fetchmail security announcement fetchmail-SA-2011-01 (CVE-2011-1947)

2011-06-06 Thread ma+bt
Hash: SHA1

fetchmail-SA-2011-01: Denial of service possible in STARTTLS mode

Topics: fetchmail denial of service in STARTTLS protocol phases

Author: Matthias Andree
Announced:  2011-06-06
Type:   Unguarded blocking I/O can cause indefinite application hang
Impact: Denial of service
Danger: low

CVE Name:   CVE-2011-1947
CVSS scores:4.7: Base 6.3 (Impact 6.9 Exploitability 6.8) Temporal 4.7
This is calculated without Environmental Score.
Project URL:http://www.fetchmail.info/

Affects:fetchmail releases 5.9.9 up to and including 6.3.19

Not affected:   fetchmail release 6.3.20 and newer

Corrected in:   2011-05-26 Git, among others, see commit

2011-05-29 fetchmail 6.3.20-rc3 tarball (for testing)

2011-06-06 fetchmail 6.3.20 release tarball

0. Release history

2011-05-30 0.1  first draft (visible in Git and through oss-security)
2011-06-06 1.0  release

1. Background

fetchmail is a software package to retrieve mail from remote POP3, IMAP,
ETRN or ODMR servers and forward it to local SMTP, LMTP servers or
message delivery agents. fetchmail supports SSL and TLS security layers
through the OpenSSL library, if enabled at compile time and if also
enabled at run time, in both SSL/TLS-wrapped mode on dedicated ports as
well as in-band-negotiated STARTTLS and STLS modes through the
regular protocol ports.

2. Problem description and Impact

Fetchmail version 5.9.9 introduced STLS support for POP3, version
6.0.0 added STARTTLS for IMAP. However, the actual S(TART)TLS-initiated
in-band SSL/TLS negotiation was not guarded by a timeout.

Depending on the operating system defaults as to TCP stream keepalive
mode, fetchmail hangs in excess of one week after sending STARTTLS were
observed if the connection failed without notifying the operating
system, for instance, through network outages or hard server crashes.

A malicious server that does not respond, at the network level, after
acknowledging fetchmail's STARTTLS or STLS request, can hold fetchmail
in this protocol state, and thus render fetchmail unable to complete the
poll, or proceed to the next server, effecting a denial of service.

SSL-wrapped mode on dedicated ports was unaffected by this problem, so
can be used as a workaround.

3. Solution

Install fetchmail 6.3.20 or newer.

The fetchmail source code is always available from

Distributors are encouraged to review the NEWS file and move forward to
6.3.20, rather than backport individual security fixes, because doing so
routinely misses other fixes crucial to fetchmail's proper operation,
for which no security announcements are issued.  Several such
(long-standing) bugs were fixed through recent releases, and an erratum
notice for SASL authentication was issued.

Fetchmail 6.3.X releases have always been made with a focus on unchanged
user and program interfaces so as to avoid disruptions when upgrading
from 6.3.X to 6.3.Y with Y  X.  Care was taken to not change the
interface incompatibly.

4. Workaround

If supported by the server's configuration, fetchmail can be run in
ssl-wrapped rather than starttls mode. To that extent, the ssl sslproto
ssl3 option must be configured (possibly replacing sslproto tls1 where
configured) to the rcfile, or --ssl --sslproto ssl3 can be given on
the command line (where it applies to all poll configurations).

It is generally also advisable to enforce SSL certificate validation, by
either using --sslcertck on the command line, or using sslcertck in a
default configuration entry of the rcfile, or using sslcertck in
each of the relevant individual poll descriptions of the rcfile.

A. Copyright, License and Non-Warranty

(C) Copyright 2011 by Matthias Andree, matthias.and...@gmx.de.
Some rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/ or send a letter to

Creative Commons
171 Second Street
Suite 300

Use the information herein at your own risk.

