Re: Help with script - doesn't work properly from cron

2009-07-20 Thread Erik Olof Wahlstrom

Thanks everyone for your pointers - I ended up with this:



DATABASES="$(mysql -uroot -pNewSecretPw -Bse 'show databases')"
echo 'Backing up databases: '$DATABASES

cd /
rm -rf "$CURRENT_DIR"
mkdir -p "$CURRENT_DIR"
cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1

mysqldump -uroot -pNewSecretPw "$DB" | bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date

exit 0

It worked on the first manual run - keeping my fingers crossed for tonight!

Bob Proulx wrote:
> Greg Wooledge wrote:
>> Erik Olof Wahlstrom wrote:
>> > /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" | bzip2 >
>> > "$DB"_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M`".sql.bz2"
>>  # Long line, probably broken by your mailer.  For clarity, I'd
>>   # write it on two lines explicitily:
>>  mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
>> bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M).sql.bz2"
> You might want to set umask restrictive so that the backup file
> created by the redirection isn't world readable.
>   umask 077
> I have never liked whitespace in filenames and %k may produce spaces
> in filenames.  Better IMNHO to use %H here and avoid the space.  Why
> use a dot instead of the more common colon in the time?
>   mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
> bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M).sql.bz2"
>> You could also consider writing it this way:
>>   cd /
>>   rm -rf "$CURRENT_DIR"
>>   mkdir -p "$CURRENT_DIR"
>>   cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1
>> Then you don't even need to check whether it already exists.
> Why bother changing directory there at all? :-)
>   mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
> bzip2 > "$CURRENT_DIR/${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M).sql.bz2"
>> Bernd Eggink wrote:
>> > You could replace the whole if-then-else clause by
>> > 
>> > mkdir -p $CURRENT_DIR
>> > cd $CURRENT_DIR
>> > rm -f *
>> Another failure to check the results of "cd" before doing "rm *".  This
>> can and will lead to disasters.
> Doing 'rm *' just makes me extremely nervous even when care is taken
> to ensure that it is going to work okay.  I think it is safer to avoid
> it.  Let me suggest the following:
>> > CURRENT_DIR=$BACKUP_DIR/`date +%d`
>> ...
>>   cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1
>> ...
>>  mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
>>   bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M).sql.bz2"
> In this case the file name is going to be SOMETHING.sql.bz2.  Instead
> of using 'rm *' it would make me much less nervous to qualify that
> file glob with 'rm -f *.sql.bz2' at least so that if this were to escape
> and be invoked elsewhere it would have limited damage potential.
>   cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1
>   rm -f *.sql.bz2
>> > Is there a better way to clear out last months files before making the
>> > current backups?
> Personally I have the following line in my /etc/cron.d/local-mysql
> crontab.  The 'savelog' command with -c7 will save seven days of
> datestamped backups (sufficient for my case) without further code.
> That could easily be -c30 to save 30 days worth.  The 'savelog'
> command pretty much handles all of your issues with datestamping and
> cycling files very easily.
>   30 3 * * *  root  umask 077 ; mysqldump
> --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --all-databases | gzip >
> /var/backups/mysql.dump ; savelog -q -d -l -C -c7 /var/backups/mysql.dump
> Bob

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Re: Help with script - doesn't work properly from cron

2009-07-20 Thread Bob Proulx
Greg Wooledge wrote:
> Erik Olof Wahlstrom wrote:
> > /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" | bzip2 >
> > "$DB"_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M`".sql.bz2"
>  # Long line, probably broken by your mailer.  For clarity, I'd
># write it on two lines explicitily:
>  mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
>  bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M).sql.bz2"

You might want to set umask restrictive so that the backup file
created by the redirection isn't world readable.

  umask 077

I have never liked whitespace in filenames and %k may produce spaces
in filenames.  Better IMNHO to use %H here and avoid the space.  Why
use a dot instead of the more common colon in the time?

  mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M).sql.bz2"

> You could also consider writing it this way:
>   cd /
>   rm -rf "$CURRENT_DIR"
>   mkdir -p "$CURRENT_DIR"
>   cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1
> Then you don't even need to check whether it already exists.

Why bother changing directory there at all? :-)

  mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
bzip2 > "$CURRENT_DIR/${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M).sql.bz2"

> Bernd Eggink wrote:
> > You could replace the whole if-then-else clause by
> > 
> > mkdir -p $CURRENT_DIR
> > rm -f *
> Another failure to check the results of "cd" before doing "rm *".  This
> can and will lead to disasters.

Doing 'rm *' just makes me extremely nervous even when care is taken
to ensure that it is going to work okay.  I think it is safer to avoid
it.  Let me suggest the following:

> > CURRENT_DIR=$BACKUP_DIR/`date +%d`
> ...
>   cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1
> ...
>  mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
>bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M).sql.bz2"

In this case the file name is going to be SOMETHING.sql.bz2.  Instead
of using 'rm *' it would make me much less nervous to qualify that
file glob with 'rm -f *.sql.bz2' at least so that if this were to escape
and be invoked elsewhere it would have limited damage potential.

  cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1
  rm -f *.sql.bz2

> > Is there a better way to clear out last months files before making the
> > current backups?

