[ccp4bb] 2nd Announcement and etc - the 5th Winter School on Soft X-rays in MX

2015-02-05 Thread Bi-Cheng Wang
Posted on behalf of the Organizing Committee:	John Rose and Bi-Cheng Wang (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.)	Manfred Weiss (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Berlin, Germany)	Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann (ESRF, Grenoble, France)2nd Announcement and New Additions to the ProgramThe 5th Winter School on Soft X-Rays in Macromolecular Crystallography	Location:		Georgia Center, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA 30602	Dates:		March 1 - 4, 2015	Registration:	Online at:  http://wssxmc.bmb.uga.edu. We announced the Winter School on the CCP4 bulletin board on December 19, 2014.  Since then, we have added a new Session on Detector Considerations on Monday evening, March 2 (please see the attached Program Outline) and updated the course information on the three hands-on workshops on Wednesday, March 4.The aim of the School is to bring together experts and young scientists interested in using the anomalous signal from light atoms (e.g. S, P, Ca, K, Mg) for macromolecular structure determination employing soft (lambda > 1.5Å) X-ray techniques.The previous four Schools were held in Europe:1st Winter School:  Bressanone/Brixen, Italy; Feb. 25-27, 20032nd Winter School:  Seefeld, Austria; March 22-25, 20063rd Winter School:  Berlin, Germany; February 18-20, 20094th Winter School:  Grenoble, France, February 6-8, 2012There will also be hands-on workshops on Wednesday March 4. Optimizing Native-SAD Data Collection -  (John Rose & Albert Fu) will demonstrate features that may be used to optimize data quality.Getting The Most Out of Data Processing - (Albert Fu & John Rose) will demonstrate data processing using XDS, Kylin and HKL2000. Experimental Phasing With SHELX C/D/E - (George Sheldrick) will demonstrate the use of the SHELX suite for experimental phasing of SAD data.Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops (Windows, Mac or Linux) so that they may work through the test data during the workshop. The required software and data sets will be provided via the web (directions will be provided at the Winter School) or via USB drive at the meeting.Limited travel bursaries are still available to young investigators (students and postdoc) who wish to attend.  You may submit your application online at http://wssxmc.bmb.uga.edu/Travel_Bursary.html or contact John Rose (jpr...@uga.edu).Online registration at:  http://wssxmc.bmb.uga.edu. An updated Program Outline is attached.

5th Winter School Program Outline_150204.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

[ccp4bb] Announcement - 5th Winter School on Soft X-rays in Macromolecular Crystallography

2014-12-19 Thread Bi-Cheng Wang
Sent on behalf of the Organizing Committee:	John Rose, Manfred Weiss, Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann and B.C. WangThe 5th Winter School on Soft X-Rays in Macromolecular Crystallography	Location:	Georgia Center, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA 30602	Dates:	March 1 - 4, 2015The 5th Winter School on Soft X-rays in Macromolecular
Crystallography is a continuation of similar activities that have been held in
Europe every three-years since 2003 as indicated below.	1st Winter School: Bressanone/Brixen, Italy; Feb.
25-27, 2003	2nd Winter School: Seefeld, Austria; March 22-25, 2006	3rd Winter School: Berlin, Germany; February 18-20,
2009	4th Winter School: Grenoble, France, February 6-8, 2012The 5th Winter Scholar will be held at the University
of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA from March 1 to 4, 2015 (http://wssxmc.bmb.uga.edu).  Applications are open
to all interested researchers.  Travel Awards are available for US & international young scientists. Important Deadlines:		February 2, 2015 	- Travel Award Application Submission	February 2, 2015 	- Hotel Reservations at UGA Hotel & Conference Center	February 15, 2015	- Online Registration
for the Winter School	February 15,
2015 	-
Abstract SubmissionA tentative Course Schedule is attached.

Winter School_Tentative_Schedule_141218.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: [ccp4bb] Workshop on "Soft X-ray Crystallography" at the APS, May 4, 2011

2011-04-22 Thread Bi-Cheng Wang
Dear Colleagues,

Based on the note below from Gerard Bricogne, I would like to further clarify 
and highlight the intended purpose of the workshop for those of you who may be 
interested in attending. 

