Re: Will GTK be used in Openmoko?

2008-05-15 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Shachar Shemesh wrote:

Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

On Thu, 15 May 2008 20:58:48 +0300 Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> [...]
as such EFL has no right-to-left support - why? no one has yet to step 
up and help. why? there is so little demand for it
in the developer community. Then again, the NEO is not intended to stay 
within the developer community.


 - i don't mean to be, but minority languages tend to get the
worse end of the stick support-wise
Which is precisely why I'm asking that we stick to toolkits that are 
mature enough not to discard them.

Essentially you are saying: We (actually, you|) decided to go with EFL, 
it doesn't do non-western, tough on everybody else. That MIGHT have made 
sense if no toolkit supported those languages, but the simple truth is 
that other toolkits exist, and they do support it.
What I'm saying is: Take the question of non-western support into 
consideration when thinking whether to go EFL.

In other words, instead of telling all those billions (literally) of 
people "your language is too weird for my mind, so I'm going to 
disregard you when choosing a technology", I'm suggesting we tell EFL 
"your toolkit does not support the first choice language for a third of 
the world, so we will not pick you".

 :( i know how painful it can be supporting
them - i looked into doing right-to-left and gave up when i saw the 
world of hurt that was doing mixes right-to-left and left-to-right

>> formatting...
No, that part is easy. It's easy because it's a solved problem. The 
parts that are hard are text input and getting program to respect 
paragraph direction. It's a lot of work even if the infrastructure is 



Sorry if I sound harsh, but I want to make a point.

What part of "free" you have not understand?

YOU are free to do whatever you want regarding using toolkits within
Openmoko. There WILL GTK as well as QT shipping too.
And do not blame a mother for loving her children. ;-)

NO ONE promised that Openmoko will deliver a ready to use phone
developed ENTIRELY ON THEIR OWN. They always stated that they need the
help of the community to get "user-ready".

DO NOT BLAME them for not supporting your preferred language/writing
style from the very first, but get your hands on the keyboard and write
the missing parts yourself.
YOU YOURSELF stated, that this is an easy part, so you have to be an
experienced developer. Then DO IT. If you can't do it yourself, because
it is still not that easy, find someone else to do it for you. If no
one wants to do it without getting paid, give him the money to do it.

That is the way, open source development works. One has some needs and
does it himself or finds someone to do it for him. It is not about
blaming others for not taking his personal needs into account (even if
there are millions of others having the same needs).

You are free to do whatever you want to do and we ("we" means: not you
but all the others) are free to do NOT whatever we do not want to do.

It is that nice and new thing with Openmoko, that they never promised
the All-in-one-everyone-will-be-happy-out-of-the-box product. They
will provide the starting grid and the community will do the racing.
Take on your helmet and start racing, dude. ;-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Virtual QWERTY Keyboards to be used with Fingers...

2008-03-06 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Lorn Potter wrote:

On Monday 03 March 2008, Karsten Ensinger wrote:


Survey (after half an hour of testing and three complete screen
I don't want to put down the implementation of the Qtopia
keyboard at all. I have much respect for the quality one can
But to me it seems as if the keyboard was not designed for finger
use in first place. A "hit rate" of 90 percent (when using an adult
fingertip) is barely acceptable.

Actually it was. You only have to come close to a letter to select one. It 
tries to guess what word you are wanting, as well as looking at the letters 
in the general area of your finger pressing.

If  you do not like the predictive feature, then you can hold down on a letter 
to select only that one.

The usage is not yet intuitive (how to do a backspace, a delete,
use upper case letters, use special characters (like @,$,&,/)?)

move your finger up or down to get to get to 
caps, numbers and symbols. backspace is moving your finger from right to left.

and due to the "look alike" of a regular "hardware" keyboard and
the expectations caused by this, the frustration is high, when
one can not handle simple things without looking for help
(is there a helpfile for the keyboard input? I only found help
for the application itself but not for the usage of the keyboard).

There should be yes. But looking at the input method help from the menu I am 
not seeing it. I will look into this and make sure it gets fixed.

Maybe you should think about a small question mark somewhere on the
edges of the keyboard, so one can press it to get help on the input


Maybe I am too biased, but most of the critics we discussed
months ago became manifest in this implementation of a screen
keyboard. It is smart, but needs "tricks" to handle the problems
of imprecise finger touches, lack of screen space for great numbers
of keys and fault tolerance. This leads to a learning curve one
has to master before being able to use the keyboard as such.

