Re: [bess] Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

2023-10-11 Thread Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr)

Hi Stephane,

Many thanks for the detailed review and comments. Have updated the document 
addressing all of the comments below.

Specifically regarding the issue of referencing rfc7432 or rfc7432bis, I have 
modified the reference to be on rfc7432 since existing 7432 is sufficient as a 
reference for all procedures covered in this document and it alleviates 
unnecessary dependency on publication of 7432bis.


From: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) 
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:14 AM

Subject: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15
Hi Authors,

Please find below my review of the latest version of the draft:

The abstract refers to RFC7432bis but don’t make RFC7432bis as normative 
reference and also drafts is marked as updating RFC7432.
Here you should make a choice, either you base the draft on RFC7432 and not 
mention RFC7432bis, or base your draft on RFC7432bis, but then you should make 
it normative ref.
As a consequence, you’ll have a downref until RFC7432bis is published. I think 
this is a major issue that needs to be solved before moving fwd.

“EVPN-IRB enables advertising…”.
[SLI] Were you expecting to put a reference here instead of EVPN-IRB ? While 
EVPN and IRB are considered as well known, EVPN-IRB is a bit weird. But I guess 
it’s a reference to RFC9135. If yes, this must be modified. I would potentially 
right it as “EVPN IRB ([RFC9135]) enables…”. We need to have the reference 
immediately, not only at the end. Also in the document, you should choose 
between EVPN IRB and EVPN-IRB. Unfortunately, I see that RFC9135 is not 
consistent 😊 But it’s good to have consistency here.

“While a fixed 1:1 mapping between IP and MAC is a common use case that is 
addressed via existing MAC mobility procedure »
[SLI] I would add: “MAC mobility procedure, defined in [RFC7432]”

“VM move”.
[SLI] I guess you’ll need to expand VM on first use. Maybe adding a bit of 
context before would be helpful (IRB mobility scenarios in datacenter for 

“Content presented in this document is independent »
[SLI] “Content” is probably too wide IMO. I would write it as “The proposed 
solution is independent …”

“It is also largely”
[SLI] I would remove largely. Either it’s independent, or it’s not 😊

[SLI] I would personally remove the paragraphs “Content presented…” and “In 
addition to symmetric”, in favor of a slightly modified version of the last 

This document covers mobility for the following cases, independently of the 
overlay encapsulation (e.g.: MPLS, NVO 

  *   Symmetric EVPN IRB 
  *   Asymmetric EVPN IRB 
  *   Routed EVPN 

Section 1.1:
As sections 3,4,5 are dealing with problem statement/background, wouldn’t it be 
better/more clear to group them in a big section ? You can keep your existing 
3,4,5 sections as subsections of the bigger one.

Section 2:
Please check and I 
think you could remove from your list anything which is considered as well 
known. And also please check for abbrevations that require expansion on first 

Section 4:
For readability purpose, I would always use the same naming conventions for the 
IP to MAC bindings, sometimes you use IP1-MAC1, sometimes IP1-M1 across the 

Section 5:
“It is possible for host to be learnt on say, PE1”
[SLI] I would just say: “It is possible for host VM route be learnt on PE1”

Section 6/7/8/9
[SLI] s/LOCAL/Local|local/g. Why using LOCAL as upper case ?

Section 7.1:
[SLI] I have a philosophical issue with the parent/child relationship you 
describe. If MAC is parent of MAC-IP, how could MAC be truly optional as a 
child cannot exist without its parent.

Section 8.1/8.2/8.4/8.5
[SLI] s/should be computed/MUST be computed/g. IMO, you cannot use “should” and 
then MUST in your bullets.

Section 8.3:
[SLI] s/is required/IS REQUIRED

Section 8.5
“If this is a SYNCed MAC-IP on a local ES, it would also result in a derived 
SYNC MAC Mx route entry”
[SLI] I find the beg of the sentence of bit weird, could you improve it ?