The planned discussions of the workshop will focus on the positive and useful 
benefits of using soft x-rays in macromolecular crystallography with 
wavelengths between 1.5 Å and 4.0 Å.  The talks will also provide participants 
with an updated picture of the current developments around the globe, and 
include several key international speakers that are currently working in this 
fast growing field of study. 

I hope to see many of you at the APS, or possibly at the ACA meeting later in 
May or IUCr in August.

Best regards,


On Apr 22, 2011, at 12:08 PM, Gerard Bricogne wrote:

> Dear BC and colleagues,
> It is rather unclear from the title of the workshop whether it is the
> Crystallography that will be soft, or the X-rays.
> With best wishes,
>  Gerard.
> --
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 11:56:22AM -0400, Bi-Cheng Wang wrote:
>> We would like to call your attention to a workshop associated with the 
>> upcoming 2011 APS Users Meeting, which will be held on May 4, 2011 at the 
>> APS, Argonne National Laboratory, USA. 
>> The title of the workshop is  “Soft X-ray Crystallography”.  You may find 
>> the workshop program at 
>> http://2011usersmeeting.conference.anl.gov/APSWK1Agenda.htm
>> The web links for meeting registration and the application for a permit to 
>> enter the Argonne National Laboratory are:
>> https://2011usersmeeting.conference.anl.gov/register
>> http://www.aps.anl.gov/Users/Site_Access
>> We hope you will be able to attend the APS Users Meeting and our workshop.
>> All the best,
>> B.C. Wang, John Rose, Gerd Rosenbaum and John Chrzas.
> -- 
> ===
> * *
> * Gerard Bricogne g...@globalphasing.com  *
> * *
> * Global Phasing Ltd. *
> * Sheraton House, Castle Park Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
> * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK   Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
> * *
> ===

[ccp4bb] Workshop on "Soft X-ray Crystallography" at the APS, May 4, 2011

2011-04-22 Thread Bi-Cheng Wang
We would like to call your attention to a workshop associated with the upcoming 
2011 APS Users Meeting, which will be held on May 4, 2011 at the APS, Argonne 
National Laboratory, USA. 
The title of the workshop is  “Soft X-ray Crystallography”.  You may find the 
workshop program at 

The web links for meeting registration and the application for a permit to 
enter the Argonne National Laboratory are:

We hope you will be able to attend the APS Users Meeting and our workshop.
All the best,
B.C. Wang, John Rose, Gerd Rosenbaum and John Chrzas.

Re: [ccp4bb] About solvent flattening

2010-06-04 Thread Bi-Cheng Wang

Hi Hailiang,

My original ISAS program has been incorporated in the SGXPro program  
suite (Fu, Rose and Wang, 2005, Acta Cryst. D61, 951) and is currently  
used with other phasing programs in SGXPro at SER-CAT.  You may find  
the description on the use of SGXPro by accessing the SER-CAT website  
at www.ser-cat.org, then click "Beamline User's Guide" ==> "Novel  
Structure Solution".  For questions on how to access SGXPro, you may  
contact Zheng-Qing (Albert) Fu by clicking "About SER-CAT" ==> Staff  
==> Albert.

SGXPro is a parallel workflow engine that was designed to  
automatically manage communication between the different processes and  
build systematic searches of algorithm/program/parameter space to  
generate the best possible result for a given data set.  There were a  
number of cases when we were happily surprised that this 25-year old  
ISAS program was actually selected as the best choice by SGXPro for  
phasing some new data sets.  We do not have an explanation on why the  
ISAS program works well on these particular data sets, but we are  
documenting the cases closely.  Albert also routinely uses the ISAS  
program for determining the handedness of the heavy atom (anomalous  
scatterer) site as it works quite well automatically.

With best wishes,


On Jun 2, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Hailiang Zhang wrote:


I wanted to do solvent flattening for my map using Wang's method. I  

CCP4-DM, and now have several questions:

1. DM seems requiring the FOM, so I generated FOM using SIGMAA by
providing FP, FC and SIFFP using the following:

  sigmaa HKLIN in.mtz HKLOUT out-sigmaa.mtz << eof
  title tt
  symmetry $spcgrp
I think the output FOM should be in range between 0 to 1; however, it
produced FOM between -1 to 1 based on my in.mtz. This leads to  
by the following DM calculation, and I am not sure whether I could  


2. My DM script is as follows:
dm HKLIN "./1KP8-NewSharpRescaleB0-sigmaa-oriB.mtz" HKLOUT