[aur-general] Merge nicotine-plus-svn under *git

2013-08-17 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello I am nicotine-plus-svn[1] and it's git version[2], because the source
has changed from svn to git, so, could you please merge the first on the
second one? thanks

[aur-general] 4th PKGBUILD help

2013-08-19 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello I'm trying to solve some problems on the 4th’s PKGBUILD because the one 
I have already uploaded doesn’t build aswell. I think it’s all right but when 
it compiles it fails on the package() function. Here are the PKGBUILD[1], and 
two patches[2][3] I’m using as source:

[1] http://pastebin.com/NgDGazt2
[2] http://pastebin.com/ewNSynCd -> Makefile.patch
[3] http://pastebin.com/jdCaXeWu -> Makefile.UNX.patch

The problem is that “make DESTDIR=”$pkgdir” install” doesn’t install on 
$pkgdir, at least when I try to compile it with makepkg.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [aur-general] 4th PKGBUILD help

2013-08-19 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013 22:56:12 Chris Sakalis escribió:
> Hello,
> the reason DESTDIR does not work is because the Makefiles do not use
> such a variable when copying/installing files. Just copy the files
> yourself in the PKGBUILD, they are but a few.
> Regards,
> Chris Sakalis

Thanks Chris, I’ll try with a patch for Makefile to avoid texting so much, or 
simply install it manually.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[aur-general] gee-1.0 and valac-0.8

2013-08-19 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, I need those two packages for the package Abraca[1], but I don’t know 
which packages are on archlinux repositories. I think gee-1.0 could be 
libgee06 because the configuration log[2] says it must be over 0.6 version

[1] http://abraca.github.io/Abraca/
[2] http://pastebin.com/vMWNJGi5

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[aur-general] Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-07 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, I've been looking for a manga downloader in AUR repository, but I
didn't find the one I wanted, so I tried to make the package by myself and
upload it (http://code.google.com/p/linux-manga-downloader/).
There are just .deb and .rpm packages, but I extracted the package and
tried to make the installation mannualy, to see what should the 'build' do,
but I'm unable to install it, because what comes in the package are shell
scripts, the launcher and nothing else usefull... so I would like someone
to help me to make the PKGBUILD to install the program and upload it to aur.

Thanks in advance

[aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-08 Thread Jorge Barroso
Thanks Jesse :) I've already installed it on my PC and it works, so I've
started making the PKGBUILD with your help and the steps I did. I've wrote
all the information, and by now that's what I have:

# Maintainer: Jorge 

pkgdesc="A manga downloader for linux, it allows fownloads from many
English and Spanish websites"
depends=('libnotify' 'gtkdialog' 'wget' 'lynx' 'zenity')

   --Well, about the build, I'm not sure (0% sure) but I think
it could be something like that:

cd "$srcdir/$pkgname_$pkgver/usr/local/bin"
chmod +x 4chan
chmod +x animea
chmod +x danboru
chmod +x futahentai
chmod +x ge-2
chmod +x lmd
chmod +x lmd-fu
chmod +x mangafox
chmod +x mangareader
chmod +x mangashare
chmod +x mcanime
chmod +x pown
chmod +x submanga
chmod +x zerochan

cp 4chan /usr/local/bin/4chan
cp animea /usr/local/bin/animea
cp danboru /usr/local/bin/danboru
cp futahentai /usr/local/bin/futahentai
cp ge-2  /usr/local/bin/ge-2
cp lmd /usr/local/bin/lmd
cp lmd-fu /usr/local/bin/lmd-fu
cp mangafox /usr/local/bin/mangafox
cp mangareader /usr/local/bin/mangareader
cp mangashare /usr/local/bin/mangashare
cp mcanime /usr/local/bin/mcanime
cp pown /usr/local/bin/pown
cp submanga /usr/local/bin/submanga
cp zerochan /usr/local/bin/zerochan

and well... the same with the /usr/share directories. I've although thought
writing that on an install script, but then I don't know what to write on

I think that I shouldn't write directly /usr/local/bin, but I don't know
the "$variable" name of the directories...

Thanks again jesse, and hope someone helps me to finish with that first
package ;)

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: :Re Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-08 Thread Jorge Barroso
Thanks to both you two Jesse and Chris, I won't copy the both replies here
to make the message shorter. I did at first what Chris told me about the
install option, I liked it, but, at least BY NOW, I'll use the chmod/copy
combination, because I'm not new, but I know less things than that I
thought, and I would like to learn little by little. Respect to Jesse's
message, I did it with your help, correcting some little details and I
think now it's correct :D I would like a little introduccion to "sed"
option, because I didn't know it, not a lot, but, as "cp" copies a
directory on another one, what makes "sed"? :) Thanks for your help, and
this is my PKGBUILD by now, hope it's correct ;)

# Maintainer: Your Name 
pkgdesc="A manga downloader for many English and Spanish websites"
depends=('libnotify' 'gtkdialog' 'wget' 'lynx' 'zenity')

package() {
cd "${srcdir}"

tar -xfzv data.tar.gz
mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/"
cp -r "${srcdir}/./usr/local/bin" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
cp -r "${srcdir}/./usr/share" "${pkgdir}/usr/share"

chmod +x "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/*
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/*
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/LDM.desktop"

echo "Now, been in your HOME directory, run: lmd -reconf and then run the
program ;) enjoy it."
echo "In some Websites, when downloading, the program says there was an
error with the last page of the chapter, don't worry, coding mistake, that
page was downloaded successfully"

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

The two "echo" at the end are to add two comments that I considered
important things to know :)
So... what do you thing about the PKGBUILD now? :)

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-08 Thread Jorge Barroso
No problem.

>*From the man page: "sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming 
>text".*Basically it's a non-interactive text editor.
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/* changes every
occurrence of "usr/local" with "usr" in all the files in
${pkgdir}/usr/bin. But only the first one in every line (I think). I
assume it's needed because you app by default expects to be in
/usr/local/bin while you install it in /usr/bin.

I may be wrong, but I think that the last echos will not be executed.
If you want to display some messages after installation, use an
install script.

On a side note, please don't break the threads by. Also, most email
clients can hide the quoted text, so no problem there either.
And on another side note, sorry for top posting in my previous reply,
I didn't notice it.

--Chris Sakalis

Well these should go to the install file. Create a file called
ldm.install and set install=ldm.install in the PKGBUILD. Take a lookt at
file /usr/share/pacman/proto.install, you should only needd the
post_install function and put those echos in there :D
PKGBUILD is used to build a pkgname-version-pkgrel.pkg.tar.xz package
that you install with pacman. Pacman then reads the .install file from
that package and does what it tells it to do and copies the files to the
system. Most people are lilely to just install this from the AUR, so
they would see that message. But in case say someone sends the redy
built pacman package to a frind the friend would not saee that message,
but if it is in install file he will.

You are also missing the md5sums variable from the package. Run
makepkg -g in the directoey where the PKGBUILD is and copy the output
into the PKGBUILD.
(I myself have an alias setup fot that. "makesum='makepkg -g >>
PKGBUILD'" this gives me a command makesum that automatically appends
the md5sums to the end of the PKGBUILD)

Sed can do a lot of things. Basicly it reads text, does something to it
and slips the mangled text out. 's|original|new|' for example would
replaces every single word original with the word new.

