RE: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-24 Thread d.a.collie
Nate wrote:
 Check out the following link for what is probably the best, simplest,
most painless method to 
 use the :focus pseudo-class in IE.

Thanks Nate, it's a third party application done in Uniface which I know
nothing about and it's going through a ISAPI filter so Dean Edwards IE7
behaviours are playing hard to get with me!

I'll give your recommendation a twirl :-)


David Collie
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RE: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-21 Thread Sandy Clark
IE6 doesn't support focus in CSS.However Dean Edwards Beta of IE7
(Internet Extensions) which is a set of behaviors for IE6 to make it more
CSS 2 compliant does support it.You can find the behaviors at


Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:51 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: CSS 'focus' in IE


I've been looking at and the
pseudo-class 'focus'

When I've got 

style type=text/css
.input { background: #CC; color: #00; }
.input:focus { background: #FF; color: #FF; }

input type=text size=20 maxchar=20 class=input /

It works in Firebird 0.8 ok... but not in IE 6... anybody know a hack to
achieve it keeping it all in the CSS for IE 6?Or do we need to wait
for IE 7?

I've had a root about google but can't see anything that would help me.

(it's a external development done in UNIFACE so got no control over the
generation of the HTML code of the input elements)

Cheers if anyone can help.

David Collie 
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RE: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-21 Thread d.a.collie
 IE6 doesn't support focus in CSS.However Dean Edwards Beta of IE7
(Internet Extensions) 

Cheers, will look into it... users wanting the input boxes to change
color and you know how it goes, gotta get it working for them

Cheers everyone :-)

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Re: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-21 Thread Nate Petersen
Check out the following link for what is probably the best, simplest, most painless method to use the :focus pseudo-class in IE.
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RE: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-20 Thread Sparrow-Hood, Walter
:focus is only supported in NS6, Mozella, Firebird  IE5(MAC).You will
need to use _javascript_.


 -Original Message-
Sent:	Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:51 AM
To:	CF-Talk
Subject:	OT: CSS 'focus' in IE


I've been looking at and the
pseudo-class 'focus'

When I've got 

style type=text/css
	.input { background: #CC; color: #00; }
	.input:focus { background: #FF; color: #FF; }

input type=text size=20 maxchar=20 class=input /

It works in Firebird 0.8 ok... but not in IE 6... anybody know a hack to
achieve it keeping it all in the CSS for IE 6?Or do we need to wait
for IE 7?

I've had a root about google but can't see anything that would help me.

(it's a external development done in UNIFACE so got no control over the
generation of the HTML code of the input elements)

Cheers if anyone can help.

David Collie
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Re: CSS 'focus' in IE

2004-05-20 Thread Arden Weiss
What I use for focus into field one...

body bgcolor=WHEAT BACKGROUND=""  Remove Footer Here-->
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