Hi Tom, 

As James says, before you can run the SIMBAD search of MoRDa, you need to first 
run the simbad-database command. This basically just takes the MoRDa database 
and converts it into an easier format to work with. 

I’ve also encountered the problem mentioned and fixed the code but it’s not 
made its way into the CCP4 distribution yet. You can circumvent this for now by 
downloading SIMBAD directly from GitHub and using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/rigdenlab/SIMBAD.git 
# as root:
source /opt/ccp4-7.1/bin/ccp4.setup-csh
ccp4-python SIMBAD_master/simbad/command_line/simbad_database.py morda

If you need any other help getting this set up let me know!

Best wishes, 



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