A qwerty keyboard also has a learning curve at first. Ever tried graffiti 

Today, nearly everyone has some small experiences with qwerty
keyboards. So this learning curve is not an issue here. It is more
the opposite, due to the differences (advantages?) in handling.
Unfortunately one has to use "tricks" (finger movements) instead
of keys (like shift, ctrl or alt) to get to additional characters
in Qtopia and this contradicts to the usage of a regular qwerty
I do NOT want to say that this is bad at all, but you have to get
the user an extremely easy way to get help on your "tricks" to
prevent frustration at the first usage (this is based on my own
experience with Qtopia, where I had no assistance by others, but
was left by my own. It was EXTREMELY frustrating to feel like a
complete fool due to not being able to delete a typed character or
to switch to another layer of characters, even though I do have
used computers for more than 25 years (but maybe this 25 years
also were the cause :-) )).
Maybe you should think about the suggestion to place a "help" key
on the keyboard itself. At least, every first time user will be
very thankful.

And yes, I do have used graffiti input. I used a Palm for several
years and it took me some weeks to switch from the "regular"
keyboard to the graffiti input.

If the user has to master a learning curve anyway, why not take a
completely different approach, which is designed exactly for the
problems first and foremost? If the approach is different enough,
the user will accept/expect a learning curve (and will tolerate it,
if it is not too steep).

Knowing four things for the predictive keyboard in Qtopia will get you going.

1) tap on the letters like normal, a word, or words will appear, you have to 
tap on the word to enter that in whatever text you are inputting.

2) slide your finger up and down to switch caps, undercase, numbers and 

3) slider your finger right to left to backspace

4) to select a letter without the word prediction, hold down your finger over 
a letter. You can even rotate your finger to select letters around it if it 
detected the wrong one.

Is that a too high learning curve?

No it is not. But one has to be able to get this information "on a
fingertip" and not by searching a help database or asking at a user
forum. :-)

Using only a finger, the predictive keyboard cannot be beat. Qtopia also has 
handwriting and a 'normal' qwerty keyboard with the use of a stylus. Someone 
has also gotten dasher running.

Although I DO think that the predictive keyboard can be beat in terms
of intuitivity (does this word exist?), I will give it another try
in terms of usability.
So I will give Qtopia another try and do revise my report/opinion
if necessary.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Virtual QWERTY Keyboards to be used with Fingers...

2008-03-03 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Marco Trevisan (Treviño) wrote:

Karsten Ensinger ha scritto:

I am afraid, I have to admit that I have NOT tried the Trolltech stuff
at all. Maybe because I thought I would deceive the openmoko movement
by trying "other" stuff on the Neo. ;-)
I will give it a try until next weekend and will change my mind if
it is as cool as you claim.

Ok, we're waiting for your report...!

OK, I installed the latest reviewed u-boot, kernel and rootfs.
Then I tried to install Qtopia on the SD-Card. Unfortunately
every "scp" failed (even if my laptop "thought" it was successful).
I made some test and dicovered that it was possible to copy
arbitrary stuff from flash to SD-Card but not via USB->scp.
I tried to format the SD-Card, but after successful (means: no
error messages) formatting, it was impossible to mount the SD-Card.
Even my laptop (Ubuntu based) denied to mount the SD-Card then.
Lucky me, a new build appeared at buildhost and I tried the latest
and greatest u-boot, kernel and rootfs.
SD-Card could be formatted without any problem and even "scp"
succeeded this time. I followed the instructions on the wiki and
configured the Qtopia stuff for manual starting.

Then I started Qtopia (without a SIM card inserted) and had a look
at the notes application (this was the first application I found
which offers text input).
The keyboard contained only lower case characters and there was no
obvious way to get upper case letters. I was also missing a
possibility to remove mistyped characters.
So the first impression was: an "intuitive user interface" looks
different to me.
Although the character distance was very small, I managed to get
a "hit rate" of more than 90 percent for hitting the intended
The word prediction was great when writing simple english stuff,
but absolutely useless, when typing german. In addition to this,
it missed most of the complicated english vocabulary I tried.
I could not find a way to switch a dictionary, so this was not
an option.

Survey (after half an hour of testing and three complete screen
I don't want to put down the implementation of the Qtopia
keyboard at all. I have much respect for the quality one can
But to me it seems as if the keyboard was not designed for finger
use in first place. A "hit rate" of 90 percent (when using an adult
fingertip) is barely acceptable.
The usage is not yet intuitive (how to do a backspace, a delete,
use upper case letters, use special characters (like @,$,&,/)?)
and due to the "look alike" of a regular "hardware" keyboard and
the expectations caused by this, the frustration is high, when
one can not handle simple things without looking for help
(is there a helpfile for the keyboard input? I only found help
for the application itself but not for the usage of the keyboard).

The GUI of Qtopia itself looks very impressive from a design
point of view. But I am missing something like a bubble-help
(e.g. press and hold a key and get a small hint of what the
meaning of the key is), although this is not specific to Qtopia
but is missing in Openmoko also. It is NOT always true that
a picture says more than a thousand words (at least not pictures
of 64x64 pixels).

