Re: [boost] Filesystem portable path rationale and use-cases

2003-08-20 Thread Iain K. Hanson
On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 19:49, Brian Gray wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 12:35 AM, Yitzhak Sapir wrote:
> > My feeling from all these examples is that a path string is inherently 
> > specific to the system for which it was specified, and can't really be 
> > ported to anywhere else.  Much like a string is usually inherently 
> > specific in its encoding to the system-specified encoding.  However, 
> > the filesystem library can provide a portable way to manipulate this 
> > system specific path, much like the string library provides a portable 
> > way to manipulate the system-specific encoded string.  In view of 
> > this, why try for a "portable path" at all?
> This may have been covered already, but I would go further and assert 
> that the very concept of a string path is non-portable.

It does not have to be. It is legal on both Windows and *nix'es to have
spaces in paths and filenames. This does not make it a good thing. I
like that when I create paths that they are portable and I can use this
to validate user input as well. When I have to traverse existing paths
then I expect to have to use native paths.


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Re: [boost] Filesystem portable path rationale and use-cases

2003-08-19 Thread Walter Landry
Brian Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should we (do we?) have some spreadsheet enumerating various filesystem 
> features, quirks, and limitations for whatever systems we can find, and 
> using that as a reference regarding how to organize features like 
> paths, file references, forks, or whatever else?  It might help us to 
> back out of the code and re-examine the problem domain regardless of 
> the current state of Boost.

I've been thinking that maybe the best way to provide for portable
paths is to have a bunch of flags that you can set.  So when you push
something onto Beman's singleton stack, you can, for example, set the
NTFS and VMS flags if you only care about those filesystems.

However, that makes it difficult to extend to customized portability
restrictions.  That might require some kind of function stack within
each element of the singleton stack.  Then you can push the NTFS and
VMS checkers onto that stack within the stack.

Walter Landry

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Re: [boost] Filesystem portable path rationale and use-cases

2003-08-19 Thread Brian Gray
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 12:35 AM, Yitzhak Sapir wrote:
My feeling from all these examples is that a path string is inherently 
specific to the system for which it was specified, and can't really be 
ported to anywhere else.  Much like a string is usually inherently 
specific in its encoding to the system-specified encoding.  However, 
the filesystem library can provide a portable way to manipulate this 
system specific path, much like the string library provides a portable 
way to manipulate the system-specific encoded string.  In view of 
this, why try for a "portable path" at all?
This may have been covered already, but I would go further and assert 
that the very concept of a string path is non-portable.  For example, 
in the Macintosh filesystem the beginning of a full path is the name of 
the volume.  But two volumes may have the same name, leading to 
ambiguity.  The only good way I've seen to counter it is a concept I 
saw implemented in the Be API and that I recently implemented on Mac.  
Basically you create a VolumeRoster that enumerates the mounted volumes 
and their attributes, and build your path out from there until you have 
an Entry, which is a theoretical location that may or may not point to 
a Node, an actual filesystem object.  Paths can be used as constructor 
arguments for Entry's for systems on which paths are unique, but to 
stay portable you obtain directories sequentially until you have the 
Entry you desire.

This of course presumes a hierarchical file system, another portability 
topic that has been discussed.  In addition, taking Macs into account, 
something my code does is get named streams on files, correlating to 
forks.  A file by itself can be streamed into and out of, and the 
implementation platform is responsible for supplying a default fork for 
this (Mac defaults to the data fork).  But you can also query the file 
for (and create) other forks and get their streams.

Should we (do we?) have some spreadsheet enumerating various filesystem 
features, quirks, and limitations for whatever systems we can find, and 
using that as a reference regarding how to organize features like 
paths, file references, forks, or whatever else?  It might help us to 
back out of the code and re-examine the problem domain regardless of 
the current state of Boost.

 -- Brian Gray

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[boost] Filesystem portable path rationale and use-cases

2003-08-19 Thread Yitzhak Sapir
This discussion started off with various questions, including the following:
1) Why does it implement any restrictions, by default, on what kind of files it allows?
2) I don't understand why boost::filesystem wants to restrict me to a set of filenames 
that are portable

But the discussion quickly changed to deal with how to support more complex 
"portability" schemes.  I think that's important once a more basic question is 
answered:  What is the rationale for trying to achieve a portable path in the first 
place and what are the use-cases where such a portable path is useful, and cannot be 
solved by better means?  I tried to think up such use cases, but in those I could 
think up, I think the "need" for a "portable" path is flawed.  In our own use of the 
filesystem paths, we always use native paths, and read in values from configuration 
files.  It's simply not practical to expect the user to provide a relative path from 
wherever the program is installed somewhere in "C:\Program Files", to C:\Log or 
something of this sort.

I can consider several situations or use-cases:
1) A programmer hard-codes a path into the source.  So this is to prevent him from 
hard-coding a non-portable path, helping ensure that the resultant program will be 
portable.  However, if the programmer was concerned about portability in the first 
place, he would place paths in configuration files, so that they could be 
configurable.  If he isn't concerned about portability, then nothing will prevent him 
from hardcoding a path and using boost::filesystem::native.

2) A programmer reads paths in input from the keyboard, or elsewhere, such as 
File->Open.  However, this is not inherently non portable.  Depending on the operating 
system where the code is run, "File->Open" or equivalent will/should return a proper 
native path for that system.  The code itself is still portable.

3) Program data files are placed on various directories relative to the program's 
executable directory, and the program uses relative paths to its executable directory 
to access those data files.  But the actual relative paths will usually be different 
for different operating systems anyhow.  "c:\program files" as opposed to /usr/local 
or /bin.  In fact, it might even be different for a single operating system but 
different installation setup (for example, "d:\program files", and even though I am 
less acquainted with unix, I'm sure that there are similar examples in unix).  The 
right thing in my opinion is to put these into configuration files or (in Windows) the 
registry and read them when run.  

Of course, in that case, the configuration file path would have to be specified, since 
it's probably in a configuration directory and not where the executable resides.  But 
the question of how to figure out the configuration file's path isn't going to be 
solved by forcing portable pathnames.  In fact, the question of whether to read it 
from a file is itself system specific, because on windows, you'd most likely want to 
read it from the registry.  And if it's not in the registry, it's probably hidden in 
some "Application Data" directory or what not.  On unix it might be in the user's home 
directory ("~/.programrc") or someplace similar.  In order to deal with this the 
programmer will have to code non-portable code anyhow, compiling a 
"windows_configuration_data_reader.cpp" in windows and a 
"unix_configuration_data_reader.cpp" in unix.  Or it might be just more easily solved 
by passing the configuration pathname location as a program argument.

4) Paths from one system are serialized over a stream (file, tcp/ip, etc) and read on 
another system.  But who is to say that the path, even if it conforms to concepts of 
portability, will be valid on that other system?  Consider the examples above for 
"c:\program files" vs. "d:\program files" vs /usr/local.

My feeling from all these examples is that a path string is inherently specific to the 
system for which it was specified, and can't really be ported to anywhere else.  Much 
like a string is usually inherently specific in its encoding to the system-specified 
encoding.  However, the filesystem library can provide a portable way to manipulate 
this system specific path, much like the string library provides a portable way to 
manipulate the system-specific encoded string.  In view of this, why try for a 
"portable path" at all? 

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