Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-10 Thread charles colbourn
Apologies - I posted this in the wrong place (support requests instead of the 
user mailing list):


I'm trying to retrieve data from my girlfriends broken
A5000. I did a raw bit copy of the IDE drive to a file
(using some DOS utility - the linux kernel was throwing
'lost interrupt' errors when I tried to dd it),
although it complained about a couple of bad sectors.

I've put the raw image in ./arcem, named as HardImage1,
and written this .arcemrc:

MFM disc
1 980 2 17 128

When I try to read the drive it complains that 'Disc
not understood, has it been formatted? error when
reading adfs::4.$'.

Using the cvs version of arcem I get lots of 

seek: cylinder address greater than or equal to configured, 980 >= 980
Read data command exiting due to failed file seek

at the command line, and arcem seems to sit at the 'initialising' screen for 

Could you point me in the right direction (assuming the
image isn't just totally goosed). Oh, I'm running under linux btw,  kernel 



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Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-15 Thread charles colbourn

Subject: Re: Trying to read a raw image file
Date: Friday 14 July 2006 09:47

> So I guess the image you've got may have corruptions.  :-(
I don't mind a little data corruption, as long as I can read the bulk of the 
data from the image.

>980 * 2 * 17 * 128 == 4,264,960 B == 4,165 KiB.  That's quite small.
>What length is HardImage1?

(thumps head on table). Its an image of a Conner CP3044, and it's 42854845 
bytes long. Thanks to a little bit of stupidity on my part, and an oddity in 
the way firefox rendered a  specification page for that drive, I had 
the .arcemrc all wrong. I now have:

MFM disc
1 980 5 17 512

Which I got by getting the right number of heads (!) and then dividing the 
size of the file by the product of 980*5*17 and rounding slightly to get the 
sector size. OK, probably totally wrong, but I've no idea how to get the 
right figure for that value.

That gets me the following error 

-- HDC New command: Data=0x0 - unknown/unimplemented PC=0x38e0028
HDC: Param block contents:  0x1  0x0  0x0  0x0  0x0  0xc  0x0  0x2  0xa9  0xa  
0xd  0xc  0x0  0x0  0x0  0x0 

which sort of looks like progress. arcem crashes at that point. I suspect I 
still don't have the sector size right - could you give me some guidance 
about that?

Incidentally, and totally off topic, I inherited a whole load of Acorn user 
and Acorn computing magazines going back to the mid eighties - about 7 copier 
paper boxes full. Would someone be interested in giving them a home? I 
haven't really got the space for them.

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Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-15 Thread charles colbourn
Hi Ralph, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

On Saturday 15 July 2006 11:30, you wrote:
> That still looks odd.  Literally.  Given it should have a whole number
> of sectors, and sectors always have an even number of bytes, it should
> be an even number of bytes long.  It's 167,401.73828125 * 256 which just
> looks wrong.  What does
> od -c HardImage1 | head
> od -c HardImage1 | tail
> give?

arcem-1.00> od -c HardImage1|head
000  \0  \0  \0  \0   | 213 343 352 354  \f   | 352 020 361 237 345
020 020 361 237 345 020 361 237 345 237  \f 340 352 004 220 375 345
040 001 220 310 344 001 240   Z 342 004 360   ^ 302 004 240 233 345
060 020   Z 343 004 220 234 325  \0  \0   Y 323   p 220 237 325  \0
100 220 331 324   l 220 237 345 001  \0   9 343  \0 005 231 030 020
120 215 210 022 020 255   J 022  \0 005 211 030   X 220 237 025  \0
140 240 231 024 020 255 212 022  \0 240 211 024   D 260 217 345  \0
160 005 233 350 020 215 210 342 020   Z 343  \f 260 240 321   $ 240
200 237 325   $ 240 237 305   ` 240 017 345 020 255 240 343 004 360
220   ^ 302  \0 200 233 344  \b 300 213 342  \0 220 234 344  \0  \0

arcem-1.00> od -c HardImage1|tail
2144500  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X
2144600  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \0   X  \b   X  \b   X
2144620  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X
2144660  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b   X  \b  \0  \0  \0
2144700  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
243364660  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0

> > I now have:
> >
> > MFM disc
> > 1 980 5 17 512
> (Which is 42,649,600.)
> > Which I got by getting the right number of heads (!)
> That doesn't matter AFAICS as it's not a real drive.  I expect the
> emulation requires the various numbers to be within certain ranges, but
> otherwise you're free to pick what you want so the total is correct.
> > That gets me the following error
> >
> > -- HDC New command: Data=0x0 - unknown/unimplemented
> > PC=0x38e0028 HDC: Param block contents:  0x1  0x0  0x0  0x0  0x0  0xc 
> > 0x0  0x2  0xa9  0xa 0xd  0xc  0x0  0x0  0x0  0x0
> > Aborted
> This means the hard disc emulation was given a command by the emulated
> OS, RISC OS?, that it couldn't understand.  PC=0x38e0028 is the memory
> address of the RISC instruction.  This is odd.  What OS are you running
> and at what point does this occur, during boot, when you do something on
> the desktop, etc.

