re: ant file for converting src from commons-logging to log4j for 2.0.1

2004-09-01 Thread Eric Bloch
Looks like my attachment didn't come through.
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ant file for converting src from commons-logging to log4j for 2.0.1

2004-08-30 Thread Eric Bloch
Attached is an ant build file that can be plopped into your basedir for 
httpclient.  (I tested it with the 2.0.1 src distro rather than a cvs 

% ant -buildfile commons-logging-to-log4j.xml -projecthelp
Buildfile: commons-logging-to-log4j.xml
Main targets:
 convert convert source from commons-logging to 

 log4j apis
 install-log4j-propertiescopy log4j properties to classes dir
 make-src-backup make src.orig directory
 revert  Put original java source code back
 uninstall-log4j-properties  remove log4j properties from classes dir
With some massaging, these targets could probably be renamed and merged 
into build.xml and maintained there (and probably belong there).  Also, 
in my envirionment, I used a that has 
${commons-logging.jar} pointing to a copy of log4j.jar.  If I were going 
to maintain this inside the commons-httpclient/build.*, I'd rename the 
commons-logging.jar property to ${logging-jar}, too, so things would 
make a little more sense.

I ran the tests and it seems to basically work.  I can now, happily say 
'bubbye' to commons-logging.

Ant build file to convert httpclient java source code from commons-logging api
to direct use of log4j.  Known to work with httpclient 2.0.1 src base.
project name=httpclient-commons-logging-to-log4j default=convert 

 target name=make-src-backup description=make src.orig directory
mkdir dir=src.orig /
copy todir=src.orig 
fileset dir=src /

 target name=convert depends=make-src-backup
 description=convert source from commons-logging to log4j apis
replace dir=src 
value=org.apache.log4j.Logger /
value=org.apache.log4j.Level /
value=Logger.getLogger /
value=LOG.debug /
value=isDebugEnabled /
value=isEnabledFor(Level.ERROR) /
value=isEnabledFor(Level.WARN) /
value=Logger  /

!-- Useful while running tests --
target name=install-log4j-properties  description=copy log4j properties to classes dir
copy file=src/conf/ 

!-- But we don't want to ship this file so remove it --
target name=uninstall-log4j-properties 
description=remove log4j properties from classes dir
delete file=target/classes/

target name=revert description=Put original java source code back
move todir=src 
fileset dir=src.orig /

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Re: Problems with commons-logging jar and request for advice.

2004-08-29 Thread Eric Bloch
Thanks Oleg,
Appreciate your bunch of random thoughts.  We'll probably build a 
source code converter utility here and send it along once we're happy 
with it.

Fwiw, your luck (or our lack of luck) may have to do with the fact that 
we use log4j natively; it's possible and plausible that mixed use of 
native log4j and commons-logging is what is causing us grief with 
certain containers.  We're reasonably tucked into log4j that I can't see 
ditching it for commons-logging either.

I thought logging was spose to help debugging not cause it!
Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
Hi Eric
Personally up to now I have not had too much of a hard time using
commons-logging with Websphere 5.0 and 5.1. Maybe I was just lucky
You may want to fork off the HttpClient 2.0 branch and host it on the
SourceForge, for instance. HttpClient 2.0 is stable and will not be
actively developed in the future. So you should not have too much
trouble keeping the forked version in sync with the official one. The
drawback of this approach is that once HttpClient 3.0 is out you may
have to repeat the whole exercise again. So, probably a better solution
would be to develop a simple converter, which would walk through the
source code and replace all the references to commons-logging with log4j
or jdk14. Such a converter could be used against any other
commons-logging dependent library or application, so it might be a
worthwhile investment. 

