Is it portable? [scanned]

2006-12-04 Thread Markus Stehr

Just wanted to know if openmoko will be portable, for example to the XDA
Neo. Want to get rid of WinMobile on that device.

Markus Stehr

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Text entry

2006-12-04 Thread Ben

On 12/1/06, Sean Moss-Pultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I found this guy's idea quite interesting a while back:

This idea is great.

I use the Colemak layout [ ] in place of
QWERTY. Shai Colemak has done a heap of research on digraphs (two
letter combinations) and would probably be a good person to talk to
about efficient hex layouts. David Ormsbee may also be interested in
talking to him.

I've also used the Frogpad [ ] which I thought
was ok. It needs a replaceable battery and a no lag mode for gaming
and other applications. The current model would work fairly well for
single handed text entry at up to 40WPM.

Morse code beats multitap, but probably not T9 for text entry. It may
wear out the touch screen.

My vote at this stage would be for hex input optimised by Shai.

Of course, the advantage of OpenMoko is that we wouldn't have to choose :-)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: (text/number/info/notes) input with power of multi-touch :)))) Re: multicolour multi-touch screen Re: OpenMoko/Neo1973 is pure (r)evolution :))) - do you recognized the power of "multi-touch gestu

2006-12-04 Thread David Ormsbee

Hey there,

This thread have some interesting other key input systems as well
and I like David's demo
but correct me if I would be wrong - this are only single
touch concepts.

They are single touch concepts, but I think that's important for a
phone.  I think that the text input system for a phone should still
work when the user only has one hand available.  I see people using
their phones like this all the time.  They might be standing on the
bus, with one hand holding a railing, and the other holding their
phone.  They might be walking somewhere while carrying luggage or
holding something in their other hand.  In all these cases, they've
only got the use of their thumb to press the buttons.

Then again, it's possible that the advantages of using multi-touch for
text input will be so great that it's better to just use it and have a
different keyboard mode to drop into if you only have one hand
available.  I am really looking forward to trying this out when
somebody codes it up.  :-)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Text entry

2006-12-04 Thread David Ormsbee


> Just my two cent idea.  Criticisms/improvements are certainly welcome.

Did you thought about languages other then English?
What about national chars?
Switching languages during write?

Thanks for taking a look at it.  :-)

I haven't really considered other languages for the simple reason that
I know very little about them.  The only other language I use is
Korean, and that's so totally different from English that the entire
layout has to be rethought for it.

I just looked up the Polish alphabet and it looks like Latin + some
diatrics.  At a glance, I could make it so that this keyboard layout
could accomodate the diatric symbols (maybe give a different diatric
for whichever way you slide your finger off the key).  But I don't
know anything about letter frequency, when capitalization occurs, what
letter combinations are most common, etc.  I don't even think I've got
it nailed down for English yet.

I'm guessing that making a Polish keyboard that doesn't suck will
require someone who's proficient in Polish.  Switching to a Polish
keyboard layout (or any other layout) would be done either with
hardware keys, or an onscreen button...

Which actually brings up a question of mine.  I did a fair amount of
programming for the Palm OS, but almost nothing beyond trivial
examples for GTK.  Is there some common framework/API that OpenMoko
will be using to accomodate various text input modes?


OpenMoko community mailing list

SD cards - format (normal/mini/micro) multiplexing, power of SDIO: DVB-H (TV), Bluetooth, scanner... in SD (normal) cards

2006-12-04 Thread Robert Michel

This weekend I saw a DVB-H receiver in normal-SD format from nxd:
*franky* Well I'm not keen to have TV receiving power with my mobile 
- especialy when DVB-H is in the discussion that I have to pay a fee 
to my GSM operator to see a terrestical broadcast
- It would be nice for weather cards - but TV not focusing on my
region and not on the next 2 hours...
  So I would prefer LongWave MediumWave to get the latest
  news and wether informations for free and remember Digital Radio
  Mondeal could transmitt data as well - when Videotex + a wethermap
  is possible to get via radio - where is the need for seeing TV live?
  Sports? - I would prefer to see this with my friends in a pub.
  Local weather news via GPRS or DMR (digital PMR). News maybe
  downloaded (as diff) as txt and converted to audio with mbrola
And a free broadcast medium like mediumwave DRM for free asisstant GPS
data would be very fine (and could power up DRM popularaity)
But not TV, nor DRM broadcast will be the focus on my mail.
  (I would think about wireless mailbox systems at train stations,
   in hotels or camping places - in trains, buses or plains - to download 
   (for free) the recording  of last news broadcast, the latest wether 
   forcast... instead of making every mobil to a receiver and than the
   need to do timed recordings to have the latest news on demand)

SDIO is technicaly it is an very interesting point - like compact flash 
SD could be used for more than just memory. 

