Re: suspend and immediate wake-up

2008-07-29 Thread Al Johnson
On Monday 28 July 2008, arne anka wrote:
> > I have the same issue (not always but sometimes),.. and this comes
> > probably not from GSM network messages...
> > Because it happens over and over again (once this issue happens).
> i've gotten the impression that the acceleration sensors play an
> importanmt role.
> it simply happens too often that i take the fr in my hands and it wakes up
> -- too often at least to be purely conicidential.

cat /sys/devices/platform/neo1973-resume.0/resume_reason

With a recent kernel and uboot this should tell you which device woke it up by 
sticking a * next to the interrupt that did it, and another to provide more 
detail if it was the PMU that did it.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 17:14 -0700, ian douglas wrote:

> And while Openmoko is working on their own framework, I have to agree
> with many other voices: knowing which platform to develop for, as a
> developer myself, is confusing.

This is exactly the point. Openmoko should be like Ubuntu: integrating
what is there and adding here and there a missing link.

Ubuntu wouldn't be there where it stands today if there would be an
"Ubuntu framework".

They are just making nice distributions and that is the key of their
success. There is no real difference between Ubuntu, Kubuntu and
Xubuntu. Gimp (GTK) will run on Kubuntu and Scribus (qt) on Ubuntu and
both do run on Xubuntu.

However, openmoko-messages will not run on "ASU".

The Framework idea is a Microsoft idea. Remember the days when you
couldn't even uninstall Internet Explorer? It was part of the

The success of Linux is based on the freedom of choice. No frameworks

Last not least: the phonekit of OM2007.2 is dbus based too and can
therefore be used with qt, etk or whatever else pleases you. This whole
argument that FSO allows "cross-toolkit" is stale.

Well, just lets go back over 99 walls...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: suspend and immediate wake-up

2008-07-29 Thread Andy Green
Hash: SHA1

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
| On Monday 28 July 2008, arne anka wrote:
|>> I have the same issue (not always but sometimes),.. and this comes
|>> probably not from GSM network messages...
|>> Because it happens over and over again (once this issue happens).
|> i've gotten the impression that the acceleration sensors play an
|> importanmt role.
|> it simply happens too often that i take the fr in my hands and it
wakes up
|> -- too often at least to be purely conicidential.
| cat /sys/devices/platform/neo1973-resume.0/resume_reason
| With a recent kernel and uboot this should tell you which device woke
it up by
| sticking a * next to the interrupt that did it, and another to provide
| detail if it was the PMU that did it.

Right.  The Motion sensors can be a wake source, but we neither enable
it right now nor set them up in threshold mode so we get an interrupt if
they experienced something big.

It's likely just the GSM traffic stuff.

- -Andy
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: suspend and immediate wake-up

2008-07-29 Thread Cédric Berger
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 23:28, arne anka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i've gotten the impression that the acceleration sensors play an
> importanmt role.
> it simply happens too often that i take the fr in my hands and it wakes up
> -- too often at least to be purely conicidential.

Indeed I noticed the same wakes on move (when I take my phone in
hands, not touching the screen).

But with Qtopia my phone does not wake up this way. Neither on moves,
nor during cell registration.
It does however correctly wake up on incoming calls and SMS.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Flash ASU

2008-07-29 Thread DooD

Most of these instructions i have pulled off the wiki or from other e-mails,
Do not hold me responsible if you brick your Freerunner while following

Here is what has worked for me so far
First you want to get the newest ASU rootfs from

The newest ASU rootfs for now is

After you have downloaded that you will want to go to

Following the instructions on the page download the dfu-util to the same
directory as the rootfs.jffs2

Now you will need to power down your Freerunner and power it into the NOR
uBoot menu for flashing.
(in short: press and hold aux then power)
When the menu has come up attach the Freerunner to your host linux system
via USB.
*note* uBoot menu will not stay on for long, unless you scroll using the aux

Now open a terminal on the host linux system, go to the directory of your
dfu-util and rootfs.jffs2,and run the command:
*note* changing the name of the rootfs.jffs2 to whatever you downloaded

./dfu-util -a rootfs -R -D

Let dfu-util run its magic, then you should be able to boot into the ASU.


Now if you installed the 200807022 ASU you will notice some problems, mainly
that there is no keyboard!
What you will need to do now is to opkg update and upgrade.

Assuming your host linux system has internet you will want to follow the
instructions in

On the host linux system commands

ifconfig usb0

should allow you to connect to the phone.


If you do not know how to use the vi editor on the Freerunner you may not be
able to do this next part
Also read the notes before updating your .conf files

Once you have your phone connected to the internet you will want to change
your opkg feeds. Manually you can just goto /etc/opkg and use vi *.conf, or
you can download updated .confs from

On the phone just "cd /etc" and type "wget"; followed by "tar xzf
opkg-asu*" This will extract the *.conf files to /etc/opkg. 

*IMPORTANT NOTE1* If you change the neo1973-feed.conf to, opkg will
download a kernel for the neo1973 onto your freerunner, while it wont stop
the phone from working it may stop the phone from having sound.
*IMPORTANT NOTE2* The newest e-wm and illume packages do not seem to work,
opkg upgrade may stop you from being able to boot into the ASU, tho you can
still connect to it with ssh. For now i would recommend pointing
/etc/opkg/armv4t.conf to and
rerun opkg update before running opkg upgrade.
*IMPORTANT NOTE3* opkg install
does not seem to flash the kernel correctly and will cause the system to
hang right as you power up your phone. you will need to reflash your kernel
in order to be able to boot again.


To get a keyboard working, and hopefully not kill your phone, try installing
the above *.conf files, but before running opkg update or upgrade :

rm /etc/opkg/om-gta02-d*
echo "src/gz daily-neo1973";
> /etc/opkg/neo*
echo "src/gz daily-armv4t"; >
opkg install

Now run opkg update, followed by opkg upgrade. Reboot your Freerunner and so
long as you boot into the ASU you should be able to use the keyboard in
Qtopia apps

If you are going to be installing GTK apps, such as "opkg install
openmoko-terminal2" you will want to be able to use the keyboard, either you
can have the keyboard automatically popup by installing
matchbox-keyboard-im*.ipk, or you can install a theme with the qwerty

To have the keyboard automagically popup

cd /tmp
mkdir matchbox-keyboard
cd matchbox-keyboard
tar -jxf keyboard-ipk.tar.bz2
opkg install matchbox-keyboard-im*.ipk
cd ..
rm -rf matchbox-keyboard

*note* it will extract 3 files, you only need to install
matchbox-keyboard-im*.ipk The other packages may completely replace th

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Brian C
Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> Dear Community
> Design.

This is a long, careful response to Sean's "Openmoko on Design" post.

If one goes back to the beginning of the "Terminal for ASU" thread, what
you find is that several users were just getting things set up and
mostly working in ASU and then they upgraded and found numerous things
were broken because they no longer had a means of manually bringing up a
keyboard.  A keyboard that always automatically knows when it is needed
sounds great in theory, but prior to that perfect keyboard being
implemented, what happened here was that users experienced a degradation
in usability and had no obvious means of restoring the lost
functionality.  They were understandably frustrated by this.

At the same time we heard comments from a key developer who indicated
that the decision was made above him by unnamed individuals with whom
the community has no obvious means of communication, and who apparently
don't even listen to the reasonable technical arguments of key
developers.  This also seemed to reveal something about the internals of
Openmoko that weren't expected: development decisions are not entirely
made by the developers, but instead they answer to some people who the
community cannot readily identify and who the community doesn't know how
to interact with or if they even can interact with these decision-makers.

This led to another set of questions.  Many in the community presumed
that they would be permitted to contribute code/ideas/design to the
software stack that Openmoko is developing, i.e., ASU, but if there are
unnamed designers implementing a private design superstructure that
overrides even Openmoko developers, then the usefulness or likelihood of
thinking that an ordinary end user could become an important part of
that development process seems extremely diminished, if not
extinguished.  This understandably disappointed developers who had hoped
to make such core contributions.

When prodded to respond, Openmoko employees indicated a willingness to
answer questions.  At least the following very specific questions were

1) Who is Openmoko's "design department"?
2) Many in the community believed that Openmoko wanted the community to
contribute code to the core applications/functionality of the software
stack.  Is this not the case?
3) If the design department is operating from a design document, has it
been made public?  If so, where?  If not, why not?

Sean responded with a lengthy email.  It illustrated again why he is the
CEO.  A CEO needs to be focused on the big picture, as was his response.
 A CEO also needs to point his or her team and the customers towards
that vision.  Sean's email was great at this.  However, I think many in
the community just wanted some specific answers to the questions above.
 Sean's email only partially succeeds at this.

We learned:

"Being open doesn't mean we put the essential ideas behind each product
to a public vote." which suggests that there may be some parts of what
Openmoko is developing that the community will not have a means of
directly participating in, and tends to confirm some of the fears
expressed above.

But we also learned:

"We're building an empty vessel for you to fill with your ideas." and
"Change anything you want to our interface and we will gladly deliver it
to everyone." and these suggest that community contributions are
welcome, even to the interface, and those contributions will sometimes,
at least, become an officially distributed part of the Openmoko
interface.  So that tends to counteract those fears.

And while we didn't get any answer to question (1)--who is the design
team?--we were told that an answer to question (3)--is there a design
doc?--would require working as an Openmoko employee for several months.
 I think the implication of this has to be that, No, there isn't a
single design document that can be pointed to at this moment that
explains every decision made or priority had by the Openmoko team.  OK.

Everyone should step back and recognize that the device has not even
been on sale for a full month.

Maybe some people were expecting from day one to use it as their
everyday phone for push email, calendar, and contacts, and web browsing
and video/mp3 playback, and GPS applications-galore, all with a
bluetooth headset that would be operated by accelerometers or something.
 But we all recognize now that it's not there yet.

So, we all should also recognize that there are a million little (and
some big) things that need to be done to get the device to have all the
capabilities that its hardware make possible.

But the community can have (at least) two distinct ways of helping with
that giant TODO list.  1) The community can build applications that run
on a framework delivered to us by the Openmoko team; or 2) the community
can be directly involved in working on the underlying framework on the
device; or 3) both.

It was this incident with the keyboard that made sever

Re: Not activate WiFi at PowerOn

2008-07-29 Thread Andy Green
Hash: SHA1

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
| Hello,
| How can I disable WiFi at PowerOn?
| It´s not nice to manually disable it after all Reboot.

I was staring at this code the other day... we just force it up during
machine init.  It's expensive too, 300ms or so wasted on it blocking
startup and the power is subsequently always getting used.

I will push it into its own powermanagement /sys file like we do bt and
gps for example, but this will break userspace until they start using
the /sys.  Still one the dust settles that will be much more sane.

- -Andy
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> A keyboard that always automatically knows when it is needed
> sounds great in theory, but prior to that perfect keyboard being
> implemented, what happened here was that users experienced a  
> degradation
> in usability and had no obvious means of restoring the lost
> functionality.  They were understandably frustrated by this.

It should be noted, also, that this degradation in usability occurred  
not just with the keyboard panel functionality, but with quite a few  
other things in the OM eco-sphere as well - bluetooth, for example,  
regressed, somewhere in between 2007.8 and 2008.2, as did audio, as  
has SDL support, and I think we could really come up with a list of  
quite a few things that 'sort of almost worked, and then stopped  
completely being usable' ..  It is a sensitivity to this back-stepping  
that leads me to a more vocal opinion about how the base distro  
platform is being managed at this time.

> At the same time we heard comments from a key developer who indicated
> that the decision was made above him by unnamed individuals with whom
> the community has no obvious means of communication, and who  
> apparently
> don't even listen to the reasonable technical arguments of key
> developers.  This also seemed to reveal something about the  
> internals of
> Openmoko that weren't expected: development decisions are not entirely
> made by the developers, but instead they answer to some people who the
> community cannot readily identify and who the community doesn't know  
> how
> to interact with or if they even can interact with these decision- 
> makers.

Thus putting lie to the 'its open, so fix it yourself' argument'.

> This led to another set of questions.  Many in the community presumed
> that they would be permitted to contribute code/ideas/design to the
> software stack that Openmoko is developing, i.e., ASU, but if there  
> are
> unnamed designers implementing a private design superstructure that
> overrides even Openmoko developers, then the usefulness or  
> likelihood of
> thinking that an ordinary end user could become an important part of
> that development process seems extremely diminished, if not
> extinguished.  This understandably disappointed developers who had  
> hoped
> to make such core contributions.

I concur with your excellent conclusion and only wish I could've been  
more eloquent on this issue personally.

> Sean's email only partially succeeds at this.

Actually, it raised alarm bells, in these quarters.  It appeared, to  
me, to be somewhat of a smoke-cloud in an attempt to provide cover  
over a situation that is detrimental to the survival of OpenMoko as a  
whole; not just as a company, but also as a community.  It is a CEO's  
job to provide smoke and mirrors when all else fails.

> "We're building an empty vessel for you to fill with your ideas." and
> "Change anything you want to our interface and we will gladly  
> deliver it
> to everyone." and these suggest that community contributions are
> welcome, even to the interface, and those contributions will  
> sometimes,
> at least, become an officially distributed part of the Openmoko
> interface.  So that tends to counteract those fears.

I think this is really more of a feint on the part of an embattled  
CEO, actually.  The two conditions: "we reserve certain parts of our  
system for our own designs", and "you can contribute whatever you want  
and we will distribute it to all and sundry" are not compatible.  Does  
not compute.

> Maybe some people were expecting from day one to use it as their
> everyday phone for push email, calendar, and contacts, and web  
> browsing
> and video/mp3 playback, and GPS applications-galore, all with a
> bluetooth headset that would be operated by accelerometers or  
> something.

