Re: [CentOS] Nerd rage (Was: IPV4 is nearly depleted, are you ready for IPV6?)

2010-12-08 Thread Simon Billis
 -Original Message-
 Responses inline.
  Jerry Franz wrote:
   On 12/08/2010 07:03 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:
   Honestly, I had no one in mind.
   I remember in an effort to get a life outside tech, I joined a
   mailing list for something else.  I hadn't realized how
  most people
   top post, don't trim, and still use aol.
   It really is worth noting that the bottom-post convention
  used on many
   technical lists *is not* how most of the planet now does email or
  The damn thing is a conversation. Top posting is talking over
  everyone else.
 I had a customer blast me about inlined responses, it drove me bonkers.
 I was
 responding to 15 individual questions.

I think that the missed point here is obey the rules of the list (I'm
ignoring customers who find it hard to read ;-) ). If the rules state bottom
posting only then that's it, no arguments. If you don't like the rules don't
post/join etc.

   electronic communications. The rage we see here over it is
  really just
   another technical 'religious war' by people who don't
  tolerate change
   well. In reality, it doesn't matter much for most things either way
   and far more harm is done by the howling over it than using either
   convention actually causes.
  So, we should put up with rudeness and obnoxious behavior?

I think that this should be
read in conjunction with the list rules. This helps to explain why some
questions elicit things that might be considered rude.

On other lists that I  subscribe to they also take a dim view of top posting
- specifically for the reasons of readability, i.e. top posting makes it
difficult to pick up a thread mid conversation.

Anyway, that's just my two-penneth worth...


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] hwclock problem

2010-11-15 Thread Simon Billis

 On 11/14/10 5:38 PM, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
  Ok I try that, but the thing is:
* motherboards not that old
* its exactly 11 hours (+/- a couple of seconds) each time
 sounds like a conflict between time zones.a PC hardware clock could
 be set to UTC or local time.  I always set my PC Hardware clocks to
 localtime, and make sure Unix knows it.   darnit, I can't remember
 that setting is right now.

Seems to me that the kernel is expecting the hardware clock to be at UTC.
This may be a bug in hwclock or a typo in /etc/sysconfig/clock

Have you tried to setting the hwclock to UTC and leaving it there?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] problem sending/recieving mails

2010-11-02 Thread Simon Billis
 I ave setup a CentOS server to act as LAN gateway and also as a
 transparent proxy server but all client passing through that server
 are enable to send or recieve mails.
 The mail server is host on the same LAN running mdaemon, both servers
 are on private IP block( Am using cisco router to do
 port forwading for mailserver(25,110,143) ports.
 If i eliminate CentOS box and direct traffic direct to cisco router
 everything works.
 My question is why is it when i use CentOS box as LAN gateway clients
 are unable to send/receive mails? I ave done nating on that box.
 Centos 5.5 full updated.

Can you provide an ascii art picture of your network setup please with IP
addresses (private ones are fine to show, you can hide the public ones :-)),
and also the routing table on the Centos Box



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: looking for network performance comparison chart

2010-10-22 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Rudi,

 Does anyone have, or know of a comparison chart of the different
 network adapters, i.e. 1GB  / 10GB, Infiniband, etc. And if possible
 with a few top brand NIC's and switches listed as well.
 I would like to see, for example, what the max throughput is of a 1GB
 NIC (and this could probably differ from PCI to PCIE-x1 to PCIE-x4),
 and 10GBE. Different switches would probably also have different
 ratings, but could a layer 2 switch  layer3 switch deliver the same
 performance for example?
 Basically I need to know what upload / download speeds I should be
 getting from the different networks, set aside other options like CPU
 / RAM / disc IO / etc.

If you exclude the host capability to deliver data to the interface and also
the ability of the host to assemble and disassemble packets, then the speeds
will be dependent on the switches capability to handle the packet size and
numbers of packets arriving at an interface in a specific time period. You
should expect wirespeeds (minus the overhead of the Ethernet frame and the
IP frame) for most switches with usual packet sizes (below 1500 bytes) i.e.
the usual (if there is such a thing) packet size, provided that you're not
flooding the interfaces with very small packets and your switch is set to
store and forward. If your switch is able to cut and forward which is a must
for jumbo frames to be handled quickly, then you can also expect close to
wirespeeds for any frame size. Cut and forward switches are expensive but
are a must for storage networks if you're interested in low latency

Layer 3 switching is basically routing done on a switch and therefore
increases the latency slightly to a lot as the switch has to decode the
layer 3 information and make a decision based on that as opposed to the
outer layer 2 information.

Due to the many factors affecting network speeds, most switch manufacturers
specify the switch capability/capacity in backplane bandwidth, maximum
packet numbers switched per second and memory available for store and
forward. As soon as one of these limits is breached then the performance
will take a hit and this hit can be a big one.

I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful and provide you with what you're
after, but I hope that this has answered some questions for you.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Forbidden: can't access *.html files in /var/www/html

2010-09-29 Thread Simon Billis
Alexander Farber sent a missive on 2010-09-29:

 Nope this doesn't help. I've tried both 444 and 644 for Alex.html and
 vice versa: 444 and 644 for the .php and .xml files.
 On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:52 PM, Rob Del Vecchio wrote:
  # ls -al Alex.html index.php hello-world.php
 -r--r--r-- 1 root    root     599 Sep 29 15:49 Alex.html
 -rw-r--r-- 1 afarber afarber   33 Jul 29 11:32 hello-world.php
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root    root    5631 Jun 27 09:38 index.php
 Why is Alex.html only readable and the php files readable *and*
 writable?  Did you try making the php files *only readable* and see what
 happens? ___ CentOS mailing


Can you show the output of ls -laZ please? This will show the selinux
context information for the files - the error is usually to do with the
context of the files.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Forbidden: can't access *.html files in /var/www/html

2010-09-29 Thread Simon Billis
Alexander Farber sent a missive on 2010-09-29:

 On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Simon Billis wrote:
 Can you show the output of ls -laZ please? This will show the
 selinux context information for the files - the error is usually to
 do with the context of the files.
 Hello and thanks for your reply. The SELinux stuff is new for me.
 Yes I have moved that Alex.html from my home dir and (the 1st one fails):
 # ls -laZ /var/www/html/Alex.html -r--r--r--  root root
 system_u:object_r:user_home_t /var/www/html/Alex.html

You can see here that the context is incorrect for the file to be served by
apache. You can change it using:

chcon user_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/Alex.html with no

This will change the file to the specific context needed. You can also use
restorecon -R as others have mentioned

 # ls -laZ /var/www/html/test/Alex.html -r--r--r--  root root
 user_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/test/Alex.html
 # ls -laZ /var/www/html/index.php -rw-r--r--  root root
 user_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/index.php
 # ls -laZ /var/www/html/hello-world.php -rw-r--r--  afarber afarber
 user_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/hello-world.php
 I'm using http, not https. And /usr/sbin/getenforce prints Enforcing.

You can use setenforce 0 without the quotes to disable selinux from the
command line till next reboot or until you issue setenforce 1 - this is
useful for testing as is looking at /var/log/audit/audit.log and also using
commands such as audit2why and audit2allow (I strongly recommend reading at
least the man pages and also such websites as (google selinux))

 I didn't know that there were additional attributes for the files.
 And I don't know how to stop/start SELinux (it is not a service in
 /etc/init.d, right?) but I'd like to keep SELinux running, since all
 other programs I've listed seem to cope okay with it.

I recommend that you keep selinux running and enforcing and that you spend
some time learning it. It is very useful. The config files are located here:
/etc/selinux and you can set selinux to be disabled or if you want
permissive i.e. it will not stop you or others doing things but will report
on the violations.