It's SuSE linux 9.2, and it occurs almost immediately - as soon as the RISC OS 
'initializing' splash screen appears.

> > which sort of looks like progress. arcem crashes at that point. I
> > suspect I still don't have the sector size right - could you give me
> > some guidance about that?
> A quick look at the code suggests the valid values are
> cylinders 1..1024
> heads 1..256
> sectors 1..256
> sectorlength 256|512|1024|2048|4096
> but I could be wrong.  That's a maximum of 274,877,906,944 bytes which is
> 268,435,456 KiB, 262,144 MiB, 256 GiB.
> First, find out why your disc image is an odd size.

I'm starting to wonder whether I remembered to binmode the FTP connection when 
I moved the image from the windows box it started on to this machine - a 
quick perl script is in order I think...s/\r\n/\n/; I'll give that a try 
now... nope, same size.

> BTW, do you know about David Boddie's user space ADFS disc image reader?
> ADFSlib.  It handles hard drive ADFS images, not just floppies IIRC.
Just tried that,
./ -l ../IMAGE.000
gives me
Unrecognised disc image: ../IMAGE.000

I get the same thing if I try it against the blank 64mb image from the arcem 
download page.

I may be able to lay my hands on another A5000 in a couple of weeks, so I have 
another potential solution, but it would be nice to be able to set up a host 
filesystem in arcem and copy the data off wholesale. 



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Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-15 Thread charles colbourn
Hi Ralph,

I have Hugo aplenty:

/temp> tr -c Hugo \\n  Hi Charles,
> > arcem-1.00> od -c HardImage1|head
> > 000  \0  \0  \0  \0   | 213 343 352 354  \f   | 352 020 361 237 345
> > 020 020 361 237 345 020 361 237 345 237  \f 340 352 004 220 375 345
> I don't recognise that.  If it's an ADFS image then it should have
> `Hugo', or at least `Nick', IIRC, in it.
> $ tr -c Hugo \\n  10004481:Hugo
> 10006523:Hugo
> $ tr -c Nick \\n  $
> My HardImage1 is an `empty' 20MiB image.  Do you have any Hugo or Nick?
> If not, try strings(1) and see if there's anything that looks like a
> text file contents at all, e.g. a !Boot.  If not, perhaps your hard
> drive ripping program has compressed it rather than giving you a raw
> image.  Or the FTP mucked up.
> > Just tried that,
> > ./ -l ../IMAGE.000
> > gives me
> > Unrecognised disc image: ../IMAGE.000
> >
> > I get the same thing if I try it against the blank 64mb image from the
> > arcem download page.
> OK, I was wrong.  It only handles floppy images.
> Cheers,
> Ralph.

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Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-16 Thread charles colbourn
> For your Hugos above...
>361361 104
>  0361 128
>498859 124
>  0859 148
>314   1173  46
>  0   1173  70
>314   1487  80
>  0   1487 104
>314   1801 132
>  0   1801 156
>314   2115 156
>  0   2115 180
> You always have two in the same sector, always 24 bytes apart.  And the
> first one isn't at an offset of 1.
I saw something in my travels around the net looking for inspiration 
suggesting that ADFS floppies were written tracks before heads. Although 
AFAIK IDE HDD is more encapsulated than floppy (or ST506) and doesn't permit 
the OS to control geometry that way, I'm not certain about that.  I did a bit 
copy using a utility under DOS, so that could have introduced a difference.

> What's
> od -A x -t x1 -j $((1801 * 256)) -N 2048 IMAGE.000
> give?