We'd happily include this utility into the contrib package
Just a bunch of random thoughts

On Sat, 2004-08-28 at 00:39, Eric Bloch wrote:
Hey Folks,
I've experienced a few problems with httpclient not instantiating in a 
web application under some containers (websphere 5.1 is the latest, but 
I've seen problems in tomcat and ATG as well).  This turns out to 
*always* be a problem with class-loading and commons-logging.  It's hard 
to precisely describe the problems, but it always seems like it has 
something to do with different class-loaders loading the commons-logging 
 api or implementation jar.

I'm wondering what the current advice is on common-logging.  See for details on links to the 
numerous problems and problem reports with commons-logging.  I imagine I 
could be walking into a religious debate here, bu, as far as I can tell, 
commons-logging is basically broken wrt to its class-loader and the 
servlet-container spec for class-loading.  (It always chooses the Java 
spec rather than the servlet container spec).

I really only care about httpclient, but unfortunately, it seems I'm 
stuck with commons-logging because httpclient uses it.  The only plan I 
can think of now is to remove commons-logging from httpclient.

1) Is there anyone else interested in a copy of httpclient modified to 
use either jdk1.4 logging or log4j logging directly?  Any preferences 
(me I prefer log4j mostly because it's what I'm accustomed to).

2) Anyone have any advice on how to maintain a copy of httpclient that 
avoided commons-logging?

3) Anyone know any commons-logging folks I can email/talk to?
FWIW, I'm not a class-loader expert.  I've tried to explain the problems 
to commons-logging folks in a bug I filed (and in other bugs I've read), 
but I don't see this getting resolved in a timely fashion.


A few details btw:
To get things working in ATG, I had to:
- unjar DAS/lib/classes.jar
- remove org/apache/common/*
- jar it back up into classes.jar
I also removed the common_logging.jar file (it looks like there are some 
additional org.apache.common.logging classes in there too)

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Problems with commons-logging jar and request for advice.

2004-08-27 Thread Eric Bloch
Hey Folks,
I've experienced a few problems with httpclient not instantiating in a 
web application under some containers (websphere 5.1 is the latest, but 
I've seen problems in tomcat and ATG as well).  This turns out to 
*always* be a problem with class-loading and commons-logging.  It's hard 
to precisely describe the problems, but it always seems like it has 
something to do with different class-loaders loading the commons-logging 
 api or implementation jar.

I'm wondering what the current advice is on common-logging.  See for details on links to the 
numerous problems and problem reports with commons-logging.  I imagine I 
could be walking into a religious debate here, bu, as far as I can tell, 
commons-logging is basically broken wrt to its class-loader and the 
servlet-container spec for class-loading.  (It always chooses the Java 
spec rather than the servlet container spec).

I really only care about httpclient, but unfortunately, it seems I'm 
stuck with commons-logging because httpclient uses it.  The only plan I 
can think of now is to remove commons-logging from httpclient.

1) Is there anyone else interested in a copy of httpclient modified to 
use either jdk1.4 logging or log4j logging directly?  Any preferences 
(me I prefer log4j mostly because it's what I'm accustomed to).

2) Anyone have any advice on how to maintain a copy of httpclient that 
avoided commons-logging?

3) Anyone know any commons-logging folks I can email/talk to?
FWIW, I'm not a class-loader expert.  I've tried to explain the problems 
to commons-logging folks in a bug I filed (and in other bugs I've read), 
but I don't see this getting resolved in a timely fashion.


A few details btw:
To get things working in ATG, I had to:
- unjar DAS/lib/classes.jar
- remove org/apache/common/*
- jar it back up into classes.jar
I also removed the common_logging.jar file (it looks like there are some 
additional org.apache.common.logging classes in there too)

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running with a policy file and system properties

2004-07-26 Thread Eric Bloch
I'm walking down the task of making a product that uses httpclient run 
underneath a server with a java policy file.

I know httpclient makes threads and sockets and I believe I have these 
under control (will be allowed or disabled), but I've seen some code 
in the 2.0 code base that does

Why would you do that instead of System.getProperty(foo) (which 
requires only read access to the property rather than full read/write 
access to all properties) ?

In general, in a server with a policy file, you shouldn't ever depend on 
reading a property (because you might get a SecurityException).  I need 
to either (1) catch the SecurityException or (2) use a simpler version 
of the code that can be enabled without giving access to all system 


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Re: Wire log to Log4J logger.

2004-07-11 Thread Eric Bloch
Hey Folks,
I'm having trouble making httpclient 2.0 use log4j logging inside 
Tomcat5 (when running against java 1.4).  Seems as though tomcat5 makes 
some call to the the commons logger early on (see below).  Tomcat5 
doesn't come with log4j... so the commons logging default log factory 
implementation picks up the jdk14 logger for tomcat as you'd expect.

I'm guessing that somehow when my webapp comes up... the commons logger 
fails to look for log4j in my WEB-INF/lib.  This feels like one of the 
class-loader disagreements that I've seen related to 
java/commons-logging and the servlet spec.  That is, my webapp is 
getting tomcat's copy of the default log factor impl, instead of its own.

Fwiw, this is a stack from early tomcat initialization:
LogFactoryImpl.getLogClassName() line: 331
LogFactoryImpl.getLogConstructor() line: 368
LogFactoryImpl.newInstance(String) line: 529
LogFactoryImpl.getInstance(String) line: 235
LogFactoryImpl.getInstance(Class) line: 209
LogFactory.getLog(Class) line: 351
JdkCompat.clinit() line: 53
StandardClassLoader.clinit() line: 207
ClassLoaderFactory.createClassLoader(File[], File[], URL[], ClassLoader) 
line: 189
Bootstrap.createClassLoader(String, ClassLoader) line: 160
Bootstrap.initClassLoaders() line: 104
Bootstrap.init() line: 193
Bootstrap.main(String[]) line: 399

And this is a stack where my initial use of the httpclient ends up 
picking up the JDK14 logger even though my webapp has log4j in it's 

Jdk14Logger.init(String) line: 50
NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Constructor, Object[]) line: 
not available [native method]
NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 27
Constructor.newInstance(Object[]) line: 274
LogFactoryImpl.newInstance(String) line: 529
LogFactoryImpl.getInstance(String) line: 235
LogFactoryImpl.getInstance(Class) line: 209
LogFactory.getLog(Class) line: 351
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager.clinit() line: 98

It isn't an option for me to put touch any of the jars inside the 
container.  And I'd like to force httpclient to use log4j when it's used 
within my webapp.  This was working fine, fyi, in tomcat4.

Any clues/advice?
Michael Becke wrote:
Hi John,
HttpClient uses commons-logging which defaults to Log4j when it is  
present on the classpath.  You can enable wire logging by setting the  
logger httpclient.wire to DEBUG.  This can be done using any of  
Log4j's standard configuration methods.

On May 24, 2004, at 10:07 AM, John Melody wrote:
Is there a way to configure the wire log to go to a Log4J log  configured
for the application.
I have configured Log4J as my application logger and I would like to  
Httpclient wire log to the same file. Currently it is set up as the
following -

, debug);
which sends the wire log to the console.

Is it possible to configure this so that all the logging output  
wire log would go to my log4J application log?

thanks for any help,
regards, John.

John Melody
SyberNet Ltd.
Galway Business Park,
Tel. No. +353 91 514400
Fax. NO. +353 91 514409
Mobile - 087-2345847
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Re: questionable default value for BufferedOutputStream size in HttpConnection and memory usage?

2004-07-04 Thread Eric Bloch

JMX has not been formally considered or discussed on this list. I
personally do not think it would have made a good match
HttpClient needs to allow for customization of lots of short-lived
objects (HttpMethods, HostConfigurations, HttpConnections, etc), whereas
JMS is better suited for relatively few long-lived objects that usually
represent some type of services (at least IHMO). JMX would be simply too
much, too heavy-weight. For HttpClient's needs light-weight linked
hash-maps do just fine. 

