Re: Sv: [Cooker] Mandrake's look & feel

2000-10-11 Thread John C. Reddersen

I think Mandrake has the best distro overall (why else would I be running it?),
BUT they have the worst sense of graphic appeal...

Everything Mandrake has either created (DrakX, DrakConf, Aurora), or recently
re-branded (KDE2) works fine, but looks like a purple fisher price toy.

-John Reddersen

--- Zeljko Vukman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think Mandrake's look & feel is a serious question.
> I love Mandrake, and I would like to promote it here in
> Denmark. For your information, The Danish Ministry of Tehnology
> & The Danish Government has lately discussed replacing Microsoft
> Windows in all public owned computers with Linux.
> If , for example, I want to promote Linux-Mandrake, as my favorite
> Linux distro (an I would love to do that) and show it to danish
> politicians (why not) the first thing they will notice is the new Mandrake's
> Helix-Gnome or Mandrake's KDE splash screens. Their conclusion would
> probably be: this is something childish, this is not a serious thing. 
> Linux-Mandrake has to take care about this.
> KDE artist have had a lot of discussion lately about kde look & feel. Also 
> about chosing the right splash screen. We have to respect their desicion and
> their hard work.
> Regards,
> - Original Message - 
> From: Jason Straight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 10:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Mandrake's look & feel
> > On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > > On Wed, 11 Oct 2000,Zeljko Vukman wrote:
> > > > I knew it. Now there is a new Mandrake's splash screen instead of
> > > > original KDE splash screen (it happened before with Helix-Gnome
> > > > splash screen). It is cute, my children like it, but I am 42
> > > > and I would like to have an option to choose which splash screen I
> > > > will use when I start KDE. Original KDE splash screen is unfortunatelly
> > > > removed from /usr/share/apps/ksplash.
> > > > Please, if the next step is to remove all kde icons and replace them by
> > > > Mandrake's icons tell us so we can make backup of our kde icons.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Ohno!  Please stop this Mandrake graffitti _now_.  People at KDE _do_
> have
> > > an eye for style and I consider it to be an affront to them to have their
> > > work spoilt this way.  Is there no respect for intellectual property?
> > 
> > Heheh, same distro that took redhat and put a different label on it -
> whaddya 
> > expect? HAHAHAHAH
> > 
> > Sorry - had to say it, I love the distro though!
> > 

_  .,,__
   /_  _/ (. .)  /  John Reddersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  /
 __ / /_oOO(_)OOo_  / "If at first you don't succeed, so much /
/ // / , / ' / | / /for skydiving!" -- unknown author/
\___/___/_/_/_|_/ /_/

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[Cooker] Latest KDE2 :(

2000-10-07 Thread John C. Reddersen

I rsync'ed (using Ron's last night and installed all the new stuff
(I'm running Cooker) and boy did KDE2 take a step backwards in the latest
release.  Sorry I can't give the version, but I'm runinng in Win98 at the

Stuff that did work, but now doesn't:
In the panel, half the beautiful new icons from the previous relase (Konqueror,
etc..) are now gears and don't work, saying the applink they point to doesn't
Konqueror seems to have some serious caching issues.  Especially on Yahoo Mail,
stuff I've deleted shows up as a followed link, but if I click on it I go
The spinning gear in Konqueror doesn't spin, so it's hard to tell if any click
really worked until the page loads...
"Line up icons" in the Desktop Menu, doesn't...

That's all I can remember at the moment..

-John Reddersen

_  .,,__
   /_  _/ (. .)  /  John Reddersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  /
 __ / /_oOO(_)OOo_  / "If at first you don't succeed, so much /
/ // / , / ' / | / /for skydiving!" -- unknown author/
\___/___/_/_/_|_/ /_/

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Re: [Cooker] Curious Issue with Beta and win98 (maybe)

2000-09-26 Thread John C. Reddersen

I reported this same problem last week and got no responses, so feel lucky that
people were at least reading your post...

I caused my problem doing an update, not the initial install, so it's something
that's changed from Beta2, which is what I originally installed.

My solution (not a very good one BTW) was to boot with a floppy of something
prior to Win95 (Aka WIN3.11, DOS) and reinstall Win98!  I tried FDISK /MBR,
then completely deleting the Windows partition with Partition Magic and
creating a new one (after backing up anything I wanted to save of course, since
I could still read the drive under Linux), but nothing I did would allow me to
boot from a Win95/98/xx boot disk.