I think you should read these:
And here is a werty comprehensive guide to
I myself can only use the replace command 's' XD

Ok, I got it!! And it works making sudo pacman -U etc.
This is the final PKGBUILD:
# Maintainer: Jorge 
pkgdesc="A manga downloader for many English and Spanish websites."
depends=('libnotify' 'gtkdialog' 'wget' 'lynx' 'zenity')

package() {
cd "${srcdir}"

tar xf data.tar.gz
mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/"
cp -r "${srcdir}/./usr/local/bin" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
cp -r "${srcdir}/./usr/share" "${pkgdir}/usr/share"

chmod +x "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/*
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/*
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/LMD.desktop"

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Thanks guys, thanks you two, this is my first package ever, even I
tried sometimes on fedora and ubuntu, this is the first package I
submit *-* so I'm like...
I don't know, so so happy of course :D your my heroes :D XD I'm just
18 and that was an important achievement. Well, I'll submit it right
now :D
I've uploaded the package here for to see it if you want->
If you want to try it, see what I did, etc. Any feedback will be well received

Thanks you both you guys :D!!

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-08 Thread Jorge Barroso
Glad to be help. ^_^ Here have a *cookie* you've done great.

A small note about mails... as Chris alredy mentioned. Your mails work
well in gmail it seems. Atleast my Android phones regular gmail app
puts all of these under same thread, but my dekstop mail client gets
them as individual mails, breaking the thread, while not being seroius.
Something is wrong with our way of replying or gmail settings I think.
Also about quoting. Like Chris said most mail clients can hide the
quoted message without any problems but it stoll nice to just cut
the parts you need and write that few lines of text under them. Like I
do, I think this is the way found to be good commonly (Might be

jaja alright, I'll take that cookie XD

I submitted the package and it can already be installed from aur.

Talking about the mails, I'm using the desktop version aswell, I don't know
how to make my messages to be tracted as an answer if that's what should
So I copy and paste the message I'm going to answer to, and then I write
the answer... I hope with that will be enough ;)

Thanks again!! XD

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-08 Thread Jorge Barroso
> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 01:05:47 +0300
> From: Jesse Juhani Jaara 
> To: aur-general@archlinux.org
> Subject: Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader
> Message-ID: <1336514747.28432.66.camel@localhost.localdomain>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >I'm sorry to say but it isn't. (still assuming you use the online
> >gmail interface) Cick the arrow point to left to reply propelly.
> >Using the copy-paste method really screws up every ones mailboxes.
> >http://ompldr.org/vZG85OQ  <- that arrow

Ok, I'm trying now with the method you have said :) I took the digest,
clicked on the arrow and answered your message. Sorry again, I was never
used a Mailing List and it's a little... "special" to use XD :)


Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
> My mail client (Evolution) still isn't happy with this

>Fix the pkgrel, it should only contain numbers.
It is the version of the PKGBUILD file, and has nothing
to do with the application version. pkgver is there
for that.

Oups... so I don't know, maybe... could be because I don't receive single
mails? I receive a Digest with all the recent mails, and I erased all but
the mail I was going to answer... :S I got to say that on the aur-general
Archive http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2012-May/ my
mails are mostly grouped by thread... so... I don't know... :S

I know that pkgrel is not to do that, but, could you help me then with
anything? pkgver should be "", but on pkgver, I can't write
more than "0.2", and if the proyect releases (for example) a new version
called, I shoul let it like 0.2 aswell... what can I do to write
the full version path?

Thanks and sorry for breaking messages... I'll look up how not to do that :S

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
Actually, $pkgver can contain letters. So you can set it as
"" or "" or something similar without the
dash. And then set the proper $pkgrel for your PKGBUILD.


Ok, I did and rename the pkgver as I also changed the pkgrel
to 2, so now the version shown when the package is going to be downloaded
is "" :) look at the PKGBUILD if you want and tell me, I
think now it shouldn't be any problem :S

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/9 Chris Sakalis 

> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Jorge Barroso
>  wrote:
> > Actually, $pkgver can contain letters. So you can set it as
> > "" or "" or something similar without the
> > dash. And then set the proper $pkgrel for your PKGBUILD.
> >
> >
> --
> >
> > Ok, I did and rename the pkgver as I also changed the
> pkgrel
> > to 2, so now the version shown when the package is going to be downloaded
> > is "" :) look at the PKGBUILD if you want and tell me, I
> > think now it shouldn't be any problem :S
> I don't see anything wrong with it. The _rawversion variable is not
> used, but that's not really a problem. Also in the lmd.install file, I
> think you mean "Now, being in your HOME..." instead of "been".
> Good work and thanks for contributing in the AUR.
> --Chris Sakalis

Yep XD so, thanks to you Chris for your help, I'll correct that little bug
of "been" and I'll finally submit the final version of the package...
thanks ;) I think I found the way to not to break the mail's chain, we'll
see :)

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-05-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
Yeah jaja, I'be already sent him a mail to correct some bugs, help with the
English translation and to ask him for the source code, so, I'm waiting an
answer pal, thanks for your greetings and hope you like it, if you have an
issue, feedback, problem, comment, or whatever contact me or the developer,
it's mail direction is kurob...@gmail.com, he's Spanish by the way ;)
El 09/05/2012 16:07, "José Valecillos"  escribió:

> Hi Jorge,
> First af all, Thanks for submit linux-manga-downloader, I think it's a nice
> app. But, I wonder: Why about contact app's developer?. May be he would
> share the source code of LMD, the app has GPL licence after all. In this
> way, it would be easier make a package.
> Best Regards,
> 2012/5/9 Jorge Barroso 
> > 2012/5/9 Chris Sakalis 
> >
> > > On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Jorge Barroso
> > >  wrote:
> > > > Actually, $pkgver can contain letters. So you can set it as
> > > > "" or "" or something similar without the
> > > > dash. And then set the proper $pkgrel for your PKGBUILD.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --
> > > >
> > > > Ok, I did and rename the pkgver as I also changed the
> > > pkgrel
> > > > to 2, so now the version shown when the package is going to be
> > downloaded
> > > > is "" :) look at the PKGBUILD if you want and tell me,
> I
> > > > think now it shouldn't be any problem :S
> > >
> > > I don't see anything wrong with it. The _rawversion variable is not
> > > used, but that's not really a problem. Also in the lmd.install file, I
> > > think you mean "Now, being in your HOME..." instead of "been".
> > >
> > > Good work and thanks for contributing in the AUR.
> > > --Chris Sakalis
> > >
> >
> > Yep XD so, thanks to you Chris for your help, I'll correct that little
> bug
> > of "been" and I'll finally submit the final version of the package...
> > thanks ;) I think I found the way to not to break the mail's chain, we'll
> > see :)
> >
> --
> "La envidia es causada por ver a otro gozar de lo que deseamos; los celos,
> por ver a otro poseer lo que quisiéramos poseer nosotros".
> Diógenes Laercio (S. III AC-?) Historiador griego.