This said, an JMX layer sitting on top of HttpClient that provide MBeans
for HttpClient instances would be a great contribution

Hey Oleg,
Next time I have the cycles to sit down with JMX *and* port Laszlo's
product from httpclient 2.0 to httpclient 3.0, I may be able to get to
this :-).  I'd be focused on settings for a client using the 

Btw, how do I go about getting the Laszlo Presentation Server listed on
the applications page for httpclient?  We've been a user since 1.0
actually.  We use httpclient as the core HTTP transport for a
transcoding proxy inside the Laszlo Presentation Server.  See for all sorts of details including free
developer and non-commericial-use downloads and documentation.  As to a
short blurb for the 'applications page', something like:
The Laszlo Presentation Server is an XML-native platform for the
development and delivery of a new generation of Rich Internet
Applications.  For a quick introduction see: .
Btw, we also have an interest in using httpclient as the transport for a
SOAP client if anyone else is working on that.
-Eric Bloch

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questionable default value for BufferedOutputStream size in HttpConnection and memory usage?

2004-07-02 Thread Eric Bloch
Hi httpclient folks,
I've been looking at 2.0 source code and the default value for the 
BufferedOutputStream that is used in an HttpConnectionn is coming from 
socket.getSendBufferSize().  My hunch, is that, in general, this is 
bigger than you'd want.

Most HTTP sends are less than 1KByte ('cept for big POSTs).
The default value I get for socket.getSendBufferSize for this is 8192.
I would think a better default for this buffer would be 1K, no?
Also, fyi, if someone happens to dork the system send buffer size hi 
(say MB) and you are using the MultiThreadedConnectionManager in 2.0 
(dunno about 3.0), you will use up a lot of memory for each connection 
since the pool doesn't let idle connections (or their buffers) be gced. 
 I just got bit bad by that.

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Re: questionable default value for BufferedOutputStream size in HttpConnection and memory usage?

2004-07-02 Thread Eric Bloch
Thanks, I filed against 2.0 final.  A question: did you guys consider 
jmx for your 'preferences architecture' ?

Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
Hi Eric
Thanks for bringing this up. HttpClient 3.0 allows for parameterization
of SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF settings. For HttpClient 2.0 (as well as for
3.0 when falling back onto the system defaults), however, it would make
sense to set a cap on the size of the send and receive buffers.
Feel free to open a ticket for this issue with Bugzilla
On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 18:39, Eric Bloch wrote:
Hi httpclient folks,
I've been looking at 2.0 source code and the default value for the 
BufferedOutputStream that is used in an HttpConnectionn is coming from 
socket.getSendBufferSize().  My hunch, is that, in general, this is 
bigger than you'd want.

Most HTTP sends are less than 1KByte ('cept for big POSTs).
The default value I get for socket.getSendBufferSize for this is 8192.
I would think a better default for this buffer would be 1K, no?
Also, fyi, if someone happens to dork the system send buffer size hi 
(say MB) and you are using the MultiThreadedConnectionManager in 2.0 
(dunno about 3.0), you will use up a lot of memory for each connection 
since the pool doesn't let idle connections (or their buffers) be gced. 
 I just got bit bad by that.

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Re: unable to find line starting with HTTP

2004-06-02 Thread Eric Bloch
I am seeing this exact same problem with 2.0rc1 as well.  A wget to the 
server from the same client works fine.  The httpclient wire log shows 
that I get a redirect and then the in waiting for the HTTP status line 
from the redirect, it never comes...

What server are you running?
Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:
Usually HttpClient reports 'unable to find line starting with HTTP' when the target server drops the connection without returning any response. This can happen, for instance, if the server is being under heavy load. 