Have fun


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Date drift and ntpd

2010-08-12 Thread Simon Billis
Jason Pyeron sent a missive on 2010-08-12:

 We have a local time server and all of our machines are pointed at it
 for the time.
 How can the clock drift by a day and a half?
 [r...@devserver21 ~]# date
 Fri Aug 13 14:43:29 EDT 2010
 [r...@devserver21 ~]# rdate -s
 [r...@devserver21 ~]# date
 Thu Aug 12 07:02:39 EDT 2010
 [r...@devserver21 ~]# cat /etc/ntp.conf | grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$
 restrict default nomodify notrap noquery restrict server server server
 server # local clock
 fudge stratum 10
 driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
 broadcastdelay  0.008


It is unlikely that the machine in question drifted forward in time if ntpd
was running. Have a look at the logs /var/log/messages it should contain the
ntpd log messages which will help you determine what happened to the time.
Also check that ntpd is running with:

service ntpd status and also chkconfig ntpd --list will show the startup
position of ntpd



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Date drift and ntpd

2010-08-12 Thread Simon Billis

  Jason Pyeron sent a missive on 2010-08-12:
   We have a local time server and all of our machines are
  pointed at it
   for the time.
   How can the clock drift by a day and a half?
   [r...@devserver21 ~]# date
   Fri Aug 13 14:43:29 EDT 2010
   [r...@devserver21 ~]# rdate -s
   [r...@devserver21 ~]# date
   Thu Aug 12 07:02:39 EDT 2010
   [r...@devserver21 ~]# cat /etc/ntp.conf | grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$
   restrict default nomodify notrap noquery restrict server server server
   server # local clock
   fudge stratum 10
   driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
   broadcastdelay  0.008
  It is unlikely that the machine in question drifted forward
  in time if ntpd was running. Have a look at the logs
  /var/log/messages it should contain the ntpd log messages
 [r...@devserver21 ~]# grep ntpd /var/log/messages
 Jul 29 17:47:24 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to LOCAL(0),
 stratum 10
 Aug 12 22:48:29 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: sendto( Operation
 [r...@devserver21 ~]# uptime
  08:10:19 up 164 days,  9:56,  2 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.54, 0.81
 [r...@devserver21 ~]#

What happened between July 29 and now? Is there nothing in the logs for that



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Date drift and ntpd

2010-08-12 Thread Simon Billis

  Jason Pyeron sent a missive on 2010-08-12:
   We have a local time server and all of our machines are
  pointed at it
   for the time.
   How can the clock drift by a day and a half?
  It is unlikely that the machine in question drifted forward
  in time if ntpd was running. Have a look at the logs
  /var/log/messages it should contain the ntpd log messages
 [r...@devserver21 ~]# grep ntpd /var/log/messages
 Jul 28 20:34:41 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to,
 stratum 3
 Jul 28 21:08:00 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to LOCAL(0),
 stratum 10
 Jul 28 21:08:00 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: frequency error -512 PPM
 tolerance 500 PPM

This indicates the hardware clock frequency error exceeds the rate the
kernel can correct. This could be a hardware or a kernel problem.

 Jul 28 23:06:05 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: time reset +0.554019 s
 Jul 28 23:10:14 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to LOCAL(0),
 stratum 10
 Jul 28 23:17:36 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to,
 stratum 3
 Jul 28 23:20:46 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to,
 stratum 3
 Jul 28 23:22:52 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to,
 stratum 3
 Jul 28 23:33:28 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: synchronized to,
 stratum 3
 Jul 28 23:34:37 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: time reset -0.866445 s
 Jul 29 00:42:44 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: time reset -0.922073 s
 Jul 29 10:50:57 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: time reset -1.638135 s
 Jul 29 15:59:17 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: time reset -1.599691 s

The above lines show that the time on the server was gaining slightly - but
this could be caused by the stratum 3 server losing time slightly due to
loading issues perhaps or by a hardware fault locally

 Aug 12 22:48:29 devserver21 ntpd[3475]: sendto( Operation

I suspect that you have a firewall in place that is blocking the outgoing
connections from this point.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Remote nautilus, X display forwarding problem

2010-08-06 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Dotan,

 I need to open a Nautilus window on a headless server, but no matter
 what I try it complains about the display:
 ✈dcl:~$ xhost + localhost
 localhost being added to access control list
 ✈dcl:~$ ssh -X u...@ip.address
 [u...@centos-55-32-minimal ~]$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
 [u...@centos-55-32-minimal ~]$ nautilus --display=0:0
 cannot open display: 0:0
 Run 'nautilus --help' to see a full list of available command line
 [u...@centos-55-32-minimal ~]$
 Googling the situation it looks like I've covered all the steps:
 enabling remote X, X forwarding, display export and telling Nautilus
 which display to use. Any other ideas? Thanks!

Check that you have X11Forwarding yes in sshd.conf



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Remote nautilus, X display forwarding problem

2010-08-06 Thread Simon Billis
 On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 11:43, Simon Billis wrote:
  Check that you have X11Forwarding yes in sshd.conf
 Thanks, Simon, it appears so:
 [r...@centos-55-32-minimal ~]# cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config  | grep
 #X11Forwarding no
 X11Forwarding yes
 The SSH server (and the machine itself) had been reset since that
 change has been made, of course.
Having reread your OP - try running nautilus without the display setting at
the end (it's superfluous considering that you have a exported the display
variable) as you had a typo in the incatation or replace the : with a .



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Remote nautilus, X display forwarding problem

2010-08-06 Thread Simon Billis

 On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 12:05, Simon Billis wrote:
  On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 11:43, Simon Billis wrote:


 Still no luck:
 [u...@centos-55-32-minimal ~]$ nautilus
 cannot open display:
 Run 'nautilus --help' to see a full list of available command line
 [u...@centos-55-32-minimal ~]$ nautilus --display=0.0
 cannot open display: 0.0
 Run 'nautilus --help' to see a full list of available command line
 [u...@centos-55-32-minimal ~]$

Ah yes - Hakan Koseoglu has correctly identified the problem in his recent 
sorry to have wasted your time :-)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Recommendation for a good Internationalized terminal software

2010-06-22 Thread Simon Billis
Digimer sent a missive on 2010-06-22:

 Hi all,
We've got server-based application that runs on CentOS. Until now,
 most of our customer's end-users have accessed the application using
 either PuTTY or Teraterm. I was asked yesterday to try and find
 internationalized add ons or alternatives for our new Asian customers
 (Japan, Korea and China atm).
I figured if anyone would be able to recommend terminal emulation
 programs, it'd be you guys. So, would anyone be able to recommend any
 windows-based, Asian character set telnet/ssh terminal apps?
Thanks! Sorry for being a bit off topic, too. :)

Check out
atures.html I use absolute telnet and I love it. It does everything that I
need and more. I've not used the international features, but I think that it
may work for you.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered file system of choice

2010-06-17 Thread Simon Billis
Boris Epstein sent a missive on 2010-06-16:

 Hi all,
 I am just trying to consider my options for storing a large mass of
 data (tens of terrabytes of files) and one idea is to build a
 clustered FS of some kind. Has anybody had any experience with that?
 Any recommendations?
 Thanks in advance for any and all advice.

Take a look at hadoop and specifically HDFS (hadoop
distributed file system) I've used it in
conjunction with nutch across 20 odd servers (circa 10TB). When I used it
the down side was a single metadata node, but this may have changed by now.
The data is stored redundantly across the nodes and doesn't seem to require
any special hardware (I ran it on dell 1425's).



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Cacti/snmp question

2010-06-15 Thread Simon Billis
 From: Whit Blauvelt
 Should be useful when I extend our Nagios monitoring to include snmp
 data. We're using Nagios extensively, but it doesn't seem suited to the
 sort of load graphing we need for our CPU cores - or if it is it's a
 side of Nagios I'm unfamiliar with (which could be, it's nicely

Take a look at ganglia -

This may do what you need. 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Looking for Linux variant of chairgun

2010-05-25 Thread Simon Billis

 Does anyone know of a good Linux alternative to Chairgun
 (, which is used with air riffles?

I don't know of a linux alternative, but you could run this under wine I
would think.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Strange Email Problem

2010-05-21 Thread Simon Billis
Susan Day sent a missive on 2010-05-21:

 I have an email form that worked fine until now. For some reason, if I 
 send an email to an email address at a domain that I control, I can 
 receive the email TTW no problem. However, if I try and push it to, 
 for example, this gmail account, I never get it. It's not even in the 
 spam filter. What could this be?

