Re: [arch-general] Top Posting Revisited

2011-12-16 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 08:20:42PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
> And your email has changed the world and we will not see a repeat of
> this in the future.  Hooray!
> My favourite option is to have someone with admin access to the list
> (e.g. me...) just unsubscribe anyone who top posts.

I am in support for this action. Besides this adds an additional
"feature" to the mailing list. Once one is tired of a mailing list,
instead of unsubscribing via normal ways just sent a top posted reply
to the next email from the list :-)

(Granted using this feature can be a disaster in certain mailing lists
--- for some unexplained reason OpenBSD lists comes in my mind first)


Re: [arch-general] pacman new generation

2011-11-22 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 05:16:27PM +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> The 22/11/11, Piyush P Kurur wrote:

> Notice I'm not the OP show suggested porting pacman to Haskell. I came
> into this thread after the facts and tried hard to make the original
> suggestion as a part of the larger POV in favor of high-level languages.

Writing system managing tools in Haskell is not a bad suggestion at
all. You might have read about Linspire/Freespire which is a debian
based distro having a substantial part written in Haskell (I have not
used it so I dont know how much of a success it was).

> Also, I don't want to flame and rather keep the discussion out of free
> attacks against the current team of developers. I took part of this
> thread only because I've already been faced to pacman limitations in its
> current form.

NixOS uses a radically differnet and, in my opinion, brilliant idea to
support Rollbacks (again I have not used NixOS but have read about
them). It keeps all the packages in a different directory called
/store if I remember right.  Each package is installed in a
directory of its own like 


where the hash will depend on the package source and config options.

This kind of architecture allows lots of interesting stuff like user
installation and secure sharing of installations by users, multiple
versions of the same file, automatic shared library dependency besides
atomic rollbacks of course. Overall it is a very promising idea which
is also working well (I think) in practice. There are drawbacks of
course like large harddisk space for example.

Now how much of this will fit with Arch. Very little. Arch has a very
different structure. Pacman was not written with this kind of a goal.
So I dont see an easy way all this can be achieved with a structure
like Arch.

Having a great package management is only one part of the story, one
still needs the good quality packages. And that is the really hard



Re: [arch-general] pacman new generation

2011-11-22 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 04:53:53PM +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> The 22/11/11, Rodrigo Amorim Bahiense wrote:
> > On 11/22/2011 13:36, Taylor Hedberg wrote:
> > >You can't seriously be suggesting that switching to Haskell would
> > >increase the size of the pacman developer pool.
> Notice I didn't support Haskell. I'm talking about high-level languages
> in general. Not all of these languages are widely used nor very scalable
> for a package manager.

Many here will agree to almost all the points that you raised about
Haskell. However the way the you introdued might have irked some.

Here is how one would go about suggesting such a changes:

"Hi folks I was interested to know whether implementing rollbacks like
NixOS is interesting for people here. Since I feel that C is too low
level as a first step  I am attempting a port of pacman to Haskell.
The code is available under darcs at
Patches are welcome. The current version does nothign but prints
package meta info.



Re: [arch-general] Gnome 3 + KDE 4 are both large disappointments.

2011-04-11 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 05:57:02PM +0800, Auguste Pop wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Oon-Ee Ng  wrote:

> by gmail, do you mean the gmail web interface or the gmail mail
> service? 

The threading is done by the mail client and has nothing to do with the
mail protocol SMTP/IMAP etc.

> i am using the web interface, and has the behavior you depicted for
> gmail. if i use a "real" and "proper" mail client, would it be
> better?

So in this case the mistake is that of gmail webclient. Because:

Have a discussion with someone on say "Bugs in the code".  Now if your
mailer justs looks at subjects to thread then two different mails with
subjects "Bugs in the code" (and their subsequent replies) will be
clubbed which is clearly undesirable.

