Re: Still having trouble with saving BelongsToMany data

2015-04-08 Thread Farid Aditya
i have same problem, i can't save all my associated data. so for now i have 
to do it manualy save my associated one model by one model. José Lorenzo  i 
hope cookbook give us more clear example hove to save associated models.

On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 9:01:16 AM UTC+7, Joe T. wrote:

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Re: Still having trouble with saving BelongsToMany data

2015-04-08 Thread Farid Aditya
i have same problem, i can't save all my associated data. so for now i have 
to do it manualy save my associated one model by one model. José Lorenzo  i 
hope cookbook give us more clear example hove to save associated models.

On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 9:01:16 AM UTC+7, Joe T. wrote:

 So, i had a thread going here:!topic/cake-php/PMtHkEvIURo

 Never got anywhere on solving this. Decided a new thread was called for 
 because tables have changed  documentation has been updated, but i'm 
 having the same problem.

 i'll try to explain as clearly as i can...

 i have two B2M tables: *li**stings* and *attributes*. The pivot table is 
 listing_id   -FK-
 attribute_id -FK-

 The Table connections look like this:
 'belongsTo' = [ /* some other tables */ ],
 'hasMany'   = [ /* another table */ ],

 'belongsToMany' = [
 'Attributes' = [
 'through' = 'ListingsAttributes'

 $this-belongsToMany('Listings', [
 'through' = 'ListingsAttributes'


 The Attributes are already established. i'm not adding new Attributes when 
 i save a Listing. The documentation's example is Articles  Tags, and 
 implies new Tags are created with a new Article, while the _joinData 
 starred is saved to the pivot table *articles_tags*.

 So my form inputs look like this (following the example from documentation
 input name=attributes[0][id] value=3 id=attributes-0-id type=
 checkbox Bathrooms
 input name=attributes[0][_joinData][value] id=
 attributes-0-joindata-value type=text

 input name=attributes[1][id] value=2 id=attributes-1-id type=
 checkbox Bedrooms
 input name=attributes[1][_joinData][value] id=
 attributes-1-joindata-value type=text

 input name=attributes[2][id] value=4 id=attributes-2-id type=
 checkbox Laundry
 input name=attributes[2][_joinData][value] id=
 attributes-2-joindata-value type=text

 input name=attributes[3][id] value=1 id=attributes-3-id type=
 checkbox Parking
 input name=attributes[3][_joinData][value] id=
 attributes-3-joindata-value type=text

 The idea is, an Attribute is checked, and a value entered that goes to the 
 *listings_attributes* table. In my test, i'm checking Parking (ID 1, 
 index 3), and entering Off-street as its value.

 My response data looks like (from Log::debug):
 // Various fields about the listing, and this section for the 
 [attributes] = Array
 [3] = Array // Index for this Attribute in the form's inputs.
 [id] = 1 // Attribute record ID for Parking
 [_joinData] = Array // Data intended for the 
 ListingsAttributes table
 [value] = Off-street

 To me, this looks much like the documentation example for Students / 
 $data = [
 'first_name' = 'Sally',
 'last_name' = 'Parker',
 'courses' = [
 'id' = 10,
 '_joinData' = [
 'grade' = 80.12,
 'days_attended' = 30
 // Other courses.
 $student = $this-Students-newEntity($data, [
 'associated' = ['Courses._joinData']

 In my controller, i create the Entity thus (just like the example above):
 $listing = $this-Listings-newEntity($this-request-data, ['associated' 
 = ['Attributes._joinData']]);

 When i call *$this-Listings-save($listing)* i'd expect the *listings* 
 record to be saved, then the ID for that added to the associated data for 
 listings_id  : 1(newly generated)
 attributes_id: 1(selected from the form)
 value: 'Off-street' (set in the form)

 When i log *$listing-jsonSerialize()*, it looks like this:
 // Various fields about the listing, and this section for the 
 [attributes] = Array
 [0] = Array

 The result of this is the *listings* record is not saved, nor the 

 So, where did the Attribute data go? Is something wrong with the Table 
 classes? Can anyone tell me what's wrong here? If you need more 
 information, please let me know.

 Thank you.

