[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: [ctrl] Walkin' Around Money

2007-04-13 Thread muckblit
When you see a sensational event in the realm of personalities, like
this thing with Imus, ask what else happened that day. You could also
ask what else happened at Rutgers, and score a hit on Soaries there.

The day Imus was fired, two Washington Post reporters were suicide
bombed. Normally if a suicide bomber sat down next to two people and
set off his bomb, they would both be dead. Not this time.

John McCain was brain-washed by South Vietnam. He came out like a
manchurian candidate, saying that losing in Iraq is not an option. The
Army extended tour length to fifteen months. Marines go six on six
off, by comparison. In Vietnam conscripts could get out of the Army
after eighteen months. Fifteen months is the longest tour since WW2
"for the duration". But the Imus story neuro-linguistically and
quantitatively(by story and word count) blows away the fifteen months
and McCain brain-washed Manchurian Candidate. The Imus story also
unfolds day by day, while McCain's brain-washing and the Army's
fifteen months were brought out according to "tell the truth once",
only once, either at 4:00am Sunday morning or behind a sensational
story like the Imus Springer circus.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: April 13, 2007 10:08:09 AM PDT
> Subject: [ctrl] Walkin' Around Money
> http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/
> April 13-15, 2007 -- Neo-con alert. DeForest ("Buster") Soaries, the
> Somerset, NJ preacher of First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens,
who, as
> former New Jersey Republican Secretary of State was the Garden State's
> version of Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell in promoting GOP
> voter fraud by suppressing the African American vote (Soaries was one of
> the recipients of Ed Rollins' "walkin' around money" in the 1993 New
> Jersey gubernatorial race to keep parishioners home on Election Day
> rather than vote for Democratic Governor Jim Florio), was the
> intermediary chosen by Rutgers University to host a New Jersey
> Mansion meeting between fired radio host Don Imus and the Rutgers
> Basketball team. Soaries' church is attended by Rutgers Women's
> Basketball team coach Vivian Stringer.
> In 2002, Soaries challenged Democratic Representative Rush Holt for his
> 12th District congressional seat. Holt has long been a proponent of vote
> reform while Soaries champions the status quo of voter fraud to the
> detriment of his own race. Soaries is also a strong promoter of Bush's
> faith-based initiatives.
> "Imus & Buster" -- More neocon shenanigans? Looks that way.
> Soaries was the person named by George W. Bush to enforce the Help
> Americans Vote Act (HAVA) as chairman of the US Election Assistance
> Commission. HAVA was enacted after the debacle of the 2000 election to
> prevent vote fraud. Instead, under Soaries, HAVA was used to perpetuate
> voter fraud into the 2004 election. Soaries misused his position to line
> the pockets of Blackwell with federal money never spent to help Ohioans,
> particularly African Americans, vote in 2004 and it was Soaries who put
> pressure on California's Democratic Secretary of State Kevin Shelley,
> which ultimately resulted in Shelley's resignation and replacement by a
> Republican appointed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Soaries never interfered
> when Blackwell moved Ohio's 2004 streaming election results web site
> control of the Secretary of State of Ohio to Smartechcorp of
> Tennessee, the same service provider that handles web site services for
> the Republican National Committee and Georgewbush.com, the president's
> campaign web site. Smartechcorp is now at the center of the controversy
> about White House and Justice Department use of parallel and illegal e-
> mail accounts used for political chicanery, including the firing of US
> Attorneys. (see below article).
> A "loyal Bushie," Soaries was also named by George W. Bush as public
> director of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York. The interesting part
> of Soaries background is that he was a national coordinator for
> PUSH, the organization founded by Jesse Jackson. Jackson was at the
> forefront in demanding MS-NBC and CBS fire Imus. Jackson is a divisive
> figure among a number of African Americans, particularly the Martin
> Luther King family, many of whom believe Jackson unduly profited
from his
> relationship with the slain civil rights icon.
> The relationship of Soaries and Stringer in the demise of Imus point to
> yet another possible dirty trick by the GOP. Imus, like Howard Stern, is
> off the public airwaves, maybe permanently, while Rush Limbaugh, Glenn
> Beck, Michael (Weiner) Savage, and other right-wing shills continue to
> use the public airwaves to spout neo-con imbued hate talk -- material
> that makes Imus' insensitive comedy bits appear lame in comparison. The
> n

[cia-drugs] FL - Moratorium Placed on New Cases for Overloaded Fla. Drug Court

2007-04-13 Thread kaylee
Why is it in politics there never seems to be enough to carry out good 
ideas, but bad ideas roll on and on ad nauseum.