Section 8.6:
[SLI] Change title to “Interoperability”, same in the text of the section.
s/should be computed/MUST be computed . Why using should here and must in other 
cases, any reason ?

Section 10:
Why do you use DUPLICATE/FROZEN as upper case ? You need to make it lower case

Section 13:
You missed a “e” at the end of Patrice’s last name.


Re: [bess] Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

2023-10-16 Thread slitkows.ietf
Hi Neeraj,


Thanks for the updates.


Couple new « mistakes »:

*   Abstract should not use xtarget references, you could use “RFC7432” as 
plain text but not using the reference tag. You should also not use normative 
language “IS REQUIRED” in the abstract.
*   Introduction: s/envoronments/environment and 
s/containairized/containerized (same issue in terminology section)
*   In Section 1.1, I think your section reference haven’t followed the new 
structure. Section 6 should be Section 4, Section 8 should be Section 6.


Few things, not addressed or that needs explanation:


Section 6.3:

[SLI] s/is required/IS REQUIRED


Section 6.5

“If this is a SYNCed MAC-IP on a local ES, it would also result in a derived 
SYNC MAC Mx route entry”

[SLI] I find the beg of the sentence of bit weird, could you improve it ?

[SLI2] The “If this is a” doesn’t sound good for a written document and not 
accurate enough. Could we say “ On receiving a” ?


Section 5.1:

[SLI] I have a philosophical issue with the parent/child relationship you 
describe. If MAC is parent of MAC-IP, how could MAC be truly optional as a 
child cannot exist without its parent.


Section 11:

You missed a “e” at the end of Patrice’s last name.

[SLI] My mistake, there was also a “t” missing: should be  “Brissette”






From: Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr)  
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 12:53 AM
To: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) ;;
Subject: Re: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15



Hi Stephane,


Many thanks for the detailed review and comments. Have updated the document 
addressing all of the comments below. 


Specifically regarding the issue of referencing rfc7432 or rfc7432bis, I have 
modified the reference to be on rfc7432 since existing 7432 is sufficient as a 
reference for all procedures covered in this document and it alleviates 
unnecessary dependency on publication of 7432bis.





From: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)> >
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:14 AM
To:> >,> >
Cc:> >
Subject: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

Hi Authors,


Please find below my review of the latest version of the draft:




The abstract refers to RFC7432bis but don’t make RFC7432bis as normative 
reference and also drafts is marked as updating RFC7432.

Here you should make a choice, either you base the draft on RFC7432 and not 
mention RFC7432bis, or base your draft on RFC7432bis, but then you should make 
it normative ref.

As a consequence, you’ll have a downref until RFC7432bis is published. I think 
this is a major issue that needs to be solved before moving fwd.




“EVPN-IRB enables advertising…”. 

[SLI] Were you expecting to put a reference here instead of EVPN-IRB ? While 
EVPN and IRB are considered as well known, EVPN-IRB is a bit weird. But I guess 
it’s a reference to RFC9135. If yes, this must be modified. I would potentially 
right it as “EVPN IRB ([RFC9135]) enables…”. We need to have the reference 
immediately, not only at the end. Also in the document, you should choose 
between EVPN IRB and EVPN-IRB. Unfortunately, I see that RFC9135 is not 
consistent 😊 But it’s good to have consistency here. 




“While a fixed 1:1 mapping between IP and MAC is a common use case that is 
addressed via existing MAC mobility procedure »

[SLI] I would add: “MAC mobility procedure, defined in [RFC7432]”


“VM move”.

