[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-09-19 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Comment edited by ChriStef

Changes (1)

This the *ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE* and should not be *EDITED by translators*.  
For available translations please see child pages. For a new language translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828] *template copy: [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/hyUHAg] *template (\* copy of)* that you could work your texts there. If the title \*" \* copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here. 
 *Thanks for your understanding.* 

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This the ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE and should not be EDITED by translators.

For available translations please see child pages. For a new language translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/hyUHAg template (* copy of) that you could work your texts there. If the title *" * copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here.

Thanks for your understanding.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
Page  added by Andrea Pescetti


 Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | Bulgarian (bg) | Deutsch (de) | Ελληνικά (el) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Bahasa Indonesia (id) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | 正體中文 (zh-TW)


General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Unable to render embedded object: File (expand-and-collapse.png) not found.
Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool panel: Available for Use, Custom Animation, Layouts, Recently Used, Slide Transition, Table Design, Used in This Presentation.
	Four are non-modal (ie non locking) dialogs: Functions, Gallery, Navigator, Syles and Formatting.
	One is new: Insert.

Unable to render embedded object: File (sidebar-panels.png) not found.
Panels from Symphony, the old Impress task pane, OpenOffice dialogs (from left to right).

The width of the Sidebar can be adjusted. The controls adapt their size accordingly. If you need more space then it can be undocke

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: TextEdit

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: Gradients

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

(108 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: FillStyle Bitmap

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: Handles

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: Gallery

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: Copy/Paste

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: Conversion to Bitmap

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: Palette

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: PrintPreview

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: Drag/Drop

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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Demonstrate new feature: InteractiveCrop

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)

2013-09-18 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Portuguese)
File attached by  Andrea Pescetti

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-09-04 Thread ali haktan (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-09-04 Thread Andrea Pescetti (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
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myastenia.odp (233 kB application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Vietnamese)

2013-08-28 Thread Anh Phan (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Vietnamese)
Comment edited by Anh Phan

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Ok, I got it. I will reedit. 
Ok, I got it. I have reeditted as you request. 

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Ok, I got it. I have reeditted as you request.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Comment edited by ChriStef

Changes (1)

This the *ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE* and should not be *edited *EDITED by translators*. 
 For available translations please see child pages. For a new language translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828] *template (\* copy of)* that you could work your texts there. If the title \*" \* copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here. 

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This the ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE and should not be EDITED by translators.

For available translations please see child pages. For a new language translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828 template (* copy of) that you could work your texts there. If the title *" * copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here.

Thanks for your understanding.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Comment edited by ChriStef

Changes (2)

This the *ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE* and should not be *edited for translations*. by translators*. 
For available translations please see child pages. For a new language translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828] *template (\* copy of)* that you could work your texts there. If the title \*" \* copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here. 
 *Thanks for your understanding.* 

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This the ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE and should not be edited by translators.

For available translations please see child pages. For a new language translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828 template (* copy of) that you could work your texts there. If the title *" * copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here.

Thanks for your understanding.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Comment edited by ChriStef

Changes (2)

This the *ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE* and should not be *edited for translations*.  
For available translations please see child pages. For a new translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828] *template (\* copy of)* that you could work your texts there. If the title *" \* copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here. 
 *Thanks for your understanding.* 

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This the ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE and should not be edited for translations.

For available translations please see child pages. For a new translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828 template (* copy of) that you could work your texts there. If the title *" * copy of"  *is alternated then there is a big change someone else started working that copy, wait a while for me to re-create a new one or ask here.

Thanks for your understanding.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
comment added by  ChriStef

   This the ORIGINAL ENGLISH PAGE and should not be edited for translations.

For available translations please see child pages. For a new translation of this page please create a new one or use this all ready copy: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828 template (* copy of) that you could work your texts there.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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Demonstrate new feature: Drag/Drop

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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Demonstrate new feature: PrintPreview

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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Demonstrate new feature: Conversion to Bitmap

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
File attached by  ChriStef

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Demonstrate new feature: Copy/Paste

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
Page  added by ChriStef



 This is an English text template ready for you to use it for any new translation work. Don't forget to edit the title (just delete the *copy of and add the language, don't translate the title or this grey text), delete this paragraph, leave the rest and save your work! To the following paragraph add your username, the language in English txt and your % workflow.

 Volunteers needed, please help the translation workflow:
  LANGUAGE      =   ?  VOLUNTEERS  =   ?,   DONE               =   00.00%
  When done by 100%, please move this table and any gray text at the end of this page or delete! 

Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | Bulgarian (bg) | Deutsch (de) | Ελληνικά (el) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | 正體中文 (zh-TW)

General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Unable to render embedded object: File (expand-and-collapse.png) not found.
Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven pan

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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Demonstrate new feature: Palette

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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Demonstrate new feature: Handles

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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Demonstrate new feature: Gallery

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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Demonstrate new feature: InteractiveCrop

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
File attached by  ChriStef

(7 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: TextEdit

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
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(108 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: FillStyle Bitmap

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)

2013-08-24 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Indonesian)
File attached by  ChriStef

(26 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Gradients

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-08-23 Thread Marcus Lange (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Comment removed by  Marcus Lange

Started Spanish translation

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-08-23 Thread Marcus Lange (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Comment removed by  Marcus Lange

VLOOKUP Required for untitled document also.. Currently Untitled document ie.. Unsaved file not able to VLOOKUP.. 


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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Bulgarian)

2013-08-18 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Bulgarian)
Page moved by ChriStef


Apache OpenOffice Community
> * Copy of AOO 4.0 Release Notes (LANGUAGE?)


Apache OpenOffice Community
> AOO 4.0 Release Notes

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-08-01 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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(12 kB image/png)
Dutch version

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-08-01 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-08-01 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-07-30 Thread PRITHIVIRAJAN (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
comment added by  PRITHIVIRAJAN

   VLOOKUP Required for untitled document also.. Currently Untitled document ie.. Unsaved file not able to VLOOKUP.. 


In reply to a comment by Ricardo Berlasso:
Started Spanish translation

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
Page moved by ChriStef


Apache OpenOffice Community
> AOO 4.0


Apache OpenOffice Community
> AOO 4.0 Release Notes

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(108 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: FillStyle Bitmap

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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(54 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Gallery

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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(35 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: PrintPreview

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(7 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: TextEdit

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(12 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: InteractiveCrop

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(23 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Drag/Drop

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(38 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Copy/Paste

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(28 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Palette

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(26 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Gradients

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
Page  added by ChriStef



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General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Unable to render embedded object: File (expand-and-collapse.png) not found.
Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool panel: Available for Use, Custom Animation, Layouts, Recently Used, Slide Transition, Table Design, Used in This Presentation.
	Four are non-modal (ie non locking) dialogs: Functions, Gallery, Navigator, Syles and Formatting.
	One is new: Insert.

Unable to render embedded object: File (sidebar-panels.png) not found.
Panels from Symphony, the old Impress task pane, OpenOffice dialogs (from left to right).

The width of the Sidebar can be adjusted. The controls adapt their size accordingly. If you need more space then it can be undocked — and possibly moved to a second display — or it can be reduced to a thin tab ba

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(10 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Handles

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(14 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)

2013-07-29 Thread ChriStef (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (?LANGUAGE?)
File attached by  ChriStef

(43 kB image/png)
Demonstrate new feature: Conversion to Bitmap

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Translations available for: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Deutsch (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Español (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] | [Nederlands (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

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Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, P

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Translations available for: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Deutsch (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Español (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] || | [Nederlands (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

Full Content

Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Translations available for: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Deutsch (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Español (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] || [Nederlands (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

Full Content

Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) || Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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