This is as good a spec as we're going to get, isn't it?

 >Further, a number of developers have repeatedly asked with respect to
> option (1): How do I design my application to work with so many
> different stacks?  What should I be targeting?  Sometimes this gets
> answered with: "Take your pick!  The ultimate goal is for all such
> applications to work regardless, i.e., FSO is supposedly going to run
> GTK, Qt, or whatever-based apps."  But most developers who ask this
> question don't understand how that is supposed to work and need a  
> little
> more guidance on how to go about things so that they know that they
> aren't wasting their time building something that won't end up  
> working.
> That is, it sounds like these developers NEED some sort of design
> document so that they better understand where things are headed so  
> that
> they can do their part.

For my part I can help with this - I believe that developer tutorials  
that demonstrate how to operate in these environments and still  
produce a viable result are badly needed, so I am continuing the work  
I started with my DraftNotes last year, and will expand this to include:

1. How to set up a compile

Re: Bus Error

2008-07-29 Thread Andy Green
Hash: SHA1

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
| During a opkg upgrade apparently the network connection stopped
because the FR
| fell asleep (my rendition of what happened).
| After booting everything was fine, except that I cannot connect
anymore to the
| FR through USB.
| If usb0 gets uped through ifconfig, I get the same: bus error
| Any idea of what might have happened and how the situation can be
| (other that reloading the root file system?

Bus Error is some exception happening... we have alignment fixup enabled
AFAIK so it isn't that.

Do a


before and after this and post any new info that got added there.

- -Andy
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 00:35 -0700, Brian C wrote:

[snip ]

> So, I'll ask again: does
> Openmoko intend to allow direct code contributions by community members
> to core components of the ASU/FSO frameworks?

It would be better to get rid of this whole framework concept and doing
what Sean is constantly talking about: freedom. Freedom of choice.

The framework means tying the applications to the system level which is
like tying Firefox to Apache. 

No developer who is sane in his mind will want to marry a whole PIM API
just for sending an SMS. And FSO is essentially a newly invented,
unstable and immature PIM API. This is so much like Microsoft.

And there are already plenty of PIM APIs. Just use one of them, they all
work cross toolkit.

The gsmd needs a libgsmd and on top of this implement whatever dbus API
you like. This is freedom. This is choice. But by immediately glueing
the dbus API to a specific gsmd you forcefully marry all developers to
your FSO. End of freedom, end of choice.

phonekit is a lot more flexible and future proof than FSO. Due to the
nature of dbus it can potentially run side by side with any other
'phonekit'. But the whole point of FSO is to block this out.

Why do you want people to "rip phonekit out" of OM2007.2? It is not your
business anyway if you stopped development of OM2007.2.

The problem is not ETK, not qtopia, not GTK. The problem is framework
and FSO. This whole strength of Linux is separation of components. Do
one thing and do it well. Why willfully destroy this great concept of

Openmoko should concentrate on kernel and driver work, power management
and working hardware and a basic set of apps. All this is mostly there
with OM2007.2 and now energy is better spend on doing thousand of little
improvements than starting again from scratch.

Marcus - developer of tangoGPS. I know what I'm talking about.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: suspend and immediate wake-up

2008-07-29 Thread Cédric Berger
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 09:31, Andy Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> |>> Because it happens over and over again (once this issue happens).
> |> i've gotten the impression that the acceleration sensors play an
> |> importanmt role.
> |> it simply happens too often that i take the fr in my hands and it
> wakes up
> |> -- too often at least to be purely conicidential.
> |
> | cat /sys/devices/platform/neo1973-resume.0/resume_reason
> |
> | With a recent kernel and uboot this should tell you which device woke
> it up by
> | sticking a * next to the interrupt that did it, and another to provide
> more
> | detail if it was the PMU that did it.
> Right.  The Motion sensors can be a wake source, but we neither enable
> it right now nor set them up in threshold mode so we get an interrupt if
> they experienced something big.
> It's likely just the GSM traffic stuff.
> - -Andy

Well so it is probably that often, moving and taking the phone in
hands changes gsm reception enough to trigger some activity...

Openmoko community mailing list

How to customize the Power button menu

2008-07-29 Thread Niccolo Rigacci

I'm using the OM2007.2 on the Neo FreeRunner.
I wish to customize the Power button menu, i.e. I want a 
menu item to go immediately to sleep, instead of using the 
unreliable power management.

Of course I also need to know how to put the Neo on sleep... :-)

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Marek Lindner


> At the same time we heard comments from a key developer who indicated
> that the decision was made above him by unnamed individuals with whom
> the community has no obvious means of communication, and who apparently
> don't even listen to the reasonable technical arguments of key
> developers.  

Openmoko always avoided all kind of formal structures. Thus we don't have such 
a thing as "key" or "core" developer - "a" developer would be better.

> This also seemed to reveal something about the internals of 
> Openmoko that weren't expected: development decisions are not entirely
> made by the developers, but instead they answer to some people who the
> community cannot readily identify and who the community doesn't know how
> to interact with or if they even can interact with these decision-makers.

May be it revealed that Openmoko itself is diverse as well. That some 
developers have different opinions than others. 

> It was this incident with the keyboard that made several people believe
> option (2) was not available, and even after Sean's message, I still
> don't believe that we know the answer.  So, I'll ask again: does
> Openmoko intend to allow direct code contributions by community members
> to core components of the ASU/FSO frameworks?  If so, will such
> community members also have a voice in underlying design decisions that
> guide that/those framework(s)?

if course you can - that is the whole point of Openmoko. The best way is to 
implement a solution, offer a package to install and let the people play with 
it. If your idea is convincing we will include it.

> Openmoko has to trust those members of the community, who prove themselves
> through actual contributions, to be worthy to give input on larger design
> issues as well.  

You got the point !


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ringtone Question

2008-07-29 Thread Chris Hogan
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 4:42 AM, Hans L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 1:21 PM, reaper527 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was wondering how people have generated their ringtones for use with the
>> openmoko. i ended up clipping mp3's and exporting them
>> as wav files using audacity on a windows machine. i then scp'ed the wav
>> files over to the openmoko, at which point they wouldn't work as ringtones.
> I haven't tried it, but I would suggest loading the default openmoko
> ringtone in audacity, and using exactly that format.

Audacity probably isn't the best app for doing this, as it doesn't
edit .wavs directly - they are imported into a 'project', then
exported again. When exported, the .wav's sample format/rate is
inherited from the project, not the original .wav file (unless it has
changed recently - been ages since I've used it!)

mhwaveedit in Linux would be a better choice for this... not sure
about Windows apps though, possibly wavosaur or wavepad?

Or sox, of course :-).

My Freerunner hasn't arrived yet; when it does I'll check this out, it
should be fairly easy to write a shell script which will convert any
sound into a ringtone. It would be nice if there was an app on the
phone itself to do it too...


Openmoko community mailing list

RE: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld

2008-07-29 Thread Kristian 'kriss' Mueller
Am Dienstag, den 29.07.2008, 08:23 +0200 schrieb Marcus Bauer:
> > > The opposite is true. FSO forces you into ASU. It basically makes
> all
> > > work that has been put into OM2007.2 useless.
> > > 
> > > Please stop telling these lies.
> > 
> > Marcus, did I miss the irony here, or do you really believe this?
> [..]
> FSO is the brainchild of Dr. Michael Lauer, fresh from the university's
> ivory tower but lacking any industry experience. It is reinventing the
> wheel and drains lots of ressources that are needed elsewhere inside of
> Openmoko. It combines plenty of things out of which one is a new PIM API
> based on dbus. This idea alone is worth to be mentioned every day for a
> year on the dailyWTF website.

Well, this is an interesting point. I've had the same doubt with DBUS. 
But event driven programming is exactly what is needed for a battery
driven device. IMHO

> It is not about GTK or qt or ETK. It is about getting a working platform
> out to users and developers. OM2007.2 was mostly there. 

You are right. 

But said that, there is nothing we can do about the decision taken now.
And it was taken rather now than even later, because the developers knew
they could do better.

> It reminds me to
> a joke:
> Two fools try to escape from a lunatics hospital. There are 100
> walls to climb over and so they start: 10, 20, 50, 90, 99. In
> that moment says the one to the other: 'Lets go back and do the
> last wall tomorrow'.

Nice analogy. But FSO is not going back - but pauses to build a bigger

Even if the idea behind FSO is to build everything from scratch - we can
still take all we've got with 2007.2 and just use it in FSO until the
newer, better approach is usable. (which will be in 2 or 3 months - if I
read the roadmap right)

I wasn't reading this list for months, but I find it a pity that guys
like you where ignored when designing FSO. IMHO GTK and the
Openmoko-GTK-theme have to be usable in FSO - and there has to be
support for the older daemons until the new ones are usable and
implemented in all apps.

Greetings from Berlin
/* Web:  | Tel:+49 (0)170/6692447  *
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 * GPG-ID:  4BBB6525 (..2009)   | Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]*
 * Twitter: kristian_m  | MSN:[EMAIL PROTECTED] */

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: suspend and immediate wake-up

2008-07-29 Thread arne anka
> Well so it is probably that often, moving and taking the phone in
> hands changes gsm reception enough to trigger some activity...

hm, sounds plauible. i never really got the hang of this reception stuff.
which reminds me: there was talk about raster building a daemon that  
checks the wakeup reason and cancels the wakeup if not important, are  
there any packages already (for 2007.2 too)?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Bus Error

2008-07-29 Thread Tilman Baumann
Eildert Groeneveld wrote:
> During a opkg upgrade apparently the network connection stopped because the FR
> fell asleep (my rendition of what happened).
> After booting everything was fine, except that I cannot connect anymore to 
> the 
> FR through USB.
> If usb0 gets uped through ifconfig, I get the same: bus error
> Any idea of what might have happened and how the situation can be remedied 
> (other that reloading the root file system?
On most platforms, this is more or less equivalent to a segfault.
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread arne anka
> If you need a benevolent dictator to lead, why not become one yourself?
> If you need standards why not make them? This is not a responsibility
> of the Openmoko team. They already gave us the damn thing to build it
> all on. This really is the job of the community. Stop whining and start
> doing the job yourself if you want it done. It's no one else's
> responsibility.

sorry, but that's imho part of the responsibility of om -- if i don't liek  
i don't need to use it but why should i (and everyone else) invent taht  
kind of stuff?
distributors like debian/suse/redhat/... even gentoo create distributions  
so you don't need to worry about all that tedious stuff like installing,  
updating, uninstalling, keeping track of files, creating config files and  
so on.
most users of linux do not use it because the want to create their system  
 from scratch -- the are happy that someone organizes things that need to  
be taken care of and the adjust or modify where needed.

basically the same thing is it i was expecting from om.
i was hoping that these decisions  where made already and i had not to  
care about them -- i am, like probably the most of us, rather  
application-oriented, and i want to focus on managing existing  
applications and -- hopefully in a near future -- developing my own, using  
firm foundations.

those foundations do in no way harm the freedom to create a completely  
different kind of managing the freerunner, like the pure existence of  
debian or slackware didn't hinder the creation and growing up of mandrake,  
suse or redhat.
but the _user_ had a distribution to work with.

i read seans mail rather as a polite way to say "we're pissed off by all  
this criticism".
well, as a ceo of om he can't be that frank as jay or marcus bauer from  
tangogps, but certainly he has a point here.
otoh the hair raising issue of the root login or the thread regarding the  
keyboard toggle of asu prove that those being critical have valid points,  

after all, we're now (imo) at the usual point with projects being so  
overeloaded with ideas and imagination:
people see the realy thing and realize that a lot of high hopes are far  
 from reality -- adapting to these new facts is a lengthy process with a  
lot of criticism until the vision and reality match.
i can fully understand that people like jay, knowing the neo1973 and  
hoping for the fr to fix a lot of shortcomings, _are_ annoyed, in  
particular when they get the impression that everything they say dies away  

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread arne anka
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:23:41 +0200, Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> No developer who is sane in his mind will want to marry a whole PIM API
> just for sending an SMS. And FSO is essentially a newly invented,
> unstable and immature PIM API. This is so much like Microsoft.
> And there are already plenty of PIM APIs. Just use one of them, they all
> work cross toolkit.
> ...

no i finally got what's your problem with fso.
while i in some respects agree with you i otoh are worried by the very  
limited resources of the freerunner.
on my laptop there's plenty of ram, cpu, harddisk to have all kind of apps  
and their daemons coexisting (but, using linux for over a decade now and  
coming from an k5-133 cpu, i am still annoyed and worried by the lot of  
rather needless daemons and background processes, in particular those  
evolution related ones, only for the lighntning calendar app).
the fr is far more limited in this respect, so that same kind of  
coexistence seems hardly managable.
that's where a framework seems sensible to me: a lot of functionality  
common to all kind of apps is put into a framework and there's no need to  
run concurrent processes who do basically the same thing, just because gtk  
uses gconf (or whatever) and etk something else and qt(opia) adds another  

what is your idea to remedy those qualms?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to customize the Power button menu

2008-07-29 Thread Al Johnson
On Tuesday 29 July 2008, Niccolo Rigacci wrote:
> Of course I also need to know how to put the Neo on sleep... :-)

apm -s

Openmoko community mailing list

GTK in Qtopia

2008-07-29 Thread Cédric Berger

Is there a way to run a GTK application under Qtopia ?

Some kind of GTK-Qt bridge... a way for GTK to write to Qtopia
framebuffer instead of X
... or X writes to framebuffer ?
... or whole screen control switches from framebuffer to X while this app runs ?

I think I have seen somewhere a solution via server X -> VNC ->
KeyPeeble  (vnc client under qtopia)... is that doable ?