A real mailer a la mutt for example will thread mails based of
message id's and this will solve this otherwise problem of mind
reading. What is assumed is a bit of consideration from the replier. A
new message should be started as a new message not as a reply to an
old message with a changed subject.



[arch-general] A question regarding lxc

2011-03-31 Thread Piyush P Kurur
Can anyone please tell me whether my understanding of lxc is correct.
Say I have lxc containers foo1, foo2 and bar1, bar2 such that

(1) foo1 and foo2 have seperate file hiearchy and

(2) bar1 and bar2 share /usr /bin/ (i.e. directories where executables
and shared libraries are kept) via read only bind mount.

I would expect that in configuration (2) for common shared libraries,
only one copy would be loaded where as for (1) both will load its own
versions of the shared library even if they are identical otherwise.
Is that correct?

The next question is what is the best way to check this out.



Re: [arch-general] Rail Model font for coders

2011-01-20 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 03:10:19PM -0500,
> > A quick search in google reveals that he spammed it across lists of
> > numerous distributions and others. Must be a religious fanatic or just a
> > troll. *shrugs*
> Meeku:  It's a legitimate Press Release not spam/troll.   There is
> spiritual non-materialistic content in email address and font reasons.

yeah we call those spiritual non-materialistic content SPAM.  SP from
spritual and AM for anti-materialistic.


Re: [arch-general] [*] Re: ssh mutt etc problem

2010-10-18 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:05:51AM -0500, Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227) wrote:
> I'd have to check, but if there was a soname bump on the last update, things
> might not be linked correctly. Does recompiling the affected programs help?

My problem. Everythign seems to be working now. I really dont know what changed
I removed mutt ssh and installed again and it started working.



[arch-general] ssh mutt etc problem

2010-10-18 Thread Piyush P Kurur
Dear Archers,

With the latest pacman -Syu I am getting segfaults with ssh and mutt.
I think the two are related for the following reason

(1) Mutt works alright till it tries to make SSL/TLS connection and then it
seg faults

(2) ssh directly seg faults

I think this has got to do with an update in openssl (both mutt and openssh
depends on this) although the openssl comman itself does not seem to have a 



Re: [arch-general] [*] Re: cdrtools again... yay! - Was: Burning From Command Line

2010-05-26 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:06:36AM -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Allan McRae  wrote:
> > I do not speak for the other Arch developers, but the reason why I will not
> > officially package cdrtools for Arch is you.  My impression of you is that
> > you are very, very annoying and irritating.  If there was a bug report made
> > about the cdrtools package in Arch, then I would have to deal with you.  I
> > do not particularly want to do that, so I will not package cdrtools.  I have
> > heard similar opinions expressed by developers from various other
> > distributions while at Linux meetings, so I am not alone here, even though I
> > might be the only one blunt enough to say it directly.
> I agree. Deficient upstream is a completely valid reason for excluding
> things. i.e. Ion3

I like this thread. Burning CD on command line looks like a long
``burning'' issue.


Re: [arch-general] [*] Re: How to take screenshot of ring switcher ?

2010-04-29 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:41:25PM +0530, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
> On Thursday 29 April 2010 10:10 PM, dave reisner wrote:
> I don't use GNOME (I don't have it installed, switched to KDE completely).
> As far as I have seen, the moment people hear the name 'Linux' it
> reminds them of the console. They think, Linux sucks in GUI
> sometimes even they think it has no GUI. So this is important. Why
> do you think other mainstream distros like Ubuntu and Fedora spend
> so much time on Eye Candy ?

  Wait for their machines to be infected by worms all over which it
will.  Partition their disk and put for them a clean GNU/Linux or BSD
system (Linux if they are into skyping etc). Use XFCE as wm. Not
Gnome/KDE, its too heavy and its slugginess will put people of. 

Few more points

(1) Make sure that auto mounting of devices happen. 
(2) Add icons for things like skype/ekiga/pidgin/firefox etc

No jazzy desktop effects are required.