You should check the logs on the sending mail server and also do a tcpdump
of the conversation between the mail server and google. You'll find out what
the problem is that way.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Strange Email Problem

2010-05-21 Thread Simon Billis
Susan Day sent a missive on 2010-05-21:

 Here are what the logs have to say:
 @40004bf6cfc4383bc65c delivery 6217: deferral:
 CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/ @40004bf6cfc4383c5eb4
 status: local 0/10 remote 0/255 @40004bf6d51e34d61d8c starting 
 delivery 6218: msg 97881531 to remote 
 @40004bf6d51e34d6449c status: local 0/10 remote 1/255
 @40004bf6d51e37303e14 starting delivery 6219: msg 97881555 to 
 remote @40004bf6d51e373078ac status: 
 local 0/10 remote 2/255 @40004bf6d51e373143cc delivery 6218: deferral:
 CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/ @40004bf6d51e373241b4
 status: local 0/10 remote 1/255 @40004bf6d51e37807d0c delivery 6219:
 deferral: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
 @40004bf6d51e3780bf74 status: local 0/10 remote 0/255

Extract from:

The likely cause of this is qmail's inability to handle large DNS
packets. The most-recommended solution is to install dnscache (from
djbdns), which trims off some unnecessary data and usually makes these
packets small enough for qmail to handle. The more correct solution
is to apply the oversize DNS packets patch to qmail (see A hackish-but-fast solution is to choose one of
Earthlink's MXs, and put it in your smtproutes file. Not good
long-term, but it will get the mail out of your queue while you work
on a better solution.

I wouldn't put earthlinks mx in your smtproutes but you could put in you
isp's if you wanted to as a quick and dirty fix.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Strange Email Problem

2010-05-21 Thread Simon Billis
Simon Billis sent a missive on 2010-05-21:

Just to correct something I wrote:

 Susan Day sent a missive on 2010-05-21:
 Here are what the logs have to say:
 @40004bf6cfc4383bc65c delivery 6217: deferral:
 CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/ @40004bf6cfc4383c5eb4
 status: local 0/10 remote 0/255 @40004bf6d51e34d61d8c starting
 delivery 6218: msg 97881531 to remote
 @40004bf6d51e34d6449c status: local 0/10 remote 1/255
 @40004bf6d51e37303e14 starting delivery 6219: msg 97881555 to
 remote @40004bf6d51e373078ac status:
 local 0/10 remote 2/255 @40004bf6d51e373143cc delivery 6218:
 deferral: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
 @40004bf6d51e373241b4 status: local 0/10 remote 1/255
 @40004bf6d51e37807d0c delivery 6219: deferral:
 CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/ @40004bf6d51e3780bf74
 status: local 0/10 remote 0/255
 Extract from:
 CNAME_lookup_failed_temporar ily.html
 The likely cause of this is qmail's inability to handle large DNS
 packets. The most-recommended solution is to install dnscache (from
 djbdns), which trims off some unnecessary data and usually makes these
 packets small enough for qmail to handle. The more correct solution is
 to apply the oversize DNS packets patch to qmail (see A
 hackish-but-fast solution is to choose one of Earthlink's MXs, and put
 it in your smtproutes file. Not good long-term, but it will get the
 mail out of your queue while you work on a better solution.
 I wouldn't put earthlinks mx in your smtproutes but you could put in
 you isp's if you wanted to as a quick and dirty fix.

It's been a long day, I'd not do the smtproutes but instead patch qmail or
install the djb dnscache - the issue is caused by large udp (I think)
packets being returned by the dns to qmail. I think that you could also use
a smart smtp host instead of sending the mail out directly (if you have
access to an smtp host that is working).



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Not firewall, but what?

2010-05-07 Thread Simon Billis

Philippe Naudin sent a missive on 2010-05-07:

 Le Fri, 07 May 2010 07:38:45 +0300,
 Jussi Hirvi a écrit :
 You could test yourself if you can see (the problem system) (another guest on the same xen host)
 If someone *cannot* see the 1st one, then it would be interesting to
 know if (s)he can see the 2nd one or not.
 It is the case from, and not only for port 80 :
 $ ping -c 10
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 --- ping statistics ---
 10 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8998ms
 $ ping -c 1
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=58.9 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt
 min/avg/max/mdev = 58.975/58.975/58.975/0.000 ms

Can you confirm the routing on the two boxes - is there anything different?
I would also check the routing on the upstream routers - it is possible that
one of your ingress/egress routers has a static entry that is causing
issues. I would check all the routers that are inside the
subnet (BGP thinks that these addresses are part of that subnet).


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to reroute all ADSL traffic via another server on the internet?

2010-04-28 Thread Simon Billis
Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-04-28:

 Hi all,
 Does anyone know, if it's possible to reroute all (i.e. HTTP / FTP /
 DNS / SMTP / POP3 / IMAP / etc) from an ADSL connected machine via
 another server, which is currently hosted with IS and has full
 internet access?
 i.e. Can I setup another machine, on a different public IP than the
 dynamic ADSL IP as default gw? OR do I need todo something on that
 machine to work as a router for such a setup?
 Both servers in this case is CentOS linux, but I'm sure that won't
 make a big difference?

In principal yes you can do this type of thing. You'll have to enable
ipforwarding on the gateway machine as a minimum.

Can you provide more information about your networking setup - ip addresses
and subnet masks, with an ascii drawing as well would help if you think it
relevant :-), then we can provide detailed answers :-)



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to reroute all ADSL traffic via another server on the internet?

2010-04-28 Thread Simon Billis
Simon Billis sent a missive on 2010-04-28:

 Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-04-28:
 Hi all,
 Does anyone know, if it's possible to reroute all (i.e. HTTP / FTP /
 DNS / SMTP / POP3 / IMAP / etc) from an ADSL connected machine via
 another server, which is currently hosted with IS and has full
 internet access?
 i.e. Can I setup another machine, on a different public IP than the
 dynamic ADSL IP as default gw? OR do I need todo something on that
 machine to work as a router for such a setup?
 Both servers in this case is CentOS linux, but I'm sure that won't
 make a big difference?
 In principal yes you can do this type of thing. You'll have to enable
 ipforwarding on the gateway machine as a minimum.
 Can you provide more information about your networking setup - ip
 addresses and subnet masks, with an ascii drawing as well would help
 if you think it relevant :-), then we can provide detailed answers :-)

Sorry miss read your post - you can do what you're after, but this is a
proxy in this case i.e. the remote box is acting as a proxy for your
adsl connected server. If you're wanting to route all the traffic from your
adsl connected box to the remote server, then I would look at using a VPN
between the boxes you might be able to use squid on the remote server to
be your proxy also.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to reroute all ADSL traffic via another server on the internet?

2010-04-28 Thread Simon Billis
Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-04-28:

 On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:31 PM, John Doe wrote:
 From: Rudi Ahlers
 Does anyone know, if it's possible to reroute all (i.e. HTTP / FTP
 / DNS / SMTP / POP3 / IMAP / etc) from an ADSL connected machine
 via another server, which is currently hosted with IS and has full
 internet access?
 i.e. Can I setup another machine, on a different public IP than the
 dynamic ADSL IP as default gw? OR do I need todo something on that
 machine to work as a router for such a setup?
 Maybe you wann have a look at:
 Thanx JD. I can't load the site though, what is on it?

It’s the Linux Advanced Routing  Traffic Control HOWTO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to reroute all ADSL traffic via another server on the internet?

2010-04-28 Thread Simon Billis
Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-04-28:

 And I haven't been able to install openvpn on the ADSL hosted server
 either, so I want to try a gateway type setup

Having given this some thought I think that you would do better to provide
proxy services on a case by case basis.

Attempting to route traffic using a default gateway I don't think is going
to work... the next hop is not on a local subnet so I don’t think this is
going to work (I might be wrong about this).

You could have a vpn between the machines - the ADSL gateway machine have a
VPN to the IS machine and all traffic from and to the ADSL machine/NAT
network behind it is routed over the VPN. This does work and is fairly easy
to set-up if you have access to the ADSL machine.

