Re: got a spoon, kids & rocks

2003-07-16 Thread Turtle Bend
Title: Re: got a spoon, kids & rocks

From: Turtle Bend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

nearly missed you post.
It was wondering where the sock and can of beans out off to that dru me in.

??? Must of been the heat of the day.

This was suppose to read "I was wondering where the Spoon lost the Sock and the can of Beans
(ala one of Tom Robinson's novels, which may have been in part your reference?)

Hope there rest is coherent to some extent.

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Re: got a spoon, kids & rocks

2003-07-16 Thread Turtle Bend
Title: Re: got a spoon, kids & rocks

nearly missed you post.
It was wondering where the sock and can of beans out off to that dru me in.

You ask

Markess, I took note of your utilization of crystal comment.  I was hoping
you might expound on your method. I've had this feeling for a while that
the use of crystals might help create a more 'harmonius balance' on my
place.  I'm not sure which ones, or where they should go...but this
feeling won't go away.  Do you broadcast with them, or place them on your
property?  Anyone else out there broadcasting or burying crystals? (or
thinking about it?)

I utilize a Radionic device - the SE5 Subtle Field Analyzer primarily.

The  majority of my crystal work goes on utilizing them as reagent placed on the out put antenna.
There they provide mediation of the out going rates and command words.

I do have other crystals working with trees to hold the field of love & Light over the farm,
could do a lot more in this area but...

Moss agate is a common crystal focused on farming and can hold a lot of information.
Amber can absorb many negative radiations and cleans in the freezer well.

I have a newly acquired home made Selenite wand. It takes most energies back to white light.
This I use to direct whole garden or whole field clenzing and re-conditioning.

Walking into a rock shop and asking "who" would like to work with me brings great stones to the table.

Zirconium is a great man made gem which can be used to hold Radionic programs and create grids of activity by placing them around a garden or room/house.

Gil wrote awhile of go of creating kites that work in similar ways.

I am working at having more crystals carrying prep rates in a field broadcaster, well see.

Dowes it out you'll develop your own approach.


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Re: New Zealanders

2003-07-16 Thread Garuda
I have sent a letter to the Minister of Agriculture asking to include our
product for this in the trials.

Its actually burping that is the problem, and the inefficient digestion of
their badly grown grass, so there will be all sorts of positives that come
from this. they will find ways to improve digestion - we have been doing
this in humans for 12 years - which will make a better weight gain for them,
and they will find better ways to grow grass.

Not signing the Kyoto protocol is not the best option. Its like sticking
your head in the sand and believing the wolf can not see you.
Australia and the US not signing, and allowing China and India to escape it
as well, are all very irresponsible acts for the longevity of life on the
NZ going forward implementing it will no doubt be as disasterous for us as
our unilateral dropping of our trade barriers, while our biggest trading
partners have the biggest rade barriers. But here we are, so what can we do
to help.

The 8 million the farmers are paying is less that 10% of the real cost of
their pollution re greenhouse gas taxes etc. So their arguments are somewhat
irrational and selfish as far as I can see.


BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Michael Bacchus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: New Zealanders

> Kia ora,
>   Would a petition be worth a try???
> - Original Message -
> From: "Di Handley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 7:09 AM
> Subject: Re: New Zealanders
> > Kia ora
> >
> > We somehow need to get the energy that is going in to this fart campaign
> to
> > be transferred to the anti GE campaign.  The moratorium is set to be
> lifted
> > late October this year.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Kia kaha
> >
> > Diana
> >
> > ___
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> >
> >
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FWD Greenpeace :GE in Canada & Europe

2003-07-16 Thread Eric Myren


On June 5th, the sleepy town of Morden, Manitoba was the site of
early morning excitement as Greenpeace activists shut down a
government research farm where field trials of Monsanto's
genetically engineered wheat are on-going.  Twenty activists locked
the front gates, climbed a flagpole to place a giant 'Biohazard' sign
and put a banner reading 'Stop GE Wheat' on the roof of the
research center.  Five were arrested.  Morden is one of several
sites where the government is conducting open air field trials of
genetically engineered wheat.  Not only is the government putting
Canada's wheat export market at risk by allowing open air field
trials of GE wheat, it has also spent at least $800 000 helping to
develop it, and provided Monsanto with public germplasm with
which to develop the GE variety.  The government insists it will
continue to allow the development of GE wheat, despite requests
from the Canadian Wheat Board that Monsanto withdraw its
application.  Think the government should start working for farmers
and stop working for Monsanto?  Email Agriclture Minister Lyle
Vanclief and tell him that Monsanto's GE wheat is going to make
mad cow look like small potatoes!  Stop GE wheat testing and say
NO to Monsanto-
vanclief at

Don't forget- please sign the electronic petition at

http//3 WWW 's

or download a hard copy and get 25 people to sign!  So far over
8 000 people have signed the call to ban GE wheat.


Faced with world-wide rejection of many of its agricultural products,
the Bush administration in May challenged the European Union at
the World Trade Organization over their rejection of GE foods.  Not
to be outdone, Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew announced that
Canada, too, would join the challenge to forcefeed Europeans GE
food.  The challenge will likely be extended to include new labelling
and traceability legislation adopted by the EU this month, which
guarantees consumers the right to know if they are eating GE
foods.  While it is no surprise that the US continues to push the
frankenfood agenda, it is less clear what our government hopes to
gain by continuing to push a Monsanto-driven agenda that is
ultimately hurting Canadian farmers.  The real question is when will
Ottawa listen to the 95% of Canadians who want labels on GE

In the meantime, the world is fighting back.  On June 13th, the tiny
nation of Palau became the 50th state to ratify the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety, which governs the transboundary trade of
genetically modified organisms and institutionalizes the right of
nations to reject GE food and to use the precautionary principle
when it comes to GMOs.  The treaty, negotiated and signed in
Montreal in January, 2000, will enter into force on September 13th,
2003.  Canada is a signatory to the treaty, but has yet to ratify.
Ministers from a number of WTO countries will meet in Montreal
from July 28th to 30th prior to the next round of WTO negotiations
in Cancun, Mexico from September 10th to 14th.  Citizens from
around the world will be on hand to to fight for biosafety and the
right for a GE free future.