[SLI] I guess you’ll need to expand VM on first use. Maybe adding a bit of 
context before would be helpful (IRB mobility scenarios in datacenter for 



“Content presented in this document is independent »

[SLI] “Content” is probably too wide IMO. I would write it as “The proposed 
solution is independent …”


“It is also largely”

[SLI] I would remove largely. Either it’s independent, or it’s not 😊


[SLI] I would personally remove the paragraphs “Content presented…” and “In 
addition to symmetric”, in favor of a slightly modified version of the last 


This document covers mobility for the following cases, independently of the 
overlay encapsulation (e.g.: MPLS, NVO Tunnel):¶ 


*   Symmetric EVPN IRB overlay¶ 

*   Asymmetric EVPN IRB overlay¶ 

Re: [bess] Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

2023-10-16 Thread Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr)

Hi Stephane,

Thanks for catching all of these – have addressed them in rev17.


Section 5.1:
[SLI] I have a philosophical issue with the parent/child relationship you 
describe. If MAC is parent of MAC-IP, how could MAC be truly optional as a 
child cannot exist without its parent.

[NM]: child -> parent relationship explained in “section 5.1 Sequence number 
Inheritance” is a local view of a PE that *does* maintain both local MAC and 
local MAC-IP routes with corresponding sequence number attributes. Local MAC 
itself is NOT optional on a PE. It is only a separate advertisement of this MAC 
to other PEs that is optional (since the MAC reachability is already signaled 
together with MAC-IP route). I have updated the text in “section 3.1 Optional 
MAC Only RT-2” and “section 5.1 Sequence number Inheritance” to explicitly 
clarify this. Hope, this makes sense.


Date: Monday, October 16, 2023 at 8:14 AM
To: Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr) , Stephane Litkowski 
(slitkows) , 

Subject: RE: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15
Hi Neeraj,

Thanks for the updates.

Couple new « mistakes »:

  *   Abstract should not use xtarget references, you could use “RFC7432” as 
plain text but not using the reference tag. You should also not use normative 
language “IS REQUIRED” in the abstract.
  *   Introduction: s/envoronments/environment and 
s/containairized/containerized (same issue in terminology section)
  *   In Section 1.1, I think your section reference haven’t followed the new 
structure. Section 6 should be Section 4, Section 8 should be Section 6.

Few things, not addressed or that needs explanation:

Section 6.3:
[SLI] s/is required/IS REQUIRED

Section 6.5
“If this is a SYNCed MAC-IP on a local ES, it would also result in a derived 
SYNC MAC Mx route entry”
[SLI] I find the beg of the sentence of bit weird, could you improve it ?
[SLI2] The “If this is a” doesn’t sound good for a written document and not 
accurate enough. Could we say “ On receiving a” ?

Section 5.1:
[SLI] I have a philosophical issue with the parent/child relationship you 
describe. If MAC is parent of MAC-IP, how could MAC be truly optional as a 
child cannot exist without its parent.

Section 11:
You missed a “e” at the end of Patrice’s last name.
[SLI] My mistake, there was also a “t” missing: should be  “Brissette”



From: Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr) 
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 12:53 AM
To: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) ;;
Subject: Re: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

Hi Stephane,

Many thanks for the detailed review and comments. Have updated the document 
addressing all of the comments below.

Specifically regarding the issue of referencing rfc7432 or rfc7432bis, I have 
modified the reference to be on rfc7432 since existing 7432 is sufficient as a 
reference for all procedures covered in this document and it alleviates 
unnecessary dependency on publication of 7432bis.


From: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)>>
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:14 AM
Subject: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15
Hi Authors,

Please find below my review of the latest version of the draft:

The abstract refers to RFC7432bis but don’t make RFC7432bis as normative 
reference and also drafts is marked as updating RFC7432.
Here you should make a choice, either you base the draft on RFC7432 and not 
mention RFC7432bis, or base your draft on RFC7432bis, but then you should make 
it normative ref.
As a consequence, you’ll have a downref until RFC7432bis is published. I think 
this is a major issue that needs to be solved before moving fwd.

