[ceph-users] multi-site between luminous and mimic broke etag

2019-04-11 Thread Tomasz Płaza

Hi Ceph Users,

In our lab on VirtualBox we have installed two Centos7 VMs. One with 
ceph v12.2.11 and the second one with ceph v13.2.5. We connect them 
using multi-site (it does not matter witch one is hosting the master 
zone). On master zone we: created a user, made a bucket, uploaded a 
file, listed the bucket. Then on the slave zone we: listed the bucket, 
uploaded a file. After that, listing the bucket on mimic works fine, but 
on luminous s3cmd reports: "ERROR: Error parsing xml: not well-formed 
(invalid token): line 1, column 574" which comes to this part of xml: 

Both cluster in their ceph.conf has those added lines:
osd pool default size = 1
osd pool default min size = 1
osd crush chooseleaf type = 0
mon allow pool delete = true
rgw zone = test-dc1 # second has test-dc2

Has anyone had a similar issue before?

ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] problem w libvirt version 4.5 and 12.2.7

2019-01-03 Thread Tomasz Płaza


Thanks for reply. I've managed to unravel it partially. Somehow (did not 
look into srpm) starting from this version libvirt started to calculate 
real allocation if fastdiff feature is present on image. Doing "rbd 
object-map rebuild" on every image helped (do not know why it was needed 
- it is a new cluster with ceph version 12.2.7).

Now the only problem is 25T image on which "virsh vol-info" takes 13s 
(rbd du takes 1s) compared to few minutes before, so the questions remains:

- why it happened,

- how to monitor/foresee this,

- how to improve virsh vol-info if rbd du take less time to execute?

On 03.01.2019 at 13:51, Konstantin Shalygin wrote:

After update to CentOS 7.6, libvirt was updated from 3.9 to 4.5.
Executing: "virsh vol-list ceph --details" makes libvirtd using 300% CPU
for 2 minutes to show volumes on rbd. Quick pick at tcpdump shows
accessing rbd_data.* which previous version of libvirtd did not need.
Ceph version is 12.2.7.

Any help will be appreciated
There is nothing special in libvirt 4.5, I was upgraded hypervisors to 
this version, still works flawless.


ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] problem w libvirt version 4.5 and 12.2.7

2018-12-13 Thread Tomasz Płaza

Hi Cephers,

After update to CentOS 7.6, libvirt was updated from 3.9 to 4.5. 
Executing: "virsh vol-list ceph --details" makes libvirtd using 300% CPU 
for 2 minutes to show volumes on rbd. Quick pick at tcpdump shows 
accessing rbd_data.* which previous version of libvirtd did not need. 
Ceph version is 12.2.7.

Any help will be appreciated
ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] compacting omap doubles its size

2018-11-28 Thread Tomasz Płaza


I have a ceph 12.2.8 cluster on filestore with rather large omap dirs 
(avg size is about 150G). Recently slow requests became a problem, so 
after some digging I decided to convert omap from leveldb to rocksdb. 
Conversion went fine and slow requests rate went down to acceptable 
level. Unfortunately  conversion did not shrink most of omap dirs, so I 
tried online compaction:

Before compaction: 50G    /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/omap/

After compaction: 100G    /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/omap/

Purge and recreate: 1.5G /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/omap/

Before compaction: 135G    /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-5/current/omap/

After compaction: 260G    /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-5/current/omap/

Purge and recreate: 2.5G /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-5/current/omap/

For me compaction which makes omap bigger is quite weird and 
frustrating. Please help.

P.S. My cluster suffered from ongoing index reshards (it is disabled 
now) and on many buckets with 4m+ objects I have a lot of old indexes:

634   bucket1
651   bucket2

1231 bucket17
1363 bucket18

ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] Large omap objects - how to fix ?

2018-10-30 Thread Tomasz Płaza

Hi hijackers,

Please read: 

TL;DR: Ceph should reshard big indexes, but after that it leaves them to 
be removed manually. Starting from some version, deep-scrub reports 
indexes above some threshold as HALTH_WARN. You should find it in osd 
logs. If You do not have logs, just listomapkeys on every object in 
default.rgw.buckets.index and find the biggest ones... it should be safe 
to remove those (radosgw-admin bi purge) but I can not guarantee it.

