[cobirds] Re: Northeastern Co Sedgwick and Logan

2020-06-14 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Hi Bill,

I saw at least 3 Northern Cardinal at Tamarack Areas 10 and 11 on the east 
side on March 5th, but didn't see or hear any on my last visit on May 31st.

Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 8:54:10 PM UTC-6, goldenplover wrote:
> On 6-13-20 I birded parts of both counties noted above-best birds were a 
> Mississippi Kite just northeast of town of Sedgwick and a photogenic Upland 
> sandpiper on a fencepost between Nunn and Sedgwick.Also Bell’s vireo in 
> western section of Tamarack but no Cardinals at usual spots in eastern 
> section-I wonder if anyone has seen them there this year? Thanks. Bill Fink 
> Longmont 

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[cobirds] Re: Krider's Hawk? Environmental Learning Center, Larimer County

2020-05-19 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Hi Caleb,

I saw the same light buteo yesterday at the ELC. Did you get any responses 
on the ID?

Adrian Lakin,
Mead, CO

On Monday, May 18, 2020 at 1:01:20 PM UTC-6, Caleb A wrote:
> Hello CObirders!
> While birding the ELC on May 17th, I photographed a very interesting buteo 
> that I think is a potential Krider's Red-tailed Hawk. I've attached my 
> photos below. I'm very curious to pinpoint an ID (if it's even possible 
> from my photos), so I'll put my thoughts down in an organized fashion. I 
> have a very open mind about this bird, so I'd really appreciate to hear the 
> CObirds community weigh in on this guy.
> Supporting marks:
>- White underparts
>- No belly band
>- White tail
>- Dark shoulder bars
>- Light "wrist" marks in between shoulder bars and wingtips
>- Darker wingtips
>- White throat
> Incongruent marks:
>- Head is all dark with white throat
> I'm confused about the belly band thing. In Sibley's guide, under 
> "Eastern" Juvenile looks really great, but only problem is Eastern has a 
> conspicuous, dark belly band, but this bird has nothing on the belly. 
> However, Eastern Juvenile DOES have the right head color pattern, dark 
> shoulder bars, wrist patches, white tail, and darker wingtips.
> I eliminated Southwestern subspecies, because it lacks a white throat. I 
> eliminated Swainson's Hawk, because of color pattern. I eliminated 
> Ferruginous Hawk because Ferruginous doesn't have thin, dark shoulder bars.
> Do Red-tailed Hawk subspecies hybridize?
> [image: IMG_5504 (2).JPG]
> [image: IMG_5505 (2).JPG]
> [image: IMG_5506 (2).JPG]
> [image: IMG_5507 (2).JPG]
> *The birds are happy, and so am I*
> *~Caleb Alons, Larimer County*

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[cobirds] CPW Commission requires a valid hunting or fishing license to access all State Wildlife Areas (Response from CPW)

2020-05-14 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)

Below is the response I received from CPW regarding the new SWA 
hunting/fishing license requirement. I guess the only "good" thing to be 
gleaned from the response is that they no longer require the extra $47 
annual fee for access to Jumbo Reservoir SWA, Lake Deweese SWA, Prewitt 
Reservoir SWA, and San Luis Lakes SWA, but you will need the fishing 
license instead that covers all SWA's and STL's.

I will respond back to Bradley asking about the process to get a bill to 
the legislature for a Birding Stamp/License.


Adrian Lakin, Mead, CO

Reply from CPW and my original question to them...



Thank you for contacting Colorado Parks and Wildlife. I understand you are 
inquiring about birding on state lands. 


Your Colorado State Parks pass is valid for Colorado State Park which offer 
great birding opportunities. However, 
the Parks and Wildlife Commission approved a regulation change to protect 
the integrity of these properties for their intended use—the perpetuation 
and conservation of wildlife and wildlife recreation—regulation #900.C.1 
has been added to require all persons 18 years of age or older hold a valid 
hunting or fishing license to access any SWA. Similarly, regulation 
#902.B.5 was added prohibiting access to STLs leased by the Division to all 
persons 18 years of age and older who do not hold a valid hunting or 
fishing license. *Additionally, property-specific regulations were modified 
accordingly, including** removing the annual access permit requirement for 
Jumbo Reservoir SWA (901.B.119(a)), Lake Deweese SWA (901.B.130(a)), 
Prewitt Reservoir SWA (901.B.173(a)), and San Luis Lakes SWA 
(901.B.203(a)).* State wildlife properties can be found in our 2019 
Recreation Lands brochure 
. This new 
regulation will start July 1, 2020. 