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cakephp 3 multi tenant db schema, fail to save associated data

2015-04-01 Thread Farid Aditya
Help, i have this schema.
it work fine with find methode, but it fail whene it try to saving data 
with associated data. it just save main model not associated model

here sample of my model Table

class KaryawanTable extends Table {

public function initialize(array $config) {
$this-primaryKey(['id', 'kantor_id']);
$this-belongsTo('Kantor', [
'className' = 'Kantor',
'foreignKey' = 'kantor_id'
$this-belongsTo('Jabatan', [
'className' = 'Jabatan',
'foreignKey' = 'jabatan_id'
$this-belongsTo('Jenisidentitas', [
'className' = 'Jenisidentitas',
'foreignKey' = 'jenisidentitas_id'
$this-hasMany('Telpkaryawan', [
'className' = 'Telpkaryawan',
'foreignKey' = ['karyawan_id', 'karyawan_kantor_id']
$this-hasOne('Rgnuser', [
'className' = 'Rgnuser',
'foreignKey' = ['karyawan_id', 'karyawan_kantor_id']

right now i'm saving my data manualy like this

 public function add() {
 *   $karyawan = $this-Karyawan-newEntity();*
*if ($this-request-is('post')) {*
*$kantorid = $this-request-session()*
*$testid = $this-Karyawan-findKaryawaninitialid(*
*if (!($testid)) {*
*$this-request-data['id'] = '1';*
*$this-request-data['kantor_id'] = $this-request-session()*
*$karyawan = $this-Karyawan-patchEntity($karyawan, 
*if ($this-Karyawan-save($karyawan)) {*
*$result = $this-Karyawan-save($karyawan);*
*$rgnuserdata['karyawan_id'] = $result-id;*
*$rgnuserdata['karyawan_kantor_id'] = $result-kantor_id;*
*$rgnuserdata = $this-Rgnuser-newEntity($rgnuserdata);*
*$this-Flash-success('The karyawan has been saved.');*
*return $this-redirect(['action' = 'add']);*
*} else {*
*$this-Flash-error('The karyawan could not be saved. 
Please, try again.');*
*$kantor = $this-Karyawan-Kantor-find('list', ['limit' = 200]);*
*$jabatan = $this-Karyawan-Jabatan-find('list', ['limit' = 
*$jenisidentitas = $this-Karyawan-Jenisidentitas-find('list', 
['limit' = 200]);*
*$jenistelp = $this-Karyawan-Jenistelp-find('list', ['limit' = 
*$userLevel = $this-Userlevel-find('list', ['limit' = 200]);*
*$this-set(compact('karyawan', 'kantor', 'jabatan', 
'jenisidentitas', 'userLevel'));*
*$this-set('_serialize', ['karyawan']);*

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Re: CakePHP 3.0 - Confusion comes from

2015-04-01 Thread Farid Aditya
Hi dave
I agree with you, but I also disagree
cakephp manual book may not be perfect, but it is quite complete and very 
helpful to understand the cakephp. deficiencies in the manual may be 
updated in the next update. And that is not in the manual book, we can ask 
each other in this group.

On Friday, March 27, 2015 at 9:37:26 PM UTC+7, Bayezid Alam wrote:


 A confusion comes on my mind regarding the adding something on CakePHP 3.0

 As example given on below link's in the add function.

 public function add()
 $article = $this-Articles-newEntity(); // *A blank newEnttity added 
 stored in $article variable*
 if ($this-request-is('post')) {
 $article = $this-Articles-patchEntity($article, 
 $this-request-data); // *A patchEntity added here  passed the request data 
 if ($this-Articles-save($article)) {
 $this-Flash-success(__('Your article has been saved.'));
 return $this-redirect(['action' = 'index']);
 $this-Flash-error(__('Unable to add your article.'));
 $this-set('article', $article);

 But i found a different things on below link

 public function add()
 $user = $this-Users-newEntity($this-request-data); // *request 
 data passing through newEntity here*
 if ($this-request-is('post')) {
 if ($this-Users-save($user)) {
 $this-Flash-success(__('The user has been saved.'));
 return $this-redirect(['action' = 'add']);