END of fetchmail-SA-2011-01
Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)


fetchmail security announcement fetchmail-SA-2010-02 (CVE-2010-1167)

2010-05-06 Thread ma+bt
Hash: SHA1

fetchmail-SA-2010-02: Denial of service in debug mode w/ multichar locales

Topics: Denial of service in debug output

Author: Matthias Andree
Announced:  2010-05-06
Type:   Unbounded allocation of memory until exhaustion
Impact: Denial of service
Danger: low

CVE Name:   CVE-2010-1167
CVSS scores:3.2, Base 4.3 (Impact 2.9, Exploitability 8.6), Temporal 3.2
This is calculated without Environmental Score.
Project URL:http://www.fetchmail.info/

Affects:fetchmail releases 4.6.3 up to and including 6.3.16

Not affected:   fetchmail release 6.3.17 and newer

Corrected:  2010-04-24 Git, required commits:

2010-04-30 fetchmail 6.3.17-pre1 tarball

2010-05-06 fetchmail 6.3.17 release tarball

0. Release history

2010-04-18 0.1  first draft (visible in SVN and through oss-security)
2010-04-19 0.2  add note announcements may appear before releases
2010-04-20 0.3  add CVE name, fix Type:
2010-04-24 0.4  revise patch
2010-04-29 0.5  add info on contributing/mitigating factors
2010-06-05 1.0  complete

1. Background

fetchmail is a software package to retrieve mail from remote POP2, POP3,
IMAP, ETRN or ODMR servers and forward it to local SMTP, LMTP servers or
message delivery agents. It supports SSL and TLS security layers through
the OpenSSL library, if enabled at compile time and if also enabled at
run time.

2. Problem description and Impact

In debug mode (-v -v), fetchmail prints information that was obtained from the
upstream server (POP3 UIDL lists) or from message headers retrieved from it.
  If printing such information fails, for instance because there are invalid
multibyte character sequences in this information (message headers), fetchmail
will misinterpret this condition, and believe that the buffer was too small,
and reallocate a bigger one (with linearly increasing buffer size), and repeat,
until the allocation fails. At that point, fetchmail will abort.

The exact combination of contributing and mitigating factors is not
fully understood; GNU glibc 2.7 and 2.10.1 on i586 report EILSEQ when
printing invalid sequences through a %.*s format string in multibyte
locales such as de_DE.UTF-8; NetBSD 5, FreeBSD 8 and Solaris 10 do not.
However, the issue is a genuine fetchmail bug that deserves a fix.

Note that the Affects: line above may be inaccurate, and it may be that
versions before 5.6.6 are actually unaffected.  The author was unable to
compile such old fetchmail versions to verify the existence of the bug.
  Given that other security issues are present in such versions, those should
not be used, and the wider version range was listed as vulnerable to err
towards the safe.

3. Solution

There are two alternatives, either of them by itself is sufficient:

a. Apply the patch found in section B of this announcement to
   fetchmail 6.3.14 or newer, recompile and reinstall it.

b. Install fetchmail 6.3.17 or newer after it will have become available.
   (Note that the announcements may be publicly visible quite some time
   before the release is made, particularly for minor bugs.)
   The fetchmail source code is always available from

4. Workaround

Run fetchmail with at most one -v (--verbose) option.

A. Copyright, License and Warranty

(C) Copyright 2010 by Matthias Andree, matthias.and...@gmx.de.
Some rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/ or send a letter to

Creative Commons
171 Second Street
Suite 300

Use the information herein at your own risk.

B. Patch to remedy the problem

Note that when taking this from a GnuPG clearsigned file, the lines
starting with a - character are prefixed by another -  (dash +
blank) combination. Either feed this file through GnuPG to strip them,
or strip them manually. You may want to use the -p1 flag to patch.

Whitespace differences can usually be ignored by invoking patch -l,
so try this if the patch does not apply.

diff --git a/rfc822.c b/rfc822.c
index 6f2dbf3..dbcda32 100644
- --- a/rfc822.c
+++ b/rfc822.c
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ MIT license.  Compile with -DMAIN to build the demonstrator.
 #include  stdlib.h
 #include fetchmail.h

fetchmail security announcement fetchmail-SA-2009-01 (CVE-2009-2666)

2009-08-06 Thread ma+bt
Hash: SHA1

fetchmail-SA-2009-01: Improper SSL certificate subject verification

Topics: Improper SSL certificate subject verification

Author: Matthias Andree
Announced:  2009-08-06
Type:   Allows undetected Man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL/TLS.
Impact: Credential disclose to eavesdroppers.
Danger: medium
CVSSv2 vectors: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) (E:H/RL:OF/RC:C)

CVE Name:   CVE-2009-2666
Project URL:http://www.fetchmail.info/

Affects:fetchmail releases up to and including 6.3.10

Not affected:   fetchmail release 6.3.11 and newer

Corrected:  2009-08-04 fetchmail SVN (rev 5389)

References: Null Prefix Attacks Against SSL/TLS Certificates,
Moxie Marlinspike, 2009-07-29, Defcon 17, Blackhat 09.