On 26.10.2018 at 17:18, Florian Engelmann wrote:


hijacking the hijacker! Sorry!

radosgw-admin bucket reshard --bucket somebucket --num-shards 8
*** NOTICE: operation will not remove old bucket index objects ***
*** these will need to be removed manually ***
bucket name: somebucket
old bucket instance id: cb1594b3-a782-49d0-a19f-68cd48870a63.1923153.1
new bucket instance id: cb1594b3-a782-49d0-a19f-68cd48870a63.3119759.1
total entries: 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1 
11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 2 21000 
22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 3 31000 32000 
33000 34000 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 4 41000 42000 43000 
44000 45000 46000 47000 48000 49000 5 51000 52000 53000 54000 
55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 6 61000 62000 63000 64000 65000 
66000 67000 68000 69000 7 71000 72000 73000 74000 75000 76000 
77000 78000 79000 8 81000 82000 83000 84000 85000 86000 87000 
88000 89000 9 91000 92000 93000 94000 95000 96000 97000 98000 
99000 10 101000 102000 103000 104000 105000 106000 107000 108000 
109000 11 111000 112000 113000 114000 115000 116000 117000 118000 
119000 12 121000 122000 123000 124000 125000 126000 127000 128000 
129000 13 131000 132000 133000 134000 135000 136000 137000 138000 
139000 14 141000 142000 143000 144000 145000 146000 147000 148000 
149000 15 151000 152000 153000 154000 155000 156000 157000 158000 
159000 16 161000 162000 163000 164000 165000 166000 167000 168000 
169000 17 171000 172000 173000 174000 175000 176000 177000 178000 
179000 18 181000 182000 183000 184000 185000 186000 187000 188000 
189000 19 191000 192000 193000 194000 195000 196000 197000 198000 
199000 20 201000 202000 203000 204000 205000 206000 207000 207660

What to do now?

ceph -s is still:

    health: HEALTH_WARN
    1 large omap objects

But I have no idea how to:
*** NOTICE: operation will not remove old bucket index objects ***
*** these will need to be removed manually ***

All the best,

Am 10/26/18 um 3:56 PM schrieb Alexandru Cucu:


Sorry to hijack this thread. I have a similar issue also with 12.2.8
recently upgraded from Jewel.

I my case all buckets are within limits:
 # radosgw-admin bucket limit check | jq 
'.[].buckets[].fill_status' | uniq


 # radosgw-admin bucket limit check | jq
'.[].buckets[].objects_per_shard'  | sort -n | uniq

rgw_max_objs_per_shard is set to the default of 100k

Alex Cucu

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 4:09 PM Ben Morrice  wrote:

Hello all,

After a recent Luminous upgrade (now running 12.2.8 with all OSDs
migrated to bluestore, upgraded from 11.2.0 and running filestore) I am
currently experiencing the warning 'large omap objects'.
I know this is related to large buckets in radosgw, and luminous
supports 'dynamic sharding' - however I feel that something is missing
from our configuration and i'm a bit confused on what the right 

is to fix it.

First a bit of background info:

We previously had a multi site radosgw installation, however 
recently we

decommissioned the second site. With the radosgw multi-site
configuration we had 'bucket_index_max_shards = 0'. Since
decommissioning the second site, I have removed the secondary zonegroup
and changed 'bucket_index_max_shards' to be 16 for the single 
primary zone.

All our buckets do not have a 'num_shards' field when running
'radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket '
Is this normal ?

Also - I'm finding it difficult to find out exactly what to do with the
buckets that are affected with 'large omap' (see commands below).
My interpretation of 'search the cluster log' is also listed below.

What do I need to do to with the below buckets get back to an overall
ceph HEALTH OK state ? :)

# ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 2 large omap objects
2 large objects found in pool '.bbp-gva-master.rgw.buckets.index'
Search the cluster log for 'Large omap object found' for more details.

