Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-21 Thread Bill Campbell
On Sat, Aug 18, 2012, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
>On 08/16/2012 12:34 AM, Bill Campbell wrote:
>> Can somebody point me to a HowTO or other documentation describing the
>> tools available under the CentOS 5 KVM package to create and manage a
>> Windows 7 Pro VM?  All my VM experience to date has been the old free
>> VMware Server.
>Just for information, there is a "centos-virt" ML.

Thanks for that hint.  I subscribed a couple of days ago, but so
far haven't seen any traffic.  A google search of the archives
did turn up some interesting posts.

I have things working now after cleaning up some of the cruft
left around after my original attempts to follow the docs.
:17: warning [p 1, 1.7i]: can't break line

  1.  Create a bridge, 'br0' following the writeup on this page (and
  several others):

  This link also has some interesting hints.

  2.  Delete the routed network definition I had made prior to creating the
  bridge.  Things didn't work properly with the old definition even
  though it was point to my private interface, 'eth1'.  I also deleted
  the 'default' NAT interface as we will never use that.

  3.  Check for other software that references the new bridge, changing the
  old 'eth1' interface to 'br0'.  Samba shares were not appearing until
  I updated 'interfaces' in the 'smb.conf' file.  This may have been
  caused when I turned sharing on in the Win7 VM which I didn't need.

INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:(206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

If there's anything a public servant hates to do it's something for the
public.  -- K. Hubbard
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-19 Thread Gordon Messmer
On 08/18/2012 04:43 AM, skull wrote:
> I am not sure about your issue, but here is how i make my bridges:

That seems far more complicated than the vendor's documentation.  Is 
there a reason that you use that method?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-19 Thread Gordon Messmer
On 08/18/2012 02:57 PM, Theo Band wrote:
> Do you have iptables enabled? If so add a rule for the bridge as well.

Red Hat's documentation covers that.  Administrators have two options. 
They can add an iptables rule that allows traffic, or they can configure 
the bridged traffic to not pass through iptables.  The latter should use 
fewer CPU cycles, improving guest performance.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-19 Thread Gordon Messmer
On 08/16/2012 09:36 AM, Bill Campbell wrote:
> I assume that I can replace /var/lib/libvirt/images with a
> symlink to another file system with adequate space.
> Would it be safe to symlink the entire /var/lib/libvrt directory
> to another file system?

As has been pointed out, SELinux may prevent that from working with a 
simple symlink.  You have two options that will work:

1: Create a symlink and set the context of the link destination to the 
same context used for /var/lib/libvirt/images.  Use semanage to make the 
changes permanent, or else a restorecon might break the system:

2: Use a "bind" mount instead of a symlink.  Enter a line in /etc/fstab 
like this one:
   /bigger/fs   /var/lib/libvirt/images nonebind0 0
Then, mount /var/lib/libvirt/images and "restorecon -r -v 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-19 Thread Gordon Messmer
On 08/17/2012 03:06 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
> I got things installed yesterday, adding a routed network section
> using virt-manager linked to the private interface, eth1.  I left
> the default NAT interface as-is.

That won't do what you want.  If you want other machines on the LAN to 
be able to reach your guest, then you MUST configure bridged networking:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-18 Thread Theo Band
On 08/18/2012 12:06 AM, Bill Campbell wrote:
> I got things installed yesterday, adding a routed network section
> using virt-manager linked to the private interface, eth1.  I left
> the default NAT interface as-is.
> After rebooting the machine, two bridge devices, virbr0 and
> virbr1 appear in 'ifconfig' output with the appropriate IP
> addresses ( and respectively).
> The 'route -n' command shows reasonable routes for the VMs.
> I am thoroughly confused by the documentation I've found so far,
> much of which seems to be out of date.
> When the Windows VM is active with the network virbr1 defined
> with virt-manager and all other things default, a 'vmnet0' device
> appears in 'ifconfig' output.  I can ping the IPs on the private
> lan ( in this case), but cannot get to the
> outside world, nor can hosts on the LAN ping the VM's assigned IP
> address
> If I shut down the VM, manually run 'brctl addif virbr1 eth1', then start
> the VM things change:
> + The IP address assigned to the VM is in the block
>   instead of defined in virt-manager.
> + I can ping the outside world from the VM.
> + I can ping other hosts in, but*NOT*  the Linux boxes
>   IP address.
> + I cannot ping anything in from the command line on
>   the Linux host (logged in with ssh on the public interface).
> + The command 'brctl show' displays vmnet0 and eth1 vir virbr1.
> I'm more than a bit confused at this point.
> My main goal is to get LAN and OpenVPN access to the Windows VM.
> I really don't care about Internet access from the Windows VM,
> although Microsoft really wants it to get updates and such.
Do you have iptables enabled? If so add a rule for the bridge as well.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-18 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby
On 08/16/2012 12:34 AM, Bill Campbell wrote:
> Can somebody point me to a HowTO or other documentation describing the
> tools available under the CentOS 5 KVM package to create and manage a
> Windows 7 Pro VM?  All my VM experience to date has been the old free
> VMware Server.

