Re: [arch-general] BTRFS, Rollback, Grub2

2012-08-20 Thread 1126
On Mon, 20. Aug 13:49, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
>  text added by mvmf mail filter 
>  mvmda: regcomp failed.
>  mvmda: regcomp failed.
>  mvmda: regcomp failed.
>  end of text added by mvmf mail filter 
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 7:53 AM, 1126
>  wrote:
> > Hello List!
> >
> > I can't seem to get rollback-support from mkinitcpio-btrfs to work
> > properly. I've installed ArchLinux more or less like it is shown in the
> > wiki-article btrfs-on-root:
> >
> >
> > I changed it some, because I wanted to install ArchLinux on an
> > encrypted btrfs-root.
> >
> > But my root-partition contains a __snapshot folder and an __active
> > subvolume, but no subvolumes for __home and __usr and such, because I
> > want to be able to make complete snapshots of my system.
> >
> > But when I want to create a snapshot, it asks me where I want to do it,
> > but I can't give __snapshot as target-folder, because it don't exists in
> > my system... ;)
> >
> > So: how should my btrfs-root be mounted in order to be able to make full
> > use of the rollback-feature provided by mkinitcpio-btrfs?
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your help,
> yeah ... someone or something completely botched that page, to where
> it neither reflect the original design goals nor improves upon them.
> far too much noise and pointlessness (like outbound links to FHS ...
> who the @#$% cares?!)
> in short, you need something like this in fstab or equiv:
> /dev/disk/by-label/btrfs-root  /var/lib/btrfs-root  btrfs
> defaults,noatime,subvolid=0  0  0
> ... you need to mount `subvolid=0` or `subvolid=5` (same thing)
> somewhere, and make snapshots from there.  subvolid 5 (for which 0 is
> an alias) is hard-coded to the top-level root.
> maybe try this:

Hey, thanks! I now can create snapshots in __snapshot
(/var/lib/btrfs-root/__snapshot), but I can't use rollback ... Might
this be due to boot with systemd? 

> -- 
> C Anthony

[arch-general] BTRFS, Rollback, Grub2

2012-08-20 Thread 1126
Hello List!

I can't seem to get rollback-support from mkinitcpio-btrfs to work
properly. I've installed ArchLinux more or less like it is shown in the
wiki-article btrfs-on-root:

I changed it some, because I wanted to install ArchLinux on an
encrypted btrfs-root. 

But my root-partition contains a __snapshot folder and an __active
subvolume, but no subvolumes for __home and __usr and such, because I
want to be able to make complete snapshots of my system. 

But when I want to create a snapshot, it asks me where I want to do it,
but I can't give __snapshot as target-folder, because it don't exists in
my system... ;)

So: how should my btrfs-root be mounted in order to be able to make full
use of the rollback-feature provided by mkinitcpio-btrfs?

Thanks in advance for your help,


Re: [arch-general] My end-user $0.02 on /etc/rc.conf splitting.

2012-07-23 Thread 1126
Okay, time to drop my 0.02ยข as well. And I'm pretty sure everything said
here in this mail has been said elsewhere as well, but hey... ;)

ArchLinux tries to be as KISS as possible. That's true. And I think, it
does a pretty good job at that. And switching to systemd with a couple
of config-files instead of one rc.conf might seem like a huge step away
from this principle, but in fact it ain't. 

What is rc.conf used for right now anyway? Most of the settings in the
rc.conf are set during setup and not changed afterwards. I mean, who
changes his locale or his hostname? Then there are deamons, it's really
nice to have an array where you enter a name for a startup service and
this array is used to start services fifo. Great. But as far as I saw,
systemd provides a simple command to add services and the like. And
since it works for services, mountpoints and sockets alike, it provides a good
and coherent way to work with a lot of your system-admin things... I
like that.

So.. in my point of view, it's not such a bad thing that rc.conf gets
replaced by a couple of other files and a nice cli-interface. 