This strategy had worked wonderfully with people who are not "power"
windoze users (parents, uncles, aunts, in-laws, grand mother
etc). Desktop effects only scare them off. For the power users you
might need compiz and all that. But then after conversion introduce
them to the tiling window manager like xmonad and programms like
screen, firefox + vimperator etc.



[arch-general] A peculiar LDAP setup

2010-04-25 Thread Piyush P Kurur

We have configured a set of machines to authenticate
against an LDAP database. For some machines we do not want the
users to login via their normal shell but some custom program
runs for them. For example if some one tries to login to the
smtp server via ssh, they get authenticated via LDAP but their
default shell fo smtp should be say a program that sets up the
email forwarding. 

More generally is there a way, by mucking around in the pam config
or ldap config to ignore certain fields in the ldap database and
fill it with some default values. Is there a way to achieve this
apart from inelegent ways like copying the ldap database locally
and creating a /etc/passwd file ?

Best Regards


Re: [arch-general] [*] Java and/or MySQL geeks required

2010-04-20 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 05:32:44PM +0530, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
> Hi,
> Please do not consider this another spam message because it is not.
> I am not sending this as an advertisement.
> The project page is located at

  This is great Nilesh. Being an Indian Academic and seeing a whole
lot of stuff that is being passed as ``computer literacy'' in India, I
am glad that there are projects like this. A breath of fresh cool air
in the dusty Kanpur summer.



Re: [arch-general] Debootstrap for Arch?

2010-03-31 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 05:31:31PM -0600, Brendan Long wrote:
> Is there anything similar to debootstrap for Arch? Debootstrap basically
> a command where you give it some options and point it to a partition and
> it installs Debian (or a Debian-based distro) onto it.

You can install packages under a particular directroy using the command

pacman -S pkgname -r /gateway/to/hell

So using that you can actually build a chrooted environment and work
your way up.

Somethign like

$ pacman -S base -r /gateway/to/hell
$ mount -t proc /gateway/to/hell/proc

$ chroot bash /gateway/to/hell
$ complete the installation there.

should work.



Re: [arch-general] [*] Re: Building netboot images

2010-03-08 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 07:32:18PM +0530, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Piyush P Kurur  wrote:
> >

> What I suggest is this -

  I saw the wiki. I am not looking for a diskless boot. We have
here a pxelinux boot loader that allows people to select one of
the distros that we mirror here and install it on their machine
by just connecting to ethernet port here and enabling PXE boot.
One of the images is that of arch.

I definitely *do not* want the following

(1) NFS mounts: I prefer to have all the stuff required for
a netinstall in the initrd image. The actual packages will come
from the local mirror. NFS is unnecessarily compilcated and would
mean I have to also run an NFS server and cannot get away with a
tftp server.

(2) No custom kernel: I don't want a custom kernel. The standard
kernel should be made to work.

Besides I thought this is a good oppurtunity to hack a bit
on image creation process.



[arch-general] Building netboot images

2010-03-07 Thread Piyush P Kurur

I would like to create a (custom) netboot install image of 
archlinux to facilitate installation within our department. I have
few queries regarding the corresponding mkinitcpio.conf.

1. How do I use custom hooks together with standard hooks *without*
   installing them in /lib/initcpio/install. Or in other words can I
   configure mkinitcpio to look for hooks in other locations besides
   the standard locations.

   There are two options that I can think of both of which looks
   ugly to me.

   * install custom hooks in the standard location
 /lib/initcpio/install.  I would don't like this because I don't
 want to mess up the standard directory for testing these hooks.

   * copy all the hooks in the standard location to a new
 location. Install the custom hooks there as well and set the
 mkinitcpio to look at this new location. There does not seem to
 be an option for this, I might be stupid not to spot it, but
 appropriate fakeroot + chroot can make this work

2. I would like to have the minimal set of packages on the netboot image to
   reduce size. The actual installation will be from the local mirror of course
   but some packages are needed to start the process. What is the suggested 
   package set ? Is the whole of base okey or is it an overkill?