We currently have an SWA permit for specific properties that already 
require a hunting or fishing license. However, with the new regulations for 
wildlife properties, we will no longer be offering an SWA permit for 
wildlife properties and a hunting or fishing license will be required to 
access all state wildlife areas and state trust lands. The SWA permit was 
not recognized under the Federal-Aid Program as a valid hunting or fishing 
license.  The current SWA Access Permit system, used on only four SWAs, 
negatively impacted the CPW wildlife finances.  The monies generated from 
this access permit fund lessens the following year’s Federal Aid monies 
used by CPW by the amount the access permit fund accumulated.


In order to create a new birding stamp or license, CPW would need to submit 
a bill to the legislator to amend that state statute regarding valid 





*Bradley Gabrielski*

*Communication Center Wildlife Coordinator*

Hunt Plan: 303.291.7526|Main: 303.297.1192|Fax: 303.866.5070

1313 Sherman St., 6th Fl, Denver, CO 80203

bradley.gabriel...@state.co.us I www.cpw.state.co.us


**Please view the COVID-19  
the most recent updates**



On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 3:18 PM cpwinfo, DNR_wildlife <
dnr_wildlife.cpwi...@state.co.us> wrote:



-- Forwarded message -
Date: Wed, May 6, 2020 at 8:52 AM
Subject: CPW FAQ Question Submitted from Website


The following question has been submitted through the CPW FAQ Ask A 
Question page.

I just heard about this new requirement that will be in effect July 1 and I 
am concerned about this cost for us folks who use (very respectfully) the 
SWA's and CPW-leased lands for birding. This seems a very excessive 
response to try to discourage a few troublemakers while hurting a whole lot 
of people who by nature are respectful of wildlife and the environment. 
Would it be possible to issue a "Birding Stamp" or something similar that 
DOESN'T cost us an additional $45 per year like the Fishing License and 
Habitat Stamp would? I already pay $80 per year for my Colorado State Parks 
pass, so this additional cost would really hurt. Thanks, Adrian Lakin Mead, 

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[cobirds] Re: Migration Weather Advisory: Monday (May 11) Northern Front Range

2020-05-11 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Hi Bryan,

We just had a flock of at least 30 Chipping Sparrows in my backyard in 
Mead. Previous high count was 1!

Adrian Lakin,
Mead, CO (Weld county)

On Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 9:36:36 PM UTC-6, Bryan Guarente wrote:
> COBirders,
> Tomorrow morning (6am) is one of those times that I hope to be 
> really right because it looks amazing for bird migration into the Northern 
> Front Range (from Denver through Fort Collins).  The low-level winds are 
> funneling into the Northern Front Range.  Think of the Northern Front Range 
> as the small end of the funnel.  The opening of the funnel (the other end) 
> is from Houston to Del Rio, TX.  Let me show it to you here:
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/11/1200Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-105.10,40.19,3000/loc=-105.000,40.000
>  (Boulder 
> is the green circle)
> Track any single streamline that touches the Northern Front Range to its 
> "origin" and you will get what I mean.  I will also attach a few images as 
> well to show you the funnel at different times.
> Now, this could mean just that the winds happen to be opened up to 
> migration at that time only, which would be a bummer.  But, lo and behold, 
> the winds are like this starting tonight around Midnight.
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/11/0600Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-105.10,40.19,3000/loc=-105.000,40.000
>  (Boulder 
> is the green circle)
> I think there are multiple other places along the Front Range that have a 
> chance of getting migratory turnover (most of Eastern CO) and some areas of 
> lesser convergence (between Pueblo and Rocky Ford) but the best convergence 
> is up here in the Northern Front Range and points directly into the 
> mountains which is really nice for meeting the greatest population 
> densities.  
> If you wonder about whether this is starting to occur or not, you can go 
> check the radar and see how it looks for migration.  An easy way to do that 
> is with Cornell Lab's birdcast:
> https://birdcast.info/live-migration-maps/
> This is derived from radar imagery and gives you some clear indication 
> that this is going to be the case tomorrow morning as the winds are 
> starting to come into line with what is posted in the midnight link above.  
> So, my recommendation, as usual, is to get out birding locally (abiding by 
> all social distancing and local regulations).  Prove me right or wrong.  
> More datapoints = more clarity.  Best of luck with the winds and I wish you 
> great birding tomorrow!
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> Bryan Guarente
> Meteorologist/Instructional Designer
> UCAR/The COMET Program
> Boulder, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Migration Weather Special Report: Hermit Warbler