I realize such a solution will probably not perform ideally (speed,
memory,... ?).
But even if not ideal, this could be really great to be able to launch
any given app. (just maybe not your every day apps)

And it may even not be as bad as on your desktop when you launch
another whole OS in a virtual machine... and still it can be very
useful !

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Not activate WiFi at PowerOn

2008-07-29 Thread Joachim Breitner

Am Dienstag, den 29.07.2008, 08:54 +0100 schrieb Andy Green:
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> | Hello,
> |
> | How can I disable WiFi at PowerOn?
> | It´s not nice to manually disable it after all Reboot.
> I was staring at this code the other day... we just force it up during
> machine init.  It's expensive too, 300ms or so wasted on it blocking
> startup and the power is subsequently always getting used.
> I will push it into its own powermanagement /sys file like we do bt and
> gps for example, but this will break userspace until they start using
> the /sys.  Still one the dust settles that will be much more sane.

Are you tracking this with a bug in the tracker somehow, so that one can
subscribe (using the CC field) and watch the status?

Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
  mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Key: 4743206C
  Debian Developer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Request for help: Would like community applications to show and discuss at LinuxWorld

2008-07-29 Thread Kristian 'kriss' Mueller
Hi Michael

Am Mittwoch, den 23.07.2008, 09:49 -0700 schrieb Michael Shiloh:
> [...]
> At Linuxworld in two weeks I will have perhaps half a dozen phones at 
> our two booths, and I would love to showcase on each of these one or 
> more of your creations.
> * Any interesting FR-to-FR apps?
> * In case we have poor connectivity, apps that don't require GSM/GPRS
> * In case we have poor Wifi, apps that don't require Wifi

I can prepare a version of PyPenNotes that shares a whiteboard using
transmission of handwriting via Bluetooth/Wlan. (The App was part of my
master thesis and will be released anyway)

Which image are you using?
Tell me a deadline.

Greetings from Berlin
/* Web:  | Tel:+49 (0)170/6692447  *
 * Blog: | ICQ:93248497*
 * GPG-ID:  4BBB6525 (..2009)   | Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]*
 * Twitter: kristian_m  | MSN:[EMAIL PROTECTED] */

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld

2008-07-29 Thread John Lee
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 08:23:29AM +0200, Marcus Bauer wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 01:08 +0200, Kristian 'kriss' Mueller wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, den 29.07.2008, 00:46 +0200 schrieb Marcus Bauer:
> > > 
> > > The opposite is true. FSO forces you into ASU. It basically makes all
> > > work that has been put into OM2007.2 useless.
> > > 
> > > Please stop telling these lies.
> > 
> > Marcus, did I miss the irony here, or do you really believe this?
> This is simply a matter of fact, not of believe. FSO is a shitty API
> collection which is closely connected to ASU. Steve is a sales guy and
> has not much clue of the underlying software, thus he simply repeats
> what others told him.
> The bad combination is NIH (not invented here) together with
> almightyness thinking which results in all this religion here, making
> people like you ask whether I "believe". I don't believe, I simply know.

Part of my current work requires me to use fso daily.  It seems
strange that what I know seems to be different from what you know.

* fso does not force you to ASU or closely connected in any way.
  could you please elaborate?

  fso: an open specification dbus interface (
   + a reference design (frameworkd, check

  fso-image: fso + a reference python UI based on EFL.

  asu: a enlightenment WM for mobile phone (illume)
   + qtopia phone stack (not based on fso)
   + installer (EFL)
   + diversity (gps app based on EFL)
   + exposure (config app based on EFL)

the only similarity i can tell is EFL in fso-image.  but the fso
itself does NOT force you to use it, just the implemented reference UI
used it.  it's easy to do another reference UI with GTK.

> > Why should anyone at Openmoko want to keep out other frameworks, 
> > after even putting qtopia to X11?
> That was mostly Trolltech's work. And apart from that you technically
> can't "keep out" any other toolkit because there is Linux below and X on
> top of it.
> But FSO combines plenty of different things into one collection of API's
> and that is how the Microsoft world works and always did and which drove
> so many developers to Linux. If I use Apache as webserver I can use
> Konqueror, Opera, Safari or Firefox as browser. However, Microsoft has
> more than once tried to tie Internet Explorer to IIS, giving it an
> advantage over other browsers. Same goes for Microsoft Office and
> Windows.

exactly what are tied together here? 

i see the arguement here is probably 'fso makes anyone that wants to
develop on neo has to use this framework', but this is not true.  it
can make some developers' life easier but you don't have to use it.

for example, you can just run the ogpsd subsystem in frameworkd then
use phonekit + gsmd to handle gsm if you want.  on the other way
around, the frameworkd is just a reference design, anyone can take
libgsmd + gsmd to make the same interface on dbus.  any app on fso
will not notice.

> FSO is the brainchild of Dr. Michael Lauer, fresh from the university's
> ivory tower but lacking any industry experience. It is reinventing the
> wheel and drains lots of ressources that are needed elsewhere inside of
> Openmoko. It combines plenty of things out of which one is a new PIM API
> based on dbus. This idea alone is worth to be mentioned every day for a
> year on the dailyWTF website.

could you explain why it's a WTF idea to have a PIM API on dbus?

> It is not about GTK or qt or ETK. It is about getting a working platform
> out to users and developers. OM2007.2 was mostly there. It reminds me to
> a joke:
> Two fools try to escape from a lunatics hospital. There are 100
> walls to climb over and so they start: 10, 20, 50, 90, 99. In
> that moment says the one to the other: 'Lets go back and do the
> last wall tomorrow'.
> ...have fun and enjoy life and start looking at the Neo what it is: a
> tiny Linux computer with a GPS and a GSM modem. There is no sudden
> revolution going to happen tomorrow.

there are technical reasons behind the re-implementation of gsm daemon
but I'm not the one to answer it.  I think the reason why you are
unhappy is that OM moved away from OM2007.2.  well,

1. you are obviously not the only one who felt this way.
2. that's a separate issue.

since OM will stick with fso in the foreseeable future, I think port
OM2007.2 app suites to fso is a logical move.  ogpsd is there based on
gypsy, and it should be just another backend of tangogps.

> Freedom is a synonym for choice. The choice for your keyboard, for your
> window manager, for you applications, last not least for your gsmd.

I like this sentence.  if most of the functionalities on my neo have a
unified dbus interface then i'm happy.  honestly i failed to see
anything wrong with this.


> FIC/Openmoko came to support Linux on their hardware platform in order
> to give you this choice. Now it has changed into some religious
> life

Re: Not activate WiFi at PowerOn

2008-07-29 Thread Andy Green
Hash: SHA1

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
| Hi,
| Am Dienstag, den 29.07.2008, 08:54 +0100 schrieb Andy Green:
|> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
|> | Hello,
|> |
|> | How can I disable WiFi at PowerOn?
|> | It´s not nice to manually disable it after all Reboot.
|> I was staring at this code the other day... we just force it up during
|> machine init.  It's expensive too, 300ms or so wasted on it blocking
|> startup and the power is subsequently always getting used.
|> I will push it into its own powermanagement /sys file like we do bt and
|> gps for example, but this will break userspace until they start using
|> the /sys.  Still one the dust settles that will be much more sane.
| Are you tracking this with a bug in the tracker somehow, so that one can
| subscribe (using the CC field) and watch the status?

The patch is done already, here's the "ticket" -->

- -Andy
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Stroller

On 29 Jul 2008, at 09:23, Marcus Bauer wrote:
> ...
> Openmoko should concentrate on kernel and driver work, power  
> management
> and working hardware and a basic set of apps. ...


As Openmoko push more open hardware out the door, people will come  
running to do cool stuff on it.

It's the "blue sky" talk of "evoking innovation", "actualizing  
contributions" and "imagination resources" that is building  
excitement about Openmoko and leading to disappointment.

Honestly, if Openmoko said "the Freerunner is a free, open, Linux- 
based mobile phone that runs Trolltech's good old Qtopia phone  
software" then people would still be queuing up to buy it.

"oh, and by the way we're also developing some software of our own  
and you can try the open alpha if you want to" would be better than  
this "building the future" sort of stuff - although the latter phrase  
strictly indicates "it's not ready yet", it's far more evocative and  
emotional. We think we see our dreams *today* - no wonder people are  
peeved when they're dashed.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Robert Schuster

Scott schrieb:
> [snip]
I was under the impression that OpenMoko is a company about selling a
mobile phone not a community Wiki ...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Not activate WiFi at PowerOn

2008-07-29 Thread kd8ikt
Disable Wifi at boot (cause its on by default)

my suggestion is to drop in an `echo 0 > /sys/wlan/dev`
the exact location? i dunno but here lets findout

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# find /sys |grep power |grep eth0


#current state ?
cat /sys/devices/pnp0/00:01/net/eth0/power  

echo 0 > /sys/devices/pnp0/00:01/net/eth0/power

drop the off cmd in a boot script

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Robert Schuster

Jay Vaughan schrieb:
> [snip]
> This does not work.  That is all.
As Sean already said. You are only speaking for yourself.

I am glad that OpenMoko is not just another half-open half-closed effort
 that once thought: "Oh look Linux. It doesn't cost a dime. Let's make
something that is flashy and blinks and develop it as proprietary as we
always did."


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia: GPRS

2008-07-29 Thread Ole Kliemann
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:39:32PM +1000, Lorn Potter wrote:
> Qtopia runs the /opt/Qtopia/bin/ppp-network script. 

Ok, now I know where to look.

> I have fixed a few things I could see, but 
> haven't yet tested:
>  //depot/qtopia/main/devices/ficgta01/src/devtools/scripts/ppp-network#2 
> (xtext) 
> 24c24
> < RESOLVCONF="/mnt/user/etc/resolv.conf"
> ---
>  > RESOLVCONF="/etc/resolv.conf"
> 68c68,70
> < mkdir /etc/ppp/peers
> ---
>  > if [ ! -e /etc/ppp/peers ]; then
>  > mkdir /etc/ppp/peers
>  >  fi
> 100c102
> < $PPPD $* &
> ---
>  > "$PPPD" "$*" &

Just from looking at it: it must be 

"$PPPD" $@ &

"$*" will not fix it, the concat of all arguments will be passed as the
first and only.

Had to look up these things myself again. ;)


Description: PGP signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Not activate WiFi at PowerOn

2008-07-29 Thread kd8ikt
oh my bad i didnt read that correctly , its way past my bedtime anyway
> Disable Wifi at boot (cause its on by default)
> my suggestion is to drop in an `echo 0 > /sys/wlan/dev`
> the exact location? i dunno but here lets findout
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# find /sys |grep power |grep eth0
> /sys/devices/pnp0/00:01/net/eth0/power
> /sys/devices/pnp0/00:01/net/eth0/power/wakeup
> so
> #current state ?
> cat /sys/devices/pnp0/00:01/net/eth0/power  
> #OFF!
> echo 0 > /sys/devices/pnp0/00:01/net/eth0/power
> drop the off cmd in a boot script
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Al Johnson
On Tuesday 29 July 2008, Marek Lindner wrote:
> Hi,
> > At the same time we heard comments from a key developer who indicated
> > that the decision was made above him by unnamed individuals with whom
> > the community has no obvious means of communication, and who apparently
> > don't even listen to the reasonable technical arguments of key
> > developers.
> Openmoko always avoided all kind of formal structures. Thus we don't have
> such a thing as "key" or "core" developer - "a" developer would be better.

Whether the term is 'key developer' or just 'a developer' is irrelevant. The 
issue is the total lack of communication over removal of a function many in 
the community, not to mention said developer, have good technical reasons to 
see as absolutely vital.

> > This also seemed to reveal something about the internals of
> > Openmoko that weren't expected: development decisions are not entirely
> > made by the developers, but instead they answer to some people who the
> > community cannot readily identify and who the community doesn't know how
> > to interact with or if they even can interact with these decision-makers.
> May be it revealed that Openmoko itself is diverse as well. That some
> developers have different opinions than others.

Diversity of opinion is fine and expected, but we needed to hear what the 
other opinions were!

> > It was this incident with the keyboard that made several people believe
> > option (2) was not available, and even after Sean's message, I still
> > don't believe that we know the answer.  So, I'll ask again: does
> > Openmoko intend to allow direct code contributions by community members
> > to core components of the ASU/FSO frameworks?  If so, will such
> > community members also have a voice in underlying design decisions that
> > guide that/those framework(s)?
> if course you can - that is the whole point of Openmoko. The best way is to
> implement a solution, offer a package to install and let the people play
> with it. If your idea is convincing we will include it.

I thought that was the whole point too, but your answer seems only to answer 
one of the two questions. You seem to be saying 'Of course you can submit 
code, and if we like it we'll use it' but saying nothing about whether the 
community has a voice in the decision. It would be helpful to know before 
embarking on implementation whether the idea conflicts with one or more of 
the unstated ideals by which inclusion may be judged.

> > Openmoko has to trust those members of the community, who prove
> > themselves through actual contributions, to be worthy to give input on
> > larger design issues as well.
> You got the point !

I think so, but I think the rest of the paragraph, particularly the preceding 
sentence, was at least as important. Since you snipped it I'm not sure you 
feel the same way.

Openmoko community mailing list

compiling on the freerunner ( coreutils / git )

2008-07-29 Thread Benedikt Schindler

i am trying to get a low level compiling enviroment onto the freerunner.
my problem is, i don't have access to a cross compiling enviroment in 
the next
3 weeks. so i have to compile everthing directly on the freerunner.
I know, it's a bit slow  :) .

