Re: cakephp lacks sqlite3 support

2010-12-05 Thread odd
SQLite3 support is available via the the datasources plugin:


Ryan Schmidt schrieb:
 I'm glad I didn't notice, until I was already several hours into learning 
 CakePHP, that it doesn't support sqlite3 databases out of the box, or I might 
 have given up and kept looking for another framework. And I think I like 
 CakePHP, so I'm sticking with it, but I need to resolve this. I'm currently 
 making a small site using MySQL, just to learn the framework, but when that's 
 done, I'll be writing a site that need a database but needs to not require a 
 separate database server program running, and I'm not about to write flat 
 files when SQLite is so much better than that.

 So, it's the end of 2010. Why doesn't CakePHP support sqlite3? Or maybe it 
 does and it has managed to elude me?

 Is anybody here using CakePHP with sqlite3? If so, how are you doing it, and 
 have you encountered any sqlite3-specific problems that I would need to look 
 out for?

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Configure before components initialize - startupProcess() or constructClasses() a good idea?

2010-11-29 Thread odd
Hi there,

i've recently stepped into a problem with Session component
configuration, i needed to be able to set the Session path and save
path for a specific plugin, it's a separate app in the app and runs
under a different user, and so i needed to separate the sessions,
otherwise it would always throw permission errors when trying to
access/delete session temp files, etc.

To make a long story short, components may cause/require the session
to start on initialization (popular ex. DebugKit), and so one needs to
do the configuration earlier. Am i right that the only options are
constructClasses() and startupProcess()? I couldn't find any other
possible point to hook in, though i'm wondering if this is really the
right way to do it?


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Re: Forms security: Not displaying input means it is protected? --zivi-muh

2010-11-26 Thread odd
That's how it is. Personally i'm additionally using the fieldList
feature (which unfortunately doesn't work well with multiple models
and saveAll) as a last line of defense in case something goes wrong
and a modified request slips through.


Joshua Muheim schrieb:
 Thanks for the hint to the $whitelist, Stephen. But this seems not
 necessary to me anymore when using the Security component (which I do
 and I forgot to mention in my first post). Look at this

 When using the Security Component you must use the FormHelper to
 create your forms. The Security Component looks for certain indicators
 that are created and managed by the FormHelper (especially those
 created in create() and end()). Dynamically altering the fields that
 are submitted in a POST request (e.g. disabling, deleting or creating
 new fields via JavaScript) is likely to trigger a black-holing of the
 request. See the $validatePost or $disabledFields configuration

 So if you're using Security component, the end user can't mess with
 the POST data anymore. :-)

 Any other comment about this, anyone?

 On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Stephen wrote:
  Hi There
  You should use a whitelist to specify the fields to save, any other fields
  will not be saved.
  Even if you don't display the field on the page, a user can still create the
  post variable from within their browser and use it to change data they
  shouldn't really be allowed to.
  Hope this helps
  On 26 November 2010 10:38, psybear83 wrote:
  Hey everybody
  In my application, users can edit their email, phone number etc., but
  they are *not* allowed to edit their username - only admins are
  allowed to do that.
  So I'm wondering: is it safe to simply not display the username field
  to the user? Afaik CakePHP makes sure that the form hasn't been
  manually edited (e.g. adding a username input field), right? So I
  don't have to double-check on the application's side, e.g. by
  unsetting the $data[User][username] field, as long as I'm only
  displaying form fields using CakePHP's form helper (and not
  deactivating them by just hiding them using CSS or so), right?
  If so - yeah, sweet! Thanks, CakePHP! :-)
  Waiting for your confirmation about this fact, guys... Thanks!
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   Stephen @ NinjaCoderMonkey
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Re: Which upload plugin/behavior/component do YOU use? --psybear

2010-11-25 Thread odd
I'm using David Perssons Media Plugin because it is very flexible,
makes media modification/conversion (thumbnails, compression, type
conversion, etc..) simple, is easy to extend, and is up to date. It
just could need more documentation, examples, etc., and a little more
automagic when it comes to updating records and managing versions.


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Re: Memory Consumption of Associated Models?

2010-11-25 Thread odd
Give containable a try:


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Re: Memory Consumption of Associated Models?

