[Coworking] Re: Cubes & Crayons (WAS Re: [Coworking] New member introduction)

2008-02-20 Thread rainesc

Felicity -

Welcome to Coworking! That's a great vision you've got with Cubes &
Crayons, very empowering for parents who otherwise wouldn't have as
many options and who still face barriers in workforce integration,
even in the progressive, welcoming coworking movement, where in the
pioneering spaces, a mostly younger, mostly male (mostly nonparent?)
workforce has not (so far as I've seen) had childcare and the needs of
families as an explicit priority. Here's a couple of notes from a
quick trip 'round your website, worth what you paid for 'em:

- If you want to be a part of the coworking movement (and it does
sound like you've got  some valuable pieces of the puzzle, tools and
models that can inspire other spaces), it would be nice if your site
used the term and/or linked to other coworking sites. As it is, it
doesn't look like you have any outbound links at all, even in the
Press section. In my experience, the best way to get "link love" (web
pointers that lead to web traffic and therefore customers) is to give

- The co-op workshare membership contribution element didn't show up
anywhere except in the FAQ and press articles (the rates page is kinda
sparse). This seems like an important aspect of your model, both in
terms of expectations of prospective members for their commitment and
in the customer service and child care received and who will be
involved in providing it. Given that even some non-kid-friendly
coworking spaces are talking about background/reference checks for
prospective members/keyholders, I'm curious whether this issue has
come up for members in terms of the childcare services. Its also not
clear whether the co-op hours requirement applies to office-only
members... could a non-parent be involved in childcare and related

I'm curious about all this because we run into a lot of similar issues
in the cohousing movement, and we're always looking for innovative
solutions. I hope to get down there soon for a visit.

- You might want to compare notes with MyDayOffice and other coworking
and related groups that have similar franchise multi-location
models... obviously, whole different sets of issues emerge related to
branding and staffing and management that are not as significant for
the D-I-Y cooperative one-off workspaces. Given regional variations in
space and childcare prices, as well as different regulatory schemes in
each state, I'd imagine that the rates won't be universal across all
of your spaces.

- I'd love to know whether your gender balance of members mirrors that
of other coworking spaces.

[the rest of this msg is less about coworking so everyone else can
feel free to ignore]

Technical and Typo and Territorial notes:

- The menus seem to behave oddly in Safari after the first minute or
so on a given page, unpopping before sub-items can be selected, and
then not responding to clicks on the main item. The Community page's
menus seem to work when others don't.

- In the Press section, "Read more..." links open a new window.. but
the Palo Alto Weekly article has a "Return to Press section" link at
the bottom that doesn't switch back to the original window or close
the new window.

- I had to read the PA Weekly article to get it (without doing the
math) that rates drop to as little as $9 an hour for members including
childcare... the membership info page might want to be a little bit
more explicit about the value.

- Typo in the Press section: "tele-communtes" has an extra n
- Typo in the Press section: "choosed" should be present tense
- Typo on the FAQ: "What happens if I can't volunteers" should be singular
- Typo on the House Rules page: "recption" missing an e

- While OnRamping and OffRamping sounds interesting; there's no link
or context on the Community page's workshops & events calendar to fill
in somebody who hadn't heard of it before. It helped once I discovered
that your founder's blog is at http://YourOnRamp.com/ (a side note
there: a blog that doesn't display dates for posts and then references
current events can be a bit confusing.. and there isn't anything
obvious over there that I could find actually referencing those
terms Google eventually led me to
but there's still nothing linking to actual definitions of the terms
of what the workshop includes. I eventually found a definition in a
Boston Globe article. Maybe this is Human Resources jargon? WIkipedia
has it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On-Ramping -- although
IMNSHO the entry has issues related to NPOV and promotion of the
particular website)

Raines Cohen, Coworking Coach / Cohousing Coach
Planning for Sustainable Communities
in Berkeley, CA

who recently learned at a National Aging In Place Council meeting in
Denver that some large employers are setting up ELDERCARE facilities
to help employees who are taking lots of time off work to care for
family members and in web surfing for alternative options. Pe

[Coworking] Re: Cubes & Crayons (WAS Re: [Coworking] New member introduction)

2008-02-21 Thread felicity at cubes

Hi Raines,

Thank you for all the fabulous feedback.  I will take some time to
it.  We recently got a website marketing guru on board in exchange
for co-working at Cubes&Crayons so we are definitely in the rework
stages on the website.

