Upgrade CF 6.1 -> CF 8

2008-06-18 Thread Kevin Pechin
Hello All,

We are about to take the plunge and upgrade our servers from CF 6 ent to 8
ent.  I have been reading about various things to watch out for during the
upgrade, but I was hoping that if anyone had any first hand gotchas they
would like to share that would be great!  We are running 32 bit Win2k3; iis
6; SQL Server db's; no verity.  Would anyone recommend uninstalling 6 before
going to 8?



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Re: Trying this again w/o the suject hijack (determinig if the refresh button has been clicked)

2005-12-21 Thread Kevin Pechin

One other option could be to use cookies.  When the user first comes to a
page you would detect for the cookie and set it if it is not already set.
If you want to keep a counter, just get the value and reset it in the cookie
(client side js would be best for that).  The negative would be the
potential for javascript and/or cookies being disabled by the user.


On 12/21/05, Dan G. Switzer, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bobby,
> >Wouldn't the flaw be that the refresh would generate a new UID...
> No. Because the UIDs would be in the links, so that would stay the same
> between refreshes.
> -Dan

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UTF-8 CFFile Support in CF5

2005-10-12 Thread Kevin Pechin
Hi All,

I've been working on a CF5 machine (can't upgrade for a few months
unfortunately) trying to upload a UTF-8 encoded xml file to the server. When
I upload it I use cffile to save it to the server. Unfortunately when it
saves, the unicode characters seem to become corrupted (or the server tried
to convert it to non unicode). For example a right curly word quote (') now
shows up as: (’). My goal is to upload the xml file, parse it and then
import it into a db, but as long as the characters are getting replaced like
this, it becomes unusable. I know the support for UTF-8 characters is much
better in 6 & 7, but there is very little information on UTF-8 in cf5.

In the top of my upload page I put the following meta tag:

I even attempted to put: CHARSET="UTF-8" in my CFFile.

Any suggestions?


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Re: JRUN 4 vs Bundled JRUN in CFMX 6.1

2005-04-07 Thread Kevin Pechin
Thanks for the info everyone!


On Apr 7, 2005 12:26 PM, Calvin Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doh! Need more caffeine...
> -Original Message-
> From: Adrocknaphobia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 12:07 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: JRUN 4 vs Bundled JRUN in CFMX 6.1
> Standalone vs j2EE. J2EE install of course installs JRun seperately
> with the JMC. I think they are referring to the standalone install
> with CFMX standard.
> -Adam
> On Apr 7, 2005 11:43 AM, Calvin Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Um, why can't you? I'm only looking at 7 right now, but I could have 
> sworn
> > that 6 installed the JMC too?
> >
> > - Calvin
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: John Beynon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 11:04 AM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: JRUN 4 vs Bundled JRUN in CFMX 6.1
> >
> > it's crippled in that you can't access it via the JMC to make more
> instances
> >
> > etc, hence the reason for CF Enterprise and multi instance installation 
> on
> > the same server.
> >
> > john.
> >
> > On Apr 7, 2005 3:49 PM, Kevin Pechin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > Is there any difference between the standalone JRUN 4 and the JRUN 
> that
> > > gets
> > > bundled with CFMX (Enterprise)? Is it cripped in any way? We are 
> trying
> to
> > > determine if we still need to maintain JRUN while we have CFMX 6. Any
> > > thoughts? Will there be any performance benefits from running CFMX on
> >
> > > 4
> > > instead of the built in JRUN? (BTW we are migrating from CF 5 to MX, 
> but
> > > we
> > > use JRUN standalone for a few servlets)
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > -Kevin
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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JRUN 4 vs Bundled JRUN in CFMX 6.1

2005-04-07 Thread Kevin Pechin
Hi All,

Is there any difference between the standalone JRUN 4 and the JRUN that gets 
bundled with CFMX (Enterprise)? Is it cripped in any way? We are trying to 
determine if we still need to maintain JRUN while we have CFMX 6. Any 
thoughts? Will there be any performance benefits from running CFMX on JRUN 4 
instead of the built in JRUN? (BTW we are migrating from CF 5 to MX, but we 
use JRUN standalone for a few servlets)



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Re: OT: DFS alternative?

2004-12-07 Thread Kevin Pechin

A great program I've used is PeerSync.  It is made by
http://www.peersoftware.com/index.asp  Very reasonable pricing too and
really good tech support.  I had used it to sync files from one host
to 2 recipients real time via a share, but this can also be done via
ftp as well.  The longest it took to copy a file was a couple seconds

Good Luck!


On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 14:29:54 -0500, Emmet McGovern
> Anyone know of an alternate way to sync files real time across servers?  I
> currently use DFS and I'm not too hip on setting up another AD pdc/bdc for a
> production server.
> Emmet

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Re: image resizing

2004-11-16 Thread Kevin Pechin

We've used CFX_ImageInfo which you can find:
http://www.intrafoundation.com/cfx_imageinfo.asp  and for mx at:

It is a very simple tag that just returns the image information.


On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 10:04:03 -0800, Jordan Michaels
> Hello Lawrence,
> I believe that tthere's a custom tag on the Macromedia Exchange that
> will do this for you. The tag was free when I downloaded it a while back.
> HTH,
> Jordan
> Lawrence Ng wrote:
> >hello,
> >
> >I plan to build an app that would allow users to upload images to the
> >server for review. Here are the routines I want to try and implement
> >
> >1. check's the image dimension before its updated (either by cffile or
> >ftp)
> >
> >2. Once it's uploaded, I want to resize it smaller for faster download
> >and user clicks to see the "actual size" that was submitted originally
> >in step 1.
> >
> >I know how to check for file types & sizes but its the dimension that I
> >want to check as well.
> >
> >What is the best approach?
> >
> >Thanks a 10^6
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Warm regards,
> Jordan Michaels
> Vivio Technologies
> http://www.viviotech.net/

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Re: DTS Package From Cold Fusion

2004-11-16 Thread Kevin Pechin
Great find Ricky!

Now I have one last question.  I created my DTS package via enterprise
manager and saved it as a "Meta Data Service Package."  Now I go into
the design view of the package, and the source location of the mdb
file is still my local hard drive.  When I try to change it to a
folder I know exists on the server (and no my machine), it doesn't
allow it.  When I call the DTS package via CF, how will the DTS know
to look for the access file on the web server's drive vs my desktop?

Do I have to have enterprise manager loaded on my web server and
create the package from there in order for this to work?

I know this is a little more off topic than CF, but your help is much



On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:46:34 -0600, Ricky Fritzsching
> Kevin:
> Try this link:
> http://www.pengoworks.com/index.cfm?action=articles:spExecuteDTS
> Ricky
> -Original Message-
> From: Kevin Pechin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:32 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: DTS Package From Cold Fusion
> Hello,
> I have an access db that I want to import into SQL Server 2000.
> Normally I would just use enterprise manager to truncate the table and then
> import the new database, but I would like to create an application to make
> the end users self sufficient and allow them to upload an mdb file to the
> web server which would then run a DTS package on a seperate database server.
> Can this be done, and if so does anyone have sample code?
> Thanks!
> -Kevin

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DTS Package From Cold Fusion

2004-11-16 Thread Kevin Pechin

I have an access db that I want to import into SQL Server 2000. 
Normally I would just use enterprise manager to truncate the table and
then import the new database, but I would like to create an
application to make the end users self sufficient and allow them to
upload an mdb file to the web server which would then run a DTS
package on a seperate database server.

Can this be done, and if so does anyone have sample code?



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Re: CFX Single Thread question

2001-12-07 Thread Kevin Pechin

Hello Billy,

We are currently using CFX_http as well as CFX_PCRegex on our load balanced servers.  
I was thinking that if you renamed cfx_http as cfx_http1 2 3.. you could then randomly 
call them from a template.  When you register them in the cfadmin you would just give 
them different names as you physically named them on your server.  If I know that I'm 
only going to have three instances, I could use an if statement to call the proper one 
depending on the random number generated (i.e. 1-5).

cfadmin - physicalname
cfx_http - cfx_http
cfx_http1 - cfx_http1
cfx_http5 - cfx_http5

Then in your templates you would just randomly call each one.  I realize that the 
potential for hitting the same one exists in a random situation, but at least it has 
the possibility of hitting a non used one at the time and therefore no need to wait 
for the other tag to release the lock, which brings me back to the original question 
about processes...

-Kevin Pechin
Hofstra University
Web Development

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/07/01 12:04PM >>>
How will you manage calling these tags?  This could only be most effective
if you evenly distribute calls across your "cluster", but there's no way in
CF to do that (no way to do that  )

Billy Cravens

----- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Pechin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: CFX Single Thread question

> Hello All,
> I have two cfx questions.  If you have two single threaded cfx tags
registered and running on the server (both exclusively locked) is it
possible that both can execute at the same time as different processes, or
do they both fall under the cfserver process and therefor only one executes
at a time?
> And for the second question (which kinda depends on the answer to the
first one), if you have a single threaded cfx tag and then copy the tag
physically on the server (i.e.  cfx_tag1.dll, cfx_tag1_2.dll, cfx_tag1_3.dll
.) and register each instance in the cfadmin, is each one a separate
single threaded operation which can be locked and randomly called?  If so
this could be a potential boost in performance since we can launch multiple
processes (of course if you add too many it will eat memory).
> Food for thought!
> -Kevin Pechin
> Hofstra University
> Web Development

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CFX Single Thread question

2001-12-07 Thread Kevin Pechin

Hello All,

I have two cfx questions.  If you have two single threaded cfx tags registered and 
running on the server (both exclusively locked) is it possible that both can execute 
at the same time as different processes, or do they both fall under the cfserver 
process and therefor only one executes at a time?

And for the second question (which kinda depends on the answer to the first one), if 
you have a single threaded cfx tag and then copy the tag physically on the server 
(i.e.  cfx_tag1.dll, cfx_tag1_2.dll, cfx_tag1_3.dll ...) and register each instance in 
the cfadmin, is each one a separate single threaded operation which can be locked and 
randomly called?  If so this could be a potential boost in performance since we can 
launch multiple processes (of course if you add too many it will eat memory).

Food for thought!

-Kevin Pechin
Hofstra University
Web Development

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Stored Procedure Dynamic Column names

2001-08-14 Thread Kevin Pechin

Hello all,

I'm attempting to create a stored procedure in sql server 7.  It would check if the 
page already exists within a table and if so increment the proper column (pages would 
have a column for each month of the year) else it would do an insert statement.  My 
problem is that It won't allow for dynamic column names within the set statement 
assignments (possibly a syntax error).  The error I receive is:

 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax error converting the nvarchar 
value 'August' to a column of data type int.

The variable @CurrentMonth returns the name of the month which is also the column name 
(January, March, July etc) in the table and @thePage is the name of the page.  Each 
column is a data type of integer.

 @thePage NVARCHAR(100),
 @CurrentMonth NVARCHAR(100)
 if NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Counter WHERE Page = @thePage)
   INSERT INTO Counter (Page)
   VALUES (@thePage);

   UPDATE Counter
   SET @CurrentMonth = @CurrentMonth+1 
   WHERE Page = @thePage;
  UPDATE Counter
  SET @CurrentMonth = @CurrentMonth+1 
  WHERE Page = @thePage

Does anyone have a more efficient way of doing this or understand what's going wrong 
in that code.

Thanks in advance for your help,


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Lost Permissions on IIS

2000-08-08 Thread Kevin Pechin

Hi everyone,

I have a weird problem with cold fusion pages.  I'm running win2k with
IIS 5 and cold fusion server 4.5.1.  As of yesterday everything was
perfectly fine.  I'm not sure what happened but the server had a
complete freeze and I had to reboot.  There are no errors in any of the
logs.  After that I was not able to see any of my webpages (HTML OR
CFM).  Then I reinstalled IIS and cf server and now only HTML pages show
up.   When I access any page a username/password box is prompted.  No
passwords work on it, admin, user, cf nothing.  I checked all the
permissions, and everything is set exactly as the html pages are.  I
even set all accounts to have read, write, execute on all files.  

Now here is where it gets weird.  If i access the pages locally with
internet explorer, some pages (even though they all have the same
rights) prompt for a different type of username/pass prompt which when i
enter the admin name/pass it actually works on cf pages.  But even if i
try to view that page with netscape on the server it still prompts for
the password.

I don't want to resort to reinstalling win2k but if i have to i will. 

Does anyone have any possible suggestion as to why this is

Thank you in advance for any help anyone can provide.

-Kevin Pechin
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RE: Array/List Initialization

2000-08-02 Thread Kevin Pechin

Great Thanks that worked...

I just had to change the list syntax a bit to be

It didn't work the other way.

Thanks for your help!

>>> Andy Ewings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/02/00 11:16AM >>>
Why don't you create a list using 
then use the ListToArray function

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Pechin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 02 August 2000 15:58
Subject: RE: Array/List Initialization

Actually what i was referring to was something along the lines of 

This way i won't have to do 
listname[1] = "a"
listname[2] = "b" ...