So I joined an interesting talk about the DVB-H card 
- the softwaredevelopment will be done for the mobile producer
- some parts are not equal from the view of the mobile producer
  their DVB-H solution is better then...
- they do softwaredevelopment for linux devices
- to sell a few (less then 100.000 in a period) are not interesting for 
  the  DVB-H card producer
- the DVB-H card producer dislike contact with end consumers - (When
  I started to talk about a used modificatable phone like a PC)

At that point the conversation started to become difficult - 
no not because I mentioned that TV on a mobile is in my eyes not
so important - no the Neo1973 does absolutly not fit into classical
mobil device "view of the world".  It was also not explainable that
when I spend 120 Euro for mobile hardware each year, but do not buy
a new one after 2 years but e.g. a DVB-H card for my device the same
sales with hardware would be made - but on higher level of products
and with more use for me.

I feel a dogma - the user has to throw away his phone after 1-2 years.
Why not making phones upgradable?

As I heard, it would be possible to shrink the size of a DVB-H receiver
up to mico SD format - but there is no genious concept for the antenna
problem. My idea: Do you know the small Wi-Fi antenna connectors on mini-pc
boards? When a phone should be upgradable, I would spend a SD card slot
inside under the battery lid and place there a mini antenna connector
to connect the already build in (cheap) antenna.

- DVB-H powerconsumption (or just video playback) is still a problem 
  - the network operator dislike high power consumption what would
  reducse the possibility to make phone calls

# Will the Neo have full support of SD SDIO ? #
see: SDIO Card Specification.pdf 

Then Bluetooth, Wifi, Scanner adapter would be possible
to use (be considering the risk due non open source driver)

So again, having a full size SD slot would be "nice" as also
to have 1-3 additional slots multiplexed by a small circuit 
(like with the GSM-SIM cards)

I could imagine a nomal size SD card with one embedded ARM9 processor
with flash and ram and one micro SD slot for more memory. This second
processor could speed up grafic things inside the neo, or it runs a
seperate system and export it with free-nx (based on no machine nx) 
tothe Neo.
This could be also work for protect commercial software by running it
on a not so open/hackable linux or bsd  (e.g. navigation system with
expensive encrypted map data)

Or with a "little more" commerical interrest - embedded DRM
receiver/encoder with less size, cost and power consumption then
DVB-H needs would be already on the market.

Sorry when this mail sounds a little disapointed - of course the 
technicaly potential of DVB-H is cool and FIC should think about
to open the Neo1973 for developing with a normal SD adapters to 
encrease the potential of the OpenMoko/Neo1973 plattform and to 
encourage the third party hardware producers to offer drivers for 
linux, but does this play a role for the v1 of the Neo1973?

I think it will take a time until the the Neo1973 will reach a
critical mass that third party solution producer will recongnize 
Neo1973 owner as market - but wouldn't a normal SD adapter spee

(text/number/info/notes) input with power of multi-touch :)))) Re: multicolour multi-touch screen Re: OpenMoko/Neo1973 is pure (r)evolution :))) - do you recognized the power of "multi-touch gesture r

2006-12-04 Thread Robert Michel

Ohh it is so obvious wich power multi-touch
brings into text input systems :)

Remember the newton or Palmpilot regongnition sytems
drawing a line like a alpha makes a small "a"
-now use two finger nails/tips at the same time to
draw this line and it could become a big "A".

> Summary of multi-colour, multi-touch
> - position of touch
> - touch area
> - touch intensitivity
> - touch moving
> - combination with other touch points
> - and *new* colour of the touch 
> have an incredible potential for input/interactivation

Even without colour - the coulor was just a middle stepp for me...

First let me say that I do not think that one text input system
will be fit/the best for every Neo1973 user and also for every
situation. Interaction like normal mobile  2=a 22=b 222=c
will be a must have like a virtual querty/querz keyboard.