Just for information, there is a "centos-virt" ML.

My VM configuration dumps are here:
you'll find some comparison point to what you get.
My VMs are all routed+NATed (for those). I dont have bridged Windows.

This is my sample invocation when installing a Windows:

sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name win-7-01 \
  --ram 1024 --keymap=fr \
  --cdrom=/media/500G/ISO/Windows7Ultimate64bit.iso   \
  --os-type=windows \
  --os-variant=win7  --network=network:default --vnc   --accelerate \
  --force --disk path=/mnt/big/mihamina/Virtual/win-7-01,size=20

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-18 Thread skull
Am 18.08.2012 00:06, schrieb Bill Campbell:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012, Theo Band wrote:
>> On 08/16/2012 06:36 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
> ...
>>>  + Set up network bridging on the private LAN so that the Windows system
>>>is accessible via OpenVPN connections from the outside world and by
>>>users on the LAN to run a client/server accounting application.
 I have done KVM VLANs but I am not sure if it can be done from the
 virt-manager.   Experiment and see how far you can go.
>>> I will be digging into this later today.  So far I've found the
>>> file /var/lib/libvirt/network/default.xml and see a vibr0
>>> interface defined.
>>> The documentation I found yesterday described setting up briding,
>>> but hopefully virt-manager has a nicer way to do it.
>> This I find the most difficult part. I have done it a couple of time and
>> made myself a HOWTO. You need to fill in some IP figures of course. I
>> assume a fixed IP address, but DHCP should work as well. The setup
>> creates a bridge and adds and existing interface (ifcfg-ethx) to that
>> bridge. After that you can use the bridge for the VMs:
> I got things installed yesterday, adding a routed network section
> using virt-manager linked to the private interface, eth1.  I left
> the default NAT interface as-is.
> After rebooting the machine, two bridge devices, virbr0 and
> virbr1 appear in 'ifconfig' output with the appropriate IP
> addresses ( and respectively).
> The 'route -n' command shows reasonable routes for the VMs.
> I am thoroughly confused by the documentation I've found so far,
> much of which seems to be out of date.
> When the Windows VM is active with the network virbr1 defined
> with virt-manager and all other things default, a 'vmnet0' device
> appears in 'ifconfig' output.  I can ping the IPs on the private
> lan ( in this case), but cannot get to the
> outside world, nor can hosts on the LAN ping the VM's assigned IP
> address
> If I shut down the VM, manually run 'brctl addif virbr1 eth1', then start
> the VM things change:
> + The IP address assigned to the VM is in the block
>   instead of defined in virt-manager.
> + I can ping the outside world from the VM.
> + I can ping other hosts in, but *NOT* the Linux boxes
>   IP address.
> + I cannot ping anything in from the command line on
>   the Linux host (logged in with ssh on the public interface).
> + The command 'brctl show' displays vmnet0 and eth1 vir virbr1.
> I'm more than a bit confused at this point.
> My main goal is to get LAN and OpenVPN access to the Windows VM.
> I really don't care about Internet access from the Windows VM,
> although Microsoft really wants it to get updates and such.
>> KVM
>> ===
>> yum install kvm virt-manager qemu bridge-utils
>> #create bridge for virt-machine
>> cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 << _END_
>> DEVICE=br0
>> TYPE=Bridge
>> IPADDR=192.168.48.X
>> ONBOOT=yes
>> DELAY=0
>> _END_
>> Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx :
>> ONBOOT=yes
>> BRIDGE=br0
>> service network restart
>> ___
>> CentOS mailing list
I am not sure about your issue, but here is how i make my bridges:

I hope that helps.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-17 Thread Bill Campbell
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012, Theo Band wrote:
>On 08/16/2012 06:36 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
>> + Set up network bridging on the private LAN so that the Windows system
>>   is accessible via OpenVPN connections from the outside world and by
>>   users on the LAN to run a client/server accounting application.
>>> I have done KVM VLANs but I am not sure if it can be done from the
>>> virt-manager.   Experiment and see how far you can go.
>> I will be digging into this later today.  So far I've found the
>> file /var/lib/libvirt/network/default.xml and see a vibr0
>> interface defined.
>> The documentation I found yesterday described setting up briding,
>> but hopefully virt-manager has a nicer way to do it.