Maybe I am too biased, but most of the critics we discussed
months ago became manifest in this implementation of a screen
keyboard. It is smart, but needs "tricks" to handle the problems
of imprecise finger touches, lack of screen space for great numbers
of keys and fault tolerance. This leads to a learning curve one
has to master before being able to use the keyboard as such.
If the user has to master a learning curve anyway, why not take a
completely different approach, which is designed exactly for the
problems first and foremost? If the approach is different enough,
the user will accept/expect a learning curve (and will tolerate it,
if it is not too steep).

A car is not the adequate vehicle when travelling on a river, even
though it is possible to adapt one.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Virtual QWERTY Keyboards to be used with Fingers...

2008-03-01 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:

On 3/1/08 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

On Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:47:31 +0100 Karsten Ensinger
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> > If I remember correctly, "all" participants of the discussion
> > came to the conclusion, that a regular qwerty keyboard is not
> > sufficient no matter how clever you "pimp" it, due to
> > restriction of precision of finger typing and lack of screen
> > space.

i disagree. reality of the qtopia predictive keyboard and actual use 
of it
disagrees. talk and theory is fine - actual code that works is 

users of that code are disagreeing.

I have to agree with Raster here. Trolltech did an amazing job on their 
QWERTY (onscreen) keypad. I highly recommend you trying it out on the 
Neo if you haven't already. Personally, I think it's the best touchpanel 
keyboard on the market now. Bar none.


I am afraid, I have to admit that I have NOT tried the Trolltech stuff
at all. Maybe because I thought I would deceive the openmoko movement
by trying "other" stuff on the Neo. ;-)
I will give it a try until next weekend and will change my mind if
it is as cool as you claim.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Virtual QWERTY Keyboards to be used with Fingers...

2008-02-29 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Sorry to jump into the thread this late, but I am wondering
if you already examined the following Wiki-Link?
We had a very extensive discussion about text input running
on the community list several months ago.
Nearly all proposals were documented on the following Wiki:

My personal favourites are the Quickwriting (there is even
a java demo available) and "another text input" (although
it seems to be another implementation of this more moko-like
implementation: ).

If I remember correctly, "all" participants of the discussion
came to the conclusion, that a regular qwerty keyboard is not
sufficient no matter how clever you "pimp" it, due to
restriction of precision of finger typing and lack of screen

An "intelligent" input prediction (e.g. T9) sucks, when one
is using different languages regularly (you always have to
remember switching to the right dictionary BEFORE typing).
( Not everyone on this planet is using english in day to day
conversations. ;-) )
They also suck if ones vocabulary is much more advanced than
the one which is implemented (and I personally do not want
to adjust my vocabulary to fit the needs of the input system).

Just my 2 cents.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community Update

2007-11-01 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Doug Sutherland wrote:

Okay this is what confuses me regarding this GPS "source code".
[...]  Why you
would need the vendor's code is beyond me. They provide the
specs. The specs are all you need to write your own drivers.
[...]  I am baffled
why there should EVER be a need for any kind of binary 
file for a GPS. What does it do exactly? Is the device not 
a serial device? Can't you just write your own serial code?

Some time ago, someone (I can not remember who it was) mentioned
that the current GPS chip of the GTA01 does some calculations in
software (means within the driver code), which is done by firmware
in other GPS chips.
So there is no NMEA output from the chip itself but from the driver
only. This intellectual property seems to be the cause for all
this legal issues.
If I remember correctly, this was the reason to switch to another
GPS chip for GTA02, because the new one does all the calculation
in firmware and therefore the driver code is trivial and open.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: "state of the project" message sent upon subscription

2007-10-26 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Mark wrote:

The bottom line is this suggestion is exactly what I was asking for in
the first place, with the one and only difference being that I was
asking for that information to be posted to the announce list.

But my request was somehow unreasonable and this one is not?

Because you asked for something different (quote from your original
message following)?

>> As someone who has been waiting on pins and needles for months for
>> this phone, I too am wondering why there has not been an announcement
>> of some kind, since up to now they've been saying "October" and we're
>> 3/4 of the way through the month. If it's going to be January or
>> later, that's fine (and that's probably still optimistic, considering
>> what I've been reading on the lists), but they really should keep us
>> posted. It's extremely inconsiderate to keep everybody in suspense
>> like this.

This was sent by you at 23rd of October.
As I already mentioned in a mail to the community list, Michael Shiloh
sent an update of the release date at 28th of September.
You obviously missed that and blame others for this fact (at least it
seems to me as if you blame others).
It is hard for me to believe that you are REALLY "waiting on pins and
needles", if you missed that message, but that is my personal opinion
and can be completely wrong.

