Single slave zone definition for two view (cache file name problem)

2015-03-17 Thread Constantin Stefanov

After upgrading from BIND 4.6 to 4.10.2, named requires that different
slave zone have separate file for cache.

With 4.6 I had the following config:


view "internal" {
match /* match condition */;
include "common.zones";

view "external" {
match /* match condition */;
include "common.zones";


zone "" {
type slave;
file "slave/";
masters {MASTERIP;};

It worked fine with 4.6 (although it was considered incorrect).

After upgrade to 4.10 named started complaining:

common.zones:3: writeable file 'slave/': already in use:

As I understand, now I need to have separate files for different views.

But is there a way to have them automatically assigned and to write
something like:

file "slave/${view_name}"

or any other way to have only one defininition for common zones?

I found 'in-view' option, but again it requires two definitions for
every zone: one with "file" and "masters" directives, and another with
"in-view" option. Moreover, these two definitions must be in different
files, as I have to include one in first view, and another (with
'in-view') in all other views, so I have to keep two separate files
synced with one another.

So is it possible to have only one definition for slave zones that are
shared between different views?

Konstantin Stefanov,

Research Computing Center
M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Re: Single slave zone definition for two view (cache file name problem)

2015-03-17 Thread Constantin Stefanov

On 17.03.2015 18:05, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
> 4.x would be quite ancient.   Where are you getting those version
> numbers?   You should be using 9.x these days so I suspect the BIND
> version isn't what you think it is.Is it possible the version
> you're reporting is you OS rather than your BIND?
> What is reported when you run "named -v"?
I mistyped, I meant 9.6, sorry.

> Anyway what we do is in our views is simply name the internal zone
> files the same as external and prepend internal- to the name.
> e.g. = external zone file = internal
> zone file.
> If they're the same you can simply copy from one to the other.
> Sometimes they are not the same which is why you have views in the
> first place.
These files are created by named itself, so I can't simplycopy them. The
question is not where to get the files, the question is how to simplify
config. With 9.6 I could have only one definition for a zone shared
between 2 views, although it was considered incorrect.
After upgrade to 9.10 old config does not work and I see no way to keep
the config as simple.

The question is - how to make the config simple, as was available before

> -Original Message- From:
> [] On Behalf Of Constantin
> Stefanov Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 10:37 AM To:
> Subject: Single slave zone definition for
> two view (cache file name problem)
> Hello.
> After upgrading from BIND 4.6 to 4.10.2, named requires that
> different slave zone have separate file for cache.
> With 4.6 I had the following config:
> named.conf:
> view "internal" { match /* match condition */; include
> "common.zones"; };
> view "external" { match /* match condition */; include
> "common.zones"; };
> common.zones:
> zone "" { type slave; file "slave/"; 
> masters {MASTERIP;}; };
> It worked fine with 4.6 (although it was considered incorrect).
> After upgrade to 4.10 named started complaining:
> common.zones:3: writeable file 'slave/': already in
> use: common.zones:3
> As I understand, now I need to have separate files for different
> views.
> But is there a way to have them automatically assigned and to write
> something like:
> file "slave/${view_name}"
> or any other way to have only one defininition for common zones?
> I found 'in-view' option, but again it requires two definitions for
> every zone: one with "file" and "masters" directives, and another
> with "in-view" option. Moreover, these two definitions must be in
> different files, as I have to include one in first view, and another
> (with 'in-view') in all other views, so I have to keep two separate
> files synced with one another.
> So is it possible to have only one definition for slave zones that
> are shared between different views?
> -- Konstantin Stefanov,
> Research Computing Center M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University 
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Konstantin Stefanov,

Research Computing Center
M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Re: Single slave zone definition for two view (cache file name problem)

2015-03-17 Thread Constantin Stefanov

On 17.03.2015 19:34, Tony Finch wrote:
> Constantin Stefanov  wrote:
>> I found 'in-view' option, but again it requires two definitions for
>> every zone: one with "file" and "masters" directives, and another with
>> "in-view" option. Moreover, these two definitions must be in different
>> files, as I have to include one in first view, and another (with
>> 'in-view') in all other views, so I have to keep two separate files
>> synced with one another.
> I have a similar situation on my workstation server, except in my case the
> recursive view needs static-stub configurations for each zone in the
> authoritative view.
> I have a script called named-listzones (attached) which reads named.conf
> and outputs a list of zone name, view, and type. A bit of seddery in the
> rc script re-generates the static-stub zone configuration whenever named
> is started or reloaded.
Tony, thanks for the script.

I am doing something like that myself now, and using make as suggested
in neighbour letter is a way, too.

My grievance is that previously it worked without any scripting, and now
the scripting is required. Maybe I do not see something?