070900 05 3a 22 c4 13 dd 20 f2 57 72 69 74 65 52 6f 6f
070910 74 44 69 72 22 ce 26 f2 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 5f
070920 70 72 69 6e 74 5f 30 28 22 57 72 69 74 69 6e 67
070930 52 6f 6f 74 44 69 72 22 29 22 d8 09 ea 20 42 46
070940 25 22 e2 27 e3 20 49 25 3d 30 20 b8 20 44 69 72
070950 53 69 7a 65 25 2d 34 20 88 20 34 3a 42 75 66 25
070960 21 49 25 3d 30 3a ed 22 ec 0f e7 20 4e 65 77 4d
070970 61 70 25 20 8c 22 f6 15 20 24 44 69 72 4d 61 72
070980 6b 25 3d 22 48 75 67 6f 22 23 00 05 cc 23 0a 15
070990 20 24 44 69 72 4d 61 72 6b 25 3d 22 48 75 67 6f
0709a0 22 23 14 05 cd 23 1e 14 42 75 66 25 21 31 3d 21
0709b0 44 69 72 4d 61 72 6b 25 23 28 15 42 46 25 3d 42
0709c0 75 66 25 2b 44 69 72 53 69 7a 65 25 23 32 0f e7
0709d0 20 4e 65 77 4d 61 70 25 20 8c 23 3c 1b 20 42 46
0709e0 25 21 2d 33 38 3d 49 6e 64 52 6f 6f 74 44 69 72
0709f0 41 64 64 25 23 46 05 cc 23 50 22 20 42 46 25 21
070a00 2d 33 38 3d 49 6e 64 52 6f 6f 74 44 69 72 41 64
070a10 64 25 20 81 20 26 31 30 30 23 5a 05 cd 23 64 10
070a20 42 46 25 3f 2d 33 35 3d 97 22 24 22 23 6e 10 42
070a30 46 25 3f 2d 31 36 3d 97 22 24 22 23 78 14 42 46
070a40 25 21 2d 35 3d 21 44 69 72 4d 61 72 6b 25 23 82
070a50 0c 63 68 65 63 6b 25 3d 30 23 8c 14 f2 43 68 65
070a60 63 6b 50 75 74 28 21 42 75 66 25 29 23 96 15 f2
070a70 43 68 65 63 6b 50 75 74 28 42 75 66 25 3f 34 29
070a80 23 a0 49 25 3d 42 46 25 2d 34 30 23 aa 0b c8 95
070a90 20 49 25 80 33 23 b4 13 20 f2 43 68 65 63 6b 50
070aa0 75 74 28 3f 49 25 29 23 be 0c 20 49 25 3d 49 25
070ab0 2b 31 23 c8 05 ce 23 d2 0f c8 95 20 49 25 3c 42
070ac0 46 25 2d 34 23 dc 13 20 f2 43 68 65 63 6b 50 75
070ad0 74 28 21 49 25 29 23 e6 0c 20 49 25 3d 49 25 2b
070ae0 34 23 f0 05 ce 23 fa 21 63 68 65 63 6b 25 3d 63
070af0 68 65 63 6b 25 20 82 20 28 63 68 65 63 6b 25 3e
070b00 3e 3e 31 36 29 24 04 27 63 68 65 63 6b 25 3d 28
070b10 63 68 65 63 6b 25 20 82 20 28 63 68 65 63 6b 25
070b20 3e 3e 3e 38 29 29 80 20 26 46 46 24 0e 11 42 46
070b30 25 3f 2d 31 3d 63 68 65 63 6b 25 24 18 2d f2 4d
070b40 6f 61 6e 4f 70 28 57 72 69 74 65 25 2c 52 6f 6f
070b50 74 44 69 72 41 64 64 25 2c 42 75 66 25 2c 44 69
070b60 72 53 69 7a 65 25 29 24 22 05 e1 24 2c 05 3a 24
070b70 36 16 dd 20 a4 4c 6f 67 54 6f 50 68 79 73 28 61
070b80 64 64 25 29 24 40 0a ea 20 70 74 72 25 24 4a 0a
070b90 70 74 72 25 3d 30 24 54 19 c8 95 20 61 64 64 25
070ba0 3e 3d 44 65 66 65 63 74 25 21 70 74 72 25 24 5e
070bb0 10 20 70 74 72 25 3d 70 74 72 25 2b 34 24 68 17
070bc0 20 61 64 64 25 3d 61 64 64 25 2b 53 65 63 53 69
070bd0 7a 65 25 24 72 05 ce 24 7c 09 3d 61 64 64 25 24
070be0 86 05 3a 24 90 04 24 9a 1a dd 20 f2 41 64 64 50
070bf0 68 79 73 44 65 66 65 63 74 28 61 64 64 25 29 24
070c00 a4 18 ea 20 70 74 72 25 2c 70 74 72 32 25 2c 64
070c10 65 66 65 63 74 25 24 ae 1c e7 20 44 65 66 65 63
070c20 74 73 25 3c 4d 61 78 44 65 66 65 63 74 73 25 20
070c30 8c 24 b8 19 20 c8 95 20 44 65 66 65 63 74 25 21
070c40 70 74 72 25 3c 61 64 64 25 24 c2 11 20 20 70 74
070c50 72 25 3d 70 74 72 25 2b 34 24 cc 06 20 ce 24 d6
070c60 19 20 64 65 66 65 63 74 25 3d 44 65 66 65 63 74
070c70 25 21 70 74 72 25 24 e0 15 20 e7 20 64 65 66 65
070c80 63 74 25 3d 61 64 64 25 20 8c 24 ea 28 20 20 f2
070c90 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 5f 70 72 69 6e 74 5f 30 28
070ca0 22 45 78 69 73 74 69 6e 67 44 65 66 65 63 74 22
070cb0 29 24 f4 06 20 cc 24 fe 16 20 20 70 74 72 32 25
070cc0 3d 44 65 66 65 63 74 73 25 2a 34 25 08 14 20 20
070cd0 c8 95 20 70 74 72 32 25 3e 3d 70 74 72 25 25 12
070ce0 26 20 20 20 44 65 66 65 63 74 25 21 28 70 74 72
070cf0 32 25 2b 34 29 3d 44 65 66 65 63 74 25 21 70 74
070d00 72 32 25 25 1c 14 20 20 20 70 74 72 32 25 3d 70
070d10 74 72 32 25 2d 34 25 26 07 20 20 ce 25 30 17 20
070d20 20 44 65 66 65 63 74 25 21 70 74 72 25 3d 61 64
070d30 64 25 25 3a 19 20 20 44 65 66 65 63 74 73 25 3d
070d40 44 65 66 65 63 74 73 25 2b 31 25 44 06 20 cd 25
070d50 4e 05 cc 25 58 27 20 f2 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 5f
070d60 70 72 69 6e 74 5f 30 28 22 46 75 6c 6c 44 65 66
070d70 65 63 74 4c 69 73 74 22 29 25 62 05 cd 25 6c 05
070d80 e1 25 76 05 3a 25 80 04 25 8a 1d dd 20 f2 52 65
070d90 6d 6f 76 65 50 68 79 73 44 65 66 65 63 74 28 61
070da0 64 64 25 29 25 94 18 ea 20 