2010-11-25 Thread odd
Sorry, i must have been blind. However, it shouldn't be that hard to
write your own behaviour that back ups the original associations and
manages binding/unbinding by simple identifiers.


O.J. Tibi schrieb:
 Hi Odd,

 As I said earlier, the Containable behavior doesn't work for the
 number of PHP objects (models) loaded in-memory, so no dice here. :)

 On Nov 25, 3:27 pm, odd wrote:
  Give containable a try:

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Media Plugin: file operation causes find() to fail

2010-11-21 Thread odd
Hi there,

I have a big problem with David Perssons Media plugin. The situation
is as follows, i have a model that uses the Media plugin, and in the
beforeSave handler deletes files from the media directory (original
file and versions).

Deletion of the files occours in separate methods, each method uses a
find operation to retreive the records data that is about to be
updated. Here's the essential part of the code:

Now the problem is that the file operation, unlink in this case
(though for example rename causes the same problem), seems to cause
the following find operation in the _deleteVersions method to fail,
$record is always empty, where as it works fine in the _deleteOriginal
method. When removing the delete call the record is fetched correctly.
This odd behaviour is somehow connected to the Media plugin, 'cause
when removing it, the find operations works fine even with the file
delete operation.

I've tested it on Windows 7 x64 with PHP 5.3.1 and on Linux/Ubuntu
with PHP 5.2.12 and 5.3.2, the same behaviour everywhere, and i'm at
my wits' end, i have no clue what exactly is causing the problem.

Anyone ever experienced something like that?


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Re: Media Plugin: file operation causes find() to fail

2010-11-21 Thread odd
Hi David,

thanks for the quick reply. I can't belive that it was that easy, i
really don't know why i haven't spotted it :)


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Re: Adding new items to a form dynamically

2010-11-01 Thread odd
The reason is Cakes security layer, when creating forms with the Form
helper, it automatically creates a signature based on the form
elements (position, type, id, name, etc). When receiving data Cake
checks the signature (data[_Token][key] and data[_Token][fields])
against the value stored in the session, and if it doesn't match the
request gets blackholed, see:

So when using the security component, you must resign your forms,
that's a bit tricky because there's no interface that simply gives you
these values, you have to create the form, and then fetch the values
from the genereated HTML, that can for example be done using regular
expressions or the XML parser.

What i do in such cases is sending an AJAX request with the number of
elements (in this case file input fields), generate the form and store
the newly created elements in an array, and fetch the token values
using XML and Set. After receiving the data i do udpate the form by
adding the newly genereated elements and updating the token elements.

I have recently done it in a project, this is how i regenerate the
form and fetch the field and token data:

It creates a form with where the first div contains the _Token.key
input field, and the last one the _Token.fields one. The genereated
fieldsets contain the file input elements. The JavaScript part looks
something like this, it simply updates the _Token input fields and
appends the newly generated form elements if neccessary:


Arak Tai'Roth schrieb:
 So, here is my situation. I have a form that allows users (only
 admins) to upload images for a specific product. What I have created
 is a solution that when they load the add form initially it has one
 file upload and one caption text box. However, they can click a button
 lower down, that dynamically adds another file upload and another
 caption box, so they can essentially upload however many images they
 want to at a time.

 Here is the code that I have:

 function add($productID = NULL)
   if ($this-RequestHandler-isPost())
   $slug = $this-Session-read('ProductSlug');

   if ($this-Image-saveAll($this-data))
   $this-Session-setFlash('Images have been added to the 

   $this-redirect('/product/' . $slug);
   $this-Session-write('ProductID', $productID);
   $this-Session-write('ImageCounter', 0);

 function moreImages()
   if ($this-RequestHandler-isAjax())
   $images = $this-Session-read('ImageCounter');
   $this-Session-write('ImageCounter', $images);


 and imageAdd.ctp
   $image = $this-Session-read('ImageCounter');

   echo $this-Form-input('Image.' . $image . '.product_id',
 array('type' = 'hidden', 'default' = $this-Session-

   echo $this-Form-label('Image.' . $image . '.filename', 'Image:');
   echo $this-Form-input('Image.' . $image . '.filename',
 array('label' = false, 'type' = 'file'));

   echo $this-Form-label('Image.' . $image . '.caption', 'Caption:');
   echo $this-Form-input('Image.' . $image . '.caption', array('label'
 = false));

 and finally the js file that adds the stuff:
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#forms img').click(function() {
   url: someUrl',
   dataType: 'html',
   success: function(data) {
   $('#forms div.formInputs').append(data);

 Now, what this does. When the user goes to the add form, it renders
 the element imageAdd. Which creates 3 form elements, 1 hidden. Each
 form element is rendered  with Image.0.columnName. Then if they click
 the image at the bottom, it renders another element imageAdd, but this
 time the elements are all named Image.1.columnName, and so on.