(1) If you have access to the target server, examine the server logs to see why the 
connection was dropped. Fixing the problem on the server side would be the best
(2) Another possible solution to this problem _may_ be to retry the request, provided that the 
POST methods your code is supposed to execute are idempotent. If the server application, however, 
has been designed in a way that it may receive a request, parse it, change the application state 
(by committing some data to the data store, for instance) and then simply drop the connection 
without giving any kind of response back to the client, you are in 
strongBIG/strong trouble, as simply retrying the same POST method case cause data 
inconsistency problems. So, the best thing to do is to get in touch with the server guys and find 
out if it is safe to retry POST methods.
Hope this clarifies things a little

-Original Message-
From: Juan Pedro López Sáez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 17:18
Subject: unable to find line starting with HTTP
I've been searching in the archive list looking for something related to
my unable to find line starting with HTTP. 

There are lots of comments about it, but they all seem to be unuseful
for me.
Currently I'm using 2.0-rc3 version. My HTTP client is very simple.
Below you can see everything I do. That code is executed everytime I
need to send new data to the HTTP server.
HttpClient client= new HttpClient();

PostMethod post = new PostMethod(currentURL);
post.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1);
post.addRequestHeader(Connection, close);
String response;
httpStatus = client.executeMethod(post);
response = post.getResponseBodyAsString();
catch (HttpException e) {
log.fatal(IOException in client.executeMethod( post ),e);
throw e;
catch(IOException e){ 
log.fatal(IOException in client.executeMethod( post ),e);
throw e;
finally {

I'm getting the exception in the HttpClient.excetuteMethod line. The
exception happens from time to time, is not quite common but I don't
know what to do with it.  

The exception stack trace is the following:
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing
the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with
I would apreciate any help.
Thank you very much
Juan Pedro López

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Re: Memory Leaks when web server hangs

2004-03-21 Thread Eric Bloch
I'm happy to change my code but have a version of my product out there 
that does it this way and wanted to make sure it wasn't in need of 
immediate patch :-)


Roland Weber wrote:

Hello Eric,

by using the same connection manager for each HttpClient,
you avoid the biggest penalty for creating new clients. But
still, each new client uses up some heap space, which will
have to be garbage collected sooner or later. There are
state objects, and parameter objecs, and probably some
more that will be created. Nothing that hurts much, but what
gain do you expect from creating new HttpClient objects?
You don't have to.

22.03.2004 07:03
Please respond to Commons HttpClient Project
   To: Commons HttpClient Project 
   Subject:Re: Memory Leaks when web server hangs

Oh... and I just want to know if that's not the httpclient way, too? 
That is, should I be reusing the client?  What will that get me if I'm 
already reusing the connection manager?

Thanks again,
Eric Bloch wrote:


I am creating one MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager and 
creating/destroying HttpClient each time but always constructing with 
the same connection manager.

Michael Becke wrote:


Hi Eric,

What exactly do you mean by thread thrashing?  Which connection 
manager are you using?


On Mar 19, 2004, at 1:21 PM, Eric Bloch wrote:


Hey there,

I create/destroy http clients but always have them use the same 
connection manager.

Will that cause thread thrashing?



Roland Weber wrote:


Hello Srini,

you should *not* create a new HTTP Client for each request!
This will also create a new connection manager, and a new
cleanup thread. It beats the whole purpose of connection
You should create *one* HTTP Client object for the lifetime
of your application. Then, the connection manager of that
client will reuse and free connections as appropriate.
best regards,

Srinivas Vemula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
02.02.2004 11:56
Please respond to Commons HttpClient Project
  To: Commons HttpClient Project 
  cc:Subject:Re: Memory Leaks when web server 

  We are using JDK1.4.1 and connection time out is set to 30Ms 
and  read time out to 60Ms. We are trying to connect to a IP 
Camera, and  send a heart beat command to the camera to check for 
its availability  every 30 Secs from the time we find it is un 
available. If the web  server is down, we feel that HttpClient is 
not cleaning up failed  connections properly and thats resulting in 
Memory Leaks at the  server side.