[aur-general] removal request

2012-05-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, I've noticed that the package arenalive 2-1 is obsolete, orphaned
and that the proyect seems to be death, so it's impossible to install it,
so, I think it should be removed, because there's nothing to do with it


-- Jorge Barroso

Re: [aur-general] removal request

2012-05-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/9 Ike Devolder 

> >next time provide the links please
> >deleted, thx
> --Ike

Thanks :D and sorry for the links, I'll provide them next time :)

Re: [aur-general] removal request

2012-05-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
Jaja don't worry, it's a comprehensible error, the both two games are
called similar.
Keep helping.

-- Jorge Barroso
El 10/05/2012 01:25, "rafael ff1"  escribió:

> oops, it seems I mixed things up badly right now, as AlienArena !=
> ArenaLive. So, it might be dead indeed.
> Ignore my previous email. :D
> 2012/5/9 rafael ff1 :
> > I notice the same thing about AlienArena - that the project was dead -
> > before this thread started, but I just notice that the latest version,
> > 7.53, is dated December 2011 in http://icculus.org/alienarena/ . Then
> > I found what seems to be the current site:
> > http://red.planetarena.org/... So, I guess it is not dead. Anyway,
> > that package was really obsolete.
> >
> > Rafael

[aur-general] iceweasel md5sum problem

2012-05-10 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, I'm trying to submit the web browser Iceweasel to aur, but I'm
having a problem with the md5sum.
I wrote the PKGBUILD, used makepkg -g to generate the md5sum and put the
output into the PKGBUILD. I made the soruce package with makepkg --source
and there was no problem, and doing just makepkg to build the whole
package, it is possible to install iceweasel from that package without
problems, etc. the only problem is that, when downloading and installing
from aur, it gives an error on the integrity check. Could anyone explain me
why does it happens? my PKGBUILD it's this one:


Thanks in advance ;)

Re: [aur-general] iceweasel md5sum problem

2012-05-10 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/10 A Rojas 
>You are using arrays for many fields which shouldn't be arrays like:
>pkgname, pkgver, pkgrel. You should also quote the source URL.


2012/5/10 Jesse Juhani Jaara 

> to, 2012-05-10 kello 19:09 +0200, Jorge Barroso kirjoitti:
> >pkgname
> >pkgver
> >pkgrel
> >pkgdesc
> >url
> >none of those are arrays, so remove (). They might confuse makepkg,
> >those ' marks are undeed tooas none of them include spaces. pkgdesc
> >being an exeption, " or ' is needed there.
> >Not sure, but having md5sums before source could be a culprit, anyway I
> >would put them after the sources.
> >optdepends usually has format
> >optdepends=('pkgname: small description of thefunctionallity it adds')
> >tar xf $pkgname-$pkgver-$pkgrel-$arch.pkg.tar.xz
> >is not needed, pacman can extract pretty much all kind of achives on its
> >own .tar.{gz,bz2,xz} deb rpm zip, files atleast. The tar xf command was
> >needed in the manga app PKGBUILD becouse it shipped only in deb format
> >and deb archives have 2 archives in it, one with the data and one with
> >meta-data files and pacman only extracts files in source=() [The main
> >deb file]
> >One usually should not upload a binary packages into AUR, but instead it
> >should be built from source code. Of course in case of s HUGE
> >application that takes a lot of time to compile it is nice to have a
> >binary version too. Or in case like I had a ?year? ago. Back then we
> >didn't ship sdk package for the go-openoffice and it ment that one would
> >have to rebuuild it from source just to be able to compile a 100kb addon
> >for it to support Finnish spellcheckking (voikko) so I also made -bin
> >version from Ubuntu binary packages.
> >I'm quite sure one should go totally with the parabola Linux instead of
> >Arch if libre is thing they want. We have a lots of stuff that go
> >against libre in the core repos, and just gettinga libre browser is
> >totally ridicilous. You also are missing the i686 version.
> >If you really think a libre webrowser on non libre system is a good idea
> >you should be simply stealing the PKGBUILD from here
> https://projects.parabolagnulinux.org/abslibre.git/tree/libre/iceweasel-libre
> -

2012/5/10 rafael ff1 

> 2012/5/10 Jorge Barroso :
> > Hello, I'm trying to submit the web browser Iceweasel to aur, but I'm
> > having a problem with the md5sum.
> > I wrote the PKGBUILD, used makepkg -g to generate the md5sum and put the
> > output into the PKGBUILD. I made the soruce package with makepkg --source
> > and there was no problem, and doing just makepkg to build the whole
> > package, it is possible to install iceweasel from that package without
> > problems, etc. the only problem is that, when downloading and installing
> > from aur, it gives an error on the integrity check. Could anyone explain
> me
> > why does it happens? my PKGBUILD it's this one:
> >
> > http://pastebin.com/xZawmpUP
> >
> > Thanks in advance ;)
> The md5sums in the pastebin is different from the AUR. Correct one is
> in the pastebin. That's the answer for your issue, but +1 to the
> comments made by others.
> Rafael

Thanks to all of you, those are my first packages as you should know and
I'm using the proto of /usr/share/pacman to make the pkgbuild, so I'm using
those arrays I think I can use for any package, but I didn't know that ()
will confuse makepkg (so sensitive...), I'll try to correct it.

The md5sums in the pastebin is different because it has been changing
between two different outputs anytime I did makepkg -g, but even now that
it is not changing, and the makepkg -g output is ever the same, it stills
not accepting it.

Jesse, I'll try then to use that PKGBUILD, I looked for it, because I
suposed it should exist, but as I didn't find it, I downloaded the package
and modified the .PKGINFO file. Thanks for your help with that PKGBUILD. I
know archlinux is a non libre system, and that's not bad at all because,
for example, flash it's very usefull nowadays, because gnash has a lot of
things to improve to be a serious subtitute, but, ever I can, I try to use
free software (if it has not great problems, like gnash taking my earlier
example), and Iceweasel with iceweasel-sync it's as good and fast as
firefox, so... I liked it and thought about submitting it :)

Re: [aur-general] iceweasel md5sum problem

2012-05-10 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/10 rafael ff1 

> >What? The source is the same, stored on a server, therefore its md5sum
> >WILL NOT change everytime you run 'makepkg -g' unless you are running
> >'makepkg -g' for different sources or your source is corrupted. In the
> >last case, remove and download again the source.
> >$ md5sum iceweasel-libre-12.0.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
> >638379a2dcf1f3d116cf92a06c8ee9b9
>  iceweasel-libre-12.0.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
> Rafael

Jaja yeah I though the same, but sometimes it gaves that md5sum and another
times it gaves a different checksum, finished on 6o6 I think (i don't
remember the exactly output)

[aur-general] postinstall script and local user directory

2012-05-21 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, I need a little help with a postinstall script, the script should
make automatically a few postinstall steps on the LMD installation, qhat
the script should make it's to detect if a directory called .LMD on the
home directory exists, if it exists, it shows an informative message, if it
doesn't exist it makes it.
All right the problem is: It acts over the root directory, and I want it to
act over the user normal directory (/home/'user')
For you tu understand what I mean, this is the code:

http://pastebin.com/57L2Jt2P <- With that it looks for a directory called
"~", not "home" directory

I als otried with an array, and it was here when it used root like home
directory, and not the local user directory:


I want the script to do the same that it makes with the second paste bin,
but not in root, it should be, in my pc for example, on /home/jorge...