To make the starting easyer i would like to know, if there is a package 
for the coreutils and the git
somewhere out there. I haven't find anything on the lists or the wiki 
yet. When i try to
compile my coreutils(6.9) on my own, i get a
"utimens.h:2: error: conflicting types for 'futimens'
///usr/include/sys/stat.h:370: error: previous declaration of 'futimens' 
was here  "

i already have patched it with  the "coreutils-glibc2.6.patch"

In the bug tracker it sayed, that the patch is for all coreutil 
versions. isn't that right and do i have to
go down to coreutils 5.3 ? But before i restart with all this does 
someone have a precompiled version
of the coreutils for me?  or even better also a package with git?

btw :  i am using a ASU image, and "opkg list" doesn't come up with 
"git" or "coreutils".


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Flashing Qtopia using Windows XP SP2.

2008-07-29 Thread bijoy franco

I got it done. thanks a lot. 



> - Original Message -
> From: bijoy franco
> Sent: 29/07/08 12:10 pm
> To: support, Openmoko, sparkymat, Ajith, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
> community, openmoko
> Subject: Flashing Qtopia using Windows XP SP2.
> Hi,
> Thanks a lot to all of you guys for helping on this...especially Ajith 
> and Rakshat
> I have done following things.
> 1. Connected Neo to Windows XP SP2 machine
> 2. Installed neo1972.inf file
> 3. Assaign IP Address and Subnet mask to the conection
> 4. Downloaded dfu-util.exe and OpenMokoDFU files
> 5. Switched off ( Network connection disables.)and Switched on to NOR 
> Boot and Selected "Set console t USB"
> 6. But System don't prompt for OpenMokoDFU drivers ( Here at this stage, 
> Network connection disabled.).
> What would be the reason...Is there any other ways to install OpenMokoDFU 
> Drivers.
> Thanks
> Bijoy
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Chris Wright
2008/7/29 Marek Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>> At the same time we heard comments from a key developer who indicated
>> that the decision was made above him by unnamed individuals with whom
>> the community has no obvious means of communication, and who apparently
>> don't even listen to the reasonable technical arguments of key
>> developers.
> Openmoko always avoided all kind of formal structures. Thus we don't have such
> a thing as "key" or "core" developer - "a" developer would be better.

But you do have a design team, according to Rasterman.

>> This also seemed to reveal something about the internals of
>> Openmoko that weren't expected: development decisions are not entirely
>> made by the developers, but instead they answer to some people who the
>> community cannot readily identify and who the community doesn't know how
>> to interact with or if they even can interact with these decision-makers.
> May be it revealed that Openmoko itself is diverse as well. That some
> developers have different opinions than others.

Out of curiosity, how many of these developers use an Openmoko phone
as their primary phone? Do these differences of opinion tend to fall
on the same boundaries?

Still, nobody has mentioned why the design team can't be contacted or

>> Openmoko has to trust those members of the community, who prove themselves
>> through actual contributions, to be worthy to give input on larger design
>> issues as well.
> You got the point !

Strange, I read this as "Openmoko has not been, but should in the
future, trust those members"

I haven't been here long enough to determine which is the case. Maybe
the company hasn't, either.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTK in Qtopia

2008-07-29 Thread Olivier Migeot
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Cédric Berger
> Hi,
> Is there a way to run a GTK application under Qtopia ?
> Some kind of GTK-Qt bridge... a way for GTK to write to Qtopia
> framebuffer instead of X
> ... or X writes to framebuffer ?
> ... or whole screen control switches from framebuffer to X while this app 
> runs ?

Back in the glorious days of Qtopia2 (o zauri, where are thou?), there
was an X server running on top of Qt-embedded. I'm pretty sure it
stalled since then, but one can give it a try

BTW, it might have been a quicker way to reach the "let's run random X
apps aside Qtopia ones" goal without porting the whole Qtopia to X11.
Just the other way around, I guess.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld

2008-07-29 Thread Marcus Bauer
Hello John,

thanks for taking the time for writing your answer.

On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 18:38 +0800, John Lee wrote:

> Part of my current work requires me to use fso daily.  It seems
> strange that what I know seems to be different from what you know.
> * fso does not force you to ASU or closely connected in any way.
>   could you please elaborate?
>   fso: an open specification dbus interface (
>+ a reference design (frameworkd, check
>   fso-image: fso + a reference python UI based on EFL.
>   asu: a enlightenment WM for mobile phone (illume)
>+ qtopia phone stack (not based on fso)
>+ installer (EFL)
>+ diversity (gps app based on EFL)
>+ exposure (config app based on EFL)
> the only similarity i can tell is EFL in fso-image.  but the fso
> itself does NOT force you to use it, just the implemented reference UI
> used it.

As you note further down, OM is going to stick with FSO. Thus unless OM
is developing ASU just for fun, the assumption that it is being ported
to FSO seems more than vaild. Please correct me if I'm wrong there.

And as you note further down, phonekit needs to be ported, otherwise the
dialer and the sms-messages apps wont work any longer. This is not a
task one can do in an afternoon. Thus on the long run FSO effectively
forces to use ASU.

>   it's easy to do another reference UI with GTK.

If Openmoko has taught one thing then the following: "easy" is nothing.
Otherwise people would buy Neo's instead of iPhones now.

> exactly what are tied together here?

gsmd and FSO dbus. The gsmd is the core part of a phone and if that is
incompatible to the current OM2007.2 one then dialer and messages stop

> for example, you can just run the ogpsd subsystem in frameworkd then
> use phonekit + gsmd to handle gsm if you want.

Which then will break ASU applications. And this is not how Linux works.
I can run Konqueror on GNOME or gimp in KDE or xfce or enlightenment.

>   on the other way
> around, the frameworkd is just a reference design, anyone can take
> libgsmd + gsmd to make the same interface on dbus.

Again: "anyone can take" is not true. Anyone can take a couple of
transistors and make an iPhone - not.

> could you explain why it's a WTF idea to have a PIM API on dbus?

1) eds has already been ported to dbus - so FSO is reinventing the wheel
2) the whole world uses libraries at application level because it
provides a nice abstraction layer (and so does EDS-dbus). the difference
between a bus and a library is similar to a water bottle and a water
pipeline in the end the both transport water but they serve different

> there are technical reasons behind the re-implementation of gsm daemon
> but I'm not the one to answer it.

the gsmd works well. there is no technical reason.

>   I think the reason why you are
> unhappy is that OM moved away from OM2007.2. 

I'm living next to Sophia Antipolis which is the french 'silicon valley'
with 1300 companies and 30,000 employees. The common opinion here is
that OM shows erratic and unpredictable behaviour which makes it
unsuitable for consideration as development platform. 

That's simply a pity. Unless OM wants to do everything by themselves,
they need to care for external developers too in order to set up a
working eco system.

> since OM will stick with fso in the foreseeable future, I think port
> OM2007.2 app suites to fso is a logical move.

If at all I place my bet on GMAE and would not recommend using FSO but
sticking with OM2007.2 which will give a much better exit path towards
Limo, moblin etc.

>  ogpsd is there based on
> gypsy, and it should be just another backend of tangogps.

ogpsd should just offer the NMEA data on port 2947, thus keeping it
nicely network transparent. I'm not going to remove this functionality
from tangogps. Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it. 

OM2007.2 is there, it works and I recommend everybody to develop for it.

Best regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: sound

2008-07-29 Thread William Kenworthy
Sound came back the next wakeup and no problems since.  A bonus is the
whole FR seems more stable.


On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 14:51 +0800, W.Kenworthy wrote:
> It worked for a few times, but has now gone silent.  Maybe it will get
> more stable. 
> BillK
> On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 20:14 -0700, Scott Petersen wrote:
> > W.Kenworthy wrote:
> > > Certainly sounds like the same problem.
> > >
> > > BillK
> > >
> > > On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 21:14 -0500, Steven ** wrote:
> > > > Do you have it set to "dim, then lock"?  In my experience, a suspend
> > > > kills sound out of the speaker.  Making a call seems to restore the
> > > > sound.  Others have found that rebooting (or just restarting X)
> > > > restores sound.  There's a thread on the support list about this.
> > > > Perhaps you're seeing the same thing.
> > > > 
> > > > -Steven
> > > > 
> > > > On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 8:34 PM, W.Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Ive just realised that I have never heard my OM ring, or make a sound
> > > > > when an sms comes in just vibrate.  The annoying 'tick' on the 
> > > > > keyboard
> > > > > comes and goes (mostly is gone thank goodness :)
> > > > >
> > > > > Is this normal? - shouldnt think so!
> > > > >
> > >
> > >   
> > I had the same issue and found that mwester had a solution has worked 
> > for me for a while now.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > I still have suspend resume issues but this works most of the time.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Scott Petersen
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
William Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home in Perth!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Flash ASU

2008-07-29 Thread Scott

Why do the latest ASU folders not have the kernel or root file system files?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Scott

I have to agree with Kalle & Jay,

While i part of me would like to see a nailed down platform with a clear 
 definition of tools, UI standards, platform support, documentation 
standards(one I've been yelling about recently) I also understand OM's 
struggle to produce a viable open source product in record time.

I hope we can all agree to disagree and take the constructive criticism 
for what it is, constructive

I am heartened by Sean's statement  about OM's mission and their 
determination to "get it right".

I'm also happy to see this open discussion among knowledgeable people 
who are in the trenches and "getting it done".

Rock on Neo!


Kalle Happonen wrote:

Nkoli wrote:
Jay, your negative posts on this ML do nothing but foster an 
unpleasant atmosphere
Actually I disagree a bit here. Jay is not trolling but just saying 

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> This does not work.  That is all.
> As Sean already said. You are only speaking for yourself.

I am not alone in my view.

> I am glad that OpenMoko is not just another half-open half-closed  
> effort
> that once thought: "Oh look Linux. It doesn't cost a dime. Let's make
> something that is flashy and blinks and develop it as proprietary as  
> we
> always did."

I'm glad OpenMoko has as many rabid fanboix as other projects, it  
means there is hope yet ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia: GPRS

2008-07-29 Thread Ole Kliemann
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:24:50PM +1000, Lorn Potter wrote:
> Ole Kliemann wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 12:13:05PM +, Ole Kliemann wrote:
> >> I'm trying to send an MMS with Qtopia. I set up GPRS and WAP through the
> >> GUI, but it did not work; the network interface failed to start when
> >> sending. A look into the log shows this:
> >>
> >> Jul 27 09:57:37 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Network :  Creating network 
> >> session for "qtmail" on 
> >> "/home/root/Applications/Network/config/dialupGPRS0.conf" 
> >> Jul 27 09:57:37 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Network :  starting pppd 
> >> (non-demand) : "/usr/sbin/pppd nodetach debug call dialup1217032395 
> >> password simyo logfile /tmp/qtopia-0/qpe-pppd-log-dialup1217032395 connect 
> >> /opt/Qtopia/bin/qtopia-pppd-internal active /home/root/Appl
> >> Jul 27 09:57:37 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: QServiceDeviceBase::run: 
> >> could not find a pseudo-tty
> >> Jul 27 09:57:37 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Network : 
> >> QModemDataCall::dial - could not start pppd
> > 
> > Qtopia launches pppd without a device parameter and redirects the modem
> > device through a pseudo-tty to the stdin/out of the pppd process. Qtopia
> > assumes BSD-style /dev/pty*, but on my FR I only got /dev/pts.
> > 
> > So I patched it for /dev/pts. Not sure how correct I have done this.
> There is similar code in 4.4, I just added it to 4.3
> Thanks

I missed something with this patch. The ttyname is used later and was
not returned by createPseudoTty. That explains the garbage in the first
arg when launching pppd.

Funny thing is, a connection worked, although the device was not passed
to pppd. But I really don't understand yet how this whole thing works.
--- src/libraries/qtopiacomm/serial/qserialiodevice.cpp_orig2008-07-29 
14:27:05.0 +0200
+++ src/libraries/qtopiacomm/serial/qserialiodevice.cpp 2008-07-29 
14:29:21.0 +0200
@@ -249,27 +249,22 @@
 // We would like to use "openpty", but it isn't in libc on some systems.
-static bool createPseudoTty(int& masterFd, int& slaveFd, char *ttyname)
+static bool createPseudoTty(int& masterFd, int& slaveFd, char **ttyname)
-static char const firstChars[]  = "pqrstuvwxyzabcde";
-static char const secondChars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
-const char *first;
-const char *second;
-char ptyname[16];
-for ( first = firstChars; *first != '\0'; ++first ) {
-for ( second = secondChars; *second != '\0'; ++second ) {
-sprintf( ptyname, "/dev/pty%c%c", *first, *second );
-sprintf( ttyname, "/dev/tty%c%c", *first, *second );
-if ( ( masterFd = ::open( ptyname, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0 ) ) >= 0 
) {
-if ( ( slaveFd = ::open( ttyname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY, 0 ) )
->= 0 ) {
-return true;
-::close( masterFd );
+masterFd=::open("/dev/ptmx", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
+if (masterFd<0)
+return false;
+if (::grantpt(masterFd)<0)
+return false;
+if (::unlockpt(masterFd)<0)
+return false;
+slaveFd=::open(*ttyname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
+if (slaveFd<0) {
+return false;
-return false;
+return true;
@@ -304,8 +299,8 @@
 // Create a pseudo-tty to manage communication with the process.
 int masterFd = -1;
 int slaveFd = -1;
-char slaveName[BUFSIZ];
-if ( !createPseudoTty( masterFd, slaveFd, slaveName ) ) {
+char *slaveName;
+if ( !createPseudoTty( masterFd, slaveFd, &slaveName ) ) {
 qWarning( "QServiceDeviceBase::run: could not find a pseudo-tty" );
 return 0;

Description: PGP signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Scott


While that is a means of bringing the keyboard button back, thats just 
too damn hard!  And I have to do that all over again if I upgrade!