If you can't set this up then I think that you should concentrate on
providing proxy services for essential services i.e. http, smtp, pop3, imap,
ftp (if needed). Squid will do some, you can then use a mail server of your
choice to provide smtp relay services, I think that there is a pop3/imap
proxy out there also (I've never used one though). For such services the
adsl gateway machine can then do DNAT on the outbound packet (using iptables
prerouting table) and then the proxied service will then do its thing

By far the best solution requiring little effort is a vpn (imho).



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Kernel Or Hardwar e

2010-04-27 Thread Simon Billis

cahit Eyigünlü sent a missive on 2010-04-27:

 i have seen many times the given error, there was no log about error.

You really need to put the error here if you want people to help you. You're 
not making it easy for us to assist you.

 Beside this my machine never uses swap i realize that when i have last 
 500 Mb ram it get this error and after using 5Gb of 8 Gb it decreasing 
 like plane crash :)
 I've found this form and it is the same with my error :

If I was you I would follow the advice given here - first split the 
decompression and the tar operation. The you'll know where it is failing. I 
would also check the memory as this post suggested.

 There could be a hardware problem i am not sure ,  i see this error at 
 least one time in a day. Do you have an advice ?

Yes, provide more information about _your_ problem in your posts, do not send 
html emails, do not top post, follow the advice given in the post you referred 

 unluckeyly i have found only one people who has the same error with me
 :) and his machine is also same with mine :D


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] FW: System Resources Graphing

2010-04-26 Thread Simon Billis
Matt sent a missive on 2010-04-26:

 Is there a package I can get that will graph system resources such as
 CPU and disk I/O to an html file or something?

You could use any of these hyperic, cricket depending on your needs and
wants... I use/used cacti, ganglia, mrtg and hyperic... ganglia we currently
use to gather performance data and replaced hyperic (better fit for us) and
we also use cacti for collecting snmp data from switches and routers. I'm
considering switching to cricket in place of cacti for performance reasons
(only generates graphs when needed).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables

2010-04-24 Thread Simon Billis
cahit Eyigünlü sent a missive on 2010-04-24:

 I have installed shorewall at late last night and i forget it today 
 i've restart my server now i am not able to connect it :D is there any 
 way to connect shorewall ?

If you have locked yourself out then you'll need to have physical access to the 
machine and log in using the console.

You may also be interested in a linux based firewall such  as IPCOP. or, but this 
will turn the machine into a dedicated firewall.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Hosting Reco

2010-04-12 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Joseph,

Joseph L. Casale sent a missive on 2010-04-11:

 I have two needs that require offsite hosting now, anyone know offhand
 of any of the unlimited storage/bandwidth vendors that exist now that
 allow remote scp|rsync access to the data, not just in shell scp use?
 I'm hunting around and its apparently hard to get a straight answer...
 vps or dedicated is overkill for this one need, and none of those
 offerings have the storage/bandwidth of the hosting only solutions.

If you contact me off list I _may_ be able to help... go to
and contact me via the web form there and we can then discuss your exact



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slightly OT: which hardware for CentOS file server (Samba, 2 To storage, 50 users)?

2010-04-12 Thread Simon Billis
John R Pierce sent a missive on 2010-04-12:

 Niki Kovacs wrote:
 The language lab from the local university has contacted me. They'd
 like to have a low-cost file server for storing all their language
 video files. They have a mix of Windows, Mac OS X and even Linux
 clients, roughly 50 machines. The files are quite big, and they
 calculated a total amount of 2 To of storage.
 I'd look at using 1TB drives rather than 2TB, the 2TB seem to be too
 bleeding edge and have been too many anecdotal reports of problems.
 for sure you want to use server rated SATA drives for an application
 like this, such as the WDC RE series, or the Seagate ES series (this
 has more to do with write buffering and consistent error reporting
 than it does to do with performance).

There are some array providers that are currently using 2TB drives (rorke
data for one) - but I would always suggest that you use enterprise quality

 if this system is going to have 50 clients constantly playing videos
 on it, then I'd look at 450gb or 600gb SAS drives, and a lot more of them.

I would look at the performance of the disk subsystem, make sure that the
sustained read of the system is able to keep up with the demands of
streaming video - you'll need to have 10K of 15K rpm disks for realtime
video if you're streaming to a lot of users. It may be that their
expectations are that the video isn't realtime and therefore you will be
able to use slower disks and subsystem.

 If this is to be a rack mounted system in a data center, I'd probably
 look at a box like a HP DL370, which can hold quite a lot of drives.

Depending on the number of disks you need (the IO profile will determine the
speed/size/interface) you may have to go to an external array.

 put the lowest end single CPU they offer in it, but get the better raid
 controller and a reasonable amount of memory, and redundant PSU.   get 2
 hot spare drives.   if initial requirements are 2TB usable storage,
 thats 4 x 1TB raid10 plus 2 x 1TB spares.  also get two small drives
 (like 72gb sas) for those left-side slots, mirrored for the OS and
 software.   6gb ram is probably fine.   the base model of this system is
 $3300 with a 4-core 2.4ghz, 6gb ram and 4 gigE ethernet ports (you could
 gang these to the switch if their network infrastructure supports ether
 bonding aka ipmp).
If it's only files that your sharing then this is fine, but if you intend to
change the video quality on the fly then you may need to have something
beefier... but the disk subsystem is the key to fast file/video streaming.

 OSX should be happy with NFS, Linux clients certainly are, and Samba
 can serve files for Windows clients.

You may also be looking at http web services with flash encoding or
quicktime - Apple used to have a free version of their quicktime video
streaming platform which may work for you.

Good luck with this, if it is as you suggest in your post just a file store
and not a video streamer platform, then your life is simple. As soon as you
enter the world of video streaming, life becomes harder and more expensive.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Multiple FreeNX servers and SSH ports

2010-03-21 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Nikki,

Niki Kovacs sent a missive on 2010-03-21:

 Les Mikesell a écrit :
 You don't really need to change the ports on the hosts.  Just configure
 the router to accept different ports on the internet side and redirect
 to port 22 at the different IP addresses on the inside. Then you only
 have to change the client settings for access from outside.   I'd move
 both of them away from port 22 on the outside, though - you'll avoid a
 lot of password guessing attempts that will happen otherwise.
 Sorry, but I don't quite follow you. (One of these cases where I feel
 my IQ is just a bit insufficient :oD)
 How can I possibly access two distinct machines behind one single IP
 address when they run SSH on the same port ?

You have to use a combination of NAT and PAT (NAT is Network address
translation and PAT is Port address translation) on the router.

 Or, I'll reformulate my question more simply.
 I have a router with *one* public IP address ( And
 behind that router, on the local network, I have two different machines: and
 Is there a (normal, orthodox) way to SSH into these machines directly
 from the outside? That is, without logging into the main box and then
 hopping around internally? Something where in one case, ssh -option gets me into machine A, and then ssh -otheroption gets me into machine B.
 I'm confused.

Depending on your router you will be able to configure it to do what you

On your router you should be able to do the following:
Redirect connections to port  to port 22 AND
Redirect connections to port 2223 to port 22

You then can connect using your favourite ssh client (mine is absolute
telnet :-) ) by connecting to port  you'll be connected
to via ssh.


Hope this helps


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] multi-core performance

2010-03-01 Thread Simon Billis
Pete Kay sent a missive on 2010-03-01:

 Does anyone know how to turn on TOE ( TCP offload engine )  and RSS (
 Receive-Side Scaling)?
 Thanks, pete ___ CentOS
 mailing list

Hi Peter,

Check out to see
why it is not supported.

If you want to improve the performance of IP then this link may help



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Email Problem

2010-02-26 Thread Simon Billis
Dear Susan,

Susan Day sent a missive on 2010-02-26:

 Here's my question
 The following message appears to have been sent, but in fact never 
 does reach their destination:

That's not a correct statement - your email does reach google as can be seen
from your qmail log

 [root qmail-send]# tail current
 @40004b87b3d3392cbddc new msg 97881462
 @40004b87b3d3392cc5ac info msg 97881462: bytes 531 from qp 23629 uid 508
 @40004b87b3d33b7f700c starting delivery 4: msg 97881462 to
 @40004b87b3d33b7f7bc4 status: local 0/10 remote 1/255
 @40004b87b3d4338aec64 delivery 4: success: 
 5 86_6si3416200pxi.53/

This ip address is google's and the remote host accepted the mail.

OrgName:Google Inc.

 @40004b87b3d4338af434 status: local 0/10 remote 0/255
 @40004b87b3d4338d4dc4 end msg 97881462



That is a good question - I guess that google's email system thinks you're
sending them spam. If you want your mail to be accepted you may need to have
implemented SPF and domainkeys. Also I think that if you are using a script
to generate the email then ensure that you are creating the required headers
and that your mail conforms to the rfc.

You can also try to send mail to your google address by hand i.e. telnet to
google's mail platform on port 25 and mimic the smtp conversation by hand to
see if you can get any further



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Email Problem

2010-02-26 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Sue,

 From: Susan Day
 [root]# telnet 25
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 ESMTP
 250 ok
 250 ok
 DATA testing
 354 go ahead
 250 ok 1267194591 qp 11432
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 I didn't receive any message. Time for domainkeys?
 Hum... maybe Google checks if the reverse dns matches...
 Or maybe check

From earlier posts you will have seen that you need to create the headers
correctly in the body part of the email (just after you entered in DATA).
Also do not spoof the domain in the helo portion either your email MUST
be valid in every way or it WILL be discarded by the anti-spam measures.
Also if you continue to send spam to their servers you WILL become black
listed and then even legitimate email will not be delivered. 

If you implement SPF make sure that you get it right or your mail will be
blocked there are plenty of spf checkers out there.

Finally, I would not send mail to service providers like hotmail or google
until I had my script emailing my local domain correctly at least when
you send mail to your localdomain, you're in control of the reception as
well as the transmission.

Good luck


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to show only quota limit to users via SSH?

2010-02-24 Thread Simon Billis
Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-02-24:

 On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Kai Schaetzl
df does not show quota.
   quota shows quota.  And if you do not want to have the user
access to a
 certain program you   have to remove it or prohibit access otherwise (-
 restricted shell).
 Kai, don't take this the wrong way, but I can see this is going nowhere.
 When Bob logs into the server, via SSH, I want him to see how much 
 space he has left. The server uses quotas to limit the user's space, 
 and df -h only shows the whole server's disk usage, not the users.
 Is it possible, with df to show the user's disk usage, or not?

No it is not possible to do this with df.

df is not able to show user quotas nor is it possible to limit it to display
only the user space available.

Perhaps if you were to create a partition specifically for the user then you
could allow them to use df.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to show only quota limit to users via SSH?

2010-02-24 Thread Simon Billis
Rajagopal Swaminathan sent a missive on 2010-02-24:

 On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Simon Billis wrote:
 Is it possible, with df to show the user's disk usage, or not?
 No it is not possible to do this with df.
 du -sh  /home/user, perhaps may help.

Good idea :-)... however, the user would still be able to run df -h unless
the shell was restricted.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] change network switch need 'arp clear cache?

2010-02-23 Thread Simon Billis

mcclnx mcc sent a missive on 2010-02-23:

 we plan to change network switch and firewall machine to new one.
 Network engineer told me after switch and firewall equipment change I
 may need run 'arp ... to clear out cache on every CENTOS servers due
 to switch and firewall MAC address change.
 we have 30 to 40 CENTOS 4.X and 5.X my affect.  my question are:
 1. does switch and firewall equipment change need LINUX client clear

No, it can be completed without a cache clear. I have completed the same
sort of thing by connecting the new switch to the old one, making sure that
I can see the new switch from a server and then moving each Ethernet cable
across from the old switch to the new switch.

When it comes to the firewall, there will be a slight delay in traffic flows
which should be a couple of seconds as each server will issue an arp request
as the firewall mac address will have changed and will need to be re arp'ed.
Beware of Cisco kit however, as some of this kit has an arp timeout of 5
mins and therefore on the Cisco kit you will have to clear the arp cache of
this kit if it is in front of or behind the firewall.

 2. if needed, how to clear cache and get new info about switch and
You have to delete each entry from the cache using arp -d {hostname} afaik

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] processor affinity

2010-02-18 Thread Simon Billis
Adam Grossman sent a missive on 2010-02-17:

 On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 13:26 -0500, Adam Grossman wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 18:17 +, Simon Billis wrote:
 Adam Grossman sent a missive on 2010-02-17:
 i am running CentOS 5.4.  i have a requirement where i need to have 1
 application have a single processor all to its self, and the rest of
 the system run on the other processors.  taskman lets me bind the
 process to a processor(s), but it does not make it exclusive.   Is
 this possible to do? i have even tried mucking around with the
 rc.sysinit, but to no avail.
 thank you very much,
 Have you considered running through the pids of the all tasks and then
 using taskset to change their affinities. You could also change all
 the init scripts to invoke the process using something like taskset
 -p [mask] [pid] and limit the mask to only the first few CPU's that
 you want them to have access to.
 that's probably a good idea.  have it be the last service that runs
 which moves everything to the processors i want.  i am going to give
 that an try.
 i was asked to do this for increased performance.  but does centos
 have any SMP load balancing which would probably work better then
 manually doing load balancing?
Linux does have cpu load balancing to maximise performance, but performance
of an application/process relies on many things. You may have to tune the
system for that particular application and also reduce the number of other
processes running to maximise the performance. Application tuning may also
be required for maximum performance gains.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] best practice: how to setup a central network installation server?

2010-02-18 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Rudi,

Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-02-18:

 I want to setup a central installation server, but haven't done this 
 before, so I want to find out what would be best practices for this?
 The server I have already runs as a central repo, which is updated 
 from one or our local centos mirrors, and the other CentOS servers 
 (both i386  x64), as well as CentOS VPS's get their updates from this
 But, now I want to allow a client to perform a quick network 
 installation, using either a netbood CD, or preferably with the 
 server's network bootrom. I understand this can be done with bootp, or 
 am I on the wrong track?
 the server is a general file server and also acts as our in-office 
 internet gateway, and has Webmin installed for convenience sake. I 
 don't know if this is of any use?
 Generally we would be (re)installing CentOS servers  desktops, but I 
 guess it could be useful for other distro's like Fedora Core / Debian 
 / FreeBSD? / etc. What would be a good option to go for, or could 
 someone point me to a good documentation? Doing a google search I 
 found a lot of instructions on how to perform a network installation 
 on the client PC's, but not how to configure the server. Maybe I used 
 the wrong key words?

I'm not suggesting that this is best practice but this works in my
environment for unattended installations or reinstallations.

1) The first thing that I did to get this to work was to have a web server
hold the distribution of Centos needed. This was accessible to the servers
that I was building using a boot CD and specifying network install.
2) I then automated this installation using kickstart files also held on the
web server.
3) I then setup a PXE boot server using tftpd and configured the server to
be built to boot via PXE (using dhcp options to point to the correct pxe
boot server and boot file) and then to connect to web server to built
4) I also use koan on existing systems to enable me to rebuild them
remotely. Using koan I am able to reboot the machine and it will then pxe
boot (without the need to have bios set) and complete the installation.

I hope that this points you in the right direction.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] processor affinity

2010-02-18 Thread Simon Billis
John Doe sent a missive on 2010-02-18:

 From: Simon Billis
 To: CentOS mailing list
 Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 11:25:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] processor affinity
 Adam Grossman sent a missive on 2010-02-17:
 On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 13:26 -0500, Adam Grossman wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 18:17 +, Simon Billis wrote:
 Adam Grossman sent a missive on 2010-02-17:
 i am running CentOS 5.4.  i have a requirement where i need to have
 1 application have a single processor all to its self, and the rest
 of the system run on the other processors.  taskman lets me bind
 the process to a processor(s), but it does not make it exclusive.
 Is this possible to do? i have even tried mucking around with the
 rc.sysinit, but to no avail.
 thank you very much,
 Have you considered running through the pids of the all tasks
 and then using taskset to change their affinities. You could
 also change all the init scripts to invoke the process using
 something like taskset -p [mask] [pid] and limit the mask to
 only the first few CPU's that you want them to have access to.
 that's probably a good idea.  have it be the last service that runs
 which moves everything to the processors i want.  i am going to give
 that an try.
 i was asked to do this for increased performance.  but does centos
 have any SMP load balancing which would probably work better then
 manually doing load balancing?
 Linux does have cpu load balancing to maximise performance, but
 performance of an application/process relies on many things. You may
 have to tune the system for that particular application and also
 reduce the number of other processes running to maximise the
 performance. Application tuning may also be required for maximum
 performance gains.
 What about renicing processes...?

I personally would only renice my processes - most system processes need to
run at a higher priority than user tasks so things don’t break. They also
only utilise a very small proportion of the system so should be negligible
in most instances. In my experience understanding what your application is
doing provides the insight into tuning the system for maximum performance. 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] udp stream multiply

2010-02-17 Thread Simon Billis
Jure Pečar sent a missive on 2010-02-17:

 Not strictly a CentOS question, but I hope someone can hint me in the
 right direction ...
 I have an incoming udp data stream to public interface that I want to
 duplicate and multipy to three or more destinations on the internal
 Currently I've managed to put together netcat listener with output to
 pipe and socat reading from that pipe to a single destination. I hoped
 I could have more than one socat reader from the pipe, but that does
 not seem to be the case. So I'm able to only redirect stream to a
 single destination on lan.
 I'd also like to avoid this mess of shell tools and pipes and am
 looking for a cleaner solution.
 Any hints?

Perhaps retransmitting to a multicast address?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] processor affinity

2010-02-17 Thread Simon Billis
Adam Grossman sent a missive on 2010-02-17:

 i am running CentOS 5.4.  i have a requirement where i need to have 1
 application have a single processor all to its self, and the rest of the
 system run on the other processors.  taskman lets me bind the process
 to a processor(s), but it does not make it exclusive.   Is this possible
 to do? i have even tried mucking around with the rc.sysinit, but to no
 thank you very much,
Have you considered running through the pids of the all tasks and then using
taskset to change their affinities. You could also change all the init
scripts to invoke the process using something like taskset -p [mask] [pid]
and limit the mask to only the first few CPU's that you want them to have
access to.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue. Resolved

2010-02-10 Thread Simon Billis
Dear Les et al,

Thanks for your assistance with this thorny issue. I have finally resolved
the problem by utilising the following:

1) I have added to the access map of sendmail all the domains that accept
mail for any user, u...@domain for those email accounts that exist and hosts
that are internal to my network which will send mail via these boxes e.g. 
domain1 RELAY

2) I then appended to the end of this file reject lines to reject mail to
unknown users e.g.


So now my access map looks like this:
domain1 RELAY
domain2 REJECT
sub.domain1 REJECT

3) I created a relay-domains file and added to that all the domains that I
was going to relay for e.g.


4) restarted sendmail (which rebuilt access.db and allowed sendmail to read
in the relay-domains file)

My mail scanners now accept mail for relay/scanning from my internal hosts
to any address, from external hosts to mail accounts that exist and to any
account at a domain that has a catch all account setup. All other mail is
rejected with either Access denied or Mailbox for this user is disabled. 

All this was achieved using a shell script to find the domains from the
qmail server (pop host) and parse the .qmail-* files for each domain and
account and build the relevant files. As this is a live service which has
the potential to change this script is run via cron on a regular basis to
catch the changes. Currently on the pop host this takes about 10 mins to run
as it is trawling the filesystem for changes (due to legacy accounts being
manually created outside of out provisioning tools negating the opportunity
to use the database that exists.)

Thanks again for your help and comments, they were and continue to be very



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Best way to backup virtual machines from Citrix XenServer.

2010-02-09 Thread Simon Billis
Pasi Kärkkäinen sent a missive on 2010-02-09:

 On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 12:07:30PM -0800, nate wrote:
 Simon Billis wrote:
 Good quality storage (which usually comes at a price) will provide the
 functionality that is needed to backup the VM's either as a complete
 VM image or files from the VM filesystem. Entry level storage from
 suppliers such as Equallogic/Dell comes with this functionality and it
 is possible to have the storage up and attached to servers within 10
 mins from un-boxing it (but do allow a little longer to understand it
 ;-) .)
 Suggest reading this interesting piece 3 years of equallogic
 before thinking about using it's snapshot stuff - Eq
 Of course not all snapshot solutions are created equal, equallogic's
 appears to be especially poor in this regard.
 I think that blog post gives too negative view of the EQL snapshots.
 They work very well for many use cases. Having a lot of random small
 writes all over the volume seems to cause a lot of wasted disk space

I agree - I'm not suggesting that the EQL box is the best thing since sliced
bread, but it does what it says on the tin. There are better/different
arrays and array controllers out there (3par, BlueArc, Pillar, EMC, Hitachi
etc., etc., etc.,) and depending on your needs and budget both now and in
the future and it would be wise to select the one that provides the best fit
for you and your business. 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Best way to backup virtual machines from Citrix XenServer.

2010-02-08 Thread Simon Billis
Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-02-07:

 2010/2/5 Simon Billis
  Do you have any shared storage that you're using which supports
 snapshots?   If you do, then a combination of coalescing the running VM's
 to disk and  taking a snap and also using traditional backup methods
 (application aware)  to disk/tape for archival and complete failure of
 the storage is a reasonable thing to do.
 the main problem with this, is that one client on that VM (think about 
 shared hosting accounts on the VM) wants to restore a single file, or 
 a few files, then you're going to have to restore the whole snapshot 
 and a lot of other files will be lost.

Not necessarily, some storage will allow the mounting of a snap as readonly
specifically to allow for this type of restore. The storage will also allow
for the snap to be R/W or duplicated and to be allocated to another host to
become a live machine.

 I'm experimenting with an NFS mount from our backup server. Basically, 
 export the NFS share, and mount it inside the VM, then use your 
 favorite backup procedure / software. For our cPanel VM's, we use 
 cPanel's native backup function which makes use of rsync - and allows 
 us to restore a single file if needed. For other VM's without a 
 control panel, rsync also works well.

I've had mixed results with NFS, sometimes under high loading it would fail
and usually when I was in the process of backing up a few machines (four or
more) at once to the NFS server.

Good quality storage (which usually comes at a price) will provide the
functionality that is needed to backup the VM's either as a complete VM
image or files from the VM filesystem. Entry level storage from suppliers
such as Equallogic/Dell comes with this functionality and it is possible to
have the storage up and attached to servers within 10 mins from un-boxing it
(but do allow a little longer to understand it ;-) .)

I do believe that all backup strategies need to be examined frequently to
ensure that they have met and are meeting your needs as the requirement
often changes when new applications are rolled out or the usage of an
existing application changes.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] directory and file permission help

2010-02-08 Thread Simon Billis
John Doe sent a missive on 2010-02-08:

 From: adrian kok
 I move a zip file from window to linux but all permission of folder
 and files are kept in 700 How can I change it one time? I don't need
 to change directory under directory to change as folder as 755 and
 files as 644
 You could use find -type X (X = 'd' for directories and 'f' for files)

Indeed, not forgetting that you can use -exec option with find to do the
actuall change to the files/dirs 

I.e. for directories within the zip

Bash# find ./ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] slowness in sendmail - 60 second timeout

2010-02-08 Thread Simon Billis
Jerry Geis sent a missive on 2010-02-08:

 I am sending an email from my machine devcentos5x64. the transcript
 below (hangs for 60 seconds) at the line: MAIL SIZE=56
 The email succeeds - but I am trying to figure out the 60 second delay.
 Neither email server is busy. Nothing is waiting.
 the DNS on both machines point to the same nameserver. The DNS
 responds very fast when looking up server names.
 What else can I look for to remove the slowness or delay?
  date | mail -v -v -v -v
 Connecting to [] via relay... 220
 ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.8/8.13.8; Mon, 8 Feb 2010 10:02:15 -0500   EHLO 250- Hello localhost
 [], pleased to meet you 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-PIPELINING
 SIZE=56 250 2.1.0 Sender ok   RCPT   DATA 250 2.1.5 Recipient ok 354 Enter mail, end with . on
 a line by itself   . 250 2.0.0 o18F2FMV002336 Message accepted for
 delivery Sent (o18F2FMV002336 Message accepted
 for delivery) Closing connection to []   QUIT 221 2.0.0 closing connection [r...@devcentos5x64 src]#

Check your DNS resolution settings - it may be dns timeout.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] slowness in sendmail - 60 second timeout

2010-02-08 Thread Simon Billis
Simon Billis sent a missive on 2010-02-08:

 Jerry Geis sent a missive on 2010-02-08:
 I am sending an email from my machine devcentos5x64. the transcript
 below (hangs for 60 seconds) at the line: MAIL SIZE=56
 The email succeeds - but I am trying to figure out the 60 second delay.
 Neither email server is busy. Nothing is waiting.
 the DNS on both machines point to the same nameserver. The DNS
 responds very fast when looking up server names.
 What else can I look for to remove the slowness or delay?
  date | mail -v -v -v -v
 Connecting to [] via relay... 220
 ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.8/8.13.8; Mon, 8 Feb 2010 10:02:15 -0500   EHLO 250- Hello localhost
 [], pleased to meet you 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-PIPELINING
 SIZE=56 250 2.1.0 Sender ok   RCPT   DATA 250 2.1.5 Recipient ok 354 Enter mail, end with . on
 a line by itself   . 250 2.0.0 o18F2FMV002336 Message accepted for
 delivery Sent (o18F2FMV002336 Message accepted
 for delivery) Closing connection to []   QUIT 221 2.0.0 closing connection [r...@devcentos5x64 src]#
 Check your DNS resolution settings - it may be dns timeout.
Sorry to be more specific - make sure that is

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] slowness in sendmail - 60 second timeout

2010-02-08 Thread Simon Billis
Jerry Geis sent a missive on 2010-02-08:

 /Sorry to be more specific - make sure that
 is resolvable.
 from I can ping - this
 entry is in the /etc/hosts file on that machine.
 There is no official MX record for there is

I'm not clear that there is a dns/host entry for on I would make sure that there is an entry for this
host on If there is then apologies for not getting
it :-).

 on I have the /etc/hosts entry and /etc/mail/access
 entry for Perhaps its an MX lookup timeout
  I am looking for a timeout setting or a way to place an entry in a
 config file that says I know this server or machine, trust it and
 dont delay. Is there such a setting?

I think that sendmail is checking the MAIL command  - there are no
timeouts that are specific to this rule afaik and sendmail would use a
timeout of 1 second (which is doubled to a max of 4 mins) if this was an
issue with bogus commands or repeated commands. From your description, it
feels as if there is a problem with the name resolution of You may wish to enable FEATURE(delay_checks)dnl in
the and rebuild the file and see if it helps. If
this makes a difference then I would look in the MAIL command checks.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-05 Thread Simon Billis

 On 2/4/2010 3:31 PM, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
  What do you mean?  Forwarding to the virtuser expansion address
  work just like any other address.
  It sounds like he didn't forward before, but queue and deliver (e.g.
  the only available MX and queues for a firewalled MX or uses
  to get the mail delivered). If he goes to virtusertable he has to
 fill the
  table with valid forwards.
 The point would be able to include a default reject rule for each
 domain, which means that you have to supply valid forwards for all
 addresses you don't want to reject at the relay.  (You could default to
 forwarding, but that doesn't help with the backscatter issue).  But
 doesn't change the ability to queue/deliver except that the relay has
 accept the domains as local to do the virtuser lookup so the new target
 has to have a different name for the delivery host.   I'm not sure how
 that relates to your distinction between forwarding and queuing.
 Sendmail has local and remote addresses, but remote ones all go through
 the same steps.

I am queuing and delivering using mailertable currently - hence the issue
with backscatter as some of the domains do not have catch-all accounts. I am
able to produce a list of valid email accounts and domains without a
catch-all account so I should be able to create a virtusertable with the
required entries to either accept all mail for a domain and then forward it
to a specific account (the catch-all account) or to only accept mail for a
specific account and then forward it to the same address (is this valid?) by
again using mailertable(?). I think that using access.db and relay-domains
may also work as needed.

Thanks very much for your help with this and the suggestions it is much


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-05 Thread Simon Billis

 On 2/4/2010 3:17 PM, Bo Lynch wrote:
  Right know we have about 30 or so linux servers scattered through out
  district. Was looking at ways of consolidating and some sort of
  would be nice.
  Will clustering not work with certain apps? We have a couple mysql
  oracle database, smb shares, nfs, email, and web servers.
 Each app has it's own best way to provide the redundancy and
 auto-failover and it's own set of tradeoffs of the added complexity vs.
 the possible reduced downtime if the primary fails.
 I'd balance the options against the low-tech method of having raid
 mirrors in swappable bays with a spare similar server chassis or two
 around plus regular backups kept at a different location.  The raid
 you continue in the likely event of a disk failure so you can repair it
 at a convenient time.  Other failures (motherboard, power supply) are
 less likely but can be handled by swapping the drives into an alternate
 chassis (and with Centos you'll need to re-assign the IP addresses that
 are tied to the old NIC mac addresses) with a small amount of downtime.
   And the backups cover things like operator or software errors (that
 would wipe a cluster too) or a building-level disaster that destroys
 disks or the primary and spare chassis at the same time.  Some apps may
 be worth the effort to do better.

In our configurations we utilise different strategies depending on what we
want to achieve as there isn't really a panacea for this... We use virtual
servers, hot standby firewalls/routers, load balanced servers, warm standby
servers (using such things as mysql replication, rsync and DRBD to keep the
boxes in sync) and shared storage from disk arrays and servers with local
disk arrays for local performance and resilience. We have also utilised
hadoop (distributed filesystem) on some again to provide resilience within
the limitations of hadoop.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-05 Thread Simon Billis
Les Mikesell sent a missive on 2010-02-05:

 Simon Billis wrote:
 The point would be able to include a default reject rule for each
 domain, which means that you have to supply valid forwards for all
 addresses you don't want to reject at the relay.  (You could default
 to forwarding, but that doesn't help with the backscatter issue). But
 that doesn't change the ability to queue/deliver except that the relay
 has to accept the domains as local to do the virtuser lookup so the
 new target has to have a different name for the delivery host.   I'm
 not sure how that relates to your distinction between forwarding and
 queuing. Sendmail has local and remote addresses, but remote ones all
 go through the same steps.
 I am queuing and delivering using mailertable currently - hence the
 issue with backscatter as some of the domains do not have catch-all
 accounts. I am able to produce a list of valid email accounts and
 domains without a catch-all account so I should be able to create a
 virtusertable with the required entries to either accept all mail
 for a domain and then forward it to a specific account (the
 account) or to only accept mail for a specific account and then
 forward it to the same address (is this valid?) by again using
 mailertable(?). I think that using access.db and relay-domains may
 also work as needed.
 Sendmail will only look in virtusertable if it considers the address
 local (i.e.
 you've added the target domain to local-host-names).  That means
 you'll have to use some other name for the delivery target in the
 virtusertable expansion side to get it to forward on.  Probably
 whatever you are using in mailertable will work.  You might be able to
 use u...@[host.domain] notation or u...@[ip_address] there to avoid
 another MX lookup that would come back to the relay - I'm not sure
 about that.  You'll probably have to do some testing with this part
 since it is a fairly drastic change to make the targets local - but
 you can do it one domain at a time.

I don't think that this is going to work for me then... I'm not able to
change the envelope address for the onward delivery. The final mail server
will reject the mail if it is not the original email address that I'm
accepting the mail for on the mail scanners. Also I understand from the
documentation that mailertable is not used for class {w}, i.e. local host
names so I think that I'm stuck with the following choices...

1) getting access.db and relay-domains working correctly with:
   (a) the _RELAY_FULL_ADDR_ feature
   (b) without the above feature (which works but without the ability to
send mail from our networks from email addresses in the access.db map but I
think that this is because I need to add specific hosts to the access map.)

2) utilising a milter.