Thanks in advance

Re: [aur-general] postinstall script and local user directory

2012-05-21 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/22 Myles English 

> >Hi Jorge,
> >Try "/home/$USER" instead of "~".
> --
>  `--[ Myles ]

It takes it like /home/root... :S thanks even though ;)

Re: [aur-general] postinstall script and local user directory

2012-05-21 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/22 Auguste Pop 

> >i suggest installing a script doing what you want to do in $HOME
> >directory and print out an instruction in post_install function to
> >remind the user to run that script as normal user without sudo.
> >inside the script, $HOME can be used, or ~ too.

Thanks Auguste, I'd like to do it all in the postinstall even though, I'll
try a little changes on it and I'll see what can I do and if I see it
doesn't works... I'll keep that on account

Good Idea, I wasn't thought about that ;)

Re: [aur-general] postinstall script and local user directory

2012-05-22 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/22 rafael ff1 

> >Since your first post, I was not comfortable having a install script
> >looking for a normal user's home folder, because you can always find
> >yourself in the situation that a user might be added after LMD is
> >installed. (not being harsh, just not a good idea, IMO)
> >So, I came up with the idea of applying a patch in the 'ldm' script.
> >With this patch, 'lmd' would verify if the user have '~/.LMD'
> >everytime, right before starting the gtkdialog. See my diff:
> >--- src/usr/local/bin/lmd   2011-07-03 17:19:24.0 -0300
> >+++ pkg/usr/bin/lmd 2012-05-21 22:07:06.587084106 -0300
> >@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@
>   >if [ -z $1 ];
>>+   [ ! -d ~/.LMD ] && lmd -reconf
> >   gtkdialog --program=MAIN_DIALOG
> > fi
> > echo $1
> >I added the following line the PKGBUILD, after installing lmd to
> '$pkgdir':
> > sed -e '325s#then#then\n\t[ ! -d ~/.LMD ] \&\& lmd -reconf#' -i
> >"${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/lmd
> >which just replace in line 325 the "then", adding one more line with
> >the command command you provided.
> >Hope it helps.
> Rafael

Mmm yes it helps, I know what you mean, adding a line on the own lmd binary
script that checks if .LMD already exists... any time you run lmd an for
any user ;) Not bad :D but... if fear I don't know so sed "command", so I
can't comprehend where are you exactly telling me that I should put that
or... well :S sorry, could you explain it a little more :S

My bigest thanks friend

Re: [aur-general] postinstall script and local user directory

2012-05-22 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/5/22 rafael ff1 

> >If you're not comfortable with sed, you can always create a patch
> >using 'diff -u foo1 bar2 > foo-bar.patch' and add to source=() ... But
> >since we are here:
> >My sed command executes an expression in an input text. The input text
> >is from the file 'lmd'. I also added the flag '-i' so the output of
> >this command will not go to stdout, but directly to the input file.
> >So, it will not just read the file, but alter/write too.
> >The expression structure is basically 'A#B#C#', where #s are
> >delimiters; A is a specific line number that sed will look and
> >replace; B is the regexp to look (and to be replaced) in that line in
> >A; and C is the replacement regexp that I want to replace B. Please
> >note that '\n' is a newline character and '\t' is a tab character.
> >So, as I mentioned before, I replaced the string 'then' in line 325
> >with the new line/command you provided.
> >'sed' can do much more than that. Man page and google can help a lot.

Oh, ok, yeah I read a bit on the man page and o a webpage, but it's too
large, it has so many functions. Eitherway, I understand what you said now.
Then, on my PKGBUILD, I should modify the package()... in the next way?:

package() {
cd "${srcdir}"

tar xf data.tar.gz
mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/"
cp -r "${srcdir}/./usr/local/bin" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
cp -r "${srcdir}/./usr/share" "${pkgdir}/usr/share"

sed -e '325s#then#then\n\t[ ! -d ~/.LMD ] \&\& lmd -reconf#' -i

chmod +x "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/*
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/*
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/LMD.desktop"
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/pen.png"
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/lmd/langs/ca_ES"
sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i "${pkgdir}/usr/share/lmd/langs/es_ES"

Re: [aur-general] postinstall script and local user directory

2012-05-23 Thread Jorge Barroso
 2012/5/22 rafael ff1 

> >Looks good. Try to build the package and then verify if
> >pkg/usr/bin/lmd has the command added with sed. Case yes, then you're
> >good to go.
> >Rafael Ferreira

2012/5/23 Auguste Pop 

  >ok. in this case, i suggest you make a wrapper script that 1. checks
  >the content in user's $HOME directory, 2. does whatever is necessary,
  >3. runs the actual program.

  >in this case, what you have done is totally transparent to the user
  >and every user on the system can use that application.

  >best regards,

It doesn't worked :S I'll see what to do... maybe it's because of I have to
change something else on the PKGBUILD

Auguste... It's a good idea, doing it like a patch, it'll be easier, but I
don't like adding patches... even I'll do a patch if I can't do it on
another way ;)

Re: [aur-general] Idea for AUR improvement

2012-06-01 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/6/2 Heiko Baums 

> >I already understood this. This doesn't change anything. Still no reason
> >for an automation. In those very rare cases I guess the previous
> >maintainer still knows which packages he had maintained, and wants to
> >continue maintaining. So he already can easily search for and adopt
> >those packages.
> >Btw., I read at least one comment in the AUR in which the old
> >maintainer asked to be removed from the #Contributor flag in the
> >PKGBUILD. So I think that not everybody would be happy with such a
> >previous maintainer field in the AUR.
And what about asking to you?  Or a field option on the sittings, like to
receive a digest or to receive any mail separately, you could choose if you
want your #Contributor flag to be removed or not

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-06-06 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/6/6 Hugo Osvaldo Barrera 

> Hash: SHA1
> On 2012-05-08 14:42, Jesse Juhani Jaara wrote:
> > ti, 2012-05-08 kello 18:16 +0200, Jorge Barroso kirjoitti: 
> > All that could be simplified into
> > --- 1. cd "${srcdir}" 2. tar xf
> > data.tar.gz 3. mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/" 4. cp -r
> > "${srcdir}/./usr/local/bin" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" 5. cp -r
> > "${srcdir}/./usr/share" "${pkgdir}/usr/share" 6. 7. chmod +x
> > "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/* 8. sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i
> > "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/* 9. sed 's|usr/local|usr|' -i
> > "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/LDM.desktop"
> > --- 
> >
> >Instead of mkdir, cp and chmod, use
> >"install -D -m 755 path/to/source path/to/destination"
> >"-D" creates the directory.
> >"-m" set the file mode (like chmod)
> >See man install for more info.