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Re: Cakephp3.0 Authentication issue

2015-04-01 Thread Farid Aditya
Try this hopely it can help 

public function login() {
  if ($this-request-is('post')) {
$user = $this-Auth-identify();
if ($user) {
  *  $userrole = $this-request-session()*
*if ($userrole == 'admin') {*
*return $this-redirect(['controller' = 'Admin', 
'action' = 'someaction']);*
*} else {*
*return $this-redirect(['controller' = 'User', 
'action' = 'someaction']);*
} else {
__('Username or password is incorrect'), 
'default', [], 'auth'

On Monday, March 30, 2015 at 2:49:46 AM UTC+7, nilay singh wrote:

 Hey In blog authentication there is admin and author based role can anyone 
 suggest me how can I check in login action if user is admin if yes then 
 redirect to admin controller and if it is author it go to author controller 

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Re: CakePHP 3.0 - Confusion comes from

2015-03-31 Thread Farid Aditya
no cookbook tutorial/example is fine
$this-Model-newEntity(); is to create  new object with blank attribute or 
create blank object container
$this-Model-patchEntity($oldObjectAttr , $newObjAttr); is to update 
object attribute 

On Friday, March 27, 2015 at 9:37:26 PM UTC+7, Bayezid Alam wrote:


 A confusion comes on my mind regarding the adding something on CakePHP 3.0

 As example given on below link's in the add function.

 public function add()
 $article = $this-Articles-newEntity(); // *A blank newEnttity added 
 stored in $article variable*
 if ($this-request-is('post')) {
 $article = $this-Articles-patchEntity($article, 
 $this-request-data); // *A patchEntity added here  passed the request data 
 if ($this-Articles-save($article)) {
 $this-Flash-success(__('Your article has been saved.'));
 return $this-redirect(['action' = 'index']);
 $this-Flash-error(__('Unable to add your article.'));
 $this-set('article', $article);

 But i found a different things on below link

 public function add()
 $user = $this-Users-newEntity($this-request-data); // *request 
 data passing through newEntity here*
 if ($this-request-is('post')) {
 if ($this-Users-save($user)) {
 $this-Flash-success(__('The user has been saved.'));
 return $this-redirect(['action' = 'add']);


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Re: Very basic question about the 'CakePHP Project Files'

2015-03-31 Thread Farid Aditya
sorry for late answer
after i visit your site, maybe no problem with your cakephp app, maybe it's 
just wrong data parsing to google map api, not in your CakePPH application.
 var mapProp = {
  center:new google.maps.LatLng(Lat_Data, Lng_Data),
  zoom: 7,
  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

where Lat_Data and Lnd_Data is your client location from your 
Databasename.clientTable, not 5253 Murray Bridge location.

'bout radio button, maybe developer set dafault input of radio button to *'the 
city only',* but that's normal behavior for radio buton to select one 
options as default input.

On Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 4:08:42 PM UTC+7, wrote:

 Hi guys, I searched out this group to get a definite answer to my dilemma. 
 I am an end user  ...  not a programmer.

 I had a CakePHP site built and delivered but there a few small issues with 

 The long and short of it is that after I had made the final payment and it 
 was transferred to my own server, I asked for some minor issues to be fixed.

 After dragging their feet and pretty much ignoring me, I approached other 
 programmers to see if they could finish it off.

 They told me that they need access to the 'cake project file' to continue 
 any work  ...  but the web development team say that it is not their 
 company policy to provide that.

 Apart from the fact that it feels like I'm being held to ransom  ... 
 especially after I paid the agreed price, plus a bit more  ...  they are 
 not doing the work and my site is un-useable.

 Can anyone offer any (helpful) advise please. :)

 Thanks,  Roger

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Re: Very basic question about the 'CakePHP Project Files'

2015-03-26 Thread Farid Aditya
hi roger may i know what issues that you have?? what kind bug in your 
program/site. maybe if you specific share issues or bug in this group many 
poeple can help you. if you have the server itself - as mentioned - cakephp 
file may be in your server webroot.