Personally I have the following line in my /etc/cron.d/local-mysql
crontab.  The 'savelog' command with -c7 will save seven days of
datestamped backups (sufficient for my case) without further code.
That could easily be -c30 to save 30 days worth.  The 'savelog'
command pretty much handles all of your issues with datestamping and
cycling files very easily.

  30 3 * * *  root  umask 077 ; mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf 
--all-databases | gzip > /var/backups/mysql.dump ; savelog -q -d -l -C -c7 


Re: Help with script - doesn't work properly from cron

2009-07-20 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 02:53:21PM -0700, Erik Olof Wahlstrom wrote:
> #!/bin/bash

  # See how you call date here without an explicit path?  That's good.

> DATABASES="$(/usr/bin/mysql -uUsername -pPassword -Bse 'show databases')"
> echo 'Backing up databases: '$DATABASES

  echo "Backing up databases: $DATABASES"

> if [ -e "$CURRENT_DIR" ]

  if [ -d "$CURRENT_DIR" ]

  # Of course, if it's a file, you would have problems below

> then
> /bin/rm *

 cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1
 rm -f *

 # NEVER do "rm *" after a "cd" without checking that the cd
 # succeeded!

 # You don't need an explicit path on rm.  You didn't need one
 # on date, so why put one on rm?

 # In this particular version of this particular script, you can
 # get away with not quoting the $CURRENT_DIR parameter expansion,
 # but quoting it will save your butt if someone changes it, e.g.:
 # CURRENT_DIR='/media/disk/c/Program Files'

> else
> /bin/mkdir $CURRENT_DIR

  mkdir -p "$CURRENT_DIR"


  cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1

> fi
> for DB in $DATABASES
> do
> /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" | bzip2 >
> "$DB"_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M`".sql.bz2"

 # Long line, probably broken by your mailer.  For clarity, I'd
 # write it on two lines explicitily:

 mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" |
   bzip2 > "${DB}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M).sql.bz2"

> done
> exit 0
> Can any skilled eyes see why this doesn't work when it is run from the roots
> crontab?

None of the changes I suggested should really affect that.  Perhaps it's
some sort of mysql-specific thing?

> Additionally, when I run the script as root in the terminal, I get the
> following output:
> Backing up databases: information_schema db1 db2 db3
> /bin/rm: cannot remove `*': No such file or directory

The "rm -f" will suppress that error message.

> Is there a better way to clear out last months files before making the
> current backups?

You could also consider writing it this way:

  cd /
  rm -rf "$CURRENT_DIR"
  mkdir -p "$CURRENT_DIR"
  cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 1

Then you don't even need to check whether it already exists.

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 11:25:13AM +0200, Bernd Eggink wrote:
> You could replace the whole if-then-else clause by
> mkdir -p $CURRENT_DIR
> rm -f *

Another failure to check the results of "cd" before doing "rm *".  This
can and will lead to disasters.

Re: Help with script - doesn't work properly from cron

2009-07-18 Thread Bernd Eggink

Erik Olof Wahlstrom schrieb:

Hello - I am having a problem with a backup script that I have put together -
when I run it as root from the terminal, it works as expected (with one
caveat); however, when cron runs it, the daily backup folder is created but
no files are deposited into that folder...

Here is the script:



DATABASES="$(/usr/bin/mysql -uUsername -pPassword -Bse 'show databases')"
echo 'Backing up databases: '$DATABASES

if [ -e "$CURRENT_DIR" ]
/bin/rm *
/bin/mkdir $CURRENT_DIR

/usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" | bzip2 >
"$DB"_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M`".sql.bz2"

exit 0

Can any skilled eyes see why this doesn't work when it is run from the roots

The reason may be that crontab commands are run with "/bin/sh -c 
command" (Bourne shell mode). Try changing the crontab entry to 
"/bin/bash command".

Additionally, when I run the script as root in the terminal, I get the
following output:

Backing up databases: information_schema db1 db2 db3
/bin/rm: cannot remove `*': No such file or directory

Is there a better way to clear out last months files before making the
current backups?

You could replace the whole if-then-else clause by

mkdir -p $CURRENT_DIR
rm -f *

provided the options are supported on your system.


Bernd Eggink

Help with script - doesn't work properly from cron

2009-07-17 Thread Erik Olof Wahlstrom

Hello - I am having a problem with a backup script that I have put together -
when I run it as root from the terminal, it works as expected (with one
caveat); however, when cron runs it, the daily backup folder is created but
no files are deposited into that folder...

Here is the script:



DATABASES="$(/usr/bin/mysql -uUsername -pPassword -Bse 'show databases')"
echo 'Backing up databases: '$DATABASES

if [ -e "$CURRENT_DIR" ]
/bin/rm *
/bin/mkdir $CURRENT_DIR

/usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pHardAsMySql321 "$DB" | bzip2 >
"$DB"_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%k.%M`".sql.bz2"

exit 0

Can any skilled eyes see why this doesn't work when it is run from the roots

Additionally, when I run the script as root in the terminal, I get the
following output:

Backing up databases: information_schema db1 db2 db3
/bin/rm: cannot remove `*': No such file or directory

Is there a better way to clear out last months files before making the
current backups?

Thanks for any help in advance...

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