# ceph osd pool get .bbp-gva-master.rgw.buckets.index pg_num
pg_num: 64

# for i in `ceph pg ls-by-pool .bbp-gva-master.rgw.buckets.index | tail
-n +2 | awk '{print $1}'`; do echo -n "$i: "; ceph pg $i query |grep
num_large_omap_objects | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'; done | grep ": 1"

Re: [ceph-users] What is rgw.none

2018-10-21 Thread Tomasz Płaza


I have heard rumors it is a know bug an I should not bother (but I have 
not found bugtrack for it).

Best regards
Tomasz Płaza

On 19.10.2018 at 08:47, Arvydas Opulskis wrote:

we have same question when trying to understand output of bucket 
stats. Maybe you had found explanation somewhere else?


On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 10:28 AM Tomasz Płaza <mailto:tomasz.pl...@grupawp.pl>> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a bucket with a vary big num_objects in rgw.none:

    "bucket": "dyna",
    "zonegroup": "84d584b4-3e95-49f8-8285-4a704f8252e3",
    "placement_rule": "default-placement",
    "explicit_placement": {
    "data_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.data",
    "data_extra_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
    "index_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.index"
    "id": "99a07ed8-2112-429b-9f94-81383220a95b.3676457.19",
    "marker": "99a07ed8-2112-429b-9f94-81383220a95b.3676457.19",
    "index_type": "Normal",
    "owner": "dyna",
    "master_ver": "0#0,1#0,2#0,3#0,4#0,5#0,6#0,7#0",
    "mtime": "2017-09-25 11:24:25.568108",
    "max_marker": "0#,1#,2#,3#,4#,5#,6#,7#",
    "usage": {
    "rgw.none": {
    "size": 0,
    "size_actual": 0,
    "size_utilized": 0,
    "size_kb": 0,
    "size_kb_actual": 0,
    "size_kb_utilized": 0,
    "num_objects": 18446744073709551615
    "rgw.main": {
    "size": 28380702832,
    "size_actual": 28810874880,
    "size_utilized": 28380702832,
    "size_kb": 27715531,
    "size_kb_actual": 28135620,
    "size_kb_utilized": 27715531,
    "num_objects": 210206
    "rgw.multimeta": {
    "size": 0,
    "size_actual": 0,
    "size_utilized": 0,
    "size_kb": 0,
    "size_kb_actual": 0,
    "size_kb_utilized": 0,
    "num_objects": 0
    "bucket_quota": {
    "enabled": false,
    "check_on_raw": false,
    "max_size": -1,
    "max_size_kb": 0,
    "max_objects": -1

What is rgw.none and is this big number OK?


Best regards
Tomasz Płaza

ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] Resolving Large omap objects in RGW index pool

2018-10-17 Thread Tomasz Płaza


I have a similar issue, and created a simple bash file to delete old 
indexes (it is PoC and have not been tested on production):

for bucket in `radosgw-admin metadata list bucket | jq -r '.[]' | sort`
  actual_id=`radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=${bucket} | jq -r '.id'`
  for instance in `radosgw-admin metadata list bucket.instance | jq -r 
'.[]' | grep ${bucket}: | cut -d ':' -f 2`

    if [ "$actual_id" != "$instance" ]
  radosgw-admin bi purge --bucket=${bucket} --bucket-id=${instance}
  radosgw-admin metadata rm bucket.instance:${bucket}:${instance}

I find it more readable than mentioned one liner. Any sugestions on this 
topic are greatly appreciated.



Having spent some time on the below issue, here are the steps I took 
to resolve the "Large omap objects" warning. Hopefully this will help 
others who find themselves in this situation.