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cakephp 3.0 stable == need help with save assosiated, but data have composite primarykey

2015-03-24 Thread Farid Aditya
help i cann't saving data with save that have assosiated
*nb*:  *all my table used Inflector::rules('uninflected', 
['dontinflectme']), so i don't have proble with naming convension*

*this is my model table*

class KaryawanTable extends Table {

 * Initialize method
 * @param array $config The configuration for the Table.
 * @return void
public function initialize(array $config) {
$this-primaryKey(['id', 'kantor_id']);
$this-belongsTo('Kantor', [
'className' = 'Kantor',
'foreignKey' = 'kantor_id'
$this-belongsTo('Jabatan', [
'className' = 'Jabatan',
'foreignKey' = 'jabatan_id'
$this-belongsTo('Jenisidentitas', [
'className' = 'Jenisidentitas',
'foreignKey' = 'jenisidentitas_id'
$this-hasMany('Telpkaryawan', [
'className' = 'Telpkaryawan',
'foreignKey' = ['karyawan_id', 'karyawan_kantor_id']
$this-hasOne('Rgnuser', [
'className' = 'Rgnuser',
'foreignKey' = ['karyawan_id', 'karyawan_kantor_id']

public function validationDefault(Validator $validator) {
-add('id', 'valid', ['rule' = 'numeric'])
-allowEmpty('id', 'create')
-allowEmpty('kantor_id', 'create')
-requirePresence('tempatKerja', 'create')
-add('jabatan_id', 'valid', ['rule' = 'numeric'])
-requirePresence('jabatan_id', 'create')
-add('tanggalLahir', 'valid', ['rule' = 'date'])

return $validator;

public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules) {
$rules-add($rules-existsIn(['kantor_id'], 'Kantor'));
$rules-add($rules-existsIn(['jabatan_id'], 'Jabatan'));
return $rules;

*this's my controller method add*

public function add() {
$karyawan = $this-Karyawan-newEntity();
if ($this-request-is('post')) {
$this-request-data['kantor_id'] = $this-request-session()
$this-request-data['Rgnuser']['karyawan_kantor_id'] = 
$karyawan = $this-Karyawan-newEntity(
$this-request-data,['associated' = ['Rgnuser']]);
if ($this-Karyawan-save($karyawan)) {
$this-Flash-success('The karyawan has been saved.');
return $this-redirect(['action' = 'add']);
} else {
$this-Flash-error('The karyawan could not be saved. 
Please, try again.');
$kantor = $this-Karyawan-Kantor-find('list', ['limit' = 200]);
$jabatan = $this-Karyawan-Jabatan-find('list', ['limit' = 200]);
$jenisidentitas = $this-Karyawan-Jenisidentitas-find('list', 
['limit' = 200]);
$userLevel = $this-Userlevel-find('list', ['limit' = 200]);
$this-set(compact('karyawan', 'kantor', 'jabatan', 
'jenisidentitas', 'userLevel'));
$this-set('_serialize', ['karyawan']);

and this is error message

Cake\ORM\Marshaller::one() - CORE\src\ORM\Marshaller.php, line 101
Cake\ORM\Table::newEntity() - CORE\src\ORM\Table.php, line 1953
App\Controller\KaryawanController::add() - 
APP/Controller\KaryawanController.php, line 54
Cake\Controller\Controller::invokeAction() - 
CORE\src\Controller\Controller.php, line 405
Cake\Routing\Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\src\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 114
Cake\Routing\Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\src\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 87
[main] - ROOT\webroot\index.php, line 37

help how to fix this problem

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Re: Cakephp3.0 stable taken data

2015-03-23 Thread Farid Aditya
that's because you print object not array

try this in your controoler

*$jobdetail = $this-Listjobs-find('all');*

*$results = $jobdetail -all();*

*$data = $results-toArray(); in your viewp?= pr($data);exit; ?/por 
p?= debug($data);exit; ?/p*

On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 11:14:08 AM UTC+7, Quang Nguyễn Ngọc wrote:

 Hi I'm a novice in cakephp However, I'm trying to make my blog with 
 cakephp 3.0 which is stable version. I got stuck not taken database show 
 Controller = ListjobsController.php

 namespace App\Controller;
  class ListjobsController extends AppController{
 public function jobdetail(){
 $jobdetail = $this-Listjobs-find('all');
 $this-set( compact('jobdetail'));