>This I find the most difficult part. I have done it a couple of time and 
>made myself a HOWTO. You need to fill in some IP figures of course. I 
>assume a fixed IP address, but DHCP should work as well. The setup 
>creates a bridge and adds and existing interface (ifcfg-ethx) to that 
>bridge. After that you can use the bridge for the VMs:

I got things installed yesterday, adding a routed network section
using virt-manager linked to the private interface, eth1.  I left
the default NAT interface as-is.

After rebooting the machine, two bridge devices, virbr0 and
virbr1 appear in 'ifconfig' output with the appropriate IP
addresses ( and respectively).

The 'route -n' command shows reasonable routes for the VMs.

I am thoroughly confused by the documentation I've found so far,
much of which seems to be out of date.

When the Windows VM is active with the network virbr1 defined
with virt-manager and all other things default, a 'vmnet0' device
appears in 'ifconfig' output.  I can ping the IPs on the private
lan ( in this case), but cannot get to the
outside world, nor can hosts on the LAN ping the VM's assigned IP

If I shut down the VM, manually run 'brctl addif virbr1 eth1', then start
the VM things change:

   + The IP address assigned to the VM is in the block
 instead of defined in virt-manager.

   + I can ping the outside world from the VM.

   + I can ping other hosts in, but *NOT* the Linux boxes
 IP address.

   + I cannot ping anything in from the command line on
 the Linux host (logged in with ssh on the public interface).

   + The command 'brctl show' displays vmnet0 and eth1 vir virbr1.

I'm more than a bit confused at this point.

My main goal is to get LAN and OpenVPN access to the Windows VM.
I really don't care about Internet access from the Windows VM,
although Microsoft really wants it to get updates and such.

>yum install kvm virt-manager qemu bridge-utils
>#create bridge for virt-machine
>cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 << _END_
>Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx :
>service network restart
>CentOS mailing list

INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:(206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

Lord, the money we do spend on Government and it's not one bit better
than the government we got for one third the money twenty years ago.
Will Rogers
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-16 Thread Theo Band
On 08/16/2012 06:36 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
> I need to:
> + Create the VM instance allowing for about 50GB total disk space which
>   will be either a single image partitioned into two Windows 'Drives'
>   for the OS and applications/data, or two images.
>> The default location for the hard disk image file is under /var/lib
>> path.This can be changed to point to a different location if you
>> are planning many such large installation.   An alternate method could
>> be to define a file or a LVM and then tell virt-manager the location
>> of this file/LVM volume.
> Thanks for that info.  It looks like everything is under
> /var/lib/libvrt.
> I assume that I can replace /var/lib/libvirt/images with a
> symlink to another file system with adequate space.
> Would it be safe to symlink the entire /var/lib/libvrt directory
> to another file system?  I just tried 'lsof /var/lib/libvirt' on
> the system with no VMs and the libvrtd service running, and it
> doesn't show anything using it at idle.
Yes, as long as SeLinux is not enforced.
But why not simply mount a dedicated partition here? The actual path is 
stored in de VM definition. So existing machines need to be changed 
(virsh edit ). I think the default path is only used as e default 
location. I have moved the images of several machines to a NFS path to 
make live migration work.
Do remember that /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save is used to save system state 
when rebooting. Still needs several GB of space for that.
> + Set up network bridging on the private LAN so that the Windows system
>   is accessible via OpenVPN connections from the outside world and by
>   users on the LAN to run a client/server accounting application.
>> I have done KVM VLANs but I am not sure if it can be done from the
>> virt-manager.   Experiment and see how far you can go.
> I will be digging into this later today.  So far I've found the
> file /var/lib/libvirt/network/default.xml and see a vibr0
> interface defined.
> The documentation I found yesterday described setting up briding,
> but hopefully virt-manager has a nicer way to do it.
This I find the most difficult part. I have done it a couple of time and 
made myself a HOWTO. You need to fill in some IP figures of course. I 
assume a fixed IP address, but DHCP should work as well. The setup 
creates a bridge and adds and existing interface (ifcfg-ethx) to that 
bridge. After that you can use the bridge for the VMs:

yum install kvm virt-manager qemu bridge-utils
#create bridge for virt-machine
cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 << _END_

Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx :

service network restart
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-16 Thread Lars Hecking

 Digimer's tutorial is excellent, even your particular usage case covers only
 partial aspects of what is described here or you're not doing clusters.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-16 Thread Bill Campbell
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012, Arun Khan wrote:
>On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Bill Campbell  wrote:
>> Can somebody point me to a HowTO or other documentation describing the
>> tools available under the CentOS 5 KVM package to create and manage a
>> Windows 7 Pro VM?  All my VM experience to date has been the old free
>> VMware Server.
>Assuming you have hardware acceleration and 64 bit version installed,
>look for the virt-manager package.