Needs to be a simple configuration setting.


Charles-Henri Gros wrote:

You mean like this?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Scott

A phone without usable documentation is a door stop.


Robert Schuster wrote:

I was under the impression that OpenMoko is a company about selling a
mobile phone not a community Wiki ...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread rakshat hooja
> Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
> gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it.
> OM2007.2 is there, it works and I recommend everybody to develop for it.
> Best regards,
> Marcus

Not  to start a flame war but even I would like to know why Openmoko with
its scarce resources is developing its own gps software instead of
supporting something like Tango GPS that seems to be working so well?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: compiling on the freerunner ( coreutils / git )

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> 3 weeks. so i have to compile everthing directly on the freerunner.
> I know, it's a bit slow  :) .

If you organize your project properly, you won't really be limited by  
slow compile times ..

> btw :  i am using a ASU image, and "opkg list" doesn't come up with
> "git" or "coreutils".

As far as I know there are no packages for either tool - you'll have  
to build them yourself.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Michele Renda
Hash: SHA1

Jay Vaughan wrote:
> I'm glad OpenMoko has as many rabid fanboix as other projects, it  
> means there is hope yet ..

Usually I am not too much disposed to moderation in a ML, but now I am
started to think:

In these two days you wrote around 15 email (it is only stimated). Every
email was enought long, to explain why Openmoko suck.

I think this require some hours hour man-time (let suppose 3-4 h)

In 3-4 hours a person can do:

To learn a bit how to write an little application for Freerunner
(To start you need around 2-3 hour of intensive study, if you
 have experience in programming)

To check 10 pages of the Wiki updating old information

Start to know of to make a theme for Openmoko

Go out buy a postcard and to send it to Openmoko team that will be
happy that someone is thinking to them

I am no one to tell to you how to use your time, but I personally thing
that continuing to use your time to repeat how many stupid things
Openmoko do, and complaining how many fanboy there are, is not the best
way to help this project. Then do you what do you think is better!

All this in my personal opinion!

Michele Renda
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
Am Dienstag 29 Juli 2008 15:28:56 schrieb rakshat hooja:
> > Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
> > gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it.
> >
> > OM2007.2 is there, it works and I recommend everybody to develop for it.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Marcus
> Not  to start a flame war but even I would like to know why Openmoko with
> its scarce resources is developing its own gps software instead of
> supporting something like Tango GPS that seems to be working so well?

Dear Rakshat, please don't let yourself be fooled by polemics, I know it's 
hard to resist, but we should lean on to the facts.

Fact is: Openmoko is NOT developing its own gps software, in fact we all like 
Tango GPS a lot. It talks nicely to our opgsd implementation and will be 
included by default in the FSO milestone2.

What we did though was to write a framework subsystem implementing the 
org.freedesktop.Gypso dbus protcol, enhancing it to support the great U-Blox 
chip found in the Neo Freerunner devices, enhancing it to hook into the 
systemwide peripheral resource control, enhancing it to prepare for automatic 
downloading/uploading almanac and ephemeris to improve warmstart. So, in a 
nutshell: We provided the necessary middleware (as is the rest of FSO) to 
make things run better. Of course we will also discuss with upstream about 
how to improve the gypsy implementation of org.freedesktop.Gypsy.

Please see Daniel Willmann's announcement for more details.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia: GPRS

2008-07-29 Thread Ole Kliemann
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:39:32PM +1000, Lorn Potter wrote:
> Ole Kliemann wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 07:57:01PM +, Ole Kliemann wrote:
> >> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 06:32:18PM +, Ole Kliemann wrote:
> >>> Jul 28 16:29:29 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Network :  starting pppd 
> >>> (non-demand) : "/usr/sbin/pppd nodetach debug call dialup1217032395 
> >>> password simyo logfile /tmp/qtopia-0/qpe-pppd-log-dialup1217032395 
> >>> connect /opt/Qtopia/bin/qtopia-pppd-internal active /home/root/Appl
> >>> Jul 28 16:29:29 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Network :  Call state:  2 
> >>> Jul 28 16:29:29 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Network :  Data state: 
> >>> "DataCall started dataInactive " 
> >>> Jul 28 16:29:29 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: /usr/sbin/pppd: unrecognized 
> >>> option '
> >>> Jul 28 16:29:29 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: '
> >>> Jul 28 18:29:29 om-gta02 daemon.err pppd[2905]: unrecognized option ' '
> >> Problem is that Qtopia launches pppd with garbage in the first arg and
> >> without properly quoting. I made a blunt workaround using a shell
> >> script.
> >>
> >> Still that wasn't all... not yet sure what the next problem is.
> > 
> > Ok. The script was completely broken. I didn't notice. :/ GPRS was
> > really working one time now. But after disconnecting again things are
> > broken:
> > 
> > Jul 28 21:37:39 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  F : 
> > "Bn×ÿÿÚ)ðy~~ÿ^C!E4¶@:^FËWÔ^Wa" 
> > Jul 28 21:37:39 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "}^º^SظÔ5b^E+" 
> > Jul 28 21:37:39 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "*^Q1²^A^A^H" 
> > 
> > Sure doesn't look healthy... There is also one pts still open, seems
> > like things don't get cleaned up properly.
> Qtopia runs the /opt/Qtopia/bin/ppp-network script.

But only for setting DNS and default gateway, at least on my system.
pppd is not run from ppp-network. And setting DNS is not done correctly.
The script is supposed to be called:

ppp-network install dns NAMESERVER1 NAMESERVER2

It then writes NAMESERVER1 and NAMESERVER2 into /etc/ppp/resolv.conf and
links that file to /etc/resolv.conf.

But ppp-network is called only with `install dns' not specifying any servers
thus /etc/ppp/resolv.conf is not even created.

pppd itself writes nameservers into /var/run/ppp/resolv.conf. So a
workaround for this is to link /var/run/ppp/resolv.conf to

This is the one problem; not so big. Big problem is that after first
connection with GPRS, I cannot make any phone calls anymore. Restarting
qpe fixes this. 

After some more connections with GPRS, GPRS itself cannot connect
anymore, phone calls not working. Restarting qpe does not help, UI shows
`No Network'. Modem seems to be dead. Only reboot helps.

Maybe I should wait for 4.4 ... ;)


Description: PGP signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Steven **
A phone that NEEDS documentation is a POS.

In my mind, the Neo won't be ready for end-users unless I can give it
to one of my co-workers and they can figure almost everything out
without documentation.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A phone without usable documentation is a door stop.
> Scott
> Robert Schuster wrote:
>> I was under the impression that OpenMoko is a company about selling a
>> mobile phone not a community Wiki ...
>> Regards
>> Robert
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Anyone got a confirmation by pulster?

2008-07-29 Thread kazaam
pulster got new phones on 25.07. Has anyone of those who already paid for the 
phone got a message that their phone is already sent to them?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone got a confirmation by pulster?

2008-07-29 Thread Christian Weßel
Unfortunately not, I am still waiting.


Am Dienstag, den 29.07.2008, 16:32 +0200 schrieb kazaam:
> Hi,
> pulster got new phones on 25.07. Has anyone of those who already paid for the 
> phone got a message that their phone is already sent to them?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

mfg/br, christian weßel

Flurstraße 14
29640 Schneverdingen

Telefon: +49 5193 97 14 95
Mobile:  +49 171 357 59 57

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Tilman Baumann
rakshat hooja wrote:
> Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
> gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it.
> OM2007.2 is there, it works and I recommend everybody to develop for it.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> Not  to start a flame war but even I would like to know why Openmoko 
> with its scarce resources is developing its own gps software instead of 
> supporting something like Tango GPS that seems to be working so well?

Well, i like tangoGPS very much. But it is hardly a comprehensive solution.
First it's only a tile viewer for online maps. No routing, no offline 
maps. (no, caching tiles for the world is not a solution)

And if gpsd is so great, ever wondered why tangoGPS has a button to 
restart and reconnect gpsd? And why i (gta01 user) have to launch gllin 
via tangoGPS?
tangoGPS and OM2007.2 is hardly a comprehensive solution either.

(Yes, it's called being polemic and it is the essence of all good 

I too think the OM2007.2 stack is great.
And i like to stick with it, at least until ASU matured much much more.

And here a sack full of my 2 cents:
gypsy - yes
gpsd - no (at least not as it is, maybe as compat interface)
gsmd - no
fso - yes
eds - yes
efl - yes
Illume - maybe
OM2007.2 apps - yes
Qtopia - no

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Luke Scharf
Steven ** wrote:
> A phone that NEEDS documentation is a POS.
> In my mind, the Neo won't be ready for end-users unless I can give it
> to one of my co-workers and they can figure almost everything out
> without documentation.

Then your co-workers should get iPhones!  I thought OpenMoko was for
those of us who would embrace a machine with a learning-curve for extra
capability.  Probably the same crowd who uses Linux on the desktop.

Kind of like the decision process that one goes through when choosing
between, say, Linux and. Mac OS X for a particular user's desktop in a
particular work-environment.  Exactly like that, actually.


P.S.  I've been using Linux on my desktop nonstop since about 1998 and,
despite all of the (and my), winging on listservs and on Slashdot, only
two things have changed:

* All of the platforms have gotten better.  Much better.
* The interoperability between platforms has gotten better. 
  Provided that you can influence the choices that the server and
  the client make, anyway.  (You might have to choose Zimbra over
  Exchange, for instance.)

With the interoperability being so much improved, there's really no
reason to evangelize platforms anymore -- at least if your server-admins
will play ball and choose applications/protocols that are widely
supported.  So, just use what you like and let your co-workers do the
same.  If everyone talks the same protocols, there's no reason for any
platform or application to be all things to all people -- the
compromises required to do that is one of the reasons I rarely choose
Microsoft products for my own use.  Just make it good -- and don't worry
about the rest.

Openmoko community mailing list

mark a missed call as seen

2008-07-29 Thread reaper527

is there any way to mark a missed call as seen? 

for example on my old phone, if i got a missed call, i would get
notification on the main screen, and then hitting a button would take me to
the list of missed calls, and the phone would acknowledge i looked at the
calls, and it would stop counting those towards totals for the next missed

with the freerunner, if i get a missed call, it goes into the call log as
missed, and then keeps adding on to that count. if i miss 2 calls, click the
"you missed 2 calls" thing, and then later miss 1 call, it will say i missed
3 calls at that point instead of saying i missed 1. the only work around i
have been able to find is to manually delete all my missed calls, which
isn't ideal.

anything obvious i've overlooked?
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Vinc Duran
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Steven ** <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A phone that NEEDS documentation is a POS.
> In my mind, the Neo won't be ready for end-users unless I can give it
> to one of my co-workers and they can figure almost everything out
> without documentation.
> -Steven

If you were to flash it with QTopia it would very nearly qualify.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I am no one to tell to you how to use your time, but I personally  
> thing
> that continuing to use your time to repeat how many stupid things
> Openmoko do, and complaining how many fanboy there are, is not the  
> best
> way to help this project. Then do you what do you think is better!

I don't think rabid fanboix'ism is going to help the situation.  There  
*are* negatives to whats going on with OpenMoko; perhaps you don't see  
them because you haven't been attempting to write applications for the  
platform, as I have for a year now.

Certainly, unless there is pressure to address the faults in current  
strategy which are making it /so/ /very/ /hard/ for 3rd-party  
developers to ramp up to productivity in promoting, and using, the  
OpenMoko platform, then it won't happen.  OpenMoko *need* to know that  
there is dissatisfaction in the ranks with the way they are dealing  
with these issues - I'm only one of about 15 people who have shared  
the same views as me, and I'm vocal about it because *I care*;  
sycophants and dilettantes are not going to make it easy for them to  
see they are turning developers away, and making it difficult to get  
behind the platform in a big way.

I do believe we can build a great product with OpenMoko.  I just want  
to make sure that the OM community realises that there are issues at  
hand which *must* be addressed if we want to make it as big as we all  
desire.  Certainly the current fractious nature of the distribution,  
the feature regression and creeping bugs are not making it easier.   
Something must change.

> All this in my personal opinion!

Thanks for sharing it in a manner we are all entitled, since this is  
an Open project.  And thank you to all those people who have shared  
their opinions with me privately.  If any of you wish to continue to  
voice an opinion about "Jay Vaughan" and how much time he is wasting,  
please feel free to do so - privately, off-list.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

debian on freerunner: gsmd?

2008-07-29 Thread arne anka
reagrding debian on freerunner -- is there a way to access the gsm modem,  
ie to make/recieve calls, send/recieve sms and use gprs?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Vinc Duran
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Luke Scharf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Then your co-workers should get iPhones!  I thought OpenMoko was for
> those of us who would embrace a machine with a learning-curve for extra
> capability.  Probably the same crowd who uses Linux on the desktop.

I read some time ago on one of the the Openmoko sites that OM/FICA
needs or wants to sell 10 millions Neo's in 2008. I wanted to include
a link for reference but can't find one. I think my point that they
need to sell a lot of phones is still valid. I'm not flaming anyone.
Just pointing out my opinion that just selling to nerds would be a
good way to kill a device that needs, IMO, large numbers to be

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 15:46 +0200, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> Am Dienstag 29 Juli 2008 15:28:56 schrieb rakshat hooja:
> > > Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
> > > gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it.
> > >
> > Not  to start a flame war but even I would like to know why Openmoko with
> > its scarce resources is developing its own gps software instead of
> > supporting something like Tango GPS that seems to be working so well?
> Dear Rakshat, please don't let yourself be fooled by polemics, I know it's 
> hard to resist, but we should lean on to the facts.
> Fact is: Openmoko is NOT developing its own gps software

Dear Dr. Michael Lauer,

four hours ago (10:38 GMT) John Lee from Openmoko wrote:

  asu [is]: + diversity (gps app based on EFL)

And from the blog of OM employee Holger Freyter:

"Certainly not the least application we are going to develop in
our GForge is diversity. This application is combining GPS, [..]
with OpenStreetmap to find your way[...]"