 Model =Table = ListjobsTable.php

 namespace App\Model\Table;
 use Cake\ORM\Table;

 class ListjobsTable extends Table{
 public function initialize(array $config){
 'foreignKey' = 'user_id'

 Template = Listjobs = jobdetail.ctp

 p?= pr($jobdetail);exit; ?/p

 it does not appear that the current database information:

 Cake\ORM\Query Object

 [sql] = SELECT AS `Listjobs__id`, Listjobs.user_id AS 
 `Listjobs__user_id`, Listjobs.type_id AS `Listjobs__type_id`, 
 Listjobs.cate_id AS `Listjobs__cate_id`, Listjobs.title AS `Listjobs__title`, 
 Listjobs.location AS `Listjobs__location`, Listjobs.description AS 
 `Listjobs__description`, Listjobs.skillsrequired AS 
 `Listjobs__skillsrequired`, Listjobs.companyname AS `Listjobs__companyname`, AS `Listjobs__website`, AS `Listjobs__email`, 
 Listjobs.password AS `Listjobs__password`, Listjobs.created AS 
 `Listjobs__created`, Listjobs.modified AS `Listjobs__modified` FROM listjobs 
 [params] = Array

 [defaultTypes] = Array
 [] = integer
 [id] = integer
 [Listjobs.user_id] = integer
 [user_id] = integer
 [Listjobs.type_id] = integer
 [type_id] = integer
 [Listjobs.cate_id] = integer
 [cate_id] = integer
 [Listjobs.title] = string
 [title] = string
 [Listjobs.location] = string
 [location] = string
 [Listjobs.description] = text
 [description] = text
 [Listjobs.skillsrequired] = text
 [skillsrequired] = text
 [Listjobs.companyname] = string
 [companyname] = string
 [] = string
 [website] = string
 [] = string
 [email] = string
 [Listjobs.password] = string
 [password] = string
 [Listjobs.created] = datetime
 [created] = datetime
 [Listjobs.modified] = datetime
 [modified] = datetime

 [decorators] = 0
 [executed] = 
 [hydrate] = 1
 [buffered] = 1
 [formatters] = 0
 [mapReducers] = 0
 [contain] = Array

 [matching] = Array

 [extraOptions] = Array

 [repository] = App\Model\Table\ListjobsTable Object
 [registryAlias] = Listjobs
 [table] = listjobs
 [alias] = Listjobs
 [entityClass] = \Cake\ORM\Entity
 [associations] = Array
 [0] = users

 [behaviors] = Array

 [defaultConnection] = default
 [connectionName] = default


 I can not understand why the data in the database does not appear. 
 Hope you can help me!!!

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Re: CakePHP 3.0.0-beta3 released

2014-12-29 Thread Farid Aditya
hi mark
I have a question
already can cakephp version 3 is used for the production phase for a very 
simple site?
or I still have to use cakephp version 2.

because I come from areas that do not use the English language, I use 
Inflector :: rules.
in cakephp version 2 I put like this in Inflector :: rules

Inflector :: rules ('singular', array ('rules' = array (), 'irregular' = 
array (),
 'uninflected' = array (
 'album', 'band', 'bandblog', 'bandmember', 'news', 'chart', 
 'kategoribandblog', 'kategoriberita', 'komentarbandblog',
 'komentarberita', 'komentarmusik', 'lyrics', 'minimanimuuser',
 'Music', 'ourprogreskategori', 'ourprogres', 'profileband',
 'rating', 'songgenre', 'subcategory', 'phone', 'userlevel', 
 'navigator', 'sitenavigator', 'groupnavigator', 
 'komentarourprogres', 'ourprogrespic', 'musiknavigator',
 'musikandbandsubnavigator', 'article', 'kategoriartikel', 
 'subkategoriartikel', 'fotoartikel', 'event', 
'musikartisnavigator', 'minimanimucheck',
 'mainadds', 'sideadds', 'fotoband', 'fotoblog', 'search', 
Inflector :: rules ('plural', array ('rules' = array (), 'irregular' = 
array (),
 'uninflected' = array (
 'album', 'band', 'bandblog', 'bandmember', 'news', 'chart', 
 'kategoribandblog', 'kategoriberita', 'komentarbandblog',
 'komentarberita', 'komentarmusik', 'lyrics', 'minimanimuuser',
 'Music', 'ourprogreskategori', 'ourprogres', 'profileband',
 'rating', 'songgenre', 'subcategory', 'phone', 'userlevel', 
 'navigator', 'sitenavigator', 'groupnavigator', 
 'komentarourprogres', 'ourprogrespic', 'musiknavigator',
 'musikandbandsubnavigator', 'article', 'kategoriartikel', 
 'subkategoriartikel', 'fotoartikel', 'event', 
'musikartisnavigator', 'minimanimucheck',
 'mainadds', 'sideadds', 'fotoband', 'fotoblog', 'search', 