For you this change might be a reason to switch to Fedora, you say. I
mean, seriously? How is it all handled in Fedora then? Well, I don't
now, actually. But I get kinda offended by neglecting the features that
ArchLinux really make the best linux distro out there imho:

- It's a rolling release distro: You only have to carefully do pacman
  -Syu to keep your system up-to-date. I started using Linux with Ubuntu
  and first I really looked forward to a new release, I mean new
  features, new artwork and all that stuff. But distupgrade nearly
  always failed and so I re-installed my system every six months. This
  is not good! With ArchLinux I can spent way more time just using my
  system instead of playing admin.

- It has pacman: Pacman really is KISS. It does its job and it does it
  really, really good. It's fast and quite simple to use and to

- It has PKGBUILD: If you want compile a package due to some patches or
  extra settings (by using ABS) or if you want to install a package that
  is not in the official repos, you have to work with PKGBUILD and
  makepkg. The first being a really nice and easy to grasp file you can
  read and understand and configure to your own desires, the second
  being a tool to download the desired software, take care of
  dependencies and compiling the software. This is just dead-simple and
  great. KISS again, through and through.

- Mentioned a lot of times: the community, the wiki and the mailinglist,
  the channel. All of them are excellent and outstanding. 

Well, That's why I am staying with ArchLinux, that's why I came back
after enjoying Gentoo for quite a while, that's why I recommend it to
people asking me with which Linux they should go. 

Maybe you really switch to Fedora due to rc.conf losing it's job a
little, maybe you just did a great job trolling the list, I'm glad to
write down why I really like ArchLinux :)


On Sun, 22. Jul 06:59, fredbezies wrote:
>  text added by mvmf mail filter 
>  mvmda: regcomp failed.
>  mvmda: regcomp failed.
>  mvmda: regcomp failed.
>  end of text added by mvmf mail filter 
> Hello.
> I've read all the arguments of Tom and Ionut. Here is my own $0.02 on
> it. When I started using archlinux back in end of 2008, the winning
> point was this file. A centralized one where you can set up a lot of
> single options.
> It is *far* simpler to edit /etc/rc.conf to load daemons or modules
> than editing 2 or 3 files.
> "Killing" /etc/rc.conf can't be do so soon. Or you'll see a lot of old
> users moving their on other distributions. For me it will be a one way
> ticket to fedora. And I *do hate* this idea.
> But developpers must know better than users what is the best for the
> distro. Killing /etc/rc.conf ? Why not. But for me, it is more KISS
> oriented than /etc/locale.conf, /etc/vconsole.conf,
> /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf files.
> As I said, it is my $0.02. Excuse my bad english, I'm no really awake !
> -- 
> Frederic Bezies

[arch-general] BTRFS + Rollback + Subvolumes

2012-07-11 Thread 1126
Hello List!

After a few years (like two?) of wandering around, I'm finally back using 
ArchLinux and wonder why I ever went on searching for something better in the 
first place. Feels good to be home..

Well, I installed ArchLinux a while back on my Laptop and switched yesterday to 
using btrfs as my fs for everything except boot, because of everything else 
being encrypted. Okay, I followed the wiki-article "Installing btrfs on root" 
( and everything 
went just fine (it does sometimes). 

So I now have a subvolume __active which represents /, one for home, one for 
and one for var. 

I then wanted to test the rollback-feature presented to me during boot and 
created a snapshot of the subvolume __active. I tried using this during, but it 
obviously fails, because of not having anything in /usr and /var and /home. 

So, my question (yes, finally) is:

Am I missing something or is just not possible to use different subvolumes 
__active, home, usr, var) and being able to rollback your system during boot? 
far as I know btrfs-snapshots are not recursive. So wouldn't it be better 
(being-able-to-rollback-wise) to just have one subvolume so that you can really 
rollback everything in case something went wrong? Or is there a way to combine 
the benefits of having different subvolumes and still being able to rollback 

I hope I am making any sense.. It's still before the first cup of coffee, alas.

Thank you in advance,