Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Do you know how to code?I also need a coder Jxter well python is a good language and I have written a four line code and I think it is easy than BGT However I never tried pure basic I have read a book on pure basic and the book was the crap one. Thanks in advanceIshan


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thggamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Hello.I think that the best language for writing audio games is BGT.Why? It generates very small executables, it contains all the functionsyou'll need out-of-the-box and is simple to learn.Python and PureBasic, on another hand, are general-purpose programming languages.This means that you can create anything you want with them, but they contain only the basic tools to code the applications.I think that you should try to code some offline games first.Not will They give you more experience in writing code, with them you'lllearn the architecture of an audiogame and become proficient with the language you chose.And most importantly, don't worry if you make misstakes. They are thebest ways to learn and improve.Of course, that is only my oppinion.While BGT is good for audiogame programming, Python and Purebasic can begood to create very wide types of applications.Hope this helps.


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

@thggamer I have to make 1 small correction. BGT generates very large executables because Phillip ahs statically linked all of the libraries he's using, and it always includes every library in a compiled executable even if it's used or not. So a BGT application will be 800 KB in size minimum. A pure basic app will be 7 or 8 times smaller.Now as far as specificaly comparing PB and python, they will both over all let you do much more than BGT. Pure Basic will probably give you a smaller learning curve, as all the tools you will need to make games (sound, input and networking) are included and at least on Windows have comparable functionality to BGT's Python will require more learning, but it's free unlike PB, has more community support and you can use libraries like libaudioverse with it.


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

in which language is easier with the network?


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chpross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Hi,i am a python / c++ programmer. I tried do games in bgt, but I haven't write in pb.bgt, is a good begin, when do you want to do little thinks and when you want to got quick results.When you learn bgt, you can write very quick the thinks, what do you want.But, python is a very easy language, it is portable, this means the games can work on windows, linux and mac os.The language is very easy to understand and very quick in the running program.You can try thinks with the interpreter and it exist many packages for different thinks.Whit python you can do most of all, what do you need, physic, 3d sound, network and so on.For the beginning with python, i recoment you, use pygame or pyaudiogame.When you wrote your first realy projects, you can collect experince and can work with the language.When you are on a point, where you can say, that pygame can't do, what do you want, then use panda3d for very complex or pygle
 et.With bgt, you can do thinks, but not all of them, I don't like limits for me, I want a language where I can do what I want...:-)Whatever, for each language it exist many users here, who can help you.When you need help, ask!


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

The thing to keep in mind is that all programming language share certain similarities, so learning one language can help you better understand and learn others. Whats important is to choose a language that you feel comfortable with. In time you will likely end up learning other languages and go from there.As for networking, I not sure there's any particular language where networking would be considered "easy". In many cases networking could be considered a form of advanced programming as you should already have a grasp of the fundamentals before attempting it, the reason for this has more to do with the inherent problems with communicating securely and reliably between two computers more than it does with any particular language. Put simply, its much harder to suss out networking problems like Floating Point Determinism, Network Stability, and Communication Protocols when you don't even understand the language such problems are framed in. Focus on learni
 ng a language first, then start thinking about networking.As i've suggested to others, I would recommend Python as its well documented, versatile, and easy to pick up. It does also have various network solutions and API's that you can look into as you become more familiar with it.You can download Python here: Python 2.7.11And check out the guide book Learn Python The Hard Way which can help you learn and familiarize you with the language by providing useful information and questions and problems for you to solve.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

The thing to keep in mind is that all programming language share certain similarities, so learning one language can help you better understand and learn others. Whats important is to choose a language that you feel comfortable with. In time you will likely end up learning other languages and go from there.As for networking, I not sure there's any particular language where networking would be considered "easy". In many cases networking could be considered a form of advanced programming as you should already have a grasp of the fundamentals before attempting it, the reason for this has more to do with the inherent problems with communicating securely and reliably between two computers more than it does with any particular language. Put simply, its much harder to suss out networking problems like Floating Point Determinism, Network Stability, and Communication Protocols when you don't even understand the language such problems are framed in. Focus on learni
 ng a language first, then start thinking about networking.As i've suggested to others, I would recommend Python as its well documented, versatile, and easy to pick up. It does also have various network solutions and API's that you can look into as you become more familiar with it.You can download Python here: Python 2.7.11And check out the guide book Learn Python The Hard Way which can help you learn and familiarize you with the language by providing useful information, questions, and problems for you to solve.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