This thread have some interesting other key input systems as well
and I like David's demo
but correct me if I would be wrong - this are only single
touch concepts.

- missing physicalicaly buttons would make using the keyboard
  bind - focusing on the text that I write or that I like to 
  copy would become unpossible - adding a grid around the
  virtual keys could help focussing my finger on the right

- SMS input "2=a 22=b 222=c" morsing and other methods are
  anouing, because it has a sinificant time that you need
  for coding a key - not with one touch

I have learnd grafitty quite fast an can still use it today.
But what would be possible without hardware buttons, but with

   -now use two finger nails/tips at the same time to
   draw this line and it could become a big "A".

This is a foretaste/handsel what new concepts would become
possible with multi-touch :)))

put your four longest finger together and place over the screen,
parallel to one side, or 45° twisted:
00   0
00  0 0
Now the recognition (0=touch #=no touch)
#0 0# 00 0# #0 00 00
0# #0 #0 00 00 0# 00
in both position would be possible for shure (2x7=14 different keys)

Pattern like this
00 0# ## #0 0# #0 ## ##
## 0# 00 #0 ## ## 0# #0  (2x8=16)
will be likly possible to recongince relative to the other position
from this just 3 pattern will be definite
0 00 0
0   2x3=6

Than the 3 finger could be used:

000 0  00
0   0 0
00  0


mabe also at higher or lower level .
So at last this would make 24 pattern for shure

or separtion of single fingers
0 0

or by using 5 fingers like

No let us use the same pattern with a little distances bettween our
finger (narrow & wide) that makes 48 different pattern for shure
(64 likly) with one multi-touch with 4 fingers *without*
- movement of our finger on the screen
- without special areas on the touchscreen 

Avery pattern can be moved into 8 direction
and the movemend could be directly (in different lengh eg. 1/4,1/2,3/4,1)
or with a cirle (e.g. 1/4,1/2,3/4,1) so that would make 64 different

Without combination or going back (up-down) would it be
48*64=3072 (or 4096) pattern.

So again comparing with single touch a multi touch sensor
would make it possible to use our fingers in relative position
to each other and touch with (one or) more fingers simultanious
to create special codes on this to use this with or without
movement of the touch for
-text/information input
-commands (inside a program/window or system wide)
-switching between the programs
-input for music
-other input

With such a multi-touch coded imput e.g

0# c #0 d 00 e 
#0   0#   #0
would it possible to input music without special areas on the screen.
Turning it with 45° (positiv direction) it could raise the note with 
a have step up
# # 
 0   cis
other direction it could be a have stepp down "ces" - hearable sliding
sound when turning while touching - unhearable and with an accurate
cis or ces by retouching.

narrow,wide (or just more distance level) could encrease the input
over 2 or more oktave 

Imagene to splite the display into 2 ore more major areas - this
could become different instruments - the position could influence
the sound level (key dynamic) or the sound itself

So instead of a virual piano keyboard such multi-touch input
could be used for blind playing as well - with 2 voices/instruments
bass and saxophone - and other multi-touch commands could be used
to manimulate the simulator - changing the instruments, the sound

Even without learning playing with to hands such a multi-touch-input
system would be fun, because it is dual use - you could use it for
writing and making music.

So I like to propose to use the power of multi touch for
key/text/information input to be able to 

- Do it blind
- Do it fast
- Do it everywhere on the screen


Can sombodey explain how much description/publication of an idea

Conceptual/Data Framework

2006-12-04 Thread Richard Franks

I've been thinking a lot more about this idea over the weekend:

But it's probably time to present these ideas a bit more
comprehensively to elicit constructive feedback.

transform - takes input, processes, outputs.
data stream - the output to input path

To recap, the purpose is to provide a combined scalable framework for
both the transmission and processing of both data-streams and
arbritrarily abstract concepts. The framework would present a
homogenious interface for all applications, and by passing on
computational load to the framework, applications subscribing to the
same transform could share resources efficiently.

An simple example of a shared set of transforms, might be a voice
recorder which operates at the same time as an incoming call, both
requiring the same level of audio-filtering.

An example of a 'concept' may be 'user availability' (e.g. 0-100) or
'network usage' (0-100). In each conceptual instance, text could
further abstract the pure number - user availability of 0 = "no
contact". 1-10 = "high priority only".