I got the object ID and OSD ID implicated from the ceph cluster 
logfile on the mon.  I then proceeded to the implicated host 
containing the OSD, and extracted the implicated PG by running the 
following, and looking at which PG had started and completed a 
deep-scrub around the warning being logged:

grep -C 200 Large /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.*.log | egrep '(Large 

If the bucket had not been sharded sufficiently (IE the cluster log 
showed a "Key Count" or "Size" over the thresholds), I ran through the 
manual sharding procedure (shown here: 

Once this was successfully sharded, or if the bucket was previously 
sufficiently sharded by Ceph prior to disabling the functionality I 
was able to use the following command (seemingly undocumented for 
Luminous http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/man/8/radosgw-admin/#commands):

radosgw-admin bi purge --bucket ${bucketname} --bucket-id ${old_bucket_id}

I then issued a ceph pg deep-scrub against the PG that had contained 
the Large omap object.

Once I had completed this procedure, my Large omap object warnings 
went away and the cluster returned to HEALTH_OK.

However our radosgw bucket indexes pool now seems to be using 
substantially more space than previously.  Having looked initially at 
this bug, and in particular the first comment:


I was able to extract a number of bucket indexes that had apparently 
been resharded, and removed the legacy index using the radosgw-admin 
bi purge --bucket ${bucket} ${marker}.  I am still able  to perform a 
radosgw-admin metadata get bucket.instance:${bucket}:${marker} 
successfully, however now when I run rados -p .rgw.buckets.index ls | 
grep ${marker} nothing is returned.  Even after this, we were still 
seeing extremely high disk usage of our OSDs containing the bucket 
indexes (we have a dedicated pool for this).  I then modified the one 
liner referenced in the previous link as follows:

 grep -E '"bucket"|"id"|"marker"' bucket-stats.out | awk -F ":" 
'{print $2}' | tr -d '",' | while read -r bucket; do read -r id; read 
-r marker; [ "$id" == "$marker" ] && true || NEWID=`radosgw-admin --id 
rgw.ceph-rgw-1 metadata get bucket.instance:${bucket}:${marker} | 
python -c 'import sys, json; print 
while [ ${NEWID} ]; do if [ "${NEWID}" != "${marker}" ] && [ ${NEWID} 
!= ${bucket} ] ; then echo "$bucket $NEWID"; fi; NEWID=`radosgw-admin 
--id rgw.ceph-rgw-1 metadata get bucket.instance:${bucket}:${NEWID} | 
python -c 'import sys, json; print 
done; done > buckets_with_multiple_reindexes2.txt

This loops through the buckets that have a different marker/bucket_id, 
and looks to see if a new_bucket_instance_id is there, and if so will 
loop through until there is no longer a "new_bucket_instance_id".  
After letting this complete, this suggests that I have over 5000 
indexes for 74 buckets, some of these buckets have > 100 indexes 

:~# awk '{print $1}' buckets_with_multiple_reindexes2.txt | uniq | wc -l
~# wc -l buckets_with_multiple_reindexes2.txt
5813 buckets_with_multiple_reindexes2.txt

This is running a single realm, multiple zone configuration, and no 
multi site sync, but the closest I can find to this issue is this bug 

Should I be OK to loop through these indexes and remove any with a 
reshard_status of 2, a new_bucket_instance_id that does not match the 
bucket_instance_id returned by the command:

radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket ${bucket}

I'd ideally like to get to a point where I can turn dynamic sharding 
back on safely for this cluster.

Thanks for any assistance, let me know if there's any more information 
I should provide


On Thu, 4 Oct 2018 at 18:22 Chris Sarginson > wrote:


Thanks for the response - I am still unsure as to what will ha

Re: [ceph-users] cephfs poor performance

2018-10-08 Thread Tomasz Płaza

On 08.10.2018 at 10:29, Yan, Zheng wrote:

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 3:38 PM Tomasz Płaza  wrote:

On 08.10.2018 at 09:21, Yan, Zheng wrote:

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 1:54 PM Tomasz Płaza  wrote:


Can someone please help me, how do I improve performance on our CephFS

System in use is: Centos 7.5 with ceph 12.2.7.
The hardware in use are as follows:
1xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106
2xSSD for system
1Gbe NIC

2xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106
2xSSD for system
10Gbe NIC

1xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4108
2xSSD for system
1xINTEL SSDSC2BB150G7 for osd db`s (10G partitions) rest for OSD to
place cephfs_metadata
10Gbe NIC

pools (default crush rule aware of device class):
rbd with 1024 pg crush rule replicated_hdd
cephfs_data with 256 pg crush rule replicated_hdd
cephfs_metadata with 32 pg crush rule replicated_ssd

test done by fio: fio --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1
--gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=random_read_write.fio --bs=4k
--iodepth=64 --size=1G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75

kernel version? maybe cephfs driver in your kernel does not support
AIO (--iodepth is 1 effectively)

Yan, Zheng

Kernel is 3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64 (I can update it to
3.10.0-862.14.4.el7) but do not know how to check aio support in kernel
drive if it is relevant because I mounted it with ceph-fuse -n
client.cephfs -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring -m /mnt/cephfs

Tom Płaza

please try kernel mount.

kernel mount did the trick, now performance is 3298/1101. Thank You.

Tom Płaza

shows iops write/read performance as folows:
rbd 3663/1223
cephfs (fuse) 205/68 (wich is a little lower than raw performance of one
hdd used in cluster)

Everything is connected to one Cisco 10Gbe switch.
Please help.

ceph-users mailing list

Spółki Grupy Wirtualna Polska:

Wirtualna Polska Holding Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Jutrzenki 
137A, 02-231 Warszawa, wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego - Rejestru 
Przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie 
pod nr KRS: 407130, kapitał zakładowy: 1 445 199,00 zł (w całości 
wpłacony), Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP): 521-31-11-513

Wirtualna Polska Media Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Jutrzenki 
137A, 02-231 Warszawa, wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego - Rejestru 
Przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie 
pod nr KRS: 580004, kapitał zakładowy: 320 005 950,00 zł (w całości 
wpłacony), Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP): 527-26-45-593

Administratorem udostępnionych danych osobowych jest Wirtualna Polska Media S.A. z siedzibą 
w Warszawie (dalej „WPM”). WPM przetwarza Twoje dane osobowe, które zostały podane przez 
Ciebie dobrowolnie w trakcie dotychczasowej współpracy, w związku z zawarciem umowy lub 
zostały zebrane ze źródeł powszechnie dostępnych, w szczególności: imię i nazwisko, adres 
email, numer telefonu. Przetwarzamy te dane w celach opisanych w polityce 
prywatności<https://onas.wp.pl/poufnosc.html>, między innymi w celu realizacji 
współpracy, realizacji obowiązków przewidzianych prawem, w celach marketingowych WP. 
Podstawą prawną przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych w celach marketingowych jest prawnie 
uzasadniony interes jakim jest m.in. przesyłanie informacji marketingowych o usługach WP, w 
tym zaproszeń na konferencje branżowe, informacje o publikacjach. Twoje dane możemy 
przekazywać podmiotom przetwarzającym je na nasze zlecenie oraz podmiotom uprawnionym do 
uzyskania danych na podstawie obowiązującego prawa. Masz prawo m.in. do żądania dostępu do 
danych, sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia ich przetwarzania, jak również prawo do 
zgłoszenia sprzeciwu w przewidzianych w prawie sytuacjach. Prawa te oraz sposób ich 
realizacji opisaliśmy w polityce prywatności<https://onas.wp.pl/poufnosc.html>. Tam 
też znajdziesz informacje jak zakomunikować nam Twoją wolę skorzystania z tych praw.

ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] cephfs poor performance

2018-10-08 Thread Tomasz Płaza

On 08.10.2018 at 09:21, Yan, Zheng wrote:

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 1:54 PM Tomasz Płaza  wrote:


Can someone please help me, how do I improve performance on our CephFS

System in use is: Centos 7.5 with ceph 12.2.7.
The hardware in use are as follows:
1xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106
2xSSD for system
1Gbe NIC

2xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106
2xSSD for system
10Gbe NIC

1xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4108
2xSSD for system
1xINTEL SSDSC2BB150G7 for osd db`s (10G partitions) rest for OSD to
place cephfs_metadata
10Gbe NIC

pools (default crush rule aware of device class):
rbd with 1024 pg crush rule replicated_hdd
cephfs_data with 256 pg crush rule replicated_hdd
cephfs_metadata with 32 pg crush rule replicated_ssd

test done by fio: fio --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1
--gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=random_read_write.fio --bs=4k
--iodepth=64 --size=1G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75

kernel version? maybe cephfs driver in your kernel does not support
AIO (--iodepth is 1 effectively)

Yan, Zheng
Kernel is 3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64 (I can update it to 
3.10.0-862.14.4.el7) but do not know how to check aio support in kernel 
drive if it is relevant because I mounted it with ceph-fuse -n 
client.cephfs -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring -m /mnt/cephfs

Tom Płaza

shows iops write/read performance as folows:
rbd 3663/1223
cephfs (fuse) 205/68 (wich is a little lower than raw performance of one
hdd used in cluster)

Everything is connected to one Cisco 10Gbe switch.
Please help.

ceph-users mailing list

ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] cephfs poor performance

2018-10-07 Thread Tomasz Płaza


Can someone please help me, how do I improve performance on our CephFS 

System in use is: Centos 7.5 with ceph 12.2.7.
The hardware in use are as follows:
1xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106
2xSSD for system
1Gbe NIC

2xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106
2xSSD for system
10Gbe NIC

1xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4108
2xSSD for system
1xINTEL SSDSC2BB150G7 for osd db`s (10G partitions) rest for OSD to 
place cephfs_metadata

10Gbe NIC

pools (default crush rule aware of device class):
rbd with 1024 pg crush rule replicated_hdd
cephfs_data with 256 pg crush rule replicated_hdd
cephfs_metadata with 32 pg crush rule replicated_ssd

test done by fio: fio --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 
--gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=random_read_write.fio --bs=4k 
--iodepth=64 --size=1G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75

shows iops write/read performance as folows:
rbd 3663/1223
cephfs (fuse) 205/68 (wich is a little lower than raw performance of one 
hdd used in cluster)

Everything is connected to one Cisco 10Gbe switch.
Please help.

ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] how dynamic bucket sharding works

2018-09-21 Thread Tomasz Płaza

Hi Cephers,

Could someone explain me how dynamic bucket index sharding works?
I have created a test bucket with 4 million objects on ceph 12.2.8 and 
it showed 80 shards (ver, master_ver, max_marker fomr 0 to 79 in bucket 
stats) and leave it for a night. Next day in the morning I found this in 
reshard list:

  "time": "2018-09-21 06:15:12.094792Z",
  "tenant": "",
  "bucket_name": "test",
  "bucket_id": "_id_.7827818.1",
  "new_instance_id": "test:_id_.25481437.10",
  "old_num_shards": 8,
  "new_num_shards": 16
During this reshard bucket stats showed 16 shards (counting ver, 
master_ver, max_marker from bucket stats on marker _id_.7827818.1).
After deleting and re adding 2 objects reshard kicked in once more, this 
time from 16 to 80 shards.

Actual bucket stats are:
    "bucket": "test",
    "zonegroup": "84d584b4-3e95-49f8-8285-4a704f8252e3",
    "placement_rule": "default-placement",
    "explicit_placement": {
    "data_pool": "",
    "data_extra_pool": "",
    "index_pool": ""
    "id": "_id_.25481803.6",
    "marker": "_id_.7827818.1",
    "index_type": "Normal",
    "owner": "test",

    "mtime": "2018-09-21 08:40:33.652235",

    "usage": {
    "rgw.none": {
    "size": 0,
    "size_actual": 0,
    "size_utilized": 0,
    "size_kb": 0,
    "size_kb_actual": 0,
    "size_kb_utilized": 0,
    "num_objects": 2
    "rgw.main": {
    "size": 419286170636,
    "size_actual": 421335109632,
    "size_utilized": 0,
    "size_kb": 409459152,
    "size_kb_actual": 411460068,
    "size_kb_utilized": 0,
    "num_objects": 401
    "bucket_quota": {
    "enabled": false,
    "check_on_raw": false,
    "max_size": -1,
    "max_size_kb": 0,
    "max_objects": -1

My question is: Why on earth did ceph reshard this bucket to 8 shards 
and after than to 16 shards, and than to 80 after re adding 2 objects?