The thing to keep in mind is that all programming languages share certain similarities, so learning one language can help you better understand and learn others. Whats important is to choose a language that you feel comfortable with. In time you will likely end up learning other languages and go from there.As for networking, I not sure there's any particular language where networking would be considered "easy". In many cases networking could be considered a form of advanced programming as you should already have a grasp of the fundamentals before attempting it, the reason for this has more to do with the inherent problems with communicating securely and reliably between two computers more than it does with any particular language. Put simply, its much harder to suss out networking problems like Floating Point Determinism, Network Stability, and Communication Protocols when you don't even understand the language such problems are framed in. Focus on learn
 ing a language first, then start thinking about networking.As i've suggested to others, I would recommend Python as its well documented, versatile, and easy to pick up. It does also have various network solutions and API's that you can look into as you become more familiar with it.You can download Python here: Python 2.7.11And check out the guide book Learn Python The Hard Way which can help you learn and familiarize you with the language by providing useful information, questions, and problems for you to solve.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

I know the basics of Python.I am now interested in a particular solution to create sidescroller, and 3D shooters.BGT is not The game is intended for programming online games. Because I need to select or PureBasic, or Python. Since this is a simple programming language. I do not like complexity.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Complexity is unfortunately an unavoidable occupational hazard of programmers, but if you already understand some amount of Python then I will skip ahead and suggest some API's you may find useful.Pyglet has a number of built in audio functions and can handle wav files by default, you can also install AvBin to help load other audio formats like MP3's or OGG, but its been known to be quite tempermental. Pyglet also has bindings for OpenAL which can also handle 3D positional audio, I have some example scripts that demonstrate how to use them in my repository over here.There's also PyAL, which is a more basic OpenAL API that doesn't handle graphics, keyboard, or mouse input the way Pyglet does. The examples in my respository are compatible with i
 t however. Then there's Pyttsx which you can use for TTS speech.For networking, you can use Twisted Matrix, it has a number of dependancies like Zope.Interface and PyWin32 you'll also need to install along side it however. It may be worth noting that much of my current networking experience is with Twisted Matrix integrated with Pyglet. You could also look into Pythons built in Sockets here and here. There are various tutorials and guides scattered about, and you could also try to find a copy of the book: Foundations of Python Network Programming, to help you along.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Complexity is unfortunately an unavoidable occupational hazard of programmers, but if you already understand some amount of Python then I will skip ahead and suggest some API's you may find useful.Pyglet has a number of built in audio functions and can handle wav files by default, you can also install AvBin to help load other audio formats like MP3's or OGG, but its been known to be quite tempermental. Pyglet also has bindings for OpenAL which can also handle 3D positional audio, I have some example scripts that demonstrate how to use them in my repository over here.There's also PyAL, which is a more basic OpenAL API that doesn't handle graphics, keyboard, or mouse input the way Pyglet does. The examples in my respository are compatible with i
 t however. Then there's Pyttsx which you can use for TTS speech. You could also look into PyGame, which has many of the capabilities of Pyglet.For networking, you can use Twisted Matrix, it has a number of dependancies like Zope.Interface and PyWin32 you'll also need to install along side it however. It may be worth noting that much of my current networking experience is with Twisted Matrix integrated with Pyglet. You could also look into Pythons built in Sockets here and here. There are various tutorials and guides scattered about, and you could also try to find a copy of the book: Foundations of Python Network Programming, to help you along.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

can someone give examples using pyglet, pyaudiogame, pyall, pygame?


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Here is a basic Pyglet script demonstrating keyboard input, creating a window, loading, and playing a sound:import pyglet

#open a 640x480 window to display images and capture input.
window = pyglet.window.Window(640,480)

#load a sound
sound ='test.wav',streaming=False)

#capture key presses
def on_key_press(symbol,modifiers):
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.SPACE:
print "Space Bar pressed"

#if press enter, play sound
elif symbol == pyglet.window.key.ENTER:
print "Playing sound"

#capture key releases
def on_key_release(symbol,modifiers):
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.SPACE:
print "Space Bar released"

#draw images to the window
def on_draw():

#start event loop OpenAL 3D audio examples in my repository are self contained and load wav files, to use them with pyglet or pyal, just comment and uncomment the required imports at the start of the script.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Thank you!I still have questions:I know the basics of Python. The variables, conditions, loops, lists. Working with libraries. But some things in your code, I can not understand.[ a-t ] window.eventWhat is it and why you need the [ a-t ] sign?def on_key_presseddef on_key_releasedwhere these functions are called?Where can I read?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