Just in case anyone is interested, my setup is:
ASUS P3B-F Motherboard (6 PCI, 0 ISA model) with PIII 450
128 MB RAM
Quantum Fireball 18.2GB HD
Standard floppy (not LS-120)
Creative Labs Graphics Blaster TNT2 Ultra
SB Live! Value
LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 Network card
Microsoft Intellimouse with Intellieye USB (works!)
Nokia 446XS Monitor with USB hub connecting the next 2 devices
Lexmark Z51 (haven't got this working yet)
Visioneer 6xxx USB Scanner (haven't got this working yet)

-John Reddersen

--- allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a curious problem.
> I installed the latest snapshot of the beta (from before the pam fixes today)
> Now, I cannot, no matter what even boot windows 98.
> Not from CD, floppy or hard disk.
> Has *anyone* seen anything like this?
> I am running an Athlon K7 800 on a KT133 Motherboard
> Allen
> -- 
> +++
> Allen Bolderoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CTPC - Caffeine - get it here:
> +++
> GPG fingerprint = CBB0 8626 702C 3D01 B5AD  A54A DC2C 93B7 3E4B 6472
> +++

_  .,,__
   /_  _/ (. .)  /  John Reddersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  /
 __ / /_oOO(_)OOo_  / "If at first you don't succeed, so much /
/ // / , / ' / | / /for skydiving!" -- unknown author/
\___/___/_/_/_|_/ /_/

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[Cooker] Problems with MD5 sums on RPMFind's mirror

2000-09-20 Thread John C. Reddersen

Some extra info on my problem with MandrakeUpdate not installing the packages. 
I started MandrakeUpdate from a shell instead of the icon, and it seems the MD5
sums on the packages off of RPMFIND aren't good.  rpm tells me the same thing
if I do an "rpm --checksig package.rpm".

-John Reddersen

_  .,,__
   /_  _/ (. .)  /  John Reddersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  /
 __ / /_oOO(_)OOo_  / "If at first you don't succeed, so much /
/ // / , / ' / | / /for skydiving!" -- unknown author/
\___/___/_/_/_|_/ /_/

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[Cooker] MandrakeUpdate

2000-09-20 Thread John C. Reddersen

I've been having problems with MandrakeUpdate today.  If I select a set of
files to upgrade and click "Do Updates", it downloads the updates, says
preparing to install, then then window closes and the rpm's are never
installed!  I finally figured out where MandrakeUpdate stores the rpm's as it
downloads them, so I can at least install them manually without getting them

-John Reddersen

_  .,,__
   /_  _/ (. .)  /  John Reddersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  /
 __ / /_oOO(_)OOo_  / "If at first you don't succeed, so much /
/ // / , / ' / | / /for skydiving!" -- unknown author/
\___/___/_/_/_|_/ /_/

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[Cooker] Cooker network install woes...

2000-09-20 Thread John C. Reddersen

This is going to be a long and strange one...

Two days ago I decided to do a network install of Cooker directly off RPMFIND's
ftp site.  Everything worked great, though it took a few tries on the mouse
setup to get my USB IntelliMouse to work.  So, after that install I had the
following drive setup:

18GB Quantum Fireball IDE drive
 /hda1 - Windows98 (FAT32 ~7.5GB)
 /hda6 - Swap (128MB)
 /hda7 - /home (ext2 ~2GB)
 /hda8 - /usr (ext2 ~7GB)
 /hda9 - Stuff (FAT32 ~2GB)

Yesterday I ran MandrakeUpdate to grab the latest updates.  I'm mainly using
Linux for play, so stability isn't a big issue.  MandrakeUpdate complained
about all the .rpms saying they weren't signed correctly, or GnuPG wasn't
installed correctly, but I ignored them all and installed anyway.

Everything seemed to work, though trying to Reboot from KDM hangs most times,
so the drives don't get unmounted cleanly.  But, when I tried to reboot back to
Win98 through LILO it hung before saying "Booting Win98..."!  I then tried my
trusty Win98 boot floppy, also hangs at the same point.  To make a long story
  Win98 HD - Hang!
  Win98 Boot Floppy - Hang!
  Win98 Boot Floppy with HD disabled in BIOS - OK?!?!?!, but no HD :(
  Linux Rescue Boot Floppy - OK
  Linux Install CD - OK
  Linux off HD - OK
  DOS Boot Floppy - OK, but no FAT32, so still no HD :(

I could still see all the data on the Win98 drive through Linux, so I copied
everything I wanted to save off to other various partitions.  Then I deleted
the /hda1 partition with PartitionMagic.  Created a new FAT16 partition (only
2GB) and rebooted with Win98 floppy.  Still Hangs!  I've also tried "fdisk
/mbr" to the boot drive, which removes LILO/GRUB quite nicely, but has no
effect on my booting woes.

I'm going to try reinstalling Win98 on the 2GB FAT16 partition and see what
happens, but I'm not real hopeful.

What in the heck could cause this?!?  And more importantly, how do I fix it?!?

-John Reddersen

_  .,,__
   /_  _/ (. .)  /  John Reddersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  /
 __ / /_oOO(_)OOo_  / "If at first you don't succeed, so much /
/ // / , / ' / | / /for skydiving!" -- unknown author/
\___/___/_/_/_|_/ /_/

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