how do I put this Inflector :: rules in cakephp version 3? if I simply put 
Inflector :: rules ('uninflected', ['album', 'band', 'bandblog', 
'bandmember', 'news', 'chart', 'genre',
 'kategoribandblog', 'kategoriberita', 'komentarbandblog',
 'komentarberita', 'komentarmusik', 'lyrics', 'minimanimuuser',
 'Music', 'ourprogreskategori', 'ourprogres', 'profileband',
 'rating', 'songgenre', 'subcategory', 'phone', 'userlevel', 
 'navigator', 'sitenavigator', 'groupnavigator', 
 'komentarourprogres', 'ourprogrespic', 'musiknavigator',
 'musikandbandsubnavigator', 'article', 'kategoriartikel', 
 'subkategoriartikel', 'fotoartikel', 'event', 
'musikartisnavigator', 'minimanimucheck',
 'mainadds', 'sideadds', 'fotoband', 'fotoblog', 'search', 

then to set the application neatness in cakephp version 2 I use the app :: 
build. and I use the app :: build like this
App :: build (array (
 'Model' = array
 APP. 'Model'. DS,
 APP. 'Model'. DS. 'Adds'. DS,
 APP. 'Model'. DS. 'Articles'. DS,
 APP. 'Model'. DS. 'Band'. DS,
 APP. 'Model'. DS. 'Music'. DS,
 APP. 'Model'. DS. 'ourprogresAndEven'. DS,
 APP. 'Model'. DS. 'Site'. DS,
 APP. 'Model'. DS. 'User'. DS,
 'Controller' = array (
 APP. 'Controller'. DS,
 APP. 'Controller'. DS. 'Adds'. DS,
 APP. 'Controller'. DS. 'Articles'. DS,
 APP. 'Controller'. DS. 'Band'. DS,
 APP. 'Controller'. DS. 'Music'. DS,
 APP. 'Controller'. DS. 'ourprogresAndEven'. DS,
 APP. 'Controller'. DS. 'Site'. DS,
 APP. 'Controller'. DS. 'User'. DS,
 'View' = array (
 APP. 'View'. DS,
 APP. 'View'. DS. 'Adds'. DS,
 APP. 'View'. DS. 'Articles'. DS,
 APP. 'View'. DS. 'Band'. DS,
 APP. 'View'. DS. 'Music'. DS,
 APP. 'View'. DS. 'ourprogresAndEven'. DS,
 APP. 'View'. DS. 'Site'. DS,
 APP. 'View'. DS. 'User'. DS,
 'Vendor' = array (
 APP. 'Vendor'. DS,
 APP. 'Vendor'. DS. 'Recaptcha'. DS,

how to use the app whether this build in cakephp version 3

I thank you in advance, and sorry for my bad engglish

On Monday, November 17, 2014 9:49:13 AM UTC+7, mark_story wrote:

 The CakePHP core team is excited to announce the release of CakePHP 
 3.0.0-beta3. While we had originally planned on only doing 2 beta releases, 
 we're not entirely satisfied with the current ORM validation workflow, and 
 want to do some additional work there. The new plan is to have at least two 
 RC releases after beta3. The RC releases will be API frozen and no new 
 features or breaking changes will be added.

 Since 3.0.0-beta2, we've been hard at work