CVE-2009-2408, Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and NSS 3.12.3
improper handling of '\0' characters in domain names in
the Subject CN field of X.509 certificates.

0. Release history

2009-08-05 0.1  first draft (visible in SVN)
2009-08-06 1.0  first release

1. Background

fetchmail is a software package to retrieve mail from remote POP2, POP3,
IMAP, ETRN or ODMR servers and forward it to local SMTP, LMTP servers or
message delivery agents. It supports SSL and TLS security layers through
the OpenSSL library, if enabled at compile time and if also enabled at
run time.

2. Problem description and Impact

Moxie Marlinspike demonstrated in July 2009 that some CAs would sign
certificates that contain embedded NUL characters in the Common Name or
subjectAltName fields of ITU-T X.509 certificates.

Applications that would treat such X.509 strings as NUL-terminated C
strings (rather than strings that contain an explicit length field)
would only check the part up to and excluding the NUL character, so that
certificate names such as www.good.example\0www.bad.example.com would be
mistaken as a certificate name for www.good.example.  fetchmail also had
this design and implementation flaw.

Note that fetchmail should always be forced to use strict certificate
validation through either of these option combinations:

--sslcertck --ssl --sslproto ssl3(for service on SSL-wrapped ports)
--sslcertck --sslproto tls1  (for STARTTLS-based services)

(These are for the command line, in the rcfile, you will need to omit
the respective leading --).

The default is relaxed checking for compatibility with historic versions.

3. Solution

There are two alternatives, either of them by itself is sufficient:

a. Apply the patch found in section B of this announcement to
   fetchmail 6.3.10, recompile and reinstall it.

b. Install fetchmail 6.3.11 or newer after it will have become available.
   The fetchmail source code is always available from

4. Workaround

Obtain the server fingerprints through a separate secure channel and
configure them with the sslfingerprint option, and enable the sslcertck

A. Copyright, License and Warranty

(C) Copyright 2009 by Matthias Andree, matthias.and...@gmx.de.
Some rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/ or send a letter to

Creative Commons
171 Second Street
Suite 300

Use the information herein at your own risk.

B. Patch to remedy the problem

Note that when taking this from a GnuPG clearsigned file, the lines 
starting with a - character are prefixed by another -  (dash + 
blank) combination. Either feed this file through GnuPG to strip them, 
or strip them manually.

Whitespace differences can usually be ignored by invoking patch -l,
so try this if the patch does not apply.

Index: socket.c
- --- ./socket.c~
+++ ./socket.c
@@ -632,6 +632,12 @@
report(stderr, GT_(Bad certificate: Subject 
CommonName too long!\n));
return (0);
+   if ((size_t)i  strlen(buf)) {
+   /* Name contains embedded NUL characters, so we 
complain. This is likely
+* a certificate spoofing attack. */
+   report(stderr, GT_(Bad certificate: Subject 
CommonName contains NUL, aborting!\n));
+   return 0;
+   }

fetchmail REVISED security announcement fetchmail-SA-2008-01 (CVE-2008-2711)

2008-06-24 Thread ma+bt
Hash: SHA1

fetchmail-SA-2008-01: Crash on large log messages in verbose mode

Topics: Crash in large log messages in verbose mode.

Author: Matthias Andree
Announced:  2008-06-17
Type:   Dereferencing garbage pointer triggered by outside circumstances
Impact: denial of service possible
Danger: low
CVSS V2 vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C/E:P/RL:O/RC:C)

Credits:Petr Uzel (fix), Petr Cerny (analysis), Gunter Nau (bug report)
CVE Name:   CVE-2008-2711
Project URL:http://www.fetchmail.info/

Affects:fetchmail release before and excluding 6.3.9
fetchmail release candidate 6.3.9-rc1

Not affected:   fetchmail release 6.3.9 and newer
fetchmail release candidate 6.3.9-rc2 and newer
systems without varargs support.

Corrected:  2008-06-24 fetchmail SVN (rev 5205)

References: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=354291


0. Release history

2008-06-13 1.0  first draft for MITRE/CVE (visible in SVN,
posted to oss-security)
2008-06-17 1.0  published on http://www.fetchmail.info/
2008-06-17 1.1  Corrected typo in Type: above (trigged - triggered)
2008-06-24 1.2  also fixed issue in report_complete (reported by Petr Uzel)

1. Background

fetchmail is a software package to retrieve mail from remote POP2, POP3,
IMAP, ETRN or ODMR servers and forward it to local SMTP, LMTP servers or
message delivery agents.

fetchmail ships with a graphical, Python/Tkinter based configuration
utility named fetchmailconf to help the user create configuration (run
control) files for fetchmail.