>  mmm ok, I'll try with install :D mmm just a question: how could I change
> the owner (I wnat to say, with that PKGBUILD it installs but the owner of
> archives is root, so it has no icon and an script to avoid making lmd
> --reconf doesn't works because it is an extra code that only works running
> lmd like root, and it conflicts because lmd can't be ran like root, so, in
> short, what I want it's a bash code to change the owner user of lmd when
> installing)

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-06-06 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/6/6 rafael ff1 

> >option: '-o' or '--owner=OWNER'
> >See this and more in the man page

Ok, thanks, but the problem is that I can't set an specific username,
because it has to be  the installer username and trying with $USER it
equally sets root as user... I think (y tried with chown in a patch as well
and this was the result)

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-06-06 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/6/6 rafael ff1 

> 2012/6/6 Jorge Barroso :
> > 2012/6/6 rafael ff1 
> >
> >> >option: '-o' or '--owner=OWNER'
> >>
> >> >See this and more in the man page
> >>
> >
> > Ok, thanks, but the problem is that I can't set an specific username,
> > because it has to be  the installer username and trying with $USER it
> > equally sets root as user... I think (y tried with chown in a patch as
> well
> > and this was the result)
> >Please send source tarball (or PKGBUILD, if it is the only file) that
> >has the problem mentioned before (about image, etc.).

https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=59118 this is the package, you
can download or see online the PKGBUILD there. I tried to use chown in this
package, and it sets $USER as root :S

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-06-07 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/6/7 rafael ff1 

> >I was debugging your PKGBUILD and how the behavior of LDM, and I was
> >not able to find any problem related to user permissions. Maybe you
> >can enlighten me.
> >Only problem I figure out is that when the ~/.LMD do not exists,
> >running /usr/bin/lmd will report errors messages because it did not
> >find ~/LMD/options... That is upstream's fault, as it should be able
> >to figure out that ~/.LMD/options doesn't exist before trying to
> >source it... Is this the problem you are having script related

Yes, that's the problem I have, the source is made by a student, so it's
not complete, and I added a piece of source that checks if .LMD exists and
if it doesn't exists it is created, without having to make anything (sed -s
'325s#then#then\n\t[ ! -d ~/.LMD ] \&\& lmd -reconf#' -i
"${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/lmd) But as the program owner after the installation is
by default root, it doesn't works... moreover, the program can't be run as
root, so I tried to change the user, with chown, and after that, as it
doesn't worked, tried with another script on the post_install

*if {
[ ! -d /home/$USER /.LMD ]
lmd -reconf
echo "*\033[1;32m* .LMD already exists* \033[0m*"*

The problem is that $USER is root, so it works, but only on the /root
folder, and it should do that on the local user folder

So, the problem is... $USER shouldn't be 'root', but the local user (in my
case, for example, jorge). If I can do that I think the both two scripts
will work... but I don't know how...

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

2012-06-07 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/6/7 rafael ff1 

> >yeah, I gave you this idea. ;) It has some problems, as LMD tried to
> >source ~/.LMD/options (in line 5) before this piece of source. Also,
> >why call "lmd -reconf" instead "lmd -reconf"? - not one of my
> >brightest idea.
Jajaja, don't worry, it's a better idea than the ones I had XD *

> >You did not understand. If we are talking about same issue, the
> >problem is not a user permission related.
> >See below the output I get when ~/.LMD doesn't exist and I run
> >/usr/bin/lmd, installed with your package. This will happen only once,
> >as in the second time ~/.LMD was already created:
> >$ lmd
> >/usr/bin/lmd: line 5: /home/rafael/.LMD/options: No such file or directory
> >/usr/bin/lmd: line 6: source: /usr/share/lmd/langs/: is a directory
> >/usr/bin/lmd: line 5: /home/rafael/.LMD/options: No such file or directory
> >/usr/bin/lmd: line 6: source: /usr/share/lmd/langs/: is a directory
> >-reconf
> >completed
> >** (gtkdialog:12958): ERROR **: gtkdialog: Error in line 23, near
> >token '': syntax error
> >/usr/bin/lmd: line 346: 12958 Trace/breakpoint trap   gtkdialog
> >--program=MAIN_DIALOG
> >Solution to this issue is: replace 'sed' code you mentioned above with
> >the patch I sent to the upstream [1] along with this line:  patch -p1
> >"${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/lmd lmd-run-reconf.patch
> >[1] http://code.google.com/p/linux-manga-downloader/issues/detail?id=4

Oh ok XD yes I wasn't understood you at all... but yes now I know what do
you want to say... thanks for the patch, I'll add the patch to de PKBUILD
and hope it works :D sure! cheers!

[aur-general] Merge package request

2012-08-05 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, could you please merge iceweasel[1] under iceweasel libre[2]

Thanks in advance.

1.- https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=59185

2.- https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=61502

Re: [aur-general] Merge package request

2012-08-05 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/8/6 Dave Reisner 

> >I tend to think the former is a much better name than the latter. If the
> >browser is already I designed to be libre, why does it require the
> >statement in the name?

Jaja you're right but I thought all the PKGBUILD around that name (i had to
rewrite it because the former didn't work) and forget to rename the
src.tar.xz package before uploading it.
But... if you like the former one I can do it again with that name, so...
remove iceweasel-libre then XD


[aur-general] Package Uploading Problem

2012-08-05 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello again XD I'm trying to upload the language pack for iceweasel, but
when I try (https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgsubmit.php) I get an error which
tells me It is only allowed to use small letters :S the pkbuild is the


It's taken from the parabolalinux official PKGBUILD (

Could you tell me why do I get this error?

Re: [aur-general] Package Uploading Problem

2012-08-05 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/8/6 Dave Reisner 

> >The AUR does not accept split PKGBUILDs. There's no shortage of examples
> >of how to work around this.

Mmm... could you explain that a little please? :S
If I make a single PKGBUILD for any language, will it work?

Re: [aur-general] Package Uploading Problem

2012-08-05 Thread Jorge Barroso
> 2012/8/6 rafael ff1 
>> >You put a black magic inside "pkgname=" and AUR won't parse that. If
>> >you make a single PKGBUILD, it will work for sure.
> 2012/8/6 Martti Kühne 

> >here's a slightly more readable version that doesn't make my eyes bleed
> [1].
> >I can also assist you in dynamically creating those language PKGBUILDs if
> you
> >can wait a couple of hours until I get up.
> >Write me on irc if you have questions.
> >cheers!
> >mar77i
> >[1] http://pastebin.com/KDvCKZpp

Thanks to the both two :D Of course I can wait, in fact I'm going to sleep
right now (4:10 am) so we can talk later :)
Rafael... :S what a pitty :S but there's another way to set the pkgname? :S

Re: [aur-general] Package Uploading Problem

2012-08-06 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/8/6 Martti Kühne 

> >oh, line 5 -f is missing after the exclamation mark.
> >it should tests if it's executed in place...
> >+if ! [[ -f ./metaPKBUILD ]]; then
> >sorry if that is clear and/or of too little importance.
> >cheers!
> >mar77i

mmm it works! but, it makes individual packages, depending on the first
language on the line
'for lang in af ak ar as ast be bg bn-BD bn-IN br bs ca cs csb cy da de el
en-GB en-ZA eo es-AR es-CL es-ES es-MX et eu fa ff fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gd gl
gu-IN he hi-IN hr hu hy-AM id is it ja kk km kn ko ku lg lij lt lv mai mk
ml mr nb-NO nl nn-NO nso or pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT rm ro ru si sk sl son sq
sr sv-SE ta-LK ta te th tr uk vi zh-CN zh-TW zu; do'