Fwd: Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-16 Thread charles colbourn
(and again, remembering to cc the mailing list)

> If this is BASIC then it appears either the FTP wasn't in binary mode,
> or an attempt to check or undo FTP translation with Perl failed.  Is the
> original, produced by the DOS program, file available?

Having hastily chucked a relative out of the guest room so I could get at the
machine, I deserve to be liberally smacked around the head and neck with a
cod and dangled from the city gates as a warning to numbskulls. In other
words, the ftp was indeed not in binmode, and my hasty perlscript didn't do
the business.

The newly ftp'd image is 42864640 bytes long - which is even at least.

/temp> tr -c Hugo \\nawk 'END {while (i < 256) {printf "%d %o\n", 
i, i; i++}}'  while read d o; do
> echo $d $(tr -dc \\$o  done
0 42448697
1 5968
2 1478
3 1094
4 1732
5 1880
6 1251
7 1442
8 1158
9 963
10 1862
11 717
12 1230
13 9795
14 5145
15 1644
16 1013
17 644
18 882
19 722
20 828
21 1250

(.. this goes on for ages).




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Re: Fwd: Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-16 Thread charles colbourn
> It's also a whole number of 256 byte sectors, 167,440.  And a whole
> number of KiB, 41,860.
> Ah, but it's a lot more consistent.  It's that program again.  And the
> two Hugos are consistently at offsets 188 and 214 into the 256 byte
> sector.
> I'd have thought you'd have had some Hugo outside that BASIC program
> though.  What if you change *both* Hugos in the pipeline to `Nick'?  Do
> you know what format the hard disc was?  E?  F?  And was there more than
> one partition on it, as was required when bigger hard drives came along.
No Nicks from either I'm afraid. I don't know anything about the 
formatting/partitioning of the drive, because the machine it came out of is 
completely goosed, and the person who set it up is sadly no longer with us.

So I guess I need to find whole number factors of 42864640/256, and try those 
as a set of params in .arcemrc?