2. Problem description and Impact

Gunter Nau reported fetchmail crashing on some messages; further
debugging by Petr Uzel and Petr Cerny at Novell/SUSE Czech Republic
dug up that this happened when fetchmail was trying to print, in -v -v
verbose level, headers exceeding 2048 bytes. In this situation,
fetchmail would resize the buffer and fill in further parts of the
message, but forget to reinitialize its va_list typed source pointer,
thus reading data from a garbage address found on the stack at
addresses above the function arguments the caller passed in; usually
that would be the caller's stack frame.

It is unknown whether code can be injected remotely, but given that
the segmentation fault is caused by read accesses, the relevant data
is not under the remote attacker's control and no buffer overrun
situation is present that would allow altering program /flow/, it is
deemed rather unlikely that code can be injected.

Note that the required -vv configuration at hand is both non-default
and also not common in automated (cron job) setups, but usually used
in manual debugging, so not many systems would be affected by the
problem. Nonetheless, in vulnerable configurations, it is remotely
exploitable to effect a denial of service attack.

3. Solution

There are two alternatives, either of them by itself is sufficient:

a. Apply the patch found in section B of this announcement to
   fetchmail 6.3.8, recompile and reinstall it.

b. Install fetchmail 6.3.9 or newer after it will have become available.
   The fetchmail source code is always available from

4. Workaround

Run fetchmail at low verbosity, avoid using two or three -v arguments;
internal messages are short and do not contain external message
sources so they do not cause buffer resizing. It is recommended to
replace the vulnerable code by a fixed version (see previous
section 3. Solution) as soon as reasonably possible.

A. Copyright, License and Warranty

(C) Copyright 2008 by Matthias Andree, [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Some rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs German License. To view a copy of
this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/de/
or send a letter to Creative Commons; 559 Nathan Abbott Way;
Stanford, California 94305; USA.

Use the information herein at your own risk.

B. Patch to remedy the problem

Note that when taking this from a GnuPG clearsigned file, the lines 
starting with a - character are prefixed by another -  (dash + 
blank) combination. Either feed this file through GnuPG to strip them, 
or strip them manually.

Whitespace differences can usually be ignored by invoking patch -l,
so try this if the patch does not apply.

diff --git a/report.c b/report.c
index 31d4e48..320e60b 100644
- --- a/report.c
+++ b/report.c
@@ -238,11 +238,17 

fetchmail security announcement fetchmail-SA-2007-02 (CVE-2007-4565)

2008-06-17 Thread ma+bt
fetchmail-SA-2007-02: Crash when a local warning message is rejected

Topics: Crash when a fetchmail-generated warning message is rejected

Author: Matthias Andree
Announced:  2007-08-28
Type:   NULL pointer dereference trigged by outside circumstances
Impact: denial of service possible
Danger: low
CVSS V2 vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C/E:?/RL:O/RC:C)

Credits:Earl Chew
CVE Name:   CVE-2007-4565
Project URL:http://www.fetchmail.info/

Affects:fetchmail release  6.3.9 exclusively

Not affected:   fetchmail release 6.3.9 and newer
fetchmail releases  4.6.8 exclusively

Corrected:  2007-07-29 fetchmail SVN (rev 5119)

0. Release history

2007-07-29 1.0  first draft for MITRE/CVE (visible in SVN)
2007-08-28 1.1  reworked, added fix, official release

1. Background

fetchmail is a software package to retrieve mail from remote POP2, POP3,
IMAP, ETRN or ODMR servers and forward it to local SMTP, LMTP servers or
message delivery agents.

fetchmail ships with a graphical, Python/Tkinter based configuration
utility named fetchmailconf to help the user create configuration (run
control) files for fetchmail.

2. Problem description and Impact

fetchmail will generate warning messages in certain circumstances and 
send them to the local postmaster or the user starting it. Such warning 
messages can be generated, for instance, if logging into an upstream 
server fails repeatedly or if messages beyond the size limit (if 
configured, default: no limit) are left on the server.

If this warning message is then refused by the SMTP listener that 
fetchmail is forwarding the message to, fetchmail attempts to 
dereference a NULL pointer when trying to find out if it should allow a 
bounce message to be sent.