“EVPN-IRB enables advertising…”.
[SLI] Were you expecting to put a reference here instead of EVPN-IRB ? While 
EVPN and IRB are considered as well known, EVPN-IRB is a bit weird. But I guess 
it’s a reference to RFC9135. If yes, this must be modified. I would potentially 
right it as “EVPN IRB ([RFC9135]) enables…”. We need to have the reference 
immediately, not only at the end. Also in the document, you should choose 
between EVPN IRB and EVPN-IRB. Unfortunately, I see that RFC9135 is not 
consistent 😊 But it’s good to have consistency here.

“While a fixed 1:1 mapping between IP and MAC is a common use case that is 
addressed via existing MAC mobility procedure »
[SLI] I would add: “MAC mobi

Re: [bess] Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

2023-10-16 Thread Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)
HI Neeraj,

Many thanks for the updates, the text is more clear now.
I’ll do the write up and proceed.


From: Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr) 
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 11:31 PM
To:; Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) 
Subject: Re: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

Hi Stephane,

Thanks for catching all of these – have addressed them in rev17.


Section 5.1:
[SLI] I have a philosophical issue with the parent/child relationship you 
describe. If MAC is parent of MAC-IP, how could MAC be truly optional as a 
child cannot exist without its parent.

[NM]: child -> parent relationship explained in “section 5.1 Sequence number 
Inheritance” is a local view of a PE that *does* maintain both local MAC and 
local MAC-IP routes with corresponding sequence number attributes. Local MAC 
itself is NOT optional on a PE. It is only a separate advertisement of this MAC 
to other PEs that is optional (since the MAC reachability is already signaled 
together with MAC-IP route). I have updated the text in “section 3.1 Optional 
MAC Only RT-2” and “section 5.1 Sequence number Inheritance” to explicitly 
clarify this. Hope, this makes sense.


Date: Monday, October 16, 2023 at 8:14 AM
To: Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr)>>, 
Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)>>,>>,>>
Subject: RE: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15
Hi Neeraj,

Thanks for the updates.

Couple new « mistakes »:

  *   Abstract should not use xtarget references, you could use “RFC7432” as 
plain text but not using the reference tag. You should also not use normative 
language “IS REQUIRED” in the abstract.
  *   Introduction: s/envoronments/environment and 
s/containairized/containerized (same issue in terminology section)
  *   In Section 1.1, I think your section reference haven’t followed the new 
structure. Section 6 should be Section 4, Section 8 should be Section 6.

Few things, not addressed or that needs explanation:

Section 6.3:
[SLI] s/is required/IS REQUIRED

Section 6.5
“If this is a SYNCed MAC-IP on a local ES, it would also result in a derived 
SYNC MAC Mx route entry”
[SLI] I find the beg of the sentence of bit weird, could you improve it ?
[SLI2] The “If this is a” doesn’t sound good for a written document and not 
accurate enough. Could we say “ On receiving a” ?

Section 5.1:
[SLI] I have a philosophical issue with the parent/child relationship you 
describe. If MAC is parent of MAC-IP, how could MAC be truly optional as a 
child cannot exist without its parent.

Section 11:
You missed a “e” at the end of Patrice’s last name.
[SLI] My mistake, there was also a “t” missing: should be  “Brissette”



From: Neeraj Malhotra (nmalhotr)>>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 12:53 AM
To: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)>>;;
Subject: Re: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15

Hi Stephane,

Many thanks for the detailed review and comments. Have updated the document 
addressing all of the comments below.

Specifically regarding the issue of referencing rfc7432 or rfc7432bis, I have 
modified the reference to be on rfc7432 since existing 7432 is sufficient as a 
reference for all procedures covered in this document and it alleviates 
unnecessary dependency on publication of 7432bis.


From: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)>>
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:14 AM
Subject: Chair review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-15
Hi Authors,

Please find below my review of the latest version of the draft:

The abstract refers to RFC7432bis but don’t make RFC7432bis as normative 
reference and also drafts is marked as updating RFC7432.
Here you should make a choice, either you base the draft on RFC7432 and not 
mention RFC7432bis, or base your d