Thanks.  I found that after doing some poking around.  I'll be in
my normal 'learn by destroying' mode this afternoon (apologies to
Jeff Lieberman of :-).

>The interface is very similar to virtual box.

I've never used that, only VMware so far.

>> I need to:
>>+ Create the VM instance allowing for about 50GB total disk space which
>>  will be either a single image partitioned into two Windows 'Drives'
>>  for the OS and applications/data, or two images.
>The default location for the hard disk image file is under /var/lib
>path.This can be changed to point to a different location if you
>are planning many such large installation.   An alternate method could
>be to define a file or a LVM and then tell virt-manager the location
>of this file/LVM volume.

Thanks for that info.  It looks like everything is under

I assume that I can replace /var/lib/libvirt/images with a
symlink to another file system with adequate space.

Would it be safe to symlink the entire /var/lib/libvrt directory
to another file system?  I just tried 'lsof /var/lib/libvirt' on
the system with no VMs and the libvrtd service running, and it
doesn't show anything using it at idle.

>>+ Install Windows 7 from an OEM System Builder Pack, either using the
>>  CD/DVD drive on the Linux server or from an image created with 'dd'
>>  from the Win7 media.
>Any x86 OS can be installed.  Choose a NIC like Realtek or Intel Pro,
>drivers for which should be recognizable by the Windows installer.
>>+ Set up network bridging on the private LAN so that the Windows system
>>  is accessible via OpenVPN connections from the outside world and by
>>  users on the LAN to run a client/server accounting application.
>I have done KVM VLANs but I am not sure if it can be done from the
>virt-manager.   Experiment and see how far you can go.

I will be digging into this later today.  So far I've found the
file /var/lib/libvirt/network/default.xml and see a vibr0
interface defined.

The documentation I found yesterday described setting up briding,
but hopefully virt-manager has a nicer way to do it.

INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:(206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

Our Foreign dealings are an Open Book, generally a Check Book.
Will Rogers
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-16 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 7:11 PM, Arun Khan  wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Bill Campbell  wrote:
>>+ Install Windows 7 from an OEM System Builder Pack, either using the
>>  CD/DVD drive on the Linux server or from an image created with 'dd'
>>  from the Win7 media.
> Any x86 OS can be installed.


IIRC, according to:

about 25 CPU architechtures are supported by qemu which is usually
included in distributions.
x86 is just one of them.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Setup for Win7 Pro on CentOS 5.x

2012-08-16 Thread Arun Khan
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Bill Campbell  wrote:
> Can somebody point me to a HowTO or other documentation describing the
> tools available under the CentOS 5 KVM package to create and manage a
> Windows 7 Pro VM?  All my VM experience to date has been the old free
> VMware Server.

Assuming you have hardware acceleration and 64 bit version installed,
look for the virt-manager package.

The interface is very similar to virtual box.

> I need to:
>+ Create the VM instance allowing for about 50GB total disk space which
>  will be either a single image partitioned into two Windows 'Drives'
>  for the OS and applications/data, or two images.

The default location for the hard disk image file is under /var/lib
path.This can be changed to point to a different location if you
are planning many such large installation.   An alternate method could
be to define a file or a LVM and then tell virt-manager the location
of this file/LVM volume.

>+ Install Windows 7 from an OEM System Builder Pack, either using the
>  CD/DVD drive on the Linux server or from an image created with 'dd'
>  from the Win7 media.

Any x86 OS can be installed.  Choose a NIC like Realtek or Intel Pro,
drivers for which should be recognizable by the Windows installer.

>+ Set up network bridging on the private LAN so that the Windows system
>  is accessible via OpenVPN connections from the outside world and by
>  users on the LAN to run a client/server accounting application.

I have done KVM VLANs but I am not sure if it can be done from the
virt-manager.   Experiment and see how far you can go.

Arun Khan
"As a layman, I would say we have it, but as a scientist I have to
say, 'What do we have?'"
Rolf Heuer, Director General CERN on the announcement of Higgs Boson particle.
CentOS mailing list