A concept can be constructed from a transform in two ways:
1) Subscribing to 'statistics' of the transform. E.g. subscribing for
a callback every second on an audio transform would keep your
application notified of the higher-level downstream status.
2) From one or more existing concepts or system-states.

I'd say conceptually the system (let's call it
swan - "system without a name", for now) could be broken down into two main
1) The transform-manager which handles calls/subscription requests -
creates/unloads transforms dynamically as needed. So you have a single
entity which knows the structure of the network at any one time.
2) The transforms/plugins themselves

Since an application never interacts directly with the transforms,
they could reside as shared libraries (e.g. /usr/lib/swan/lib*.so)..
whether the transform is a kernel-module, or a library itself
(undecided - preferences?) the application should just be able to do
something similar to:

// Transform Manager as a singleton
transformManager *tman = transformManager::Instance();

// Creates a hook into the raw microphone audio device, at a rate of 44k,
// and returns data blocks 1000 milli-seconds long.
dataFlow *myDataFlow = tman->subscribe("raw audio input", "rate:44000",

while ( !mainloopEndCondition ) {
 while (myDataFlow->unprocessedDataBlocks() > 0) {

   // get access to the data
   dataBlock *myDataBlock = myDataFlow()->getNextDataBlock();

   // ... do whatever you want with the data ...
 // other main loop stuff

Now, instead of subscribing to "raw audio input" above, your
application subscribes to "myhomepc:raw audio input", then you've got
the basis for a very powerful application. Except the example above
has no error-checking, but still.

Because all transform-related calls would be directed to the Transform
Manager, the application does not need to worry about how to connect
to other remote machines, that code (Local Transform Manager to Remote
Transform Manager comms) only needs to be written once.

Finally, what is the best way to implement the transforms?

What if each transform allocated a shared memory segment for its
output buffer, and each transform was a self-contained thread? When
the output buffer is full, it could relinquish its share, and pass
ownership onto the next upstream transform or application. It then
allocates a new shared memory output buffer and continues the pattern.

For some data-streams, e.g. video/audio processing.. the buffer size
does not change, only the contents - so by passing on shared memory
segments in a controlled manner, it is possible to avoid expensive

When a transform has >1 subscriber, only one subscriber could
legitimately write to the same shared memory segment - this could be
handled by the transform-manager.

It would be rather easy to write and redistribute transforms, as the
Framework would be providing all the major hooks and the base classes
to handle the multi-threading/memory segment sharing stuff.

Any thoughts/comments/criticisms/xyz does it already statements, welcome :-)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread Richard Franks
Hi Koen,

On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 10:59 +0100, Koen Kooi wrote:
> Software can't magically fix a slow framebuffer. Last I heard you couldn't 
> trigger full
> redraws at 20fps on the s3c2410fb, so all the decoding power in the world 
> couldn't get you
> fluid playback if you can't get it on the screen in time.

Do you have a link relating to this?

This thread, and the hardware manual link inside (although the tech-info
is lifted directly from the manual) seem to state otherwise:

Framerate is quite significant to me :-)  Do you know if the discrepancy
a driver issue?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Open Moko - GPL?

2006-12-04 Thread Ole Tange

On 11/29/06, Sean Moss-Pultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We will have a headphone support. And yes it's mini. Mobile phones have
small form factors and lower power usage requirements. All of these
contribute to what hardware we select. Again, we are very open to feedback.
If enough of you guys want a 3.5mm headphone jack instead of the (mobile
standard) 2.5mm, we will definitely take this into consideration for v2.

I have looked at 2.5mm->3.5mm converters. It seems the price for the
converter is less that the shipping. I hope you in the package will
include a 2.5mm->3.5mm converter.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Can The Proprietary GPS Daemon Be Removed?

2006-12-04 Thread Richard Franks

On 12/3/06, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 03/12/06, Richard Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm happy to support open source development where appropriate. I
> think in this case though, reverse engineering a proprietary driver
> for something as single-purpose as a GPS chip is overly aggressive.
> And to what end?

The point of Free Software is to drive proprietary software out of
existence. I'm sorry to hear that you've been told it was anything
other than that. That is the reason GNU/Linux exists, and will
continue to exist.

