Re: Global Variables

2006-05-16 Thread BoBB
I think the intended place for global defines is in app/config/bootstrap.php ... that's where I put mine.On 5/16/06, John David Anderson (_psychic_) <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Vendors is a great way to include stuff:
1. Stick your php file in /app/vendors2. Get it in Cake with vendor('nameoffile');Globals work best in AppController for me, but I suppose you canthrow things in /app/config/bootstrap.php as well.
-- JohnOn May 16, 2006, at 5:20 PM, John Zimmerman [gmail] wrote:> I have a file I often include that has a bunch of arrays that I> made with data for things like United States, names/abreviations/
> etc...>>> I am trying to use require_once to include this file in the> app_controller.php and then access the data by declaring a "global"> in local scope.>
> So far I have been unable to get this to work.  My variables aren't> accessible.>> Has anyone else run into problems using globals?>> I have used globals outside of the cakephp framework on this same
> webserver before.>> If you have a suggestion as to a way to do this better I am all> ears as well.>> Thanks>> >
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Re: square(croped) thumbnails

2006-05-12 Thread BoBB
Is there any documentation on how to use the library? I read through it, but I can't really figure it out heh <-- php newbOn 5/12/06, gwoo <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:rdBloggery does this.
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square(croped) thumbnails

2006-05-12 Thread BoBB
Does anyone know of any libraries or even a decent method to generate cropped square thumbnails

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Re: Problem with accessing cake application

2006-05-11 Thread BoBB
I was actually thinking about setting up a virtual host to deal with the problem. But just pointing the document root at it might be easier.On 5/10/06, calzone
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:If this is your machine, you may want to consider installing cake under
/Library/WebServer/Documents/ or modifying /etc/httpd/httpd.conf topoint Document Root directly at either your cake folder or cake'swebroot.
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Problem with accessing cake application

2006-05-10 Thread BoBB
I have a cake application running on my local apache server on OSX, it is accessed via http://localhost/~bob/bidpost/ ... when I go to that URL and cake takes over and tries to redirect to app/webroot/ it expands the ~bob in the URL to it's actual path and tries to access 
http://localhost/Users/bob/Sites/bidpost/app/webroot/ instead of http://localhost/~bob/bidpost/app/webroot/
 ... does anyone know why it might be doing this? I have mod rewrite enabled the .htaccess file is there.

/* BoBB
* AIM: Jodokast49 ICQ: 151495596

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Re: Session issue

2006-05-08 Thread BoBB
How are you writing the session variable? In the code you pasted you were using $_SESSION[''] .. did you try $this->Session->write('
', $customer_id); ?On 5/8/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Well, actually I did that but no way...when I print the value in the
view I get always the favicon.ico.The code is:in the controller - to retrieve the value$customer_id = $this->Session->read('');$this->set('customers_id',$customer_id);
in the view - to print itAnd nothing...I get always that "favicon.ico".Any solution?
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Session access from Model

2006-05-08 Thread BoBB
I was wondering if there was a way to access session information from the model, more specifically for a beforeSave callback function.

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Re: Session issue

2006-05-08 Thread BoBB
Try using $this->Session->write('', $id); and $this->Session->read(''); to write and read from the session.
Hi all, I'm new here, from Italy!Well, I'm developing an Intranet system based on the last version of
XAMPP and CakePHP 1.0; I encounter the following issue: I access a pagewhere I list some customers, then if you click on one customer you gointo a page where are listed all the assessments coupled to thatcustomer. Quite simple uh? Nice, but I need to store the selected
customer id in a session for future usage and so this is my controllerof the page where I access once I selected a customer:class AssessmentsController extends AppController{var $name = 'Assessments';
function index($id){$_SESSION[''] = $id;$this->set('data',$this->Assessment->findAllByCustomerId($id));
}function add(){$this->set('customers',$this->Assessment->Customer->generateList());if (empty($this->params['data'])){
$this->render();}else{if ($this->Assessment->save($this->params['data'])){$this->flash('Assessment added.','/customers');
}}}function destroy($id){if ($this->Assessment->del($id, $cascade=true)){$this->flash('Assessment has been destroyed.',
'/customers');}}}The problem is that when I need to read the "" value I geta strange text: "favicon.ico". How can I avoid that?
Thanks to all for the help!
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Re: Newbie problems