You can find a programing guide and Pyglet's documentation here in Pyglets repository. The [ a-t ] window.event is a pyglet function to check for a system event in the window, such as a key press or something being drawn to the screen, which then triggers the functions beneath the [ a-t ] window.event, such as on_key_press and on_key_release. Its not entirely necessary to write the code like that, but that was just an example.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

You can find a programing guide and Pyglet's documentation here in Pyglets repository. The [ a-t ] window.event is a pyglet function to check for a system event in the window, such as a key press or something being drawn to the screen, which then triggers the functions beneath the [ a-t ] window.event, such as on_key_press and on_key_release. Its not entirely necessary to use window.event, but that was just an example.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Why do I need the [ a-t ] sign?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

The [ a-t ] sign is part of how you set event handlers in Pyglet as discussed here in the documentation, though I rarely write code this way. For reference, here is another example not using such event handlers by sub-classing pyglets window class.import pyglet

#sub class of window
class Example(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self):
#have window sub-class call itself to set parameters
super(Example, self).__init__(640, 480, resizable=False, fullscreen=False, caption="Test")

#have pyglet repeatedly call our update function every 0.2 seconds
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, .02)

#main update loop
def update(self,dt):

#draw screen
def draw(self):

#capture key presses
def on_key_press(self,symbol,modifiers):
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.SPACE:
print 'space pressed'

#press escape to close program
elif symbol == pyglet.window.key.ESCAPE:

#capture key releases
def on_key_release(self,symbol,modifiers):
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.SPACE:
print 'space released'

#load custom window class
window = Example()


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

I think that it would be easier to PureBasic.


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

someone has examples sidescroller on PureBasic or python?


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hrvoje via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Hello,When I decided to dive into programming more seriously, I've chose Python. It has many libraries and you can do a lot with it, including gaming and there are more gaming libraries and more audio libraries you can choose from. Python also has easy to read code, and comparing to PB, Python is freeware. Honestly although I've purchased PB, I haven't made any game with it yet, but that's just because I'm more familiar with coding in Python. In my case, BGT was not so easy to learn for me like Python was.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hrvoje via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

jonikster wrote:someone has examples sidescroller on PureBasic or python?I'm currently writing side scroller in Python with Pyglet, accessible_output2 and sound_lib. I'll probably post tutorial once I complete enough basic stuff.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

To contact you via Skype or email?I would like to talk about Python with you personally.


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hrvoje via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

My email is My Skype is hrvojekatic. though you will need to introduce yourself in the introductory message since I don't accept people who I don't know.


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

I have now interested in what programming language you need to write less code. on PureBasic or Python


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Hi,I'd recommend PureBASIC if you want a lot of functionality that's hard to find anywhere else (accept Python, which owns by comparison). I'd recommend Python if you want text processing services, binary data services, unusual data types, numeric and mathematical modules, functional programming modules, file and directory access, data persistence, data compression and archiving, file formats, cryptographic services, generic operating system services, concurrent execution, interprocess communication (IPC) and networking, internet data handling, structured markup processing, internet protocols and support, multimedia services, internationalization, program frameworks, graphical user interfaces (GUIs), development tools and libraries, debugging and profiling, software packaging and distribution, python runtime services, the ability to create your own custom python interpreters (within python itself), advanced module importers, python language services, miscellan
 eous services, Microsoft Windows specific services, Unix specific services, the ability to load antiquated and/or archaic modules, the ability to use undocumented modules, and the ability to embed and extend the interpreter, all built-in into the interpreter. PureBASIC has a lot of things that are unnecessary, but can be useful only at certain times.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Tell me what I need if I want to create sidescrollers, next 3d shooters?I am wondering where I have to write less code.I do not like complexity.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thggamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

If you don't like complexity it will be hard to create a 3d shooter.These types of games require a high knowledge of math for creatingeven the most basic things.A side scroller is easier, but even with that, you'll need to write thegame's engine and the game itself.Purebasic, Python and BGT only provide the building blocks for doing that.The rest you need to code with the tools that the language provides.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

in bgt no calculations.But what about the engines OpenAl, Bass?