Friday, April 13, 2007

FL -  Moratorium Placed on New Cases for Overloaded Fla. Drug Court
Daily Business Review

A Florida drug court that's become a national model imitated by more than 
400 communities across the country has become so overwhelmed that it will 
temporarily stop taking new cases, thrusting hundreds of defendants into 
mainstream criminal court to face possible prison time instead of treatment 
and rehabilitation options. Miami-Dade Circuit Court's lone drug court judge 
is handling some 2,200 cases. The Miami-Dade chief judge says the moratorium 
will last no more than 120 days.


[cia-drugs] The Implications of a Russia-led Gas Cartel

2007-04-13 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: PINR Dispatch 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:45 PM
Subject: [PINR] 13 April 2007: Economic Brief: The Implications of a Russia-led 
Gas Cartel

  Power and Interest News Report (PINR)

  +1 (312) 242-1874

  13 April 2007

  In light of today's developments in Baghdad, PINR recommends the 
following analysis: 
  "Intelligence Brief: The Implications of Strategic Withdrawal from Iraq"


  Economic Brief: The Implications of a Russia-led Gas Cartel 
  Drafted By: 

  Russia, Iran, Qatar, Venezuela, and other members of the Gas Exporting 
Countries Forum (G.E.C.F.) met in Doha on April 9 amidst Western fears that 
Moscow may encourage the birth of a "gas O.P.E.C." Western decision-makers fear 
that such a new organization could give producers of natural gas an advantage 
over consumers.

  Russia (the world's leading producer and exporter of natural gas) as well 
as Iran and Qatar (the two Middle Eastern powers with the largest gas reserves) 
have repeatedly denied that a gas cartel is under construction. Moreover, 
energy analysts agree that the natural gas market is still very different from 
that of oil, and that a "gas O.P.E.C." would not be easy to establish.

  According to the argument, natural gas does not have a global market like 
oil. For the most part, gas is not traded on the open market (unlike oil), and 
the majority of contracts between producers and buyers are long-term deals. 
Hence, gas pricing functions differently than oil pricing.

  In addition, natural gas transportation is more dependent on pipelines 
than is oil, since the former needs to be liquefied (and subsequently 
re-gasified) if transported by ship. Consequently, the regional geography that 
links producers-exporters and buyers still prevails over a more global network 
of transport routes. For instance, Russia (the exporter) and the European Union 
(the importer) are tightly linked by the fact that an extended network of gas 
pipelines exist between the Russian Federation and Eastern, Central and Western 

  Nevertheless, the idea of a gas cartel resembling O.P.E.C. cannot be 
dismissed. Russian, Iranian, and Qatari denials of such plans can be 
interpreted as a series of declarations aimed at easing U.S. and European 
concerns over the eventual creation of a "gas O.P.E.C." As usual in political 
and strategic issues, actions are far more important than words. In spite of 
such denials, Russia, Iran, Qatar, Venezuela and the other G.E.C.F. members are 
evaluating the pros and cons of setting up the gas cartel.

  Not all powers that host huge quantities of natural gas are major gas 
exporters. Iran and Venezuela, for instance, lack the investment and technology 
to exploit their natural gas resources fully. Russia is by far the world giant 
in natural gas production and exports, as it holds 47.8 billion cubic meters of 
gas reserves (the largest amount globally) and controls 21.6 percent of the 
world's natural gas exports. On the contrary, Iran, despite its 26.7 billion 
cubic meters of gas reserves, only counts for 3.1 percent of world exports. 

  Since Russia's energy giant Gazprom is rapidly becoming Europe's dominant 
natural gas operator, Moscow is interested in augmenting its political and 
economic influence on those countries that may provide Europe with an 
alternative. As such, Gazprom quickly moved to secure alliances with Algeria's 
national champion Sonatrach (in 2006) and with Turkmenistan's national energy 
sector (in 2006, before President Saparmurat Niyazov's death), and Moscow is 
now eying Qatar, Iran, and Venezuela as potential partners for a newly 
structured gas suppliers organization.

  The events of the last few years, which saw Russia consolidating and 
securing control over its huge gas reserves before moving aggressively toward 
market domination in Europe and parts of Asia, suggest that Moscow is willing 
to co-opt its main Eurasian competitors in a sort of "soft monopoly." 

  Algeria's energy minister, Chakib Khelil, said after the Doha meeting 
that "in the long term, we are moving toward a gas O.P.E.C.," while the 
U.A.E.'s energy minister, Mohamed Bin Dhaen al-Hamli, declared that "the time 
of cheap gas is a matter of the past."