3. How does one provide standard packages on the rootdir. I would
   assume the initial ramdisk should act as the actual root during the
   entire installation process (I don't want the NFS mounting mess). 

   The algorithm seems like

   (1) install the appropriate packages via pacman --root /foo

   (2) get the entire subtree on to the initial ramdisk.

   For step 2, I would need to set BINARIES and FILES of
   mkinitcpio.conf appropriately. I would rather enjoy Vogon
   poetry. Is there a better way?



Re: [arch-general] [*] Re: conclusion: Another rant on arch way abuse and false promises

2009-12-02 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 01:54:10AM +0530, Raghavendra Prabhu wrote:
> One thing I don't understand here is - why people crib that package B should
> not have feature X. If you don't want that, ABS is for that. There are
> plenty of packages which have additional dependencies like that mplayer(like
> smbclient) or vlc(hal :) or lua).

I don't think it is about not having a feature X. For example
I think PnP is a worthwhile feature to have. But many do not like
hal/dbus. Again the counter argument is that disabling hal/dbus is
just an additional line in xorg.conf. Point well taken but if we can
compile xorg-server package without hal/dbus enabled and then
whomsoever wants to use hal/dbus make a small change in xorg.conf to
facilitate it (I dont know whether this is possible) I would prefer
such an xorg-server. Again it is purely my preference. Such an
xorg-server, I think will be both ``minimalist'' and ``featurefull''
whatever those terms mean.

> Finally, true anti-desktop is using lynx  or watching mplayer with ascii
> renderer :) , all in virtual terminal(with directfb if required)

  Yes many prefer lynx/w3m/elinks/edbrowse over other webbrowsers. But
saying that anti-desktop means mplayer with ascii is just streatching
it a bit too much. If you use screen + xterm + xmonad then you will, I
hope, see the advantage of not using gnome/kde.



Re: [arch-general] conclusion: Another rant on arch way abuse and false promises

2009-12-02 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 12:03:36PM +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:

>> and may be give it the status that if finally makes to
>> the official Arch repository ? 
> I'm uncertain about how to handle this right now. It would require a 
> mediator for me to contribute to arch as i am incapable of finding common 
> ground. You sound like you are able to do that?

  I am a mere user of Arch and as of now have not contributed in any
way to the Arch system. Dont find myself, a hot headed fundamentalist,
in the role of a mediator.

But you can see your xorg-server-antidesktop into the official
packages. Have a look at the wiki for AUR. It clearly says that
packages start as being in AUR and then finally end up in the official
repository after getting enough support.

I think there are others who would also like to have a non hal/dbus
xorg-servers.  They will support you. But please don't fork Arch. The
issue you pointed out is too minor, at least to me, to justify such a
drastic action.

If there aren't many supporters you AUR package will remain there.
That should also be fine, after all world domination is never a goal
with free software. It is just a side-effect.



Re: [arch-general] conclusion: Another rant on arch way abuse and false promises

2009-12-02 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 11:28:37AM +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:
> Piyush P Kurur wrote:
>> switch from Debian stable on my laptop. It is definitely far better
>> than the monstrosity of Ubuntu or Fedora. I dont know how you find it
>> otherwise.
> err yeah,.. i guess if you have other distros as comparison, arch feels 
> like cake :D

  Okey so you agree that Arch != Ubuntu. Now we have a way forward.

Arvid's reply to me made me search for antidesktop (I did not know
about such a movement) and I find this xorg-server-antidesktop
in AUR. Whatever happended to it I do not know. Arvid can you start
maintainning it and may be give it the status that if finally makes to
the official Arch repository ? You dont have to fork Arch for that.  I
for one would definitely use this instead of the standard xorg-server
with hal/dbus as I have always been a xmonad + xterm + screen user.  I
think there is nothing wrong in having two xorg-server packages
besides anitdesktop sounds so cool.



