[ccp4bb] creating alternate conformations using PyMol

2008-09-26 Thread Neeraj

Hi all,
 I am working on generating alternate conformations for a 
particular loop region of a protein. I just want to move this region 
into different conformations in order to show the possible states it can 
occur in. Is there an easy way to do this in pymol which will help me 
rotate only a small fragment of the protein while keeping everything 
else static.

thanks for the help in advance!

Neeraj Kapoor
TPCB Graduate Fellow
Sakmar Lab/ Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
The Rockefeller University
1230 York Avenue, RRB 510
New York, NY 10021
mobile: 917.535.2030

Re: [ccp4bb] creating alternate conformations using PyMol

2008-09-28 Thread Chavas Leo

Dear Neeraj --

On 26 Sep 2008, at 22:48, Neeraj wrote:
Is there an easy way to do this in pymol which will help me rotate  
only a small fragment of the protein while keeping everything else  

What you can do is to generate two coordinate files, one without your  
loop, one with, and more around only the one with your loop...

Kind regards.

-- Leo --

Chavas Leonard, Ph.D. @ home
Research Associate
Marie Curie Actions Fellow

Faculty of Life Sciences
The University of Manchester
The Michael Smith Building
Oxford Road
Manchester Lancashire
M13 9PT

Tel: +44(0)161-275-1586