 9:17 pm, mathiastck  wrote:
> You also need a unique java package for each app.
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[android-developers] Versioning and Deploying

2008-12-11 Thread mobilek...@googlemail.com

Hi, I have several versions of my app, and I'd like to deploy them on
my testing device. To do that I've altered the AndroidManifest.xml's
version code and name. However, everytime when I attempt to install
one of the versions, and have the other onle already installed on the
device, the latter replaces the the one installed. Hence, I can't have
them both on the device. Has anyone come across this issue? How did
you handle it? Thanks.
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