When I started this whole adventure, I was less aware of the co-
title, but am now becoming ingrained in it all.  I hope to see you
down at
our campus for a visit when you have time.  I am sure you will have
additional feedback.  I am not onsite all the time, so be sure to
let me know if you are coming.

All the best,

On Feb 20, 3:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Felicity -
> Welcome to Coworking! That's a great vision you've got with Cubes &
> Crayons, very empowering for parents who otherwise wouldn't have as
> many options and who still face barriers in workforce integration,
> even in the progressive, welcoming coworking movement, where in the
> pioneering spaces, a mostly younger, mostly male (mostly nonparent?)
> workforce has not (so far as I've seen) had childcare and the needs of
> families as an explicit priority. Here's a couple of notes from a
> quick trip 'round your website, worth what you paid for 'em:
> - If you want to be a part of the coworking movement (and it does
> sound like you've got  some valuable pieces of the puzzle, tools and
> models that can inspire other spaces), it would be nice if your site
> used the term and/or linked to other coworking sites. As it is, it
> doesn't look like you have any outbound links at all, even in the
> Press section. In my experience, the best way to get "link love" (web
> pointers that lead to web traffic and therefore customers) is to give
> it.
> - The co-op workshare membership contribution element didn't show up
> anywhere except in the FAQ and press articles (the rates page is kinda
> sparse). This seems like an important aspect of your model, both in
> terms of expectations of prospective members for their commitment and
> in the customer service and child care received and who will be
> involved in providing it. Given that even some non-kid-friendly
> coworking spaces are talking about background/reference checks for
> prospective members/keyholders, I'm curious whether this issue has
> come up for members in terms of the childcare services. Its also not
> clear whether the co-op hours requirement applies to office-only
> members... could a non-parent be involved in childcare and related
> areas?
> I'm curious about all this because we run into a lot of similar issues
> in the cohousing movement, and we're always looking for innovative
> solutions. I hope to get down there soon for a visit.
> - You might want to compare notes with MyDayOffice and other coworking
> and related groups that have similar franchise multi-location
> models... obviously, whole different sets of issues emerge related to
> branding and staffing and management that are not as significant for
> the D-I-Y cooperative one-off workspaces. Given regional variations in
> space and childcare prices, as well as different regulatory schemes in
> each state, I'd imagine that the rates won't be universal across all
> of your spaces.
> - I'd love to know whether your gender balance of members mirrors that
> of other coworking spaces.
> [the rest of this msg is less about coworking so everyone else can
> feel free to ignore]
> Technical and Typo and Territorial notes:
> - The menus seem to behave oddly in Safari after the first minute or
> so on a given page, unpopping before sub-items can be selected, and
> then not responding to clicks on the main item. The Community page's
> menus seem to work when others don't.
> - In the Press section, "Read more..." links open a new window.. but
> the Palo Alto Weekly article has a "Return to Press section" link at
> the bottom that doesn't switch back to the original window or close
> the new window.
> - I had to read the PA Weekly article to get it (without doing the
> math) that rates drop to as little as $9 an hour for members including
> childcare... the membership info page might want to be a little bit
> more explicit about the value.
> - Typo in the Press section: "tele-communtes" has an extra n
> - Typo in the Press section: "choosed" should be present tense
> - Typo on the FAQ: "What happens if I can't volunteers" should be singular
> - Typo on the House Rules page: "recption" missing an e
> - While OnRamping and OffRamping sounds interesting; there's no link
> or context on the Community page's workshops & events calendar to fill
> in somebody who hadn't heard of it before. It helped once I discovered
> that your founder's blog is athttp://YourOnRamp.com/(a side note
> there: a blog that doesn't display dates for posts and then references
> current events can be a bit confusing.. and there isn't anything
> obvious over there that I could find actually referencing those
> terms Google eventually led me 
> tohttp://www.youronramp.com/youronram