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Re: New Zealanders

2003-07-16 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
Kia ora,
  Would a petition be worth a try???
- Original Message -
From: "Di Handley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: New Zealanders

> Kia ora
> We somehow need to get the energy that is going in to this fart campaign
> be transferred to the anti GE campaign.  The moratorium is set to be
> late October this year.
> Any suggestions?
> Kia kaha
> Diana
> ___
> BDNow mailing list
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Re: New Zealanders

2003-07-16 Thread Di Handley
Kia ora

We somehow need to get the energy that is going in to this fart campaign to
be transferred to the anti GE campaign.  The moratorium is set to be lifted
late October this year.

Any suggestions?

Kia kaha


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Re: Gil and Dave: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd classrelics

2003-07-16 Thread Turtle Bend
Title: Re: Gil and Dave: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

Glen you nailed it!

From: "Garuda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Gil and Dave: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

The use of 'Life Forces' as a term is to me vague and confusing.
For some (including me) this will mean purely etheric forces, for others it
means all spiritual forces active in life , which from a RS point of view
are physical, etheric, astral and spiritual forces.
To me the BD preps mediate all of these forces. My chapter on the The
Preparations, outlines clearly which prep I consider to mediate which
physical, etheric, astral or spiritual activity.
My research is very much concerned with what we can do with these subtle
forces, even though my practise is concerned with working with substance as
well as force, as one must.

Bio-Dynamics = Life Forces = All the forces active in nature as described
Glen A

my 2centavoes 
focus on the >mediate<.
This is where I see all modalities working (excepting Soul reintegration and slave making)

These modalities  mediate the field/force by

I see removing distortion and balancing as the common terms applied to these actions.
Curing I find to be a particularly obnoxious term.
Enabling is what healthy beings do for one another. 

In love and Light

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Re: New Zealanders

2003-07-16 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
The only good that might come out of this if we can through a reserch
program, prove that biodynamicaly produced pasture produces less flatulence.
 Massey already have an organic systems comparison farm close to the
university. Measuring methane could be one more parmeter to start the
process going.
Several PhD. students are doing thesis on nitrous oxide emissions. One of
them was quite keen to put in a B.D. element but I think that I might have
got there a bit too late. I'll keep an eye out for other opportunities.

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Cotterill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: New Zealanders

> Unfortunely New Zealand government signed the Kyoto Protocol and now is
> responsible to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The Australia and US
> governments had more sense and did not signed. The NZ government is going
> levy each cattle and sheep to collect 8.4 million dollars research fund to
> find ways to lower these methane emissions.
> The New Zealand Farmers are angry and have formed a protest group called
> F.A.R.T. Fight Against Rediculous Taxes and they plan to block the
> with their tractors if need be. The farmers argue that their farms are
> part of the cycle absorbing greenhouse gases as well as producing them.
> However the government refuses to back down and now it looks like the
> farmers will refuse to co-operate in the collection of the flatulence tax.
> Peter Cotterill.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Rex Teague" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 1:19 PM
> Subject: Re: New Zealanders
> > Eric et al
> >
> > On 15 Jul 03, Eric Myren wrote:
> > > What is this I hear about farmers in New Zealand mailing the
> > > government sheep and cow poop to protest a flatulence tax?
> >
> >
> >
> > We wonder if Marie's few milking sheep are going to cop the
> > proposed tax? 8-]
> >
> > Rex
> > ___
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Re: New Zealanders

2003-07-16 Thread mroiboz
You don't have to collect 8.4 million dollars to find out that changing
peoples' diet from meat to vegetarian (cutting out rice grown in water as
well) will reduce emissions of methane by reducing the need for meat animals
such as cattle and sheep!  It is already known that methane is 16X the
greenhouse gas as C02.
   Is not the idea of the FART to reduce the animal numbers because the
farmers don't want to pay?  FART fighting FART doesn't solve anything.
Nothing get done and the methane still floats up.  Only changing land use,
if that were possible, by paying FARMERS to grow something else would reduce
methane production.  Or, secure a small burner on the rear end of each sheep
and cattle!
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Cotterill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: New Zealanders

> Unfortunely New Zealand government signed the Kyoto Protocol and now is
> responsible to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The Australia and US
> governments had more sense and did not signed. The NZ government is going
> levy each cattle and sheep to collect 8.4 million dollars research fund to
> find ways to lower these methane emissions.
> The New Zealand Farmers are angry and have formed a protest group called
> F.A.R.T. Fight Against Rediculous Taxes and they plan to block the
> with their tractors if need be. The farmers argue that their farms are
> part of the cycle absorbing greenhouse gases as well as producing them.
> However the government refuses to back down and now it looks like the
> farmers will refuse to co-operate in the collection of the flatulence tax.
> Peter Cotterill.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Rex Teague" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 1:19 PM
> Subject: Re: New Zealanders
> > Eric et al
> >
> > On 15 Jul 03, Eric Myren wrote:
> > > What is this I hear about farmers in New Zealand mailing the
> > > government sheep and cow poop to protest a flatulence tax?
> >
> >
> >
> > We wonder if Marie's few milking sheep are going to cop the
> > proposed tax? 8-]
> >
> > Rex
> > ___
> > BDNow mailing list
> > You can unsubscribe or change your options at:
> >
> ___
> BDNow mailing list
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