 Now for my issue. All of this works fine if they just add one image.
 However, that clearly defeats the purpose of this. When they go to add
 2 or more images, it goes to a blank screen, where even the view
 source is blank. So I have no idea what's going wrong. It goes there
 before the timeout that's declared in php.ini, and I've made sure that
 the combined filesize is also lower then what's allowed in my php.ini.

 Also, if it makes a difference, I am using MeioUpload for the file
 upload behaviour. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Media Behaviour - OGG not detected correctly

2010-10-25 Thread odd
Hi David,

thanks for the quick update, works fine :)


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Re: Associations - How deep is too deep?

2010-10-24 Thread odd
My structure is like this


A release has one cover (image), many tracks (tracks on an album), and
every track can be available in various media formats (wav, mp3, ogg,
etc). I don't think that's very complex, actually there is still much
room for more normalization. Ofcourse i could use the Track model for
variants by for example self-joining it, but i don't want to cripple
my DB structure just because of CakePHPs automagic shortcomings ;)

I'm now saving it manually, first Release and Cover, and then every
single Track with its TrackVariants - works fine :)


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Re: Sessions and http/https

2010-10-24 Thread odd
dtemes schrieb:
 I tryed with a custom save handler, but then i moved to database
 driver sessions, so finally I decided to touch the cake core code
  and set session.cookie_secure to 0, I am not really fond of this kind
 of solutions and would prefer a way to set it up from a config file
 without having to change the framework code.

Not sure what you mean, when using a custom save handler you can
simply copy the core code in there, and add the ini_set call that
sets cookie_secure to 0. So when using database sessions copy the
code in database switch case (cake_session.php, line 503)

if (empty($_SESSION)) {
if (Configure::read('Session.model') === null) {
trigger_error(__(You must set the all 
in core.php to use database storage), E_USER_WARNING);
if ($iniSet) {
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', '');
ini_set('session.save_handler', 'user');
ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php');
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
ini_set('', Configure::read('Session.cookie'));
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $this-cookieLifeTime);
ini_set('session.cookie_path', $this-path);
ini_set('session.auto_start', 0);
array('CakeSession', '__close'),
array('CakeSession', '__read'),
array('CakeSession', '__write'),
array('CakeSession', '__destroy'),
array('CakeSession', '__gc')

ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 0);


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Re: Get Function Name

2010-10-24 Thread odd
Doesn't have much to do with CakePHP, see magic constants in the PHP
manual, you are searching for __FUNCTION__ or __METHOD__


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Re: Sessions and http/https

2010-10-23 Thread odd
Maybe the session.cookie_secure option is set to true/1 by default
in your PHP configuration (see php.ini), so uncommenting that line in
cakes session class wont have any effect. Or maybe you have some PHP
extension installed that automatically chooses to secure the cookie.

Instead of uncommenting that line, try changing it to set the option
to 0 and see if it makes any difference. If it works you'd probably
better do that using a custom session save handler.


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Associations - How deep is too deep?

2010-10-23 Thread odd
Nested associations - How deep is too deep?

I'm still struggeling a bit with associations, i'm wondering if there
is a limit in cakes automagic functionality. One level works fine, ie
for example


Sending forms and saving everything using saveAll works fine. However,
if i add another level:


It starts getting problematic. First of all, when adding data for
ModelC in the form like this (not sure whether this is correct at


cakes security layer won't accept the form at all, it ends up in an
404 blackhole. After disabling the security check the data was passed
fine, but it isn't saved. So my question is whether there is a limit
to the automagic functionality, is one level of nesting the maximum it
can handle? Do i need to save the additional data manually?


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Re: Associations - How deep is too deep?