I am following this list (and most of all the other lists on openmoko)
nearly from the beginning and I really feel sorry for the guys at
They tried to share as much information as possible with "their"
customers (and possible to-be customers in the future), what is an
uniqueness within this market environment, and what do they get in
They got flamed, users were harsh on them, "not-yet-customers" menace
(is that the right vocabulary?) to get lost as customers if openmoko
officials do not react like they think the "not-yet-customers" deserve
it, there is even the "fulmination" to spread FUD to all friends
about the Neo if they do not get what they demand, etc..
What do you expect as a result to this???
I would expect lesser information, lesser participation from offical
side, only spreading dates which are already verified to meet and
absolutely no vague estimations at all. In other words: That what
you already get from companies like IBM, Apple, HP etc..

If that is your intention, go on and do your worst.

Regards from a disenchanted

OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-10-25 Thread Karsten Ensinger

First of all, on 28. of September Michael Shiloh made the
"announcement" that the GTA02 will be delayed at least until
mid to end of december. EVERYBODY should have been able to
find this "announcement" easily.
So please do NOT complain that this information was not given
early enough. [flame] If you weren't subscribed then, why haven't
you searched the archive before asking (and especially before
complaining that no information was given at all)? [/flame]

Also do not complain that the Wiki is not updated immediately.
Most of the incriminated articles were written by community
members and not by official openmoko employees. So it should
be the responsibility for that members to keep them updated.
If they are to lazy to do this, they should have linked to an
official side instead of stating a "fixed" date. Whatever you
do, but do not blame others.

And because a lot of people claim for "announcements", one should
take into account that "announcements" should only be made for
something, which is already finished. Everything else just
generates "vaporware" (and we already have to much of that kind
of products). This is at least true for commercial products
and the Neo is still in development, hence not a "commercial
product" YET.

I am already a customer of FIC (GTA01v4) and will definitely
also get one of the GTA02 gadgets. In addition to this, I also
started to write an application especially focused on the Neo.
But it appears to me as if most of the people on this community
list just complain about THEIR OWN DREAMS not coming true.
If you want to take part into the community, get a GTA01 and
start making your dreams come true, but please do not complain
that all the fruits within your neighbours backyard (aka. GTA02)
are sweeter than yours (aka. GTA01).

I am deeply grateful that FIC let me take part in this early
phase of development, but I am really pissed of by all this
people here which "got a hand" by FIC and now try to rip off
the complete arm (sorry for my bad english but I am not well
trained in english sayings; that was another german one translated
into english). The Neo is, was, and will be, a product for geeks
and therefore never was intended to be a mass market product.
Geeks do not look at fancy glamour but for useful attributes.
But also geeks do not want to buy faulty hardware (software is
a different beast, in particular if it is open source).
If you want a fancy glamourous mobile, go and get an IPhone.
If you want to hack an open source mobile, go and get a GTA01.
If you want to have the "jack of all trades" aka. GTA02 there
is nothing left but to be patient.
And it won't get any faster if you ask every week when it will be
ready. And only dumb managers expect to get a precise timeframe
if they ask a developer how long it will take to solve a not yet
known problem. And ... no it is not smarter to ask for a vague
estimation, because that would be reading tea leaves and nothing
serious. And ... no it is also not smarter if you accept an
vague estimation just to maintain hope. You only will get disappointed,
because no developer will met a former estimation he made, ever!

I apologize in advance for every indignities someone will find
within my mail, which HE thinks is aimed at him personally.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: T-Mobile & MyFaves

2007-08-30 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Alex Rickabaugh wrote:
I'm quite excited about getting an OpenMoko phone when it's finally 
released, but just one question: does anyone know if the T-Mobile 
"MyFaves" functionality will be supported?

What part of "MyFaves"?

Talking to your favourites with special conditions?
That is a feature of the net infrastructure (or to be more precise:
a feature of the billing process).

Using funny pictures as a kind of avatar for your favourites?
That would be a feature of your phone.

Using the "one-touch" stuff?
Also a feature of your phone.

Administrate your favourites (Faves)?
Use the browser on your phone and do the administration via Web.
Otherwise it's a feature of your phone.

If it is a feature of the phone, someone has to implement some
kind of software for openmoko phones to provide this functionality.
I am sure that "picture avatars" and "one-touch" (at least out of
the "missed calls" list) will be implemented even without "MyFaves"
in mind (so not limited to five "Faves").
The administration stuff? I doubt, but who knows? Take the browser
instead and do it the "Web way". ;-)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-16 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Ben Burdette wrote:

Nick Johnson wrote:

On 8/16/07, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 16 Aug 2007, at 00:07, Nick Johnson wrote:

The list server is clearly the issue here, failing to accept messages
in a timely fashion.

It's only affecting GMail messages.

I believe people with providers other than gmail (and not just those
using google apps, like myself) have also reported issues. GMail is
just less patient than most - it's still only an issue because the
list server is taking a long time to respond. How long _should_ a mail
server wait for a reply? Forever?

Case in point - I just got a duplicate of your message.

Maybe openmoko needs a new, faster mailserver?  More mailserver 
bandwidth?  Or how about a duplicate message filter at the list level?  
I've gotten at least 100 duplicates today, this is getting really old.  
I have a filter for removing duplicates in thunderbird, but it leaves 
the newest duplicate, so I'm having to 'mark as read' the same messages 
over and over.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Maybe you should switch to this (or improve your configuration):

I use this extension to thunderbird with success. The suggestion
of the extension seems to contain some smart algorithms.
The already read messages are preselected for keep and the "new"
ones get deleted.


OpenMoko community mailing list

size comparison Neo1973 and Nokia 9300

2007-08-03 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Maybe someone is interested. A side by side picture of the Neo1973
and a Nokia Communicator 9300.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Import Duty - I have refused my delivery.

2007-08-03 Thread Karsten Ensinger

The amount seems to be VAT. According to EU (EC) rules, VAT has
to be paid at the point of crossing the EU border for goods meant
for selling to customers. For calculating the taxed value, the
cost of shipment to the border is INCLUDED. If shipment from the
border to the destination within EU (EC) is NOT declared, the
complete shipment cost is valuable for tax calculation.
If you bought the Neo for business reasons, you can get back the
VAT (but you already knew that, don't you?).
If you are "end" customer you ALWAYS have to pay VAT (if the value
exempts tax-free allowance). For PRIVATE customers there are NO
exemptions. In addition to that, if you import stuff yourself,
you have to pay the VAT yourself also.

When UPS called me for clearance (they checked that I was willing
to pay the VAT), I checked with the local custom office and got
the explanation I cited here.

Your milage may vary.



Actually, speaking as someone who imports electronic components and 
peripherals for prototype systems from the US all the time, I do know 
what to expect when I import.
Importation of computer devices and peripherals to the EU is indeed both 
VAT and import duty exempt - it appears that the description of the 
goods, compounded with the value statement, has led to this issue. It is 
indeed OpenMoko's error in not understanding the rules and I hold them 
responsible for not disclosing that fact.
When I can import USD$50,000 prototypes for computer peripheral units 
without paying VAT and without paying import duty, I expect to be able 
to do the same for a USD$450 prototype.
Not to get into a flame war but, for your reference, VAT is 17.5% in the 
UKand I ordered the Advanced...
Have fun!

*From:* Thomas Gstädtner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* 03 August 2007 13:12
*To:* David Prior
*Subject:* Re: Import Duty - I have refused my delivery.

Well, you chose to live in the wrong country (or the wrong continent). 
You should know what expects you if YOU IMPORT a device.

This is not the fault of OpenMoko (Inc.).
Also there is no duty on computing devices and mobile phones in the EU - 
so I guess you are wrong.
GBP60 sounds like VAT (15.5% in UK), seems you have ordered the basic 
device, so this IS VAT, no duty!
VAT is levied by your country, not by FIC/OpenMoko and if you chose to 
import you WILL have to pay VAT every time - and the one you import from 
doesn't have to find out for you how much it is (as it is charged by the 
customs, not by the company).

2007/8/3, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Just thought you all might like to know that OpenMoko shipments are
attracting import duty in the United Kingdom.

Despite paying USD104.99 for 'expedited' shipping, my order arrived
with a demand for GBP57.19 in import duty. This should either be
factored into the shipping charge or, as these devices are
technically 'computer peripherals', described as 'computer
peripherals' in order that they do not attract import duty.

I have REFUSED my delivery and it is being returned to the depot
and, presumably, will be returned to sender.

I either want a new shipment that does not attract import duty *or*
I want a full refund.

I know these are developer releases but I would have hoped that
OpenMoko would have sorted out the international shipping issues

I'm annoyed!


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OpenMoko community mailing list

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Re: An idea of sorts

2007-07-28 Thread Karsten Ensinger

The package manager of openembedded (at least for most oe projects)
is "ipkg".
Of course you can send ipkg-packages via email and if I remember
correctly it is also possible to sign packages.
So everthing you demand is already there.


Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:

On Saturday 28 July 2007 15:59:52 Giles Jones wrote:

An easy way to install new software would be to be able to email it
to your phone and use the phone's wifi to download the email. Of
course security would have to be present to stop it installing
anything received in an email.

I would much rather have a package manager (think apt) than something like 
that. And OpenEmbedded already provides that, from what I understand.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

GMail, silence and other problems

2007-07-12 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Hi guys (and girl(s)),

as far as I can say from my experiences, there was NEVER a break in
delivery of message worth to mention the last days.
It also seems as if only GMail customers complain about a disruption
of operation.
During the time, where the GMail customers complained to had an outage,
I did not receive any duplicates. Since then I get a lot of duplicates
from GMail senders again.
So it seems to me as if there are still problems with GMail.

Just to let you know.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: picture viewer

2007-04-20 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Why is eveyone trying to fit everything into one use case?
It will be really hard to remember every special move to
get a specific feature working.