  The code we use is the standard way of using HttpClient and all 
the code is in a method and new HttpClient object is created for 
every request. Are there any ways to make sure the connections are 
all being purged properly? Are there any precautionary measures or 
flags we can set on HttpClient API when communicating with a web 
server (running on firm ware) with relatively less RAM and 
processing  power (IpCamera with built in web server)?

Thanks for your time and help.
Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:


Mike and Oleg, the stack trace Srini included indicates that 




attempting to create a new timeout thread on every connection - 





always occur or is it just one timeout thread per httpclient 




would be ideal if we could reduce this to one static thread as 
threads is never nice for server side apps.  Not sure how 
feasible  that






Hi Srini,
HttpClient uses an additional controller thread to work around the

limitation of older ( 1.4) JDKs which do not provide a 
possibility  to set connect timeout. If you do not really need to 
control connect  timeout (for instance, when communicating with an 
intranet site with  good availability) simply set connect timeout 
to. That will prevent  HttpClient from spawning an additional 
thread per request.


Adrian, et al
Another possibility to use reflection to set connect timeout 
using  the

Socket methods when running in JVM 1.4 or above



-Original Message-
From: Adrian Sutton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 09:03
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: Memory Leaks when web server hangs
On 2/2/04 2:00 PM, Srinivas Vemula [EMAIL PROTECTED]




Hi All,
   We are seeing thread leaks when having client open 
connections  to


a web


server that hangs. Has any one seen this happening?? How do we 


that the


library correctly closes  socket connections on failures, 

Re: Memory Leaks when web server hangs

2004-03-19 Thread Eric Bloch
Hey there,

I create/destroy http clients but always have them use the same 
connection manager.

Will that cause thread thrashing?



Roland Weber wrote:

Hello Srini,

you should *not* create a new HTTP Client for each request!
This will also create a new connection manager, and a new
cleanup thread. It beats the whole purpose of connection
You should create *one* HTTP Client object for the lifetime
of your application. Then, the connection manager of that
client will reuse and free connections as appropriate.
best regards,

Srinivas Vemula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
02.02.2004 11:56
Please respond to Commons HttpClient Project
   To: Commons HttpClient Project 
   Subject:Re: Memory Leaks when web server hangs


   We are using JDK1.4.1 and connection time out is set to 30Ms and 
read time out to 60Ms. We are trying to connect to a IP Camera, and send 
a heart beat command to the camera to check for its availability every 
30 Secs from the time we find it is un available. If the web server is 
down, we feel that HttpClient is not cleaning up failed connections 
properly and thats resulting in Memory Leaks at the server side.

   The code we use is the standard way of using HttpClient and all the 
code is in a method and new HttpClient object is created for every 
request. Are there any ways to make sure the connections are all being 
purged properly? Are there any precautionary measures or flags we can 
set on HttpClient API when communicating with a web server (running on 
firm ware) with relatively less RAM and processing power (IpCamera with 
built in web server)?

Thanks for your time and help.
Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:


Mike and Oleg, the stack trace Srini included indicates that HttpClient 


attempting to create a new timeout thread on every connection - does 


always occur or is it just one timeout thread per httpclient instance? 


would be ideal if we could reduce this to one static thread as starting
threads is never nice for server side apps.  Not sure how feasible that 




Hi Srini,
HttpClient uses an additional controller thread to work around the 

limitation of older ( 1.4) JDKs which do not provide a possibility to set 
connect timeout. If you do not really need to control connect timeout (for 
instance, when communicating with an intranet site with good availability) 
simply set connect timeout to. That will prevent HttpClient from spawning 
an additional thread per request.

Adrian, et al
Another possibility to use reflection to set connect timeout using the 

Socket methods when running in JVM 1.4 or above


-Original Message-
From: Adrian Sutton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 09:03
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: Memory Leaks when web server hangs
On 2/2/04 2:00 PM, Srinivas Vemula [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



Hi All,
We are seeing thread leaks when having client open connections to 

a web

server that hangs. Has any one seen this happening?? How do we ensure 

that the

library correctly closes  socket connections on failures, cleaning up 


resources, and  threads actually finish in  the timeout period and get 


up. Would using MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager




ml#MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager   be of any help??