This causes fetchmail to crash and not collect further messages until it 
is restarted.

Risk assessment: low. In default configuration, fetchmail will talk 
through the loopback interface, that means to the SMTP server on the same 
computer as it is running on. Otherwise, it will commonly be configured 
to talk to trusted SMTP servers, so a compromise or misconfiguration of 
a trusted or the same computer is required to exploit this problem - 
which usually opens up much easier ways of denying service, or worse.

3. Solution

There are two alternatives, either of them by itself is sufficient:

a. Apply the patch found in section B of this announcement to fetchmail 6.3.8,
   recompile and reinstall it.

b. Install fetchmail 6.3.9 or newer when it becomes available.  The 
   fetchmail source code is available from 

Note there are no workarounds presented here since all known workarounds 
are more intrusive than the actual solution.

A. Copyright, License and Warranty

(C) Copyright 2007 by Matthias Andree, [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Some rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs German License. To view a copy of
this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/de/
or send a letter to Creative Commons; 559 Nathan Abbott Way;
Stanford, California 94305; USA.

Use the information herein at your own risk.

B. Patch to remedy the problem

Index: sink.c
--- sink.c  (revision 5118)
+++ sink.c  (revision 5119)
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 const char *md1 = MAILER-DAEMON, *md2 = MAILER-DAEMON@;
 /* don't bounce in reply to undeliverable bounces */
-if (!msg-return_path[0] ||
+if (!msg || !msg-return_path[0] ||
strcmp(msg-return_path, ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp(msg-return_path, md1) == 0 ||
strncasecmp(msg-return_path, md2, strlen(md2)) == 0)

END OF fetchmail-SA-2007-02.txt

fetchmail security announcement fetchmail-SA-2005-03 (CVE-2005-4348)

2005-12-22 Thread ma+bt
fetchmail-SA-2005-03: security announcement

Topics: #1 crash retrieving headerless message in multidrop mode
#2 fetchmail 6.2.5.X end of life

Author: Matthias Andree
Announced:  2005-12-19
Type:   null pointer dereference
Impact: fetchmail crashes
Danger: low
Credits:Daniel Drake, Gentoo (bug report)
Sunil Shetye (bug fix)
CVE Name:   CVE-2005-4348
Project URL:http://fetchmail.berlios.de/

Affects:fetchmail version
fetchmail version 6.3.0

Not affected:   fetchmail 6.3.1
other versions not mentioned here or in the previous
sections have not been checked

Corrected:  2005-12-19 - released fetchmail 6.3.1
2005-12-18 - released fetchmail 6.3.1-rc1
2005-12-19 - released fetchmail

0. Release history

2005-12-19  1.00 - initial version

1. Background

fetchmail is a software package to retrieve mail from remote POP2, POP3,
IMAP, ETRN or ODMR servers and forward it to local SMTP, LMTP servers or
message delivery agents.

fetchmail ships with a graphical, Python/Tkinter based configuration
utility named fetchmailconf to help the user create configuration (run
control) files for fetchmail.

2. Problem description and Impact

Fetchmail contains a bug that causes an application crash when fetchmail
is configured for multidrop mode and the upstream mail server sends a
message without headers.  As fetchmail does not record this message as
previously fetched, it will crash with the same message if it is
re-executed, so it cannot make progress. A malicious or broken-into
upstream server could thus cause a denial of service in fetchmail

Note that such messages are not RFC-822 conformant, so if the server has
not been tampered with, the server software is faulty.

3. Workaround

Where possible, singledrop mode may be an alternative.

For sites, where multidrop mode is required, no workaround is known.

4. Solution

Download and install fetchmail 6.3.1 or a newer stable release from
fetchmail's project site at

The fix has also been backported to the legacy release which is
available from the same site.

Note however that 6.3.X has very few incompatible changes since 6.2.5.X
so 6.3.X should be viable for most sites.  It is therefore recommended
that every user and distributor upgrade to 6.3.1 or newer.

5. End of life announcement

The fetchmail 6.2.5.X branch will be discontinued early in 2006.

The new 6.3.X stable branch has been available since 2005-11-30
and will not change except for bugfixes, documentation and translations.

A. Copyright, License and Warranty

(C) Copyright 2005 by Matthias Andree, [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Some rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs German License. To view a copy of
this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/de/
or send a letter to Creative Commons; 559 Nathan Abbott Way;
Stanford, California 94305; USA.

Use the information herein at your own risk.

END OF fetchmail-SA-2005-03.txt