2020-05-06 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Hi Bryan,

This is fascinating. Keep them coming.


Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 8:59:39 PM UTC-6, Bryan Guarente wrote:
> I need to congratulate Luke and Tracy Pheneger for finding the Hermit 
> Warbler in Melody Tempel Grove this morning!  Great find!  For me, this is 
> a great data point because bird migration in the Intermountain West is a 
> messy world.  This bird is a great data point!  Let's analyze some of the 
> times before now and see what we can find out about the appropriate wind 
> patterns aloft to produce Hermit Warblers in CO.  So again thanks to Luke 
> and Tracy Pheneger for finding the Hermit Warbler so I can write such a fun 
> post...
> All but three Hermit Warbler records in Colorado happens in the last week 
> of April or the first two weeks of May.  This should lead you to look at 
> timing of Hermit Warbler migration, but also to ask the question (if I 
> haven't trained you well enough yet) of what makes these weeks interesting 
> for winds from Hermit Warbler territory?  I cannot answer that question 
> easily aside from analyzing what is currently happening to get this Hermit 
> Warbler into CO.
> This warbler's story likely starts on May 3rd, but we cannot guarantee 
> what time, so here is a guess (feel free to look at the times around this 
> too to get an idea of what I mean):
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/03/2100Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
>  (Green 
> Circle is Melody Tempel Grove for reference)
> The winds over the Desert Southwest (not knowing exactly where this bird 
> originated from we can only generalize) are broadly southwest winds and end 
> up traveling into southern CO.  Over the next six hours, you can watch the 
> convergence of winds over SE CO to see that the SW winds are consistently 
> projecting into CO from the Southwest US. Let's watch this over time below 
> and I will walk you through what I see.
> 6pm Sunday: 
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/04/Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
> Continued SW winds pointing into southern CO with a convergence zone SW of 
> Melody Tempel Grove
> 9pm Sunday: 
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/04/0300Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
> Continued SW winds pointing into southern CO with a convergence zone now 
> *just* SW of Melody Tempel Grove
> Midnight Monday: 
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/04/0600Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
> At this time, there is likely a frontal passage near the surface that 
> likely grounds the bird due to northerly winds.  
> 3am Monday: 
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/04/0900Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
> At this time, assuming the numerical model is correct, there would now be 
> a solid convergence over Melody Tempel Grove and birds won't likely move 
> from this location as the lowest pressure is upon them.  
> 6am Monday: 
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/04/1200Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
> Continued Northerly winds holding the bird in place... and this pattern 
> continues through today (May 5th).  
> This pattern loosely continues until 6pm May 5th (this evening) where 
> there will be a mixture of northerly and southerly winds since the grove is 
> right under the convergence zone again.  This likely means VERY NICE 
> conditions at Melody Tempel Grove tomorrow May 6th.  
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/06/Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
> Over the following forecasted 12 hours, it looks like the convergence 
> moves south of the Arkansas river into the Raton Mesa region of NM, but 
> this doesn't mean there won't have been the addition of birds in the 
> overnight hours.  
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/06/1200Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-102.78,38.22,1325/loc=-102.780,38.220
> So, if you are in SE CO, keep your eyes peeled for an injection of more 
> birds (and likely convergence of birders).  My prediction is this will get 
> better in terms of the density of birds at Melody Tempel Grove, or anywhere 
> along the Arkansas River.  
> With how many Arkansas River forecast convergence zones I have predicted 
> so far, no wonder the folks down there love April and May, and why lots of 
> birders travel that direction to find nice migrants.  Good luck down that 
> way!
> NOTE: This email does not mean you should break any laws or restrictions 
> from your local governments.  
> Thanks and Great Find!
> Bryan
> Bryan Guarente
> Meteorologist/Instructional Designer
> UCAR/The COMET Program
> Boulder, CO