Hi Srini,
If you're using the same HttpClient instance across multiple threads, you
must use the MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager or you'll run into 


problems.  If you're using separate HttpClient instances, you may as well
stick with the single threaded (default) connection manager.
In terms of connections hanging - you probably want to look into the
setConnectionTimeout and setTimeout methods of the HttpClient class. 


allow you to control how long HttpClient waits when making a connection 


how long it waits for data once the connection is established.  If you 


set either of these to 0 (not sure what the default is, it may be 


specific) the connection will never timeout which sounds a lot like what
you're seeing.
Mike and Oleg, the stack trace Srini included indicates that HttpClient 


attempting to create a new timeout thread on every connection - does this
always occur or is it just one timeout thread per httpclient instance? It
would be ideal if we could reduce this to one static thread as starting
threads is never nice for server side apps.  Not sure how feasible that 







Adrian Sutton.

Intencha tomorrow's technology today
Ph: 38478913 0422236329
Suite 8/29 Oatland Crescent
Holland Park West 4121
Australia QLD

Re: 2.0 rc1 leaking sockets?

2004-03-18 Thread Eric Bloch

Michael Becke wrote:

Hi Eric,

By default 20 is max number of total connections.  This number will 
not  be exceeded regardless of the number of hosts being connected to.
What if maxconnsperhost is  maxtotal ?  For example, imagine I'm 
setting maxconnsperhost to 1000.


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question about SimpleHttpConnectionManager

2004-03-18 Thread Eric Bloch
I feel like this has been asked before

I'm wondering how I force a socket to close when I'm using this 
manager.  I couldn't find the api.

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Re: 2.0 rc1 leaking sockets?

2004-03-17 Thread Eric Bloch
Thanks... just to be clear though... the multi-threadded connection mgr 
should never hold open more than a fixed number of sockets though, right?

I've got a case where there's a clear socket leak in the java process 
and someone is pointing at me right now (and I use httpclient and always 
release my connections).


Michael Becke wrote:

Hi Eric,

The multi-threaded connection manager holds on to connections that 
have been released, but it does not necessarily close them.  
Connections are only closed if the server sends a connection: close 
header or if HTTP 1.0 is used.

There are currently two open bugs that may apply to your situation:
I would also suggest checking the archive for more discussion on this 


On Mar 16, 2004, at 7:31 PM, Eric Bloch wrote:

Hi there,

I've got a question.  I'm using the Multithreaded Connection Manager 
and I know that I'm always calling releaseConnection() on every 
connection I use.  Are there any reports (or possibilities) that 
releaseConnection() will fail to close an open socket or lose track 
of is such that I will see socket leaks?   This is running against 
JRE 1.3.1 (on linux).

I have a custy that is seeing leaks WebSphere and at the moment, 
httpclient is the current suspect since it's one of the few things in 
the app that causes it to open sockets.

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Re: 2.0 rc1 leaking sockets?

2004-03-17 Thread Eric Bloch
Hey Michael,

Thanks .. I am using setMaxConnectionsPerHost()... and not 
setMaxTotalConnections().  Assuming there is a fixed number of hosts, 
will there be a fixed number of sockets used ?

Also were there any API or behavioral changes (besides bug fixes :-)) 
between 2.0 rc1 and final that I should be aware of?  Or is there a doc 
somewhere that has the list of changes between rc1 and final? 

Thanks again!


Michael Becke wrote:

On Mar 17, 2004, at 5:05 PM, Eric Bloch wrote:

Thanks... just to be clear though... the multi-threadded connection 
mgr should never hold open more than a fixed number of sockets 
though, right?