If this seems strange, I recommend reading the essay "Why Software
Should Not Have Owners" at

It explains why all proprietary software is wrong, and why we cannot
tolerate it if we're to live in an ethical, sustainable, friendly way.

I am aware of the arguments - I simply, respectfully, disagree with
all-or-nothing idealism. I would love to live in a reality where the
goals of the FSF were fully reached, but we have to deal with the
reality we're dealt too!

> If it is without the cooperation of Global Locate,
> then surely they can switch off AGPS access if they choose?

Please could you re-explain this - I don't understand enough about how
AGPS works to understand what you mean.

It's my understanding that Global Locate undertake to supply
positional data for the AGPS systems they make.

> Even with
> their blessing, how long would we expect it to take to improve upon
> the efforts of their expert full-time development and QA staff who
> surely take into account balancing not only individual unit
> performance but that of the overall network?

Imagine someone arguing that creating a society where we have free
elections, where everyone's allowed to vote, isn't worthwhile because
it will take a long time to overthrow a tyrant dictator and set up a

They would be missing the point.

Skipping dictators/ideals/voting - the point is how long would it take
to reverse-engineer and develop a new GPS driver, test it, obtain
blessing from Global Locate? If you think longer than a month, then
for the first release, it's a moot point as it's simply not going to

> What if we used the open-source replacement and accidentally crashed
> their servers in the process? What if someone else crashes their
> servers on purpose?

It is naieve to expect that if you offer a network service to the
public, no one will act in bad faith. Spammers and crackers will come
knocking. Therefore I would expect anyone offering network services to
maintain good security practices.

Efforts to create a good-faith Free Software client for a network
service should therefore be unable to crash their servers.

FC6 download? ;-)

If they need to write better servers, they need to write better servers.

Traditionally GPS devices exist in closed-embedded environments -
which mitigates security concerns somewhat. I think Global Locate
deserve credit for seeing the potential of what the
OpenMoko/Linux/GPS/Phone combo could acheive.

I know of a lot of small companies who live or die based upon 1-2
low-margin hardware products which they develop.

Please explain how it is possible to stop someone reverse engineering
a protocol and writing a Free Software implementation.

I don't believe its theoretically possible.

The difference between theory and reality is that in theory there is
no difference between the two, in reality there is.

Otherwise we'd all be running open-source ATI drivers, no?

> Supporting open source initiatives does not mean that one has to
> methodologically seek to remove or replace all instances of closed
> source.

I'm sorry you've misunderstood what's going on here. That is precisely
what the GNU/Linux operating system developers are doing.

"The idea is not just to produce a scattering of free programs that
were nice to use. Rather, the idea is to systematically build free
software so that one can escape completely from non-free software.
Non-free software is basically antisocial, it subjugates it users, and
it should not exist."

The point at which it starts approaching religious fundementalism, is
the point at which I jump off the train.

I support open source, and I'd love to see every bit of software free.
But at the end of the day I don't publicly upload all of my companies
proprietry software, because in our reality, that would be unethical.
When you start talking of ethical absolutes, regardless of social
consensus, you're talking religion.

When a developer makes proprietary software available to the public,
the code and algorithms are published. If a developer wishes for them
to be secret, they are foolish to make them available to the public.

This is a belief that no company should be allowed to make money from
selling software that they create. There's a difference between the
NTP patent trolls, and a company

Re: One Application, Multiple Frameworks (was: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?)

2006-12-04 Thread Stefan Schmidt

On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 11:44, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> > I see one main problem with openmoko on this devbices. It is designed
> > for phone handling not media player handling.
> > We should be able to use the base system, but would need a complete
> > new gui and framework design.
> > In long term I would really prefer to have _one_ device for phone
> > calls, contacts, dates, mp3 and perhaps small videos, navigation, etc.
> Entirely correct. We are at a stage in time where we recognize that we
> (application developers) have to solve an important problem to make
> usability scale between different devices requiring different UI
> paradigms motivated by physical differences.

Yeah. That is still a hard task. Moving to dbus and hal is on of the
right steps here. As you wrote a abstraction from the toolkit layer
could be another. Keep in mind that absrtaction are not cheap.

> What we are doing right now is adding more and more #ifdef clauses to
> applications or making every application a plugin-host for a variety
> of frontend (UI) plugins, but I don't think this will be the way to go
> in the future.