It will be a single dimension array.

>>> Andy Ewings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/02/00 10:31AM >>>
 to initialise a list and  to initialise an array.

If you want to hard code an element of an array just use  for the first dimension of the first element

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Pechin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 02 August 2000 15:16
Subject: Array/List Initialization

Hi Everyone,

This is going to sound like a really basic question, but i have not
been able to find an answer on any of the archives.

How do you initialize an array or a list.  For example i have twenty
items and i want to hard code them into an array (rather then use
ArrayAppend on each).  How would i do this via a cfset?

I know this should be something really simple, but I just can't figure
it out.  


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RE: Array/List Initialization

2000-08-02 Thread Kevin Pechin

Actually what i was referring to was something along the lines of 

This way i won't have to do 
listname[1] = "a"
listname[2] = "b" ...

It will be a single dimension array.

>>> Andy Ewings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/02/00 10:31AM >>>
 to initialise a list and  to initialise an array.

If you want to hard code an element of an array just use  for the first dimension of the first element

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Pechin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 02 August 2000 15:16
Subject: Array/List Initialization

Hi Everyone,

This is going to sound like a really basic question, but i have not
been able to find an answer on any of the archives.

How do you initialize an array or a list.  For example i have twenty
items and i want to hard code them into an array (rather then use
ArrayAppend on each).  How would i do this via a cfset?

I know this should be something really simple, but I just can't figure
it out.  


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Array/List Initialization

2000-08-02 Thread Kevin Pechin

Hi Everyone,

This is going to sound like a really basic question, but i have not
been able to find an answer on any of the archives.

How do you initialize an array or a list.  For example i have twenty
items and i want to hard code them into an array (rather then use
ArrayAppend on each).  How would i do this via a cfset?

I know this should be something really simple, but I just can't figure
it out.  

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CFEXECUTE stopped working

2000-07-17 Thread Kevin Pechin

Hi everyone,

Two days ago something weird happened.  CFEXECUTE just stopped working.
 I have several .bat files that I call from cfexecute tags that worked
just fine (and still work if run manually from the command prompt).  I'm
running win2k, iis5 and cf 4.5.1.  I have tried restarting the server
but it didn't help. Has anyone encountered this?  No errors are reported
and if I use the OUTPUTFILE, it only shows the commands in the .bat
file. I checked the log files and nothing is in there pertaining to
Any suggestions?

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RE: How to escape a "-" in a form post

2000-06-21 Thread Kevin Pechin

It worked perfectly.
Thank you so much Frédéric

>>> Frédéric LeMieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/21/00 07:55AM >>>
Well, since a FORM is essentially a struct, you can access
you variable by referencing it this way :


I tested it with CFServer 4.5.1 on Solaris, but since this
kind of reference can be made also on 4.0, it should work.

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Pechin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 6:35 PM
Subject: How to escape a "-" in a form post

I have to make a general form that takes a user defined form

such as a text field and put it into an email.  I have everything
working except if a user creates a form with an input field named with
dash (-)
cold fusion treats it as a subtraction and returns an error when i try
to access the variable.
I need to be able to reference the variable on the following page.
For example i would normally reference a form variable such as a text
box with the name "address" as #form.address# but if the user makes
name of the field "E-Mail" you would think that you would be able to
reference it with #form.E-Mail# but cold fusion responds with the

Invalid parser construct found on line 14 at position 17. ColdFusion

looking at the following text:

Invalid expression format. The usual cause is an error in the


I have tried escaping it with a "\" and even using the same character
twice "--" but nothing works.  Could anyone please tell me how to

a dash from a form element.


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How to escape a "-" in a form post

2000-06-20 Thread Kevin Pechin

I have to make a general form that takes a user defined form

such as a text field and put it into an email.  I have everything
working except if a user creates a form with an input field named with
dash (-)
cold fusion treats it as a subtraction and returns an error when i try
to access the variable.
I need to be able to reference the variable on the following page.
For example i would normally reference a form variable such as a text
box with the name "address" as #form.address# but if the user makes
name of the field "E-Mail" you would think that you would be able to
reference it with #form.E-Mail# but cold fusion responds with the

Invalid parser construct found on line 14 at position 17. ColdFusion

looking at the following text:

Invalid expression format. The usual cause is an error in the


I have tried escaping it with a "\" and even using the same character
twice "--" but nothing works.  Could anyone please tell me how to

a dash from a form element.

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