I've erased iceweasel in the line 11 because it forced me to have iceweasel
installed and my pc nowadays can't install iceweasel (power... it fails
Anyway, after that I added pkgver pkgrel and arch after pkgname (makepkg
--source asked me for them) and now it makes the src.tar.gz of the last
language, and creates a folder with independent PKGBUILD's for any
language... I think I'll use that to make makepkg --source in any directory
individually now ;) thanks :D

Re: [aur-general] Package Uploading Problem

2012-08-06 Thread Jorge Barroso
sorry, just a correction, the change that made makepkg --source to
autocompile the last and not the first was commenting the last lines (the
ones of burp)

Re: [aur-general] Package Uploading Problem

2012-08-06 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/8/6 Jorge Barroso 

> sorry, just a correction, the change that made makepkg --source to
> autocompile the last and not the first was commenting the last lines (the
> ones of burp)

Sorry for remailing... I think the problem it's on the function ((i++))
After doing the EOF for the first, it returns to the PKGBUILD directory,
then it fails with a "User defined exit 1" message

[aur-general] Some packages removal request

2012-08-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, I've listed some packages that I think should be removed from the

advcp: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=45056 The package was
orphaned, I adopted it, but the proyect is stopped since about 2 years ago.
It works with coreutils 8.4 (actual is 8.17) and pv already exists in
community with the same function.

iceweasel-il18n-af: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=61533 It
already exists with the name iceweasel-i18n-af, like all the other language
packages of iceweasel.

0ad-ppa-wfg alpha_5_9530-1:
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=42000It's orphaned since 24
Jul 2011 and outdated since 11 Jul 2011. Also,
there's an svn version up to date.


[aur-general] Accidentally upload remove

2012-08-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, I've uploaded accidentally the iceweasel language packs with an
incorrect name (il18n in time of i18n) could you please remove it?


Since this "ID="...

Re: [aur-general] Accidentally upload remove

2012-08-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
hey men this is archlinux  and, over all, is AUR, yes, maybe the package
has 4 votes, but can you tell me wich language speaks any of those users?
if you can tell me, and I'll upload only their language packs... if not,
you won't die just because I've uploaded possibilities on AUR ;)

[aur-general] ags removal request

2012-08-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, I'm requesting to remove the package ags[1] from the aur. Link is
broken (the proyect page is death) and to maintain the package a new Git
package should be done so it's useless and can't be installed.

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=1208

Re: [aur-general] ags removal request

2012-08-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/8/10 Tomasz Niedzielski 

> So sorry... I really don't know how it happened that I sent wrong link.
> Here's proper one: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=61775
> Once more I'm sorry.
> Tomasz "Ludvick" Niedzielski
> ***

Man... take care... jeje ^.^'' I think you've confused the topic and sent a
message to my removal request, that is different from yours... :$ Don't
worry I did so once :P

Re: [aur-general] ags removal request

2012-08-09 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/8/10 Sebastian Schwarz 

> The -git package is already in the AUR:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=60309

Jaja ok :P but equally that package has to be removed or merged... it only
can be installed via Git and (as you said) there's already a Git version

Re: [aur-general] [arch-dev-public] Status of sigurd.archlinux.org/aur.archlinux.org

2012-10-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/10/28 Mateusz Loskot 

> On 27 October 2012 18:08, Lukas Fleischer 
> wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 02:32:03PM +0200, Lukas Fleischer wrote:
> >> Just a short note to everybody: sigurd is down due to maintenance works.
> >> We noticed several disk read failures lately and decided that one of
> >> disks needs to be replaced. The replacement was performed yesterday on
> >> ~20:00 CEST and finished on ~20:45 CEST.
> >>
> >> The support set up a live environment after the replacement was
> >> completed for some reason. Unfortunately, I wasn't online at that time,
> >> so I couldn't react immediately -- sorry for that.
> >>
> >> We are currently working on getting access to the rescue environment and
> >> trying to figure out what happened here.
> >>
> >> I will keep you updated. Thanks for your patience!
> >
> > sigurd is up again. TUs should be able to use SVN and devtools as
> > before.
> >
> > The AUR has been moved to alderaan -- if there's any issues with the new
> > setup, please let us know. Thanks to Ionut and Pierre who helped me with
> > migrating to the new server.
> yaourt gives an error 301... what can/should I do? sorry if the answer is
so obvious

Re: [aur-general] [arch-dev-public] Status of sigurd.archlinux.org/aur.archlinux.org

2012-10-28 Thread Jorge Barroso
2012/10/28 Limao Luo 

> Wait for an update ;)
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**HTTP_301

yeah I know what 301 means ;) but I dind't know if that was yaourt's fault
or even aur's fault, this morning I updated to yaourt-1.2-1 and it works
again :)

Re: [aur-general] Only lower case letters?

2013-01-10 Thread Jorge Barroso
>2013/1/10 rafael ff1 
> >Create one PKGBUILD for each package. I suggest a shell script to make
> >this creation/maintainance task more automatic.

>2013/1/10 Felix Yan 

> >A workaround I saw is
> >pkgname=yourpkgbase
> >true && pkgname=('one' 'two' 'three' ...)
> >hope this helps :)

I'll try what you said felix :D rafael I did so, but there was a TU
(Barthalion) that removed all the packages and told me to make a split
package, and also that he'll suspend my account if I do it again :S

Re: [aur-general] Only lower case letters?

2013-01-10 Thread Jorge Barroso
2013/1/10 Bartłomiej Piotrowski 

> It doesn't support them directly, but many packagers use Felix'
> workaround. If you are going to spam AUR like Jorge did, I'll be in
> really wild mood, trust me.

Ok Bartłomiej, it wasn't my intention to offend you, sorry, I was just
describing my situation, and... yes, I've had no time until now, but I'm
going to try and let's see what can I do.

Although, I don't think I was spamming... but, you command...