Ugly and hard to maintain for >3 different UIs. Of course you know the
pain. :)

Stefan Schmidt

Description: Digital signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: One Application, Multiple Frameworks

2006-12-04 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer schreef:

> We have KDE and GNOME for the desktop, we (will soon) have OpenMoko for the 
> phone,
> we have Maemo for internet tablets and similar appliances, but we
> still lack a way to easily write applications that scale UI-wise. Of course,
> we can just cross-compile and run the applications, but they don't
> adapt to the look&feel and (what's more important) to the UI paradigms
> on the target platform.

I would certainly appreciate a platform where an application written with the 
same toolkit
(gtk+) will blend without using a zillion custom widgets. Isn't that what 
and GObject are supposed to accomplish?
I can see that a gui like gnumeric isn't going to 'blend in' easily, but apps 
like reversi



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OpenMoko community mailing list

GreenPhone lesson

2006-12-04 Thread Tomasz Zielinski

Trolltech's Greenphone: A reasonable first effort

I hope OpenMoko and Neo1973 will avoid glitches mentioned there.

Tomek Z.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread Ole Tange

On 12/4/06, Stefan Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In long term I would really prefer to have _one_ device for phone
calls, contacts, dates, mp3 and perhaps small videos, navigation, etc.

I am currently always carrying my phone and camera with me (Siemens
S55 and Samsung  UCA5 5mpix). I am currently looking at swapping the
camera with Samsung NV3 (which is a camera with PMP). I do not see
myself buying a separate PMP.

I would love if my phone could cover these applications, too, so I
only have to carry 1 device (but a 2 mpix camera phone is just not
good enough).


OpenMoko community mailing list

One Application, Multiple Frameworks (was: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?)

2006-12-04 Thread Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
> I see one main problem with openmoko on this devbices. It is designed
> for phone handling not media player handling.
> We should be able to use the base system, but would need a complete
> new gui and framework design.
> In long term I would really prefer to have _one_ device for phone
> calls, contacts, dates, mp3 and perhaps small videos, navigation, etc.

Entirely correct. We are at a stage in time where we recognize that we
(application developers) have to solve an important problem to make
usability scale between different devices requiring different UI
paradigms motivated by physical differences.

We have KDE and GNOME for the desktop, we (will soon) have OpenMoko for the 
we have Maemo for internet tablets and similar appliances, but we
still lack a way to easily write applications that scale UI-wise. Of course,
we can just cross-compile and run the applications, but they don't
adapt to the look&feel and (what's more important) to the UI paradigms
on the target platform.

What we are doing right now is adding more and more #ifdef clauses to
applications or making every application a plugin-host for a variety
of frontend (UI) plugins, but I don't think this will be the way to go
in the future.

Eventually -- when we have more experience with the variety of such
frameworks -- we need to come up with an additional abstraction layer
that allows us to describe all these specifics in a way that
applications can transform automatically to the target environment.


Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | IT-Freelancer |

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread Stefan Schmidt

On Sun, 2006-12-03 at 23:29, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> On 12/3/06 11:26 PM, "Koen Kooi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just noticed this:
> > 
> > Is FIC planning on putting openmoko based (open!) firmware on those as well?
> > 
> > regards,
> We haven't talked in great detail about that yet. Right now we're mainly
> focusing on phones. But would you guys be interested in stuff like this,
> too?

Of course it would be interested to have a open system on this
devices, too.

I see one main problem with openmoko on this devbices. It is designed
for phone handling not media player handling.

We should be able to use the base system, but would need a complete
new gui and framework design.

In long term I would really prefer to have _one_ device for phone
calls, contacts, dates, mp3 and perhaps small videos, navigation, etc.

I know that this will still take some time time, but I'm looking
forward to this.