Why not introduce a "command mode" one can reach with the
same "move" and then "entering" a letter to get a special
mode where every "move" is manipulating the "item" in a
comparable manner.
To be more specific (the chosen taps and letters are just
for example):
Whenever the user does a double tap, he enters command mode
signalized in the status bar.
Then he uses his finger to "write" a letter "Z" (means:
moving the finger horizontally to the right, diagonally from
the end of the horizontally move down to the left and again
horizontally to the right) to enter zoom mode.
Now every move downwards zooms in and every move upwards
zooms out.
Another example would be letter "M" for moving. Every drag
would then mean to move the underlying item.
Letter "B" for browsing. Moving rigth and left means forward
and backwards one item. Moving up means "a page" forward,
moving down "a page" backwards. Of course the user has the
ability to determine the amount of items for "a page".
Several other modes could be possible, just use your

Of course it's not as fast as having all commands/possibilities
concurrently, because one has to change command modes. But
I think it's more intuitive to learn one mode by a time than
to wonder what happened when you mix several manipulation modes
by accident due to making a "wrong" move.
To remember a single move for changing into command mode and
several letters for the specific modes is easy. Within a mode,
using the moves should be intuitive enough to get learned by
doing within seconds. Especially when you use opposed moves for
doing one thing and reverting the result.
Another advantage would be, that one is not forced to use more
than one finger at the same time.


Ortwin Regel wrote:

Interesting... However, what about zooming out again? Also this would
take too much time while possibly being too fast for my grandparents.
Holding the second tap is a bad idea but dragging it around might be a
good one. All in all, how about this:

drag finger --> drag viewable area
tap, then tap again, hold and drag --> zoom in and out
tap sides --> change to next/last picture (can be changed to requiring
double tap in config)

What is missing? The gesture that brings up the on slideshow menu
where you can escape from the slideshow, rotate the picture, jump to
first/last with simple buttons. The only reasonable thing I can think
of is a double tap in the center of the screen. What to use the wheel
for in that menu? Scrolling through pictures quickly, of course!


On 4/20/07, Steven Milburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If  you want smooth scrolling, how about this mod to what I said earlier:

On the double-tap to center-and-zoom, hold the the second tap.  The pic
slowly (human speed) zooms and centers to where you're touching.  When
you've zoomed in enough, lift the finger.  This would be similar to 
the way

CTRL-wheel on Adobe pdf's zooms and centers.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko - SoC--- is there a mentor?

2007-03-25 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Hi Guy,

the linchpin of you concept is the keyboard layout. If you use
unsuited layouts initially, no one will invest the time to get it
right for themself, because one can't easily experience the advantages
of the concept when making first impressions.
Although I am not an expert for language forensic, I assume that the
biggest part of your work will NOT the implementing part, but the
research for a propper keyboard layout for english and portuguese at
A lot of fine concepts in open software got never used due to the
circumstance that the first available implementation couldn't impress
the users enough to encourage them to invest their time to improve
As you said on your web page, your concept is a composite of the
ideas your found on the wishlist. If I identify the "original"
ideas correctly, your solution will need more time to get used to
as the single "original" ideas will do. So you have to offer a
significant added value, which would be a working keyboard layout
for at least the english language (I assume that the majority of
users will be native english or correspond in english mostly).
And do think about the implications of different layouts for the user.
For every language one has to learn a completely different position
of each letter. What is left from the advantage of the "single stroke"
architecture if one has to search for the next character each time
after changing the layout to a different language?
We end up at the same point we started: the layout is the linchpin
(and -> in my opinion <- also the weak point) of your concept.


--- gsilva85 wrote:


i agree with you about the layout of the chars ( on my example they was 
put aleatory )! but at this point I'm just introducing another concept 
of a finger based keyboard. I'm not able to know whats the better place 
for each char optimized for English, Germany or even to Portuguese (my 
native language, I'm Brazilian...).

For this use cases I'll try to implement some way to easy develop/change 
the layout of keys (like i said at bottom of my page). Anyone could make 
their own layout optimized for his language, share with community then 
you download to your phone, when you need it probably you press some 
predefined key on this keyboard, select what layout you want and 
dynamically change to it. This concept is already presents in phones, 
like when you change the input method to letters, number, symbols, t9...

what do you think?