2010-10-23 Thread odd
Ok, i missed that note: Saving related data with saveAll() will only
work for directly associated models.

So, i have to do it manually... but i'm still wondering why cake wont
eat the form when sending such nested structures?


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Media Behaviour - OGG not detected correctly

2010-10-23 Thread odd
Ok, my problem is that OGG files are put in the generic category,
instead of audio. I think i've more or less isolated the problem, in
the transfer behavior, the transferTo method invokes

transfer.php, line 345: $name = Mime_Type::guessName($mimeType ?
$mimeType : $file);

and passes the name of the file. Mime_Type::guessName will then
invoke self::guessType in order to find out the mime type.

Type.php, line 235: $mimeType = self::guessType($file,
array('experimental' = false));

Then the guessType method invokes self::$glob-analyze,

Type.php, line 175: $globMatch = (array) self::$glob-analyze($name);

and now comes the problem, it doesn't return a single match, instead
it returns multiple types (application/ogg, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, audio/
x-flac+ogg, etc), and so the following check:

Type.php, line 177: if (count($globMatch) === 1) {

results in false, the script continues, and reaches the check whether
the $file parameter is a file or a resource,

Type.php, line 182: if (is_resource($file)) {
Type.php, line 184: } elseif (is_file($file)) {

since it's neither of those it ends up at

Type.php, line 187: } else {

and so it doesn't return the correct mime type, and
Mime_Type::guessName returns generic:

Type.php, line 242: return 'generic';

So, now i'm wondering what i could do to make it work. Should i remove
the duplicate mime types in the glob.db file? Or is this behaviour
maybe a bug?


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Re: Auto genereated links do not include route prefixes

2010-10-22 Thread odd
Solved it. I've change the route like this:

Router::connect('/mobile/:controller/:action/*', array('theme' =

and the link generation like this:

$html-link('Title', array('plugin' = null, 'controller' = 'news',
'action' = 'view',  'theme' = $this-params['theme'], $id));

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Media Behaviour not working with hasOne association

2010-10-22 Thread odd
I'm using David Perssons Media Behaviour (
davidpersson/media), and i have a small problem. When trying to save a
model that has a hasOne association, the associated model is saved,
but the behaviour isn't triggered.

The association in my model, named Release, is set up like this:

var $hasOne = array(
'Cover' = array(
'className' = 'Cover',
'foreignKey' = 'release_id'
'dependent' = true

In the Cover model the Media Behaviours are set up like this:

var $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer', 'Media.Generator',

And in my view i've added/changed this:

echo $this-Form-create('Release', array('type' = 'file'));

echo $this-Form-input('Cover.file', array('type' = 'file', 'label'
= 'Cover'));

According to the manual all i need to do now is to call saveAll, but
unfortunately it doesn't work correctly. The data sent is structured
correctly (according to,
it looks like this:


[Release] = Array

[Cover] = Array
[file] = Array
[name] = test.jpg
[type] = image/jpeg
[tmp_name] = G:\xampp\tmp\php6E91.tmp
[error] = 0
[size] = 178534

and the associated model is saved, ie a record for the Cover model is
created, but the behaviours aren't triggered, ie no file is uploaded
and the additional dirname and basename fields are empty. Adding some
debug output i've found out that the associated model when saved by
saveAll isn't using the actual Cover model, instead it uses AppModel
where no actsAs is defined.

So my question is... what the heck is going on there? ;)


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Re: Media Behaviour not working with hasOne association

2010-10-22 Thread odd
Solved this one too :) It was a simple typo in the Cover model class
name, so cake couldn't find it and substitued it with AppModel...

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Auto genereated links do not include route prefixes

2010-10-21 Thread odd
Hello, i have a small routing and linking problem, and i can't find a
solution for it. The problematic route looks like this:

Router::connect('/mobile/:controller/:action/*', array('mobile' =

Works fine so far, the problem are the links, they aren't compiled as
i would expect it, the following call for example:

$html-link('Title', array('plugin' = null, 'controller' = 'news',
'action' = 'view', $id));

creates a link like this:


but i would expect it to look like this


Can anyone point me in the right direction? Do i explicitly have to
tell the link method that it should include the mobile prefix (i've
put it in quotes because actually it's not a route prefix, and i don't
want it to be!)?


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