[AXIS1.4] WSS4J is not working on server side

2007-03-20 Thread Gene Yan

I used WSS4J 1.5.1 on both client and service side to do simple plain text
user name token.  I can send client to server but I always got the following

WSDoAllReceiver: cannot get SOAP header after security processing; nested
exception is:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: : XML-20100:
(Fatal Error) Expected 'EOF'.

Anyone has idea what went wong?

Here is my soap client WSDD



This is SOAP request:

="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:xsi="

" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">

" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-28142411">



" wsu:Id="Timestamp-20357537">



This is Server-Config.wsdd:

[AXIS 1.4] WSDL Publish Problem

2007-03-09 Thread Gene Yan

Hi, group,

I have used WSDL2Java to generate service side code.  The WSDL has
several import to external schema files. Now I have some questions with the
generated code deployment.

Question 1 :  After I deploy my server code to TOMCAT5.5 it does not have
any problem to access the service and display WSDL on browser through
URL?wsdl.  The question is the displayed WSDL is different from my original
WSDL file used to generate the service especially the "import schema"
part.   Is there any way to let client to retrieve my original WSDL file
through browser?  Or is there any way to add "import" in published schema
instead of publish schema within displayed WSDL file?

Question 2:  When I deployed same service code to OC4J 10.1.3 I can access
the service through client but the WSDL is NOT completely browseable. The
browser shows "Page Cannot Be Displayed (could be http 500)".  How is the
different for TOMCAT and OC4J platform related to WSDL publication?  What is
the potential problem?  I did have some custom fault type thrown by service
but could this be problem?

Can anyone help with this? Thanks