A quick search on Google tells that Wendy from Openmoko is writing test
reports about diversity / splinter.

If you look at:

you will see that the last checkin was *four hours* (!) ago by an OM

Stating that "Openmoko is NOT developing its own gps software" is an
impertinent and blunt lie.

Dear Rakshat, please don't let yourself be fooled by lies, I know it's
hard to resist, but we should lean on to the facts.

Fact is: Openmoko IS developing its own gps software.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld

2008-07-29 Thread Tim Coggins
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> from tangogps. Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
> gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it.
> OM2007.2 is there, it works and I recommend everybody to develop for it.

Marcus, these two statements appear to contradict each other. Can you
confirm you will continue to work on tangoGPS?

In my opinion so far tangoGPS is the best and most mature application
which I've got to run the Freerunner. It would be a great shame for
the project to loose your leadership.

I tried the ASU yesterday, roughly following what has now been written
up in the "flash ASU" thread earlier today and as that thread details
it's broken at the moment. I plan to stick with 2007.2 until one clear
standard distribution is available and is kept in a reasonably stable


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: mark a missed call as seen

2008-07-29 Thread Al Johnson
On Tuesday 29 July 2008, reaper527 wrote:
> is there any way to mark a missed call as seen?
> for example on my old phone, if i got a missed call, i would get
> notification on the main screen, and then hitting a button would take me to
> the list of missed calls, and the phone would acknowledge i looked at the
> calls, and it would stop counting those towards totals for the next missed
> call.
> with the freerunner, if i get a missed call, it goes into the call log as
> missed, and then keeps adding on to that count. if i miss 2 calls, click
> the "you missed 2 calls" thing, and then later miss 1 call, it will say i
> missed 3 calls at that point instead of saying i missed 1. the only work
> around i have been able to find is to manually delete all my missed calls,
> which isn't ideal.
> anything obvious i've overlooked?

I've seen the same thing, and deleting the missed calls is the only thing 
that's worked for me. I should have checked for bug reports I suppose, or 
better yet dug out the source and patched it.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone got a confirmation by pulster?

2008-07-29 Thread Christian Assing
kazaam schrieb:
> Hi,
> pulster got new phones on 25.07. Has anyone of those who already paid for the 
> phone got a message that their phone is already sent to them?


here not :(


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone got a confirmation by pulster?

2008-07-29 Thread Florian Hackenberger
On Tuesday 29 July 2008, Christian Weßel wrote:
> Unfortunately not, I am still waiting.
A friend of mine got a message (as a reply) basically saying:

Due to bad weather in Taiwan (all offices closed) the delivery of the 
phones is behind schedule.


DI Florian Hackenberger

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Steven **
You misunderstand.  A PHONE should need no documentation.  The Neo is
more than a phone.  So, some features may need some documentation.
But the phone part of it should just work.

But really, I'm having trouble thinking of a feature I would use
regularly that would be acceptable to require documentation.  I hope I
would only need documentation if I'm actually in the code making


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 9:48 AM, Luke Scharf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven ** wrote:
>> A phone that NEEDS documentation is a POS.
>> In my mind, the Neo won't be ready for end-users unless I can give it
>> to one of my co-workers and they can figure almost everything out
>> without documentation.
> Then your co-workers should get iPhones!  I thought OpenMoko was for
> those of us who would embrace a machine with a learning-curve for extra
> capability.  Probably the same crowd who uses Linux on the desktop.
> Kind of like the decision process that one goes through when choosing
> between, say, Linux and. Mac OS X for a particular user's desktop in a
> particular work-environment.  Exactly like that, actually.
> -Luke

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld

2008-07-29 Thread Yorick Moko
Just to let you know: I really like Tango GPS.

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Tim Coggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> from tangogps. Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
>> gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it.
>> OM2007.2 is there, it works and I recommend everybody to develop for it.
> Marcus, these two statements appear to contradict each other. Can you
> confirm you will continue to work on tangoGPS?
> In my opinion so far tangoGPS is the best and most mature application
> which I've got to run the Freerunner. It would be a great shame for
> the project to loose your leadership.
> I tried the ASU yesterday, roughly following what has now been written
> up in the "flash ASU" thread earlier today and as that thread details
> it's broken at the moment. I plan to stick with 2007.2 until one clear
> standard distribution is available and is kept in a reasonably stable
> state.
> Tim
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Brian Wilson
Maybe you are not happy because you think it's just a phone. To me
it's a complete programmable handheld computer which happens to have a
GSM phone feature. The phone is a fairly insignificant feature for
some of us. If all you want is a phone, go to the supermarket, they
have really nice ones there that don't come with any significant
documentation. I use one myself.

I am trying to develop GPS software for the OM. I have had about 15
minutes a day to work on it so far but it's been fun. I don't really
care (much) about navigation features, I care about data collection.
The competition is not TangoGPS or Garmin or Tom-Tom or anything OM is
likely to come out with.

Therefore documentation is vitally important to me.

Incidentally I borrowed a friend's T-Mobile SIM card and tried the
phone feature yesterday. It worked fine (including the documentation).


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 7:20 AM, Steven ** <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A phone that NEEDS documentation is a POS.
> In my mind, the Neo won't be ready for end-users unless I can give it
> to one of my co-workers and they can figure almost everything out
> without documentation.
> -Steven

Openmoko community mailing list

RE: Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference issue

2008-07-29 Thread steve
Start with the software fix. It should slove the problem. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Annie
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 3:01 AM
Subject: Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference

what impact, if any, will there be on the warranty of the FR device once the
fix has been carried out ?

Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

AW: Re: AW: RE: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down

2008-07-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I`ve done this with a samsung handy (sorry, it was not ericsson), exactly with 
the SGH-D600.
The battery was the standard, here the S/N: NH1YB02CS/-5 and some other infos;

TYPE: 3.7V. Li-ion
Model: BST4389BE

It`s a battery integrated in the cover (see attachment)


Ursprüngliche Nachricht
Datum: 16.07.2008 18:36
An: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "List for Openmoko community 
Betreff: Re: AW: RE: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down

Glad it helped, and thanks for the feedback.

Can you please send me the part number of your ericson battery, for 


> I`ve done a jump start with a ericsson-battery, which have the same Volt. Now 
> my FR has started up and the battery 
> charging :-) 
> Thanks again for the tip!
> Ursprüngliche Nachricht
> Datum: 13.07.2008 17:16
> An: "List for Openmoko community discussion", 
> Kopie: "Michael Shiloh"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Betreff: RE: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down
> If your battery falls below a certain level then FreeRunner sometimes will
> not charge it.
> We are working on fixes for this but in the short term you have these
> options.
> 1. Jump start your battery. Michael will explain how, Takes 5 seconds.
> 2. Get a stand alone battery charger from Nokia ( for battery types 4bl,
> 5bl, 6bl)
> 3. Get a replacement battery.
> Steve
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of arne anka
> Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 7:32 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; List for Openmoko community discussion
> Subject: Re: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down
> while surfing the device-owners list i've stumbled over this:
>> Sometimes it happened (I think to all of us! ;) ) that NEO1973's 
>> battery goesfully discharged, and for this I follow the instruction on 
>> the wiki pages(detach battery 20 seconds, attach to USB, wait 1 hour, 
>> start the Phone).
> anyway -- the guy posting this seemed to have killed his battery (not
> finished the thread yet).
> regarding you usb-only: maybe your usb port does not supply 500mAh?
> btw: your leds flash? mine do nothing -- is this related to the asu image?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: community Digest, Vol 88, Issue 164

2008-07-29 Thread Charles Hill
I am using the phone for daily use and do not have problems with placing or
receiving calls, nor sending or receiving SMS messages.


On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 3:27 PM, david pais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> is this phone usable for daily light phone use (about 30-60 min/ day) or
> have the audio problems not been solved?
> --- On Sun, 7/20/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> > Subject: community Digest, Vol 88, Issue 164
> > To:
> > Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 3:45 PM
> > Send community mailing list submissions to
> >
> >
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> >
> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body
> > 'help' to
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more
> > specific
> > than "Re: Contents of community
> > digest..."Today's Topics:
> >
> >1. Re: Import Contacts (Roland Mas)
> >2. Re: Special Letters? (doron)
> >3. Re: Another Question - Kernel Headers (Andy Green)
> >4. RE: AW: RE: unable to start up freerunner after
> > batterie was
> >   full down (steve)
> >5. Re: Another Question - Kernel Headers (Joseph Reeves)
> >6. RE: Can you help the Openmoko booth at Linuxworld,
> > August
> >   4-7,in SanFrancisco? (steve)
> >7. Re: USB connector not Mini-AB? (Tobias Diedrich)
> >8. Re: Import Contacts (Jeffrey Ratcliffe)
> >9. Re: Another Question - Kernel Headers (arne
> > anka)Jeffrey Ratcliffe, 2008-07-20 20:13:29 +0200 :
> >
> > > I have the same problem, and additionally, the dump
> > option runs
> > > without error, but also without output.
> >
> > I just tried again, and I managed to get these symptoms
> > when running
> > the script too soon after a boot.  The second run went on
> > fine.  Maybe
> > something needs the daemon to be started, and it's not
> > started
> > initially...
> >
> > Roland.
> > --
> > Roland Mas
> >
> > Au royaume des aveugles, il y a des borgnes à ne pas
> > dépasser.
> >   -- in Soeur Marie-Thérèse des Batignolles
> > (Maëster)Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 16:18:37 +0200 Roland Mas
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:
> > >
> > >
> > >> arne anka, 2008-07-20 16:01:34 +0200 :
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>> sadly enough i currently have no clue what
> > causes the lack of
> > >>> anything non-ascii, would have expected he fr
> > to be unicode driven.
> > >>>
> > >> I think it is Unicode driven.  My contacts have
> > some non-ascii
> > >> characters in their names, and they display just
> > fine.  I guess the
> > >> problem is mostly the input method.
> > >>
> > >
> > > in ASU (not in current .dev build though, but in SVN
> > for illume) the keyboard
> > > layout is customisable via a config file and can
> > produce any keystroke that x
> > > is capable of (so it can produce ä, ó, ñ, ø etc.)
> > but i don't have a layout
> > > that has every one of these in it currently, but
> > it's a simple text file to put
> > > in a directory (.kbd file). for now it has 3 layouts,
> > simply letters-only
> > > qwerty, "numeric" that covers the other keys
> > (numbers, symbols) and a few
> > > accented chars, and a full qwerty layout (ok it is
> > missing F1-F12, Pause/Break
> > > and PrtSc/SysRq but ... if u really want u can try
> > cram them in somehow...). i
> > > will add anther key layout for "intl" chars
> > (accented ones etc.).
> > >
> > > in the end i imagine people might do custom layouts
> > for a language (eg german
> > > would only have ä, ö, ü and ß). romainian some
> > other set, danish another set.
> > > etc. nice simple text files for everyone to enjoy :)
> > this should allo for a
> > > greek and russian layout too, katakana/hragana,
> > hangul, thai, ... anything
> > > really. but right now right-to-left languages wont
> > work (well)
> > > (arabic/farsi/hebrew). unfortunatly that is really
> > near the bottom of my list...
> > >
> > >
> > I am using the 2007.2 ( and the qtopia image, from SD card)
> > image and I
> > am using Hebrew in my FreeRunner (include right - to -left)
> > read and write.
> >
> > in the qtopia image I can read Hebrew SMS massages
> > (right-to- left) but
> > I didn't try to change / re-map the keyboard to Hebrew
> > .
> >
> > works fine for me.
> >
> > - doron
> >
> >
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> > |
> > |
> > | ?
> >
> > Awesome, nobody ever mentioned this marvel... got to give
> > this a try
> > tonight!
> >
> > - -Andy
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> > Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> >
> >

WG: Re: AW: RE: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down

2008-07-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I`ve done this with a samsung handy (sorry, it was not ericsson), exactly with 
the SGH-D600.
The battery was the standard, here the S/N: NH1YB02CS/-5 and some other infos;

TYPE: 3.7V. Li-ion
Model: BST4389BE

It`s a battery integrated in the cover (see attachment)


Ursprüngliche Nachricht
Datum: 16.07.2008 18:36
An: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "List for Openmoko community 
Betreff: Re: AW: RE: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down

Glad it helped, and thanks for the feedback.

Can you please send me the part number of your ericson battery, for 


> I`ve done a jump start with a ericsson-battery, which have the same Volt. Now 
> my FR has started up and the 
> charging :-) 
> Thanks again for the tip!
> Ursprüngliche Nachricht
> Datum: 13.07.2008 17:16
> An: "List for Openmoko community discussion", 
> Kopie: "Michael Shiloh"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Betreff: RE: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down
> If your battery falls below a certain level then FreeRunner sometimes will
> not charge it.
> We are working on fixes for this but in the short term you have these
> options.
> 1. Jump start your battery. Michael will explain how, Takes 5 seconds.
> 2. Get a stand alone battery charger from Nokia ( for battery types 4bl,
> 5bl, 6bl)
> 3. Get a replacement battery.
> Steve
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of arne anka
> Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 7:32 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; List for Openmoko community discussion
> Subject: Re: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down
> while surfing the device-owners list i've stumbled over this:
>> Sometimes it happened (I think to all of us! ;) ) that NEO1973's 
>> battery goesfully discharged, and for this I follow the instruction on 
>> the wiki pages(detach battery 20 seconds, attach to USB, wait 1 hour, 
>> start the Phone).
> anyway -- the guy posting this seemed to have killed his battery (not
> finished the thread yet).
> regarding you usb-only: maybe your usb port does not supply 500mAh?
> btw: your leds flash? mine do nothing -- is this related to the asu image?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

RE: update to quickstart user guide adds "known issue" section

2008-07-29 Thread steve

There is no need to decide between the two. To each his own. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Shiloh
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 3:47 PM
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Subject: Re: update to quickstart user guide adds "known issue" section

Olivier Berger wrote:
> Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Comments, questions, and suggestions welcomed.
> Hadn't heard of that document before... I was referred to the wiki by 
> the notice in the box of the FR, so I expect to have reference docs 
> there... so yes, duplication seems bad to me, otherwise I'd expect 
> that doc to be referred to from the Getting started page of the wiki.
> Just my 2 cents.