PS:don't worry I'm still encouraged to submit it to SoC : )

2007/3/24, Karsten Ensinger < [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

Hi Guy,

following your explanation, I will get "c", "z", "g" and "q" as
characters when tapping on "1", dragging to "3" and dragging back
to "1". When I want to have "c", "g" and "q", I have to tap on
"1", drag to "2", lift the finger, tap on "3" and drag to "1".
If I want to have "c", "g" and "c", I have to tap on "1", drag to
"2", lift the finger, tap on "3", drag to "2", lift the finger,
tap on "1" and drag to "2".
Depending on the needed character sequence, your "new" concept
can result in the same amount of taps and drags as the original
"finger splash" concept.
So everthing depends on the intelligent placement of the characters
on the keyboard layout.
Let's come to the usability aspects.
If I look at the "finger splash", the tapping on "1" will result
in a button overlay which will hide the complete "2" at least
(maybe also some parts of "3", depending on size). So there is no
way for the user to see what is on the right side of the "2"
button. This leads to a drag into the blind to get the "z".
This seems to me as not user friendly enough to get accepted
widely. One has to remember the whole keyboard layout in mind
while typing.
This would lead to the idea to NOT enlarge the buttons when one
taps them. The user would be able to see what he gets, when
dragging to the next button.
Unfortunately the size of the buttons can't get big enough to
hold characters with an easy readable fontsize due to limited
physical screen size. This seems to be a dilemma. Making the
buttons bigger means less buttons per row and column, means
less benefit from the "dragging feature".
Maybe the KISS pattern matches here (KISS = Keep It Small and
Simple). Although the ability to type more than one letter with
a single stroke has charming aspects, the learning curve of the
keyboard usage should be as s

Re: OpenMoko - SoC--- is there a mentor?

2007-03-24 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Hi Guy,

following your explanation, I will get "c", "z", "g" and "q" as
characters when tapping on "1", dragging to "3" and dragging back
to "1". When I want to have "c", "g" and "q", I have to tap on
"1", drag to "2", lift the finger, tap on "3" and drag to "1".
If I want to have "c", "g" and "c", I have to tap on "1", drag to
"2", lift the finger, tap on "3", drag to "2", lift the finger,
tap on "1" and drag to "2".
Depending on the needed character sequence, your "new" concept
can result in the same amount of taps and drags as the original
"finger splash" concept.
So everthing depends on the intelligent placement of the characters
on the keyboard layout.
Let's come to the usability aspects.
If I look at the "finger splash", the tapping on "1" will result
in a button overlay which will hide the complete "2" at least
(maybe also some parts of "3", depending on size). So there is no
way for the user to see what is on the right side of the "2"
button. This leads to a drag into the blind to get the "z".
This seems to me as not user friendly enough to get accepted
widely. One has to remember the whole keyboard layout in mind
while typing.
This would lead to the idea to NOT enlarge the buttons when one
taps them. The user would be able to see what he gets, when
dragging to the next button.
Unfortunately the size of the buttons can't get big enough to
hold characters with an easy readable fontsize due to limited
physical screen size. This seems to be a dilemma. Making the
buttons bigger means less buttons per row and column, means
less benefit from the "dragging feature".
Maybe the KISS pattern matches here (KISS = Keep It Small and
Simple). Although the ability to type more than one letter with
a single stroke has charming aspects, the learning curve of the
keyboard usage should be as steep as possible and to me, the
current concept seems to be to much in need of an explanation.
What I have only shortly mentioned before, is the fact that you
have to analyse the inherent syllables of the language the user
will use. You have to place the characters in a way, that one can
type as much words with one or two strokes as possible. So the
keyboard layout will vary from language to language.
What about users using two different languages at the same time?
They will have to pay the price for this. One language will
fit perfectly to the keyboard while the other will not (most
of the times).
I myself will definitely use german and english at the same
time every day, and I think most of the non-english natives
will do the same. German and english do not have a lot of
syllables in common when counting the frequency with which
they appear in day to day communications vocabulary.

But whatever I comment here, it's my personal and therefore
biased opinion. I do NOT want to discourage you to start your
own implementation, because an old man think he found a fly
in the ointment.
Take my comments as food for thoughts and nothing else.


--- gsilva.85 wrote:


you are right except for one thing on my idea: you are considering only 
a row and only a drag from left to right (or right to left..) in this 
case only 2 characters will be draw. But think if you press the '1' drag 
to '3' and drag again to '1' we got one press with four characters at 
output but on finger splash to produce 4 characters (in the better case) 
we have to press 4 times. And you can drag not only to left or right but 
up, down...

did you understood?

I thought to adapt this to fingers splash: when the 'splash' appear if  
you continue dragging over the buttons of the splash it possible 
continues  writing that chars (like the speed script concept) but even 
with this we stay limited to only 7 different chars in a drag...

please fell free to comment...


> [...]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko - SoC--- is there a mentor?

2007-03-23 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Hi Guy,

first of all, please do NOT feel offended when I criticise some
aspects of your idea. I am definitely prejudiced due to my
addiction to the "finger splash" idea on the openmoko-wiki.