  Moscow still denies that it wants to build a gas cartel resembling 
O.P.E.C. It is far from clear, also, if Qatar and the U.A.E. would join an 
organization that would be strongly opposed by the United States and its 
allies, at a time when instability in the Middle East makes Washington a needed 
security supplier for the small energy-rich Gulf monarchies. As a cons

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Walkin' Around Money

2007-04-13 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: April 13, 2007 10:08:09 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Walkin' Around Money

April 13-15, 2007 -- Neo-con alert. DeForest ("Buster") Soaries, the
Somerset, NJ preacher of First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens,  
who, as

former New Jersey Republican Secretary of State was the Garden State's
version of Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell in promoting GOP
voter fraud by suppressing the African American vote (Soaries was  
one of

the recipients of Ed Rollins' "walkin' around money" in the 1993 New
Jersey gubernatorial race to keep parishioners home on Election Day
rather than vote for Democratic Governor Jim Florio), was the
intermediary chosen by Rutgers University to host a New Jersey  
Mansion meeting between fired radio host Don Imus and the Rutgers  

Basketball team. Soaries' church is attended by Rutgers Women's
Basketball team coach Vivian Stringer.

In 2002, Soaries challenged Democratic Representative Rush Holt for  
12th District congressional seat. Holt has long been a proponent of  

reform while Soaries champions the status quo of voter fraud to the
detriment of his own race. Soaries is also a strong promoter of Bush's
faith-based initiatives.

"Imus & Buster" -- More neocon shenanigans? Looks that way.

Soaries was the person named by George W. Bush to enforce the Help
Americans Vote Act (HAVA) as chairman of the US Election Assistance
Commission. HAVA was enacted after the debacle of the 2000 election to
prevent vote fraud. Instead, under Soaries, HAVA was used to  
voter fraud into the 2004 election. Soaries misused his position to  
the pockets of Blackwell with federal money never spent to help  
particularly African Americans, vote in 2004 and it was Soaries who  

pressure on California's Democratic Secretary of State Kevin Shelley,
which ultimately resulted in Shelley's resignation and replacement  
by a
Republican appointed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Soaries never  
when Blackwell moved Ohio's 2004 streaming election results web  
site from
control of the Secretary of State of Ohio to Smartechcorp of  
Tennessee, the same service provider that handles web site services  

the Republican National Committee and Georgewbush.com, the president's
campaign web site. Smartechcorp is now at the center of the  
about White House and Justice Department use of parallel and  
illegal e-

mail accounts used for political chicanery, including the firing of US
Attorneys. (see below article).

A "loyal Bushie," Soaries was also named by George W. Bush as public
director of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York. The interesting  
of Soaries background is that he was a national coordinator for  

PUSH, the organization founded by Jesse Jackson. Jackson was at the
forefront in demanding MS-NBC and CBS fire Imus. Jackson is a divisive
figure among a number of African Americans, particularly the Martin
Luther King family, many of whom believe Jackson unduly profited  
from his

relationship with the slain civil rights icon.

The relationship of Soaries and Stringer in the demise of Imus  
point to
yet another possible dirty trick by the GOP. Imus, like Howard  
Stern, is

off the public airwaves, maybe permanently, while Rush Limbaugh, Glenn
Beck, Michael (Weiner) Savage, and other right-wing shills continue to
use the public airwaves to spout neo-con imbued hate talk -- material
that makes Imus' insensitive comedy bits appear lame in comparison.  
neocons are already demanding that Rosie O'Donnell follow Imus and  

off the public airwaves. This entire matter is beginning to look like
another Karl Rove dirty trick - paid for with "good ole GOP walkin'
around money." While the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons are demanding
accountability from Imus, perhaps they would demand the same from  
and Blackwell. Or perhaps that may bring things a bit too close to  

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a
philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

"What you have inherited from your forefathers you must first win for
yourself if you are to possess it." Goethe

"Mrs. Fenty: You should read the Bible, Mr. Rumson.
"Ben Rumson: I have read the Bible, Mrs. Fenty.
"Mrs. Fenty: Didn't that discourage you about drinking?
"Ben Rumson: No, but it sure killed my appetite for readin'!"
[From "Paint Your Wagon" (1969)]
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this
site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.

[cia-drugs] Don't like ID cards? Hand over your passport

2007-04-13 Thread Max Robinson

 Won't be long before we get the same option, I'm sure.


 Don't like ID cards? Hand over your passport

By JAMES SLACK - More by this author » 
Last updated at 23:09pm on 9th March 2007


Anybody who objects to their personal details going on the new "Big 
Brother" ID cards database will be banned from having a passport.