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Jonikster, you need to understand that BGT, indeed, does have and does use mathematics. Do you know why colleges around the world require that you know your math really well before they will even allow you to join a computer science class? It's because everything you do requires math. Every single program that you right (except, perhaps, the simplest programs that just do input and output) require some form of mathematics, whether it be number base conversion, game point calculations, etc. Hell, even bitwise operations uses math!Have you ever seen something like the following?(This program contains a routine to perform a bitwise AND, OR, and XOR on two integers, a bitwise NOT on the first integer, a left shift, right shift, right arithmetic shift, left rotate, and right rotate. All shifts and rotates are done on the first integer with a shift/rotate amount of the second integer.)PureBASIC style:Procedure Bitwise(a, b)  Debug  a & b      ; And  Debug a | b       ;Or  Debug a ! b       ; XOr  Debug ~a          ;Not  Debug a << b      ; shift left  Debug a >> b      ; arithmetic shift right  ; Logical shift right and rotates are not available  ; You can of use inline ASM to achieve this:  Define Temp  ; logical shift rightEnableAsm  !mov edx, dword [p.v_a]  !mov ecx, dword [p.v_b]  !shr edx, cl  !mov dword [p.v_Temp], edx  Debug Temp  ; rotate left  !mov edx, dword [p.v_a]  !mov ecx, dword [p.v_b]  !rol edx, cl  !mov dword [p.v_Temp], edx  Debug Temp  ; rotate right  !mov edx, dword [p.v_a]  !mov ecx, dword [p.v_b]  !ror edx, cl  !mov dword [p.v_Temp], edx  Debug TempDisableAsmEndProcedureAnd here's that same program, in Python 2.x:def bitwise(a, b):        print 'a and b:', a & b        print 'a or b:', a | b        print 'a xor b:', a ^ b        print 'not a:', ~a        print 'a << b:', a << b # left shift        print 'a >> b:', a >> b # arithmetic right shiftHere's Python 3.x style:Python does not have built in rotate or logical right shift operations. Note: Newer Python versions (circa 2.4?) will automatically promote integers into "long integers" (arbitrary length, bounded by available memory). This can be noticed especially when using left shift operations. When using bitwise operations one usually wants to keep these bounded to specific sizes such as 8, 16, 32 or 64 bit widths. To do these we use the AND operator with specific values (bitmasks). For example: # 8-bit bounded shift:x = x << n & 0xff# ditto for 16 bit:x = x << n & 0x# ... and 32-bit:x = x << n & 0x# ... and 64-bit:x = x << n & 0xWe can easily implement our own rotation functions. For left rotations this is down by ORing the left shifted and masked lower bits against the right shifted upper bits. For right rotations we perform the converse operations, ORing a set of right shifted lower bits against the appropriate number of left shifted upper bits. def bitstr(n, width=None):   """return the binary representation of n as a string and      optionally zero-fill (pad) it to a given length   """   result = list()   while n:      result.append(str(n%2))      n = int(n/2)   if (width is not None) and len(result) < width:      result.extend(['0'] * (width - len(result)))   result.reverse()   return ''.join(result) def mask(n):   """Return a bitmask of length n (suitable for masking against an      int to coerce the size to a given length)   """   if n >= 0:       return 2**n - 1   else:       return 0 def rol(n, rotations=1, width=8):    """Return a given number of bitwise left rotations of an integer n,       for a given bit field width.    """    rotations %= width    if rotations < 1:        return n    n &= mask(width) ## Should it be an error to truncate here?    return ((n << rotations) & mask(width)) | (n >> (width - rotations)) def ror(n, rotations=1, width=8):    """Return a given number of bitwise right rotations of an integer n,       for a given bit field width.    """    rotations %= width    if rotations < 1:        return n    n &= mask(width)    return (n >> rotations) | ((n << (width - rotations)) & mask(width))In this example we show a relatively straightforward function for converting integers into strings of bits, and another simple mask() function to create arbitrary lengths of bits against which we perform our masking operations. Also note that the implementation of these functions defaults to single bit rotations of 8-bit bytes. Additional arguments can be used to over-ride these defaults. Any case where the number of rotations modulo the width is zero represents a rotation of all bits back to their start

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Why mathematics in sound games? It is necessary, if I have developed using DirectSound.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

In general I am satisfied with BGT. But I'm interested in programming online games. And as I know, easier to write games on Python.


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

@jonikster, to your post 28, as I said, mathematics are required in everything in computer science. As for post 29, BGT's network object is really screwy and unreliable. It causes more issues than it's worth. Just go with Python. I'd prefer it to something like this anyways.


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Re: Python or PureBasic

2016-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python or PureBasic

Why this?Crazy Party runs fine and it uses BGT network functions. It works fine for me.PureBasic also has pretty competent network functionality built in.Don't ask people for advice regarding this, you will always get a million and one answers. If you want to use PureBasic, use PureBasic. Nothing's stopping you. Same goes for Python or BGT or whatever. As long as it works, who cares what it's written in? We most likely won't see the code either way, so why would it bother us?I'll now go back to developing my first person multiplayer RPG in AutoHotkey. Please forgive me.


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