The decisive difference between the "finger splash" idea and your
idea seems to be the fact, that one can input several characters
by a single stroke.
Due to the restricted place we have on screen and the fact that
we want to be able to use the input with a single finger, the
number of "action areas" is limited to three of four in a row.
If you take an arbitrary mobile phone in your preferred hand
and try to use the keyboard (it doesn't matter if it is a "real"
keyboard or a touch screen), you will use your thumb for
typing normally.
Unfortunately the thumb is the one of your fingers which has
the biggest fingertip. This limits the number of "action areas"
to less than four, if you take into account that a lot of
people use their hands for work and therefore have some "special
sized" thumbs (means: big hands).
Your solution should fit for the majority of users and not only
for people with hands sized like children.
With three "action areas" in a row, the number of characters
reachable by your idea will be just two.
This two characters, to me, seem not to be a viable advantage
over the "finger splash" idea nor legitimate the more complicated
usage (one has to meet the correct boundaries to prevent typing
more characters than wanted).

Maybe you should adapt the complete "finger splash" idea as is
and try to find a mentor for that. The original author of the
"finger splash" mentioned that he will not be able to start
with implementing his idea very soon and encouraged others
to start with it.
Why not you?


---gsilva.85 wrote:

like someone said i wrote something about my ideia and put on wiki...

what do you think?

forgive me if you found some erros in english because i don't speak it 
very well...

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: What moblie service to get, part 2

2007-03-09 Thread Karsten Ensinger

Hi Mike,

3. Data plan it is.  You can't add a data plan to a prepaid card.  So
   either you have a prepaid voice card + data plan card, or you suck
   it up and sign up for a voice plan as well.

Is there really such a thing as a "data plan card" ?  I can't find that 
on the gophone section of the cingular site. It only lists:

$1530 days
$2590 days
$5090 days
$7590 days
$100365 days

5. It seems to be a grey area, using a phone that they don't provide.
   I can see a good argument for calling the OpenMoko a SmartPhone.
   Which is great 'cause theres a $20/month unlimited data plan for
   smartphones.  But there's no way to limit whether you can use it
   for tethered/laptop data access so who knows if they'd want to slap
   the tether fee on you. "just in case" fortunately I don't think
   they're that clue-full.

I have a feeling that both tmobile and cingular are going to do whatever 
they can to prohibit the openmoko phones.  And I'm thinking the cheaper 
"smartphone" data plans will only work on cingular's devices, right? 
Like the device has to do something in order to be able to make use of 
it- some technical limitation?  Otherwise I don't know why cingular 
sells two different plans, the "smartphone 5mb" is $9.99 and the "Data 
Connect 5MB" is $19.99. I don't get how else they'd be different. Would 
the neo be compatible with both? Who knows?  I hope someone from the 
openmoko project reads this thread.

6. It seems that you can only order a plan [get a sim card] with a
   phone.  That's not such a financial problem if you're just getting
   a cheap voice plan, because there are lots of cheap/free after
   rebate voice phones you can get and not use.  But to order a data
   plan from Cingular [of any of the tweleve types] you have to order
   a phone that is valid for that plan.

OK, you're saying no matter what plan I sign up for with cingular, even 
prepaid, I have to buy a phone from them too, right?  I can't like, go 
on ebay and buy a cheap used phone and still sign up with cingular, even 

The one useful piece of info I may have then, is to tell you about the 
service I have now.  I have, which resells cingular.  They 
have a few GSM plans, and you can bring your own phone...  So if your 
sprint phone breaks you may have a cheaper path to GSM through them for 
your holdover.

Although I am from Germany, I don't think the "plans" here are that
different to yours.
"Flat" plans are only available for post-paid contracts.
Some pre-paid contracts allow GPRS connects charged by 10kB blocks.
That means that you won't get charged for data connects per minute
but per transfered data blocks (both directions!).

The mobile companies do not make their money with phones. It is more
the opposite, because they subsidize the phones to get them attractiv
to potential customers. Long running contracts are the consequences.
Look at the long running contracts as a kind of credit agreement for
buying a mobile phone.
If you do not take a subsidized phone, you can get a discount on the
rates or alternatively a shorter contract period.
None of the companies take care how you spend your money, as long as
you spend much of it to them using their "lines".

The difference between the "SmartPhone Connect" and the "Data Connect"
plan is mentioned in the details. With the "Data Connect" you are able
to synchronize your office stuff with your smartphone via mobile
connections (although it will be limited to Microsoft software, I
"SmartPhone Connect" lacks this "feature". That seems to be the reason
for the different rates.
To get one of this plans you will need to take an additional voice plan

My advice for you would be, to ask your local phone shop guys for a
contract without a subsidized phone and the possibility to add a "data
plan" later on when you need it. If you will use the phone for regular
data connections, ask for the possibility to get a "flat" data plan
later on. Not all of the offered voice plans allow the addition of a
data plan, so take care when you choose one of them.
It should be possible to get a short running contract if you renounce
the subsidized phones and take a plan which is "non-flat" (means: pay
per use).


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