Is this a fair conclusion in your opinion?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-05 Thread Simon Billis
Bo Lynch sent a missive on 2010-02-05:

 On Fri, February 5, 2010 9:02 am, Athmane Madjoudj wrote:
 Whats your thoughts on Vmware server over esxi?
 Really do not want to have to budget for Virtualization if I do not
 have to.
 Thanks for any info.
 Here is a comparison of VMware ESXi and Server notice that server
 doesn't cost money.
 both are proprietary
 there are a lot of good FOSS alternatives such:
 KVM (require a modern hardware)
 Xen (need a patched kernel: available in centos repos) OpenVZ (need
 a patched kernel: available in openvz repos, mainly for VPS but
 personalty i use it)
 Athmane Madjoudj
 Does anyone have any experience with KVM or OpenVZ? If I can stick to
 something that is not proprietary that would be great. I didn't realize
 there were so many options. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Bo

OpenVZ is containerisation and not virtualisation and therefore limits the
os running to a minor version of the base os. If you need to have say
Centos4, Centos5, Solaris 10, Windows on the same box then this is not for

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Best way to backup virtual machines from Citrix XenServer.

2010-02-05 Thread Simon Billis
Rafał Radecki sent a missive on 2010-02-05:

 Hi All.
 I have installed Citrix XenServer. It's Linux-based virtualization 
 software. Could anyone propose a good way to make backups of virtual 
 machines (Linux/Windows) in it?
 With regards,

Do you have any shared storage that you're using which supports snapshots?
If you do, then a combination of coalescing the running VM's to disk and
taking a snap and also using traditional backup methods (application aware)
to disk/tape for archival and complete failure of the storage is a
reasonable thing to do.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-05 Thread Simon Billis
Les Mikesell sent a missive on 2010-02-05:

 Simon Billis wrote:
 Les Mikesell sent a missive on 2010-02-05:
 Simon Billis wrote:


 What are you currently using in mailertable to get there?  If you use
 [domain] and go to the A record of the same name it might be a problem
 - but that might work if you try it.  Where I've used it, the delivery
 hosts had their own names that they'd accept in the envelope and the
 [IP.address] form would also work.

Currently I have this in the mailertable:

I think that I'm going to have to test this out and see what happens.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-05 Thread Simon Billis
Les Mikesell sent a missive on 2010-02-05:

 On 2/5/2010 9:53 AM, Simon Billis wrote:
 What are you currently using in mailertable to get there?  If you use
 [domain] and go to the A record of the same name it might be a problem
 - but that might work if you try it.  Where I've used it, the delivery
 hosts had their own names that they'd accept in the envelope and the
 [IP.address] form would also work.
 Currently I have this in the mailertable:
 I think that I'm going to have to test this out and see what happens.
 I think it should work to put the in the
 virtusrtable target as long as the destination accepts that as a local
 name - and you'd have to go out of your way to avoid it if it is the
 real hostname or reverse DNS name for the interface.

Thanks for your help Les, I'll test it all I think and see what happens.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-04 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Folks,

I have a couple of questions which I hope that you will be able to assist
with, first some background.

I run a few sendmail servers that run MailScanner/Spamassassin/sendmail
(current versions) on Centos 5.4 and Centos 4.8 These boxes accept mail for
a large number of domains (6000+) scan the mail removing spam and then
forward the ham to another server for delivery. I am attempting to stop any
backscatter that these servers cause by only accepting mail for specific
us...@domain or for domains with a catch-all account.

I currently use /etc/mail/access.db as the access map for the domains, but
this allows all mail to be accepted for the domain before the attempting to
send it on for final delivery which causes NDR and backscatter for those
domains which do not have a catch-all account.

I have looked at adding To:u...@domain RELAY to the access map and also
adding define(`_RELAY_FULL_ADDR_', `1')  in the and running
make -C /etc/mail but this has no effect on the file. My
understanding is that if I can get sendmail to accept this undocumented
feature then all will be fine as I will be able to use the access map to
allow mail to those specific users as well as entries of the type domain

My first question is: Does anyone have any ideas as to why I wouldn't be
able to have this change reflected in

My second question is: Does anyone have any ideas on how to utilise access
map and relay-domains to achieve the same thing?

Thanks for your time and assistance.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-04 Thread Simon Billis
 One approach here if it is practical to collect/maintain all of the
 recipient addresses is to build a virtuser table with a default reject
 for each
 domain the relay handles plus the list of all valid addresses.  This is
 efficient if you can automate the table updates or the user base is

I have already written the code that updates the access file and the
relay-domains file from the final delivery mail server so I think that to
create a virtusertable should be simple enough, I'll check the documentation
to see how to use the virtusertable in this manner - thanks for the pointer.

 Another would be to use MimeDefang as the framework instead of
 mailscanner.  It
 has an option to check recipient addresses via smtp to the delivery
 before accepting.  You may have to write a snippet of perl to get that
 right for
 multiple domains (that's a feature...).  This is less efficient but
 works in
 real time against the addresses that will be accepted for delivery.

I'm not so sure that this is an acceptable overhead - the mail scanners
process 2,000,000 messages a day.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-04 Thread Simon Billis
  make -C /etc/mail but this has no effect on the file. My
 Does it not give output? Have you tried adding -d?
I get an updated file but the only diff is the header telling me
when it was complied.

Adding -d give the following (I've removed the non relevant lines):

  No implicit rule found for `'.
 Finished prerequisites of target file `'.
No need to remake target `'.
   Finished prerequisites of target file `'.
   Prerequisite `' is newer than target `'.
  Must remake target `'.
make: Entering directory `/etc/mail'
Putting child 0x05474670 ( PID 10927 on the chain.
Live child 0x05474670 ( PID 10927 
Reaping winning child 0x05474670 PID 10927 
Removing child 0x05474670 PID 10927 from chain.
  Successfully remade target file `'.

  Another would be to use MimeDefang as the framework instead of
  mailscanner.  It has an option to check recipient addresses via smtp
  the delivery servers before accepting.  You may have to write a
  of perl to get that right for multiple domains (that's a feature...).
  This is less efficient but works in real time against the addresses
  will be accepted for delivery.
 I would question how real time that would be for every email for 6k+
 domains. If a few have a large client base, or are expecting responses
 from a mass emailing, it might start to take a *while*, unless you've
 pretty heavy duty equipment and networking.

I agree - I think that the overhead that perl would impose is too high for
this application.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-04 Thread Simon Billis
  I would question how real time that would be for every email for
  domains. If a few have a large client base, or are expecting
  from a mass emailing, it might start to take a *while*, unless you've
  pretty heavy duty equipment and networking.
 It's the same thing the downstream server is going to have to repeat in
 just a
 moment anyway, but this time it doesn't have to do the other steps.  If
 you are
 close to capacity already it might push you over the edge - and be
 scripting a way to maintain that frontend virtuser table that makes it
 near-instant hash lookup for the relay sendmail.  But for the relay it
 will be a
 win either way to avoid the much heavier load of spam-scanning stuff to
 recipients and making the downstream servers construct bounces.

I hadn't looked at it like that, you may be right, the reduction in scanning
may provide enough capacity to handle the additional workload from perl. I
think that I would prefer to have sendmail do the rcpt to: rejection
utilising a map as this I think will be the fastest method, so I'll check
out the virtusertable approach.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sendmail mail relay backscatter issue.

2010-02-04 Thread Simon Billis
 Simon Billis wrote on Thu, 4 Feb 2010 13:28:04 -:
  I am attempting to stop any
  backscatter that these servers cause by only accepting mail for
  us...@domain or for domains with a catch-all account.
 I believe milter-ahead or smf-sav can be used for this.

Indeed as can Scam-backscatter, but I'm attempting to not load the backend
mailserver with connections if at all possible, due to the number of emails
that are received on the antispam machines... (I know that they cache the
results of the lookups, but spammers like to send to dictionaries ;-) )

Thanks for the suggestion though :-)


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] pointer to Searchable Archives for the list pls

2010-02-03 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Folks,

Can you point me in the direction of searchable archives for the list? I'm
obviously missing something. I would like to be able to search the archives
before asking my question.

Thanks in advance


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pointer to Searchable Archives for the list pls

2010-02-03 Thread Simon Billis
Hi Rudi,
 Google search does work on the archives as well :)

Thanks - I figured I'd missed something obvious!


CentOS mailing list