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[cobirds] Re: An example of how another state handles birder representation on state land

2020-05-06 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Hi Eric,

Great idea. I posted a question suggesting something similar to this to the 
CPW contact page right before I saw your post here. Maybe we can all send 
suggestions to the below page to try to rattle their cage? The $20 annual 
fee that Maine has for this is a lot better than us youngsters having to 
pay $45 for Habitat and Fishing License.



Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 9:03:12 AM UTC-6, Eric Hynes wrote:
> Hello Colorado Birders:
> Many of us support wildlife conservation in a variety of ways but as a 
> whole (birding community), our birding activities are "free."  Of course we 
> spend thousands of dollars doing what we love but we don't have a direct 
> fee/permit process to be doing what we love, therefore our numbers are 
> poorly represented or misunderstood. 
> Many of the places we love to go birding were purchased/preserved by 
> hunting and fishing organizations. Most state wildlife agencies are funded 
> entirely or mostly from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses and the 
> national trend for these activities is on the decline, particularly 
> hunting. It makes perfect sense to me that CPW is asking visitors to the 
> properties they manage to help pay for the work they do. I am happy to buy 
> a fishing license, though I have no intention of ever going fishing.
> Wouldn't it be great if we could "show" our numbers? Almost a decade ago 
> now, the state of Maine started a program like this. It is called the Maine 
> Birder Band. A nominal fee gets you a bird band and the money goes to 
> support the non-game fund for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and 
> Wildlife. Learn more about the program here: 
> https://www.maine.gov/ifw/fish-wildlife/wildlife/support-wildlife/birder-band.html
> Wouldn't it be great if Colorado had a program like this. Anybody have any 
> contacts at CPW?
> Sincerely,
> Eric
> .
> Eric Hynes
> Placerville, CO
> -
> Field Guides Birding Tours
> www.fieldguides.com
> http://fieldguides.com/guides/eric-hynes

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[cobirds] Re: Black and white warbler Boulder Co yes 11:30

2020-05-04 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Thanks Elena. This is a lifer for me.

Here's my eBird checklist with photos...


Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Monday, May 4, 2020 at 12:42:04 PM UTC-6, Adrian Lakin 
(adrianlak...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Re-found at 11:30 about 300 yds upstream from Elena's report. Foraging low 
> to the ground in last stand of trees on the creek side of the road before 
> the power lines cross the road. I will post pictures on my eBird list whe I 
> get home. 
> Adrian Lakin 
> Mead, CO

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[cobirds] Black and white warbler Boulder Co yes 11:30

2020-05-04 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Re-found at 11:30 about 300 yds upstream from Elena's report. Foraging low to 
the ground in last stand of trees on the creek side of the road before the 
power lines cross the road. I will post pictures on my eBird list whe I get 

Adrian Lakin 
Mead, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Notice to birding community from southeastern Colorado

2020-04-05 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Well said. I totally understand.

Adrian Lakin,
Weld, CO

On Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 3:18:17 PM UTC-6, Janeal Thompson wrote:
> Hello Fellow Birders,
> Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and for everyone’s personal safety, our yards 
> and our properties are closed to all visiting birders until further 
> notice.  Thank you for your understanding and be safe.  
> Regards,
> Janeal Thompson 
> Lamar CO
> Walsh CO
> Jane Stulp
> Stulp Farms
> Lamar CO
>  Virus-free. 
> www.avg.com 
> <#CAEpG4NFaJHaZ=Auk8r25f2+-orNRcf8pJRiowsA6mT3te-=SOA@mail.gmail.com_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

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[cobirds] Re: Gyrfalcon/Larimer

2020-01-17 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Hi Gary,

You were very lucky. Hope your Raptor Alley day goes well. I stopped on 
Trilby west of Taft at 11 and again at 1:15 and no sign of the Gyr.

Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Friday, January 17, 2020 at 1:30:59 PM UTC-7, The "Nunn Guy" wrote:
> Hi all
> Gyrfalcon (Fort Collins Landfill) on favorite tower (southside of dump, 
> west of Taft Ave; third pole) at 1230. I have seen gyr same pole now 3x in 
> the 1100-1300 window and once 0830-0930 last 30-40 days.
>- Three photos (middle of homepage): 
> Good omen for tomorrow's "Raptor Alley" trip in Nunn-
> http://www.friendsofthepawneegrassland.org/event/795/nunn-guy-field-trip-raptor-alley.
> Today's wInd event has not started here yet and tomorrow during trip winds 
> should be fine predicted 5-10mpg only.
> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
> http://www.friendsofthepawneegrassland.org/

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[cobirds] Re: Varied Thrush, Boulder YES

2020-01-07 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Here's my Ebird checklist with photos.


Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 4:58:00 PM UTC-7, Adrian Lakin 
(adrianlak...@gmail.com) wrote:
> 2:45 to 3:05. The varied thrush reported yesterday continues in the same 
> yard at the corner of Peach Way and Apple Way. It retreats into pine trees 
> when spooked, but it posed nicely for me and I got some great pictures. 

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[cobirds] Varied thrush, Boulder

2020-01-07 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Forgot to sign...

Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

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[cobirds] Varied Thrush, Boulder YES

2020-01-07 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
2:45 to 3:05. The varied thrush reported yesterday continues in the same yard 
at the corner of Peach Way and Apple Way. It retreats into pine trees when 
spooked, but it posed nicely for me and I got some great pictures. 

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[cobirds] Brant still at Lake Arbor, Jefferson 11am

2019-12-27 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Very cooperative swimming with the Cackling/Canada geese on the west side 
of the lake near the gazebo.

Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Snowy Owl, N Sterling, Logan

2019-12-24 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
I spent over an hour at North Sterling Reservoir, Logan and vicinity this 
morning 9 to 10:30am and unfortunately didn't see the Snowy Owl. Plenty of 
Snow Goose and Bald Eagles though...


Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Monday, December 23, 2019 at 12:54:11 PM UTC-7, Todd Deininger wrote:
> This just came across my Twitter. 
> https://twitter.com/COParksWildlife/status/1209160667279708163?s=19

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[cobirds] Gyrfalcon Yes briefly 9:15

2019-12-10 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Falcon seen by 2 of us chasing a crow near the landfill. Lost it over a ridge 
to the north west of the landfill. No sign since then...

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[cobirds] Re: Jaeger sp. Warren Lake Fort Colins

2019-10-13 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
No sign of the Jaeger as of 11am. 6 other birders there, but no bird.

Adrian Lakin
Mead, CO

On Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 1:53:04 PM UTC-6, Robert Righter wrote:
> Hi:
> An adult, light-morph Pomarine/Parasitic Jaeger seen about 10 minutes ago, 
> bathing in the middle of the larger portion of Warren Lake.
> If it was a Pom it’s characteristic longs twisted tail feathers were 
> either broken off or molted away. The dark helmeted head feathers appeared 
> to come below it’s bill and it’s mantle was dark, no tones of brown.. It 
> was difficult to assess  the shape of it’s remaining tail feathers. In some 
> looks the tail feathers seemed pointed and in other looks, not so sure.
> Bring the long lens
> Bob Righter
> Denver, CO  

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Re: [cobirds] Ani is upstream, not downstream

2019-09-10 Thread Adrian Lakin (adrianlak...@gmail.com)
Westerly Creek Bridge is the first footbridge over Sand Creek to the east 
of Xanthia & Smith Rd.


On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 3:50:16 PM UTC-6, fiddlenurs wrote:
> Can anyone tell myself and Dale Peterson where the westerly creek  bridge 
> is? Help a poor birder! 
> Deb Carstensen
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 10, 2019, at 3:22 PM, David Ely > 
> wrote:
> 3:19 Ani is on south side in thicket 5-8 ft. Upstream from Westerly Creek 
> Bridge.  Across from all the backhoe activities.
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2019, 2:00 PM David Tønnessen  > wrote:
>> Last observed around 1:30 about 150-200 m east of Westerly Creek Bridge.
>> David Tonnessen
>> -- 
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