Re: UI ideas/questions or can we animate things as smooth as iPhone?

2007-06-08 Thread Silva, Daniel

The problem with evas as i see it, is the available developer pool.
GTK as of now is more mature and has many more knowledged developers 
One other problem is that i don't see many language bindings for EFL ( at 
least mature )
other than Ruby, that could hinder a bit future development/support for more 

Another option, i just thought it abiut it now, is to loose GTK and EFL 
altogether and use
Cairo to render all the widgets, its has many backends already available 
including X, DirectFB and OpenGL so
that wouldn't be an issue, it also has bindings for MANY languages so that 
isn't an issue either.

It would require some initial work to program all the widgets, but i believe 
in the long run it

would pay off.


- Original Message -
From: "Pedro Aguilar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ThomasGstädtner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: UI ideas/questions or can we animate things as smooth as 


We should try different options, do some serious benchmarks and based on
the results we could choose the best solution.

Some options would be:
- X11/GTK
- X11/EFL
- DirectFB/GTK
- DirectFB/EFL

Both, GTK and EFL, have backends for X11 and DirectFB, so running demos
and apps shouldn't be a problem.

Running DirectFB/GTK works fine in embedded systems, I used it in a
PNX8550 processor, but the Neo's processor doesn't have that processing

According to the ELF doc, the Evas library with DirectFB backend is
designed with embedded systems in mind, but I haven't tested it. At least
in the i386 platform works great.

One real problem I see is that for making some benchmarking we need the
real hardware, an emulator wouldn't be reliable.

Pedro Aguilar

Imho the EFL are the best choise for a device like the Neo.
I'm really looking forward to have a EFL-based gui as alternative to the

2007/6/8, Florent THIERY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Related tutorial :

The choice should be driven by benchmarks results. EFLs are on the row



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Mono runtime port

2007-06-08 Thread Silva, Daniel
As anyone tried to run mono on OpenMoko ?
I'm really interested in this, and im already doing some work to see how much i 
can reduce it's footprint,
but i don't want to reinvent the wheel and waste valuable time.

So as anyone worked on this ?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: UI ideas/questions or can we animate things as smooth as iPhone?

2007-06-07 Thread Silva, Daniel
What I see is a situation very similar to the WinG (Windows Game) 

in the Windows 95 timeframe.  These allowed a Windows app to take over the
entire screen and bypass GDI--even to the point of changing screen res and
refresh rates.  Then, when you Alt-Tab'd away, or some other reason 

you to go back to other windows, you'd revert back to the normal modes.

If we can have a method by which an app can take over the screen from X, 

then give it back (or have it taken back if necessary) then the apps (e.g.
games) that need bare-metal access can do it, and those that can perform
fine within X can do that.

I'm certainly not trying to say that all apps need bare-metal access, or
that frameworks are a bad thing.  But they become bad if they prevent you
from bypassing them at need.

I'm not an X expert--I've dealt with Linux as little as possible in my
career--so I don't have ready access to the knowledge about what is
possible, what is easy, and what just plain won't work with these systems.
If we can keep X and GTK and provide a way to get maximum performance for
those apps that need it...great!

- John

OpenMoko community mailing list

And i agree with you, thats why in my opinion something along the lines of 
DirectFB should be used.
This library allows developers to bypass the X and allows applications to 
talk directly to video hardware with a thin simple API,

no need to switch anything.
The better part is that DirectFB already has GTK+ support so less 
refactoring would be necessary, but thats the problem,
some code would have to be rewritten but with projects like XDirectFB, wich 
alows unmodified code targeted to X to run unmodified, this

could be made gradually.
I believe there are many potential solutions for this 'problem' without 
having to hinder programming simplicity.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Fw: UI ideas/questions or can we animate things as smooth as iPhone?

2007-06-07 Thread Silva, Daniel

OK resending this since i accidentally sent it directly to Mr John Seghers

- Original Message -
From: "Silva, Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Seghers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: UI ideas/questions or can we animate things as smooth as 

- Original Message -
From: "John Seghers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'OpenMoko'" 
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: UI ideas/questions or can we animate things as smooth as 

I've been lurking, but this is something that I do have a bit of 

with--and definitely some opinions.

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote

Tomasz Zielinski wrote:
> framework, designed for mobile devices and running quick
> framebuffer operations? GameBoy provided nice full-screen animations
> in 1989, eighteen years ago.

I feel your pain. Trust me, it hurts me as well...

The GameBoy Advance is an ARM7TDMI running at 32MHz.  However, its screen
size was only 240 x 160 (1/8 VGA) and it had a hardware-based sprite 

as well as both bitmapped and character mapped graphics capabilities with
hardware fine scrolling and multiple planes.

IIRC, the GTA01 has a 266MHz processor--only a little more than 8x the
GBA--and fully 8x the screen area with 16x the memory required for a 

> I'm 100% sure nobody will cry after pure-X11 applications we loose
> this way. Almost every GTK application would require rewriting/porting
> to fit OpenMoko capabilities, so it's not great loss too. Not to
> mention font and other DPI-aware issues.

Interesting. Can I hear more supportive or counter arguments?
What do the others think?

I've been writing games since 1981, on Atari 5200, 8-bit NES, SFX, 
Windows, and too many cell phones to keep track of. Please, please, 
give us direct access to the frame buffer and a low level API to the 

in the GTA02.

I don't know if you have to throw away X11 support to do so, but I do 

that you won't lose much if you do so.

No you don't have to sack X11 to have access to the underlying hardware, 
you can
interface with it through DRI ( Direct Rendering Infrastructure ), but 
that would
kill the point of having X11, why having X11 if you access the hardware 
And besides you would have to write a DRI driver to interface with 
OpenMoko hardware,

since there's only a handfull of drivers available.

I agree that loosing X11 per se wouldn't do much harm, but going the 
vanilla framebuffer
way we would be loosing a lot. It would require ALOT of work to rebuild 
what has been done
until now ( if they're really using X11+GTK ) just to go in that 
direction, when i believe

the problem is not there.
I believe people are missing few things, although i really didn't checked 
the code yet,
i bet the code is still very umpolished and could and will be optimized. 
From what i've seen
in the wiki, OpenMoko is still using KDrive ( trimmed down XServe 
implementation ) and a full

Change that for something like DirectFB and uClib ( or diet libc ) and you 
already would

start to see things shape up.
Then there's loading times, for a solution like OpenMoko i wouldn't rely 
on dynamic linking

and would go for static linking, remeber this is not a desktop system.
If you/they must use dynamic linking i would recomment using something 
along the lines

of prelink.

A lot of statements have been made here about people flocking to the Neo
*because* they can modify it. But remember that the geeks who will buy it
because they can run their favorite X application, or bring up a Linux 
are the vast minority if you're looking at hundreds of thousands or 

of devices being sold.

The vast majority of the purchasers are going to be people who buy it
because it functions smoothly, makes great calls, and has lots of nifty 
candy. And, oh by the way, the can customize it to their heart's desire. 
those customizations aren't going to be done at the Linux developer 

Those are going to be seamless plug-ins or self-installing apps that give
them something they want on the phone. This also points to the need for a
slick graphical app catalog/installer.  Synaptic, apt-get, rpm...not 

to cut it for the normal end user.

There are loads and loads of cheap and really great functioning cell 
phones, OpenMoko/neo1973
could be the greatest phone in the world and still noe even make a small 
dent on

the market.
Sure there are people who will look for the best bang for the buck, but 
mus of them

will just buy what's more trendy and/or has the most 'cool' factor.
Just look the iPod and the more recent iPhone fenomena, neither one are 
the best on the