Re: [aur-general] iceweasel rename request

2013-02-21 Thread Jorge Barroso
2013/2/21 Alexander Rødseth 

> Hi,
> Re-uploaded as iceweasel-bin and merged+deleted iceweasel into it.
> Disowned iceweasel-bin, please adopt.
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/iceweasel-bin/
> --
> Sincerely,
>   Alexander Rødseth
>   xyproto / TU

Done, thanks :)

[aur-general] remove requet (teamviewer8)

2013-02-23 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, I think we should remove teamviewer8[1], as there's already a 
teamviewer[2] package up to date with the same version...

https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/teamviewer8/ [1]

https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/teamviewer/ [2]


[aur-general] old kdeservicemenu merge/remove request

2013-02-24 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, I've noticed that there are some packages on the aur that have been 
renamed following the kde package guidelines, but haven't been merged or 
removed, this packages are kdeservicemenu-image2pdf[1] kdeservicemenu-
newlibreofficedoc[2] and kdeservicemenu-sendwithkmail[3].
I think we should better merge them rather than remove them, because of votes 
and comments.

https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kdeservicemenu-image2pdf/ [1]
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kdeservicemenu-newlibreofficedoc/ [2]
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kdeservicemenu-sendwithkmail/ [3]

Thanks! :-)

[aur-general] TU apply counselor

2013-02-25 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, I'm Jorge Barroso (jorge_barroso in the AUR), I've been an Arch user for 
some time and I've learned a lot of things since I do it. Now, I'd like to 
apply as a trusted user, so I'd like that anybody helped me telling me what 
should I do yet to became a Trusted User


Re: [aur-general] TU apply counselor

2013-02-26 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013 20:46:46 Vitor Eiji Justus Sakaguti escribió:
> On Feb 25, 2013 4:26 PM, "Connor Behan"  wrote:
> > On 25/02/13 08:09 AM, Rudy Matela wrote:
> > > https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users#How_to_become_TU.3F
> > > 
> > > On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Jorge Barroso
> > > 
> > >  wrote:
> > >> Hi, I'm Jorge Barroso (jorge_barroso in the AUR), I've been an Arch
> user for
> > >> some time and I've learned a lot of things since I do it. Now, I'd
> like to
> > >> apply as a trusted user, so I'd like that anybody helped me telling me
> what
> > >> should I do yet to became a Trusted User
> > >> 
> > >> Regards
> > 
> > And the one additional requirement for becoming a TU not mentioned there
> > is no top posting! :-P
> Also, you need a really good excuse to get away with using hotmail!

Jaja, sorry, I have recently started to use kmail as email desktop client, and 
I got two email accounts. The hotmail one it's because of I have some old 
accounts with my hotmail account registered, and it also helps me to avoid 
span on my gmail account, which is the official one which I registered here :P
I've read the wiki page from Rudy Matela, and I think I have all the basic 
things I should have...
Know basic shel scripting...
18 packages on the aur
Basic community involvement
I really know google-fu (if it is what I think it is...)
and I got a general idea on the kind of packages I would like to mantain

If someone could tell me their opinion, it would be great, because I'd like to 
improve what I need to improve

Re: [aur-general] TU apply counselor

2013-02-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013 10:09:38 Jelle van der Waa escribió:
> On 26/02/13 22:12, Jonathan Steel wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 03:37:48PM +0100, Jorge Barroso wrote:
> >> El Lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013 20:46:46 Vitor Eiji Justus Sakaguti 
> >>> On Feb 25, 2013 4:26 PM, "Connor Behan"  wrote:
> >>>> On 25/02/13 08:09 AM, Rudy Matela wrote:
> >>>>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users#How_to_become_TU.3F
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Jorge Barroso
> >>>>> 
> >>>>>  wrote:
> >>>>>> Hi, I'm Jorge Barroso (jorge_barroso in the AUR), I've been an Arch
> >>> 
> >>> user for
> >>> 
> >>>>>> some time and I've learned a lot of things since I do it. Now, I'd
> >>> 
> >>> like to
> >>> 
> >>>>>> apply as a trusted user, so I'd like that anybody helped me telling
> >>>>>> me
> >>> 
> >>> what
> >>> 
> >>>>>> should I do yet to became a Trusted User
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Regards
> >>>> 
> >>>> And the one additional requirement for becoming a TU not mentioned
> >>>> there
> >>>> is no top posting! :-P
> >>> 
> >>> Also, you need a really good excuse to get away with using hotmail!
> >> 
> >> Jaja, sorry, I have recently started to use kmail as email desktop
> >> client, and I got two email accounts. The hotmail one it's because of I
> >> have some old accounts with my hotmail account registered, and it also
> >> helps me to avoid span on my gmail account, which is the official one
> >> which I registered here :P I've read the wiki page from Rudy Matela, and
> >> I think I have all the basic things I should have...
> >> Know basic shel scripting...
> >> 18 packages on the aur
> >> Basic community involvement
> >> I really know google-fu (if it is what I think it is...)
> >> and I got a general idea on the kind of packages I would like to mantain
> >> 
> >> If someone could tell me their opinion, it would be great, because I'd
> >> like to improve what I need to improve
> > 
> > Make sure you follow the packaging standards and read similar wiki pages
> > (anything about packaging, standards, TU/developer pages). It would help
> > to look at PKGBUILDs from the official repos to get an idea of the style
> > that is used and standardise yours.
> > 
> > It would help to get involved upstream, improve the wiki, help on the
> > forum etc. Get familiar with svn and use devtools to build your packages.
> Fix bugs on the bugtracker, report bugs. You could for example join
> #archlinux-bugs.

Thanks you both guys, I'll try doing those extra jobs, since yesterday I'm 
involved with bug tracker, I'll see the packaging standards, though I think I 
follow them, who knows...? I'll be a time on it, and then I would like to have 
a sponsor... would anybody do it please? :)


PD: Of course I'm open to new conuncils

[aur-general] Merge Request

2013-02-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
Please, could you merge the old 7kaa-data into the updated 7kaa?


Re: [aur-general] Merge Request

2013-02-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
2013/2/27 Jorge Barroso 

> Please, could you merge the old 7kaa-data into the updated 7kaa?
> Thanks

Sorry, an error while building, is not necessary :S

[aur-general] Picasa remove request

2013-02-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, could you remove the picasa package? It fails compiling, it's outdated and 
it's a death project.


[aur-general] libopensync remove request

2013-02-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, could you please remove the libopensync-unstable package? it is outdated, 
the project seems to be death (no uploads since 2010), it's orphaned and it 
fails while compiling


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Re: [aur-general] libopensync remove request

2013-02-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013 15:47:11 usted escribió:
> Hi, could you please remove the libopensync-unstable package? it is
> outdated, the project seems to be death (no uploads since 2010), it's
> orphaned and it fails while compiling
> Thanks

Sorry by remailing... but the url is:

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[aur-general] Some remove requests

2013-02-27 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, here there are some packages that should be removed:

· gclient-svn[1]: Superseded by depot_tools-svn
· gstreamer0.10-pitfdll[2]: Outdated and death project, fails installing.
· opera-beta[3]: The package is orphaned and outdated, and their contributor
(ruario) has another package who seperseds it (opera-next)
· gerix-wifi-cracker-ng[4]: Orphaned, fails compiling and looks like is a death
project aswell...
· phctool-svn[5]: Years aoutdated. Doesn't work because it seems to be an
abandoned personal project
· gnome-pulse-applet[6]: Superseded by gnome native Advanced volume mixer and
death since 2010
· virtualbox-beta-bin[7]: Nowadays there are not virtualbox betas. The last
stable virtualbox is 4.2.8 and last beta was for 4.2
· cups-usblp[8]: Out of date and superseded by common cups in extra repository
· gnome-shell-extension-noa11y[9]: Out of date, and the official gnome
extensions page got one of those (superseded)

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gclient-svn/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gstreamer0.10-pitfdll
[3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/opera-beta
[4] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gerix-wifi-cracker-ng
[5] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/phctool-svn
[6] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gnome-pulse-applet
[7] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/virtualbox-beta-bin
[8] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cups-usblp
[9] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gnome-shell-extension-noa11y/

Thanks, I'll keep watching XD

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[aur-general] gdc-git

2013-02-28 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, I'm updating the gdc-bin package, but nowadays it is turned a git package, 
so I'm compiling from source (and it will be named gdc-git).