Additional question: Why do we need rgw_reshard_bucket_lock_duration if 
states: "...Furthermore, there is no need to stop IO operations that go 
to the bucket (although some concurrent operations may experience 
additional latency when resharding is in progress)..." From My 
experience it blocks write completely, only read works.



ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] What is rgw.none

2018-08-06 Thread Tomasz Płaza

Hi all,

I have a bucket with a vary big num_objects in rgw.none:

   "bucket": "dyna",
   "zonegroup": "84d584b4-3e95-49f8-8285-4a704f8252e3",
   "placement_rule": "default-placement",
   "explicit_placement": {
   "data_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.data",
   "data_extra_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
   "index_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.index"
   "id": "99a07ed8-2112-429b-9f94-81383220a95b.3676457.19",
   "marker": "99a07ed8-2112-429b-9f94-81383220a95b.3676457.19",
   "index_type": "Normal",
   "owner": "dyna",
   "master_ver": "0#0,1#0,2#0,3#0,4#0,5#0,6#0,7#0",
   "mtime": "2017-09-25 11:24:25.568108",
   "max_marker": "0#,1#,2#,3#,4#,5#,6#,7#",
   "usage": {
   "rgw.none": {
   "size": 0,
   "size_actual": 0,
   "size_utilized": 0,
   "size_kb": 0,
   "size_kb_actual": 0,
   "size_kb_utilized": 0,
   "num_objects": 18446744073709551615
   "rgw.main": {
   "size": 28380702832,
   "size_actual": 28810874880,
   "size_utilized": 28380702832,
   "size_kb": 27715531,
   "size_kb_actual": 28135620,
   "size_kb_utilized": 27715531,
   "num_objects": 210206
   "rgw.multimeta": {
   "size": 0,
   "size_actual": 0,
   "size_utilized": 0,
   "size_kb": 0,
   "size_kb_actual": 0,
   "size_kb_utilized": 0,
   "num_objects": 0
   "bucket_quota": {
   "enabled": false,
   "check_on_raw": false,
   "max_size": -1,
   "max_size_kb": 0,
   "max_objects": -1

What is rgw.none and is this big number OK?


Best regards
Tomasz Płaza

Spółki Grupy Wirtualna Polska:

Wirtualna Polska Holding Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Jutrzenki 
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wpłacony), Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP): 521-31-11-513

Wirtualna Polska Media Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Jutrzenki 
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wpłacony), Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP): 527-26-45-593

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też znajdziesz informacje jak zakomunikować nam Twoją wolę skorzystania z tych praw.
ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] ceph as storage for docker registry

2018-05-16 Thread Tomasz Płaza

Hi All,

We are running ceph 12.2.3 as storage for docker registry with swift API. This 
is the only workload with swift API on our ceph cluster. We need to run 
radosgw-admin bucket check --fix --check-objects --bucket docker-registry from 
time to time to fix issue described 
Last time I had to push some tags manually with s3client because swift client showed 
err.detail="swift: Timeout expired while waiting for segments of /docker/"

In ceph conf We have:

 rgw resolve cname = true
 rgw thread pool size = 256
 rgw num rados handles = 8
 rgw override bucket index max shards = 8
 log file = /dev/null
 rgw swift url = http://someurl.com

Is there any recommended  configuration for ceph and docker-registry on swift 


Spółki Grupy Wirtualna Polska:

Wirtualna Polska Holding Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Jutrzenki 
137A, 02-231 Warszawa, wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego - Rejestru 
Przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie 
pod nr KRS: 407130, kapitał zakładowy: 1 440 487,60 zł (w całości 
wpłacony), Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP): 521-31-11-513

Wirtualna Polska Media Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Jutrzenki 
137A, 02-231 Warszawa, wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego - Rejestru 
Przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie 
pod nr KRS: 580004, kapitał zakładowy: 317 957 900,00 zł (w całości 
wpłacony), Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP): 527-26-45-593
ceph-users mailing list