*More here* . Cameron to swop ID cards for guards 

James Hall, the official in charge of the supposedly-voluntary scheme, 
said the Government would allow people to opt out - but in return they 
must "forgo the ability" to have a travel document.

With one in every eight people saying they will refuse to sign-up, up to 
five million adults could effectively be refused permission to leave the 

Campaigners reacted to Mr Hall's remarks with fury, saying they were yet 
more evidence of the lurch towards "Big Brother" Britain.

Phil Booth, of the NO2ID group, said: "The idea that ID cards scheme is 
voluntary, and people can opt-out, is a joke.

"There are all sorts of reasons why people need to travel, not just for 
holidays. There is work, visiting relatives.

"What are these people supposed to do? It stretches the definition of 
voluntary beyond breaking point. They will go to any length to get 
personal information for this huge database. Who knows what will happen 
to it then?"

Mr Hall, chief executive of the Identity and Passport Service, delivered 
his warning during a Downing Street "webchat".

One concerned member of the public, Andrew Michael Edwards, asked what 
would happen to people who refuse to join the £5.4 billion scheme.

Mr Hall replied: "There is no need to register and have fingerprints 
taken - but you will forgo the ability to have a passport".

Officials later explained the meaning of his remark.

The first ID cards will be issued in 2009, to anybody who applies for a 

People will be required to give fingerprints, biometric details such as 
a facial scan and a wealth of personal details - including second homes, 
driving licence and insurance numbers.

All will be stored on a giant ID cards Register, which can be accessed 
by accredited Whitehall departments, banks and businesses.

While The ID Cards Bill was going through Parliament, peers agreed an 
"opt out" with Ministers for people who needed a passport, but did not 
want to participate in the ID cards scheme.

It was the only way the Lords would accept the legislation, amid howls 
of concern that it represents yet another move towards a surveillance 

But, as Mr Hall's comments this week make clear, the opt-out only 
applies to being physically issued with a card.

In order to get a passport, people will still have to hand over all 
their personal details for storage on the ID cards Register - where they 
will be treated in the same was as those who agreed to sign-up.

They simply avoid getting the card - even though they will have to pay 
the full combined price of £93 for an ID card and passport.

It means that, despite the Government repeatedly insisting the scheme is 
voluntary, the only way to avoid signing-up is to never obtain or renew 
a passport.

Therefore, anybody who objects to ID cards on principle and wants to 
keep their personal details private must remain in the UK for the rest 
of their lives.

Critics said it was clear ID cards were being made compulsory by stealth.

Some 6.6million people apply for travel documents each year.

Mr Booth said legal challenges were inevitable, as restricting the right 
of free movement is a grave breach of human rights law.

A YouGov survey, published three months ago, found 12 per cent of 
Britons would refuse to take part in the scheme, even if it meant paying 
a fine or serving a prison sentence.

Mr Booth predicted many of this group would be prepared to bring test 
cases to challenge the Government's position in court.

Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg said: "This comment 
confirms long standing suspicions that the government's claim that the 
ID database will be voluntary is simply not true. The voluntary claim is 
serving as a fig leaf for a universal compulsory system.

"Once again the government's ID card plans are being pursued behind the 
backs of the British people."

Labour has become increasingly obsessed with the introduction of ID 
cards, claiming they will help to beat fraud and illegal immigration.

But both the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have fiercely opposed 
the scheme, amid concerns costs could spiral out of contr

[cia-drugs] Bored Meth Users Committing Identity Theft, Sex Offenses

2007-04-13 Thread kaylee
Bored Meth Users Committing Identity Theft, Sex Offenses
Top law enforcement officials say an influx of Mexican methamphetamine is 
overshadowing recent success in curtailing homegrown meth labs and is 
fueling a crime wave caused by addicts who can stay awake for days, the 
Washington Post reports.

At a conference yesterday, attorneys general from eight states met to share 
strategies for combating methamphetamine use and trafficking.

"It is probably the ugliest drug that has come down the pike in 40 years," 
said Virginia Attorney General Robert McDonnell, who hosted the conference. 
"It is highly addictive. It is poor man's crack."

McDonnell estimates 80 to 90 percent of meth found in Virginia now comes 
from Mexico. The drug labs that once dotted rural Virginia are now largely 
Crime associated with Mexican meth appears to be worsening, officials said. 
Because the drug can keep users up for extended periods of time, law 
enforcemers say some get bored and start committing computer crimes such as 
identity theft. The drug is also being linked to a surge in sex offenses.

Unlike the crack epidemic in the 1980s, which was largely confined to 
cities, meth users spans all geographic, cultural and economic backgrounds. 
A 2004 study estimated that 12 million Americans admitted to using the drug.