> > 10 1862
> You've 1,862 ASCII CRs this time too.
> Cheers,
> Ralph.

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Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-22 Thread charles colbourn
Hi Ralph,

Sorry about the silence - I work away during the week, with limited access to 
my email account.

I had to hack around with the acorn-fdisk source a little, but I managed to 
get it compiled in the end. It reports the following:

Disk ../IMAGE.000: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1024 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   BlocksId  System
../IMAGE.000100   8442080   100  Filecore
../IMAGE.0002   84   84   841   fffe  Unknown type 

So I guess there's an ADFS partition there somewhere.

mount -t adfs ./IMAGE.000 /mnt 

gives me a segfault on the newly ftp'd copy, which I suppose is progress from 
'incorrect fs type'. Any thoughts where I should go from here?



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Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-22 Thread charles colbourn

as requested, here's the extended fdisk output:

Disk ../IMAGE.000: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1024 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   BlocksId  System
../IMAGE.000100   8442080   100  Filecore
../IMAGE.0002   84   84   841   fffe  Unknown type 

Disk ../IMAGE.000: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1024 cylinders
Nr AF  Hd Sec  Cyl  Hd Sec  Cyl   StartSize ID
 0 00   0   00   0   00   0   1 000
 1 00   0   00   7  54   83   0   84160 100
 2 00   7  55   83   7  56   83   84160   2 fffe

I've attached the part.debug file to this email.



On Saturday 22 July 2006 11:45, you wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> > I had to hack around with the acorn-fdisk source a little, but I
> > managed to get it compiled in the end. It reports the following:
> >
> > Disk ../IMAGE.000: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1024 cylinders
> > Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes
> >
> >Device Boot   BeginStart  End   BlocksId  System
> > ../IMAGE.000100   8442080   100  Filecore
> > ../IMAGE.0002   84   84   841   fffe  Unknown
> > type 65534
> >
> > So I guess there's an ADFS partition there somewhere.
> Yes, `Filecore' is an ADFS one.
> Can you hack the source a little more.  Alter fdisk.c's
> print_part_tables() function to have an extra
> `list_table(LIST_EXTENDED_NORMAL);' after the existing list_table():
> static int
> print_part_tables(int nr, const char **parts)
> {
> int i, ret = 1;
> for(i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
> device = parts[i];
> part = part_open(device, dev_part_type);
> if (part) {
> list_table(LIST_NORMAL);
> part = part_close(part);
> ret = 0;
> }
> }
> return ret;
> }
> Then run it again and supply the new output along with /tmp/part.debug
> which will be created.  Here's my output as an example of the new
> section at the end.
> $ ./fdisk -l /tmp/hi
> Disk /tmp/hi: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1024 cylinders
> Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes
>   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks Id   System
> /tmp/hi100   39  19584100  Filecore
> /tmp/hi2   39   39   39  1   fffe 
> Reserved/Free
> Disk /tmp/hi: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 1024 cylinders
> Nr AF  Hd Sec  Cyl  Hd Sec  Cyl   StartSize ID
>  0 00   0   00   0   00   0   1 000
>  1 00   0   00  13  44   38   0   39168 100
>  2 00  13  45   38  13  46   38   39168   2 fffe
> $
> Cheers,
> Ralph.
part_open(dev_name=../IMAGE.000, part_scheme=)
-geometry: [secsz=512, sec/tk=63, hds=16, cyls=1024]
blkio_read(0xbfffec20 0x7 +0x1)
  ret not detected
blkio_read(0xbfffec20 0x0 +0x1)
-icside disc checksum: 00054000
-icside calc checksum: 506209C0
 : 00 00 00 00 7C FF8B FFE3 FFEA FFEC 0C 7C FFEA 10 
FFF1 FF9F FFE5 : |.|.
0010 : 10 FFF1 FF9F FFE5 10 FFF1 FF9F FFE5 FF9F 0C 
0020 : 01 FF90 FFC8 FFE4 01 FFA0 5A FFE2 04 FFF0 5E 
FFC2 04 FFA0 FF9B FFE5 : ..Z...^.
0030 : 10 0D 5A FFE3 04 FF90 FF9C FFD5 00 00 59 FFD3 70 
FF90 FF9F FFD5 : ..Z...Y.p...
0040 : 00 FF90 FFD9 FFD4 6C FF90 FF9F FFE5 01 00 39 
FFE3 00 05 FF99 18 : l.9.
0050 : 10 FF8D FF88 12 10 FFAD 4A 12 00 05 FF89 18 58 FF90 
FF9F 15 : ..J.X...
0060 : 00 FFA0 FF99 14 10 FFAD FF8A 12 00 FFA0 FF89 14 
44 FFB0 FF8F FFE5 : D...
0070 : 00 05 FF9B FFE8 10 FF8D FF88 FFE2 10 0D 5A FFE3 
0C FFB0 FFA0 FFD1 : ..Z.
0080 : 24 FFA0 FF9F FFD5 24 FFA0 FF9F FFC5 60 FFA0 
0F FFE5 10 FFAD FFA0 FFE3 : $...$...`...
0090 : 04 FFF0 5E FFC2 00 FF80 FF9B FFE4 08 FFC0 
FF8B FFE2 00 FF90 FF9C FFE4 : ..^.
00A0 : 00 00 39 FFE3 09 FFC0 FF8C 40 04 FFF0 5E FFE2 10 0D 
00B0 : 20 0D 5A FFE3 00 FFA0 02 03 40 FF8D FF80 01 64 FF99 