Stefan Schmidt

Description: Digital signature
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

Thomas MARCHESSEAU schreef:
> Koen Kooi wrote:
> slubman schreef:
 Le Lundi 4 Décembre 2006 09:16, Gabriel Ambuehl a écrit :

> On Sunday 03 December 2006 16:29, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
>> We haven't talked in great detail about that yet. Right now we're
>> mainly
>> focusing on phones. But would you guys be interested in stuff like
>> this,
>> too?
> Personally I'd prefer it if the Neo1973 could act as PMP I sure
> won't
> carry 2 devices with me...
 I'm sure the OpenMoko will have some media player, so it will be
 possible to use it as a PMP. That's one effect of the "Open" platform.
> The software side isn't a big problem, the hardware is. s3c2410fb
> isn't what you would
> call fast, and certainly not for 16bit vga.
>> Hi Koen,
>> My team has cross-compiled Mplayer for a Qtopia Linux phone (Wistron ,
>> taiwain) ,  its an OMAP1710 ARM9 at 200Mhz (95Bogomipis) , and we can
>> handle 220x176 mpeg4 video at 20fps .

The omap1710 in my nokia 770 does 400x240 at 25fps using gstreamer. But keep in 
mind that
the s3c2410 doesn't have dsp to offload the decoding to.

>> im pretty sure openmoko can do
>> much more .

Software can't magically fix a slow framebuffer. Last I heard you couldn't 
trigger full
redraws at 20fps on the s3c2410fb, so all the decoding power in the world 
couldn't get you
fluid playback if you can't get it on the screen in time.

>> I read somewhere in this Mailling list that OpenMOKO will embed Mplayer
>> too, If OpenMoko's team are interrested im ok to have a look on Media
>> player possiblity on this device, Our mplayer's optmisation would be
>> released soon, all is GPL

That would be cool indeed. Are you going to push these upstream to mplayer svn 
as well?


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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread Thomas MARCHESSEAU

Koen Kooi wrote:

Hash: SHA1

slubman schreef:

Le Lundi 4 Décembre 2006 09:16, Gabriel Ambuehl a écrit :

On Sunday 03 December 2006 16:29, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:

We haven't talked in great detail about that yet. Right now we're mainly
focusing on phones. But would you guys be interested in stuff like this,

Personally I'd prefer it if the Neo1973 could act as PMP I sure won't
carry 2 devices with me...
I'm sure the OpenMoko will have some media player, so it will be possible to 
use it as a PMP. That's one effect of the "Open" platform.

The software side isn't a big problem, the hardware is. s3c2410fb isn't what 
you would
call fast, and certainly not for 16bit vga.


Hi Koen,

My team has cross-compiled Mplayer for a Qtopia Linux phone (Wistron , 
taiwain) ,  its an OMAP1710 ARM9 at 200Mhz (95Bogomipis) , and we can 
handle 220x176 mpeg4 video at 20fps . im pretty sure openmoko can do 
much more .
I read somewhere in this Mailling list that OpenMOKO will embed Mplayer 
too, If OpenMoko's team are interrested im ok to have a look on Media 
player possiblity on this device, Our mplayer's optmisation would be 
released soon, all is GPL



Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

slubman schreef:
> Le Lundi 4 Décembre 2006 09:16, Gabriel Ambuehl a écrit :
>> On Sunday 03 December 2006 16:29, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
>>> We haven't talked in great detail about that yet. Right now we're mainly
>>> focusing on phones. But would you guys be interested in stuff like this,
>>> too?
>> Personally I'd prefer it if the Neo1973 could act as PMP I sure won't
>> carry 2 devices with me...
> I'm sure the OpenMoko will have some media player, so it will be possible to 
> use it as a PMP. That's one effect of the "Open" platform.

The software side isn't a big problem, the hardware is. s3c2410fb isn't what 
you would
call fast, and certainly not for 16bit vga.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread slubman
Le Lundi 4 Décembre 2006 09:16, Gabriel Ambuehl a écrit :
> On Sunday 03 December 2006 16:29, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> > We haven't talked in great detail about that yet. Right now we're mainly
> > focusing on phones. But would you guys be interested in stuff like this,
> > too?
> Personally I'd prefer it if the Neo1973 could act as PMP I sure won't
> carry 2 devices with me...

I'm sure the OpenMoko will have some media player, so it will be possible to 
use it as a PMP. That's one effect of the "Open" platform.


slubman (aka Nicolas DOUALOT)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko on other FIC platforms as well?

2006-12-04 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Sunday 03 December 2006 16:29, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:

> We haven't talked in great detail about that yet. Right now we're mainly
> focusing on phones. But would you guys be interested in stuff like this,
> too?
Personally I'd prefer it if the Neo1973 could act as PMP I sure won't 
carry 2 devices with me...

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OpenMoko community mailing list