RE: Alternative input, like Dasher

2007-01-19 Thread Ulrik Rasmussen
20 words? That's actually a pretty acceptable speed I think. I can achieve 
about 30 words per minute on a regular cell phone, so I can imagine it will 
be possible to get there with quickscript or similar, through practice.

I've been playing a little with an idea I had, so I tried putting something 
together in javascript and php, to see what it would feel like. I believe an 
approach like this would result in some nice speeds too, after some practice: .


Derek Pressnall wrote:
 Quoting Ulrik Rasmussen:
  Do you know how many words/characters per minute it is possible to 
 I ran some tests a while ago, using the Zaurus version of quikscript,
 here's what I posted to a zaurus forum at the time (based on my
 personal results):
 : 1) Handwriting recognition: barely 5 - 7 words a minute, due to
 recognition inacuracies
 : 2) On-screen keyboard: about 15 - 20 words a minute
 : 3) Quickscript: Just achieved 20 words a minute, and still improving
 : 4) Hardware keyboard: 30 - 35 words a minute
 : 5) Normal computer keyboard: 85 - 100 words a minute.
 This was after using quikscript for about a couple weeks or so, and
 entering some standard typing speed tests (i.e., the quick brown fox
 jumps over the lazy yellow dog).  I would expect quikscript to end up
 closer to 30 - 40 words a minute with continued practice (however I
 don't take notes too often on a pda anymore).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Alternative input, like Dasher

2007-01-17 Thread Derek Pressnall

One of my favorite alternative inputs is a system callec QuickWriting
(I've also seen it called qwikscript, qwikscroll, etc).  The concept
is that you have the alphabet aranged in groups along a circle, where
the circle is divided into eight sections.  Each section contains 5
characters.  To select a character, you drag the stylus from the
center of the circle into the appropriate section, then either go back
to the center, or enter an adjacent section(s) then go back to the
center.  The section(s) you enter and leave determine the character
Once you get used to it (after about a week or so) you start to
develope a flow for certain words and you can end up with a fairly
quick input speed (faster than on-screen keyboard).  One
implimentation is called QwikScript for Qtopia, but I haven't seen
this done for GTK yet.  Check it out on

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Alternative input, like Dasher

2007-01-17 Thread Paul Bohme

Derek Pressnall wrote:

One of my favorite alternative inputs is a system callec QuickWriting
(I've also seen it called qwikscript, qwikscroll, etc).  The concept
is that you have the alphabet aranged in groups along a circle, where
the circle is divided into eight sections.  Each section contains 5
characters.  To select a character, you drag the stylus from the
center of the circle into the appropriate section, then either go back
to the center, or enter an adjacent section(s) then go back to the
center.  The section(s) you enter and leave determine the character
Once you get used to it (after about a week or so) you start to
develope a flow for certain words and you can end up with a fairly
quick input speed (faster than on-screen keyboard).  One
implimentation is called QwikScript for Qtopia, but I haven't seen
this done for GTK yet.  Check it out on

I did an implementation of this for the Agenda VR3 some years ago.  Is 
one of the things that I was thinking of pulling in, as it is far 
preferable (imho) to an on-screen keyboard.  It uses some FLTK-based 
libs, should be a pretty straight recompile with some adjustments for 
the vastly higher resolution of the device vs. the Agenda. has the existing project.


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