G4 Cube Install

2003-11-12 Thread Richard Jenkins
Hello Stew and others.  I did look at the archives ... but maybe I was not 
using the right 'key-words' in my search...

What alternative whould I choose to complete an install of Mandrake 9.1 on a 
G4 350 MHz cube Mac?  The screen is one of those 17 inch Apple LCD devices.   
I have 512 Meg of Ram ... and apart from that the machine is standard.  I 
believe they were fitted with a 128M rage (pro?)  video card.  At 
installation each choice I have made has resulted in one of:

* bright flashing LED on bottom of my 17 inch LCD screen
* error message (text install)
* horrible figures with unreal cloours ... attempt at framebuffer...

... and my install comes to a halt.  Can you please assist/direct me to the 
answer to this issue.  Thanks

Irena and Richard Jenkins  VK1NDV & VK1RJ
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA

Update Experience

2003-10-26 Thread Richard Jenkins
Machine ... 350MHz iMac with 256 Meg of RAM.  Otherwise standard excepte for 
external usb//parallel converter for the Laserjet printer.  Very little 
progress until I read the instructions!!

Follwed up on Stew Benedict's advice ... to NOT label the bootstrap partition 
as /boot!  Also (after reading the instructions) decided to follow them ... 
installing MacOS and leaving the rest of the drive unallocated.  Linux 
installer found and used all the newly created vacant space ... and the 
installer went ahead.

The installer still 'barfed' on testing the video display ... but I was ready 
amd knew the correct entries for my iMac.  Very good ... and am delighted to 
be 'playing' with it now.   

Only other 'wrinkle' was to entry a longer delay into 'post-init delay' ... as 
suggested elsewhere in the list.

Thanks for the help people...

Irena and Richard Jenkins  VK1NDV & VK1RJ
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA

Staying with 8.2

2003-10-22 Thread Irena and Richard Jenkins
Hi there folks...

I have just got this iMac running with 8.2 ... after a bit of a struggle.  I 
am wondering:
1.  Is there a major benefit by struggling to install version 9 on my machine 
(slot load with 256Meg of RAM)?

2.  What are the significatant security upgrades to this distribution that I 
should look for/download and install?

Is there an idiot-prof upgrade system which works for version 8.2 (PPC)?

Cheers for now

Irena and Richard Jenkins  VK1NDV & VK1RJ
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA