[ceph-users] mgr finish mon failed to return metadata for mds

2023-12-12 Thread Manolis Daramas
The current ceph version that we use is 17.2.7.

We see in the Manager logs the below errors:

2 mgr.server handle_open ignoring open from mds.storage.node01.zjltbu 
v2:; not ready for session (expect reconnect)
0 7faf43715700  1 mgr finish mon failed to return metadata for 
mds.storage.node01.zjltbu: (2) No such file or directory

and in

# ceph fs status
Error EINVAL: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/mgr_module.py", line 1759, in _handle_command
return CLICommand.COMMANDS[cmd['prefix']].call(self, cmd, inbuf)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/mgr_module.py", line 462, in call
return self.func(mgr, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/status/module.py", line 109, in handle_fs_status
assert metadata

Does anyone know what they are and what we can do to fix them ?


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[ceph-users] Re: After hardware failure tried to recover ceph and followed instructions for recovery using OSDS

2023-12-05 Thread Manolis Daramas
pg 2.2 not scrubbed since 2023-11-15T05:46:04.363718+
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pg 3.2a not scrubbed since 2023-11-15T18:01:21.875230+
[WRN] POOL_NEARFULL: 3 pool(s) nearfull
pool '.mgr' is nearfull
pool 'cephfs.storage.meta' is nearfull
pool 'cephfs.storage.data' is nearfull

Any ideas ?


Manolis Daramas

-Original Message-
From: Eugen Block 
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 1:10 PM
To: ceph-users@ceph.io
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: After hardware failure tried to recover ceph and 
followed instructions for recovery using OSDS


I guess you could just redeploy the third MON which fails to start
(after the orchestrator is responding again) unless you figured it out
already. What is it logging?

> 1 osds exist in the crush map but not in the osdmap

This could be due to the input/output error, but it's just a guess:

> osd.10  : 9225 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> Mount failed with '(5) Input/output error'

Can you add the 'ceph osd tree' output?

> # ceph fs ls (output below):
> No filesystems enabled

Ceph doesn't report active MDS daemons, there are two processes
listed, one on node01, the other on node02. What are those daemons

> It looks like that we have a problem with the orchestrator now
> (we've lost cephadm orchestrator) and we also cannot see the
> filesystem.

Depending on the cluster status the orchestrator might not behave as
expected, and HEALTH_ERR isn't too good, of course. But you could try
to do a 'ceph mgr fail' and see if it reacts again.

Zitat von Manolis Daramas :