And excellent two cents they are.

Once the wiki is cleaned up there will be no need for my quickstart guide.


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: sound

2008-07-29 Thread Pawel Kowalak
On Jul 29, 2008, at 2:33 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:

>>> I had the same issue and found that mwester had a solution has  
>>> worked
>>> for me for a while now.
>>> I still have suspend resume issues but this works most of the time.
> Sound came back the next wakeup and no problems since.  A bonus is the
> whole FR seems more stable.

Unfortunately there's no GPS/SD fix in this kernel:

I can't get fix since installed this kernel. But suspend / resume  
works great :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-29 Thread Brian Wilson
Okay -- I see your perspective and I agree but I think people are
calling it "a phone" because that's a convenient handle. For my 10
minute test yesterday it worked just like a phone. I dialed, it
connected. It rang, I answered. Another 10 minutes and I'd probably
know how to answer on the first try! I might even get my own SIM now.

Sharp learning curves are always bad even for geeks.

I have a pile of GPS devices that need pretty extensive documentation.
For day to day use I get by but if I put one in a box for a couple
months I have to have the docs to refresh my memory.

Garmin has a new touch screen device now. The UI on my eTrex Vista is
well-thought out and implemented especially as a follow-on to having
already learned on their earlier eMap. I can usually figure things out
without docs. I wonder how they did on the new one.

Topic topic??? -- oh right -- the Wiki -- one of these days I will try
to work more on the Wiki.
I have several of my own and I know how rambling and disconnected they
can become.

My 2 cents is -- OM should work hard to try to make the text search
feature work better (then tell me how they did it). I have used
MediaWiki for several years and its built-in text search sucks.
Finding an alternative (SwishE or whatever) would be a big step in the
right direction but organizing the data is also vital (and quite

If I figure out the magic Mediawiki search silver bullet first then I
will share it with OM.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Steven ** <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You misunderstand.  A PHONE should need no documentation.  The Neo is
> more than a phone.  So, some features may need some documentation.
> But the phone part of it should just work.
> But really, I'm having trouble thinking of a feature I would use
> regularly that would be acceptable to require documentation.  I hope I
> would only need documentation if I'm actually in the code making
> changes.
> -Steven

Openmoko community mailing list

Which AT&T data plans are compatible?

2008-07-29 Thread Dimitri

I've set up an ATT pay-as-you-go plan, and I'm able to send/receive calls and
text messages.

(I had to wiggle the sim card for the phone to recognize the att network: a
hardware flaw that's been discussed to death.)

Which ATT data plans are compatible with the Freerunner?

There's a ton of them available, with radically different pricing for

I see names like "PDA Personal", "MediaNet", "DataConnect", and a bunch of

Which ATT data access plans are compatible with Openmoko?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Openmoko Community mailing list archive at

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtopia] email application connection to mail server

2008-07-29 Thread Marco Trevisan (Treviño)
Cédric Berger wrote:
  > Does it work for some of you ?

Well... I can't neither find where I can configure my email! :o

Treviño's World - Life and Linux

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone got a confirmation by pulster?

2008-07-29 Thread David Samblas
I got a message from Christoph on 24th confirming the arrival of the
Neos, an another one on 25 saying tha he is working on our delivery
scheduling it on monday 28th but waiting for tracking number yet.
be patience ;) 
El mar, 29-07-2008 a las 16:32 +0200, kazaam escribió:
> Hi,
> pulster got new phones on 25.07. Has anyone of those who already paid for the 
> phone got a message that their phone is already sent to them?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread rakshat hooja
> Please see Daniel Willmann's announcement for more details.
> Cheers,
> --
> :M:

Thanks for the reply and my apologies if I mis-understood something/ got the
facts wrong . I will wait for Daniel Willmann's announcement.

@Marcus -  My main job is to sell the Neo ( I work for a distributor) and
tangoGPS is the application that impresses my clients (and me) the most
(even though we hardly have OSM data for India!). I would love to see it
continue to be developed. (Offline maps is something that people have asked
me about also. If you have some suggestions about making that possible using
OSM data and I am sure you will find a lot of community support to make that

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ASU updated - qpe not working?

2008-07-29 Thread Benedikt Schindler
Torfinn Ingolfsen schrieb:
> But qpe still crashes / fails:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ps ax | grep qpe
>  1346 ?S  0:00 /usr/bin/app-restarter The qpe process
> vanished. This is bad.?This is not meant to happen and is likely a
> sign of?a bug in Qtopia. Please try to reproduce it and?report the
> issue to be able to use your phone as a
> phone again you?will have to restart Qtopia.? qpe
>  1349 ?Sl 0:44 qpe
>  1548 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep qpe
> Any ideas what I should do now?

"/usr/bin/app-restarter" is a programm that looks after the qpe process one 
line under it.
if this process dies out of reason. (try "killall qpe") the app-restarter shows 
you in the x-screen
the message you see in the "ps -ax" comand. and asks you if you want to restart 

so the message you see in the "ps -ax" is not an error. 

it is the parameter the programm app-restarter was given by the start. it's a 
litle bit confusing.
i also needed my time to work this out. it would be less confusing if the 
programm would get the message out
of a file and not from the parameter.  But it's ok if you know it. 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtopia] email application connection to mail server

2008-07-29 Thread Cédric Berger
I have just submitted this problem for qtopia bug tracker... (not accepted yet)

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 18:11, "Marco Trevisan (Treviño)"
> Cédric Berger wrote:
>  > Does it work for some of you ?
> Well... I can't neither find where I can configure my email! :o
> --

in qtopia mail application ?
as I remember go to mails, "option" (menu at bottom) and something
like "set accounts"
you may have to choose "new account" then for mail account you have 2
tabs, one for checking mails (IMAP/POP), second for sending (SMTP)

but I do not have qtopia under my eyes, so I can't be precise... :-p

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
Am Dienstag 29 Juli 2008 18:19:32 schrieb rakshat hooja:
> > Please see Daniel Willmann's announcement for more details.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > --
> >
> > :M:
> Thanks for the reply and my apologies if I mis-understood something/ got
> the facts wrong . I will wait for Daniel Willmann's announcement.

It has been sent some days ago, on the -devel list though (where this whole 
thread should belong to anyways). Please see


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Marek Lindner
On Tuesday, 29. July 2008 19:19:10 Al Johnson wrote:
> Whether the term is 'key developer' or just 'a developer' is irrelevant.
> The issue is the total lack of communication over removal of a function
> many in the community, not to mention said developer, have good technical
> reasons to see as absolutely vital.

Unfortunately, this tiny difference is important because it sounded like "Even 
THE key developer (and god knows who else) objected and still you did it!". 

> Diversity of opinion is fine and expected, but we needed to hear what the
> other opinions were!

True, and you did hear it.

> I thought that was the whole point too, but your answer seems only to
> answer one of the two questions. You seem to be saying 'Of course you can
> submit code, and if we like it we'll use it' but saying nothing about
> whether the community has a voice in the decision. It would be helpful to
> know before embarking on implementation whether the idea conflicts with one
> or more of the unstated ideals by which inclusion may be judged.

You should realize that we (Openmoko) are vastly outnumbered by the tasks on 
our ToDo list and the mails we have to process. For us it is very hard to 
grep out the genius and doable ideas - it is just too much !
But if you can provide a working prototype of your idea you can be sure that 
we seriously look at it. We simply install it, play with it and eventually 
get infected by it. In the end we are geeks as well and like to see cool 
stuff.  :-)

> I think so, but I think the rest of the paragraph, particularly the
> preceding sentence, was at least as important. Since you snipped it I'm not
> sure you feel the same way.

Do you mean that sentence: 
"we are paid by openmoko to do what  we are told to do by the design 
department and that is what we then do." If that's the state of things for 
paid developers, then community contributors have even less hope.

Again, this is the statement from a single developer - I _definitely_ don't 
agree with that. This is simply not the way it is. Honestly, I have never 
seen a company that gives so much freedom to its employees. Sometimes I even 
have the feeling this is more a democracy instead of a business here.  :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld

2008-07-29 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 16:26 +0100, Tim Coggins wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > from tangogps. Moreover the '800 pound gorilla' OM is developing its own
> > gps software and I'm not spending my energy competing with it.
> >
> > OM2007.2 is there, it works and I recommend everybody to develop for it.
> Marcus, these two statements appear to contradict each other. Can you
> confirm you will continue to work on tangoGPS?

tangoGPS does run on many other platforms too, i.e. eeePC, your Desktop
(Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE, Fedora, Gentooo...). Alpha, amd64, hppa, ia64,
powerpc, mipsel, s390, sparc, freeBSD-386/amd64... ;-)

So yes, I'm continuing to work on it. What I meant is that OM develops
their own GPS app (splotter/density) and once it works well and it is
installed by default people will simply go and use it. Such is life and
I'm aware of it. Last not least density is the brainchild of Steve
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and he is quite proud of it. Thus there will be
funding for ongoing development.

> In my opinion so far tangoGPS is the best and most mature application
> which I've got to run the Freerunner. It would be a great shame for
> the project to loose your leadership.

Thanks for your remarks. I'll do my best to live up to it.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 21:49 +0530, rakshat hooja wrote:

> @Marcus -  My main job is to sell the Neo ( I work for a distributor)
> and tangoGPS is the application that impresses my clients (and me) the
> most (even though we hardly have OSM data for India!). I would love to
> see it continue to be developed.

Development will go on and as long as I have a Neo it will run on it
too. And I don't intend to sell my Neo ;-)

>  (Offline maps is something that people have asked me about also. If
> you have some suggestions about making that possible using OSM data
> and I am sure you will find a lot of community support to make that
> happen)

Offline maps are supported. Make sure you have a recent version of
tangoGPS installed and change the directory where the maps are stored to
some permanent place. Up to 0.9.2 this is by default /tmp and thus maps
get deleted on reboot.

You can pre-cache areas from the context menu when clicking on the map,
last item "map download".

Hope that helps, regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: sound

2008-07-29 Thread Matthew Lane
Pawel Kowalak wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2008, at 2:33 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
 I had the same issue and found that mwester had a solution has  
 for me for a while now.

 I still have suspend resume issues but this works most of the time.

>> Sound came back the next wakeup and no problems since.  A bonus is the
>> whole FR seems more stable.
> Unfortunately there's no GPS/SD fix in this kernel:
> uImage_2008_07_16_gta02_73eeb0333fc771cb696ff9bf17c517c741434b59.bin
> I can't get fix since installed this kernel. But suspend / resume  
> works great :)
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Speaking of suspend/resume, I'm also wondering if other people are 
having battery problems?  Whenever I wake my FR up from suspend, my 
battery seems practically dead (or a lot lower than it was) even if it 
only resumed for ~1 hr.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which AT&T data plans are compatible?

2008-07-29 Thread ian douglas
You'll probably need the PDA Personal plan, that's what they recommend
to smartphone users, which the Freerunner will qualify as, in their opinion.

But GPRS data transfer is still being worked on, so hold off paying the
$30/month for unlimited data just yet.


Dimitri wrote:
> I've set up an ATT pay-as-you-go plan, and I'm able to send/receive calls and
> text messages.
> (I had to wiggle the sim card for the phone to recognize the att network: a
> hardware flaw that's been discussed to death.)
> Which ATT data plans are compatible with the Freerunner?
> There's a ton of them available, with radically different pricing for
> "unlimited".
> I see names like "PDA Personal", "MediaNet", "DataConnect", and a bunch of
> others.
> Which ATT data access plans are compatible with Openmoko?
> D

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone got a confirmation by pulster?

2008-07-29 Thread tbg
David Samblas schrieb:
> I got a message from Christoph on 24th confirming the arrival of the
> Neos, an another one on 25 saying tha he is working on our delivery
> scheduling it on monday 28th but waiting for tracking number yet.
> be patience ;) 
> El mar, 29-07-2008 a las 16:32 +0200, kazaam escribió:
>> Hi,
>> pulster got new phones on 25.07. Has anyone of those who already paid for 
>> the phone got a message that their phone is already sent to them?

I mailed christoph(@pulster) and asked for the status of my order. I
quickly got a reply, that it will be shipped this week; i transferred my
money on 14/07.
Hope it get's here soon :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which AT&T data plans are compatible?

2008-07-29 Thread Steven **
My understanding is that it's marketing BS and there isn't much (if
any) difference between those unlimited data plans.  The difference
seems to be what AT&T is willing to sell you.  If you have a crappy
old phone, they'll sell you a cheap data plan because they figure you
won't use it.  If you have a smartphone, they figure you might
actually be able to and want to browse the web and therefore charge
you more.