Re: [arch-general] conclusion: Another rant on arch way abuse and false promises

2009-12-02 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 10:55:22AM +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:
> Thanks to enough input i have learned two things of this thread:
> 1) The problem IS upstream related. Some packages do enable
>dbus when it is available, for the convenience of those users
>who do not understand what dbus is and hence need it.
>Archs philosophy dictates, that if the upstream is retarded,
>so shall be the package. I used this as argument, and i shall
>comply to it equally.
> 2) I am in fact the minority, not those who see linux
>as a free windows copy. Hence i should
> 2.1) stfu and obey the will of the mass
> 2.2) find or found a distro that
>  is not based on the will of the mass
> The combination of 1 and 2 invalidates everything
> i have said in this thread.

I think you are just reading more that what is said. Many
GNU/Linux distros and Arch and Debian in particular are definitely not
free Windows. I run Arch and Debian servers and desktops and have
never install any of the gnome/kde stuff unless asked to on
gunpoint. I use xmonad and share your dislike for hal/dbus. This
however does not justify not having a decent PnP particulary when you
want to install it for non-experts. 

To my eyes Arch has been quite snappy and minimalist, even made me
switch from Debian stable on my laptop. It is definitely far better
than the monstrosity of Ubuntu or Fedora. I dont know how you find it



Re: [arch-general] Another rant on arch way abuse and false promises

2009-12-02 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 10:30:57AM +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:

>> Systems evolve and grow, and the desktop
>> does as well, thankfully.
> And thankfully they grow beyond your gnome/kde world :)

I am curious. What desktop do you use Arvid ? 



Re: [arch-general] MUA

2009-11-17 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 09:09:55PM +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:
> Antony Jepson wrote:
>> On 2009-11-17, Patrick Brisbin wrote:
>>> In gmail's web interface a thread is vertical, sorted by time. However
>>> here in mutt, I can see that I've replied to you in our own little
>>> thread branch.
>> I definitely prefer the proper threading available in Mutt. I often find
>> myself navigating through my email more quickly using Mutt than I do by
>> using Gmail - however, this is probably because I still point and click
>> when using the web interface.
> i WOULD find mutts way perfect, if it actually worked in real live. People 
> NEVER reply on the correct branch, so its sort of useless. you have to 
> crawl the entire tree anyway to find the responses you want to read. On the 
> other hand, gmail thinks conversations never branch, which is just as 
> wrong.
  I think that is not the problem with mutt. I have been using mutt for
some time (about say 5 years). What I think about it is really captured
by the Author's quote:

   All mail clients suck.  This one just sucks less.

Couple of thinks I like about it is 

(1) It works on the terminal (yes this is the most important feature for me)
(2) Fast 
(3) not so difficult to configure
(4) Can use my favorit editor (emacs) while editing.
(5) support for gziped mailbox, encrypted mailbox etc (however not so natura
way of doing it)
(6) Great thread support (some folks seems to disagree)
(7) limiting, searching etc which can be keyboard controlled.

Alipine is also good but I used to hate the pine interface.



Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 06:09:49PM +0100, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
> On 26.10.2009 18:07, Piyush P Kurur wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:40:44AM -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> >   
> In this particular case though, you can just disable hotplugging (see
> Please
> realize that PnP can be a very nice feature for many users.

I have read the wiki and actually changed the xorg.conf to have the
"AutoAddDevice" off.  I am not against PnP, it helps. But I think this
is not the business of xorg. It should be the business of KDE/GNOME or
what not (although I am not sure whether the window manager has
control over such issues). 

One of the (if not the) reason I like Arch and BSDs over say Debian is
the simplicity. The Arch developers have really done a great job
here. I dont want a X server that is overly complicated and kills the
joy of Arch.



Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:40:44AM -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 9:01 AM,   wrote:


> >
> > So please, next time you call something integration, think beyond the
> > bubble. In our little Linux world with limited developer time we need
> > real integration, real solutions and still
> > freedom of choice.
> You read my mind.

Mine too. I got burnt when after one of the xorg updates few months
ago, the mouse and keyboard stopped working. The culprit, xorg
unloading the mouse and keyboard drivers and waiting for hal to send
some signals to load the appropriate drivers. This I think was
ridiculous. Many a time I use X without any windomanager whatsoever
mainly for display boards and such stuff. I dont need any PnP here.



Re: [arch-general] rsync for mirroring

2009-10-03 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Sat, Oct 03, 2009 at 11:54:53AM +0300, wrote:
> I never used rsync before but If I understand correctly :
> rsync hashsums the files in src and dest and checks for file lists . It
> removes and adds files according to the file lists and compares the
> hashsums of existing files . If the hashsum is different , It replaces
> the files in dest with the ones in src .
> Rsync is not a binary delta implementation .

  At least the wikki says rsync *is* a  binary delta implementation. If
only parts of a file is modified then only those parts are sent.



[arch-general] rsync for mirroring

2009-10-02 Thread Piyush P Kurur

I am part of a group of people who run a mirror for some GNU/Linux
distros.  I have a question regarding how rsync works. The question is
prompted by the frequent overloading of rsync mirrors. 

If I am not mistaken the overall idea behind rsync is the following (I
am assuming that dest wants to update form src)

(1) dest computes a signature of the current snapshot of its file
system sends to src.

(2) src goes over the its current snapshot and calculates a delta
(changes) from the signature that dest sends.

(3) src then sends the delta to dest and dest updates.

Although this seems fine for a single source single destination
system, doesint it lead to overloading of src when there are multiple
dest, like in the case of mirroring, src has to compute the delta
which is a time consuming process.

Alternatively if the src can do the delta computation once and for all
then it will improve the efficiency a lot. One can imagine that a
destination mirror can keep track of a snapshot time when it last
synced and send the src just this. src keeps track of all the deltas,
somewhat like rdiff-backup and then sends the dest all the deltas that
will get it uptodate.



[arch-general] TeXLive problems

2009-10-02 Thread Piyush P Kurur
I am having problems with the texlive package. I tried to install
the package texlive-most and here is the error that pacman throws

/usr/share/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/amsrefs/amsj.bib exists in both 'texlive-core' 
and 'texlive-bibtexextra'
/usr/share/texmf-dist/bibtex/bst/amsrefs/amsra.bst exists in both 
'texlive-core' and 'texlive-bibtexextra'

[many similar lines]

Looks like ams packages have got into bot texlive-core and
texlive-latexextra. File a bug report ?



Re: [arch-general] archlinux on old hardware

2009-09-18 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:39:28AM -0400, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
> On 09/18/2009 11:17 AM, Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:
>> * forget about XDM/GDM/KDM and use startx, or a direct autologin from 
>> /etc/inittab!
> Or use qingy.
> DR

or xmonad


Re: [arch-general] [*] Re: LaTeX problems ?

2009-08-31 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 03:57:26PM +0200, Jan Spakula wrote:
> Excerpts from Christian Himpel's message of Mo Aug 31 15:32:48 +0200 2009:
> > On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 15:22, Jan Spakula wrote:
> > > Excerpts from Piyush P Kurur's message of Mo Aug 31 14:48:03 +0200 2009:
> > > It's possibly the issue that's come up on the forums:
> > > if you get something like:
> > > ---
> > > This is TeX, Version 
> > > Fatal format file error; I'm stymied
> > > ---
> > > then you need to run 'updmap --all' (as the user you get this error with).
> > > Alternatively, you can delete the user's local texlive generated formats 
> > > 'rm
> > > ~/.texlive/texmf-var/web2c/*.fmt' (then the system-wide generated formats
> > > will be used, and they do get regenerated automatically on upgrade).
> > 
> > i think it's 'fmtutil --all' instead of 'updmap --all'.
> > you could also run 'fmtutil-sys --all' as root to recreate the
> > system-wide format files.
> Eh, of course it's fmtutil. Sorry.
> However the point is that 'fmtutil-sys --all' *does* get run automatically on
> texlive upgrade, but if the user has generated the formats themselves at some
> point, these formats are preferred by texlive regardless of system changes.
> So the user need to regenerate or delete the local format files.
> ~