Konstantin Stefanov,

Research Computing Center
M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Re: Single slave zone definition for two view (cache file name problem)

2015-03-17 Thread Constantin Stefanov
On 17.03.2015 18:32, /dev/rob0 wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 05:36:57PM +0300, Constantin Stefanov wrote:
>> After upgrading from BIND 4.6 to 4.10.2, named requires that 
>> different slave zone have separate file for cache.
> Surely you mean s/4/9/g, and yes, this is true.
Of course, sorry.

>> With 4.6 I had the following config:
>> named.conf:
>> view "internal" {
>>  match /* match condition */;
>>  include "common.zones";
>> };
>> view "external" {
>>  match /* match condition */;
>>  include "common.zones";
>> };
>> common.zones:
>> zone "" {
>>  type slave;
>>  file "slave/";
>>  masters {MASTERIP;};
>> };
>> It worked fine with 4.6 (although it was considered incorrect).
>> After upgrade to 4.10 named started complaining:
>> common.zones:3: writeable file 'slave/': already in 
>> use: common.zones:3
>> As I understand, now I need to have separate files for different 
>> views.
>> But is there a way to have them automatically assigned and to write
>> something like:
>> file "slave/${view_name}"
>> or any other way to have only one defininition for common zones?
> Here is an easy suggestion:
> view "common" {
>   match-clients { none; };
>   zone "" {
>   type slave;
>   file "common/";
>   masters {; };
>   };
>   // repeat for other common zones
> };
> And then your other views can be defined and use the include file as 
> before, with each zone being:
>   in-view "common";
>> I found 'in-view' option, but again it requires two definitions for 
>> every zone: one with "file" and "masters" directives, and another 
>> with "in-view" option. Moreover, these two definitions must be in 
>> different files, as I have to include one in first view, and 
>> another (with 'in-view') in all other views, so I have to keep two 
>> separate files synced with one another.
>> So is it possible to have only one definition for slave zones that 
>> are shared between different views?
> Hmmm.  I am not sure if there is a good workaround for that.  But 
> there are tools like make(1) which can do this for you?  I would 
> suggest a script to generate the common.zones file from whatever 
> you're using for the "common" view.
> Maybe someone else will have a better suggestion?
Well, using make and scripting is certainly an option, but not having to
use it is better in my opinion. And as I said in another letter, with
9.6 there was no need for scripting.

I do not generate "common.zones", I write it by hand. And now I have to
make a script that generates another "common.zones.internal" from
previous "common.zones" or generate them both from comon source.

I any case it is unnecessary (in my view) complication caused by
upgrade, I would call it a regression, as I used this config for at
least five years, and now I have to invent something.

So I am asking for better solution, too. But reading docs and googling
did not give me a clue.

Konstantin Stefanov,

Research Computing Center
M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Re: Single slave zone definition for two view (cache file name problem)

2015-03-18 Thread Constantin Stefanov
I see why it may lead to problems.

But in fact the configuration with only one writable file referenced
several times is suported now. If I write:

view "view1" {
zone "" {
masters {IP;};
file "slave/";

view "view2" {
zone "" {
in-view "view1";

then both views will refernce ther same writable file, won't they? Or am
I missing something about "in-view" directive?

And if I'm right, the only question is how to simplify the configuration
so not to have two definitions in two files for every slave zone which
is shared between views.

On 18.03.2015 1:25, Mark Andrews wrote:
> Referencing the same writable file in multiple places in named can:
> * lead to corrupted journals
> * the wrong zone content being published in the wrong view
> * named not being able to serve zone content when restarted when the
>   master is down
> * content not showing up in a timely manner
> * extra zone transfers recovering from the above
> If you failed to experience one or more of these you were lucky.
> There is a good chance that some of these things were happening and
> you were not even aware.
> We got bug reports about all of these events that were caused by
> the same writable file being referenced multiple times.
> Referencing the same writeable file multiple times has never been
> a supported configuration.  This is now being caught.
> Mark

Константин Стефанов,

Лаборатория параллельных информационных технологий НИВЦ МГУ

тел. +7 (495) 939-23-41
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Re: Single slave zone definition for two view (cache file name problem)

2015-03-18 Thread Constantin Stefanov
On 18.03.2015 11:56, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 18.03.15 11:48, Constantin Stefanov wrote:
>> But in fact the configuration with only one writable file referenced
>> several times is suported now. If I write:
>> view "view1" {
>>  zone "" {
>>  masters {IP;};
>>  file "slave/";
>>  };
>> };
>> view "view2" {
>>  zone "" {
>>  in-view "view1";
>>  };
>> };
>> then both views will refernce ther same writable file, won't they? Or am
>> I missing something about "in-view" directive?
>> And if I'm right, the only question is how to simplify the configuration
>> so not to have two definitions in two files for every slave zone which
>> is shared between views.
> maybe you could put all those zone definitions into one file and include it
> in each view.
I can't. It stopped working after upgrade to 9.10, but worked before
with 9.6. And the question is how to keep the config as simple as it was
before upgrade.

> the only other way is stop using views...

Konstantin Stefanov,

Research Computing Center
M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University
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