I have a problem while compiling the source (I use makepkg once to check the 
package) while i'm doing "make" to gcc according with the general installation 
guide on the project's webpage. I don't know which is exactly the problem, but 
those are the PKGBUILD[1] and what happens[2] after doing the source 

[1] http://pastebin.com/cWe4dDtv
[2] http://pastebin.com/RndQVYpH

I've thought it could be because of the line:

make -j2 2>&1 | tee build.log ||return 1 

Because in my specific case it should be -j3, but I don't think it means too 
much because "by defect" configuration of makepkg.conf was -j2 for a long time 
even there was a 64 bits version.

Does anybody knows what happens? Thanks in advance

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[aur-general] Remove request

2013-02-28 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, the package boncuk[1] is outdated and even up to date fails during 
compilation. Furthermore, it is death since 2011

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/boncuk/


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Re: [aur-general] Remove request

2013-02-28 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013 15:51:23 atilla ontas escribió:
> Please wait a day before deleting this package. I just see this package.
> I'll look into it and if possible to build and get work; i'll adopt package.
> 2013/2/28 Jorge Barroso 
> > Hi, the package boncuk[1] is outdated and even up to date fails during
> > compilation. Furthermore, it is death since 2011
> >
> > [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/boncuk/
> >
> > Thanks

Ok I agree :) i tried but I couldn't. I thought it needed a patch on the
sqlite*.cpp file, which is the one who fails but I don't know so much of C++
and sqlite... so I had to disown it again

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Re: [aur-general] Remove request

2013-02-28 Thread Jorge Barroso
> El Jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013 17:14:54 atilla ontas escribió:
> I have succesfully build boncuk. sqlite.patch created from pysozluk-qt svn
> trunk. I'm adopting package; altough i'll able to update it tonight. I'm
> not on Arch for now. You can  find patch and other stuff here:
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=Boncuk&project=home%3Atarakb
> umba%3Aarchlinux
> Please Do Not DELETE this package from AUR!

Wow! Good, I'm a little bussy today making some patches to a manga program of
the aur, so I don't even thought there was already a patch, all yours, and,
although the package is deleted you can upload it again XD

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[aur-general] gnome-cups-manager remove request

2013-03-02 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, this package [1] it's orphaned and it's an abandoned project, could you 
remove it?


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[aur-general] gnomad2 deletion request

2013-03-02 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, gnomad2[1] is orphaned and a death project since 2011, may you delete it 
from aur?


thanks in advance

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[aur-general] another deletion request

2013-03-02 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, sorry by multipost for deletion requests.

The package sunbird[1] is discontinued, orphaned and superseded by Thunderbird 
lightning plugin, so I think we should remove it

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sunbird/

Thanks again

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Re: [aur-general] Problem with package compilation

2013-03-03 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013 14:25:52 der_FeniX escribió:
> Hello!
> I have trouble with compiling package from aur [1].
> Its compilation was not tested a long time. I was need to change dependency
> from qt to qt4 there and when I try to compile it - compilation fails.
> Error messages are there [2]. From google I knew that this files are from
> qt3, but it shouldn't require them.
> [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pica-pica-client/
> [2] http://privatepaste.com/daa45bbcf1

have you tried with qt3? qt doesn't allows you to mix between "major" releases
(nowadays, software which need qt4 won't compile if you try to compile it with
qt5, at least, not all of them)

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Re: [aur-general] gnomad2 deletion request

2013-03-03 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013 10:28:17 archli...@jelmail.com escribió:
> On 02/03/13 20:22, Jorge Barroso wrote:
> > Hi, gnomad2[1] is orphaned and a death project since 2011, may you delete
> > it from aur?
> >
> > [1]https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gnomad2/
> >
> > thanks in advance
> Just wondering why you want to delete this? I have an occasional use for
> it - admittedly haven't used it in a while but I do have it in my system
> build image. If it's just because it hasn't got an owner, I can step in
> if that helps...?
> If there's another reason - like it's dead upstream and doesn't work any
> more because the ground has moved underneath it then fair enough.
> However I did just check the upstream URL and it would appear to be
> alive and kicking.
> John

jaja don't missunderstand me, but overall the project is been death for 2
years... is a very old package and, furthermore, yes, it is orphaned.

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Re: [aur-general] gnomad2 deletion request

2013-03-03 Thread Jorge Barroso
El Domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013 13:00:03 Johannes Löthberg escribió:
> On 03/03/2013 12:20 PM, Jorge Barroso wrote:
> > El Domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013 10:28:17 archli...@jelmail.com escribió:
> >> On 02/03/13 20:22, Jorge Barroso wrote:
> >>> Hi, gnomad2[1] is orphaned and a death project since 2011, may you
> >>> delete
> >>> it from aur?
> >>>
> >>> [1]https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gnomad2/
> >>>
> >>> thanks in advance
> >>
> >> Just wondering why you want to delete this? I have an occasional use for
> >> it - admittedly haven't used it in a while but I do have it in my system
> >> build image. If it's just because it hasn't got an owner, I can step in
> >> if that helps...?
> >>
> >> If there's another reason - like it's dead upstream and doesn't work any
> >> more because the ground has moved underneath it then fair enough.
> >> However I did just check the upstream URL and it would appear to be
> >> alive and kicking.
> >>
> >> John
> >
> > jaja don't missunderstand me, but overall the project is been death for 2
> > years... is a very old package and, furthermore, yes, it is orphaned.
> There hasn't been any new release, but the latest svn commit is from
> just last year.

:S I wasn't thought about that, as the webpage was on sourceforge with fix

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Re: [aur-general] qt4 replaces qt

2013-03-04 Thread Jorge Barroso
2013/3/4 Andrea Scarpino 

> On Thursday 28 February 2013 00:14:55 you wrote:
> > Please maintainers fix your PKGBUILDs so they build on systems with both
> qt4
> > and qt5-base installed; when your PKGBUILD needs qt4 and:
> > * use qmake, you can replace it with qmake4
> > * use cmake, you can add -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=qmake4 to the cmake
> options
> Just a note here: I had to remove the qmake4 symlink and use qmake-qt4
> instead
> as the former was inconsistent with others distro.
> When I did this change (1th March) qmake4 wasn't really used yet so I did
> not
> think to write this mail before. I'm sorry if this caused more confusion
> here.
> --
> Andrea
> Arch Linux Developer

No matter, a simple "ls" on bin directory can easily show qmake-qt4 instead
qmake4, and checking a package before submit it should show that qmake4
doesn't compile, so it is not such a big problem

[aur-general] gclient remove request

2013-03-04 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hello, could you remove gclient-svn[1]? it is already superseded by 

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gclient-svn/

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[aur-general] Remove request kde-gtk-config

2013-04-28 Thread Jorge Barroso
Hi, could you remove kde-gtk-config [1]? it is already provided in community 

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kde-gtk-config/

[2] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?q=kde-gtk-config

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