RE: sweet guestbook!! but......

2003-10-19 Thread cf
oops, cut all my message out, grrr

i think this is the problem
MsgList.load (_root.URLpreFix+"message.asp?page="+_root.curPage);

of course its asp, so we change it to cfm but its the =page, deal i think
thats messed up

so i output my cfm on the message.cfm page in xml which works fine
but its calling for it to be like messages.cfm?=page1
im not sure what to do the with the out put of the xml

if u want the files, i will send them to u

> LOL, right on!
> i think i have it all but this on page that loads the xml
> here is original code
> ___
> var sstr="..";
> var MsgList = new XML();
> 	MsgList.ignoreWhite=true;
> 	MsgList.>
> 	MsgList.load (_root.URLpreFix+"message.asp?page="+_root.curPage);
> attachMovie("msgLoading","loading",1);
> 	loading.>
> 		this.text="Loading"+sstr.substr(0,random(8));
> 	}
> function xmlfunc(success){
> 		if (success){
> 			AdminLog=this.firstChild.attributes.AdminLog;//¹ÜÀíÔ±µÇ½±êʶ
> 			createEmptyMovieClip("msglistLayer",1);
> 			var theMc=eval("msglistLayer");
> 			iCount=this.firstChild.childNodes.length;//±¾Ò³ÁôÑÔÏÔʾÊýÄ¿
> 			for(var i=0;i
> 			theMc.attachMovie("MsgItem","msg",1);
> 			var theMc=eval("theMc.msg");
> theMc._y=21;
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RE: sweet guestbook!! but......

2003-10-19 Thread cf
LOL, right on!

i think i have it all but this on page that loads the xml

here is original code
var sstr="..";
var MsgList = new XML();
	MsgList.load (_root.URLpreFix+"message.asp?page="+_root.curPage);

function xmlfunc(success){
		if (success){
			var theMc=eval("msglistLayer");
			for(var i=0;i
			var theMc=eval("theMc.msg");

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RE: sweet guestbook!! but......

2003-10-19 Thread Jim Davis
What code, specifically, is tripping you up?  Post it on up!  We'll slap
its ass and call it Charlie.

Jim Davis

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 3:13 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: sweet guestbook!! but..

I have this amazing guestbook in flash & asp which i would like to
to flash and coldfusion.
im ok with converting most of the asp stuff but the xml is throwing me

there are only 7 asp pages to convert with a total of 281 lines of code
this is a fabulous gb.

anyone interested in helping me convert it, of course you get a great
as well.

has everything there just need to change some code & only 1 page is
trippin me up

any takers?


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sweet guestbook!! but......

2003-10-17 Thread cf
I have this amazing guestbook in flash & asp which i would like to convert
to flash and coldfusion.
im ok with converting most of the asp stuff but the xml is throwing me off.

there are only 7 asp pages to convert with a total of 281 lines of code &
this is a fabulous gb.

anyone interested in helping me convert it, of course you get a great app
as well.

has everything there just need to change some code & only 1 page is
trippin me up

any takers?

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