What I'm thinking of trying is taking my old, crappy flip-phone into
the store when asking about data plans.  That should get me the cheap
plan.  Then just pop the SIM card back into my Neo.  I'm betting I'll
have full internet.  Worst case scenario: I'll have to tunnel
everything through port 80.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Dimitri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've set up an ATT pay-as-you-go plan, and I'm able to send/receive calls and
> text messages.
> (I had to wiggle the sim card for the phone to recognize the att network: a
> hardware flaw that's been discussed to death.)
> Which ATT data plans are compatible with the Freerunner?
> There's a ton of them available, with radically different pricing for
> "unlimited".
> I see names like "PDA Personal", "MediaNet", "DataConnect", and a bunch of
> others.
> Which ATT data access plans are compatible with Openmoko?
> D
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Openmoko Community mailing list archive at
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: opkg upgrade freezes my FR

2008-07-29 Thread Mr. Morph
Hash: SHA1

Mr. Morph wrote:
| Yorick Moko wrote:
| [...]
| I have opened a bug-report:

See the bug report ( for a
Openmoko community mailing list

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Openmoko community mailing list

gpsd vs. gypsy (was Re: GPS application)

2008-07-29 Thread Shawn Rutledge
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 7:47 AM, Tilman Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And if gpsd is so great, ever wondered why tangoGPS has a button to
> restart and reconnect gpsd?

Personally I have not noticed gpsd crashing.  I have noticed that the
gllin package's double-logging feature fills up the flash after a day
or so, and then it crashes.  There is both /home/root/gps.gz and
/home/root/gllin/logs/.  But this should be easy to fix.

I have tested gpsd on my Linux PC with normal serial-interfaced GPS
devices for days at a time (and xgps connected to it) with no problem.

> And why i (gta01 user) have to launch gllin
> via tangoGPS?

I have it starting up automatically on my phone.  But it would save
some power not to run it when you don't need it.

> And here a sack full of my 2 cents:
> gypsy - yes
> gpsd - no (at least not as it is, maybe as compat interface)

I don't understand why there is not more cooperation between these
two.  gpsd is very old, well-established and with a lot of experience
with various GPS devices, which I think gypsy probably cannot hope to
achieve very soon, without combining forces.  The home page explains
that nearly every device has its quirks and bugs, which all have to be
worked around.  How could all that experience be of no value?  Granted
on these phones we only have to worry about 2 devices, not dozens, but
I think the bug-workarounds are the reason why gpsd has been used a

I still think gpsd could have a dbus interface added, and it would
solve the problems that are mentioned.  And I think that the socket
interface is a positive, and is a good thing to retain for
backwards-compatibility, rather than requiring a rewrite of existing
applications to use dbus rather than libgps.  It's analogous to the X
window system: most use cases don't require network transparency, but
it sure is nice to have it available in case you ever need it.  There
are faster alternative communication mechanisms (such as shared
memory) that can be used when possible.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> @Marcus -  My main job is to sell the Neo ( I work for a  
> distributor) and tangoGPS is the application that impresses my  
> clients (and me) the most (even though we hardly have OSM data for  
> India!). I would love to see it continue to be developed. (Offline  
> maps is something that people have asked me about also. If you have  
> some suggestions about making that possible using OSM data and I am  
> sure you will find a lot of community support to make that happen)

It is very interesting to hear of your travails in India .. here in  
Austria, the map data is available for the most part, and what I have  
done with TangoGPS is navigate all over the areas I need, while  
connected to the Internet, and 'soaked the cache' as much as  
possible.  This is a very rewarding experience, somehow, especially  
with daily updates to my datasets (trace tiles!) .. and it can be used  
in offline mode pretty well, if you give it space.

So I hope you come up with good data for India.  I always wanted to  
have a map of the entire world available in my pocket, so maybe we get  
closer and closer to that .. ;)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

RE: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread steve

  Michele your comment made my day and I read hundreds of emails per day 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michele Renda
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:03 AM
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Subject: Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

Hash: SHA1

Jay Vaughan wrote:
> I'm glad OpenMoko has as many rabid fanboix as other projects, it 
> means there is hope yet ..

Usually I am not too much disposed to moderation in a ML, but now I am
started to think:

In these two days you wrote around 15 email (it is only stimated). Every
email was enought long, to explain why Openmoko suck.

I think this require some hours hour man-time (let suppose 3-4 h)

In 3-4 hours a person can do:

To learn a bit how to write an little application for Freerunner
(To start you need around 2-3 hour of intensive study, if you
 have experience in programming)

To check 10 pages of the Wiki updating old information

Start to know of to make a theme for Openmoko

Go out buy a postcard and to send it to Openmoko team that will be
happy that someone is thinking to them

I am no one to tell to you how to use your time, but I personally thing that
continuing to use your time to repeat how many stupid things Openmoko do,
and complaining how many fanboy there are, is not the best way to help this
project. Then do you what do you think is better!

All this in my personal opinion!

Michele Renda
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Christopher White
On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 16:02 +0200, Michele Renda wrote:
> I think this require some hours hour man-time (let suppose 3-4 h)

I'll agree that responding as Jay has takes considerable time, but I
disagree with what a person can do.

> In 3-4 hours a person can do:
>   To learn a bit how to write an little application for Freerunner
>   (To start you need around 2-3 hour of intensive study, if you
>have experience in programming)

I've been poking at FR for probably a good 20hrs now.  Flash,
reflashing, playing, poking, looking for logs, looking for hooks. 

And I still haven't started programming yet (yes, i have embedded linux

I spent an hour *just* trying to figure out why exposure was not
starting up.  In the end, I could not and just gave up.

>   To check 10 pages of the Wiki updating old information

Ok, that assumes I have something to contribute.  After 20 hrs on my FR,
and countless hours over the last year reading the list, I do not feel
very confident in *any* of my methods yet to start sharing them with

>   Start to know of to make a theme for Openmoko

Yikes, I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to do that.

>   Go out buy a postcard and to send it to Openmoko team that will be
> happy that someone is thinking to them

Well...that's some blue sky thinking for you!  Tell you what I did do,
though...I sent them a virtual postcard with $369 attached ;-)

I vent now because I'm frustrated.  My wheels are spinning in the mud.
I have some great ideas but and can't seem to get traction in the
product.  That's why you hear so much on this topic.  Jay already has 3
projects *underway* -- he has clearly invested a lot more time
implementing for the phone than he has emailing about it.

This is the 3rd time I've started a message on this thread.  It always
gets to the point where I want to make concrete suggestions on how to
improve.  That's where it gets messy.  I'm too lost in finding the right
set of magic commands to fix the problem of the day to figure out what
would make it better...

More than anything, my suggestion to the OpenMoko team -- get things
*stable*.  Stop all new development until you get it stable.  The build
process, basic menuing, core documentation.  I still have the window
manager crash on me periodically ...stuck with a brick until I can ssh
in and restart X.

Until it gets stable, adding more features or more apps is just adding
fuel to the fire.


> I am no one to tell to you how to use your time, but I personally thing
> that continuing to use your time to repeat how many stupid things
> Openmoko do, and complaining how many fanboy there are, is not the best
> way to help this project. Then do you what do you think is better!
> All this in my personal opinion!
> Michele Renda
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> wGoAnRjT9zbvrCXFFEf/q6I7aeRn8qeU
> =kWjH
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

RE: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread steve

   you seem very passionate about your concerns. If you are going to linux
world I'd be happy to meet and discuss things.
   Or if you can make a list of specific problems I can try to explain or
address your concerns. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jay Vaughan
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:53 AM
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Subject: Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

> I am no one to tell to you how to use your time, but I personally 
> thing that continuing to use your time to repeat how many stupid 
> things Openmoko do, and complaining how many fanboy there are, is not 
> the best way to help this project. Then do you what do you think is 
> better!

I don't think rabid fanboix'ism is going to help the situation.  There
*are* negatives to whats going on with OpenMoko; perhaps you don't see them
because you haven't been attempting to write applications for the platform,
as I have for a year now.

Certainly, unless there is pressure to address the faults in current
strategy which are making it /so/ /very/ /hard/ for 3rd-party developers to
ramp up to productivity in promoting, and using, the OpenMoko platform, then
it won't happen.  OpenMoko *need* to know that there is dissatisfaction in
the ranks with the way they are dealing with these issues - I'm only one of
about 15 people who have shared the same views as me, and I'm vocal about it
because *I care*; sycophants and dilettantes are not going to make it easy
for them to see they are turning developers away, and making it difficult to
get behind the platform in a big way.

I do believe we can build a great product with OpenMoko.  I just want to
make sure that the OM community realises that there are issues at hand which
*must* be addressed if we want to make it as big as we all desire.
Certainly the current fractious nature of the distribution,  
the feature regression and creeping bugs are not making it easier.   
Something must change.

> All this in my personal opinion!

Thanks for sharing it in a manner we are all entitled, since this is an Open
project.  And thank you to all those people who have shared their opinions
with me privately.  If any of you wish to continue to voice an opinion about
"Jay Vaughan" and how much time he is wasting, please feel free to do so -
privately, off-list.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone got a confirmation by pulster?

2008-07-29 Thread Pablo Ruiz Múzquiz

> Hi,
> I mailed christoph(@pulster) and asked for the status of my order. I
> quickly got a reply, that it will be shipped this week; i transferred my
> money on 14/07.
> Hope it get's here soon :-)
> Bye,
> Simon

I got multiple confirmation emails. We expecting it in a couple of weeks.


Pablo Ruiz

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: sound

2008-07-29 Thread Scott Petersen
On Tue, July 29, 2008 08:53, Pawel Kowalak wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2008, at 2:33 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
 I had the same issue and found that mwester had a solution has
 worked for me for a while now.

 I still have suspend resume issues but this works most of the time.

>> Sound came back the next wakeup and no problems since.  A bonus is the
>> whole FR seems more stable.
> Unfortunately there's no GPS/SD fix in this kernel:
> uImage_2008_07_16_gta02_73eeb0333fc771cb696ff9bf17c517c741434b59.bin
> I can't get fix since installed this kernel. But suspend / resume
> works great :)

Sorry I should have mentioned this. You do not need to use mwester's
kernel. I am running a much more recent kernel from
(July 26 I believe) and it works fine. The GPS also works very well.

You just have to have the pactl tool and the two scripts that mwester
mentionis on his page.

Scott Petersen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread William Lai
Chris Wright wrote:
> Still, nobody has mentioned why the design team can't be contacted or
> identified.

Posted to the list a couple days ago:

We can be contacted,
just wasn't using an openmoko email at the time I wrote it.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: sound

2008-07-29 Thread Andy Green
Hash: SHA1

Somebody in the thread at some point said:

|> I can't get fix since installed this kernel. But suspend / resume
|> works great :)
| Sorry I should have mentioned this. You do not need to use mwester's
| kernel. I am running a much more recent kernel from
| (July 26 I believe) and it works fine. The GPS also works very well.
| You just have to have the pactl tool and the two scripts that mwester
| mentionis on his page.

Yes AFAIK you need pulseaudio around to make that sound problem on
resume.  Sounds resumes fine, even resuming an interrupted playing
action, if pulseaudio isn't around.

- -Andy
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


Openmoko community mailing list

problems when upgrading the kernel with opkg

2008-07-29 Thread Christoph Anton Mitterer

I did an okpg ugrade on ASU image and got the following:
Configuring kernel-2.6.24
Configuring kernel-image-2.6.24
Upgrading Kernel in Flash
DO NOT stop this process
Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 7e -- 98 % complete.
open input file: No such file or directory
Configuring kernel-module-arc4
Configuring kernel-module-bluetooth
Configuring kernel-module-bnep
Configuring kernel-module-cifs
Configuring kernel-module-crc-ccitt
Configuring kernel-module-ecb
Configuring kernel-module-hci-usb
Configuring kernel-module-hidp
Configuring kernel-module-l2cap
Configuring kernel-module-michael-mic
Configuring kernel-module-nls-utf8
Configuring kernel-module-ohci-hcd
Configuring kernel-module-ppp-async
Configuring kernel-module-ppp-deflate
Configuring kernel-module-ppp-generic
Configuring kernel-module-ppp-mppe
Configuring kernel-module-rfcomm
Configuring kernel-module-sco
Configuring kernel-module-scsi-mod
Configuring kernel-module-sd-mod
Configuring kernel-module-slhc
Configuring kernel-module-snd
Configuring kernel-module-snd-mixer-oss
Configuring kernel-module-snd-page-alloc
Configuring kernel-module-snd-pcm
Configuring kernel-module-snd-pcm-oss
Configuring kernel-module-snd-soc-core
Configuring kernel-module-snd-soc-neo1973-gta02-wm8753
Configuring kernel-module-snd-soc-s3c24xx
Configuring kernel-module-snd-soc-s3c24xx-i2s
Configuring kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8753
Configuring kernel-module-snd-timer
Configuring kernel-module-uinput
Configuring kernel-module-usb-storage
Configuring kernel-module-usbhid
Configuring kernel-module-usbserial
Configuring libc6
Configuring libgcc1
Configuring libstdc++6

After that the system cannot boot (until I reflash the kernel from
I've already had this on the 2007.2 image,... any idea why this happens?
Even reinstalling the kernel package does not help (the same error
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# opkg install kernel-image-2.6.24 -force-reinstall
Reinstalling kernel-image-2.6.24 (2:2.6.24+git25
+8533927964761f4e2078ccd8607b90f5acc60b93-r0) on root...
Configuring kernel-image-2.6.24
Upgrading Kernel in Flash
DO NOT stop this process
Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 7e -- 98 % complete.
open input file: No such file or directory


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Shawn Rutledge
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I hope you come up with good data for India.  I always wanted to
> have a map of the entire world available in my pocket, so maybe we get
> closer and closer to that .. ;)

planet.osm.bz2 is 4.2 gigs now, but that's why there are 8 gig microSD
cards I guess.  :-)  Of course being unindexed XML you don't have time
to parse and render that much data.

Openmoko community mailing list

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