Re: [CODE4LIB] Very large file uploads, PHP or possibly Perl

2007-02-09 Thread Andrew Darby

I haven't needed to upload such large files, but I wonder if using the
ftp functions in php would bypass this problem:


On 2/9/07, Thomas Dowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have always depended on the kindness of strange PHP gurus.

I am trying to rewrite a perpetually buggy system for uploading large
PDF files (up to multiple tens of megabytes) via a web form.  File
uploads are very simple in PHP, but there's a default maximum file size
of 2MB.  Following various online hints I've found, I've gone into
php.ini and goosed up the memory_limit, post_max_size, and
upload_max_size (and restarted Apache), and added an appropriate hidden
form input named MAX_FILE_SIZE.  The 2MB limit is still in place.

Is there something I overlooked?  Or, any other suggestions for how to
take in a very large file?

[My current Perl version has a history of getting incomplete files in a
non-negligible percentage of uploads.  Weirdness ensues: whenever this
happens, the file reliably cuts off at the same point, but the cutoff is
not a fixed number of bytes, nor is it related to the size of the file.]

Thomas Dowling

Andrew Darby
Web Services Librarian
Ithaca College Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] Very large file uploads, PHP or possibly Perl

2007-02-09 Thread Jay Luker

Pre-apologies if this suggestion is too "duh", but have you confirmed
that you updated the correct php.ini file?

One way to check is to create a temporary, web-accessible file
(phpinfo.php) with the contents:

Load that in your browser and check that the path of the php.ini file
apache is using matches the file you've updated.

I haven't touched php since v4.x, so there may be an easier way to
confirm this nowadays. Also, you should be sure to delete that
phpinfo.php file when you're done so you're not unnecessarily
publishing your server details.


On 2/9/07, Thomas Dowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have always depended on the kindness of strange PHP gurus.

I am trying to rewrite a perpetually buggy system for uploading large
PDF files (up to multiple tens of megabytes) via a web form.  File
uploads are very simple in PHP, but there's a default maximum file size
of 2MB.  Following various online hints I've found, I've gone into
php.ini and goosed up the memory_limit, post_max_size, and
upload_max_size (and restarted Apache), and added an appropriate hidden
form input named MAX_FILE_SIZE.  The 2MB limit is still in place.

Is there something I overlooked?  Or, any other suggestions for how to
take in a very large file?

[My current Perl version has a history of getting incomplete files in a
non-negligible percentage of uploads.  Weirdness ensues: whenever this
happens, the file reliably cuts off at the same point, but the cutoff is
not a fixed number of bytes, nor is it related to the size of the file.]

Thomas Dowling

Re: [CODE4LIB] Very large file uploads, PHP or possibly Perl

2007-02-09 Thread Andrew Nagy

I have done large file uploads in PHP.  Make sure you have the following
set in php.ini:

upload_max_filesize = 
file_uploads = on
post_max_size = 

Also, you can set these values through the set_ini function in PHP so
that it can be per script instead of effective for every script which
can allow for a more granular level of control for security reasons, etc.

I have never used the form input value, nor should you have to change
the memory_limit very much since the file itself is not loaded into
memory, just information regarding the file.


Thomas Dowling wrote:

I have always depended on the kindness of strange PHP gurus.

I am trying to rewrite a perpetually buggy system for uploading large
PDF files (up to multiple tens of megabytes) via a web form.  File
uploads are very simple in PHP, but there's a default maximum file size
of 2MB.  Following various online hints I've found, I've gone into
php.ini and goosed up the memory_limit, post_max_size, and
upload_max_size (and restarted Apache), and added an appropriate hidden
form input named MAX_FILE_SIZE.  The 2MB limit is still in place.

Is there something I overlooked?  Or, any other suggestions for how to
take in a very large file?

[My current Perl version has a history of getting incomplete files in a
non-negligible percentage of uploads.  Weirdness ensues: whenever this
happens, the file reliably cuts off at the same point, but the cutoff is
not a fixed number of bytes, nor is it related to the size of the file.]

Thomas Dowling

Re: [CODE4LIB] Very large file uploads, PHP or possibly Perl

2007-02-09 Thread Thomas Dowling
On 2/9/2007 11:50 AM, Jay Luker wrote:

> Pre-apologies if this suggestion is too "duh", but have you confirmed
> that you updated the correct php.ini file?

Bless you!  This did the trick, and I can now upload really big files.
And I defy anyone to find something too "duh" for me.  :-)

Yes indeed, as our long-suffering sysadmin has responded to my requests
to rebuild PHP with various tweaks, he has created a series of .ini
files with PHP version numbers built into their names.

Thanks for reminding me that phpinfo would show this.

Thomas Dowling