Re: [arch-general] Archlinux ISO 2018.06.01 lost rankmirrors

2018-06-01 Thread Eli Schwartz via arch-general
On 06/01/2018 02:28 PM, Óscar García Amor wrote:
> Hi!
> With the split of pacman packagein pacman and pacman-contrib, the
> Archlinux ISO of current month (2018.06.01) lost the rankmirrors.
> I think that the ISO should include the pacman-contrib package because
> the use of rankmirrors is a recommended task in Arch installation.

No it isn't recommended. BTW this was discussed here:

I see no reason to add it to the ISO. If you really need it, install it
to the chroot and run it. But you should probably use reflector instead,
since it can download new mirrors, rank them based on many criteria, etc.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] Archlinux ISO 2018.06.01 lost rankmirrors

2018-06-01 Thread Óscar García Amor

With the split of pacman packagein pacman and pacman-contrib, the
Archlinux ISO of current month (2018.06.01) lost the rankmirrors.

I think that the ISO should include the pacman-contrib package because
the use of rankmirrors is a recommended task in Arch installation.


Óscar García Amor | ogarcia at |

Re: [arch-general] arch-general Digest, Vol 163, Issue 29

2018-06-01 Thread Candy Adkins via arch-general

Hacked acct

From: Guus Snijders 
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 1:50:18 AM
To: General Discusson about Arch Linux
Cc: Candy Adkins
Subject: Re: [arch-general] arch-general Digest, Vol 163, Issue 29

> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit

This was at the bottom of the message you replied to. :)

In general: pay a little attention to where you leave your email address. Just 
because there is a form, doesn't mean you should fill it in and then submit...

Mvg, Guus Snijders

Re: [arch-general] arch-general Digest, Vol 164, Issue 1

2018-06-01 Thread Candy Adkins via arch-general

3 times I sent a unsubscribe my accts are hacjed

From: arch-general  on behalf of 
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 7:00:01 AM
Subject: arch-general Digest, Vol 164, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Set ip lan address /etc/environment (Maykel Franco)
   2. Re: arch-general Digest, Vol 163, Issue 29 (Guus Snijders)
   3. Re: Where can I 'setterm -blank 5 -powerdown 6' as part of
  the boot process/systemd startup? (Guus Snijders)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 08:48:03 +0200
From: Maykel Franco 
To: General Discussion about Arch Linux 
Subject: Re: [arch-general] Set ip lan address /etc/environment

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

2018-05-31 12:01 GMT+02:00 Leonid Isaev via arch-general
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:44:25AM +0100, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
>> Hi Maykel,
>> > I need define variable called ip with current ip address machine...
>> > And when reboot machine, the variable ip always has ip address.
>> Yes, I think we all figured that bit out.  :-)
>> But why;  what's going to be using that IP-address environment variable,
>> and when?
> Indeed. Is it for consumption of users whose shell you don't know? Is it for
> scripts, like cron jobs?
> In the former case, see what is in /etc/shells, and drop a script to
> /etc/profile.d, one for each shell. But that will be for login shells. In the
> latter case, I am afraid you need to define it each time...
> Finally, a bit of a puzzle, what are you going to do when the network goes
> down, i.e. should the variable be unset or updated? In other words, how 
> certain
> are you that the IP address remains unchanged throughout the machine uptime?
> --
> Leonid Isaev

I need this for docker. I have docker services in which I use
variables and I want to pass the always updated ip variable. If the
network goes, it is not a problem, it will always have the same fixed
static ip. But this way I leave docker generalized for any pc.


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 08:50:18 +0200
From: Guus Snijders 
To: General Discusson about Arch Linux 
Cc: Candy Adkins 
Subject: Re: [arch-general] arch-general Digest, Vol 163, Issue 29

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit

This was at the bottom of the message you replied to. :)

In general: pay a little attention to where you leave your email address.
Just because there is a form, doesn't mean you should fill it in and then

Mvg, Guus Snijders


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 09:03:11 +0200
From: Guus Snijders 
To: General Discusson about Arch Linux 
Subject: Re: [arch-general] Where can I 'setterm -blank 5 -powerdown
6' as part of the boot process/systemd startup?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Op do 31 mei 2018 21:39 schreef David C. Rankin <>:

> On 05/26/2018 03:30 AM, Celti Burroughs via arch-general wrote:
> > [Unit]
> > Description=Enable virtual console blanking and poweroff
> >
> > [...]
> I'll give it a try. I installed the service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system
> and then enabled it. (I guess I should create a package for it)

Indeed, either a package or place it in /etc. /usr/lib is managed by
pacman, so custom files there will cause confusion.
Also, systemd has an hierarchy in /etc for exactly this reason...

Mvg, Guus Snijders



Subject: Digest Footer

arch-general mailing list


End of arch-general Digest, Vol 164, Issue 1

Re: [arch-general] IPSET and OUTPUT

2018-06-01 Thread Gioele Falcetti via arch-general
On Fri, 1 Jun 2018, 14:47, 

> Hello,
> I want use ad blocking with iptables so I found ipset which make life
> easier. My question is how it work with Output format?
> iptables -I OUTPUT -m set --match-set adblock src -j REJECT

will this work? I be not really sure and most what found
> about ipset is input.
> Thanks for help
> Silvio

Since you want to block the destination IP, not the source IP, you should

 -A OUTPUT -m set --match-set adblock dst -j REJECT

I usually also add "--reject-with icmp-host-prohibited", that makes the
detection of the blocked host easier:

-A OUTPUT -m set --match-set adblock dst -j REJECT --reject-with


[arch-general] IPSET and OUTPUT

2018-06-01 Thread

I want use ad blocking with iptables so I found ipset which make life
easier. My question is how it work with Output format?

iptables -I OUTPUT -m set --match-set adblock src -j REJECT 

will this work? I be not really sure and most what found
about ipset is input. 

Thanks for help

Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] Where can I 'setterm -blank 5 -powerdown 6' as part of the boot process/systemd startup?

2018-06-01 Thread Guus Snijders via arch-general
Op do 31 mei 2018 21:39 schreef David C. Rankin <>:

> On 05/26/2018 03:30 AM, Celti Burroughs via arch-general wrote:
> > [Unit]
> > Description=Enable virtual console blanking and poweroff
> >
> > [...]
> I'll give it a try. I installed the service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system
> and then enabled it. (I guess I should create a package for it)

Indeed, either a package or place it in /etc. /usr/lib is managed by
pacman, so custom files there will cause confusion.
Also, systemd has an hierarchy in /etc for exactly this reason...

Mvg, Guus Snijders