Re: Trying to read a raw image file

2006-07-24 Thread charles colbourn
Hi Ralph,

here's the output from the commands you sent.



adfs: module not supported by Novell, setting U taint flag.
ADFS-fs error (device loop0): adfs_checkmap: crosscheck != 0xff
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 
 printing eip:
*pde = 
Oops:  [#1]
Modules linked in: adfs uhci_hcd ehci_hcd ath_pci nvram usbserial parport_pc 
parport cpufreq_userspace speedstep_ich speedstep_lib freq_table thermal 
or fan button battery ac snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_intel8x0 snd_ac97_codec 
nd_pcm snd_timer snd soundcore snd_page_alloc ipv6 af_packet wlan_wep ds edd 
fs joydev sg st sd_mod sr_mod intel_agp agpgart scsi_mod ide_cd cdrom 
noe wlan ath_hal yenta_socket pcmcia_core evdev e100 mii dm_mod usbcore
EIP:0060:[]Tainted:  P  U VLI
EFLAGS: 00010213   (2.6.8-24.24-default SL92_BRANCH-20060721040626) 
EIP is at vsnprintf+0x39/0x510
eax: cca2dca7   ebx: cca2dca8   ecx:    edx: 335d2358
esi: cca2dca8   edi: 0014   ebp:    esp: cca2dc74
ds: 007b   es: 007b   ss: 0068
Process mount (pid: 6544, threadinfo=cca2c000 task=c03dc550)
Stack: c6332934 d0c3c60f d0c3c59d 335d2358 cca2dca8  cca2dca8 d0c3c5ab 
   0014 ce121600 c01d2c5d cca2dd40 d0c3ba33 c03c1800  0046 
    c01089a5 cbbfdc00    c0106cf8 cbbfdc00 
Call Trace:
 [] vsprintf+0xd/0x10
 [] __adfs_error+0x23/0x90 [adfs]
 [] do_IRQ+0xe5/0x120
 [] common_interrupt+0x18/0x20
 [] md_setup_drive+0x16b/0x5c0
 [] sys_fchdir+0x5b/0x80
 [] adfs_calczonecheck+0x2d/0xe0 [adfs]
 [] adfs_checkmap+0x30/0xc0 [adfs]
 [] adfs_read_map+0x1ca/0x200 [adfs]
 [] adfs_fill_super+0x223/0x3a0 [adfs]
 [] snprintf+0x17/0x20
 [] disk_name+0x61/0x70
 [] get_sb_bdev+0xb2/0x110
 [] test_wp_bit+0x0/0x70
 [] adfs_get_sb+0xe/0x20 [adfs]
 [] adfs_fill_super+0x0/0x3a0 [adfs]
 [] do_kern_mount+0x87/0x180
 [] do_new_mount+0x5a/0x90
 [] do_mount+0x172/0x1c0
 [] __alloc_pages+0x13e/0x470
 [] exact_copy_from_user+0x2a/0x60
 [] sys_mount+0x6c/0xc0
 [] sysenter_past_esp+0x52/0x79
Code: 54 24 0c 0f 88 8e 00 00 00 8b 74 24 10 8b 44 24 0c 89 4c 24 14 8d 6c 30 
 89 f0 48 39 c5 73 0b 89 f2 83 cd ff f7 da 89 54 24 0c <80> 39 00 75 1a eb 40 
 ee 77 06 88 06 8b 4c 24 14 46 89 c8 41 

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