2006-05-05 Thread BoBB
Instead of checking to see if $this->Post->save() works and then erroring out if it doesn't, check on $this->Post->validates() and if that works, then save the data. I had a similar problem with validations and thats how i got it to work.
On 5/5/06, tinmar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I try to validate but i can't see error messagethe  Model :class Post extends AppModel{var $name = 'Post';var $validate = array('title'  => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
'body'   => VALID_NOT_EMPTY);}The controler and add methodclass PostsController extends AppController{var $name = 'Posts';function index()
{$this->set('posts', $this->Post->findAll());}function view($id = null){$this->Post->id = $id;$this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
}function add(){if (!empty($this->data)){if ($this->Post->save($this->data)){$this->flash('Your post has been saved.','/posts');
}}else{$this->validateErrors($this->Post);//set the values for thetagErrorMsg  $this->render();}}
}?>And the viewAdd Posturl('/posts/add')?>">
Title:input('Post/title', array('size' =>'40'))?>atagErrorMsg('Post/title', 'Title isrequired.') ?>a
Body:textarea('Post/body', array('rows'=>'10'))?>btagErrorMsg('Post/body', 'Body is required.') ?>b
submit('Save') ?>Thanks in advanceTinmar
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Re: How to accomplish SELECT [not *] and WHERE clause?

2006-05-04 Thread BoBB
If you check out the API entry for findAll[1] there are function parameters that should be able to do anything you might want with the queries. As far as doing JOIN queries and the like I would recomend checking out the association features in cake. The best resource I have found to explain that is the Model section[2] in the manual[3]. I had a hard time understanding the associations until I read section 3 of that page in the manual and it all just kinda clicked.
[1][2][3] http://manual.cakephp.orgOn 5/4/06, calzone <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:ok, so although I'm pretty seasoned with php itself, I'm 100% pure cake
newbie, and this is likely answered somewhere, but I just haven't foundit yet. Not in the manual, not in the wiki, and not here in this group.This seems to be ripe for an entry in an FAQ somewhere though.
Here's the deal: I just completed the blog tutorial and it occurred tome that this is all very nice but... the findAll() method seems tosimply return every single column and every single row from thedatabase, while, the read() method seems to be just for the purposes of
returning all columns for one record.This seems horribly inefficient.  I'm positive there must be a way torefine these queries somehow under cake and I'm just bumbling in thedark.  I'd like to be able to only grab a certain number of columns, or
perhaps a count of records or a sum of records.  I'd like to be able toask the database to return only records that match a certain criteria,or only to update records matching a certain criteria.  Also, I'd like
to be able to create inner and outer joins across several tables andeven databases if need be.I'm sorry, but I just don't get how to use cake for all of that.  I'mcurrently trying to set about rewriting some of my existing websites
under cake, and there is all sorts of database logic going on.  I'mguessing there's probably a lot of built in methods that handle a lotof this stuff, as well as possibly a method to pass a custom query?Yes? No?
Any help or direction is much appreciated!

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Re: Controller Relationship Many-to - Many

2006-04-28 Thread BoBB
If you are doing a findAll I am pretty sure it will return in an array in the form of $arrayName[0]['Area']['name'] ... if you are doing just a find it will only return one result and therefore not the extra tier in the array. One thing you can do make sure is right after you pull that info from the DB do a var_dump on the array, wrap it in pre html tags to make it easier to read and disect the array it is returning.
On 4/28/06, Kenia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ah! the error is in line : ?> file: index.php(People)

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Re: $_ENV['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] return wrong path

2006-04-28 Thread BoBB
Your DOCUMENT_ROOT is defined in the apache configuration file. You have it set correctly to use with cake with DOCUMENT_ROOT as $PATHH_TO_CAKE/app/webroot .. if you changed it cake would operate a bit differently using the url rewrite to redirect to the index in /app/webroot
On 4/28/06, Naonak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have problem with online version of my website :If I do : "echo $_ENV['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];" onlined:/work/wwwIf I do : "echo $_ENV['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];" online/home/iciservi/www/dir/app/webroot
In theory, it should be :/home/iciservi/wwwResult, all link generate by the method "baseUrl" of dispatcher classis wrong ! All generate links are wrong and are like this :
http://www.[...].fr/dir/app/webroot/users/loginCss and _javascript_ are not loaded.Because my host, I must specify rewrite base in the htaccess( :RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase   /dirRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php5?url="" [QSA,L]Do you think, it's source of my problem, what can I do to resolve it ?

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