Yes, any one instance of MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager will only 
have a certain number of open connections.  This is configurable via 
setMaxTotalConnections().  You will need to ensure that you are 
reusing the same instance of the connection manager.

There were also a number of bugs fixed in the 
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager between 2.0 RC1 and the final 2.0 
relase.  I would suggest upgrading to 2.0 just to be sure.


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2.0 rc1 leaking sockets?

2004-03-16 Thread Eric Bloch
Hi there,

I've got a question.  I'm using the Multithreaded Connection Manager and 
I know that I'm always calling releaseConnection() on every connection I 
use.  Are there any reports (or possibilities) that releaseConnection() 
will fail to close an open socket or lose track of is such that I will 
see socket leaks?   This is running against JRE 1.3.1 (on linux).

I have a custy that is seeing leaks WebSphere and at the moment, 
httpclient is the current suspect since it's one of the few things in 
the app that causes it to open sockets.

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what would an infinite loop in ChunkedInputStream.exhaustInputStreammean?

2003-08-29 Thread Eric Bloch
I am using the httpclient library to implement a caching, converting 
proxy and under some stress situations, I see this method infinite loop.

Any clues?



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regression in cookie handling from 2.0 alpha3 to 2.0 rc 1 ?

2003-08-26 Thread Eric Bloch
I see that a lot of the cookie handling got cleaned up but there's one 
behavior that seems broken now.

If I manually set a cookie header on a request (for example, if I'm 
proxying a request myself), HttpMethodBase will always clobber it during 
addCookieRequestHeader(). I would think that it should merge in any 
client state cookies to the header I add, rather than clobbering mine.

Should I file a bug?

FYI, I work-around this bug, by subclassing GetMethod (or any other 
HttpMethod) and overridding addCookieRequestHeader() to be a no-op.

Eric Bloch
Laszlo Systems, Inc.
1040 Mariposa Street, SF, CA 94107
voice: 415.241.2721
fax:   415.865.2914

Laszlo allows Behr to deliver a breakthrough experience with ColorSmart by
BEHR application.

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Re: regression in cookie handling from 2.0 alpha3 to 2.0 rc 1 ?

2003-08-26 Thread Eric Bloch
Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the quick response! 

My problem is that I don't have a 'Cookie' object.  I only have the text 
string for the name of the cookie and its value and I couldn't see any 
easy way for me to construct up a Cookie object from that... or any 
exposed http cookie header (not set-cookie header) parsing that would 
make it easy for me to construct up the Cookie object from my text (Im 
essentially reading a 'cookie' header myself and proxying the cookie 
over to another http server via the httpclient library).  Parsing the 
cookie could actually be wasted cycles, too, because I don't maintain 
any state between requests; I create and destroy an HttpClient for each 
request (GetMethod) I execute.  I'm happy with my current workaround, 
but it means I'll have to make sure the implementation bits don't change 
too much between revs, as you guys continue on. 

Again, thanks for your time and nice work!


Adrian Sutton wrote:

Hi Eric,

If I manually set a cookie header on a request (for example, if I'm
proxying a request myself), HttpMethodBase will always clobber it during
addCookieRequestHeader(). I would think that it should merge in any
client state cookies to the header I add, rather than clobbering mine.

You should add cookies using the HttpState.addCookie method rather than
adding it directly as a header, then it won't be clobbered and will be
correctly merged into any other cookies being sent.
We don't consider the current behaviour a bug, though if enough people
requested it I imagine it would be possible to change.

Adrian Sutton.

Intencha tomorrow's technology today
Ph: 38478913 0422236329
Suite 8/29 Oatland Crescent
Holland Park West 4121
Australia QLD
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Eric Bloch
Laszlo Systems, Inc.
1040 Mariposa Street, SF, CA 94107
voice: 415.241.2721
fax:   415.865.2914

Laszlo allows Behr to deliver a breakthrough experience with ColorSmart by
BEHR application.

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