Media Plugin - Newbie Questions

2011-02-21 Thread mjhnlca
I'm trying to set up the Media plugin, but am having problems.

I have a PressRelease model, and while adding an entry I would like to
choose and upload a PDF file to associate with it. But when adding an
entry, the press_releases table receives an entry, and the attachment
table does not. *If I use the baked Attachment view to add an entry
the attachments table DOES receive the row.

I have followed the documentation, updated the bootstrap file, etc.
Below is the relevant code from the Press Release model, controller
and view.

If you have any idea what I correct, please advise. Thanks!

A few simple questions also:
1. Do I need to add this ...
var $helpers = array('Media.Media');
... to my PressRelease model?

2. Do I need to add "belongsTo" data to the Attachment model?

-- Code Provided Below --

The Press Release model has this:

   var $hasOne = array(
  'Attachment' => array(
  'className' => 'Media.Attachment',
  'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' => array('Attachment.model' => 'PressRelease'),
  'dependent' => true,

The Press Release controller has this:

function admin_add() {
$this->layout = 'admin';
if (!empty($this->data)) {
if ($this->PressRelease->saveAll($this->data, 
array('validate' =>
'first'))) {
$this->Session->setFlash('The press release has 
been saved.',
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('The press release 
could not be saved.
Please, try again.', 'flash_error');
$projects = $this->PressRelease->Project->find('list');

The form in the view looks like this:

Form->create('PressRelease', array('enctype' =>

Form->input('date', array('type'=>'date',
'minYear'=>2005, 'maxYear'=>$max_year, 'selected'=>$unix_timestamp));
echo $this->Form->input('title');
echo $this->Form->input('file', array('label' => 'File', 'type' 
echo $this->Form->input('Project',array('label'=>'Related
Project(s)', 'multiple' => 'checkbox'));

Form->end(__('Add Press Release', true));?>

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Uploader Plugin Questions

2011-02-19 Thread mjhnlca
I've added the uploader plugin to my cakephp app, and it's working
fine. I've attached my Model to the plugin so it automatically saves
the filename into the respective database field. My question is how
can I make it also save the filesize and extension to my database
automatically? Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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