Full Article Washington Post
Smugglers Filling Gap in Meth Lab Crackdown
By Tim Craig
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 12, 2007; 1:20 PM

[cia-drugs] For God�s Sake: PAUL KRUGMAN - And More

2007-04-13 Thread MA PA
 For God’s Sake: PAUL KRUGMAN - And More
Friday Apr 13th, 2007 
 KRUGMAN: The infiltration of the federal government by large numbers of people 
seeking to impose a religious agenda is one of the most important stories of 
the last six years. 



 For God’s Sake 
 Published: April 13, 2007 

 In 1981, Gary North, a leader of the Christian Reconstructionist movement — 
the openly theocratic wing of the Christian right — suggested that the movement 
could achieve power by stealth. “Christians must begin to organize politically 
within the present party structure,” he wrote, “and they must begin to 
infiltrate the existing institutional order.” 

 Today, Regent University, founded by the televangelist Pat Robertson to 
provide “Christian leadership to change the world,” boasts that it has 150 
graduates working in the Bush administration. 

 Unfortunately for the image of the school, where Mr. Robertson is chancellor 
and president, the most famous of those graduates is Monica Goodling, a product 
of the university’s law school. She’s the former top aide to Alberto Gonzales 
who appears central to the scandal of the fired U.S. attorneys and has declared 
that she will take the Fifth rather than testify to Congress on the matter. 

 The infiltration of the federal government by large numbers of people seeking 
to impose a religious agenda — which is very different from simply being people 
of faith — is one of the most important stories of the last six years. It’s 
also a story that tends to go underreported, perhaps because journalists are 
afraid of sounding like conspiracy theorists. 

 But this conspiracy is no theory. The official platform of the Texas 
Republican Party pledges to “dispel the myth of the separation of church and 
state.” And the Texas Republicans now running the country are doing their best 
to fulfill that pledge. . . 

 And there’s another thing most reporting fails to convey: the sheer extremism 
of these people. 

 You see, Regent isn’t a religious university the way Loyola or Yeshiva are 
religious universities. It’s run by someone whose first reaction to 9/11 was to 
brand it God’s punishment for America’s sins. . . 

 Next week Rudy Giuliani will be speaking at Regent’s Executive Leadership 


 Labels: 'Christian' Right, attorneys, Bush, Giuliani, government, News, Pat 
Robertson, Paul Krugman, Politics, religion, Republicans 


 Pentagon opens civilian claim files against military: Chilling accounts of 
 ACLU Releases Files on Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq: See story 
and link to database following this story. 


 Where You Want This Killin' Done? 




 How an ex-Mossad chief, a German uberspy, and a gaggle of top-dollar GOP 
lobbyists helped Kurdistan snag 15 tons of $100 bills 


 White House Email and Espionage 




 Stop melding anti-Zionism and anti-semitism 


 VIDEO- Israeli Army demolishes Palestinian homes in South Hebron 


 Report: “68 women gave birth on checkpoints, 33 infants and 4 women died” 


 Medical experiments on Palestinians in Israeli prisons up 15% 


 N.J. Governor Critical After SUV Crash 


 And More 

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot 
with the All-new Yahoo! Mail  

[cia-drugs] The Dollar

2007-04-13 Thread Arlene Johnson
The following is what I posted on my blog this morning:

Dear friends,
I don't have to cut and paste anything into this post for you today because 
this is from my pen. The international bankers are deliberately and with 
mallice determined to destroy the United States of America. They are doing this 
by controlling the dollar, and I, for one, am sick of it.

Today, in the country in which I reside, the dollar has dropped in value below 
anything I have ever seen it in the nearly two years that I have lived here.

Now, the Congress wants to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, which is a bank 
that was instituted in fraud and which is not federal and has NO reserves 
whatsoever. In fact when a bank in the United States loans money to people to 
buy a home or any of the other myriad of reasons why people need to borrow 
money, it creates the loan out of thin air. Loans are not made based on the 
amount of money any given bank possesses from depositors; they are simply 
written into a ledger.

Then, borrowers have to pay back their loan with interest; that money is clear 
profit for the bank, while Americans struggle to make their payments, the 
international bankers are laughing at the people all the way to the bank.

Please contact your Congressman or woman and tell him/her to initiate 
legislation to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, and ask every one of your 
friends and family to do the same. One of these days the dollar will be worth 
NOTHING, and then you'll lose everything you have. This is why it is so 
important to tell your Congress person to initiate this legislation.

Thank you.


Arlene Johnson
To access my e-zine where you would be able to read the article on the Federal 
Reserve Bank by Eustace Mullins, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2006 editions: message
No password is needed to access any other edition.