A big thank you. the fmtutil-sys --all did the trick as I had no
local packages. Somehow this is not run with the texlive update for me.



Re: [arch-general] LaTeX problems ?

2009-08-31 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:39:38PM +0200, Firmicus wrote:
> Jan Spakula a écrit :
> > Excerpts from Piyush P Kurur's message of Mo Aug 31 14:48:03 +0200 2009:
> >   
> >> complaint was that they are not in the correct format. So I guess
> >> the following needs to be done. 
> >>
> >> 1) Add libpoppler as a dependency to latex
> >> 
> >
> > you are right about this.
> >   
> yeap, my bad. I'll fix this. sorry.
> note that libpoppler should be a dep of "texlive-bin", not "latex".

Thanks. Are you the maintainer of this package ? Should I file a
bug report ?

Best Regards


[arch-general] LaTeX problems ?

2009-08-31 Thread Piyush P Kurur

latex which was fine till last update is having an unmet
libpoppler dependency. When I tried to install libpoppler then the
complaint was that they are not in the correct format. So I guess
the following needs to be done. 

1) Add libpoppler as a dependency to latex
2) recompile libpoppler with latest gcc which ever it is.

I can file a bug report but since the server is down I will wait.
Meanwhile did any one else also notice this problem ?



Re: [arch-general] [*] Re: In defense of pacman.static

2009-08-06 Thread Piyush P Kurur
On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 07:12:55PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
> ludovic coues wrote:
>> It's a problem with the default pacman.conf I suppose.
>> By default, pacman is configured to upgrade itself first. If he have upgrade
>> itself, but forget to bring dependencies with it, it's a shame.
>> I think this is a bug with the FirstSync option in pacman.conf
> Its not actually...  it is a bug with pacman's deps.  It requires 
> libarchive>=2.7.0-2 and not just 2.7.0
> Allan

Do I report this bug ?



[arch-general] In defense of pacman.static

2009-08-05 Thread Piyush P Kurur

This is my first posting on Arch-general. I am one
of the recent converts to the Arch religion from the Debian 

I am writing this in defense of the pacman.static package from
archlinuxfr site. I have been running for Arch on a server, a 
laptop and an eeepc box for a while. The server and laptop
were updated almost regularly may be once every 3 days where as
the eeepc was not upgraded for about 2 months.

So I hit pacman -Syu on eeepc and it first asked to install the
new pacman version. I went ahead and then with the new pacman
I had a problem. It would just not run as a shared library 
was missing. I was stuck. One way was to reinstall the thing
again, I hate this. The other solution which I now describe
might be known but still it might be interesting if you get
stuck in a similar situation.

Imagin that you are install Arch linux sitting in another
distro. You would have started with installing the pacman.static
package first and then syncing the packages into the directory
which will be your new arch root.

Something like

$ mount /dev/sda2 /media/target
$ # copy the mirror list and pacman.conf in the appropriate place
$ pacman.static --root /media/target -Sy base

Now that you are already in Arch all you have to do is the last line.
In my case I just had to install the xz-utils package absense of which
was creating the problem.

$ pacman.static -S xz-utils 

The pacman upgrade some how did not install this package. I guess this
is a bug. After that the pacman started working fine and I did the

$ pacman -Syu 

Note. This might be a problem with my pacman.conf. I probably had to
install things in the right order. 