> Hello everyone,
> We had a recent power failure on a server which hosts a 3-node ceph
> cluster (with Ubuntu 20.04 and Ceph version 17.2.7) and we think
> that we may have lost some of our data if not all of them.
> We have followed the instructions on
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/rados/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-mon/#recovery-using-osds
>  but with no
> luck.
> We have kept a backup of store.db folder on all 3 nodes prior the
> below steps.
> We have stopped ceph.target on all 3 nodes.
> We have run the first part of the script and we have altered it
> according to our configuration:
> ms=/root/mon-store
> mkdir $ms
> hosts="node01 node02 node03"
> # collect the cluster map from stopped OSDs
> for host in $hosts; do
>   rsync -avz $ms/. root@$host:$ms.remote
>   rm -rf $ms
>   ssh root@$host < for osd in /var/lib/ceph/be4304e4-b0d5-11ec-8c6a-2965d4229f37/osd*; do
>   ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path \$osd --no-mon-config --op
> update-mon-db --mon-store-path $ms.remote
> done
>   rsync -avz root@$host:$ms.remote/. $ms
> done
> and the results were:
> for node01
> sd.0   : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 673 osdmaps added.
> osd.10  : 9225 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> Mount failed with '(5) Input/output error'
> osd.4   : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> osd.8   : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> receiving incremental file list
> created directory /root/mon-store
> ./
> kv_backend
> store.db/
> store.db/08.sst
> store.db/14.sst
> store.db/20.sst
> store.db/22.log
> store.db/CURRENT
> store.db/IDENTITY
> store.db/LOCK
> store.db/MANIFEST-21
> store.db/OPTIONS-18
> store.db/OPTIONS-24
> sent 248 bytes  received 286,474 bytes  191,148.00 bytes/sec
> total size is 7,869,025  speedup is 27.44
> sending incremental file list
> created directory /root/mon-store.remote
> ./
> kv_backend
> store.db/
> store.db/08.sst
> store.db/14.sst
> store.db/20.sst
> store.db/22.log
> store.db/CURRENT
> store.db/IDENTITY
> store.db/LOCK
> store.db/MANIFEST-21
> store.db/OPTIONS-18
> store.db/OPTIONS-24
> sent 286,478 bytes  received 285 bytes  191,175.33 bytes/sec
> total size is 7,869,025  speedup is 27.44
> for node02
> osd.12  : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> osd.2   : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> osd.5   : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> osd.7   : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> osd.9   : 0 osdmaps trimmed, 0 osdmaps added.
> receiving incremental file list
> created directory /root/mon-store
> ./
> kv_backend
> store.db/
> store.db/08.sst
> store.db/14.sst
> store.db/20.sst
> store.db/26.sst
> store.db/32.sst
> store.db/38.sst
> store.db/44.sst
> store.db/50.sst
> store.db/52.log
> store.db/CURRENT
> store.db/IDENTITY
> store.db/LOCK
> store.db/MANIFEST-51
> store.d

[ceph-users] After hardware failure tried to recover ceph and followed instructions for recovery using OSDS

2023-11-20 Thread Manolis Daramas
f4cda871218d   quay.io/ceph/ceph "/usr/bin/ceph-osd 
-..."   2 days ago  Up 2 days 
969e670dc47c   quay.io/ceph/ceph "/usr/bin/ceph-osd 
-..."   2 days ago  Up 2 days 
a49e91a7bb8e   quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:v1.5.0   "/bin/node_exporter 
..."   2 days ago  Up 2 days 
835c3893a3f4   quay.io/ceph/ceph 
"/usr/bin/ceph-crash..."   2 days ago  Up 2 days 
bfa6f5b989ea   quay.io/ceph/ceph "/usr/bin/ceph-mon 
-..."   2 days ago  Up 2 days 

# ceph -s (output below):

id: be4304e4-b0d5-11ec-8c6a-2965d4229f37
health: HEALTH_ERR
20 stray daemon(s) not managed by cephadm
3 stray host(s) with 20 daemon(s) not managed by cephadm
1/3 mons down, quorum node02,node03
1/523510 objects unfound (0.000%)
3 nearfull osd(s)
1 osds exist in the crush map but not in the osdmap
Low space hindering backfill (add storage if this doesn't resolve 
itself): 20 pgs backfill_toofull
Possible data damage: 1 pg recovery_unfound
Degraded data redundancy: 74666/1570530 objects degraded (4.754%), 
21 pgs degraded, 21 pgs undersized
3 pool(s) nearfull

mon: 3 daemons, quorum node02,node03 (age 2d), out of quorum: node01
mgr: node01.xlciyx(active, since 2d), standbys: node02.gudauu
osd: 14 osds: 14 up (since 2d), 14 in (since 3d); 21 remapped pgs

pools:   3 pools, 161 pgs
objects: 523.51k objects, 299 GiB
usage:   1014 GiB used, 836 GiB / 1.8 TiB avail
pgs: 74666/1570530 objects degraded (4.754%)
 1/523510 objects unfound (0.000%)
 140 active+clean
 20  active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfill_toofull

  1.  active+recovery_unfound+undersized+degraded+remapped

# ceph fs ls (output below):
No filesystems enabled

It looks like that we have a problem with the orchestrator now (we've lost 
cephadm orchestrator) and we also cannot see the filesystem.

May you please assist since we are not able to mount the filesystem ?

Thank you,

Manolis Daramas

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